cheapest i have found this anywhere looks like a good deal ?
28 Nov 15#16
I was planning on buying the 550W version of this. Even that would give me approx 150w overhead.
But would I be better off to get this since its only a couple of quid more? Will it run cooler/quieter since it would be worked well below it's limit?
28 Nov 15#15
I have this model running 24/7 powering some BTC mining equipment, very quiet and good efficiency.
28 Nov 15#13
Try and find it somewhere else then put it in to Flubit, to see if they can beat the price.
I got mine through Flubit for not much more than this
28 Nov 15#12
Damn I was looking for something like this - semi passive and quiet when in use - full modular. Any suggestions for a similar price now it’s expired?
Kulaak to sh20
28 Nov 15#14
There's a bronze rated 750W unit going for £62.91 at Dabs
28 Nov 151#11
Great PSU, for those that got one before it sold out.
I have one myself. The best bit about it is that it's semi passive. Under light load (desktop, web browsing, media viewing) the fan is off, it's only when doing something intensive like gaming does the fan kick in.
wah0007 to martyn_3000
28 Nov 15#17
I've turned eco off. I've noticed that the fan doesn't turn on in eco mode (maybe the power draw is less) and the system gets warmer with the fan off as all the heat goes up in the case, so I've just left eco off as the fan will blow the heat out through the back.
28 Nov 15#10
"This item is currently discontinued. Please see suggested replacements below." No longer available.
28 Nov 15#9
Gah, that is such a good price for a 750W. I had already bought the 600W EVGA a few months ago though. It's still good enough to run my GTX 970 :smiley:
28 Nov 15#8
I've got a Supernova 650 G2 and it's silent, really well built and has plenty of cables for your SATA, VGA... <3
28 Nov 15#7
Good PSU Good Price....
28 Nov 15#6
it changed to this price yesterday, luckily I found the misses account had free delivery on it too so got it for £65, bonus!
27 Nov 151#5
Thank you! I was hoping for a slightly higher reduction on the rm850i on amazon today, this will do very nicely instead.
27 Nov 152#4
Excellent deal.
G2 is better than G1. I have the 850W version. 10 year warranty. Currently considered to be one of the best PSU's on the market - based on the Superflower Leadtex.
27 Nov 151#1
that looks really cheap do you know what the G2 is for ? i have seen one like this cheaper but with g1 b1 b2 ( confused )
1kca to agccga05
27 Nov 154#2
G is for efficiency rating (Gold, Silver, Bronze, Platinum etc). The 2 is the generation. So The G2 is the second generation of their Gold rated SuperNova power supplies
Retro89 to agccga05
27 Nov 152#3
The Supernova G2's are excellent PSU's. Here's a Review
I have the 850W version in my system.
Opening post
But would I be better off to get this since its only a couple of quid more? Will it run cooler/quieter since it would be worked well below it's limit?
I got mine through Flubit for not much more than this
I have one myself. The best bit about it is that it's semi passive. Under light load (desktop, web browsing, media viewing) the fan is off, it's only when doing something intensive like gaming does the fan kick in.
G2 is better than G1. I have the 850W version. 10 year warranty. Currently considered to be one of the best PSU's on the market - based on the Superflower Leadtex.
I have the 850W version in my system.