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Deezer Premium OR Elite subscription for 2.65 or 4.16 per month
4 stars +354

Deezer Premium OR Elite subscription for 2.65 or 4.16 per month

Deezer2 Jan 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
1 Jan 16
Hi all,
I have just found a way to subscribe to Deezer premium for only 2.65 quid per month. Maybe it is not as good offer as 3 months for one quid but in my opinion this is fair price for their service.
To do it you have to use some free VPN program and connect to deezer website thru Brazil VPN (there may be some other countries where Deezer is even cheaper, I have checked couple and Brazil seems to be the cheapest so far).
I have used for it Chrome browser with Hola VPN plugin. After you chose Brazil from the Hola list you can log in to your Deezer account and subscribe for only 14.90R$ which is 2.65GBP.
After submitting your payment with paypal you can deactivate Hola VPN and enjoy your Deezer Premium subscription.

Happy new year!!

With this method you will get Brazil Top songs instead of UK in Popular playlists, but general music database seems to be the same.
UK Top is also available but you have to add it to your favorite playlists:
Popular==>Top Brazil settings(3 dots in top right Brazil toplist corner)==>user profile==>all playlists==>scroll down to TopUK and add it to favorites

Following this link with combination of above method you can sign up for Elite subscription (Limited Offer 25% off) for only 22.50R$ = 4.16 GBP per month.
Top comments
1 Jan 16 12 #6
Hate the tv add.
Adidas Addict to decepticon_shadow
1 Jan 16 4 #8
Most annoying advert in years, and there's been some awful ones.
All comments (91)
1 Jan 16 #1
that's a great price. hola makes me shudder tho plenty of other options that are better
1 Jan 16 #2
Heat added for the clever use of the exploit.
1 Jan 16 #3
and this works fine with the UK app and tracks/playlists etc??
wernus to xflem
1 Jan 16 2 #4
Uk app is working fine but I've just realized that in Popular you will get Brazil Toplist instead of UK but your favorite songs should work fine.
1 Jan 16 #5
I was tempted by the deal with Three (I have a Three mobile i
Contract anyway), but must admit I really only stream podcasts and Internet Radio anyway.
1 Jan 16 12 #6
Hate the tv add.
Adidas Addict to decepticon_shadow
1 Jan 16 4 #8
Most annoying advert in years, and there's been some awful ones.
1 Jan 16 #7
Great work, currently on a Three 6mth sub, but this looks like a great long term deal, well done OP !
woldranger to rugman
1 Jan 16 #11
​I wonder how long this will stay active for, as I set my mother up on the 3 deal too, and she's a while left to run
1 Jan 16 #9
thanks. great deal
1 Jan 16 #10
I thought you can only use your device away from your home country for 30 days? Or was that just a Spotify restriction?

Does annoy me how services are priced so differently such as £9.99 UK Spotify and $9.99 in the US. I know VAT rates differ but still feels we are getting ripped off.
1 Jan 16 #12
Was 99p the other day
1 Jan 16 1 #13
Anyone sussed out if the high res option is available (and cheaper) via this method? Also, are these proxy vpn site things safe to use? Thanks in advance for any advice etc.
1 Jan 16 #14
excellent find. well in
1 Jan 16 #15
You have to be connected to the Brazilian VPN whenever you want to listen to music on this, disconnecting will cause you to just have the 'free' features again. Would love to be wrong and there be a workaround for this.

edit: logged into the app on phone without VPN and premium is working, but I have to be connected the Brazil VPN for it to be premium on the web on PC.
1 Jan 16 #16
Great find. I just signed up again for 2.55 a month. I was able to sign in to my UK account using tunnelbear and setting the VPN to brazil.
1 Jan 16 2 #17
way too convoluted imo

is this really a "deal"
JohnnyUtah to logohigh
1 Jan 16 #20
Is a bit I agree but only like buying Sonos gear from European Amazon sites and paying using certain credit cards for better conversion rates.
1 Jan 16 #18
What do they call high quality & what is the difference between premium & premium+?
1 Jan 16 #19
Completely forgot to cancel after my free year had ended with Deezer through Sonos. checked my bank account yesterday, minus £2.65 from Deezer. Premium still activated. How odd.
KitKatFox to joeryan01
1 Jan 16 2 #22
Forgot about my free year with Sonos too and they've charged me 9.99. Will be getting the three deal soon though.
1 Jan 16 #21
Well , I guess
1 Jan 16 #23
What is this deal with Three that people have mentioned? I've got a Three contract but never heard of getting Spotify with it?
1 Jan 16 #25
Hum...returning customers may get a discount? got mine for 10.990 ??
1 Jan 16 #26
​I got an email early December asking me if I'd like to continue Deezer Premium for £4.99 (which I did). Check your Sonos registered email address perhaps?
1 Jan 16 #27
RE Sonos offer.

​I got an email early December asking me if I'd like to continue Deezer Premium for £4.99 (which I did). Check your Sonos registered email address perhaps?
1 Jan 16 #28
Deezer is great but I am fed up of their flows being shoved in my face.
I want albums not their 'especially selected' tracks.
1 Jan 16 #29
Good for fiat uconnect users.
1 Jan 16 #30
I know certain tracks are only available in some countries due to licensing etc. Not sure if you would get the tracks licensed in Brazil or UK.
1 Jan 16 1 #31
Deez nuts
2 Jan 16 #32
can't get it to work says an error when I go to pay pal
2 Jan 16 #33
Don't worry they don't use that one in Brazil!
2 Jan 16 #34
Makes me want to hulk smash the tv.
2 Jan 16 #35
Top find, just signed. Searched for all my albums/songs and they were all available. What a find, top job OP
2 Jan 16 #36
To all those who got a free year through Sonos, like me...

I signed into my account following that link and was able to sign up for another year for £25.
5 Jan 16 #37
Does it work for existing customers? If so how ? Cheers
25 Jan 16 #38
worked for me. Changed my expired account in the UK to this and no problems! Thanks
25 Jan 16 #39
7 Feb 16 #40
18 Feb 16 #41
Seems to have worked for me but I didn't get any audio via PC over VPN. Android app worked fine though
1 Mar 16 #42
I've just done this via the app on my iphone/itunes and it charged me £3.99 but the email receipt says my next payment will be £12.99! Obviously I can turn off my auto renew so that this doesn't happen but was hoping for an ongoing subscription at the cheaper rate. Has anyone else had this?
28 Mar 16 #43
I was an existing customer I cancelled but kept the account and I tried to use this so changed VPN and logged in but just returns me to the English Deezer site.
28 Mar 16 #44
make sure you are logged out, clean your history and cookies and try again.
28 Mar 16 #45
thanks for the reply, what I ended up doing was conceding and taking the VPN off and just going to buy a normal subscription and I ended up getting another free 30 day trial! But next time I will try your advice about clearing cookies and history. Cheers mate
31 Mar 16 #46
could somebody explain this to me so if i am not connected with the vpn i get €9.99 and if i connect with the VPN i get 9.99 pounds
20 Apr 16 #47
I used tunnelbear chrome extension. Once set to Brasil you can then just follow the link provided. It will then state that the price is in R$ hopefully.

Does anyone know if this will continue rolling for this price or will it be only for a years subscription?
20 Apr 16 #48
Worked for me last week through Hola. I am waiting to see if it renews next month at R$15 let alone next year! lol.

PS Loving the Brazilian music btw!
19 May 16 #49
Used my VPN service and IE 11 to route through South Africa. Went for the Elite and year payment. Works out at £32. It states free 30 day trial at the moment, so will have to see what happens.
20 May 16 #50
Paypal wont work , Is fine when i turn my vpn off but it wont log me in when i am using Brazil .
20 May 16 #51
same here
20 May 16 #52
I used my Halifax card, which is free for different currencies. Didn't use PayPal as I have had trouble with that before. It could be related to where the account is registered to for PayPal.
20 May 16 #53
Not tried on deezer, but for buying games from brazil you turn vpn off to enter paypal and back on again before hitting pay.

Worth a punt I guess..:man:
20 May 16 #54
I'm on my mobile so can't check at the moment but from what I remember if you setup the payments with the vpn still on, when you turn it all off you will still be able to see the payment when logged back in under your monthly/regular payments.

The website premium access will stop when the vpn is off but I can confirm the mobile app stays premium no matter what.

My free month trial is over today so will be able to check how the payments work soon.
20 May 16 #55
Any comments from anyone who has signed up via the Brazil proxy? Any issues at all before I process payment please?
20 May 16 #56
Once I had signed up, the email I received stated this, Your first payment of R719.88 will be charged on 18/06/16. Hopefully it will all go through correctly on the day.
20 May 16 #57
I'm using the Brazilian version and haven't had any issues yet, though as I've mentioned my free months trail just ended so we'll see
21 May 16 #58
for those struggling dont use hola. hola wont let you connect to paypal and trying to pay with card needs a CPF number which you wont have.

use tunnel bear. choose paypal. when it takes you to paypal login page disconnect tunnelbear and continue with payment and you are done. it will take you back to deezer page and confirm that payment is set up for R$ not £

I went for elite myself as i have sonos
21 May 16 #59
Whenever my deezer runs out I just get a free 3 sim and sign up for another 3 months
21 May 16 #60
How do you do that? Do you have to activate the sim?
21 May 16 #61
don't you have to create all your playlists again?
21 May 16 1 #62
Order free sim from 3 website

Put sim in phone

Sign up to 3 months free trial

Verify phone number for the sim card

Take out sim card and throw away, put in normal sim

Sign into deezer with the account just made
21 May 16 #63
I guess, I don't use playlists, just choose an album and let it play.
22 May 16 #64
Whelp my free months trial finished and my subscription didn't take a hold and it reverted back to the free edition. When to subscribe (with tunnel bear) and it wont let me click into PayPall to pay citing "We are unable to complete your transaction."

Anyone know of another way I get the subscription working after the trails ended?
26 May 16 #65
Try PayPal again via the Brazil VPN, mine's didn't work yesterday but hey presto! It's all good! I will be charged B$178 when my free trial ends for 12 months. That's about £34 and for the Elite version!
30 May 16 #66
My payment didn't go through after the first month and now I am having the same problems getting it to work with PayPal :disappointed:
30 May 16 #67
I tried with VPN again but no luck whatsoever.. Shame as it was a good deal.
4 Jun 16 #68
Was it trying to take payment for the 2nd month?
15 Jun 16 #69
This worked perfectly. Thanks!
19 Jun 16 #70
My month trial just ended today and it has all worked perfectly. Used a VPN connection for making it look like South Africa, which was cheaper than the others and a credit card for the payment. Deezer Elite+ for £31 for the year, great.
20 Jun 16 #71
It's the payment via PayPal that doesn't seem to work after the month trail. Do credit cards have the specific number they're after the cpf?
20 Jun 16 #72
I just used my Halifax credit card and it worked fine. I've had issues with Paypal before when trying to use VPN sign up tricks.
14 Jul 16 #73
Doesn't appear to allow payment through Paypal this way anymore

EDIT: Tried again and it's working! BOOM
6 Aug 16 #74
Worked a treat thanks OP
1 Oct 16 #75
Hey, thanks for this. For people's info, it's now about £3.60 because of the weaker £. But still much better than £9.99! Thanks again OP. :smile:
1 Oct 16 #76
I just used Hola on Chrome and it worked fine with PayPal. Only problem was that the elite version isn't an option. But still very good deal.
22 Oct 16 #77
20 mins of faffing about to save £72 a year - I'll take that all day long. I used TunnelBear and turned it off when logging in to Paypal as advised above.
28 Oct 16 #78
Do you have to stay logged into tunnelbear to get this service? ie access to you UK Deezer account?
24 Nov 16 1 #79
I had some trouble with the Brazilian Deezer, but managed to get the family plan for £6 a month through Mexico. Just glad Trump isn't building a firewall to there as well!
30 Nov 16 #80
I'm really pleased with it. For the price it's brilliant.
1 Dec 16 #81
Hi wackyraces, I assume you are using the Halifax Clarity credit card therefore imposes no foreign transaction fees? Also assume you get charged at local currency rather than GBP? Interesting to hear whether your monthly installments vary and if so by how much? Thanks
2 Dec 16 #82
I used the Halifax Clarity card and paid for the annual subscription using it. It was paid in the local South African currency and worked out around £32 for the year. I bought a cheap lifetime VPN from one of the usual selling places, RA4WVPN to route it through to SA, that was about $9. You get the first month free and then the payment was taken after that.I'm going to try this method again when it's renewal time.
2 Dec 16 #83
Thanks I shall be doing the same.
21 Jan 17 #84
Just signed upto Deezer elite for £47 for the year. Happy with the £3.91 a month for this. Was pretty straight forward and paid with paypal
Thanks OP

PS If anyone wants to force the elite offer goto the following link (obviously via VPN)
spoon_2000 to Blackhorse
27 Jan 17 #85
Just signed up via vpn (IPVanish) in Malaysia. Came out at £2.69 on my Halifax clarity card. Would have preferred spotify but they block cards that are not from the country you are trying to pay from.
2 Feb 17 #86
Just signed up for a year on elite sub through Turkey Vpn for £30. Bargain thanks OP
20 Feb 17 #87
Does anybody know if Elite only works through Sonos devices or can I sign up for Elite and play it through the App? Thanks!
shidahmid to kellydavekydave
20 Feb 17 #88
You can sign up for elite but done expect anything more than premium if your not actually using sonos
25 Feb 17 #89
Brazil via chrome and hola! worked this afternoon, £4.02 when paid with PayPal
18 Mar 17 2 #90
I signed up to Premium+ with Deezer Turkey. It's 9.99 TRY per month = £2.23 on my first credit card bill. Android mobile app works, website works, desktop app works. No need to be connected to VPN once you've signed up.

Very pleased!
16 Jun 17 #91
Still working perfectly... £25 for 1 year elite subscription through Turkey (working fine on my laptop through Chrome as well as the Android app).
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