Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse has price dropped to 79p on Apple App Store today. Good price as its normally between £4 -£5 pound. Don`t know how long its on sale for, so grab it while its cheap. :)
1 Jan 16#10
Great game, voted HoT!! :smiley:
1 Jan 16#8
iOS users are so touchy. At least the chap had the courtesy to state why he voted cold.
Great game btw but a bit too tricky for touch controls.
Benibaby33 to anlygi
1 Jan 161#9
How is it being touchy, what he said is irrelevant it's a post for a game on iOS not android, so it doesn't really matter whether it's free elsewhere, if you only have Apple devices what good is it being free on Android for anyone. Some people on here just like being negative for the sake of it. Whatever floats your boat.
1 Jan 16#5
Free on amazon underground voted cold
spiderontheweb to andrewannett
1 Jan 162#6
We have already been told it's free on another platform thanks and don't need to know your voting habits.
Benibaby33 to andrewannett
1 Jan 16#7
What is the point of this? How can anyone on iOS use Amazon Underground. This a post for Apple users.
30 Dec 15#3
Is this the same as the Mega Drive version? What a game that was.
Opening post
Great game btw but a bit too tricky for touch controls.
Free on Amazon underground for android users