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Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Fortune [Asian Import - English] £42.74 with code @ Rice Digital
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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1 Dec 15
So, you may or may not have heard that Koei Tecmo aren't planning on bringing Dead or Alive Xtreme to America or Europe for various reasons.
Luckily, the Asia version of the game (different from the Japanese region version) will have English text & subtitles and the PS4 & Vita are both region free.

Play-Asia had been advertising this version of the game for a while, but now Rice Digital also have opened up pre-orders for the PS4 & Vita versions, which would be a better choice for those of us in the UK as the price is a bit cheaper than Play-Asia and you won't have to worry about delivery costs and customs fees.

Here's the link for the Vita version, which is also listed for £34.99 (£33.24 with code SMART5)

This game might not be everyone's cup of tea, but those who were considering getting it from play asia could save a few pounds here.

Update: £42.74 with code SMART5 (Credit to BuzzDuraband for the info)
Top comments
1 Dec 15 8 #26
All those damn feminists and social justice warriors prevented this from coming to the West if any of you seen the recent news..
Il be importing this
1 Dec 15 8 #3
FYI there is free pornography on the internet
1 Dec 15 4 #1
looks like a great game just going by the screenshots
Mattevansc3 to eloo
2 Dec 15 3 #30
If you actually did read the news Koei Temco have stated they didn't

Its a series where the last entry was released almost ten years ago, didn't do particularly well outside of Asia and nobody really cared that this latest game even existed.

A moderator on their Facebook page who had zero involvement or knowledge of the localisation decision made that claim in response to someone asking when it was going to be released in the west. Play-Asia decided to use that to promote the game on Twitter and only then did the majority of people even realise this game existed.

It was just a cheap, cynical attempt at signal boosting a game that few cared about through the creation of a false controversy.
All comments (50)
1 Dec 15 4 #1
looks like a great game just going by the screenshots
1 Dec 15 2 #2
It'll bring out your sensitive side.
1 Dec 15 8 #3
FYI there is free pornography on the internet
magnetman_exe to tafkas
1 Dec 15 #5
Really? I'm not really a computer guy...
ThisName to tafkas
2 Dec 15 1 #33
Link please
1 Dec 15 2 #4
£42.74 with code SMART5
magnetman_exe to BuzzDuraband
1 Dec 15 1 #6
Oh, I didn't know that code worked on pre-orders as well. I'll update the price on the post. Thanks for the info!
1 Dec 15 2 #7
Awesome! £5 cheaper than Play Asia and will probably ship from UK. Regarding those who think this is porn are way of the mark. Its just a bit of otaku fan service within a highly polished world of babes,boobs, beach volleyball and one of the most addictive casino's outside of a real casino. Collecting the costumes becomes an obsession :laughing:
1 Dec 15 #8
Just read the review on the site, there isn't even any fighting in this?!
hanzoadam to saddako
1 Dec 15 #10
Well it's not out yet so no review probably of one of the previous 3 game there is fighting all boobs and bikini mini games
fanpages to saddako
1 Dec 15 2 #11
Nobody dies either.

The franchise does have its knockers.
1 Dec 15 #9
Tempted but got the Japanese limited edition preordered with the art book, playing cards and Marie Oppai mouse matt
scottishgamer to hanzoadam
1 Dec 15 1 #16
how the heck does a Marie Oppai mouse matt work? :stuck_out_tongue:;)
magnetman_exe to hanzoadam
2 Dec 15 #45
Wow, this got pretty popular overnight.

I was considering that version as well, but decided to get the regular edition of both versions for around the same price as one LE

Let's not get into anti-SJW or anti-Gamergate stuff as that can get a bit messy. Just sit back, relax and enjoy the view! :smiley:

I've used them in the past and they've been pretty good for importing stuff from japan. But it seems they only have the Japan version on there at the moment and not the Asia version with English subtitles.

From talking to people at pubishers like Marvelous, NISA, IFI, etc (those specialising in niche Japanese titles), niche and fan-service games can do well for the company depending on the fan-base. They'll never reach COD or FIFA levels of sales but since they're generally smaller games with smaller dev costs and marketing budgets, they wouldn't need to sell as much as some larger titles to make a profit.

I wouldn't say they fabricated the 'controversy', but more like they saw people were unhappy about the comment from the KT employee about DOAX3's chances of western release once it started to get more exposure and coverage on various sites, then simply jumped on the bandwagon to promote the fact that people can get hold of this game in English on their site (and started trolling the hell out of those claiming to be offended by their support for the game and calling for the site to be boycotted, the social media person to be fired, etc...). It's been interesting to watch :smiley:

Yaaaay! :smile:

That's a good point, although sales figures for Paradise on the PSP might be a better comparison, since DOAX2 was an Xbox 360 exclusive and that console didn't do too well in Japan.

Play nice everyone! :wink:
1 Dec 15 #12
I played the first one years ago and spent all my time in the casino. I don't think my girlfriend would approve of me playing this now!
1 Dec 15 2 #13
Seems to be a shortage of ice-cream on the island as well.
1 Dec 15 #14
I'll drink to that.

Anyone for liqueurs?
1 Dec 15 #15
How can the be a review its not out till feb
1 Dec 15 #17
Do they take money on dispatch or on order?
hanzoadam to scottishgamer
1 Dec 15 #19
hanzoadam to scottishgamer
1 Dec 15 #20
hanzoadam to scottishgamer
1 Dec 15 #21
Money is taken on order
1 Dec 15 #18
I know she's a bit flat =P but still

Preordered the Ayane one anyway =P
1 Dec 15 1 #22
But when do they take the money?
1 Dec 15 #23
Damn, I was hoping to get the Play Asia Deluxe Edition It's like £199.99 though... Hmmm choices...!
1 Dec 15 #24
Remember that tan-lines are PS4 exclusive (yes, I'm not joking).
eloo to elchery
1 Dec 15 1 #25
It wasn't possible on the Vita version lol
1 Dec 15 8 #26
All those damn feminists and social justice warriors prevented this from coming to the West if any of you seen the recent news..
Il be importing this
Mattevansc3 to eloo
2 Dec 15 3 #30
If you actually did read the news Koei Temco have stated they didn't

Its a series where the last entry was released almost ten years ago, didn't do particularly well outside of Asia and nobody really cared that this latest game even existed.

A moderator on their Facebook page who had zero involvement or knowledge of the localisation decision made that claim in response to someone asking when it was going to be released in the west. Play-Asia decided to use that to promote the game on Twitter and only then did the majority of people even realise this game existed.

It was just a cheap, cynical attempt at signal boosting a game that few cared about through the creation of a false controversy.
1 Dec 15 1 #27

Was going to order from play-asia once it released but £5 less AND shipping from the UK so no worries about import duties and fees is a real bargain. Never seen this site before but it seems legit. Shame they don't stock other Asian games as there's a few I have my eyes on.
2 Dec 15 #28
Couldn't resist in the end as the above said! ^ Purchased via PayPal had £25 worth if Quido Cashback saved up so this becomes a bargain for me!
2 Dec 15 #29
Lovely game,will eventually pick it up when the price settles down a bit.
2 Dec 15 #31
Fan service games dont really do well outside Asia tbh :smile: ill likely still import this when it hits £15 or less
2 Dec 15 #32
Amiami is cheaper and they have a DLC bonus plus they take will ask die payment when item is in stock

But it's the Japanese version
2 Dec 15 #34
Paradise came out in 2010.
2 Dec 15 #35
Shame i pre-ordered the PS4 version from play-asia months back - could have saved a few bob but just got the VIta version from here so thanks.

DOAX2 was one of my guilty pleasures on the xbox 360 - the achievements were impossible to get but it was just a fun, happy game with and amazing sound track that just makes me think of summer. Even now when i hear that remix of sweet female attitude's flowers :innocent:

..Well that was hard to find! SFA - Flowers Video
2 Dec 15 #36
LOL. Guess this will upset playasia and their whole fake controversy campaign they had to drum up some business for a game that, really, has very few fans.
Mattevansc3 to jackanape
2 Dec 15 #42
I'm just surprised people haven't questioned why Play-Asia, a Japanese importer, is complaining that a region free game with an English translation is not being localised and can therefore only be bought via importers like Play-Asia :wink:
2 Dec 15 1 #37

Take my money
2 Dec 15 #38
Nippon Yassan have always been cheapest and quickest for me in the past, I've had a Vita, Wii U Pro Controller and all sorts with great service.
2 Dec 15 1 #39
Sshhhh, gamergate losers don't have time for logic and reason. They're too busy being OPRESSED BY EVIL WOMEN
2 Dec 15 #40
If you like to take pictures of 3d girls then yeeey. but tbh the xtreme games are always a bit crappy. not much "gaming" going on in these games
2 Dec 15 #41
Which was essentially a PSP port of the Xbox360 DOAX2. DOAX2 was the last fully original release in the series.
2 Dec 15 1 #43
Ha ha ha, I know right? If it came out in the west legit they would make no money from it. But this way they get to make up some fake controversy and drum up some sales for a game that might otherwise have sat on their shelves forever.

People not seeing this whole kerfuffle as an obvious marketing ploy must be blinded by their need for dodgy games with animated ladies in bikinis.
2 Dec 15 #44

Sold 57% of copies in the US. 140000 units. So to say they would make no money from it is pretty baseless.
2 Dec 15 #46
The big business for the fan service market seems to be the video novels, dating sims and certain Match 3 games. Made cheap, sold cheap and with easy access for indie developers the likes of Steam are bursting with them.
2 Dec 15 1 #47
"We remain focused on delivering the best in fighting entertainment to our fans around the world, while consciously respecting and strategizing to support the different global audiences the Dead or Alive franchise lends itself to."

Basically, the employee/moderator was right; but the company did not want them summarising their position for them. The line about "respecting" different global audiences says it all. The game is ready, translated to English for English-speaking Asian territories; there is no reason, other than potential social-justice outcry (I can already smell the outrage in the opinion-articles on Kotaku), why it could not be released digitally on the Playstation Store.
Mattevansc3 to cardboard_jase
3 Dec 15 1 #48
Shall we go through the actual reasons?

1) There are more languages in the West than just English. Games released in NA alone have English, French (Canada) and Spanish translations. European localisations will generally also include German and Italian translations.

2) If a game is to be sold in a territory, whether on a disc or as part of a digital download, it has to comply with that territory's ratings system. In Europe getting a PEGI rating alone isn't good enough as the German ratings board has banned games that are available in other parts of Europe.

3) Costs for localisations are the responsibility of the publisher for that territory.

4) The decision on whether a game gets localised and released in any given territory is made by the publisher for that territory. If the publisher does not feel there's a good enough chance of turning a profit they won't pay for the localisation and won't release the game in that territory.

The line "respecting global audiences" just means as far as they are concerned its a game pitched at Asian markets and there's not a big enough demand for it outside of Asia.
3 Dec 15 #49
You're ignoring the fact those are LIFETIME sales of the game to date. In it's first year of release in the US it sold less than 30k units, and after that point it will have no doubt become heavily discounted. Those figures do not take into account the price it will have been sold out only whether it was a full retail sale. The figures are even worse here in the UK where it has sold 30k TOTAL in its lifetime.

So 140k units in the US (which is pretty low even if that had been the first year sales) would not have generated them much, if any, major income when you factor in localisation costs, costs for printing discs/manuals, the cut given to retail etc etc. I doubt they even broke even.

The proof is in the pudding - they didn't release another game in the series for years and are only just doing so now, plus they obviously don't see any financial reason to release it in the west. Only one rogue employee at Tecmo Koei (who the main company has since distanced themselves from) and playasia themselves have blamed SJW's and a perceived western backlash that never even happened. No one has tried to get the game cancelled or censored, because no one really cares (the game is not that great). So the controversy is just manufactured to drum up sales, it will probably work to a point as some people will buy a copy to "stick it to the man/woman/SJW's" but it will still sell very few copies as it's a niche game.

Those that like it can enjoy it, but it will sell a trifling amount either way.
14 Dec 15 #50
Nice to see people standing against PC, SJWs and Feminists. If it were up to them, games would be fully censored. Thankfully they're not in charge. :smiley:
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