Fantastic drive for the price. I have been using one as my game drive for a while and it's been superb.
This is with Scan Computers.
960GB SanDisk Ultra II, 7mm Slim 2.5" SSD, SATA III - 6Gb/s, Read 550MB/s, Write 500MB/s, 99K IOPS
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fishmaster to smsmasters
29 Nov 154#9
Absolutely. M.2 SSDs are where it's at now for speed, they will become the norm eventually and SATA will die off. Then something else will come out. We were in the dark ages before SSDs came out, the 60 year old hard drive technology which was the biggest stumbling block in terms of a bottleneck vis a vis I/O operations and SSDs tackled this. SSDs then became limited by SATA and then we had M.2 and revisions to that and we're now at M.2 NVMe with extremely fast sequential read and write, but that's not the best thing about M.2 it's the IOPS. To answer if you need M.2 well that Reddit link I posted above answers that anecdotally. Anyway this is a seemless waffle.
Here's a technical comparison between NVMe and AHCI, new and old controller interfaces. M.2 SSDs first came out supporting AHCI and now support NVMe, NVMe doesn't use PCIe lanes, so that's the advantage, the disadvantage was compatibility, but that's solved now with Z170 chipset.
Actually the new Dell XPS laptops ship with up to 1tb M2 drives
Latest comments (34)
3 Dec 15#34
Expired? Link is dead, item now seems to be priced at £220.75 here
2 Dec 15#33
Similar here - was woken up at 8am on Sunday morning by a Polish guy hammering on the door with a soggy box. Not impressed - the drive is fine though :smiley:
2 Dec 15#32
Had email saying order delayed due to stock shortage. Ordered 12.10pm 30 Nov.
29 Nov 152#4
Ordered already from eBuyer for a few £ cheaper but this is probably the better deal since they use DPD rather than Yodel.
mullerum to nmarshgiddings
1 Dec 15#31
Funny after I read this mine arrived by Yodel - spotty teenager at the door grunted at me and thrust a soggy crushed box in my face. Wasn't very well packaged but luckily the drive was intact :-)
1 Dec 15#30
LOL they just created a new entry with the price now at £220.75.
1 Dec 15#29
I ordered on Saturday and its due for delivery today....
1 Dec 15#28
I was probably one of the first to place an order 2 days ago. Today I received an email from Scan saying the drive is "out of stock". Funny thing is in their website the drive still appears as in stock but to call for price. Anyone had similar experience? I’ll be mad if they don’t honour the offer, as I didn’t buy the Samsung 1Tb 850 EVO offer from Amazon, the SSD I really wanted, because I was waiting for this one.
1 Dec 15#27
Showing 'call for price' now.
30 Nov 15#26
decent SSD I hope, bought for £139 and its on its way to me :smile:
29 Nov 151#2
960gb for £149. unbelievable ,remember paying this much for a 120gb drive and not so long ago. ssd's will just replace normal mechanical storage drives at this price.
dezontk to raysmith1971
29 Nov 15#16
That's the plan.
rev6 to raysmith1971
29 Nov 15#23
One day. You can get a 5TB HDD for this price so not yet :smiley:
jimunix to raysmith1971
30 Nov 15#25
Heat added. But spinning disks also follow moores law. Still 8 times cheaper than SSD. While that ratio continues to be maintained, SSD will not take over world.
30 Nov 15#24
Hopefully these will be £100 in the next 6 months when i plan to go full SSD with my rig.
29 Nov 15#21
Anyone want a new one of these but the 480GB model, £80?
plewis00 to mullerum
29 Nov 15#22
I think you'd have to sell it for less than that as Ebuyer have them in at £79.98.
This 960GB unit is a great deal for those who missed out at Amazon last week!
29 Nov 15#20
And I just paid £90 for a Samsung Evo 850 500gb...
29 Nov 15#19
For those that missed out on the Lightning deal, smoking hot! Unlike most things you can buy, this WILL make your life better. :laughing:
29 Nov 15#18
cancelled ebuyer and ordered from scan, now wait 2 days rather than 8
29 Nov 15#17
Smoking hot deal :smile: SSDs are the future.
29 Nov 15#15
I can't remember for sure, the last time I looked it was a bit of a mystery but PM951 was the running theory. Now that theya re actually in peoples hand I'm sure its known for sure now
29 Nov 15#14
Hot because I want it at this price!! But want to vote cold as I can't afford it and wouldn't know what to do with the other 4 SSDs I've bought in the last 6 months.
29 Nov 15#13
That's an epic price. If I thought there was any way I could get this to fly with the financial controller I'd be all over this like butter on hot toast.
You don't happen to know which drives Dell use do you? Is it a Samsung SM951/PM951?
29 Nov 153#11
Actually the new Dell XPS laptops ship with up to 1tb M2 drives
29 Nov 151#10
SATA isn't going to die off anytime soon since there is only so much NAND you can fit on an M.2 SSD.
The largest M.2 SSD you can buy at the moment is 512GB, whereas (consumer) SATA SSDs currently max out at 2TB.
Intel's 3D XPoint NVMe SSDs will be available in the next year or two with 3.2GB/s sequential read/write speeds. :smiley:
29 Nov 15#7
I reckon these prices will be the norm next year.
fishmaster to smsmasters
29 Nov 154#9
Absolutely. M.2 SSDs are where it's at now for speed, they will become the norm eventually and SATA will die off. Then something else will come out. We were in the dark ages before SSDs came out, the 60 year old hard drive technology which was the biggest stumbling block in terms of a bottleneck vis a vis I/O operations and SSDs tackled this. SSDs then became limited by SATA and then we had M.2 and revisions to that and we're now at M.2 NVMe with extremely fast sequential read and write, but that's not the best thing about M.2 it's the IOPS. To answer if you need M.2 well that Reddit link I posted above answers that anecdotally. Anyway this is a seemless waffle.
Here's a technical comparison between NVMe and AHCI, new and old controller interfaces. M.2 SSDs first came out supporting AHCI and now support NVMe, NVMe doesn't use PCIe lanes, so that's the advantage, the disadvantage was compatibility, but that's solved now with Z170 chipset.
Opening post
This is with Scan Computers.
960GB SanDisk Ultra II, 7mm Slim 2.5" SSD, SATA III - 6Gb/s, Read 550MB/s, Write 500MB/s, 99K IOPS
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Top comments
Here's a technical comparison between NVMe and AHCI, new and old controller interfaces. M.2 SSDs first came out supporting AHCI and now support NVMe, NVMe doesn't use PCIe lanes, so that's the advantage, the disadvantage was compatibility, but that's solved now with Z170 chipset.
I couldn't stop myself sorry :disappointed:
Latest comments (34)
This 960GB unit is a great deal for those who missed out at Amazon last week!
You don't happen to know which drives Dell use do you? Is it a Samsung SM951/PM951?
The largest M.2 SSD you can buy at the moment is 512GB, whereas (consumer) SATA SSDs currently max out at 2TB.
Intel's 3D XPoint NVMe SSDs will be available in the next year or two with 3.2GB/s sequential read/write speeds. :smiley:
Here's a technical comparison between NVMe and AHCI, new and old controller interfaces. M.2 SSDs first came out supporting AHCI and now support NVMe, NVMe doesn't use PCIe lanes, so that's the advantage, the disadvantage was compatibility, but that's solved now with Z170 chipset.
I couldn't stop myself sorry :disappointed:
I still want an M.2 SSD though :smiley: