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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
25 Jan 16
Looking for a good but inexpensive graphics card? Maybe a time filler till the next generation? Sure its not the best, but look at the price!
Top comments
jamieb193 to Ferrari100
25 Jan 16 17 #9
You're voting a DEAL as cold because you don't like the MANUFACTURER? This is a prime example of why this site needs to have a clear out and Maybe some form of indicator on people's profiles to show if they are a hot or cold voter.
25 Jan 16 6 #19
The site views such votes as legitimate. I don't vote on such a basis often personally but members attacking members for doing so are in the wrong. It's a vote. If everyone voted the same way then what would be the point?
MikeLondon to Ferrari100
25 Jan 16 5 #7
Wow not only does this have to come up on every 970 post but a 960 as well - that has nothing to do with this card.
25 Jan 16 4 #6
Good price if you can live with 2GB
However, personally I dont like Nvidia spewing lies like they do. Its not good for the industry. For that reason, cold.
All comments (63)
25 Jan 16 1 #1
If only it was 4gb at £140 :smiley:
MikeLondon to chapchap
25 Jan 16 #5
25 Jan 16 #2
good price
25 Jan 16 #3
Yep, good price. Might work out to be £130 for some though.
25 Jan 16 2 #4
Good price, but with the r9 380 4GB is only £20 more and is better value.
verbumSapienti to tempt
25 Jan 16 #31
​, hotter, noisier and more power consuming
25 Jan 16 4 #6
Good price if you can live with 2GB
However, personally I dont like Nvidia spewing lies like they do. Its not good for the industry. For that reason, cold.
MikeLondon to Ferrari100
25 Jan 16 5 #7
Wow not only does this have to come up on every 970 post but a 960 as well - that has nothing to do with this card.
jamieb193 to Ferrari100
25 Jan 16 17 #9
You're voting a DEAL as cold because you don't like the MANUFACTURER? This is a prime example of why this site needs to have a clear out and Maybe some form of indicator on people's profiles to show if they are a hot or cold voter.
Nate1492 to Ferrari100
25 Jan 16 2 #26
And for this reason, your extreme bias towards AMD, and your lack of critical thinking skills. I consider all of your opinions worthless.

This is a cracking deal, great price on an energy efficient card. Absolutely a hot deal.
25 Jan 16 1 #8
GTA V really drives it home for me. Once you start playing with the settings the vRam usages shoots past 2gb in no time-that tells me something. I would argue 4GB cards will produce smoother gameplay (more often than not in newer titles) plus even NVidia are planning/going to phase out the 2gb version of this card I hear?!
25 Jan 16 3 #10
I think you will find Ferrari100 has a very slight preference towards AMD- if you read his comments very carefully you might just pick up a bias.
25 Jan 16 #11
Just a quick question to throw out there is it possible to sli 2 nvidia cards of different class? I have a MSI 780ti (any help welcome and voted hot btw)
Neostar to Bades
25 Jan 16 1 #12
25 Jan 16 #13
Would be tempted only I don't speak French - deal breaker for me I'm afraid!
beerman to stevep94
25 Jan 16 #16
Use Chrome and it'll auto translate the pages
dhope to stevep94
25 Jan 16 1 #23
The card is bilingual.

De rien.
25 Jan 16 #14
4GB is needed if you are really maxing out the settings on GTA5 1080P 60fps, are you actually doing this with a 960 and getting a decent frame rate?
25 Jan 16 1 #15
Not saying he's right but Maybe because it's from the same company?
25 Jan 16 #17
OK card & great price for anyone playing @ 1080p who doesn't mind lowering some game settings / resolution for the most demanding titles (Metro LL, Witcher 3, GTA V etc)

heat added
25 Jan 16 3 #18
I don't think you need to max out the settings to go over can push the settings up more in a 4gb card and will have smoother gameplay. I believe that to be true :smiley:

These settings aren't maxed but still go over 2gb.
25 Jan 16 6 #19
The site views such votes as legitimate. I don't vote on such a basis often personally but members attacking members for doing so are in the wrong. It's a vote. If everyone voted the same way then what would be the point?
25 Jan 16 #20
A pretty good deal for a capable GPU at a low price. I purchased the r9 380 for £140 myself and I'm not sure if that was a better deal than this. Voted hot.
25 Jan 16 #21
GBP 138.31
25 Jan 16 #22
These much of an upgrade on a GTX 660 or better off trying to save and got for a 970?
blaser to Towelie
25 Jan 16 #24
I have a R9 270X for 2 years now, I'm holding off buying a new card till more dx12 games come out.
nyasham to Towelie
25 Jan 16 #42
​I went from a GTX 660 (non-Ti) to GTX 970 and I recommend that upgrade path much more than a GTX 960. The performance jump is much more apparent
25 Jan 16 #25
4g on this card would be pretty much totally wasted, similar to the R9 290 4g and 390 8g - the extra vram is not able to be utilised
25 Jan 16 1 #27
Not that it makes much difference in a desktop gaming PC.

25 Jan 16 2 #28
​Notice that they avoid using AA in most of the benchmarks? Well that's were Vram is needed the most, look at the one test with msaa on there is a 10-15 fps variance on the 960.
25 Jan 16 1 #29
It depends on the game- even in this link you posted they reported,"Surprisingly at 1080p the 4GB 960 was 29% faster than the 2GB model". I wouldn't buy another 2GB card myself, but if you don't play the games a 4GB card would benefit from, then get a 2GB card.
25 Jan 16 #30
That was at unplayable frame rates anyway - which again is kind of the point. Get a 4g card sure, just don't get a 4g 960 is all.
25 Jan 16 #32
I think this is a good price considering that I bought the red version of this card with Witcher 3 for £160 (ironically Witcher 3 was like £11 from gog ukraine @ release and the amd 285 which is currently the better card only £125 back then).

If you have 6 months time, wait for Polaris.

Also, don't get this card for 1440p or above. It won't work well.
25 Jan 16 #33
I think it is worth the extra for a 4GB card- but not much more I agree. Hence my original comment all those hours ago :smiley:

chapchap5 hours, 25 minutes ago 1 Like #1

If only it was 4gb at £140 :smiley:
25 Jan 16 #34
Gd price but at 2gb it's on the line, sure 70% of games will do just peachy on 2gb but there is perf to be gained in some games with the 4gb, as such buying a 2gb card is limiting you for future games as well as some current stuff, I doubt we will see any 2gb cards produced this year, which means 2gb cards are being phased out so there's a reason for it.

Regardless on how many games will benefit from the 4gb on a 960, there's the next year+ to think off, you can overclock the 960 for more perf which again would give better results on 4gb, also a lot of tests done on the skylake z170 combo have found to most peoples surprise that going from ddr4 2133mhz sys ram up to 2666mhz gives a bump of 5 fps using a any current dedicated gpu, now bump that up to 3000mhz and your getting another 4fps on top, so we are now seeing how system ram actually effects gaming and it's really the first significant bump with ram in game perf, I believe we will see more of this in the future.
Please feel free to look into it youtube has some great stuff, skylake-z170-ddr4-fps.

As for a vote I will give heat it is a gd card, good price, I do have my issues with NVidia but this card/price is OK!, I think the price will drop more very soon, also if it had been the 4gb I would be more enthused, giving some piece of mind in future games, with more overclock potential plus a ram speed & fps bump and a good/overclocked cpu bump, this card could go over and above but again things are choked with the 2gb.

I honestly believe that when gpu sales start (which could be now) to make way for the new pascal/polaris gpu's, there's a huge bump in perf over these current cards so were looking at a gpu fire sale and imo the first to be thrown on the fire will be the 2gb cards, to sell the most of them, putting a 4gb card on sale then a 2gb makes no sense people will just say "it's not as good a deal as blah blah" so maybe this here is the start of the 2gb gpu sale, who knows, one things for sure 2gb is very limiting for future gaming and if the rumors are true then current gpu's are going to have all sorts of issues keeping anywhere near close to the new gpu's not in in perf but in power consumption.

It also looks like finally amd have the advantage over NVidia, who look to be struggling at the moment, we will see how amd deal with this advantage, they've crashed and burned b4 with there advatages, and if they skimp of hold off on some things they will quickly start to loose that advantage, NVidia won't stay behind for long, the ball is in amd's court now.

There's plenty of leaks coming out now, so we should have conformation in the next month or so.
chapchap to revolver31
25 Jan 16 1 #35
Strong competition between AMD and NVidia can only be a good thing for us. At the moment I use both cards and am lead by cost/performance more than anything.
25 Jan 16 #36
Indeed. Did you also notice the undercurrent? 3.5GB is perfect. Now, if only I could think of an nVidia card that has 3.5GB... :laughing:
tonyt3rry to Anonstarter
25 Jan 16 #39
my 970 is fine even if it does have 3.5gb plays all my games in ultra with good frame rates I use dual screens I dont use 4k so im happy with the card, I dont have to put up with amds crap driver releases slow drivers, software that bricks cards everything works without having to faff about
25 Jan 16 3 #37
It appears to be you who is confused how this site works.

A deal is not just about the price!

The manufacturer, warranty terms etc can all play a part in making something a good good or bad deal
25 Jan 16 #38
too many moaners on here voting cold because petty things personally this is a good deal the normal 960s are 170 mark 130 is the price for 950s
Rubisco to tonyt3rry
25 Jan 16 #41
312 degrees currently says there aren't too many cold voters at all.
25 Jan 16 #40
There's no doubt the 970 is a cracking card. I was pointing out the subtle bias of Steven Walton the TechSpot 'Journalist.'
25 Jan 16 #43
I think you should vote hot or cold based on the price, not on your review of the product, if you think the price is high vote cold, if you agree it is a hot deal, than vote hot, and comment your review of the product.
25 Jan 16 1 #44
The 970 is a great card even at 3.5gb no doubt whatsoever, but to be fair I think the point is we were told and bought the card on the fact it was stated as 4gb, which is a epic fail from any company let alone one with the credentials and fan base of NVidia.
A lie, a con, manipulation, twisting of the facts, it's never OK for any company to pull this stuff, so it is right that people should be reminded and be mindful in future, if that leads to less sales for NVidia on launch until said cards are tested, then they only have themselves to blame and perhaps it will give them pause to repeat such an incident in the future and perhaps to stop thinking that we the consumer are either to stupid or blind to notice.
25 Jan 16 #45
Well the card been out for years now and someone has only just noticed its 3.5, so clearly the consumer is stupid enough.

On another note, isn't it false advertising? Sold as 4gb even though it is 3.5?
25 Jan 16 #46
It's not, it's a 4gb card. Just .5 of that is slower than the rest.
25 Jan 16 #47
Don't feed the troll, Mr Fiat has got a real hard on for AMD.
25 Jan 16 1 #48
Wow- you are ignorant!
25 Jan 16 #49
I caught one yay, don't even own a pc mate.
25 Jan 16 #50
Brilliant stuff.
25 Jan 16 #51
Don't know where you get that from , I knew about it around jan/feb 2015.

it's crippled ok? its not what we paid for and if you did your research you wouldn't look so silly right now, you maybe a happy fan boy prepared to accept it I and most others are not, yes 3.5gb runs just fine but as soon as you hit that last 500mb which is easy given the card, it then everything slows right down, now what's the point in that? the fact is you/we bought a 4gb to utilize 4gb and to texture, scale & detail all we could with said 4gb.

Did we get all 4gb at advertised speed = NO
Wake up my friend, don't allow yourself to be used, do you how many 970's went back to the store when people found out? or how many put there's straight up on ebay? they did the right thing that mixed with the complaints and bad press put NVidia in the spotlight, now everyone is watching, you can't treat your consumers this way, but there always somebody like you that condones it for what ever reason WHY anyone would be ok with this is beyond me, you were just ripped off, hello, stand up and do something FFS.

Oh and like chapchap just said "Wow- you are ignorant!" do some research next time.

Lol now you realise just how silly you were and are now back peddling, ye were not buying it, next time think before you speak/type.
25 Jan 16 #52
As previously said it was a jest, I literally read someones link, I don't own a pc, but have been considering it for awhile as I mainly use xbone and ps4.

Did I not ask whether it was false advertising in my initial post?

Shouldn't further action of been taken when it was found out? an apology does not seem sufficient to me.
25 Jan 16 #53
Actually, you are just spouting off standard fanboy arguments.

How many people returned the NVIDIA 970 after the entire 3.5 debacle?

Yep, less than 5%. The 970 still occupies the lion's share of cards on steam hardware survey and is rising faster than any AMD offering.

The top 3 increasing card:
Nvidia 960 with .39% increase (2.75% total)
Nvidia 750 Ti with .26% increase (2.77% total)
Nvidia 970 with .14% increase (4.89% total)

You'll notice *all* of the R9 200 series from AMD, which includes 295x2, 290x, 290, 285, 280x, 280, and the 270x only account for....

.12% increase (1.57% total).

Neither R9 300 nor Fury/Nano series have enough market share to register (390x, 390, 380x, 380, Nano, Fury, Fury :laughing:.

That means they are currently under .30% market share.

Stop telling people to "wake up and do research". People have done it, people have shown it here. It doesn't agree with what you spout as an opinion.

Nvidia 970 'memory scandal' is getting old. It's like a clingy ex-girlfriend where you just keep bringing up that one time that thing happened. The vast majority of the market accepted it, continued on, and continued to buy the card. It's a great card, you admitted it yourself, NVIDIA aren't the greatest company in the world, but they make the best graphics cards at the moment (Yes, of course that's my opinion). Get over the 3.5gb snafu already, it's old hat.
25 Jan 16 #54
They did issue an apology.

And they accepted returns from consumers who were upset about this.

Turns out, less than 5% returned cards for it.

The thing is, it's a great card. The vast majority of people don't experience this slowdown as they do not actually utilize all that VRAM. Most applications at 1080p, 60fps won't use 3, let alone 4.

There are of course situations where you can appear to use 'a lot' of VRAM, and you will see games asking for all the VRAM available, and the cards generally return all of their VRAM, but the 970 only offers 3.5 gb in this manner. If the game requires (not asks) for the last 500mb of VRAM, the card will provide it, at the reduced rates.
25 Jan 16 #55
This isn't a great deal, the 2gb version is often £139 and the 4gb is often around £159 on Ebuyer and Amazon.

THIS was a deal, lol.

When they match that, I might buy one. They are pretty overpriced right now especially since bang for buck the R9 380 is the better option right now.

Worth the extra £20 for 4gb imo.
25 Jan 16 #56
I like lemons.
26 Jan 16 #57
on paper amd does look better and I would reccomend them if your on a budget and want less features I used to love amd but couldnt put up with unstable drivers breaking games and the recording software off raptr not working and every gameworks game had bad fps even with a good system
26 Jan 16 #58
Actually my friend I have my issues with NVidia but I'm a fan of there work (for the most part) I'm not red or green fanatic so your wrong sorry.
The card is awesome as I said no doubt and NVidia have ruled for many years now, there maxwell power usage was impressive, on the other hand your comments are very pro NVidia and clearly you've gotten very defensive for no particular reason I do see you name a lot in the arguments always pro NVidia, every time there you are so that tells me a great deal about you.

But I think we should just let these people decide I have no problem with that, I'm happy with what I said and you may not have realised it but there are many people who have bought a 970 who are on this site and they know first hand, so when they read my comment and then read yours I'm confident in what I've said so let them decide.

From now on though I know where to find you, in the pro NVidia deal and in the against amd deal I suggest others watch out for nate1492's bias opinion and take it with a grain of salt.

It's really very silly and no skin off my nose, I don't care who wins red or green cause for me it's all about perf not some notion that because I bought a green card all others must too and I must solely support the green team.

Price, perf, power, value, this is what matter to real gamers, but thx for your ltd input all the same, I myself will take it with a pinch of salt and let others decide for themselves but instead of advocating one vs the other I will do what you should have and tell them to research themselves and make there own choice the info is out there very clearly, that way they learn something new and are not led down the wrong path by people such as yourself.

My guess is you have a 970 and you don't like people saying bad things about your little green card, it's only a gpu man and come on facts are facts, maybe you should get a girl you know if you can tear yourself away from your gpu.
The point is regardless how you try to justify it at the end of the day the card was crippled it had issues it should never have had, they cut corners and the card was not were it should have been and for the people that were interested in perf and not being ripped off, they were rightly upset yes it's old news but it should never have happened in the first place as I said before its good to keep people remembering so when the new cards come out there ready and not spending £££ on yet another crippled card, it's about them not you or your supporting of the green team.
Anyway I refuse to waste anymore time on you, grow up this is not a competition on red vs green it's about people saving money and being fully informed of what has happened and what could so as not be dealt a short hand, its called being helpful and advising, do research.
you should try both being helpful and doing some research maybe then you won't only have eyes for nvidia.

I'll leave you to rant on and compile more excuses,
Take it easy.
26 Jan 16 1 #59
1) Let's just start with the simple bits, I've provided sources for my information. I backed it up with websites, reviews, facts, and statistics. That's what research is.

2) You are suggesting I'm biased, to 'watch out' for my opinion, that I need to "get a girl", and that I need to "Grow up". How condescending can you be? What does my love life have to do with discussing graphics cards? Where have I acted immature? I don't see it. I've posted reasonable responses backed with facts!

3) Stop guessing. You're wrong. I do not have a 970.

4) The card is not crippled, you can see the reviews across the web. If you want me to link you reviews, please ask.

5) You suggest I haven't done 'research' yet you have done nothing but sling personal attacks. Maybe you should "do some research".
26 Jan 16 1 #60
Interesting how you think that it's absolutely impossible that it was a mistake.

(Even though every tech site seems in agreement that it was an honest mistake due to a miscommunication between the engineers and the marketing people who sent the tech specs to card reviewers. But I'll trust expert "revolver31" over everybody else, based on their credentials and their sources. :wink:)

Fortunately for the consumers, they were given the chance to return our 970 cards if they so wished - which meant that if they bought one at the end of 2014 with FC4/AC:U, they could return the card for a full refund and keep the game, and then buy another 970 with another free game! Which made good sense, as all of the benchmarks that sold people on the 970 in the first place were completely unaffected by the VRAM revelation.

Having said all that... AMD's market share is far too low considering the quality of the cards they provide. So anyone looking to buy a card today, please take a second look at AMD. Maybe they do have something for you! :smiley:
26 Jan 16 #61
No where did I say it wasn't a mistake, maybe it was, maybe it wasn't, unless your on the inside you don't know, so maybe a re-read of my comments, I see nothing but the same fanboy stuff here, excuses condoning there actions, yes yes we can all go on to web site and pull data to backup or justifications , I could pull data saying amd has had the best cards for the last few years and that there worth the money more than nvida, of course that's easy but a grown up fact based, non biased opinion, that's hard to come by on here, refunds, honest mistakes lol, not effected by vram rofl, :DX):smile:

They did deliberately cut down the l2 cache from the 980 so that in itself would say not a mistake unless there morons never knew the effect of cutting it down which isn't the case, but bash on spouting support for green, it's funny the things people come up to justify a company's misconduct, I applaud your loyalty as misplaced as it is, I'm sure the NVidia marketing and sales love you guys.
26 Jan 16 #62
Having trouble reading your own posts? I don't blame you. Is it your phone's keyboard that is mangling your comments?

I'm not on the inside of Nvidia, but I am an industry insider. You would have to be completely ignorant of these businesses to think that they would possibly try to pull a fast one on tech specs like this. The surprise (to anyone qualified to comment) isn't that it was an honest mistake - the surprise is that it took a couple of months for the anomaly to be discovered, instead of a couple of weeks.

If I am understanding your broken English correctly, you seem to believe that Nvidia is just one person, therefore making miscommunication between departments impossible. (Oddly, you keep saying "NVidia" - would this be a Mister Nigel Vidia who you think designs, hand-makes, markets and sells these cards? :wink:)

A shame you didn't make it to the end of my comment earlier, but if you manage to make it as far as here this time - congratulations! :smiley:
2 Apr 16 #63
I would go for 4gb not this
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
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