There's a couple of decent things, but I thought it would of been a lot better. :disappointed:
26 Nov 15#28
The Amazon deal was for the Cloud 2, they are pretty much identical, except comes with a 4-pole headphone jack and not a separate jack for Mic and Audio like the original Cloud, as well as a 7.1 USB soundcard. You often see the Cloud 1's for around this price, but this was the first time I've seen the Cloud2 for this price.
26 Nov 151#27
Thanks for this I had no idea.
The PSUs are some top quality and cheap. Just got a 650w EVGA
26 Nov 15#26
It was good whilst it didn't last! :wink:
26 Nov 15#25
Thought I was going crazy for a second, kept on looking for the small print £113.99 !
I think they probably just got it wrong as it's a partner Nvdia deal same as from the official Nvidia store.
26 Nov 15#24
Oh, sneaky scan. They have put the price up, probably in response to Amazon sale selling out so fast.
26 Nov 151#23
Thanks, good advice.. cheers :smiley:
26 Nov 15#20
Where did the Nvidia Sheild 16GB - £113.99 (available tomorrow) price come from? Says 119.99 on scan's page.
Leonintelex to zulm
26 Nov 15#22
The homepage
26 Nov 15#21
I'd recommend trying to sell private cash on collection like gumtree/avforums/here as ebay charges will hammer you.
Or see if you've any deals available for selling on ebay.
The deals on ebay I got for 50% off final sale fees was for starting it at 99p but you could put a buy it now on it.
Good luck with whatever you choose.
26 Nov 151#19
So tempted to go down the 980ti route.
Though its way over my budget but guess I could stick my 970 on Ebay, that way it be a bit cheaper as will make some money back.
26 Nov 152#18
My 980ti is a beast tried the 3dmark test and was only 1000 points less than when I had 780ti sli.
Sli imo isn't worth it and that's with experience twice with both 580 and 780ti.
Cons are more power needed and the fact that most games don't seem to support sli that well.
Can't recommend 980ti enough, it's an amazing card!
Just to also add, I had a 970 and had it a few weeks and went back to 780ti just because of the way they gimped the 970.
People said they was only noticing stutter at 4k but when I was maxing out games I did see it happening at 1080p.
Not slating the 970 as it was a great card.
Just that I was unlucky to see the problems but hey that could have even been the game itself.
Had no problems at all with the 980ti.
Can play full whacker on everything.
26 Nov 15#10
I'm considering whether to sell my MSI 970 and go for the 980Ti :smile:
Leonintelex to johnthehuman
26 Nov 15#17
Sell it to me! :smiley: I want one of those to turn my rig into SLI!
26 Nov 15#16
That 980 Ti price is pretty sweet! I'm suprised they'd do it at that price.
26 Nov 151#13
the EVGA 750w g2 looks like a good buy
which is available today
ain't that a tier 1 PSU? (from that list)
Leonintelex to Evilcell
26 Nov 15#15
Just added :smiley:
26 Nov 15#12
Gahh... I thought it was the Shield Tablet
Good post. Just a bit gutted!
Leonintelex to ThunderBolt
26 Nov 15#14
I know, that would be great as want one myself. Hopefully they will announce more offers in the morning but will have to wait and see what they come up with.
26 Nov 15#9
The be quiet! Dark Rock Pro 3 CPU Cooler for £40 is a pretty good deal as well.
Leonintelex to blodadtand
26 Nov 151#11
Will add to the list. Hope they announce more tomorrow!
26 Nov 15#8
H110i cooler is a pretty good price too. Bit gutted as I bought one 2 weeks ago for full price! Would be up for the graphics card but was holding out to see if I can get an MSI 970 to compliment my existing one in SLI!.
26 Nov 151#7
Tempting even more now.
I live a 10 minutes walk from scan as well :smiley:
26 Nov 151#6
I would recommend the K65, it's a cracking keyboard and premium build quality. I got one because it's quite compact, you do miss the number pad though. Lot's of cool themes from RGB share available and the software is 100x better than it was on release.
26 Nov 15#5
Tempted with that myself.
Dunno which is better though that corsair or the razer Chroma on offer at Amazon atm.
26 Nov 15#3
Shield isn't reduced until tomorrow :smirk:
Leonintelex to johnthehuman
26 Nov 15#4
Its a heads up :smiley:
Corsair RGB is a mental price
26 Nov 151#2
No idea why people voting cold? Some cracking offers
26 Nov 15#1
That Corsair K65 RGB is decent but nothing much else :disappointed: Slightly disappointing.
Opening post
Some good deals so far include:
Nvidia Sheild TV 16GB - £119.99 (Scan increased the price :( )
Nvidia Sheild TV 500GB - £183.98
Corsair Vengance DDR3 RAM 16GB - £61.99
Corsair K65 RGB - £79.99
Corsair Gaming CGH2100 Wireless Headset - £64.99
H110i Cooler - £69.98
EVGA 980ti FTW - £449
Dark Rock Pro 3 CPU Cooler- £40
EVGA 750w g2 80 PSU - £64.99
EVGA 430w 80 PSU - £15.98
EVGA 500w 80 PSU - £19.99
EVGA 650w G1 80 PSU - £47.99
EVGA 750w G2 80 PSU - £64.99
Plus lots of others!
Latest comments (35)
but P&P if you don't have free del
The PSUs are some top quality and cheap. Just got a 650w EVGA
I think they probably just got it wrong as it's a partner Nvdia deal same as from the official Nvidia store.
Or see if you've any deals available for selling on ebay.
The deals on ebay I got for 50% off final sale fees was for starting it at 99p but you could put a buy it now on it.
Good luck with whatever you choose.
Though its way over my budget but guess I could stick my 970 on Ebay, that way it be a bit cheaper as will make some money back.
Sli imo isn't worth it and that's with experience twice with both 580 and 780ti.
Cons are more power needed and the fact that most games don't seem to support sli that well.
Can't recommend 980ti enough, it's an amazing card!
Just to also add, I had a 970 and had it a few weeks and went back to 780ti just because of the way they gimped the 970.
People said they was only noticing stutter at 4k but when I was maxing out games I did see it happening at 1080p.
Not slating the 970 as it was a great card.
Just that I was unlucky to see the problems but hey that could have even been the game itself.
Had no problems at all with the 980ti.
Can play full whacker on everything.
which is available today
ain't that a tier 1 PSU? (from that list)
Good post. Just a bit gutted!
I live a 10 minutes walk from scan as well :smiley:
Dunno which is better though that corsair or the razer Chroma on offer at Amazon atm.
Corsair RGB is a mental price
Theres the HyperX headset though - but same price I've seen multiple times on Amazon this week.