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Open a HSBC account or switch your account to HSBC and you will receive £120.00 cash back.
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Opening post
29 Dec 15
Open a HSBC account or switch your account to HSBC and you will receive 120 pounds cash back.Excludes basic bank accounts and student accounts.Offer from 29/12 to 28/02/16.Also apply for a credit card or switch your credit card ( 32months interest free) 1.4% balance transfer fee with minimum amount 5 for the fee and receive cash back of 25 pound' 145 pound's
Top comments
29 Dec 15 18 #22
HSBC: The world's local money launderer
kristoff1875 to 306notout
29 Dec 15 4 #29
Same here, to cover the cost of Jenson, Jessica and Rory I guess!
30 Dec 15 3 #69
You also get 3 month interest free overdraft as long as you move your direct debits/standing orders from your current account when you switch.

You can't have a flexone or flexbasic to claim the £100
mistafaz to rubbertucky
30 Dec 15 3 #68
Set up a standing order, or transfer the amount from your account to the hsbc account.
All comments (106)
29 Dec 15 #1
Offer says you have to switch and open a new account. to get the £120 - no free dosh if you are just opening a new account
29 Dec 15 #2

HSBC £120
Switching Offer
Terms and Conditions
1. These Offer Terms and Conditions (the “Offer Terms”) are an agreement between you
and us. They apply when you switch your current account to either an HSBC Premier Bank
Account, HSBC Advance Bank Account or HSBC Bank Account (each an “Eligible Account”),
in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man*. These Offer Terms apply in addition to
and should be read together with the terms and conditions that apply to the HSBC account
to which you switch contained within our “Personal Banking Terms and Conditions and
Charges” booklet

2. In these Offer Terms “we, us or our” means HSBC Bank plc.
Eligibility Criteria for this offer

3. We will make the Offer Payment described below if you comply with all the following
requirements, namely:
a) if you apply for an Eligible Account in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man
during the Offer Period. The Offer Period is 29 December 2015 until 28 February 2016.
Any applications received after the expiry of the Offer Period will not qualify for the Offer
Payment. We may withdraw this offer before the end of the Offer Period. We will in
advance of doing so, put a notice on our website.

b) if the Eligible Account for which you applied is successfully opened;

c) if you are not (and have not within the previous 6 months been) an existing HSBC current
account holder when you apply for an Eligible Account (you may however hold a first
direct and/or M&S Bank current account and still qualify). If you are opening a joint Eligible
Account , this requirement must be met by at least one account holder;

d) if you complete a full switch of a current account to your Eligible Account using the Current
Account Switch Service (CASS) within 30 days of the date of your Eligible Account being
opened. If you are opening a joint Eligible Account both account holders must do this; and

e) provided you continue to hold an Eligible Account on the date we make the Offer Payment.
The Offer Payment

4. If you meet the requirements to qualify for the offer as described above, we will make one
Offer Payment of £120 within 70 days of your Eligible Account being opened. The payment
will be made by a direct credit into your Eligible Account.

5. We will make one Offer Payment per Eligible Account opened in accordance with this offer
(if this is a joint account we will not make an Offer Payment per account holder).

General Terms
6. You can only take advantage of this offer once. This means that if you open more than one
Eligible Account (whether in your sole name, joint names or in a combination of accounts in
your sole name and accounts in joint names), we will only make an Offer Payment the first
time you switch an account to us using CASS and will not accept further applications from
you for this offer.

7. This offer is not transferable.

8. We may refuse any application for a product or service.

9. This offer is only available to UK residents and residents of the Channel Islands and the Isle
of Man*.

10. This offer is not available if the account you are switching to is an HSBC Staff Premier Bank
Account, HSBC Staff Advance Bank Account or a HSBC Staff Bank Account.

What happens to any debit card
transactions that I have asked
my old bank to stop?
The Current Account Switch Service should
not interfere with this process and any
debit card transactions that you have asked
your bank to stop should remain so after
your switch.
Can I prevent my new account details
being given to someone who sends
one-off payments to my old account?

You may be able to transfer your payments to your new bank without redirecting payments from your old account, and you should discuss this requirement with your new bank.
29 Dec 15 2 #3
Oops, here is the important bits:

Important Information - £120 when you switch to an HSBC Bank Account
To be eligible for the HSBC Bank Account you must be over 18 and pay in at least £500 per month into the account each month. (If you are under the age of 24, the qualification criteria will not apply.) Applications are subject to status and internal checks.
£120 switching offer applies to successful applications received between 29 December 2015 and 28 February 2016, limited to one per customer or joint relationship on eligible HSBC Bank Accounts. You must switch using Current Account Switch Service within 30 days of opening your account. To qualify you must not already hold an existing HSBC current account or have held one in the last 6 months. We will make one Offer Payment of £120 within 70 days of your HSBC Bank Account being opened.
We reserve the right to withdraw this offer at any time. Offer available to UK residents and residents of the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.
29 Dec 15 #4
Seems like a decent offer, in that they don't appear to insist on the usual two Direct Debits with the switching service...
twinkle to The_Pope
29 Dec 15 #8
Yes, I noticed that...even better then.
29 Dec 15 #5
ah well, won't be able to meet the minimum payment requirements. might still give it a punt though.
The_Pope to HankHandsome
29 Dec 15 #7
​it doesn't have to be virgin cash. Just transfer from one account and then bounce it on to another. It doesn't have to stay permanently in HSBC
29 Dec 15 #6
£500 a month ,but for how many months? ?
twinkle to dounavilla
29 Dec 15 #9
Until you close that account
xbexyx to dounavilla
29 Dec 15 #10
Offer states.........
'We will make one Offer Payment of £120 within 70 days of your HSBC Bank Account being opened.'
So, once the £120 is paid, stop the £500 a month payment
29 Dec 15 #11
Sadly cannot switch my M&S account as its part of HSBC :disappointed:
slayermatt to twinkle
29 Dec 15 1 #18
Might be worth enquiring about it. From the T&C's posted above:
LV123 to twinkle
29 Dec 15 #23

honeypotpie to twinkle
30 Dec 15 #39
​ you may however hold a first

direct and/or M&S Bank current account and still qualify
bavi014 to twinkle
30 Dec 15 #87
What about FirstDirect accounts ?
29 Dec 15 #12
i probably can't even do that with the income i get, but we'll see - just completed my application and it didn't confirm anything there and then, just said it needed to review it and write to me in a few days - experience tells me it'll be a rejection, but I'll see what happens.
29 Dec 15 3 #13
Switching my Santander account as they are increasing the account fee to £5 a month.

Thanks OP
twinkle to 306notout
29 Dec 15 #14
I'd switch mine but I'm making more than £5 a month and the HSBC one pays nothing as far as I can see
kristoff1875 to 306notout
29 Dec 15 4 #29
Same here, to cover the cost of Jenson, Jessica and Rory I guess!
m5rcc to 306notout
29 Dec 15 1 #34
Not much point if you keep over £10k in your current account...
bankersarebankers to 306notout
30 Dec 15 #46
I wouldn't switch away if that's a 123 account since it's still the best regardless of the fee hike
29 Dec 15 #15
I was making more than the £5 but not anymore so I had been looking for a new account anyway. Would have stayed if it was staying at the current price
29 Dec 15 1 #16
What do you get for staying with bank these days :disappointed:
twinkle to snoopy88
29 Dec 15 1 #17
Well if you split your money over several current accounts you get quite a bit more than you would in a savings account 3%-5% depending on the bank and its limits on interest on current accounts...but as for staying with a bank and showing some loyalty...nothing...same with most companies these days.
29 Dec 15 2 #19
Of all the banks that I have accounts with, the HSBC one was by far the worst opening experience, they wanted me to take proof of all my income and ID even though I had accounts with First Direct and M&S Bank - and then they lost it all! A bit of a hassle, but if you can blag £120 it's just about about worth it!
Lew8510 to myskepticsight
29 Dec 15 1 #35
​I work for a company that does a lot of work for HSBC and frankly I personally wouldn't touch them with a barge pole. They're shambolically disorganised so I'm not surprised you had a hassle. I can't go into details but I really don't know how they're in business with the way they operate.
MaximusRo to myskepticsight
30 Dec 15 #63
Yes, awkard experience, I tried applying for their special account (can't remember the name) when it was posted on HUKD about 6 months ago, they didn't confirm my application, I called them, had to go in a branch twice, they wanted lots of paperwork and rejected me in the end.
Not a nice experience at all.
allowed to myskepticsight
30 Dec 15 1 #81
Tell them you name is Pablo Escobar ad i am sure they will open it pronto.
29 Dec 15 #20
Is this a free account or is there a monthly fee?
I cannot seen to see any mention of monthly fees.
29 Dec 15 #21
Ahh yes the last time they did a similar offer alongside their savings account I remember so many people being denied of the bank account despite many having a perfect credit history , but good look if you go through with it and if it's a different story this time I may take the offer up .
29 Dec 15 18 #22
HSBC: The world's local money launderer
Simpleminded to m5rcc
30 Dec 15 #51
i wonder how many will stop because of this?
Gamer_U to m5rcc
30 Dec 15 #54
For us to know this, we need to ask Walter White. :man:
johnsmith1997 to m5rcc
30 Dec 15 #75
If only I had the money to launder.:neutral_face:
29 Dec 15 #24
Great thanks can see another switch coming
29 Dec 15 #25
Thanks can see another account switch coming
29 Dec 15 1 #26
HSBC are fussy gits
29 Dec 15 #27
They are not having my pennies
29 Dec 15 #28
No doubt you'll be chasing them for opening the account and the cash back like their previous offer
29 Dec 15 1 #30
its not open OR switch

it's open AND switch
29 Dec 15 #31
I noticed that too
29 Dec 15 #32
does switching effect your credit score?
29 Dec 15 #33
Switch and Open or Switch or Open? That's the question...!
30 Dec 15 2 #36
​I'd argue this is the case for a lot of large bureaucratic corporations.
30 Dec 15 1 #37
The account-opening process will be needlessly protracted by their unnecessary insistence that you spend ages on the phone to them and/or attending a branch and they want you to fill in paper forms and post them back with documentary evidençe such as old bank statements as well. Halifax is all onlinr and I think Nationwide. But if you've done them already I suppose its worth a go.
Bendown to RogerN
30 Dec 15 #61
Had all that when I applied for a first direct account, Baaals to that, got to go through all that **** just so they can lend my money out and make a profit on it.
30 Dec 15 #38
Terrible customer service but went to NatWest and they are just as bad.
30 Dec 15 #40
Did the Halifax Switch last October - got £125 Cashback and £5 monthly for a year if the Account stays in the black - £185 in total. Sweet deal.
30 Dec 15 #41
RE the £5 santander price increase. I downgraded to a basic current account free of charge and no monthly payment. £2 to £5 no thank you.
Simpleminded to antf83
30 Dec 15 #57
what benefits do you get for that fiver?
30 Dec 15 #42
Long term the accounts are not great to put it politely, 0.00% interest rate on the Advance account - so you're effectively losing money after inflation.

The 6% saver might be worth it if you can save each month, and lock away the cash for a year.
30 Dec 15 1 #43
The £120 is compensation for them being utterly rubbish.

I ditched them a year or so ago after over 20 years of custom. No regrets.
jamadaia to ro53ben
30 Dec 15 #91
I have been with them for that kind of length, and this year I had a purchase that went horribly wrong and the retailer would not help. I did as CAB advised me which is use my card protection and the resulting shambles that HSBC put me through for 3 to 4 months was atrocious. It was like trying to get money out of an insurer, except these guys are supposed to be fighting my side. In the end they wrote back with some impossible to work out reason based on some laws which did not even seem to apply to my case. But I just gave up.
I stayed with them as I am a Premier member and thought it might add up for something, but seems not.
Who did you switch over to ?
30 Dec 15 1 #44
Good bank for laundering your drug money
bankersarebankers to friiza
30 Dec 15 #47
This is the sort of comment I like
30 Dec 15 #45
ahh i recently switched to hsbc to take advantage of mortgage. it was horrible exp. they took 4 weeks to open account plus i had to go to branch four times. they never tell clearly what they want and were asking same docs as mortgage like pay slips of both joint holders. sadly it was too late for me as i had no other option for mortgage because of delay otherwise i had to pay variable rate to old lender.
ro53ben to arora
30 Dec 15 1 #49
Yes, their mortgage underwriters are the funniest of the lot. Especially on the First Direct side. They declined me a £150k re-mortgage and I laughed at the guy on the phone. He asked if there was anything else he could do to help, so I asked him to close my saving account. The balance was over £200k at the time, so I just paid off my mortgage with it. 10 minutes earlier, I was too high a risk and they were concerned I couldn't make my payments if interest rates went up.
30 Dec 15 #48
Pay at least £1,750 into your account each month (or a minimum of £10,500 every six months) not including money transferred from any other sole or joint personal account(s) you
soulreaverbny to betabelf
30 Dec 15 #53
​not that account further down the page on 'Bank Account'


You need to be over 18 to apply
£500 (minimum) monthly deposit required
If you're under the age of 24, this minimum monthly deposit does not apply

* Non-Sterling transaction fee of 2.75% of the exchange rate will apply on conversion, plus an ATM transaction fee – currently 2% (minimum £1.75, maximum £5.00).
30 Dec 15 #50
No good for me as my local superdrug closed a while ago :man:
30 Dec 15 #52
they don't have much discretion and for them (including all banks) you and i are just a number.
30 Dec 15 2 #55
You got the best outcome then! Far better to be mortgage free than have savings in the bank. Get rid of the risk and then build the savings up again with no payments to make. Congrats on being mortgage free!
30 Dec 15 #56
Is there anyway to do this and keep your old account open and just move £500 every month?
mistafaz to rubbertucky
30 Dec 15 3 #68
Set up a standing order, or transfer the amount from your account to the hsbc account.
30 Dec 15 #58
Get £120 when you switch to HSBC
Open a new HSBC Bank Account and get £120 for switching using the Current Account Switch Service when you switch within 30 days of opening your account. Offer applies to successful applications received between 29 December 2015 and 28 February 2016.
30 Dec 15 #59
its not for new accounts
30 Dec 15 #60
when I applied for my mortgate with them a couple of years ago, I had to have the same amount pass through monthly to qualify as a current account was a pre-requiste, they were pressurising me to switch. Having read their paperwork no where did it say it must be your 'only' account so I pay my mortgage through the basic current account via a DD which is over the minimum and they could not argue with that :smile:
30 Dec 15 1 #62
Applied, accepted, switch requested, hello bank switch number ........... 10 I think of 2014. :smile:
norbie to ikskwizituk
30 Dec 15 #67
Did you get an instant approval after doing the online application? Mine says I have to wait 5 days which is unusual as normally goes straight through.
bcurtis92 to ikskwizituk
30 Dec 15 1 #70
Goodbye credit rating.
30 Dec 15 #64
£120 cashback in exchange for your conscience. I'm sticking with an ethical bank that wont be funding dictatorships and the arms trade. Thanks anyway!
sam_41 to sharkalos
30 Dec 15 #65
I'm opening the account, taking £120 from them, then closing the account - as I expect many others on here will be doing. Conscience intact.
30 Dec 15 #66
So do we need to open a new account? Or switch account?
Also is there any monthly fee?
30 Dec 15 3 #69
You also get 3 month interest free overdraft as long as you move your direct debits/standing orders from your current account when you switch.

You can't have a flexone or flexbasic to claim the £100
30 Dec 15 #71
Might switch from first direct. They're crap. First they didn't give me the switch bonus despite going through switch process, and then they lost £900 from my regular saver and they still haven't sorted it. If they're the best bank, God help us all.
twinkle to jaydeeuk1
30 Dec 15 #74
First Direct are a part of HSBC so doubt if you can...but let me know:)
30 Dec 15 #72
I wonder how many will be encouraged by this.
30 Dec 15 #73
I think that means you can still hold an account from a bank within the group as long as you transfer in an account from a bank outside of the group
30 Dec 15 #76
I should be elegable for the 100 quid 1st direct "satisfaction" payout if I move to HSBC- maybe a £220 payout. Think I will need to do that as it was so easy moving account last time.
30 Dec 15 #77
Going to interject here and say switch to First Direct as you get £125 for switching an account to them. I switched last month. They are part of HSBC but obviously you avoid the stigma and the customer service is far better. You get £125 cashback the month after switching providing you've paid in a £1000.
eileenb13 to ste_sully
30 Dec 15 #78
First direct is now £150 if you go through money supermarket!
30 Dec 15 #79
It took almost 365 days for them to approve your account? Seems to be about right judging by others comments in this thread about the slow approval process :smile:
30 Dec 15 #80
stupid bank is closing up all branches in small towns.
Topper1900 to snexis
30 Dec 15 #89
Does anybody actually to visit a bank these days? They are a bit like Blockbuster stores something from another era.
30 Dec 15 #82
these lot are sub human scum
30 Dec 15 #83
can you switch from first direct
30 Dec 15 1 #84
pretty stupid having over 85k (75k soon) in one account anyway so they probably did you a favour
30 Dec 15 #85
Good point. Might do coop or Yorkshire first
30 Dec 15 #86
i have a joint account with hsbc but no single account, so would i qualify for this offer anyone know?
30 Dec 15 #88
​no because u r an existing cst
30 Dec 15 #90
Seems I'm living a year behind! 2015 I meant. :smile:
30 Dec 15 #92
Instant :smiley: although I've yet to receive any confirmation emails. Should have taken note of the unique ID it gave me :O
30 Dec 15 1 #93
Hello over £1,000 so far.
30 Dec 15 #94
30 Dec 15 1 #95
Why would you switch from Santander 123 account because of monthly fee rise from £2 to £5 with money back on your utility bills should cover fee not to mention 3% interest on a £20,000 savings as a non taxpayer this is of benefit to myself and my husband who also benefits from the same interest on his account as oap this interest almost covers our yearly council tax.
31 Dec 15 #96
Not everyone is lucky enough to have a spare £20k on their bank account. I did at one point but it is now being invested in a property. I don't have any utility bills coming out if my Santander account. For £2 a month it was fine but for £5 I will take my business else where
twinkle to 306notout
1 Jan 16 #97
..and in those circumstances so would I...try Halifax for their £5 a month reward
17 Jan 16 #98
small minded huh, business that deals with cash need to deposit and get change, makes it inconvenience to do so if there are no branches.
29 Jan 16 1 #99
What a long-winded way of applying for an account,

Applied for an account online and received a letter a week later addressed to me but named wrongly stating that I was not successful in applying for an account,

Phoned up and was advised to apply again,

Applied again and then received a letter telling me that they couldn't confirm my address and to go to a branch with my driving licence or passport,

Went to branch who couldn't find any details of me applying for an account, it was late so they advised me to apply online again,

Applied for the third time and received a letter a week later stating that I had been successful with a form included asking me for my signature,

Signed the form and sent it back and received another form today asking for some security details for telephone banking,

I am now awaiting whatever they require next.
Mark5211 to Mark5211
8 Mar 16 #103
Contacted me about switch and had another form sent to me which I had to read before going ahead,

Form didn't arrive so another was sent and three arrived about a week later,

Read form and waited for phone call which came the day after, asked about why I hadn't received a debit card during conversation and it transpired that I didn't order one during application process?, but they ordered one and it was sent in about ten days.

Switch was due on Tuesday last week but it failed, I think they forgot as I didn't get a letter from my other bank confirming the switch.

Was phoned and told that switch will now take place next Monday as first switch failed, no reason why was given.

Received letter from other bank confirming switch will take place on Monday.

Hopefully it will be worth it as it will be over ten weeks since applying if the switch finally goes through on Monday.
1 Feb 16 #100
Another letter today thanking me for my interest and including an application form?
4 Feb 16 #101
Mark , i had a similar story to yours .... They are messing people up ....first they sent me a letter at a previous address than they ask for signature than they want me in the bank to confirm identity awkward experience ....i gave up
2 Mar 16 #102
I just spoke to someone on the phone who said you don't need to pay in £500 for the incentive. If u don't pay in £500 they might downgrade your account to basic, but that has nothing to do with the incentive.
14 Mar 16 1 #104
Well switch went through okay, and £120 was added to my account within an hour. I'm pleasantly surprised!
31 Mar 16 #105
I thought it was 70 days until the £120 credit? I'm still waiting anyway.
3 Apr 16 #106
Terrible switching service-didn't do it within the seven day guaranteed period I had to chase them up with phone calls
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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