Still one of the best reference headphones under £300. Incredibly comfortable after hours of use. Free next day delivery.
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umz73 to aerotec
10 Jan 165#3
Latest comments (39)
10 Apr 17#39
I haven't heard any higher end AKG's, is it lack of bass or?
15 Jan 16#38
Some people really abuse free returns so some businesses e.g. scan try to counteract this by charging which deters a lot of people
13 Jan 16#37
I ordered these myself a week ago and were delivered fine. Made in china with #132575.
12 Jan 16#34
both high quality headphones its just HD580/HD600/HD650 are considered as an audiophile grade where HD555/595 were always promoted for Gamers, HD598 is an improvement over HD595 so they could be very close legendary HD600's. You do need good amp to drive HD600 though,
interesting topic
huangxq2 to losdamianos
13 Jan 16#36
Despite own K702, I still quite like the sound of HD598.
I might buy a HD598 when it reduced to £80. I am not paying more than £200 for HD600 or HD650.
Save the Pound
12 Jan 162#35
Scan pfft, wouldn't touch them with a barge poll. Had to return a motherboard that was DOA, they claimed I'd damaged it, what a crock of sh*t. Will never buy from them again. Buy from a decent company like Amazon, might be more expensive but worth the piece of mind.
12 Jan 16#33
care to explain more.
I do not know much about their difference. Only tried one headphones from Sennheiser which is the HD598 from recommendations and reviews.
big k
12 Jan 16#32
Cold. Beats are better :man::stuck_out_tongue:
11 Jan 16#31
rather than playing with "gaming grade" HD598/558 I suggest to take a look at HD580/600/650
11 Jan 16#30
I have these, they are incredible. with an amp, obviously.
11 Jan 16#29
Fidelio X2, I have tried those at home too. Its sound ok. But it is more expensive £250, too much bass for me, heavier and tighter. I much prefer K702 over it, and it only cost half of Fidelio X2.
If anyone willing to spend a lot on headphones, you could get Planar Magnetic headphones at £349, i.e. Oppo PM-3 rather than paying £250 for Fidelio X2. Oppo PM-3 is actually very good, better sound, comfortable too.
11 Jan 16#28
Fidelio X2 would be a safe bet for most people, a very satisfying headphone.
I had some initial concerns due to the overgenerous bass but now I'm a big fan. The velour pads get really comfortable after a couple of weeks use.
11 Jan 16#4
Good price, but I'll stick with my Sennheiser HD 598.
ShoelaceExpress to Schwarzenegger
11 Jan 16#8
They're on the same quality tier, all you'd change is the sound signature ^_^
huangxq2 to Schwarzenegger
11 Jan 16#27
I had HD598 before. It was very good, warmer sound. Slightly more bass than K702, but by no means bassy.
But I like the vocal of K702, especailly female singer’s voice. Personally, I still chose to go with K702. But HD598 is very good too. I can even see myself buying a pair of HD598 when the price is right.
1. Discounted more often, and can be bought very cheaply sometimes.
2. has detachable cable, 2.5mm to 3.5mm, cheaper cable.
3. More comfortable to wear. I found K702 comfortable due to its large earcups. There are people who do not like the headband and feel uncomfortable. HD598 has large earcups and more comfortable headband.
3. In my opinion, HD598’s sound is likely to please a wider range of people compare to K701/702.
11 Jan 16#9
Not a fan of this headphone but the K702 is worth the extra for the replaceable cable.
Currently £126.50 from Amazon.
huangxq2 to MBeeching
11 Jan 16#26
K702 and Q701 has detachable cable, K701 is non-detachable.
Amazon has better customer services.
11 Jan 161#25
Credit card isn't magic, they'd dispute it thhen you're back to square one. You'd have to take them to small claims, but technically what they did was legal. Only winning condition is not to play.
11 Jan 16#24
Just get it from the bank, Scan won't do nothing.
11 Jan 162#23
Technically it is legal, since you've had use of the item, even if faulty, they can reduce the refund amount based on that. But no one ever does it because customers would never buy from you again, except these jokers. Not worth the hassle.
11 Jan 16#22
Yes that's my opinion based on my experience of dealing with them.
The rest of my statement is also my opinion based on experience.
Anything else you need clarified?
11 Jan 161#14
Hmm yes but hows the bass. Don't reply to this.
barbiegirl to otterboxer
11 Jan 16#21
Don't reply ? Why ? You already know? The bass is fast deep and tuneful, but not very present. Overall a bright headphone that is superb for Jazz and Classical, especially strings. Huge soundsatge. Not good for Rock or if you like some slam to your bass. Owned a pair for years and can't believe they're this cheap. Heat added for spotting the deal.
11 Jan 162#17
I have Austrian made Q701s and the cable went bad after about 2 years whereby the soft plastic went brittle and cracked apart. I wouldn't spend this much on headphones if you can't replace the cable.
MBeeching to CountFilth
11 Jan 16#20
Same thing happened to my Shure 530's, absolutely infuriating!
I had them re-cabled by a guy on eBay and he completely screwed it up. They lasted less than a day.
Would never spend over £100 on a fixed cable headphone/earphone again.
11 Jan 162#19
Yep it's legal and yep they do it and yep I've been a victim of it. :disappointed:
11 Jan 161#15
Great price. Great product. S##t retailer.
powerbrick to basergorkobal
11 Jan 16#18
In your opinion, of course.
11 Jan 161#11
If it develops a fault Scan will take a usage fee out of your refund when you return it.
meglaman2000 to shak
11 Jan 16#12
Any proof of that?
11 Jan 16#16
That's ridiculous. Is that even legal?
Surely they must provide a replacement if possible and if not then a full refund.
Thats some shady ebuyer like practice right there.
11 Jan 16#13
You can ask them if you like, they're not shy about it.
11 Jan 161#5
What is the difference between K701, K702 and Q701?
I have K702. I tried Q701, cannot notice any difference.
powerbrick to huangxq2
11 Jan 161#6
price, removable cable
qinyanggl to huangxq2
11 Jan 16#7
And color...
PsychoSonny to huangxq2
11 Jan 16#10
Same drivers. Slightly modified versions of each other.
Even the K712 pro uses the same drivers but different earpads for example.
Each has been tuned slightly differently. I believe the K702 headband is different to the Q701 as well for example of another difference (with bumps and without bumps).
For most people it makes sense to buy whatever is cheapest because the differences are minimal.
Opening post
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Latest comments (39)
interesting topic
Despite own K702, I still quite like the sound of HD598.
I might buy a HD598 when it reduced to £80. I am not paying more than £200 for HD600 or HD650.
I do not know much about their difference. Only tried one headphones from Sennheiser which is the HD598 from recommendations and reviews.
If anyone willing to spend a lot on headphones, you could get Planar Magnetic headphones at £349, i.e. Oppo PM-3 rather than paying £250 for Fidelio X2. Oppo PM-3 is actually very good, better sound, comfortable too.
I had some initial concerns due to the overgenerous bass but now I'm a big fan. The velour pads get really comfortable after a couple of weeks use.
But I like the vocal of K702, especailly female singer’s voice. Personally, I still chose to go with K702. But HD598 is very good too. I can even see myself buying a pair of HD598 when the price is right.
1. Discounted more often, and can be bought very cheaply sometimes.
2. has detachable cable, 2.5mm to 3.5mm, cheaper cable.
3. More comfortable to wear. I found K702 comfortable due to its large earcups. There are people who do not like the headband and feel uncomfortable. HD598 has large earcups and more comfortable headband.
3. In my opinion, HD598’s sound is likely to please a wider range of people compare to K701/702.
Currently £126.50 from Amazon.
K702 and Q701 has detachable cable, K701 is non-detachable.
Amazon has better customer services.
The rest of my statement is also my opinion based on experience.
Anything else you need clarified?
I had them re-cabled by a guy on eBay and he completely screwed it up. They lasted less than a day.
Would never spend over £100 on a fixed cable headphone/earphone again.
Surely they must provide a replacement if possible and if not then a full refund.
Thats some shady ebuyer like practice right there.
I have K702. I tried Q701, cannot notice any difference.
And color...
Even the K712 pro uses the same drivers but different earpads for example.
Each has been tuned slightly differently. I believe the K702 headband is different to the Q701 as well for example of another difference (with bumps and without bumps).
For most people it makes sense to buy whatever is cheapest because the differences are minimal.
Good price heat added!