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It's back! £5.00 4G sim deal 1GB/250 minutes 1 month rolling & capped. ID Mobile
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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27 Dec 15
Best £5 offer if you dont want to get into 12/24 month contract and want sufficient hassle free data, few minutes & 5k texts.

It's a 4G sim deal with 1GB data, 250 minutes & its 1 month rolling plan, also capped with shockproof offer. I bought iPhone crazy offer on ID already, coverage I must admit when travelling around UK is better than O2, Voda as it piggybacks 3.

Bought a couple for family few weeks ago, all hunky dory so far!!

Dont forget, Quidco cashback makes it free for 1 month!

iD is a new superfast 4G mobile network from Carphone Warehouse, with a difference...
- watson44
Top comments
27 Dec 15 18 #20
iD Mobile uses Three/MBNL's 3G network and Three's 4G network.

For those who don't know, MBNL is a mast sharing partnership between EE and Three. What that basically means is that, in most cases, wherever you have 3G signal from EE you'll also get 3G from Three, and vice versa. They don't share each other's 4G networks though - these are separate.
AndyRoyd to hotisgood
27 Dec 15 3 #28
Seriously? It will cost you £5 to jump ship one month earlier than ideal. You may even be entitled to VAT deduction on your existing contract's final (unused) month cost.
All comments (160)
27 Dec 15 #1
Where? (deal title doesn't say)
Thomablue to Shambles
27 Dec 15 #2
[email protected] mobile
27 Dec 15 #3
Is iD any good?
citibadger to Somebody
27 Dec 15 #42
​unfortunately this is run by carphone warehouse, so no they're not. Carphone warehouse's last effort at a mobile network, Talkmobile, was a nightmare. Zero customer service, be warned.
27 Dec 15 #4
Possible to get this as an existing customer? I'm paying 7.50 for the same contract!
27 Dec 15 #5
'Data allowance shown includes promo double data offer for the first 12 months on this 30 day plan.' So does it mean after a year it will go back to 500MB?
GoldSquid to swuarnegle
27 Dec 15 1 #7
snoopy18 to swuarnegle
27 Dec 15 #11
looking at wrong plan. That`s a year contract
27 Dec 15 #6
Which network is this on ? thanks
kharma45 to snoopy18
27 Dec 15 #8
They're a Three MVNO
27 Dec 15 #9
^^ 3 network ^^
27 Dec 15 #10
No, he`s looking at wrong plan. That`s a year contract
27 Dec 15 #12
Shame I need vodafone
27 Dec 15 2 #13
Nah. the terms are for the 1 month rolling too.
27 Dec 15 #14
it is 1 month contract.
27 Dec 15 #15
quick question...

How do rolling contracts work? friend wants a cheap sim for her 12 yr old. this sounds good. but will she need to give her bank details? or can it be just topped up with card like PAYG? will number just expire if not paid on time?

i'll need to explain it to her and i have no idea...
kharma45 to midian09
27 Dec 15 2 #16
It'll be paid by DD like any other contract. The difference is that you only need give one months notice to leave.
mamboboy to midian09
27 Dec 15 1 #17
It's exactly what it says... a rolling contract. You set up a direct debit, etc as normal but the difference is you can cancel after a month and aren't locked in...
onlineo to midian09
27 Dec 15 2 #21
​don't do it. your friend needs to get a 3 sim with unlimited data as from my experience nearly all school age people use more than 1gb in a day.
27 Dec 15 1 #18
27 Dec 15 #19

No, "double data" for 12 months applies to the 1 month plan too.

12 months Double Data already included! - Data allowance shown includes promo double data offer for the first 12 months on this 30 day plan.

£5.00 per month
1 month contract
27 Dec 15 18 #20
iD Mobile uses Three/MBNL's 3G network and Three's 4G network.

For those who don't know, MBNL is a mast sharing partnership between EE and Three. What that basically means is that, in most cases, wherever you have 3G signal from EE you'll also get 3G from Three, and vice versa. They don't share each other's 4G networks though - these are separate.
alexjameshaines to preecey
27 Dec 15 1 #22
​didn't know that good info thanks!
rob585 to preecey
27 Dec 15 #58
do they also make use of EE 2g network?
Gavin01 to preecey
28 Dec 15 #89
not sure thats the case as my mums is a blackspot and she has a ee signal box but when there my id sim gets no signal at all??
27 Dec 15 #23
I currently have 500mb data, 1000 minutes and 1000 texts with 4G through Tesco for £7.50/month and have done for a couple of years now.

Just seems odd that the deals are getting worse. It wasn't that big a deal at the time to be honest. Was a 12 month contract though. Try and get Tesco to match this and up the minutes.
willuk22 to definition
27 Dec 15 1 #60
​who talks for 1000 mins these days? this deal trumps your's imo
27 Dec 15 #24
500 minutes, 5000 texts, 3GB data , 1 month contract £10 ! i may go for this one.
jimbanana to leebad
27 Dec 15 1 #39
If you go through uswitch you'll get 4gb as a special 12 month deal
27 Dec 15 1 #25

As onlineo said: be v wary of providing an unrestricted contract to a child. Enquire with provider about options to cap usage so there are no nasty surprises hitting the direct debit account. ID faq does mention a capping facility but not immediately clear if applicable to this contract:
Can I set a cap (call limit) on my price plan?
Yes, we offer a capping service on all ShockProof plans.
This is set up so that you'll never spend more than £5 over your monthly allowance.
27 Dec 15 #26
wonder how long this is going to be around - need to change providers - end of Jan - including porting the no. wish this will stay around till then.
AndyRoyd to hotisgood
27 Dec 15 3 #28
Seriously? It will cost you £5 to jump ship one month earlier than ideal. You may even be entitled to VAT deduction on your existing contract's final (unused) month cost.
27 Dec 15 2 #27
Life mobile is doing 1500 minutes, 1gb data, unlimited texts, 30 days contract, no credit check for £6pm via uswitch
27 Dec 15 #29
Whats the point of only 1GB of 4G, if you check HUKD, the News and weather and emails it would be gone in a couple of weeks, agree with previous posters stick with a good 3G plan with a lot more free GB's or pay extra for a Three unlimited deal on 4G
definition to Ralph888
27 Dec 15 #72
500mb lasts me a whole month. It's not about data it's about speed. I'm going to look at the same things regardless and generally only watch videos if I'm on a WiFi hotspot of which there are tonnes round here. Pfft the bus doesn't just have WiFi too, they let me charge my phone :stuck_out_tongue:
27 Dec 15 #30
3's 4G rollout has been slower than expected this year. Still only a couple of towers in major cities and nothing outside.
a_user to zebrum
27 Dec 15 #34
I'm not in a major city, we're actually classed as a town still, and we get 4G with Three just fine, both indoors and out.
kamran9558 to zebrum
27 Dec 15 #52
​that can't be right three have actually over achieved their 4g target this year can't remember exactly but I read it on a tech website.
weebigal to zebrum
27 Dec 15 #61
Not true, I have personally been involved in upgrading over 50 cell sites from 3G to 4G in the last 6 months, everywhere from Aberdeen to Wales, with hundreds more planned for next year. There are many other companies involved in this roll out also.
27 Dec 15 #31
Do these monthly contracts start ie the sim activates from the day you purchase or from when you receive the sim and physically put it in to your mobile and activate it?
27 Dec 15 #32
Don't forget 5.25 TCB cashback; on all 1-Month Sim Only Plans
27 Dec 15 1 #33
I'm with iD since August and not impressed with coverage, I live in a city and never had issues before, I put it down to no underlying 2g which means basic calling fails when 3/4g is either weak or unavailable. good deal but poor quality. waiting for a Virgin sim only deal to come up to bounce back.
spannerzone to kelly78
27 Dec 15 1 #40
I left Three for that reason, no 2G which for me is essential when I'm between towns and cities, often small villages and countryside has limited/poor 3G and at least with 2G there's a better chance of making a call. This was made abundantly clear to me when I was on Three and my car broke down a couple miles away from a large town and no Three coverage, I went back to EE and am grateful for 2G...... 4G offers no voice calling* at the moment so don't let that fool you into thinking you'll not need 2G!

*To please the pedants who are out there patrolling these forums, yes there is actually 4G voice calling being tested/rolled out by some networks but it's very limited, rather untested and not in official use yet and only certain handsets can do it.
27 Dec 15 #35
Will I get 4g on my one plus one with this?
27 Dec 15 1 #36
Good price. ID Mobile / Carphone warehouse = terrible customer service.
27 Dec 15 #37
Thanks for that, much appreciated that you took time to answer.

Also thanks to mamboboy, onlineo & AndyRoyd.

just spoke to her. The idea of a cap sounds good & she doesn't mind DD. she says they use wifi at home mostly so this is a go!
27 Dec 15 #38
seems decent
27 Dec 15 #41
Three does still have some 2G backup in rural places in west Wales, they piggyback on old Orange 2G masts that haven't been 'MBNL'd'.
27 Dec 15 #43
Ah, that's good, I thought it had all gone now
27 Dec 15 1 #44
Username = spannerzone & you couldn't fix your own motor? That's almost as believeable as people thinking my name is Andrew Royd :stuck_out_tongue:
27 Dec 15 1 #45
would jump the ship... but their international rates are way too high...
definition to DrLamok
27 Dec 15 #73
WiFi and pretty much any of finaera's (or Betamax) VOIP offerings are your friends. They work very well on WiFi. They're an absolute must if you travel abroad too. Think about it.
27 Dec 15 1 #46
Does anyone know if this sim would be suitable to use with an unlocked Iphone 5c? I am a Samsung person but my 10 year old has bought an Iphone 5c which is on its way so looking for a good deal
preecey to weezywumps1982
27 Dec 15 1 #48
It will work in your son or daughter's 5c, but be aware that he or she may find 1GB to be inadequate. These contracts are capped and you can't go over by more than £5, but you may wish to consider their other tariffs with a higher allowance, such as the £10 one with 4GB or £12.50 one with 6GB.

You could also give LIFE Mobile a try, which has a 3GB plan for £10 without any credit checks. They're also capped at £5 but you can lower this additional spending cap to £1 meaning that your bills will never be more than £11.
27 Dec 15 1 #47
Oh the irony, I know, I know! I haven't twirled a spanner in many years but still get called a spanner..... :smile:
27 Dec 15 #49
I have the same 1 month contract with ID but getting 500MB instead, can i upgrade to this easily?
preecey to chocolatenomlike
27 Dec 15 1 #50
From what I've heard, unfortunately the only way to do this is to port out to another network and then port back in again (which admittedly would be a hassle). That is one of iD Mobile's major downfalls, their customer service team seem unable to switch tariffs over.
27 Dec 15 #51
cold, life mobile is 1500 mins for £1 more using EE network
jazzuk777 to babz_1
27 Dec 15 1 #69
Not necessarily, some of us don't talk that much on phones so 250min is fine and the life deal is only 3g while this is 4g and cheaper
27 Dec 15 #53
I need this in Feb!
27 Dec 15 1 #54
Thought the LIFE deal was good, but for £5 and 4G this is even better.
27 Dec 15 #55
3 have 2G voice/text coverage (via EE) in rural Scotland also.
They have switched off the 2G in areas of 3G coverage though.

Talkmobile (using Vodafone 2G/3G) are offering 4GB, minutes and texts for £10 per month.
12 months contract but £45/£47 cashback is available.
27 Dec 15 #57
Be careful with Talk Mobile though, they have no caps whatsoever, so if you don't set a data limit in your phone's settings menu be prepared for hefty excess data charges!
27 Dec 15 1 #59
Not really. iD runs on Three, who don't support 2G devices, and they switched off the vast majority of their 2G backbone (which used O2 and then Orange) years back.

They do however still have some sort of informal arrangement with EE as I've been able to roam onto old Orange masts using my Three SIM in very rural areas for calls and texts only (no GPRS data allowed). This is only in areas where MBNL 3G has not yet been switched on. As MBNL 3G covers pretty much most of south Wales, this means there are actually very few (probably a handful) legacy 2G Orange masts that I'm allowed to connect to.
27 Dec 15 #62
I'm just curious; is Arqiva the company mainly responsible for the rollout of Three's 4G network? And is Three using EE owned and managed sites but different masts etc (due to their MBNL relationship)? Sorry if I sound nosey!
27 Dec 15 #63
That is shockingly bad for a mobile network.
27 Dec 15 #64
Are the minutes carried over every month by any chance?
27 Dec 15 #65
I'm currently on this deal but with 500mb instead of 1GB. Just debating whether it's worth all the hassle to change plan as I heard we have to port out then port in again :/
neosalad to NGPinternational388
27 Dec 15 #75
same dilema here, same plan as yourself...
i only ever use about half of my 500mb, though currently using an old phone due to being smashed so not using any currently.. (mainly texts and a few minutes) but tempted for the extra data if needed as its the same price. just cant be arsed with the hassle to port number over on same network.. if they let me ring up and do it i might... .
and i still havent received the £5.25 TCB from july when i took out the original sim.
27 Dec 15 1 #66
I could into great detail about why you shouldn't do business with this company, but I will sound like a bitter old man with a vendetta....

Probably better to just read my previous post on and earlier deal for these guys, I think you can do that by clicking on my account history.

I have an axe to grind, but they are REALLY bad for overcharging by massive amounts even on the capped plans...
27 Dec 15 #67
They've got same plan TR5-IC868-1 listed twice; one says 'Double Data included for 12 months' - the other doesn't. Although they're both 1GB. So if you buy the one without double data, will it remain at 1GB after the 12 month period? I'm guessing they'd cut it to 500MB regardless and claim the other offer was not on their site.
wildecat to jhw
27 Dec 15 #68
You'll probably find that the 1GB stays on unless you make changes.
They don't come across as the most technically astute bunch.

Got an e-mail from ID saying they'd send it via the Royal Mail, now got an e-mail from DPD couriers asking me to confirm delivery slot. I'll have to wait in for it or pick it up from the depot. Much faffing about for a sim card that could be posted out easily... :man:

27 Dec 15 #70
I signed up to ID just before Christmas and have just cancelled under the 14 days rule.

Absolutely shocking IT (took my 48 hours to register my SIM) and zero service in my office/patchy around my house.

27 Dec 15 #71
Go through USwitch to get it for £6.
27 Dec 15 #74
what is the "iPhone crazy offer on ID" in the OP? just wondering

great deal regardless
28 Dec 15 #76
Would this sim work with an iphone 5c
28 Dec 15 #77
What signal do these lot use, my phones locked to tmobile/ee but will take either ee, tmobile, orange and asda sims because they uses EE's signal and also i hear it may take virgin but never tried, do these use EE's signal also?
wildecat to liam116
28 Dec 15 #82
iD use 3, not EE. You're probably better looking at Life Mobile.
It's a pound more with more minutes and uses EE 2G/3G.

28 Dec 15 #78
Yeah, I'm with you - used about 1.2GB since June, as I have mobile data switched off unless I need to use it and so much Wi-Fi around.
28 Dec 15 #79
Wondering if anybody could point me in the direction here.

I'm trying to organise my nan a nice rolling contract, as I want her to continue to have a phone on her at all times, without the worry of running out of credit or needing to top up. She will not use any texts nor will she need any data. Is there any sort of minutes only contract out there? If not, does anyone have any recommendations for a cheap 150 minutes ish allowance plus the rest. As she can use this also to call out when she is home to reduce her landline bill.

28 Dec 15 #80
28 Dec 15 #81
I chose the plan with the "12 months Double..." as I didn't want to lose the offer after 12 months. Then I realised whether this 12 months thing was a good thing: it guarantees the offer for 12 months. The one without this saying may change after probably 1 month?
28 Dec 15 #83
Thanks OP
28 Dec 15 1 #84
That's a very sweeping statement. Do you have evidence to support it?
28 Dec 15 #85
Wouldn't touch ID with a barge pole , had a contract and it was supposed to be capped but no warning txts , no emails , they sent me a bill for £150 of mobile data , ive argued with dopey CS staff who send scripted emails , stay away
28 Dec 15 #86
Looks great on paper but reviews for ID are horrific, plus you can't tether. Think I'll go for Life, even if that doesn't offer 4G
28 Dec 15 #87
One of the worst mobile providers in the UK going by reviews. Well worth avoiding.

It's a shame Life Mobile are just as bad because they do have some rather attractive deals.
28 Dec 15 #88
looks a blinding deal and i already ave a sim card with them and it works great. only thing is they mess the bill quite regularly
28 Dec 15 #90
Perfect for my Son, will work out cheaper than 3 PAYG. Cheers.
28 Dec 15 #91
Cheers pal
28 Dec 15 #92
You really can't change plan on this network without cancelling. It's like it exists in a timewarp from 1985 or something.
28 Dec 15 #93
Tip: if you are a talktalk plus tv customer (plus tv is free) then this deal almost comes free. I managed to get 1GB data and 200 mins on a free SIM.
28 Dec 15 #94
This deal is attractive on the face of it but Id have some appalling feedback on previous offers posted here some amounting to active dishonesty, for example starting charging you from the date you place the order, before the sin is even posted. The Internet feedback is even worse. I am with Three mobile and have been quite impressed with them though they are getting expensive
28 Dec 15 #95
The EE signal box will only permit registered EE SIMs to connect to it, not Three SIMs.
The MBNL sharing arrangement only applies to the physical outdoor masts, not any internal signal boosters or amplifiers etc.
28 Dec 15 #96
Think I like the look of the life deal whats their customer service like compared to ID?
ryan2801 to katya1971
28 Dec 15 #100
Judging by reviews, far more favourable than ID.
28 Dec 15 #97
wow so tempted by this we have 4 phones on cheap tesco plans but only have 1g to 2g of data, but we've been there years, they are capped and the service has been brilliant! if ID really are crap customer service I don't think I can change as much as I'd love the extra data..6gb for £15.. thats much better than my existing. But not a lot of good if it doesn't work..hmm & no tether means also unless as it's great to share 4G to my iPad.
28 Dec 15 #98
I'm looking to improve my credit rating, will this report to credit ref agencies upon paying every month, or is it just payg?
mikegahan to Bangkokgoer
28 Dec 15 #101
They will run a credit check on you even for a 30 day sim(this will show on your credit history). They will also post any default, in their eyes, (even if not true) on your credit history so take care, they have a history of overcharging
AndyRoyd to Bangkokgoer
29 Dec 15 1 #112
"Even for a 30 day sim..." Product is a contract with potential to require credit (i.e. post-pay charges added to service pre-payment). Payment performance will likely be reported monthly, and if so, repeated successful monthly DD payments will indicate positive credit management on the customer's credit file.
mikegahan to Bangkokgoer
29 Dec 15 #118
If you want a cheap, deal with no credit checks follow this link, the £6.50 is a very good deal, they are owned by EE and use their network, but they may still be crap lol:
28 Dec 15 #99
iD's customer service is appalling, great deal on paper but if you have any issues and need to call them...good luck.
28 Dec 15 #102
4G is complete **** on iD best to avoid this mob. Got my PAC code after 2 weeks.
28 Dec 15 #103
28 Dec 15 #104
Anyone know why its not letting me buy, All my details in the payment page is correct and its not doing it keeps refreshing it back to the payment details page. Its not my card because ive tried it under my mums and hubbys name
28 Dec 15 #105
28 Dec 15 #106
sounds like a good deal.... but I don't want to buy anything that might get me involved with the Carphone warehouse customer service dept.
28 Dec 15 #107
I would just like to add, not got anything against CPW but I actually took out this plan and decided to cancel as my existing mobile provider matched it minus the 500mb but with extra function of being allowed to use the sim plan abroad (Three). AND I wouldn't like to be in your shoes if you try to cancel, customer sales and services make it such a hassle to cancel. BAM! Once you think its been all done and cancelled... You get an email saying that no such thing has happened and they will continue to take money from your account.

Luckily I knew what to do and explained the situation to my bank who did a reverse charge also I actually made a complaints at the Communications Ombudsman who are looking into the situation now. ID mobile is actually registered with them as well. According to long distance regulations you are allowed to cancel within 28 days as far as im aware and ID mobile's policy actually state 14 days for cancellations. INFACT I cancelled within 30mins of order placed and no cancellation actually was made and I phoned in three separate occasions that day to confirm cancellation. Customer reps said it had been cancelled, bank and email states otherwise.

Just a caution.
28 Dec 15 #108
thats wrong imformation a well.

It acts like a EE 3g femto cell anyone on orange,virgin,t mobile, and EE can connect.
Anyone can connect.
Hence why im querying whether ID do use EE at all as surely this would connect other wise?
28 Dec 15 #109
Please can I have and change my actual mobile number to ID if want to by an ID SIM?? thanks
28 Dec 15 #110
iD run on 3 not EE.
They may share some network masts etc but they aren't the same network.
Those signal boxes connect directly to the network via the Internet.

thats wrong imformation a well.
It acts like a EE 3g femto cell anyone on orange,virgin,t mobile, and EE can connect.
Anyone can connect.
Hence why im querying whether ID do use EE at all as surely this would connect other wise?[/quote ]
28 Dec 15 #111
I was thinking of getting one of these but the bad reviews are putting me off, probably will pay £1 extra for the LIFE mobile deal.
29 Dec 15 #113
I get my son the £5 goody bag on GiffGaff 100 mins + 300 texts + 100mb date or they also do £7.50 250mins+ unlimted texts + 500mb date it works on the O2 network and comes with 4g free if you phone is capable
we have been with giffgaff 2 year no problem and its PAYG so total control over a 12 year old lol hope this helps
29 Dec 15 #114
Good price with 4g
29 Dec 15 #115
Yes I you are correct but the point I was trying to make was that as this company have a bad reputation for putting unjustified charges on people's accounts if these were not paid it would be reported to the respondents credit file and this would end up on his credit record
29 Dec 15 #116
Also £7.50 with 2gig data....
29 Dec 15 #117
Ordered yesterday and is nightmare since. I never thought poor customer service will affect me so badly. The order was declined because it failed credit check (Can you believe for £5 sim only). I called up them and they wont tell me why. I have direct debit set for number of services along with mortgage and never in my life had issues on credit worthiness. I checked my file with 2 credit check agencies and that looks next to excellent as well. There was entry by Carphonewarehouse (seems they do it via CPW although I placed order on ID mobile website) and it was green tick. Checked addresses, searches, and bank details all uptodate. I called up id mobile and they somehow assume you are existing customer and ask you repeatedly you ID mobile number. After 5 repeats you either go to CS or sale but none were helpful, you can hardly hear them the phone voice is rubbish and with whatever feeble noise that comes out, non is useful. Best luck to all who have managed with them but I am only hoping this search has not dented my credit record and very happy to get rid of these idiots early on.
29 Dec 15 #119
[quote=midian09]quick question...
How do rolling contracts work? friend wants a cheap sim for her 12 yr old. this sounds good. but will she need to give her bank details? or can it be just topped up with card like PAYG? will number just expire if not paid on time?

Try giffgaff, no direct debit, you pay by card each month and if you don't it just stops until you pay again.
mikegahan to boonergooner
29 Dec 15 #132
No rolling contracts like this will entitle ID to take direct debt payments from nominated bank account for the value of the contract PLUS any extra usage eg mobile data so the cost could rocket. Normally the remedy is to ask provider to cap the amount that can be spent, but not clear if ID will allow this also capping is not foolproof
29 Dec 15 1 #120
29 Dec 15 #121
Anyone know if you can you get London Underground wifi with ID?
29 Dec 15 #122
Short answer is no, you can with Three mobile(via the Virgin wireless network). Although ID use the Three network via piggyback, this does not give you this benefit
glovebox1 to mikegahan
29 Dec 15 #123
Is there a long answer that is yes? A workaround perhaps?
29 Dec 15 #124
My SIM was delivered today, only ordered yesterday! All good so far...
29 Dec 15 #125
Total pain in the *** trying to activate this. The verification SMS takes ages to come through, so by the time it does the session expires in the browser.

I rang CS who were helpful and gave me the code. It works, made my account... and then what happens when I try to log in? It sends another verification code out I need to use :disappointed:
29 Dec 15 #126
Would like to know if I can use the tethering of internet to my laptop on this ID sim cards. As my current lyca doesnt allow me to tether.
AndyRoyd to Raj555
29 Dec 15 #127
Lyca "doesn't allow" as in actively blocks tethering, or is simply excluded as a t&c ?
29 Dec 15 #128
Got it sorted. Taking in mind I pretty much had no usable data signal with TalkTalk when in the house, I get H+ here and ~13Mbps download. Not bad at all :smiley:
29 Dec 15 #129
Not that I am aware of, perhaps you could get a SIM only deal with Virgin, or Three mobile they have some (small) discounts on 12 month sim only deals at the moment, thaT would entitle you to the wireless on the Tube
29 Dec 15 #130
Went for this before I saw this post. Given my broadband is awful ive always had to tether. I was on giffgaff always on data plan to do this and its always been excellent for me in this regard.

I got a router that supports sim cards for xmas so I needed to keep my number and get a new giffgaff account for my tethering. So I went for this plan for my phone in the hope I could move my giffgaff number across....

First of all royal mail should be delivering but nope you get an email from dpd saying they'll b delivering so you got to wait in for a poxy sim card. This was my first eyebrow raising moment ...missinformstion.

They will do a credit check on you and they will charge you from the day you order. I ordered on Sunday and have already had my first bill. I dunno how much for because...

You can't create an account online with them. You get sent a code via txt which you put in when registering only it doesn't f*****g work!!!! Not only this but ive received about 10 activation codes today, at random. None work! F*****g usless.

I phoned them to report the issue and to be honest I did get through quickly to "John" in India. Nice man, said he would report the website issue f he will. Anyway "John" said he transfer my number and told me it could take 3 days. 3 days? I said. He said it will probably happen tomorrow and that was that. So we shall see, and I still can't make an account online to check my bill or what number I'm actually using.

Oh and the signal is abysmal :smiley:. They'll offer double data since they can't provide a signal with which ine can use said data on.

I'll see how it goes this month and move on if I get further troubles. They do seem slow, half whitted and idiotic however
29 Dec 15 #131
Just tried again and got 2 codes at the same time. Neither work and then right before posting I got another txy with another activation code. Farcical !
29 Dec 15 #133
Anyone who takes out this deal, should come back here and tell everyone who it works out for them....I already know.

Shocking, even though the deals are capped, they still go over and will charge hundreds of pounds for going over your internet allowance.

I believe they say that there is a delay between you going over your cap and it actually being cut off.

Anyone taking out the deal, PLEASE come back and tell us how it went, good or bad...
29 Dec 15 #134
OK I have now managed at last to register my account. When I login it says I have 993MB of 1GB left, however under my contract details it says my allowance is the standard 500MB.

Again there is a discontinuity between information's displayed. Given the reputation this company has, I'm very sceptical about going over 500MB but for me personally I don't use my phone phone for much .
30 Dec 15 #135
Hi, would this SIM be compatible with an Iphone on EE network?
preecey to goku23
30 Dec 15 #136
Unfortunately not. It may work on Three locked iPhones though.
30 Dec 15 1 #137
Apart from their slow SMS verification server, it's been flawless for me so far. Old number transferred over already! :smiley:
30 Dec 15 1 #138
Another vote for a pain free pac code transfer of my old number here. Here's hoping the rest of my time with iD is as easy. :smiley:
31 Dec 15 #139
does anyone know how long this offer will last till ? want to go for one of these but need to give 30days notice to my current network
31 Dec 15 #140
does anyone know how long this offer will last till ? want to go for one of these but need to give 30days notice to my current network
jazzuk777 to bibekpd1
31 Dec 15 #141
If you go through tcb you'll get the first month's equivalent back anyway. That's what I did.
John Mason to bibekpd1
31 Dec 15 #143
No but just get your PAC from them. If you don't use it you just carry on with them so if the deal ends before you can move no harm done
31 Dec 15 #142
Once registered, you can just enter your PAC via the iD app. You can pick the day, so just arrange for the working day nearest the end of the 30 day notice period.

I also switched off premium and international calls via the app, leaving roaming on.

The app doesn't appear to be real-time like My3
31 Dec 15 1 #144
This plan is no longer available, they now only the 500mb £5 plan which is what it was originally.

Mr No to NGPinternational388
2 Jan 16 #148
Still showing for me.
1 Jan 16 #145
So far so good for me. I had to call their customer services due to the authorization codes not being sent to the phone, but got straight through to someone in India, and to be fair they sorted it very quickly and were very helpful. The number was transferred next day without any issues, and as we were on 3 before, the signal hasn't changed, just says 'iD' instead of '3'. Also, their online portal is pretty good, nice and easy to understand. Can't comment on any account caps yet, but will post back if anything changes...
2 Jan 16 #146
I think it is the phone which actually registers with the tube wifi. You need an activation code to a supported sim though just to get started, but once you have done that you can change the sim. If you got one of those 99p ee sims off eBay that might enable you to get set up.
Alternatively you could use a dual sim phone.
2 Jan 16 #147
I think you are right. Which is great as I bit the bullet and ordered the ID sim, despite some bed reviews. So far so good, ordered Dec 30, arrived Dec 31! But we shall see!
4 Jan 16 #149
It's back, it did vanish briefly however.
4 Jan 16 #150
Is the direct debit/contract active from the day you buy the sim or the day you activate it?

My current contract expires at the end of January so I want to set this up from 1st February but I don't know whether to wait before buying it or buy it now and wait to activate the simcard...
4 Jan 16 #151
It's back to only 500mb or am I looking at the wrong one?
4 Jan 16 #152
Yes I can only see 500mb, anybody else see 1Gb?
5 Jan 16 #153
Can you port a Three number over to ID?
jamel to nickeva
5 Jan 16 #157
Yes, I ported from 3 to ID. Was done next day with no issues.
5 Jan 16 #154
Seems to have expired
5 Jan 16 #155
It's not been available for over 24h, though it still shows on ID website's homepage
5 Jan 16 #156
where does it show on the homepage?
Anybody been able to sign up to the deal today??
9 Jan 16 #158
Is this deal still available?
9 Jan 16 #159
Deal expired
9 Jan 16 1 #160
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