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Sony Xperia Z5 Compact £299.99 SIM FREE at Mobilephonesdirect
5++ stars +824

Sony Xperia Z5 Compact £299.99 SIM FREE at Mobilephonesdirect

£299.99 MobilePhonesDirect25 Jan 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Opening post
20 Jan 16
Note, the headset mentioned is only included with contracts.

Price gone up to £359.99 now.
- no_Sunshine
Top comments
brookysm to PhilK
20 Jan 16 17 #5
Oi, this isn't a Billynomates anonymous meeting...
20 Jan 16 4 #1
Looks a great price.

I've been thinking about changing my z3 compact, which I think is absolutely great. I'm not sure that enough has changed to warrant an upgrade for me though.

I might be strong and wait for the next generation compact. This looks very attractive though, well spotted
Latest comments (69)
26 Jan 16 #68
Yep, looks like it's gone up in price unfortunately. The o2 deal at £311.99 is probably your next best bet.
0XYM0R0NIC to DocDock
26 Jan 16 #69
.... Story of my life :disappointed: I wonder if John Lewis will price match the O2 one in store tomorrow. Thanks for reply.
25 Jan 16 #67
£359.99? Am I missing it or has it gone up £60 :disappointed:
25 Jan 16 #65
decided to take the plunge and order one. can anybody recommend a good case and screen protector for this?
Jimbo123 to DocDock
25 Jan 16 #66
I am asking the same question I think the key is to avoid the cheap cases . Also ordered one of those glass screen protectors . This feedback the phone itself is fantastic although you do have to boost the base heavily to make the speaker sound nice .
22 Jan 16 #64
That is a very good idea, wish I done that before , I didn't because I was on 02 years ago got a very good signal where I am . The signal is not terrible , but the reason I moved from Vodafone is because I fancied a stronger signal . But it is all a bit first world problem .
22 Jan 16 #61
I am having some issues with low mobile signal . I am scraping one bar and I'm averaging -109 DB, 40%, 30 ASu pumps up to about -95 dB during the call . What do you guys think ? I moved to O2 because I thought I would get a stronger signal
Optimus_Toaster to Jimbo123
22 Jan 16 #63
I think you have bad signal and should try other networks. Get a free sim off them all and try them.
22 Jan 16 #62
By the way I got my phone through and it wasn't branded all locked
21 Jan 16 #58
I have a Sony Z3 compact and will never purchase Sony again. The reviews were amazing but I ended up with a faulty model with horrendous battery life, camera quality that's more akin to 4MP and now the GPS doesn't work and I'm stuck in traffic every day. Sony's customer service is gutter level. I'm currently taking legal action against them...
brookysm to Insomniac82
21 Jan 16 #60
Simply for balance I have a Z1 Compact I use for festivals etc, a Z2 and a Z3 Compact LTE Tablet and all 3 have been brilliant for me, the Z2 had a faulty sim card reader on it and Sony's repair centre swapped it for a new phone and returned it within a week. Battery life has being excellent, 2 days is easily achievable using Stamina mode, last year I did Glasto from Weds to Mon and only had to charge the Z1 twice during the whole week.
21 Jan 16 #59
With all due respect (not due any, but....) tedium is your middle name, (and 141 being the first....snigger) and so tedious in fact, I'm even going to allow you what you so desperately need to have....the last word.
21 Jan 16 1 #57
Nor is mine, face it fella not only are you an incredibly teadious thinks he knows it all bore hence why your phone never rings but you have no idea what Intelligence Quotient tests test.
Btw I scored 142 on the 1st run, 140 on the 2nd so think what you like, this is the internet, you don't know me, I don't know you but I know what my results were and low and behold its considerably higher than yours...
21 Jan 16 #56
Most hilarious of all is the "smart ass" (what other American phrases do you adhere to ?) lecturing about others being a smartass.....
141 ? Of course, of course. Shows in your comments and petulance.
Sadly mines only 125. But that isn't invented.
21 Jan 16 #55
Most networks either don't lock their handsets or will offer free unlock.
21 Jan 16 1 #54
When camping I turn the phone off at night, and get 3 days use from the Z1C with moderatee use. Like you say though many people are constantly glued to them, and its the screens that use most of the power.
21 Jan 16 #53
But there is a contract or not?
21 Jan 16 1 #52
I have had a couple of Z3 compacts and the battery is super. I think one of the problems nowadays is people spend too much time using their phone. Perhaps I am one of the few who actually spends my day working rather than on facebook and texting.
21 Jan 16 1 #51
See that's the problem with trying to be a Smart ass on the Internet with strangers, pleased to meet you Albert - my IQ has been tested as 141!
21 Jan 16 #50
I'd say you could halve my IQ and it would still be way above yours.
But that'd be an understatement :laughing:
21 Jan 16 #49
For an extra £108 you can get this phone with ultd/ultd/3Gb for 24 months on O2. Redemption deal, but I've never had an issue with them:

EDIT: Ignore me, thats a Z3! Must wake up before posting.....
21 Jan 16 1 #48
I agree with you about battery issues one of the most miserable thing in the world is a smartphone with a rubbish internal battery . I never thought I would buy a phone with a sealed in battery but there is simply no other choice if you want a small powerful phone . I have to say the greatest feature I have discovered is the double tap screen on I think the LG G4 has it's also . There is bit of a heat issue as well at times . I had queued up about 10 apps to install and it was quite warm afterwards so the whole procedure took about three minutes instead of about 10 if I had been using my Samsung S4 mini .
20 Jan 16 4 #1
Looks a great price.

I've been thinking about changing my z3 compact, which I think is absolutely great. I'm not sure that enough has changed to warrant an upgrade for me though.

I might be strong and wait for the next generation compact. This looks very attractive though, well spotted
westernise to SoggyBeans
21 Jan 16 2 #47
​agree totally. Many people say z3c is actually better than the z5c because of all the faults such as overheating and poor battery life. I have a z3c but with a heavy heart have had to purchase a different handset by turning to the Chinese market - why? Because my one main concern was to have a high life battery. The second must was 802.11ac WiFi followed by memory expansion slot. I ended up purchasing the Lenovo Vibe P1, 3gb ram version. Will be using it as my daily driver. I don't see why people should have to carry a mobile handset as well as battery power packs, because manufacturers should up their game when it comes to producing phones with much better battery life. Instead what we see is a pattern of QHD displays, 4gb ram, 810soc with a totally useless battery, anything below 5000mah as an internal battery is a school boy howler in my opinion! Anyway, now with that off my chest, I can sleep better.
20 Jan 16 2 #46
i have the z3 compact and its excellent in many ways especially battery and build.this phone seems only fault with the compacts is they just slightly to compact.increasing screen size to 4.8 and then full hd would make them perfect and barely increase size at all.still be smaller than a iphone 6.also making the front facing speakers a bit more powerfull and increasing battery slightly and it be perfect phone.i have no interest in fingerprint scanners.prefer the knock knock on or off that i have enabled on my z3 compact
20 Jan 16 1 #11
I just signed up for a contract for this phone which am quite excited about. I like to do quite a bit of research. It's far as I can tell buying a phone our right is mostly preferable if you are low call user.

If I bought this phone out right, over a two-year period it would leave me about £11.50 to get unlimited calls and a gig of data. The only bargains I can find is with Vodafone who have good cashback offers and more data that work out at about £7 per month.

Am I missing something here because that doesn't seem to be any particularly great deals that are Sim only that I would need if I bought my phone outright.
timothyw9 to Jimbo123
20 Jan 16 1 #45
I personally think it depends on how much data you use. If your using above 10GB or so, your going to pay a fortune.
e.g. I paid approximately £250 for my LG G4. Add in £20 Unlimited Data Tariff on Three for 24 months and you'll pay £730 all inc. Which is roughly £30 a month. By comparison the best deal I can find for Unlimited data is £43 a month.
20 Jan 16 #44
Fingerprint scanner is awesome right?:smiley:
20 Jan 16 #43
Exactly my reasons for getting one - picked it up yesterday and very happy so far!
20 Jan 16 #42
S6 is 5.1"
20 Jan 16 #41
What I need in a phone is small enough to easily use one handed (so 5" max really) and a good camera. I've taken some great shots with the sony, but if others phones can match this I'd be interested. The main draw for the sony for me was its size, nobody else did a flagship 'mini'.
20 Jan 16 #40
I have a one plus X and am seriously considering selling it and getting the z5c. The camera on the X is really bad, particularly in low light. Great phone for the money, but it's not flagship like the z5c.
20 Jan 16 #39
Certainly does have an excellent camera.
20 Jan 16 #38
It has. One of the best on an android phone, my missus wants one because of it as she is jealous of mine. :smile:
20 Jan 16 #37
Sony only allows easy unlocking if the phone is unlockable in the first place. The Xperia handsets from network providers (o2, EE, Three, etc.) come permanently locked.
20 Jan 16 #36
Android Authority review, not sure its worth upgrading from the Z2 actually...
20 Jan 16 #7
I think i will bite when they're around the £240-250 range then will sell my Z3c for it. The fingerprint scanner on these suppose to be awesome.
Spacehduk to RiverDragon8
20 Jan 16 #35
I bought a Z5c last week to replace my Z1c. The main reason for me personally is that mobile batteries really start to die after a couple of years. I'm really not THAT bothered a bout 4k filming and a fingerprint scanner.
20 Jan 16 #34
very tempted. what is this company like? are they reputable, good for returns, etc?
20 Jan 16 #33
really good deal!! I am tempted !!heat added!
20 Jan 16 1 #29
Does anyone know if Xperia handsets from Mobilephonesdirect are bootloader unlockable?
SamboBambo to esskay92
20 Jan 16 #32
​I assume they will be since Sony allows easy unlocking via their website
20 Jan 16 #31
That sounds pretty great really matter and those settings thanks. That said going from Samsung you realise how stupid the on-screen navigation buttons are . When you have unused space below the screen.
20 Jan 16 #20
Playing with mine now, it seems lovely bit surprised though the sound is a shade quieter and not such good quality as my Samsung Galaxy S4 mini for music or rather than have a shade more bass. Loving everything else though
brookysm to Jimbo123
20 Jan 16 #30
Go into Audio settings, you can tweak the sound quite a bit.
20 Jan 16 2 #28
Come on guys, let it go.
Arguing with people on the internet, over something that doesn't really matter, is a waste of time.
20 Jan 16 1 #27
Where's me getting touchy, ironically?
20 Jan 16 1 #26
So you pointed out that you're a Billynomates did you? Seems my intelligence is stronger than yours fella...
20 Jan 16 #25
Ironically it's you who's getting touchy over a joke comment.
20 Jan 16 #24
Wow the fingerprint sensor is insanely good. Shall be loading up my phone with filthy porn at once.
20 Jan 16 1 #23
Seems you like taking the p***, but take offense at getting a little back.
Touched a nerve ? When it was me who said it originally ? Intelligence isn't your strong point, clearly ! :laughing:
20 Jan 16 #8
Really tempted for the camera as the on on my Z3c is rubbish. But after trying out in shop the S6 still has better camera.

So S6 for £300 please!
tek-monkey to thelaine
20 Jan 16 #22
The S6 must have an amazing camera, as I was rather impressed by the one on my Z1C!
20 Jan 16 #19
I can see that the One Plus X phone can be had for around £200 (from their website).
The Sony Z5C, is £300.

Is the Sony worth the extra money?
jkgeyti to sunama
20 Jan 16 #21
Hard to say. Up to you, I reckon. The main difference between the two phones is probably:

Z5C compared to OPX:
Better: Battery, camera, hardware, size (HxW), vendor support
Worse: Display resolution, thickness (the z5c is rather thick by today's standard, but that's how it get its amazing battery life)
20 Jan 16 2 #18
Oooooo touched a nerve?

No sorry , too busy out socialising with mates who contact me via my phone...
20 Jan 16 #17
Agree that both the Z5C and OPX are fairly different phones(ish). Still, I was comparing both based on their ergonomics compared with anything else. Disagree completely regarding the Nexus 5 comment. Yes, on paper the Nexus 5 looks to be 'last gen' compared with newer phones on the market, but...unless your demand is a lot of high performance games you will find it won't miss a beat. Solid hardware coupled with pure Android is always king.
20 Jan 16 #14
Much better picking up a OnePlus X - if you can find one. I recommend eBay. Equally as compact BUT with Full HD and near pure Android. You won't regret it. Of course, the Nexus 5 is still the king of the 5 inch (and lower) smartphone.
Hammondhammond to pazuzu17
20 Jan 16 2 #15
Quite easy to find one

jkgeyti to pazuzu17
20 Jan 16 2 #16
I'd say they're two very different phones, the Z5C and the OPX.

I own an OPX, and I love it for the price. It's invitation-free every Tuesday now, so it's much easier to buy one now. They've also recently introduced free standard shipping, which is great. The X is a fair bit thinner, but a completely different kind phone to the Z5C. The 5 inch screen makes it significantly bigger, it's all (rather scratch-prone) glass vs the Z5 compact's more "rugged" plastic feel. The camera in the X is very typical for a mid-range phone - it's not very good. The camera in the Z5C is miles better.

The Nexus 5 is getting rather old, and is being "out-specced" by loads of newer phones - in terms of both computational power, battery life and display quality. I would definitely not recommend buying a Nexus 5 today, if you can even find one.
20 Jan 16 #13
I was so looking forward to this phone, but I do not like the design very much, rather blocky looking.
I got a Z3C for £150 from Smartfonestore (grade B, but has been very good) I think it looks nicer really. Glad I did, its nice having a smaller phone, but I do prefer my S5 for the bigger, brighter screen.
20 Jan 16 #12
How good is the battery life on this? I remember that the Z3 Compact had legendary battery life but the lollipop upgrade made it much worse.

Is the battery life on the Z5 Compact as good despite being on Lollipop or Marshmallow?

I think it's a bit too early to bite right now seeing how quickly the price is falling. I think it'll become really tempting when it hits the £200-£250 range.
20 Jan 16 2 #10
Well, not so much "No mates" as not attached to the phone like an umbilical, like some who regard their "mates" as a phone ?
Ever read a book ? :laughing:
20 Jan 16 #9
anyone had any experience of this company's refurbs?
20 Jan 16 1 #6
Great price but as others have touched on because Sony update so often older model owners can't feel the justification to upgrade Sim Free for the incremental updates on what was a fantastic device to start with.
20 Jan 16 2 #3
Tempting, but I don't get enough calls or texts to warrant changing my Z2 ! :laughing:
uksparky to PhilK
20 Jan 16 #4
​My z2 is purely used as a hukd alerting device for the same reason. :smile:
brookysm to PhilK
20 Jan 16 17 #5
Oi, this isn't a Billynomates anonymous meeting...
20 Jan 16 #2
I'd been tracking the price since this seller was last posted. As cheap as I've seen it and without the faff of O2 Refresh.

Just bought one myself.

Worth mentioning, their checkout process is a bit temperamental - if you live in a flat you need to be sure the address you enter is *exactly* as shown on your bill or the payment is rejected (never had this problem elsewhere).
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