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Xbox One] 3 Months of Sky Movies - £3.00 - Now TV (New & Existing Customers)
5+++ stars +1.6k

Xbox One] 3 Months of Sky Movies - £3.00 - Now TV (New & Existing Customers)

£3 NOW TV1 Jan 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
26 Dec 15
You’re moments away from getting 3 months of movies for just £3. Join today and you’ll soon be choosing from over 1,000 movies On Demand and up to 16 new premieres a month, all with no contract. Then the movies keep rolling at just £9.99 a month, unless cancelled. No contract.

Step 1
Click 'Sign Up' and create your NOW TV account.

Step 2
Download the NOW TV app on your Xbox One and sign in.

Step 3
In the 'My Account' section enter the voucher code XBOXMOVIES.

Already with NOW TV?
Simply enter the voucher code 'XBOXMOVIES' into the 'My Account' section of the Xbox App to start watching instantly!
Top comments
DonkeyKonk to Ross81
26 Dec 15 19 #7
Could buy an Xbox, set it up, use the code, return the Xbox for refund, job done.
paramoreRyan to Ross81
26 Dec 15 15 #11
I don't think that's the point of the deal...
BlockEight to Ross81
27 Dec 15 11 #77
Do you vote cold on every Xbox One game deal too because you need an Xbox for them?
26 Dec 15 6 #2
If anyone is thinking like me, just tried it on their website and it doesn't work (I do not have an Xbox account).
Still very hot if for Xboxers (anything for PlayStation owners ?)
All comments (207)
26 Dec 15 1 #1
Nice. Just need a good GTA V or Just Cause 3 / Xbox One bundle now and I've got Movies for £3 :-)
26 Dec 15 6 #2
If anyone is thinking like me, just tried it on their website and it doesn't work (I do not have an Xbox account).
Still very hot if for Xboxers (anything for PlayStation owners ?)
amour3k to DonkeyKonk
27 Dec 15 #44
Tell me bout it? .. make it £3 for 3 months on your NowTV Web Site as well please ..... :-(

26 Dec 15 2 #3
Hot. Now I'll ask the million dollar question.
Any way to do this if you haven't got an xbox ?
dazza1011 to peters123
26 Dec 15 #21
If you have access to one you can sign in add the deal and sign out and it will apply to your Now TV box (or whatever you use)
26 Dec 15 1 #4
£3 months for 3 months hot.
26 Dec 15 #5
Will it work with Xbox credit?
26 Dec 15 1 #6
Is this xbox owners only? Cold as you have to spend £200+ to get this £3 deal...
DonkeyKonk to Ross81
26 Dec 15 19 #7
Could buy an Xbox, set it up, use the code, return the Xbox for refund, job done.
paramoreRyan to Ross81
26 Dec 15 15 #11
I don't think that's the point of the deal...
Anubis28 to Ross81
26 Dec 15 2 #23
​It's that sorta extreme thinking that makes the world such a positive place.
ozkerrizo to Ross81
27 Dec 15 2 #75
You berk :confused:
BlockEight to Ross81
27 Dec 15 11 #77
Do you vote cold on every Xbox One game deal too because you need an Xbox for them?
fattyuk to Ross81
27 Dec 15 2 #122
No words can ever explain just how much of an epic fail your comment is
timhill3 to Ross81
27 Dec 15 1 #157
What a ridiculous statement!
chryogen to Ross81
27 Dec 15 2 #173
'Cold' for that is a bit unfair. You could 'cold' every deal on this website just because you don't like it.
26 Dec 15 #8
T&C - Code only redeemable on Xbox One. NOW TV account required. One per person. Pass renews at £1 per month for 3 months. After offer period, pass renews at £9.99 unless cancelled. Payment details required as part of NOW TV account set up.
26 Dec 15 #9
Yeah, it will.

18+. UK only. Code only redeemable on Xbox One. NOW TV account required. One per person. Pass renews at £1 per month for 3 months. After offer period, pass renews at £9.99 unless cancelled. Payment details required as part of NOW TV account set up. Internet access required. See full terms and conditions at
26 Dec 15 1 #10
Thankyou my last pass ran out couple of days ago :smiley:
26 Dec 15 #12
T&C - Code only redeemable on Xbox One. NOW TV account required. One per person. Pass renews at £1 per month for 3 months. After offer period, pass renews at £9.99 unless cancelled. Payment details required as part of NOW TV account set up.
26 Dec 15 #13
..but that's the entire raison d'être of this site....
You've heard that less is more...well here it's all about getting more for less. :smile:
26 Dec 15 3 #14
Says offer ends 28th December if anyone is thinking about it.
26 Dec 15 #15
Does the code work on the Xbox 360 app?
martinblack to Schwarzenegger
28 Dec 15 #182
​didn't work for me on a 360.
26 Dec 15 1 #16
can i add thos and stack it so it starts when my voucher expires in a month?
26 Dec 15 #17
​Lmao :smile:
26 Dec 15 #18
Just tried it and i have just had this message:YOU CANNOT APPLY A NEW ONE UNTIL YOU'VE USED YOUR EXISTING PASS. Still good thought for those who havent an active pass.
Oman83 to ferry18
27 Dec 15 #76
I've got the same problem. Speaking customer services now about it
fastestfinger666 to ferry18
27 Dec 15 #93
fastestfinger666 to ferry18
27 Dec 15 #96
26 Dec 15 #19
Looks good to me
26 Dec 15 #20
Then be sad when it can't be returned because it's been opened and used.
26 Dec 15 1 #22
So ive downloaded the Now TV app which shows the offer finishing on 29th Dec, followed the links, got to Now TV website and click Get Offer - it takes me to a page which says Sorry This Deal Has Expired
What am I missing?
EDIT - figured it out - I had to set up my account on another device, then log in on Xbox app and apply code. I didn't read the instructions... watching Return of the Jedi now! :smile:
26 Dec 15 #24
Same message as ferry18
theyiddo to abongo
26 Dec 15 #25
Same here.
26 Dec 15 2 #26
Just signed up using Xbox one app. Worked first time. No intention of keeping it after trial. Then signed in on all my devices, tv, iPad, iPhones.
26 Dec 15 #27
Thanks for that!
26 Dec 15 #28
Will this also work on xbox 360 app?
26 Dec 15 #29
Got there in the end. If you register a new account to take the 14 day free trial it won't let you apply it as the free trial acts a voucher code. Cancel the free trial and it should let you apply the voucher.
26 Dec 15 #30
Tried this earlier, but I have an existing pass (from the £10 boxes from Tesco recently) that expires on 29th December. So have cancelled that, and will then apply this code. £1/month is a great deal for the next 3.
BuzzDuraband to johnson293
26 Dec 15 #31
Offer ends 11:59 on 28th :disappointed:
26 Dec 15 #32
Thank s op signed up don't mind paying this price.
26 Dec 15 #33
can anyone tell me when's best to cancel after getting this offer ?
can I cancel now or nearer the end if the 3 months ?
nigelbutler to stefromuk
26 Dec 15 2 #35
if you cancel now you'll only get 1 month for a it takes a quid a month for 3 months.... use google calender or whatever to remind to cancel around 10-20 march 2016
26 Dec 15 #34
Done! Thanks OP, anyone know when we can cancel the auto renewal?
nigelbutler to JustAPye
26 Dec 15 1 #36
see below! you have to be organised as its a pound a month for 3 months

cancel straight away and only 1 quid for 1 month which might be handy for some people!
26 Dec 15 #37
Does it definitely end on 28th? I'm not back from Xmas at the parents until 29th
26 Dec 15 #38
Cool - will try it out!
26 Dec 15 #39
Is there an expiry date in this offer? My current pass runs out in 2 weeks?
27 Dec 15 #40
Thanks buzz this is awesome!
27 Dec 15 #41
Signed up as new and cancelled free trial but still says I have an existing pass
jonboyo to smellykelly1984
27 Dec 15 #48
​me too.... cancelled all passes... code won't work until existing free 14 days finished. ...can't figure this issue out
27 Dec 15 #42
Surely this must be for 360 also :neutral_face:
**fingers crossed
27 Dec 15 2 #43
Will try it too but if not, then I'll just sign up for a trial via TCB and get £10.50 (only lasts 14 days now the trial).
27 Dec 15 #45
Thank you sorted :-) shame Carnt stack I have 2 xbox one
27 Dec 15 1 #46
For people who don't have a Xbox one Carnt you find a friend with one reg and do it that way? Or if they have signed up for the deal can they logout and sign up.

Or if there is a demo Xbox at curys lol
dudwood_fudwood to bridtown
27 Dec 15 #118
"Carnt"? WTF does that mean?
27 Dec 15 1 #47
Thank you BuzzDuraband my pass just expired. HOT
27 Dec 15 1 #49
Have just joined. Have some heat. (Was going to via Quidco in any case - at least this is a certainty). Can then begin to stack the 4 month movies pass when the appropriate time comes (from the previous Amazon lighting deals). Happy days!!
sazandy to Notanotherdeal
27 Dec 15 #52
so if i go via quidco register for an account on my xbox 360, will get £12 cashback & movies for £1 a month for 3 months?
27 Dec 15 #50
Not working on my 360 :-(
27 Dec 15 #51
You need to contact Live support.
They need to cancel the free 14 day trial.
Then it'll work (well did for me).
27 Dec 15 #53
looking at it, even if i go via Quidco, sign up to movie pass for 1 month (9.99), i'm still up.
Need a now tv account for all my carling sport day passes
Notanotherdeal to sazandy
27 Dec 15 #58
As per my post above you would 'in effect' get 2 1/2 months with £2.01 to spare (if the cashback paid out and this was used for an extra £9.99 pass). However the cashback is likely to take a little longer than a month to pay out though. Hence my reference to being a certainty for this deal.
There are other postings (references) on hotukdeals that when (if) you cancel your pass Now will offer a further half price promotion for a further 3 months. No guarantees of course!!
Notanotherdeal to sazandy
27 Dec 15 #60
One final thing - you would need to go via a PC for quidco to track. So would be best to create a Now account there.
27 Dec 15 #54
It's appears from the above posts that all other offers (including the free trial prohibits this offer). My reference to quidco was cashback can never be guaranteed, while with this offer you just pay the £3 (£1 per month for 3 months). If you don't have Xbox One then this would be an alternative (with trial / £12 quidco cashback). Now TV took an eternity to pay out for my entertainment pass. Swings and roundabouts as they say!
27 Dec 15 #55
Are Now movies and Sky movies different?
I've signed up for this but I'm surprised at the terribly poor selection of movies!
Hot for a quid I suppose :smiley:
27 Dec 15 #56
Can it be cancelled easy enough?
Neobrown to ficosaneil
27 Dec 15 #61
I havent used nowtv for years, but I believe you simply go into MyAccount and turn off automatic renewal
27 Dec 15 #57
Says that the offer has expired?
27 Dec 15 #59
Are you applying the code via your Xbox One - Now TV app?
27 Dec 15 #62
WHOA I almost voted HOT on one of Buzz's deals. Scared myself a little there.

I will get this later when my nephew brings his new Xbox over to annoy us.
27 Dec 15 #63
Can you sign in on the XBOX without it taking up a device slot (you can only have four)? I assume if you don't watch anything then it won't register as a used device, right?
27 Dec 15 #64
Most people don't care, also how will Kodi make any difference? The streams are in 720p.
27 Dec 15 #65
anyone got this to work on a xbox 360?
27 Dec 15 #66
Most streams are 1080. People should care. Why pay for an inferior service?
27 Dec 15 #67
How is it an inferior service? It's the only service you can get for Sky. Sky ONLY streams it's programmes at how are you going to get them in 1080? What am I missing?
27 Dec 15 #68
Worked for me happy days and a bargain
27 Dec 15 #69
I tried it on xbox360 but it didn't work it says - sorry,it looks like the code you entered isn't valid.
27 Dec 15 #70
Everyone saying dont get this get Kodi, they do realise that Kodi is just a program right and without adding a lot of addons that are technically illegal it doesn't play any films or TV!
tazza84 to Pepp77
27 Dec 15 #85
The addons are not technically illegal at all.
brookysm to Pepp77
27 Dec 15 #110
Watching streams has been deemed perfectly legal in the EU, hosting the streams however is not so get your facts straight 1st.

That said most Kodi add-ons have had their day - IP blocking and abuse of servers mean buffering issues, getting kicked off midway etc. Paid IPTV is the only way to ensure some quality and reliability.
dudwood_fudwood to Pepp77
27 Dec 15 #120
What a load of tosh! It's illegal to host a stream but it is NOT illegal to view the stream. Don't post utter rubbish.
27 Dec 15 #71
a Question please guys .. when do i cancel this ? is it during the last (3rd) month or before that ?
27 Dec 15 #72
Can this be used to extending an account which already has a three month voucher code applied (a code that came with the device)?
HedgyHoggy to trainer88
27 Dec 15 #74
No, unless the code is for Entertainment or Sports. You would have to cancel your current movie voucher/pass.
27 Dec 15 #73
NowTV is a great alternative to paying for full blown Sky. Voted HOT.
27 Dec 15 #78
27 Dec 15 #79
Signed up. Just what I have been looking for, cheap movies for a month or so. Thanks OP.
27 Dec 15 #80
Pretty much only have an active entertainment pass, then dad asked me to activate a movie pass on Christmas Eve, now this comes up. Makes me so sad.
27 Dec 15 #81
Is there an end date on this offer, I won't be back home until Friday now.
Matthaus to mike___j
27 Dec 15 #84
midnight 28th it says on sign up
27 Dec 15 #82
Keeps saying offer has expired when I'm trying to do it? Anybody any ideas why or how to fix it?
27 Dec 15 #83
Awesome deal, just need to remember to cancel
27 Dec 15 #86
Guess it's no good if you have an existing pass active? I used a 4 month pass early in December, with all these now tv deals there has been since I wish I had held off now.... :disappointed:

Should have known there would be loads of deals for xmas to new year period.
27 Dec 15 #87
Brilliant - Literally just applied the 2 month pass that I was given for Xmas - Now can't use this, not happy. :disappointed:
27 Dec 15 #88
It definitely has to be activated on Xbox One, but great deal!
27 Dec 15 #89
Guys for anyone struggling with the 'Can't apply this voucher due to having another voucher on your account' issue, I've just spoken to Now TV on live chat. They can remove previous vouchers and add new ones if you ask nicely. Thanks OP, heat added.
ST3123 to crazyshelby
27 Dec 15 #91
I might try this, question is what happens to the previous voucher? do you still get the remainder of in addition to the new 3 months or does this 3 month one replace it?
shaunp to crazyshelby
27 Dec 15 #94
I got them to remove the current voucher pass, but am still having the same error message on XBOX One when trying to apply the code.
27 Dec 15 #90
Hot but I can't use at the moment because I already have a 7 day trial. Hopefully it will still work next week.
27 Dec 15 #92
Thanks OP great deal
27 Dec 15 #95
I'm getting this too. But the T&Cs say you can apply the code if you're in the last 30 days of your pass - mine runs out on 9th Jan so I don't see why it's causing a problem.
27 Dec 15 #97
I got Mr P an xboxone for Christmas from Game, got a free pass for 3 months I think it was, but cos this was a surprise I just wrote down the code cos I had to delete all emails relating to this order otherwise he'd know I'd bought him it! :smirk:
I've now no idea when I have to activate my free pass by, don't u usually get a few months from purchase? I want to do this posted offer first then use the free pass..... anyone else buy the same deal from Game and can advise pleeeeeeeease? :stuck_out_tongue:
Hope everyone has had a fabulous Christmas, and me wishes u all a very happy new year! <3
27 Dec 15 #98
Thanks for the heads up. I already have Netflix and Amazon Instant Video so did actually wonder if taking out a sub to NowTV would be worth it. However at £3 for three months it's simply too good to pass up.

One thing I did note however on starting up the app was that the PQ on my XBoxOne was not all that great (something to do with poor ping/latency). So I download the app onto my PS4 and I'm getting much better PQ. Go figure.
trainer88 to thearrowmaker
27 Dec 15 #99
You could always cancel NetFlix for a while and then resubscribe later. But note: the price to new subscribers of NF may be higher than what you are already paying.
27 Dec 15 #100
Ah right that is strange. I was told to uninstall and reinstall the app. Once the live chat ended the current voucher, I could do it straight away. Hope you get it sorted
27 Dec 15 #101
Great deal! Heat added.

Had a little faf with cancelling the 14 day trail they push on you for creating a new account. Takes about 20 minutes of talking on the live chat to someone to cancel the 14 day trail. After that the XBOXMOVIES code works great!
27 Dec 15 1 #102
Depends what the code is, if it is a 25 digit one I'd say you need to redeem it on the 'redeem code' section on the Xbox One dashboard. If it is different to that, I would have thought you would need to install the Now TV Xbox App and put the voucher code in through that. It is really straightforward and easy. NowTV are on hand via live chat if you get any issues via the website
27 Dec 15 #103
Great deal BuzzDuraband!

Heat added :smile::smile::smile:
27 Dec 15 #104
12 digits it has, just checked, and it was for 2 months free.... just need to know how long I have to use this code before it will expire, before I use this posted one :smiley:
27 Dec 15 1 #105
Might be worth giving NowTV a shout, they might be able to see via your voucher code how long you have to redeem. There are always deals to have with them in future so I wouldnt worry if you redeem now a bit early. When my pass was changing to full price, I went through about 4 cancellation windows and it gave me a few months of movies for half price. I would speak to NowTV and check how long you have on the code. If its a few months, sign up to this offer of a pound per month for three months, then use that code afterwards
27 Dec 15 1 #106
27 Dec 15 #107
I already have an existing code in place, so I am unable to use this code. But heat added as this is a great deal8)
crazyshelby to AVED21
27 Dec 15 #111
If your code is finishing soon, have a chat with them like I did earlier in the post, as I managed to get my existing code removed.
27 Dec 15 #108
Not sure how now tv make any money, this along with offers from my chromecasts are madness.
brookysm to dave859
27 Dec 15 2 #112
It's part of Sky, trust me they do OK....
27 Dec 15 #109
Great deal for a great console :smiley:
27 Dec 15 1 #113
Brilliant stuff, thanks
27 Dec 15 #114
ta :wink:
27 Dec 15 #115
If you think most Kodi add ons have had their day,you must be using wrong ones or playing on an unreliable gadget.Theres still plenty of reliable ones out there
27 Dec 15 #116
Great price
27 Dec 15 #117
Have used XBMC for over a decade fella and have it on well over a dozen different devices, I know exactly what the crack is with Kodi these days...
27 Dec 15 #119
Nice my movies just ran out and I found your post, thank you so much can watch star wars now :smiley:
27 Dec 15 #121
So you lose the balance on your existing code then? I was hoping they could just make it think the code was gone without taking the balance?

as I have over 3 months left of a 4 month movie code I doubt i'll be able to take advantage of this as I wouldn't want to lose 3 and a bit months....
27 Dec 15 #123
Yep that is fair enough, my code was coming to an end over the next 2 weeks so went for it. Depends where you are at with current code.
27 Dec 15 #124
Yer its great :smile: hd p2p sports (ok sometimes with russian commentery but thatll do lol) films tv shows live uk tv - whats there not to like
27 Dec 15 #125
Just followed the directions and the price came up as £1. :smile:
itsdavidjones1984 to garfers1000
28 Dec 15 #188
​per month, for 3 months
27 Dec 15 #126
great deal
27 Dec 15 #127
Great post, just signed up - super hot! Thanks.
27 Dec 15 #128
Naughty naughty!

27 Dec 15 #129
I've typed in the code and I'm getting the message can not apply a new one untill you used your existing pass, but I'm not on any trial or I haven't used a voucher before I just pay £10 a month so why can't I use voucher does anyone no?
Bold_Seagull to Eva2014
27 Dec 15 #131
You need to go online, in [help] you can choose [vouchers and passes], you can then start a Live Chat, and you need to ask them to cancel any existing free offers you have. I only just signed up so it automatically put me on the 14 day free pass which prevents me having this offer. Even when I cancelled that pass myself, it still gives you the 14 days.

Once the Live Chat operative on Now TV cancelled my pass (I think this must be happening a lot), I reinstalled NowTV on the XBOX, and it then accepted the XBOXMOVIES code.

I note that you have an existing pass - my experience is through signing up from new and having a 14 free pass applied.
27 Dec 15 #130
If I sign up via my xbox one would I be right in thinking I can then use now tv on other devices as well or would it be just limited to Xbox one only?
27 Dec 15 #132
And here's me paying £75.75 a month to Sky for their top package! Time for a haggle call I think
27 Dec 15 #133
Excellent. Thank you. How long is this offer on for? (When do I need to signup by?)

Also, presume this is no different to the sports channels available through nowtv on Xbox? (in that you can not pause it?)

Cheers :smiley:
27 Dec 15 #134
I've typed in the code and I'm getting the message can not apply a new one untill you used your existing pass, but I'm not on any trial or I haven't used a voucher before I just pay £10 a month so why can't I use voucher does anyone no?
27 Dec 15 #135
Would you mind posting them? The one's are use these days are very unreliable.
27 Dec 15 #136
WTF????? Lol
27 Dec 15 #137
All sorted! ... went onto Live chat with Game, they re-issued my 2 month free code via email (with 6 months to redeem it) so just took out this posted offer, runs until 27th March 2016, then I'll use my Game pass..... so 5 months of movies for £3! ..... oooooh it feels like Christmas :wink::smile:
Thanks for posting Buzz <3
27 Dec 15 #138
The sky movies are really bad. Amazon and Netflix have a far better offering.
27 Dec 15 #139
Just did the live chat with NowTV, and they cancelled my existing voucher (which only had 2 days left anyway), and I was able to apply this code.
27 Dec 15 1 #140
Tried on Xbox 360 and can confirm it doesn't work :disappointed:
27 Dec 15 #141
Massive thanks x
27 Dec 15 #142
Can you message me the addons you find unreliable? Thanks
27 Dec 15 #143
You can damage it and say that it never worked or just say it came damaged
Very easy...have some fantasy
27 Dec 15 1 #144
Must say Now TV have been extremely good about helping people take advantage of this offer. As I mentioned I just started a 4 month pass in December so didn't think I stood a chance of getting this but went on the chat on the off chance and they said I can contact them again in April when my pass expires and they will give me this offer then.

Of course, I took screenshots and saved the chat transcript just in case they 'forget' about it. :smirk:

To give them their dues, I think Sky have done a great job with making Now TV as appealing as possible, dirt cheap but very capable boxes, regular and very good offers. Netflix could learn a lot from them IMHO.....
27 Dec 15 2 #145
Yeah committing fraud is deffo the way forward...
27 Dec 15 #146
i think the movie selection is a bit hit and miss? i tried to watch paddington and it wasnt on the now tv section it was only in the sky store and cost £4.50 to watch. whereas there are films that are just as recent on now tv for free. i don't get why its like that?
DonkeyKonk to gwagirl
27 Dec 15 #147
Life ain't all Sunshine and Rainbows.
27 Dec 15 #148
good deal for any one with an xbox. ill pass this on to my xbox friends. Still a HOT deal for those with an xbox.
27 Dec 15 #149
Be very careful if you are installing Now TV and you have Virgin Media - there are major compatibility problems which will give you serious headaches and hours of frustration. I speak from unhappy experience.
johnson293 to robsy
27 Dec 15 1 #150
Not had any issues, myself.... use NowTV with VirginMedia Fibre BB (and TV), and it works fine with the NowTV box, and through the Xbox One.
ST3123 to robsy
27 Dec 15 #163
The only problem I know of is with the Now TV boxes on Virgin Media and isn't actually unique to Now TV boxes, the same thing happens with Roku boxes (the underlying hardware is the same) and is caused because the boxes use network pings, which Virgin Media connections don't support so by default you will get error 014 and no connection on now tv/roku boxes. But the problem can be solved in seconds, just access the hidden menu (home x 5, ff, play, rw, play, ff) and turn off network pings, it's that simple! Still a mystery why the boxes have it enabled in the first place, must have cost them a fortune in customer service calls and returned boxes....

Of course if you watch on another device this isn't even an issue and as mentioned provided you know the solution it's easily fixable so not reason to be put off now tv at all.
27 Dec 15 #151
Had a few days left on my current pass, and it wouldn't allow me to add new code until it had expired. However, just been on the Now TV support chatline, and all sorted thank you very much :smile:
Sid Harper
27 Dec 15 #152
I think they're saying you're making up words
27 Dec 15 #153
I just get a message saying - sorry this offer has expired. I thought it finished on the 29th?
27 Dec 15 #154
Great offer. Many thanks. Did this yesterday. Now my account says next payment will be £9.99 on 26th Jan. That's only one month. Anyone else had this issue? Any ideas?
27 Dec 15 #155
Just signed up on PC, installed the app on xbox1 and like most people got message saying couldn't apply as have an active movies voucher. Just chatted to Now TV but they were unable to resolve saying needed to refer to second line/technical, who are not there! But said I should get an email within 48 hours - hopefully not too late by then. Just warning people. About to chance my luck with a different operative.
dlawless to dlawless
27 Dec 15 #159
Different operative, they cancelled free trial and all sorted. Thanks.
27 Dec 15 #156
Does now tv sky movies have have 1080 HD ?
ST3123 to FriendlyRyan
27 Dec 15 #160
No, it's 720P, which is still HD just not quite as high a resolution as 1080P. Still looks absolutely fine IMO.
27 Dec 15 #158
I tried to sign up via the dashboard (I'm a new customer) and it said the deal had expired?
27 Dec 15 #161
Thanks :smiley:
27 Dec 15 1 #162
didnt work for me. "invalid code"
27 Dec 15 #164
Just signed up but on the xbox1 app can hardly see any movies to watch - only rows of black squares with a padlock, with only the odd movie showing - anyone else had this and have any idea what is wrong?
27 Dec 15 #165
I've done this and tried watching a film but the quality is horrendous? In comparison amazon prime was very impressive in terms of picture quality.
27 Dec 15 #166
If someone wants this offer but does not have an XBOX One, I can use my console to add it for you
27 Dec 15 #167
I am afraid its not that simple. That solution might work for some people but not everyone. It certainly did not work for me. Just google virgin media and now tv problems and you will see a variety of incompatibility reports there. Also negative reports on Amazon from customers. The box is supplied without these types of difficulties being referred to. You are left to discover it yourself and are then presented with a range of links and online fixes which might help via a foreign call centre who have very limited tech expertise. For me it was a nightmare and took hours of frustration and different adjustments via the virgin media hubs advanced settings. To pretend to people its straightforward is in my opinion very misleading.
27 Dec 15 1 #168
Thanks Buzz, really appreciated :smiley: Just signed in & used the code via my sons Xbox One. The code worked perfectly - £1 a month, and the Sky Movies are also working on our Now TV Box in the sitting room & on the iPads too...Super HOT from me, thanks again for posting :smile:
27 Dec 15 1 #169
You are most welcome :smiley:
27 Dec 15 1 #170
27 Dec 15 #171
Those companies make billions...i dont give a monkeys.
Nobody gonna know about it.
27 Dec 15 #172
Everyone can have different experiences, but I have set up dozens of these boxes (old white and new black) for friends and family and that is the only adjustment I have ever had to make for VM connections.

Was just trying to provide some balance against your overly negative experience of it.

I have had issues with Amazon video though, namely it plays very badly on Xbox One for some reason, never gets above the lowest quality setting....
27 Dec 15 3 #174
Can't vote hot enough on this! took all of 20 seconds as I already had an account. Top marks, Buzz!
WonderWoman to M3NDEREZ
27 Dec 15 1 #176
Exactly the same here! It was REALLY easy - and for me, that's saying something :laughing: Even if you only watch 2/3 movies in the 3 months (won't happen in this house mind) you've got your £3's worth....what's not to like?! Even though this deal is 'scorching' IMO, it should be wayyy hotter still - if it wasn't for Buzz posting this, I wouldn't have a clue it even existed! <3
27 Dec 15 #175
Just wondering why if its so simple were you called in to deal with dozens of them by your friends and family? It sounds like you are a very tech savie person that other people seek help from - dozens of them with Virgin Media installing Now TV boxes !!!! It seems a bit of an unlikely tale to me - Why so many and why are they needing your to help set them up for them if there are no problems getting it done? (it makes me think you are maybe a sales Sky/Now TV rep or employee or someone like that , with a bit of a self interested motivation , in making it all sound so easy)
27 Dec 15 #177
So I've applied the code and I've got a month for free. It says my next payment is £9.99 on the 27th Jan, not £1. Any ideas?
27 Dec 15 #178
Good find! Bit of a bummer that I can't use it because I'm still on a 14 day free trial, even though it's been cancelled! Hopefully the offer will be still available by the time that's over
28 Dec 15 #179
Awesome - worked fine for me just using my existing Sky account!!
28 Dec 15 #180
Just signed up, anyone know how to cancel and do you have to phone or can you email etc etc when the time comes
28 Dec 15 1 #181
Worked perfectly - activated on the Xbox One and can now use on the PS4 and every other device with the Now TV app (iPhone etc...).
Cheers OP, hot from me.
28 Dec 15 #183
I'm just getting a message saying the offer has expired. Has anyone been able to sign up this morning?
28 Dec 15 #184
Just signed up for this offer I already had a now.TV account, worked perfectly thanks!
28 Dec 15 #185
Awesome deal cancelled 14 days got 3 months on live chat no problem
28 Dec 15 #186
Customer services finally got it working for me. Happy days.
28 Dec 15 #187
Just spoke with Now TV Live Chat and they gave me a 2 month code for free instead of the original offer.
Captain HUKD
28 Dec 15 #189
Activated the offer last night - easy once I realised that I needed to use my Sky details! Reminder set so I hopefully cancel in 3 months time before it goes up to £9.99......
28 Dec 15 #190
Just managed to get the offer. Thanks op :smile:
29 Dec 15 #191
This is still working....Just signed up via sons Xbox one :smiley:

Thanks OP
29 Dec 15 #192
Just done,heat added!!! Thanks
30 Dec 15 #193
just tried this morning on my xbox one but has expired :-(
30 Dec 15 #194
I went on Live Chat and said I'd been away over Christmas and they gave me a code for 2 months movies :smile:
30 Dec 15 #195
Im trying to get a code on chat but she's not having none of it lol
30 Dec 15 #196
Didn't work for me the other day and still not working now :/
Snakeyes646 to Snakeyes646
30 Dec 15 #197
Nevermind I went on chat and got 2 months free :smiley:
30 Dec 15 #198
Expired 28/12 :disappointed:
31 Dec 15 #199
This deal needs expired! It's no longer available...
25 Mar 16 #200
I've made the 3 payments of a £1 but my account still says the next payment is going to be £1 as well. I would have expected it to say £9.99. Does anyone else's account show the same?
thearrowmaker to joker99
25 Mar 16 #201
Checking my account through my PC and then my console gave two different amounts. One showed the next deposit as being £1.00 the other £9.99. Cancelled my account as I simply wasn't watching it enough to justify the cost.
Herbert GBR to joker99
27 Mar 16 #202
My account says the same, it's due to expire tomorrow...
What happened on your account in the end?
Be nice if it goes through for £1 again, but I can't justify paying £9.99 for how much I get to use it, especially as I will be moving house in the next month.
1 Apr 16 #203
I contacted NOWTV and they said the deal would end as I expected and it would revert to 9.99 a month. So I used the Samsung Galaxy code and I'm getting the movies for £3.33 a month for 3 months. We watch the movies quite a bit so it is worth the extra couple of quid.
Herbert GBR to joker99
2 Apr 16 #204
I went to cancel. And was offered 4 months for £3.99pm.
So I took their offer. I'm happy with that.
3 Apr 16 #205
Forgot to cancel so ive been charged £9,99 for a month. Fair enough.

Went to cancel and selected costs too much and was given the option of £4 a month for 4 months, a very fair deal i think.
ST3123 to 2015
3 Apr 16 #206
Yeah, I think Now TV have some superb deals on. Netflix could learn a lot from them as by comparison they never seem to have offers on and when you select to leave it's just goodbye, no offers to make you stay, Netflix are a tad over confident in their status IMHO.

I couldn't get this deal (3 month for £3) as I had just activated a 4 month pass shortly before but on the off chance went on the chat and was assured I could have the offer after my pass ran out. Pass ran out this week so I went back on chat. They couldn't apply the past offer as it had expired but instead just decided to give me the 3 months for nowt! :smile:

Couldn't be happier with Now TV.
3 Apr 16 #207
Very nice of them.

Tempted to cancel my Netflix, i wish the £4 was a permanent price. Currently have Amazon TV, Netflix and NOW TV, one of them has to go!
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