If people could please follow the link above & vote on that deal I'm sure the OP would be grateful.
24 Dec 151#2
I feel the xmas spirit so shall vote both hot :man:
peters123 to taiko
25 Dec 151#3
25 Dec 15#4
scan bunch of crooks, ripped me off, paid but never arrived and scan was like, tough, after all yrs i shopped with them to.
gr8h8me to welsh_andy
25 Dec 15#5
They have been great for me
27 Dec 15#6
wow £1.10p cheaper than amazon delivered. Really feeling the christmas spirit at Scan...
KnightInd2000 to boilingpoint84
28 Dec 15#7
I agree that that's not much of a saving. It was more of a deal for those of us who get free delivery from Scan because £88.92 delivered is a good price.
Opening post
However technically this is a dup because this deal is within here :
Xmas Offers @ Scan! EVGA GTX960 £149.99 / Sandisk Ultra SSD 480GB £88.92 / Corsair 8GB £33.98 + £3.33 Postage
However that deal seems to have fallen by the wayside so I've voted hot for this one.
If people could please follow the link above & vote on that deal I'm sure the OP would be grateful.