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Acronis True Image 2014 £1.80 @
4 stars +365

Acronis True Image 2014 £1.80 @

£1.80 Scan19 Dec 15
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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12 Dec 15
Acronis were mentioned in my other thread about an SSD so I thought I'd post this deal. Acronis is a back up / imaging software solution, rather than me explain it heres a few reviews...,24554.html

Here's the links.

Acronis True Image 2014 is £1.80

Acronis True Image 2013 is £2.40

Using the above license, can allow you to upgrade to the latest version half price if you so wish

There is also a hard drive caddy which includes the 2.5" Laptop Drive and 3.5" desktop drive size caddy along with Acronis HD for £9.99.

The above kit means you can buy a new hard drive and use the caddy to "clone" your drive so you can simply swap the drives old>>new.

Apologies if overkill, last time I didn't post enough.
Top comments
13 Dec 15 4 #22
+1 for Macrium free... If you're a home user who just wants to say clone your existing HDD to a shiny new SSD, then there's really no need to spend a penny
13 Dec 15 3 #9
Good software, great price though worth noting if you've purchased any Western Digital hard drives recently (I generally automatically go for WD drives) there is the Acronis True Image WD Edition free of charge.

Correct me if I'm wrong anyone but it looks pretty much the same. But at this price if you don't have an applicable drive then I'd recommend it, I've found it easy to use, fingers crossed I've never needed to actually check it works though!

Qualifying products for Acronis True Image WD Edition are as follows:

My Book Duo, My Book, WD Caviar RAID Edition, WD Caviar Blue, WD Blue SSHD, WD Blue / SE / SE16 (SATA II / III), WD Blue, WD Green, WD Green / GP, WD Black SSHD, WD Black, WD Black2 Dual Drive, WD Red (Mobile), WD Red, WD Red Pro, WD Re+, WD RE / WD RE4, WD Se, WD AV-GP, WD VelociRaptor, WD AV, WD Protégé, WD Laptop Mainstream , WD Xe, WD Desktop Mainstream , WD Desktop Performance, WD Network, WD S25

Just download from their website - I think it automatically checks you have a qualifying drive in case you were thinking of downloading and don't have a WD drive.
All comments (56)
12 Dec 15 #1
12 Dec 15 #2
Hot from me. Well worth £1.80 / £2.40.
Nice one StevenMCR :smiley:
12 Dec 15 #3
Stunning software used it at work to image machines in batches of 16 running headless really quick & reliable I still miss Ghost tho peer to peer cloning so you didn't need to open the machine lol
12 Dec 15 2 #4
12 Dec 15 #5
Nice Find OP - heat added. Is there a way to buy this from scan without paying for delivery?
As this is a digital download and nothing is delivered - seems odd postage is added?
12 Dec 15 #6
How do you remove the carriage fee of £4.57? It's a digital download!
12 Dec 15 #7
Having this knocks £15 off True Image 2016 if you then want to upgrade to the latest version
13 Dec 15 #8
You could try selecting collect from store to get rid of postage then message them about the order. If not then are they actually posting out keys? Lol
13 Dec 15 3 #9
Good software, great price though worth noting if you've purchased any Western Digital hard drives recently (I generally automatically go for WD drives) there is the Acronis True Image WD Edition free of charge.

Correct me if I'm wrong anyone but it looks pretty much the same. But at this price if you don't have an applicable drive then I'd recommend it, I've found it easy to use, fingers crossed I've never needed to actually check it works though!

Qualifying products for Acronis True Image WD Edition are as follows:

My Book Duo, My Book, WD Caviar RAID Edition, WD Caviar Blue, WD Blue SSHD, WD Blue / SE / SE16 (SATA II / III), WD Blue, WD Green, WD Green / GP, WD Black SSHD, WD Black, WD Black2 Dual Drive, WD Red (Mobile), WD Red, WD Red Pro, WD Re+, WD RE / WD RE4, WD Se, WD AV-GP, WD VelociRaptor, WD AV, WD Protégé, WD Laptop Mainstream , WD Xe, WD Desktop Mainstream , WD Desktop Performance, WD Network, WD S25

Just download from their website - I think it automatically checks you have a qualifying drive in case you were thinking of downloading and don't have a WD drive.
13 Dec 15 #10
The Key is sent to you in the post on a card, I got one a few months ago free with a HDD I purchased.
13 Dec 15 #11
I bought my 2013 which I use from Scan and my code were emailed to me.

I bought it ages and ages ago, I would assume once you hit check out, the postage is taken off, I don't remember exactly though :/
13 Dec 15 2 #12
Fine software, and cheap, but Macrium does pretty much the same thing for free
AndyRoyd to RueFondary
13 Dec 15 1 #17
Yeah, USB boot on Windows tablet not supported by Acronis TI due to its incompatibility with xxbit UEFI so used Macrium free without issue. Otherwise Acronis is my first choice every time.
13 Dec 15 #13
as does clonezilla :smiley: - acronis is nice though, especially for P2V
13 Dec 15 #14
I just tried it, and oddly 2013 is emailed and no carriage, but 2014 has carriage. Weird.

I noticed if you choose DHL pick up points 2014 is free to them, and there appeared to loads of them near by me. Worth checking if one near you to save the money. at 1.80 is worth the 2 minutes out of your way to pick up the license.
365pizza to StevenMCR
13 Dec 15 #21
I just bought a 1TB SSD so this would be ideal.

Postage to a UPS store is still coming up as £3.99 + VAT

Is there any real difference between the versions? Will it work for W10?
13 Dec 15 2 #15
Do note that this version is a heavily restricted cutdown version and not the full True Image 2014. Several features are not available like file backup, try & decide, startup recovery manager, secure zone, boot sequence manager, backup conversion, cloud/online backup, differential/incremental backups, full scheduling, secure erase and probably more...

If you don't want any of those things, the free versions for Seagate or WD drives might be enough for your needs.
StevenMCR to roycom
13 Dec 15 1 #16
I have the 2013 version, from scan and that has most (if not all) the features you mention. I paid like £9.99 ages and ages ago for 2013. I also note now the 2013 listing shows most of these features also.

I assumed 2014 would be the same.
roycom to StevenMCR
13 Dec 15 1 #20
You can see the official comparison chart here:

This one is the HD version although Scan says it's the Personal, but file and folder backup is definitely disabled because I installed and activated the Scan version and you have to upgrade to backup files. In the end this version doesn't really offer much, if anything more than the free WD and Seagate offerings.
AndyRoyd to roycom
13 Dec 15 2 #18
Not clear how licencing works considering Acronis openly offer an unrestricted bootable ISO CD 2015 version (that can be used with USB) as a zero-cost 470mb download at
13 Dec 15 1 #19
£1.80 is pocket change but if it is heavily restricted then free is better.

I used Reflect Macrium yesterday. Very easy to use to clone and re partition a 500gb WD to a 2tb Seagate
13 Dec 15 4 #22
+1 for Macrium free... If you're a home user who just wants to say clone your existing HDD to a shiny new SSD, then there's really no need to spend a penny
13 Dec 15 #23
Yes, this version is heavily restricted, see previous page.
13 Dec 15 1 #24
Yeah Macrium Reflect is awesome, can copy live system drive too.
13 Dec 15 #25
I ordered 2 of these the other day, with postage it ramps up to £7.28. I asked for free collection, then spoke to customer services and asked them to email me the codes, which they did, however one of the codes doesn't work so be careful is my advice. True image 2013 is a better option as it is the full version not a restricted version as 2014 is. There is no synchronization options in 2014
13 Dec 15 #26
It's quite a long code so they could have typed it in wrong (I assume they would have to read the code off the card to email it), contact them and ask.
13 Dec 15 #27
No mate both codes were emailed together, I checked that they had sent the full code, both codes were same length but when I registered them on Acronis site only one worked the other was invalid. I figured £3.60 was still a good price for 1 working code so left it.
13 Dec 15 #28
If the codes you received were simple text they could have been read off the card and typed in, in which case a simple typo in one of the 64 characters they sent could be the problem. Either way, you're perfectly entitled to drop them an email about it.
13 Dec 15 #29
I avoid anything from Scam....
Besides Clonezilla is completely free and does everything Acronis does...
There are also other free options...
octopus to aLV426
13 Dec 15 #32
What are other free options are better than Acronis?
13 Dec 15 #30
But if all your previous images are made with Acronis then I assume only Acronis can open those archives?

Acronis lets you go into each image and search, copy files so if you're looking for a picture from an archive from 2002 it's simple with Acronis, do other (free or paid) backup programs allow that sort of easy file recovery?
13 Dec 15 1 #31
Though if you've got to go, you've got to go :P
13 Dec 15 #33
I cloned an HDD to an SSD for the first time last month using some random free software called EaseUS. Thing is I'm planning to buy more SSDs and clone to them as well. So is this Acronis software worth buying? Apologies for the noobness.
eilz to ChampEon
13 Dec 15 #34
I'd also like people opinions on cloning HDD to SSD software as I tried Acronis a while back and didnt support this.
Just Wondering
13 Dec 15 #35
does this allow you to make a true image of the boot drive so that you can use the software on a fresh install , and then install the boot image back over the fresh install ??!?! or am getting things mixed up !!!
13 Dec 15 #36
Even the ups collection shows postage as £3.99
13 Dec 15 #37
Acronis never worked for me- installed on OCZ SSD (and some others) can also give you unexpected BSOD, you have to manually turn off some processes to avoid it.
When migrated HDD to SSD also didn't do the job properly- some strange freezes for no apparent reason.
The best software to migrate to SSD I found is 'Paragon Migrate to SSD'- it also gives you option to clone just partition C: with windows without hidden / other partitions and everything works fine.
13 Dec 15 1 #38
Never had a problem using Acronis boot CD (sometimes with the boot CD mounted on USB) in cloning drives. Never felt the need to load it onto an existing OS installation to do this; as the name implies, just boot from the boot CD / USB boot disk. As said previously, the boot CD of 2015 version is openly available from Acronis at and has no restrictions for cloning. Can either clone by creating a complete backup file of partition(s) or entire drive then "restoring" that file onto a new drive, or direct on-the-fly drive-to-drive - all without having to run the OS on the donor drive.
13 Dec 15 #39
A lot of options in this sub-field of software, it's good to see others opinions.
13 Dec 15 #40
Never had a problem until recently. With the last two iso's (2016, 2015) I've burned to disk (admittedly from torrents), the mouse cursor freezes when Acronis has fully loaded up. Haven't worked out if it's a logitech wireless mouse issue (IIRC, it also froze using a microsoft mouse) or something else . Never happened in the past.
13 Dec 15 #41
Might be worth trying the free version from the Seagate/WD website if you have any Seagate/WD drives that you could attach to you system.
13 Dec 15 #42
Possibly inappropriate to comment on a torrent cos unofficial source, but the 540mb official 2016 bootable ISO can be openly downloaded from Acronis direct at which I assume is generic latest, or specific build 6027 at .
13 Dec 15 #43
^ cheers both.
14 Dec 15 #44
if you're migrating data onto a Samsung SSD, they have free software too
14 Dec 15 #45
will this work with Windows 10 ???
14 Dec 15 #46
so could anyone buy it for 1.8/2.4 wihtout paying delivery?
StevenMCR to mats123
14 Dec 15 #48
The 2.40 one, yes anyone can buy it for 2.40 and there are no delivery charge.

The 1.80 one, it appears "some" UPS Points are free, it also seems (from another poster) you can choose collect from store and a scan employee will email you the code.
14 Dec 15 #47
Would like to know about without paying delivery also.
14 Dec 15 #49
14 Dec 15 #50
Im trying to pay with paypal but the website asks me to enter all my debit card details upfront? thats weird.... isnt it?
14 Dec 15 #51
It charged me for delivery.
15 Dec 15 #52
Probably being dumb here but why is the 2013 one more expensive?
octopus to shadyfurball
15 Dec 15 #53
Already mentioned here that the 2014 version is a cut down version, whereas 2013 is the full version
15 Dec 15 #54
I can recommend MiniTools Partition Wizard.
Used it to clone a larger 320GB hdd to a 230GB SSD and it allows the partitions to be resized to fit. Both Clonezilla and Easus wouldn't allow that.
15 Dec 15 #55
Which one did you order ?

The 2013 one is definitely free delivery, as they email you the code.

The 2014 it depends if you live near a free UPS point, or you choose collect from Store and speak to customer service for them to email you the code. (Another poster confirmed this is possible).

If you were charged delivery on the 2013 version, I would contact scan and ask for a refund, as Ive tried it on my phone and 2 different machines, it def says 2.40.

I'll take a screen shot when I'm home.
15 Dec 15 #56
I will be the voice of reason and say, "save your pennies", try it's a good FREE tool with loads of customisation options.
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