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NOWTV Get three months of Movies for the price of one (£9.99) Via Samsung myGalaxy App
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
4 Dec 15
I found this via the Samsung My Galaxy app so you may or may not need a unique code to get this offer. NB no NOWTV box is included in this offer so you will either already own one or you will have to purchase one separately. Take care if you are already taking advantage of a different offer.

'Join today for just £3.33 a month for 3 months thanks to Samsung.

Offer available for new and existing NOW TV customers who obtain a unique NOW TV code from Samsung My Galaxy. 18+. UK only. At the end of the three-month period, access to the NOW TV Movies Month Pass service will automatically renew at £9.99 per month, unless cancelled. Offer price lost if you cancel your Pass before the last month of the offer period. Offer not available in conjunction with other NOW TV offers, unless redeemed in the last 30 days of the current offer.'

NB offer ends 18/12/2015
Top comments
10 Dec 15 3 #89
Just got a reply back from Now TV in regards of the problem we have all been having. Well some of us at least. They've found that there was a glitch which was causing a problem for some people trying to access the deal. Although this should all be fixed now, so everyone should be able to access the deal now.

Although, so everyone knows. Delete the app, and then reinstall it. Reenter all details and then hopefully everything should work from there.
All comments (125)
4 Dec 15 1 #1
Link works via my iPhone lol.

Guess you just need an app or a box.

Pretty good price!
bluefish2303 to jr007
4 Dec 15 1 #3
Thanks! Yeah I just included the generic webpage for all you fanbois :stuck_out_tongue: The myGalaxy app generates a unique code as part of the link so that both companies can do some tracking I guess.
sammyjc71 to jr007
14 Dec 15 #105
How did u manage that with the iPhone
4 Dec 15 1 #2
I bought the new black box with 2mths movies pass on black friday @ Amazon £9.99
bluefish2303 to Del67
4 Dec 15 1 #4
That is a good deal :smiley: I already have a box so am looking out for deals without the box bundled in.
4 Dec 15 1 #5
Link works, but you're going to need that 'unique code' to activate the offer, without you're just getting Now TVs standard pricing as I am seeing when I have logged in?
4 Dec 15 1 #6
^^ Offer available for new and existing NOW TV customers who obtain a unique NOW TV code from Samsung My Galaxy.
bluefish2303 to BuzzDuraband
4 Dec 15 1 #7
Thanks for testing this and highlighting it.
4 Dec 15 #8
There is a blue button that says "Get Your NOW TV Sky Movies Pass". I click this and it does not respond. Any ideas?
bluefish2303 to COUPONKEV
4 Dec 15 #9
Is this after you have logged in?
4 Dec 15 #10
Same happens to me. Every time I click the 'get your...pass' button it just goes back to the top of the message.
hvc123xo to COUPONKEV
4 Dec 15 #29
​Same here. Just goes back to the top of the screen.
4 Dec 15 #11
Yes I am signed in, does exactly as PlanetP describes. Looks like the button is inactive. There are similar blue buttons on other offers which do work.
4 Dec 15 #12
​same on me and my wifes s6,just an unresponsive link
4 Dec 15 #13
Hi I bought the now box but can't get it connected. I am with sky wifi I have put in the password shown on my router but it will not connect me. I have checked with sky it is the correct password and have spent almost 3 hours on live chat with Now tv.
Is there anyone else who has sky wifi... did you use your password from the router or a different one
Any help would be much appreciated
thanks Jane
jamierichardson129 to Nanajane
4 Dec 15 #15
​yep should just be with your standard wireless network key
Coffee100 to Nanajane
4 Dec 15 #22
Wifi password From the router.
Now tv account password you have to create.
Zuzela to Nanajane
4 Dec 15 1 #24
I had similar issues when we got our Now TV box, both with Wifi and Ethernet. Try this:

I found you needed to press the buttons quite hard to get the menu to come up but once we got that far and changed the settings it worked. Hope this helps. :smiley:
skoda441 to Nanajane
5 Dec 15 1 #44
​Did you put it in in capitals
4 Dec 15 #14
I used the 1 on the router
4 Dec 15 1 #16
good find op, heat
4 Dec 15 #17
How can I get this? I'm an existing Now TV customer with a current pass for movies. I'm clicking get offer and have to log in, it then just brings me to the page of purchasing the different passes?
4 Dec 15 1 #18
Thanks OP, had to go through the Samsung app to get the offer, but it worked for me.
PlanetP to pat-w
4 Dec 15 #20
When you say 'the Samsung' app, which one do you mean? The Samsung myGalaxy' one?
4 Dec 15 #19
​Same here...anyone any idea why?
4 Dec 15 #21
Yep, that's correct.
4 Dec 15 #23
Thanks! worked fine for me
4 Dec 15 2 #25
I'm using the mygalaxy app on a Samsung Galaxy S6.
Every time I click on the offer the screen just goes back to the top. What am I doing wrong?
chivalry21 to pmjones79
7 Dec 15 #66
​same here
4 Dec 15 1 #26
Ive been trying near an hour and as many people have said im also being shifted back to the top of the screen when im selecting to get the deal
4 Dec 15 #27
Whereabouts in the mygalaxy app is the offer? I have it on my tablet but never used it before
4 Dec 15 #28
Any ideas? Got offer on mygalaxy but when I click get offer it just goes to the top of the screen again?
4 Dec 15 #30
Same for me
4 Dec 15 #31
This is great, worked for me
Coreydeals to liamrichmond
4 Dec 15 #33
How? Did you click the button on the app and it went through? or did you do something different?
4 Dec 15 #32
Not working for me. can see the offer but when I click on link it just takes me to the top of the page.
5 Dec 15 #34
if you have a dual band router, try connecting the now TV box to the 2.4ghz network. I couldn't get my box to connect to the ac 5ghz network on my Asus router. works a treat on 2.4 though
Cumbrian Hammer
5 Dec 15 #35
Same as others have on it through my galaxy on Samsung tab4 10.1 and it just goes back to top of screen.
How annoying that some say worked fine for me,yet many others,myself included,can't access the deal.
5 Dec 15 #36
link also failed for me in the my Samsung galaxy app a shame as a good deal if it had worked
5 Dec 15 #37
I've got the same problem, I've got a galaxy-s4 click on the link in the app and it takes me to the top of the page again.
5 Dec 15 #38
I don't see anything about this in the my galaxy app :disappointed:
5 Dec 15 #39
Same here. Click button , just goes to top of page! annoying.
5 Dec 15 #40
Not working on galaxy tab 3, been trying since yesterday ,same problem ,mush be a faulty link !!!
Please sort it out Samsung !
5 Dec 15 #41
Nice ... Thanks
5 Dec 15 #42
Hi, Yes I created the tv account before I tried to set up the now tv box.
I also have a pin number on my router as well as a password and wondered if I should be using that .. have checked with sky and they have confirmed that it is the password on the router and it has not been changed. After 3 hrs on live chat with now tv don't know what else to do
5 Dec 15 #43
Hi, thanks very much for the information I will try it later today, Jane
5 Dec 15 #45
Yes exactly as it is on the router ... I did try l.c. as well just in case....thanks anyway
5 Dec 15 #46
Do I need the box or can I just use the app?
Coreydeals to jaypee24
5 Dec 15 1 #47
You can use either.
5 Dec 15 #48
seems if you get this you have to cancel or they will keep on billing.
Face172 to dogsballs
5 Dec 15 2 #50
That much is obvious!
5 Dec 15 #49
Link in app not working for me either.
crhap84 to rdtorres
5 Dec 15 #51
​same :disappointed:
5 Dec 15 #52
Cartoon HD app + All connect App = everything free
5 Dec 15 #53
Anyone got this working as yet??
5 Dec 15 1 #54
Or just have a free trial every 14 days by spending 10 minutes making up a new email and 5 minutes registering. No £9.99.
Coreydeals to Username50
5 Dec 15 #56
Surely, like Netflix they'll notice that you have had a trial before, even if you use a new email. E.g. Payment details or the address anyway.
5 Dec 15 #55
Still not working :/
5 Dec 15 1 #57
Surely, it's life is too short.
5 Dec 15 #58
Link to generate unique code is not working in mygalaxy app, as so many noticed.

Anyone interested, contact Samsung:


Samsung Customer Support
Selectapost 38
S97 3FJ

Good find, but had to vote cold, otherwise lots of people will waste their time trying to get a code that is not available.
5 Dec 15 #59
Still not working for me. When installing the app it seems to log the phone model/version. I wonder if perhaps it only works if you have a particular phone variant. Mine is the entry level cheaper Samsung model.
Coreydeals to COUPONKEV
5 Dec 15 #60
There was someone who tried using the app with an S6 if I remember earlier comments, so I don't think that's the problem. I'm not sure why a small few are managing, and then most others are having no luck.
6 Dec 15 #61
I cant even find this on the my galaxy app??
6 Dec 15 #62
I am fairly sure that the problem preventing some of us taking up this offer is the type of handset on which the app is installed which dictates whether the offer button will launch. If we compare it to a similar deal last year, similar issues were raised with only certain hansets qualifying and it would depend on which handset you have as to whether you received 1, 2 or 3 minths Now TV. I guess those succeeding have a relatively new phone of a high spec. I guess my £100 Samsung doesnt qualify but it is shameful that the developers didnt simply drop non-qualifyers to a webpage that explains this.
rdtorres to COUPONKEV
6 Dec 15 #63
I've got s6 and it doesn't work, just did the 14 day free trial instead.
6 Dec 15 #64
I do it all the time so I'd say no.
6 Dec 15 #65
This has got to 475 degrees yet comments are full of posts about the deal not working... can anyone shed some light on this?

The app is clearly not functioning properly. Is there another way to obtain the code?
7 Dec 15 #67
Something is definitely not working. Has anyone spoken to Samsung?
7 Dec 15 #68
Doesn't work. I don't have an Android device, but used Genymotion to install the app simulating an S5 (on 4.4.4). Had no problems finding the advert but the button simply sends user to the top of the page.
7 Dec 15 2 #69
I have spoken to both Now TV and Samsung. Now TV have replied saying that there has been a problem accessing the deal all weekend and would let me know if they get any further info. Samsung are so unhelpful all I've been told is to try open the link in a different browser. There isn't even the option to do this.
Hopefully this gets sorted as its a good deal!
bluefish2303 to lulu007
8 Dec 15 #70
Thanks for pursuing this with NOWTV and Samsung! You can change which browser links get opened in by clear the current default: go to Settings > Default Applications and clear the browser that is set there (may well be Samsung's own internet browser). Ensure you have access to at least one other browser (usually Chrome on Android) before trying the blue link again and let us know how you go on. Fingers crossed!!
8 Dec 15 #71
Hmmm still not working cleared defaults and still jumping to top of page, not even giving option to choose default browser. I do not think this is actually using a browser it is navigating from within the app, so the app must be broke,
8 Dec 15 1 #72
Thanks op worked first time accessing the app `on a S5,
xeroc to DrRossi
8 Dec 15 1 #73
Can you please give more information about what happened when you clicked the button? Did it open a browser? If so what URL? Did it open a new page within the app?
8 Dec 15 1 #74

after some digging this ^^ is the link its shows very quick then goes to nowtv site
the ********* on the end was my redemptiopn code in captials.

after clicking the get nowtv promotion on the my samsung app on the phone
you get to a screen get offer tap that then you get login in or join option to redeem code.

8 Dec 15 #75
I have have just set up nowtv box which come with 3 months movie pass on it, can i get this now to add another 3 months ?
Coreydeals to g_p_t
8 Dec 15 #76
If you haven't already entered the voucher, then yes. Although I'd recommend waiting to see if this is resolved before entering any voucher codes since you can only add one voucher at a time.
8 Dec 15 2 #77
Samsung are being an absolute joke with this. They keep saying it like the app is fine their end, so it must be me doing something wrong. Telling me to delete the cache, restart my phone, make sure the app is the most updated. All sorts. I've spoke to Now TV which have been super helpful and said they'll get this fully looked in to, which is great. Even the person that I spoke to on Live Chat said they were having the same trouble when they tried it when I mentioned it (only checking to see if it was the app being a pain, not that they need this offer haha) so they've escalated it and hopefully they'll respond to me tomorrow when they get a reply back.
bluefish2303 to Coreydeals
8 Dec 15 1 #78
Thanks for the update :smiley: Hopefully this will lead to more people being able to access the deal!! I must say I did not have any problems using my Note 4 but I appreciate this is not everyone's experience ...
8 Dec 15 #79
No it definitely tries to open a URL in a browser. Keep trying ...
9 Dec 15 #80
Okay thanks too late as I'm already using it. I'm sure other deals will come along, could I add say an entertainment pass if one comes along ?'
9 Dec 15 1 #81
Yes, you can add an entertainment pass if one comes along. The passes work independently of each other, you can only have one voucher running at a time on each, that's all.
9 Dec 15 #82
I can't get the code from my Samsung app either. I've rang Samsung, they have told me to back up my phone and reinstall all of my apps
9 Dec 15 #83
I'll bore people with another update. Basically, Samsung have finally said that clearly something isn't right and that some people are having problems, so they're currently looking in to this. Still waiting on a reply from Now TV. Hopefully get a reply from them at some point today, if not tomorrow. No idea when I'll hear more from Samsung. Hopefully soon. I wonder if they'll extend the offer? I doubt it. Haha.
9 Dec 15 #84
Can anyone do me a favour and clear the data and cache of the app and then reenter the app? Trying to work out if they've pulled the offer on the app or not, because I've reentered the app and the offer now seems to have gone.
redefiningsin to Coreydeals
9 Dec 15 #85
Cleared cache etc and yep, offer has gone :-( Lets hope its because they are working to fix it!!!
9 Dec 15 #86
Thanks for confirming that with me. Just checking that I wasn't going crazy, haha. Hopefully that is the case. As soon as I am aware of any more information I'll post it on here anyway. It seems like both are looking in to it anyway.
10 Dec 15 1 #87
You can now get the deal through the app. I've just cleared data and cache. The offer is back and works ☺
Coreydeals to pluke1973
10 Dec 15 #88
Thank you for confirming that for us Pluke1973! I just tried it on my device and it seems to be working. No box came up with the offer code, but I just took the voucher code in the web address.
10 Dec 15 3 #89
Just got a reply back from Now TV in regards of the problem we have all been having. Well some of us at least. They've found that there was a glitch which was causing a problem for some people trying to access the deal. Although this should all be fixed now, so everyone should be able to access the deal now.

Although, so everyone knows. Delete the app, and then reinstall it. Reenter all details and then hopefully everything should work from there.
10 Dec 15 1 #90
Works for me now, having not worked on 5 devices previously. Heat added.
10 Dec 15 1 #91
I cleared data and cache on both galaxy s5 mini & galaxy tablet but still jumped back to top of the page. I uninstalled the app, reinstalled and it worked! Thanks to everyone for chasing up Samsung & Nowtv!
10 Dec 15 1 #92
All working now on my s4. Just in time for Christmas ☺ took a while for the offer to appear after uninstalling (about 5 mins).
10 Dec 15 1 #93
All fine here as well. Uninstall and reinstall did the track. Heat added
10 Dec 15 #94
General question about Now tv
I thought I would be able to watch Sky programmes via this box but a number of series - eg Walking Dead, Games of thrones - only have the first season... is this correct or is there a way to access the programmes on Sky Atlantic and Living, Fox Watch etc that are being shown now?
Sorry for ignorance
EggBomb to Nanajane
11 Dec 15 #100
Up until a couple of weeks ago there were seasons 1-6 of walking dead and GOT seasons 1-4. They tend to come and go whilst other shows hang around forever (e.g. 24), When not available as box sets you only get the last few episodes of the current series, and they are time boxed, like BBC iPlayer.
10 Dec 15 1 #95
OP thanks for posting. all who chased Samsung & now TV thanks now got it to work after clearing cache and reinstalling
10 Dec 15 1 #96
Thanks to bluefish2303 for posting this deal and to coreydeals for your persistence. I followed your advice just now and deleted the app before reinstalling. I was then able to access the offer and on entering my Now TV account it allowed me to apply the code and my Movies pass now shows up at £3.33 per month. Live chat confirmed this price is fixed each month until 10/3/2016 at which point it increases to £9.99 pm. However it is my intention to apply a 4 month code from one of the black friday £19 packs before end February so they don't debit £9.99.
11 Dec 15 1 #97
I'd also like to say many thanks to bluefish2303 for posting this deal and to coreydeals for your persistence. :innocent:
11 Dec 15 #98
I've uninstalled the app and have downloaded it again. The link now works but once I sign onto my now TV account I cannot see the 'apply voucher' that I need to click. Any ideas please folks??
COUPONKEV to trainspotter
11 Dec 15 #99
The code appears in a little floating black box below which it says Ignore or Apply Code. Obviously you need to select the latter. If the floating box doesnt appear perhaps your security settings prevent it. Did you clear the cache in Settings/Manage Applications. I did before uninstalling and reinstalling - may somehow retain cache.
Coreydeals to trainspotter
11 Dec 15 #101
If you're still having trouble in that regard, the code should also be in the address bar. Copy the voucher code and do it manually by going in to settings and clicking "My Passes" adding it under "voucher" on movies. If you are unable to see the code in the address bar I would recommend doing what COUPONKEV has said and maybe clear cache and data, etc. Then delete the app, reinstall and then try again.
11 Dec 15 #102
Thanks OP and everyone else who've worked to make sure this works. I've just done it from my S5
11 Dec 15 #103
I had the same problem with not being able to access the other with my core prime, however I obtained a j5 just the other day and guess what it worked on that device.

Something else I have noticed is that the app needs to access the internet and my core prime I do not get the pop-up. Installed the mygalaxy on a galaxy fame (last year edition) and I got the pop-up, but did not go any further.

OK, this time I uninstalled the mysamsung app, then installed it and it all works now!
13 Dec 15 #104
15 Dec 15 #106
I can imagine the link will work via anything, but you wouldn't be able to generate a code without going via the Samsung app.
15 Dec 15 #107
I do have a now box but not any Samsung gadgets oh well nevermind the boy as never seen any star wars and wanted to see from the start then watch the new one . He's 14 so he's taken his time lol
Coreydeals to sammyjc71
15 Dec 15 #108
Do you not own any Android products? No Android phone or tablet?
15 Dec 15 #109
how do you go about this with no galaxy but through Android? Is it possible?
15 Dec 15 #110
Yeah, it's possible. You can even do it through Android emulators now since they've fixed the glitch they had earlier last week. Once you've downloaded the app from the app store on to your phone, you should be able to click the deal in the app and it should take you directly to the Now TV website. If the box doesn't show with the voucher code, the code will be in the address bar anyway.
15 Dec 15 #111
Thanks- so even if no Samsung, you can still dowload samsung my galaxy app on android? and then what steps do I take?
15 Dec 15 #112
Yes, you can download the app to any android device. Once registered, the offer should show under the tab labelled offers. Once clicked on that, you will see a blue button at the bottom of the page labelled "get your now tv sky movies pass" once you've clicked that it will open a web browser and direct you to the Now TV website. Now, it should come up with a box with the voucher code. If it doesn't, just copy the voucher code from the web address, and enter this code in to vouchers under the Movies pass. This should then add a payment for the next 3 months of £3.33
15 Dec 15 1 #113
Thanks very much for your help
15 Dec 15 #114
Just finely got it using my Samsung galaxy tab 2 thanks
15 Dec 15 #115
No nothing android all Apple nevermind :wink:
15 Dec 15 #116
I'll PM you a code, don't worry!
15 Dec 15 1 #117
Thanks so much x
17 Dec 15 #118
Could you PM me a code as well - I've tried to get this to work dozens of times on my Galaxy S4 but clicking on the offer just does nothing - really frustrating.
17 Dec 15 #119
Even with the steps I have indicated earlier in the thread? Strange. I'll just PM you a code now.

(I can't get any more codes if anyone else asks.)
17 Dec 15 #120
If you have the now tv box you can watch all the star wars on that.. Jane
11 Mar 16 #121
it won't let me delete Samsung my galaxy
11 Mar 16 #122
managed to delete and reinstall. ... now the offers have cone
12 Mar 16 #123
These offers have expired.
Infiltrator to swellybro
12 Mar 16 #124
I managed to get it yesterday - but couldn't get it to work when this previous deal was posted.

New deal posted recently.
12 Mar 16 #125
anyone got a spare code they can pm me please. Can't get this to work at all atm
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
4 stars +361

ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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