30 minutes? Did you even enter the vault let alone leave it? You cannot possibly make a fair or valid judgement on a game like Fallout after just 30 minutes. That's like walking out of the cinema before the opening credits have rolled or taking a sports car to the local corner shop for a pint of milk.
9y 10d4#6
I'm about 50 hours in and haven't even touched the main storyline yet. Should easily get a few hundred hours play out of it.
All comments (18)
9y 10d1#1
You will end up paying 25p per hour of gaming at this price
Serenity Now
9y 10d1#2
Hopefully it'll be £20 soon.
9y 10d#3
sigh, put this game is my ps4 once, removed in after 30 mins and lost a tenner
6ixFoot1 to red23
9y 10d#4
My game sharing partner had this since launch. Download it but just don't feel like starting it
anlygi to red23
9y 10d4#8
30 minutes? Did you even enter the vault let alone leave it? You cannot possibly make a fair or valid judgement on a game like Fallout after just 30 minutes. That's like walking out of the cinema before the opening credits have rolled or taking a sports car to the local corner shop for a pint of milk.
9y 10d#5
Good deal btw, Heated
9y 10d4#6
I'm about 50 hours in and haven't even touched the main storyline yet. Should easily get a few hundred hours play out of it.
9y 10d#7
It takes 40 minutes to install and so far I have played 3 hours and sent off 3 error reports because the game crashes.
9y 10d#9
Couldn't agree more but the game is a huge mass of bugs errors and ppl/things getting in the blamming way. By far worst Fallout instalment. Which is why its so cheap!
9y 10d1#10
I started playing it on the PC and once I got out of the vault to the first town, I uninstalled it... I just didn't get that feeling to carry on like you do with Elder Scrolls. I think I actually dont like post apoc games... I need shiny Mass effect futuristic types. =)
9y 10d#11
I played for 18 hours and traded it in as well.
The amount of stuff you can carry is ludicrous and you can give half of your inventory to your dog to carry. I get its not a simulator but some element of realism would be good.
Just found it a bit tedious to be honest - run and run and run and run...meet an enemy even remotely off the "guided storyline" and get destroyed.
You can collect ludicrous amounts of kit and the customisation of weapons is utterly superfluous.
It's all a bit 'meh'.
Heat added for the price though. Just an insipid game.
9y 10d#12
I've got this game still unopened watching reviews I think is not for me, I think to sell it.
red23 to nureq90
9y 10d#16
I was conned in to buying this game too by a bunch of fanboys. what with the all the facebook images about "say goodbye to your social life" and a cartoon about people faking having cancer to get the day off school.
i thought DAMN this must be a good game!
9y 10d1#13
My biggest gripe is the non-existent AI of companions. Forget sneaking past a legendary enemy when that doll Cait with her appalling Irish accent runs on by it and gets you both killed!
I have put a lot of time into it but what is it about Bethesda games that make people forgive their many bugs? They'll patch it like they always do but it's annoying. If it was anyone else they'd be hung out to dry!
9y 10d#14
agreed , imagine if SW Battlefront had same amount of bugs ! it gets a ludicrous amount of stick but I bought it knowing there was no single player and its fantastic and has kept me playing for 2 months now and I'm nowhere near done yet.
9y 10d#15
yeah i did, pretty emotionless characters, didn't care a jot when the woman was shot in the face.
I gave up when i had to slowly walk for a good 15 minutes with a gang of people after i "rescued them"
9y 10d#17
Bingo Bango Bongo, I don't want to leave the Congo, oh no no no no nooooo!
Opening post
Looks like the best price around:)
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All comments (18)
The amount of stuff you can carry is ludicrous and you can give half of your inventory to your dog to carry. I get its not a simulator but some element of realism would be good.
Just found it a bit tedious to be honest - run and run and run and run...meet an enemy even remotely off the "guided storyline" and get destroyed.
You can collect ludicrous amounts of kit and the customisation of weapons is utterly superfluous.
It's all a bit 'meh'.
Heat added for the price though. Just an insipid game.
i thought DAMN this must be a good game!
I have put a lot of time into it but what is it about Bethesda games that make people forgive their many bugs? They'll patch it like they always do but it's annoying. If it was anyone else they'd be hung out to dry!
I gave up when i had to slowly walk for a good 15 minutes with a gang of people after i "rescued them"