For those who can't get the xbox one offer, if you have a samsung galaxy phone or tablet, go to my galaxy app and in there should be an offer for you to get 3 months of now tv for £3.
Remember to put a reminder in your phone/diary to cancel.
Latest comments (66)
19 Mar 16#66
worked for me when i used new email
8 Jan 16#65
Has anyone got a spare code they're not going to use please?
Thanks in advance :smiley:
3 Jan 16#64
Worked for me, thanks
30 Dec 15#63
As you've tried everything, your best bet is to contact nowtv and get them to input your code for you.
30 Dec 15#62
Yep says code is invalid; I've tried to with both my Now TV accounts plus a new account I set up to test it (deleted the free 2 week pass) on every device I own, through apps, different browsers, XBOX etc etc. How come this works for some people right away? It's very weird.
30 Dec 15#61
I presume all codes are different, at least mine is. I take you've tried putting your code in manually at the nowtv web site - if that doesnt work you may have an existing offer which has yet to run out.
30 Dec 15#60
'Every time I clicked on my voucher offer' - do you mean the link on this page? I've already tried logging in through chrome on my tablet, it says voucher is invalid. I tried to without the app being present and it also didn't work. On three samsung tablets, and PC. Isn't the voucher code unique and provided by the my Galaxy app?
29 Dec 15#55
If anyone wants to be festive and PM me their (unused) code, well that would be nice.
Askrulous to HedgyHoggy
30 Dec 15#59
Try deleting the now tv app on your tablet. Every time I clicked on my voucher offer, it went to my app....and didnt work. After deleting the app, the link goes directly to my nowtv online account page and adds the voucher.
30 Dec 15#58
Worked for me from the MyGalaxy app on my S6 using Firefox to log into my NowTV account. I have just paid my first £6.99 for a month as the 14 day trial had ended a couple of days ago, so it shows I will pay £1 per month from next month.
28 Dec 15#52
Wonder if this'll work with my old s2....
loady to targaid
29 Dec 15#57
Didn't work on mine!
29 Dec 15#56
No offers :disappointed:
29 Dec 15#53
does it include nicklodeon?..sorry for being ignorant..
nathanrelph to cetalan15
29 Dec 15#54
Yes it does
28 Dec 15#51
It worked for me - was the first offer shown. Signed in to Now TV using the link and Bob's your uncle.
28 Dec 152#50
Is that you and your missus being smug? More chocolates love? Why yes darling, btw that lot on Hotukdeals didn't get 3 months of Now TV ahahahah!
28 Dec 151#49
28 Dec 15#48
I got my 3 month offer still on going so didn't work for me but I am looking for a movies pass if any one knows any decent offers at the moment
28 Dec 15#45
Is this working for anyone ?
buckmr2 to dragoncurt
28 Dec 15#47
Worked on mine
28 Dec 15#46
Blank page for me as well.
28 Dec 15#44
Same for me. Nothing on offer page.
28 Dec 152#5
You made me sign into myGalaxy, something I have avoided doing for years.
Go to the offers page.
Not a single offer, just a blank wallpaper.
fishmaster to HedgyHoggy
28 Dec 151#43
Made? I've got a fire you can put your hand in to, it's all ready waiting.
28 Dec 15#35
Code comes up but when you try to apply it it says Error Invalid code
moseph1976 to spenspuma
28 Dec 15#42
I had that when applying a movie deal just before Xmas. Was this trying to apply from the offer link? I ended up logging into my nowtv account and cutting an pasting the code I got on the app, which wouldn't apply easily. May or may not have ended doing this all in microsoft edge (I'm a firefox user).
28 Dec 15#41
If your tv is in the list , maybe worth phoning up Samsung with a slight moan .. They might give you a code as a gesture of good will
28 Dec 151#31
I have found this offer for anyone that's just bought a Samsung UHD TV :-
[quote=Gozer]Nothing here either but as I already have Sky's family bundle, I assume I'm not missing out on much (?)[/quo You're Missing out on a lot having Sky TV
Nothing here either but as I already have Sky's family bundle, I assume I'm not missing out on much (?)
28 Dec 15#27
same here, blank offers screen. must be invite only
28 Dec 15#26
Damn just put a 6 month code on last month
28 Dec 15#25
now tv not even showing in galaxy app store!
28 Dec 15#24
Nothing showing in the offers section
28 Dec 152#13
What Now TV? The movies pass? Entertainment pass? Sports?
stegster to LongPockets
28 Dec 15#21
3 months entertainment
ibblackberry1 to LongPockets
28 Dec 15#23
28 Dec 15#22
Telling me code not valid.
28 Dec 15#20
Same here i do not see any offer in samsung my galaxy.does it need to have payment details before?
28 Dec 15#19
Worked for me. Thanks.
28 Dec 15#18
yeah just a blank page for me too on the newly installed samsung mygalaxy app
28 Dec 15#17
Tried it on my Note 2014 10.1 and Galaxy Tab S 10.5
Both have zero offers, just blank page.
Updated the app, still no offers.
28 Dec 15#15
28 Dec 151#14
not bothered about the product but cool user name, At least I'm not the only member of the Claret and Blue Army in Burton. pray for 3 points today UTV
28 Dec 151#10
You need too go too play store and find the Samsung my galaxy app then download it and then sign in and the offer should come up, took me ages too figure it out
HedgyHoggy to janebrown13
28 Dec 15#12
My tablet has had the myGalaxy app since I got it. It's right there on the home page. There are no offers. Do I need to download a new version, is that what you mean?
28 Dec 15#11
It looks like the code you've entered isn't valid. If you have a voucher, try typing it again exactly as it appears.
That came up when going through chrome on my tablet.
28 Dec 15#9
I updated my samsung app to the new galaxy apps and I'm not finding the nowtv offer at all?
28 Dec 15#8
the samsung my galaxy app
28 Dec 15#6
Hi you need too download the app first then it will work.
HedgyHoggy to janebrown13
28 Dec 15#7
Which app? I have NowTV installed already.
28 Dec 15#4
Anything similar for now tv movies for samsung or regular?
28 Dec 152#3
Here's the previous offer for reference, the Samsung app for some reason never worked for most folks.
have 2 months free going on right now, can I get this and started later somehow??
lukeburtonavfc to bodolf
28 Dec 15#2
I think it said in the terms and conditions that you cannot use it in conjunction with another offer, but if you are in your last 30 days of the current offer you are using and then you can sign up to this offer so when your current offer ends you will rollover onto this offer... if that makes sense?
Opening post
Remember to put a reminder in your phone/diary to cancel.
Latest comments (66)
Thanks in advance :smiley:
Go to the offers page.
Not a single offer, just a blank wallpaper.
6 months free Netflix premium
#Keep right On
OP..this says it is for NEW NowTv customers. So if you already have an account then it won't work. Hence why so many are having the same problem.
Both have zero offers, just blank page.
Updated the app, still no offers.
That came up when going through chrome on my tablet.