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Fallout 4 PS4 £27.99 delivered @ Go2Games
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Fallout 4 PS4 £27.99 delivered @ Go2Games

£27.99 Go2Games4 Jan 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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4 Jan 16
Good price!

Personally paid more for this and really enjoying it

Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of Fallout 3 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, welcome you to the world of Fallout 4 – their most ambitious game ever, and the next generation of open-world gaming.

As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home.

Key Features:

Freedom and Liberty! Do whatever you want in a massive open world with hundreds of locations, characters, and quests. Join multiple factions vying for power or go it alone, the choices are all yours.
You’re S.P.E.C.I.A.L! Be whoever you want with the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. character system. From a Power Armored soldier to the charismatic smooth talker, you can choose from hundreds of Perks and develop your own playstyle.
Super Deluxe Pixels! An all-new next generation graphics and lighting engine brings to life the world of Fallout like never before. From the blasted forests of the Commonwealth to the ruins of Boston, every location is packed with dynamic detail.
Violence and V.A.T.S.! Intense first or third person combat can also be slowed down with the new dynamic Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System (V.A.T.S) that lets you choose your attacks and enjoy cinematic carnage.
Collect and Build! Collect, upgrade, and build thousands of items in the most advan
Top comments
4 Jan 16 5 #4
No chance of getting bored after 30 mins. The storyline is rich and the environment is huge and challenging.
voyager123 to m_cozzy
4 Jan 16 3 #11
Complex is one thing I've never heard anyone say about fallout games
4 Jan 16 3 #10
1-10 hours = boring as funk
10-40 hours = amazing
40+ hours = slow decline in fun, dwindling down to 'oh, this again'.
Sold on EBay

7/10 for me, your mileage may vary
4 Jan 16 3 #1
Great game. Paid more and no regrets!
All comments (40)
4 Jan 16 3 #1
Great game. Paid more and no regrets!
4 Jan 16 #2
I'm more of an online player £25 still seems too much for something I might get board with after 30 mins, so going to wait for a friend to complete it and offer him what cex are offering :smiley:
LoRdPlOps111 to sminton9
4 Jan 16 #17
I wooden count on you getting board with it.
TyrantJB to sminton9
4 Jan 16 #23
£28 for a game of this size is an absolute steal, regardless of whether you're an "online player" or not.

There's hundreds of hours in FO4.
4 Jan 16 1 #3
I noticed it was £29.99 in Sainsbury's earlier today. Not a bad price for a supermarket, plus you might have Nectar points.
4 Jan 16 5 #4
No chance of getting bored after 30 mins. The storyline is rich and the environment is huge and challenging.
voyager123 to bilbobargains
4 Jan 16 1 #5
Also can't understand why they think they will grow bored of it because it's not a online game that can happen just as easy with a online game. This will keep you occupied for weeks and like other fallout games you will find yourself coming back to it
Kaz00ie to bilbobargains
4 Jan 16 #22
I've Platinum'd it on PS4 and love Bathesda...

But I don't think the story line can be described as "rich". It was quite contrived but that's just Bathesda and most people don't play Fallout for the story.

Great game and great price.
red23 to bilbobargains
5 Jan 16 #26
oh come on, it is brutally boring. I just stopped playing it as i really don't have time to sit and waste on an awful, boring game.

The story line was so so poor, i didn't care in the slightest about any of the characters or even when the mother was shot in the face. No emotional attachment to this bland game what so ever.
DannGo to bilbobargains
5 Jan 16 #30
Definitley not challenging. I'm on hard mode....and I pretty much have unlimited everything (Fusion cores, stimpacks, meds, ammo) and 1 shot kill most enemies. Probably my biggest complaint.
4 Jan 16 2 #6
picked it up over Christmas, never played any of the other fallout games but loving it, clocked up 10 hours in a couple days which I've not done on a game in years!
4 Jan 16 #7
Not seen any good xbox one deals for this game at all
Wright7938 to sancho1983
4 Jan 16 #18
Its £29.99 in Game at the minute brand new
4 Jan 16 2 #8
72 hours in and still finding things to do! such a good game.
xenophon to marthasutcliffe
5 Jan 16 1 #29
55 hours in and feel like I'm not even halfway through. Although I do love trying to explore every part of it and take my time. Haven't spent so much time on a game in years. In fact I had almost given up on gaming until this, apart from little android games on the phone.
4 Jan 16 #9
hated it for the 1st few hours and stuck it on eBay. went back to it and am enjoying it a lot more now. it's staggeringly complex.
voyager123 to m_cozzy
4 Jan 16 3 #11
Complex is one thing I've never heard anyone say about fallout games
4 Jan 16 3 #10
1-10 hours = boring as funk
10-40 hours = amazing
40+ hours = slow decline in fun, dwindling down to 'oh, this again'.
Sold on EBay

7/10 for me, your mileage may vary
4 Jan 16 2 #12
This will get GOTY edition by the end of the year.
4 Jan 16 #13
Building/settlements makes it more complex than previous Fallout games
4 Jan 16 #14
5% discount code
macca888 to Towner
5 Jan 16 #28
That discount code isn't working mate.
4 Jan 16 #15
Above comment deleted. If you have anything you wish to sell you need to start a thread in FS
4 Jan 16 #16
I bought fallout 4 for 30 quid at Game (Xbox One) just before Christmas. Deal is still on!
4 Jan 16 #19
Terrible game, graphics game and play feels like its from 1999

I switched it off at the point i had to wait for a bunch of bandits to very slowly walk and catch up to me
4 Jan 16 #20
Many new ones in sale / trade cheaper than that
4 Jan 16 #21
I ordered it from Amazon at that price in the end. I've never played any of them, I have no idea what it's about, but it sounds pretty cool. And I have a new xbox one and projector. So I'll give it a go.

I just hope it's obvious what you have to do. I'm quite a moron in games, I need someone to say "go here next"
4 Jan 16 #24
The main storyline was a little generic but I felt it had enough surprises to go the distance in the long run.
4 Jan 16 #25
You're going to struggle with Fallout, then. There's almost an expectation of having played previous games to fully glean everything in this iteration, but you should be fine once you master the basics in navigation and combat.
5 Jan 16 2 #27
Bit harsh that like. I'm sure she thought you'd like it better than socks, boxies and a Hi-Karate soap-on-a-rope.
5 Jan 16 #31
I got this over Christmas. I've never played Fallout before. For the first few hours I felt frustrated and nearly gave up with how slow it took to get into it. Once I'd got used to how things worked and had done research I enjoyed it. Be prepared to put some hours in! Worth £27.99
5 Jan 16 #32
Nearing 100 hours in, level 37. Still loving every minute, with a daunting amount of things available to do (and locations still to discover) I've been side questing a lot. I've enjoyed the story ok but as others say it is massively contrived and convoluted, but in the context of this game it works. However, I don't play a Fallout game just for the story. More the unparalleled post-apocalyptic ambience.

Criticisms: I'm RPG-lite as a gamer, but it is too easy even for me. Especially since discovering The Deliverer one-shot killing multiple Super Mutants at a time is a reality - but giving it the benefit of the doubt I have put 100 hrs in, besides the Glowing Sea I haven't needed Power Armor once. My experience with glitches has actually not been too bad relative to how long I've been playing, the odd enemy getting stuck, A.I. glitches etc . But clearing out those warehouses in Goodneighbour (Ps4) must of crashed on me half a dozen times last night so now I'm quick saving like a psycho.

Worth it at double this price.
5 Jan 16 1 #33
Those who have played it so far - what would you recommend I set the difficulty to considering I've played previous Fallout titles? Having read a few comments above, it would seem that it should be set to at least "hard"
xenophon to youngflyer
5 Jan 16 1 #36
I'm playing on its default medium setting. Agree with others that it's too easy after a while. Only things that have given me problems so far were both the Queen Deathclaws and Queen Mirelurks, and then not serious difficultly. If I had known I would have set it to hard to begin with.
5 Jan 16 #34
This game is seriously awesome .. if you looking here pondering buying it .. go for it .. I love Dog Meat! ..
5 Jan 16 #35
6 Jan 16 #37
I'm only like 4 hours in, but I'm quite liking it. Except now I'm at a point where I need to kill a load of raiders in a factory or something and I have pretty much no ammo at all, and there's seemingly hundreds of them!!
7 Jan 16 1 #38
9 Jan 16 #39
Just ordered with an extra 5% off! £26.59 using code on their site. Today only
21 Jan 16 #40
Got the same price a few months ago. It's a pretty good game
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