Good deal, and free collection in-store. Burgundy and navy blue also available for the same price. Thanks
14 Dec 15#2
Great find, thanks.
Burgundy now out of stock.
14 Dec 151#3
Oh and don't forget 6% Quidco too
14 Dec 15#4
Could anyone explain the hype behind these bags?
nbgrobbo to moodyafc
14 Dec 15#5
If you don't get it, no, not in a way you'd understand. Move along.
14 Dec 15#6
HOT ordered thanks :smile:
14 Dec 15#7
Wasn't out of stock when i tried as I just ordered one :innocent:
muntyflumple to kelsy83
14 Dec 15#8
Bad luck for me then as there was only navy and grey. Must have been sitting in someone's basket.
14 Dec 15#9
:disappointed: that's a shame, grey one is still nice X
14 Dec 15#10
I see you are part of the cool crowd with your shirt and tie...hahahaha
14 Dec 151#11
I got the navy as I figure it will keep cleaner :smile:
14 Dec 15#12
Yep, that will be to do with having a real job
14 Dec 151#13
Selling shoes by any chance?
Adidas Addict
14 Dec 15#14
Oh The Duffer of St George, what has happened to you? First that cheap nasty range in Debenhams and now a low end version for JD Sports of all places. Another quality British brand bites the dust.
14 Dec 15#15
Thanks op, I had my eye on the burgundy one, couldn't say no at this price, my sister says it looks expensive. Really chuffed, bargain :smile:
14 Dec 15#16
To your father, 8 inch red stilettos.
15 Dec 15#17
Oh dear - I was referring to your profile photo - isn't it Al Bundy?
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Burgundy now out of stock.