It's not a new game. It is a direct port. It has onscreen controls although they have developed a sort of one finger style. Looks lovely on retina displays but plays better on ps4 vita etc
18 Dec 15#3
How is this to actually play on a touch screen? I have it on Steam but never finished it, seemed like there was a lot going on and needed a controller when I played it.
18 Dec 15#2
Oh cheers! Seeing this reminded me that Torchlight mobile should be out soon, if not already. Need to check.
Edit: seems the Torchlight team are going to miss their 2015 release date unless they put it out over Xmas.
dansax to Vanderlust
18 Dec 15#4
Torchlight for IOS!? How did I miss this?
It looks like it's a completely new game rather than a port (which I actually would have preferred) but it's definitely worth a go either way. Hopefully they'll retain the same level of depth. I'd be guttered if it was just another trashy hack n slash game riddled with IAPs.
Opening post
App Store BEST of 2012 Pick!
Edit: seems the Torchlight team are going to miss their 2015 release date unless they put it out over Xmas.
It looks like it's a completely new game rather than a port (which I actually would have preferred) but it's definitely worth a go either way. Hopefully they'll retain the same level of depth. I'd be guttered if it was just another trashy hack n slash game riddled with IAPs.