Will never be as good as the original but its brilliant all the same.
194 episodes for £30 and you haven't even gotta move off the sofa.
Price wise I looked last year and it was certainly not this cheap, have seen a few dvd boxsets in the similar range but I know a lot of people are more into streaming and stuff now so this is probably better for those.
Top comments
thecolonel to tiggerloveslife
2 Jan 163#8
That's what she said :wink:
Latest comments (23)
1 Feb 16#23
Cheers op, heated up
1 Feb 16#22
Not a fan of the original,but this was much worse than that.Wouldn'rt have it for free.
1 Feb 16#21
Excellent series - until Michael Scott leaves.
1 Feb 16#20
I'm voting hot just because its a fantastic series. Must have watched it through 3 times. Have most of the DVD's just missing the last 2 series. Tempted to buy the HMV Box Set just so I have them all.
Not Available on Netflix anymore and I've needed to watch these on my lunch breaks at work.. Suddenly iTunes Ver seems rather appealing...
Badger1980 to Marky264
2 Jan 161#3
Yeah I hate it when that happens.
Peep Show was on and all of a sudden its gone.
Recharg3 to Marky264
2 Jan 16#12
It's still available on Netflix US! Sign up for something like unblock-us for £2.50 a month and it allows you to switch between any Netflix region you want and is reliable.
Voted on the deal as this is a great show and I picked up the hard copy from hmv a few weeks ago just which they would do a Bluray version
2 Jan 16#11
Thanks. Bought and voted hot.
2 Jan 16#10
is this series any good ?
2 Jan 16#9
Good price, shame it's on iTunes...
2 Jan 162#6
For anyone wanting a "hard" copy it's £24.99 at both HMV on-line and Amazon :wink:
Badger1980 to tiggerloveslife
2 Jan 16#7
Thats where I saw it. :smiley:
thecolonel to tiggerloveslife
2 Jan 163#8
That's what she said :wink:
2 Jan 16#5
It's on Amazon Prime/Video, however the first 4 seasons are included, the other 5 you have to buy/rent which is stupid -.-'
2 Jan 16#4
2 Jan 161#1
This is probably cheap, but it's on iTunes so I can't vote Hot.
Opening post
194 episodes for £30 and you haven't even gotta move off the sofa.
Price wise I looked last year and it was certainly not this cheap, have seen a few dvd boxsets in the similar range but I know a lot of people are more into streaming and stuff now so this is probably better for those.
Top comments
Latest comments (23)
It's 4 weeks old and now £59.99
Showbox all the way!
Peep Show was on and all of a sudden its gone.
Voted on the deal as this is a great show and I picked up the hard copy from hmv a few weeks ago just which they would do a Bluray version
My fingers won't let me do it.