Voted Hot because it's a great price, but anyone wanting to get a new GPU will be better off waiting a few months if possible. Both Polaris and Pascal cards SHOULD be released in the Summer at the latest imo, my money would be on the beginning of April to coincide with the launches of the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive. Even if you have to wait until the Summer, HBM2 will be worth the wait - more VRAM and MUCH more memory bandwidth compared to a 980Ti.
Latest comments (106)
3 Apr 16#106
Literally never listen to advice from Ferrari100. He has the worst speculation accuracy on these forums. Someone looked at around 15 of his previous predictions and he was correct on only 1 or 2 of them.
He is so extremely biased that he will say anything to discredit NVIDIA and bolster AMD.
We are not sure if he's paid or sponsored by AMD, but he's owned every top end AMD since the 7990.
I'm not sure how someone can justify buying a 290x, 390x, Nano, and then a Fury X. Especially considering the Fury X came out before the Nano!
11 Mar 16#105
30 Jan 1615#14
I don't think I could ever justify spending 500 quid on a gpu.
paul.crome to jonesy172
15 Feb 16#102
VR may change your mind
bully1 to jonesy172
3 Mar 16#104
innit. or maybe I'm just getting old I
was looking at a £59 GPU and begrudge to pay that. pifff
16 Feb 16#103
Yes Its only 3 months left and we gonna know what polaris can Wich should kill 980ti for now only 970/390 and used Card worth getting if u got them u have to wait 4 months with theese :wink:) or sell it now when u can get 80-90-% of price i got my 970. G1 for sale only £260 London ;d 6-7 month old like a new
3 Feb 161#101
Can't really justify over £400 for a 980ti with Pascal only a month or so away
3 Feb 16#100
If you're waiting for Pascal and expecting 980ti performance in 2016 then you're a buffoon (Unless Nvidia drop the Titan first, but that'll cost close to a grand)
3 Feb 16#99
He gets paid by AMD to spout nonsense.
2 Feb 16#98
You what son?
2 Feb 16#97
Ok.... That's not overly biased at all, right?
1 Feb 16#96
Not so much but I can give you links to good videos and suggest you monitor there channel they have many updates related to tech and performance.
Let me know how you get on, each of them have a lot of interesting videos so id start there, I just link to current vids but again there a lot of different topics and tech, joker does an 80/90 tech news vid every week will keep you up to date id go back and watch his tech vids over the last month or so if you've got the time.
The first link has some great videos on the tech world on gpu's really well researched and very interesting.
The last link is digital foundry very un biased reviews lots of benchmarks, overclocking, how sys ram now effects games as tests show, constant benchmarks, reviews, and summery of performance on recent games.
1 Feb 16#95
actually i tell a lie, i do like HBAO+ (in this game, good luck using it assasins creed or something) but everything else can GTFO. I couldn't care less about allegiance but i am interested in getting the best performance in my games (thought not necessarily the best price to performance) and found the graph showing updated AMD performance in fallout interesting, do you know of any websites, resources that update their benchmarks on a regular basia?
1 Feb 16#94
true hair was done by amd and incorporated by nvidia so that's why it works well buddy it's amd tech :smirk:
1 Feb 16#91
It seems FRAPS caps my FPS to 60, how do I change this as there is no option? of is this a game setting?
adam0812 to paulrwarner
1 Feb 16#93
in the display menu you can select 24/60/120/144 fps
1 Feb 161#92
As a 980ti i can say gameworks features are complete crap for the most part. i play on a 1440/144 and you'd be mental to throw away so many FPS for "enhanced rain". In fact truehair in this game is the only gameworks feature i have ever used as it comes at an acceptable cost.
1 Feb 161#88
Some good points here - TR not a great port but a great game - 970 should run at 1080/60 - maybe a patch will fix the VRAM issue - 980ti if that can't handle the same at near £500 then best wait for Pascall cards
adam0812 to paulrwarner
1 Feb 16#90
game runs avg of 70fps @ 1440p for me mostly maxed apart from shadows, smaa and screen effects off on my 980ti. Geothermal valley drops to about 55fps but then can get up to 90fps in smaller spaces.
1 Feb 16#89
Literally nothing in my post that you replied to was discussing Nvidia.
I was talking about 1080p, 60fps and you attack me about being a fanboy and blindly doing things?
I disagree with you because you often post without using sources. Ask yourself this: "Do I have a source for what I'm saying." Then do this. Post that source.
1 Feb 16#87
The xbox PS and WiiU all can achieve 1080p 60fps no problem.
The issue is how high you want to crank up the IQ. This isn't about 1080p/60fps, it's about what level of IQ you expect from your games.
You could have a game with insane IQ (Image Quality) running 1080p/60fps that would be too hard for any GPU out there right now.
I wouldn't believe VRAM being the issue for a second.
1 Feb 16#84
No, his post doesn't suggest he doesn't know.
It's clearly a turn of phrase saying that the drivers are bad so it doesn't matter. It's pedantic to try to discredit the content statement based on the phrasing.
31 Jan 163#83
listen mate if you spend £270 on a gpu you expect 1080p @60fps maxed anything else is going backwards and is a badly optimized game, make all the excuses you like but on a gtx 970 you should not need to turn down settings on a 2015 game just to achieve [email protected] unless it's AA down a step, that's it, and that is the consensus around the forums and youtube, 15 months after the release of a gtx 970 and you can't even get [email protected], give me a break.
As for playing it lol no, what have I been saying? the game looks good sure but NVidia has F**ked it up I'm not buying the game lol what a joke, same as I won't be buying an NVidia gpu, it's stupid there behaviour is there for all to see, you'd need to be blind not to see it.
I won't help fund NVidia's greed or choke hold on gamers by buying there cards or there gimp works games, buy doing so id be helping to destroy gaming on the pc at the cost of filling NVidia's pockets.
Why are people still questioning this geez google is right there take some time and see just what's going on spend the day watching youtube videos on the Facts of what's going on not this oh I have a green card I support mentality, wake up.
Let me put in terms everyone can understand, ok take rise of the tomb raider in all its glory all the code etc. etc. now you give that game to AMD and what happens? well we get the same beautiful game only we can easily play [email protected] maxed out, no worries with room to spare in-fact, coincidence? I think not.
Now add to which it won't just be maxed out on AMD cards but on NVidia cards aswell, you see AMD don't create stuff to cripple other cards, unlike NVidia, AMD only design to make the product better and therefor gaming better for us, while NVidia scheme and plot away telling BS creating crazy code to gimp gpu's on both sides (more so AMD) and also to force NVidia people to buy more gpu's. (nice tactics there NVidia :confused: )
Now if in any doubt look at the last tomb raider that was a perfect port and who was involved oh ye amd, this tomb raider game is f**ked due to NVidia, plain and simple, if your still in doubt do us all a favour and do some research and you'll see, please just look into your self that's all I ask, don't take my word look into it yourself, now that comment in itself should speak volumes right there.
More informed people is a good thing and if people are more aware then they're in a position to help gamers all over, if not were back to consoles for the price vs performance ratio.
£270 every 15/16 months for a new gpu just to max [email protected] is unacceptable.
My god even the talk has it that the ps5 or xboxtwo that are being discussed will not be 1440p clearly but it is rumoured that they will be? yes you guessed 1080p @60fps locked, now I find it hard to believe that even in 2 yrs or 2 1/2 yrs that the new consoles will have the equivalent of a 970/ti/980/380/380x/390, but if what were led to believe is true that's what they'll need I mean we can't get the job done now on rise of the tomb raider on a 970/380 without quality cost.
31 Jan 16#82
You can get that if you lower settings though. There is nothing wrong with how the game is optimised. Have you played it?
31 Jan 16#81
Just finished watching the video you posted. As an AMD GPU user, I'm more than aware of these problems with GameWorks titles. What can we do about it? There's so much money involved here. GameWorks is marketing, and it's working. I guess more videos like this will help :wink:
31 Jan 16#80
thx for that so it looks like there just targeting businesses then oem systems so any of us should be ok until 2020. if I'm reading it right and if they don't change there guarantee again.
31 Jan 161#79
I found globally setting maximum tessellation level to 8x helps a lot.
31 Jan 16#78
ok then so no full 1080p @60fps on a 970 is a badly optimized game, as for blaming NVidia yes I can you see they f**ked with the game so it doesn't matter if you use an amd card or a NVidia, this is NVidia game works, please do some research.
I have no real issues with build 10586.71 (10586 initial release 15th Nov 2015) which is the current latest Windows 10 consumer build. If you're on build 10240 then you really need to update. I had some one come in with build 11099 yesterday, they must have clicked on the Insider preview program in Windows update, it was a total shambles, but of course it's a beta release of a future version of Windows 10. I would just update to 10586.71 (.75 possibly coming very soon).
31 Jan 16#76
Everyone knows AMD drivers are pants on release and take months for them to get it right, I used IF in the slightest of chances they get it right with Polaris. I do know what I'm talking about, even if I use IF as I cant predict the future.
31 Jan 16#75
Anyone saying they are playing maxed out on a 970 smoothly, will change their minds about an hour in as that is where it gets very system intensive. You won't be maxing out settings then, trust me. People with 980ti are having their cards sweat, so the 970 will have no chance.
As to your previous point, I don't see how you can blame Nvidia, as the AMD equivalents don't perform any better with this game. It is just a demanding title. It does a lot more than the previous game:
31 Jan 16#74
Just update :stuck_out_tongue:
30 Jan 16#73
lol ye I'm holding out hope for a change in dx on win7 then move back to my z97 haswell setup, I never though I'd be punished or forced to upgrade to win 10 after buying the latest intel skylake and z170 platform, if I knew that I would have just stuck with my z97, it's really annoying and it's only getting worse, I'm sure many others will be asking why?, also if sales for skylake/z170 weren't bad enough this will surely put another few nails in the coffin.
30 Jan 16#72
It is but I gave in when it was released. No serious problems so far. I updated entirely for future DX12 games.
30 Jan 16#71
Hmm ok no idea what that is buddy, win 10 is all over the place im tryin real hard to avoid it, so much work from the get go trying to dump all the spyware it's insane, now there saying anyone on skylake will loose windows 7/8 support by 2017 forcing every skylake z170 user on to windows 10.
Insane, it's well out of hand.
30 Jan 16#70
You can using Group Policy.
30 Jan 16#69
Ok well if your getting it pretty much maxed apart from one setting at a stable 60fps then that's gd that's how it should be, but I have to ask are you sure because the forums and youtube are full of gamers complaining the 970 won't do stable 60 fps on or near max.
If your getting it that's great I'd except that all but one setting, but if others can't replicate that then its bad a lot of people bought a 970 now only to find out it won't even play the latest games on full at only 1080p @60fps? that's very hard to take.
Also forgive me if I'm wrong I'm not on win 10 but I was told you cant turn of updates?
30 Jan 16#68
What average FPS?
30 Jan 16#67
Rise of tomb raider runs no problem at 1080p with my 970g. Settings on max apart from one setting and that's on high. The game looks absolutely outstanding on PC. It ran at 4K until the last Windows 10 update. I've disabled them as every update slows my PC down until I sort it out.
30 Jan 161#66
Ok this imo but it's badly optimized ok it looks great but if the game can't do 1080p @60fps on or near ultra on a 970 then it's bad, ok if it were 1440p fine but come on 1080p @60fps on a 970 and it's out of the question on ultra that's not a good port.
The game itself is not hugely different from the last in terms of looks etc. so we have to ask were is the performance going? well I'm going with NVidia gimp works.
Now if your telling me that a Maxwell 970 not being that old can't run this game that was built in 2015, and that's well progress really?
well that gpu didn't last long, when the gtx 970 come out? and already on a 2015 built game is can't even max out 1080p @60 fps.
Ye F**k that something is very wrong NVidia may want people to run out and buy another card but I won't be one of them, they gimp there games, they gimp there cards in order to brick amd cards and sell more of there own what a con.
I'm done with NVidia and it's about time people took a good hard look here, its been 15 months since the 970 release (I think), it easily destroys 1080p @60fps, (geez the 960's pretty close) well apart from gameworks games, come on do you really believe that the gpu is just old? is this what were getting out of gpu's now 15months, the 970 was only just coming out when the game was being developed, wow rise of the tomb raider it must really be ahead of it's time.
30 Jan 16#65
It's only runs on a 970 without your eyes watering on high. I tired very high with lowered textures and frame rate is not smooth enough. But I agree it looks good on very high!
30 Jan 16#64
This game has a lot more going on graphically than the last game. It is still a decent port, as it allows you to scale the game according to your hardware very efficiently. If you have a Titan X you are going to get the best out of this game, which is as it should be. If games could be 'maxed out' on a 970 forever, it would show that games are not advancing at all. It still runs beautifully on a 970 if you compromise.
30 Jan 16#63
30 Jan 16#62
Oh. it's a thing then. How in this day after a great port of the other game can this still happen?
30 Jan 16#61
Good price but a lot for a gpu, anyone not wanting to spend this much is better off getting a fury nano due to current prices putting it at much better price to performance ratio. Still, both are good cards.
30 Jan 16#60
Your post suggests you don't actually know if what you're saying is true or not since you use the clause 'if'
30 Jan 16#59
Thats all well and good, but if AMDs drivers are still pants it a null point.
30 Jan 16#56
Anyone running tomb raider with a i5, SSD and a 970 on ultra setting and getting constant 60FPS? Mine drops to 2FPS and freezes when anything fast happens like the bear chase. Only stable on high and game looks mediocre if I'm honest.
garryallen to paulrwarner
30 Jan 161#58
There isn't enough VRAM on the 970 to cope with Very High textures. Even people with the 6GB 980ti are suffering. Try lowering textures to High.
30 Jan 161#57
Nvidia is all about closed technology whilst AMD usually makes the technology open source. Nvidia Gameworks is ruining gaming >
AMD OpenGPU - As the name says Open. So even though AMD suffer at the hands of closed tech Nvidia, they still release their tech as a whole as Open Source.
Nvidia are taking you all for mugs.
30 Jan 16#55
I agree, the 'Ti' is like apple's 's' versions before the next big thing!
I got 295x2 about 18 months ago for 480, still very happy with it and dx12 should breathe new life into 290 series. Otherwise would wait to see what comes in 2016, should be dx12 friendly all round hopefully and fingers crossed some decent competition between the two companies to drive prices down.
Gtx 780 the division beta high quality 39fps
Think it might be time to upgrade
fishmaster to mosse33
30 Jan 16#52
That's a shame, think how it would have run before they dumb downed the graphics.
30 Jan 164#44
Voted Hot because it's a great price, but anyone wanting to get a new GPU will be better off waiting a few months if possible. Both Polaris and Pascal cards SHOULD be released in the Summer at the latest imo, my money would be on the beginning of April to coincide with the launches of the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive. Even if you have to wait until the Summer, HBM2 will be worth the wait - more VRAM and MUCH more memory bandwidth compared to a 980Ti.
XP200 to thesnowdog
30 Jan 16#51
Yeap, once the new cards are launched these card prices will drop like a stone as people offload then to upgrade to the new cards, waiting a few months could snap you a really good bargain card wise.
30 Jan 161#50
Perfect video and it explains it a lot better than the argument i have had with the fan boys on here. They really do gimp there cards and costs more than a handful of ponds in the meter each year in the long run.there really should be no need to upgrade your card each gen or other gen. Use to buy nvidia years ago but they are complete scum bags since they have taken the majority of the market share but then u could say that about ANY of the companies that are doing business. They don't care about us but just want to get fat of our wallets.
30 Jan 162#49
Brilliant vid. I've been looking into this for a while now and that video explains it well.
I actually feel guilty for owning a Nvidia card!
Nvidia are ruining the PC gaming experience.
I'm voting with my feet next Generation of cards and switching to AMD even if I have to put up with a few borked games for a while.
I hope other people will aswell. People need to switch in order to make the market more competitive. Maybe then nvidia will pull there finger out and stop been sly bas***ds.
30 Jan 161#48
Actually buddy that's kinda old now the new driver updates change those results drastically and with further improvement from this yrs polaris drivers and dx12 titles he's kinda right the fury x does beat the 980ti and will continue to pull away, but you could try n see if those newer test results are kicking around and you'll be able to judge for yourself.
It really was a shame amd never released it in a better state because all those test results are hanging around giving wrong info, but this won't stop amd or NVidia from doing the same thing this year, rush it out n fix with drivers later, more so NVidia they're a little behind so there's a little more rush there, but better drivers on release would help with the confusion all around from both sides, that and the removal of gimp works from future games, will help all gamers.
If NVidia spent more time making better tech rather than trying to brick amd cards we'd all be better off, also amd working open source helps further advance tech not attack the competition, after doing a lot of research over the last few weeks I can't support NVidia and there greed along with there lies, it's really crippling gaming for everyone, rise of the tomb raider is a gd example look at the last game now look at this one, not good, yes they hurt there own cards with game works but they do it for many reasons two of which are - 1. it hurts Amd more at the moment. & 2. it forces gamers to Unnecessarily upgrade there nvidia gpus every few years.
so as far as there concerned it's win win, I'll be backing amd this year and for the future, if NVidia keep up what there doing there will be no gamers left to buy there cards.
Please stop ruining every graphics card post with your ill-informed bias.
30 Jan 16#46
I'm tempted to get the R9 380 4GB, I'm just not sure whether my CPU AMD 6300 stock will bottleneck it.
I'd also need another PSU (current 430w) so there's that added cost.
30 Jan 162#45
It's pretty sad how many people are choosing to ignore it... very, very sad state of affairs...
30 Jan 162#43
Everyone should watch that video, thanks for posting it.
30 Jan 163#41
What bugs me most is when people say that cards like 980Ti is waste for 1080p, but for the newer demanding games it obviously isn't. Especially not for those running 120hz/144hz screens either, but each to their own.
30 Jan 161#42
But they are very rare. It's hardly new either how many times have you seen 'can it play crysis'.
Rise of the tomb raider is also CPU thread heavy.
The downside for the developer is many people won't buy the game on PC (including me until I see some crossfire results) as they won't have the hardware.
30 Jan 16#40
Too much is given to async computing, it's like when Tessellation came out.
30 Jan 16#39
Ye I saw that to it's good if they can but most believe that will be delayed it looks like there just flexing, hyping up there release to combat the amd press, it's also believed that the pascal titan is being rushed through in order to put something up against amd, I think this is a mistake it will cause more bad press for NVidia if there titan is unfinished or a poor performer based on this years titan, but only time will tell.
30 Jan 16#36
NVIDIA aways launch a card around March April time
tempt to elrasho
30 Jan 16#37
Pascal Titan expected to launch in April. The others follow suit and it'll be six to nine months before the mainstream cards hit the road.
revolver31 to elrasho
30 Jan 16#38
rumors are that AMD will release march/april with NVidia launching in july/aug/sept, but it's all speculation on the dates it does look like amd will be first out the gate and most agree nvidia will be at least 4 weeks after amd's release.
30 Jan 16#35
No release date yet so a few months away is speculation.
30 Jan 163#34
But you need to try and understand the reason why, and if funding Nvidia is serving you and your money in the long run. If someone mugged you in the street, you wouldn't be singing their praises, so I don't see why that wouldn't apply to manufacturers also, just because they are much more slick in how they are mugging you.
Imho you should do that wait for the new version of the r9 380/x/390/x better perf, power usage and dx12, compute, etc.
30 Jan 161#32
tomb raider is badly optimized again with nvidia gimp works is messing it up you can't even do 1080p 60fps on a 970 with dropping a bunch of settings, that should not be happening at 1080p not with the tech we have today, the last tomb raider was perfect an amazing port this is F**ked with NVidia gimp works there killing gaming on the pc, put me off buying rise of the tomb raider.
30 Jan 16#15
Wonder if we'll see a decent replacement for a low profile, pcie only powered 750ti in the next 18 months.
revolver31 to jaydeeuk1
30 Jan 16#31
yes I think so the 960 wasn't to far off and rumors have at least on the amd side that they can half power consumption so I'd expect a 950/950 ti, maybe even a 960 level on the pcie power and of course on the amd side it should be easier for them to meet these power requirements being on 14nm as apposed to NVidia 16nm, the difference on the surface is small but spread across the chip could yield 5/10 watts saving, my minds eye is looking at the new r9 380 with huge perf bump and hopefully around 90w, so only a single 6 pin, I don't think it will fall to 75w well maybe reference throttled but then after market and overclock I can't see it holding the 75w pcie power regs, would be nice though.
The new gtx 960 or r9 380 cards is where I'm looking this year with those cards we should be into the area of this years 970/390 performance with half the power and heat leaving a better overclock option, gddr5x over gddr5 = more speed perf, all cards will b at least 4gb, true 4gb not 3.5gb fast 0.5 slow, I'd expect to see 6gb gddr5x cards and that will be the goto card, we will see hbm2 but NVidia will certainly keep that for there top 2/3 cards.
Amd with Samsung on there side might have more access to hbm2 and I'd really like to see that on 80% of the amd cards but I doubt it, it is however possible that amd will put hbm2 on the r9 380 and up words and at 8gb vram.
It's rare the fury is faster in any game, most of the time this is the common performance you see between the 2
30 Jan 161#29
Really interesting channel, thanks for this. I have subscribed.
30 Jan 16#28
awesome GRAHFIKZ!
30 Jan 16#27
That's awesome
30 Jan 162#26
Damn I just bought a gtx 970 g1 gaming to replace my R9 290 tri-x. Going to bench the 290 on tomb raider before I send it back and compare it to the 970. If Dx12 really does help amd come the summer I'll just get amazon to refund the gtx 970.
30 Jan 161#25
Wait. Pascal is a few months away and should bring some significant power:cost benefits.
30 Jan 161#10
I know the feeling, my R9 270X 4gb is just about holding in there too.
mrmcdermot to spliffhead
30 Jan 16#24
how is tomb raider coping with a 270 mate?
30 Jan 167#23
You might want to do yourself and everyone else a favour, and consider if buying Nvidia cards is not a wise choice:
lol. I need to show this to my mate. he spent £530+ for the same card two days ago.
Ferrari100 to Bigspin
30 Jan 16#22
He is really gonna regret that come summer time, regardless of price.
30 Jan 163#6
Tomb raider is stuttering with max settings on a 970 - bet it will plough through with this 980ti
But with new cards coming soon prices on these cards should fall dramatically.
rehanraza80 to paulrwarner
30 Jan 16#7
I highly doubt, as 970 still holding same prices for long time.
Ferrari100 to paulrwarner
30 Jan 161#21
The 970's 3.5GB full speed GDDR5 Vram really shines on this title. [carcasm]
30 Jan 161#20
Fury X all day long.
Smaller, quieter And on average 5-10 faster than the 980Ti.
And has asynchronous compute which will be paramount in games arriving from Summer with the launch of Deus EX: Mankind divided.
Any body buying Nvidia now will regret it by the end of the year.
Inclined to agree. I have a feeling nvidia will not want to release new parts any faster than they absolutely have to. To eventually shuffle prices downward they'll likely sell a mid-size chip with Titan performance for 980 money.
30 Jan 165#11
I'd wait tbh for the new cards
30 Jan 16#9
Hot! Fab price.
I'm so close to pulling the trigger on a top tier GPU but I'm torn...
Buy this Gainward GTX 980Ti PHOENIX GS NVIDIA Graphics Card 6GB @£479.98
Buy the Sapphire AMD Radeon R9 FURY X HBM Graphics Card 4 GB @£469.98
Or wait to see how Polaris and Pascal pan out? My existing i5 2500 & R9 270X seem adequate enough for Insurgency & FC4 but GTA V & AC Syndicate is not so good. :smiley:
30 Jan 161#4
Shame, not 24GB. Thus cold.
delusion to HedgyHoggy
30 Jan 16#8
Although I paid far less for my 980ti, I still think this is a good deal. What am I missing? (a joke)
30 Jan 16#5
Not bad at all.
30 Jan 16#3
Good price - bought an Asus Strix GTX 980 Ti last week for £530 from amazon
30 Jan 161#1
Just spotted this myself. Great value for an aftermarket card.
Opening post
Top comments
Video:My analysis of Nvidia's GameWorks program paints a bleak picture for gamers - and the future of gaming.
Discussion:Nvidia's Gameworks nerfing AMD cards and its own previous-gen GPU's?
I'd wait tbh for the new cards
Latest comments (106)
He is so extremely biased that he will say anything to discredit NVIDIA and bolster AMD.
We are not sure if he's paid or sponsored by AMD, but he's owned every top end AMD since the 7990.
I'm not sure how someone can justify buying a 290x, 390x, Nano, and then a Fury X. Especially considering the Fury X came out before the Nano!
was looking at a £59 GPU and begrudge to pay that. pifff
Let me know how you get on, each of them have a lot of interesting videos so id start there, I just link to current vids but again there a lot of different topics and tech, joker does an 80/90 tech news vid every week will keep you up to date id go back and watch his tech vids over the last month or so if you've got the time.
The first link has some great videos on the tech world on gpu's really well researched and very interesting.
The last link is digital foundry very un biased reviews lots of benchmarks, overclocking, how sys ram now effects games as tests show, constant benchmarks, reviews, and summery of performance on recent games.
I was talking about 1080p, 60fps and you attack me about being a fanboy and blindly doing things?
I disagree with you because you often post without using sources. Ask yourself this: "Do I have a source for what I'm saying." Then do this. Post that source.
The issue is how high you want to crank up the IQ. This isn't about 1080p/60fps, it's about what level of IQ you expect from your games.
You could have a game with insane IQ (Image Quality) running 1080p/60fps that would be too hard for any GPU out there right now.,10.html
It's clearly a turn of phrase saying that the drivers are bad so it doesn't matter. It's pedantic to try to discredit the content statement based on the phrasing.
As for playing it lol no, what have I been saying? the game looks good sure but NVidia has F**ked it up I'm not buying the game lol what a joke, same as I won't be buying an NVidia gpu, it's stupid there behaviour is there for all to see, you'd need to be blind not to see it.
I won't help fund NVidia's greed or choke hold on gamers by buying there cards or there gimp works games, buy doing so id be helping to destroy gaming on the pc at the cost of filling NVidia's pockets.
Why are people still questioning this geez google is right there take some time and see just what's going on spend the day watching youtube videos on the Facts of what's going on not this oh I have a green card I support mentality, wake up.
Let me put in terms everyone can understand, ok take rise of the tomb raider in all its glory all the code etc. etc. now you give that game to AMD and what happens? well we get the same beautiful game only we can easily play [email protected] maxed out, no worries with room to spare in-fact, coincidence? I think not.
Now add to which it won't just be maxed out on AMD cards but on NVidia cards aswell, you see AMD don't create stuff to cripple other cards, unlike NVidia, AMD only design to make the product better and therefor gaming better for us, while NVidia scheme and plot away telling BS creating crazy code to gimp gpu's on both sides (more so AMD) and also to force NVidia people to buy more gpu's. (nice tactics there NVidia :confused: )
Now if in any doubt look at the last tomb raider that was a perfect port and who was involved oh ye amd, this tomb raider game is f**ked due to NVidia, plain and simple, if your still in doubt do us all a favour and do some research and you'll see, please just look into your self that's all I ask, don't take my word look into it yourself, now that comment in itself should speak volumes right there.
More informed people is a good thing and if people are more aware then they're in a position to help gamers all over, if not were back to consoles for the price vs performance ratio.
£270 every 15/16 months for a new gpu just to max [email protected] is unacceptable.
My god even the talk has it that the ps5 or xboxtwo that are being discussed will not be 1440p clearly but it is rumoured that they will be? yes you guessed 1080p @60fps locked, now I find it hard to believe that even in 2 yrs or 2 1/2 yrs that the new consoles will have the equivalent of a 970/ti/980/380/380x/390, but if what were led to believe is true that's what they'll need I mean we can't get the job done now on rise of the tomb raider on a 970/380 without quality cost.
I have no real issues with build 10586.71 (10586 initial release 15th Nov 2015) which is the current latest Windows 10 consumer build. If you're on build 10240 then you really need to update. I had some one come in with build 11099 yesterday, they must have clicked on the Insider preview program in Windows update, it was a total shambles, but of course it's a beta release of a future version of Windows 10. I would just update to 10586.71 (.75 possibly coming very soon).
As to your previous point, I don't see how you can blame Nvidia, as the AMD equivalents don't perform any better with this game. It is just a demanding title. It does a lot more than the previous game:
Insane, it's well out of hand.
If your getting it that's great I'd except that all but one setting, but if others can't replicate that then its bad a lot of people bought a 970 now only to find out it won't even play the latest games on full at only 1080p @60fps? that's very hard to take.
Also forgive me if I'm wrong I'm not on win 10 but I was told you cant turn of updates?
The game itself is not hugely different from the last in terms of looks etc. so we have to ask were is the performance going? well I'm going with NVidia gimp works.
Now if your telling me that a Maxwell 970 not being that old can't run this game that was built in 2015, and that's well progress really?
well that gpu didn't last long, when the gtx 970 come out? and already on a 2015 built game is can't even max out 1080p @60 fps.
Ye F**k that something is very wrong NVidia may want people to run out and buy another card but I won't be one of them, they gimp there games, they gimp there cards in order to brick amd cards and sell more of there own what a con.
I'm done with NVidia and it's about time people took a good hard look here, its been 15 months since the 970 release (I think), it easily destroys 1080p @60fps, (geez the 960's pretty close) well apart from gameworks games, come on do you really believe that the gpu is just old? is this what were getting out of gpu's now 15months, the 970 was only just coming out when the game was being developed, wow rise of the tomb raider it must really be ahead of it's time.
Nvidia Gameworks - Closed technology
AMD OpenGPU - As the name says Open. So even though AMD suffer at the hands of closed tech Nvidia, they still release their tech as a whole as Open Source.
Nvidia are taking you all for mugs.
I got 295x2 about 18 months ago for 480, still very happy with it and dx12 should breathe new life into 290 series. Otherwise would wait to see what comes in 2016, should be dx12 friendly all round hopefully and fingers crossed some decent competition between the two companies to drive prices down.
Think it might be time to upgrade
I actually feel guilty for owning a Nvidia card!
Nvidia are ruining the PC gaming experience.
I'm voting with my feet next Generation of cards and switching to AMD even if I have to put up with a few borked games for a while.
I hope other people will aswell. People need to switch in order to make the market more competitive. Maybe then nvidia will pull there finger out and stop been sly bas***ds.
It really was a shame amd never released it in a better state because all those test results are hanging around giving wrong info, but this won't stop amd or NVidia from doing the same thing this year, rush it out n fix with drivers later, more so NVidia they're a little behind so there's a little more rush there, but better drivers on release would help with the confusion all around from both sides, that and the removal of gimp works from future games, will help all gamers.
If NVidia spent more time making better tech rather than trying to brick amd cards we'd all be better off, also amd working open source helps further advance tech not attack the competition, after doing a lot of research over the last few weeks I can't support NVidia and there greed along with there lies, it's really crippling gaming for everyone, rise of the tomb raider is a gd example look at the last game now look at this one, not good, yes they hurt there own cards with game works but they do it for many reasons two of which are - 1. it hurts Amd more at the moment. & 2. it forces gamers to Unnecessarily upgrade there nvidia gpus every few years.
so as far as there concerned it's win win, I'll be backing amd this year and for the future, if NVidia keep up what there doing there will be no gamers left to buy there cards.
Please stop ruining every graphics card post with your ill-informed bias.
I'd also need another PSU (current 430w) so there's that added cost.
Rise of the tomb raider is also CPU thread heavy.
The downside for the developer is many people won't buy the game on PC (including me until I see some crossfire results) as they won't have the hardware.
Video:My analysis of Nvidia's GameWorks program paints a bleak picture for gamers - and the future of gaming.
Discussion:Nvidia's Gameworks nerfing AMD cards and its own previous-gen GPU's?
The new gtx 960 or r9 380 cards is where I'm looking this year with those cards we should be into the area of this years 970/390 performance with half the power and heat leaving a better overclock option, gddr5x over gddr5 = more speed perf, all cards will b at least 4gb, true 4gb not 3.5gb fast 0.5 slow, I'd expect to see 6gb gddr5x cards and that will be the goto card, we will see hbm2 but NVidia will certainly keep that for there top 2/3 cards.
Amd with Samsung on there side might have more access to hbm2 and I'd really like to see that on 80% of the amd cards but I doubt it, it is however possible that amd will put hbm2 on the r9 380 and up words and at 8gb vram.,7.html
It's rare the fury is faster in any game, most of the time this is the common performance you see between the 2
Video:My analysis of Nvidia's GameWorks program paints a bleak picture for gamers - and the future of gaming.
Discussion:Nvidia's Gameworks nerfing AMD cards and its own previous-gen GPU's?
But with new cards coming soon prices on these cards should fall dramatically.
Smaller, quieter And on average 5-10 faster than the 980Ti.
And has asynchronous compute which will be paramount in games arriving from Summer with the launch of Deus EX: Mankind divided.
Any body buying Nvidia now will regret it by the end of the year.
I'd wait tbh for the new cards
I'm so close to pulling the trigger on a top tier GPU but I'm torn...
Buy this Gainward GTX 980Ti PHOENIX GS NVIDIA Graphics Card 6GB @£479.98
Buy the Sapphire AMD Radeon R9 FURY X HBM Graphics Card 4 GB @£469.98
Or wait to see how Polaris and Pascal pan out? My existing i5 2500 & R9 270X seem adequate enough for Insurgency & FC4 but GTA V & AC Syndicate is not so good. :smiley: