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6GB EVGA GTX 980Ti FTW NVIDIA Graphics Card - Scan - £449.99 collection (or £461.48 delivered)
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
26 Nov 15
Decent price for a very very good version of the 980Ti.

Maybe free del if you're a member of Hexus / AVF.

Comes with either Assassins Creed Syndicate or Rainbow 6 Siege Digital Download
Top comments
26 Nov 15 3 #12
They're even charging ANYTHING for postage for a £400 graphics card? "Please, slap me around the face again Scan!"
Latest comments (151)
9 Dec 15 #151
I'm really happy with my 980ti! I use it with my Dell UP3214Q. Can you get 4K TVs which do 60fps now?
3 Dec 15 #150
2 Dec 15 1 #147
Oof, well worth the wait, the card is amazing :laughing:
Danglos to johnthehuman
3 Dec 15 #149
I agree thanks John. Plus we get a free game. Now I'm saving up for a new monitor! I bought this for 1080P and it's smooth as silk on Fallout 4 and Witcher 3 but I feel its wasted so probably will go 1440. Not sure about 4K yet maybe a future SLI.

I so very nearly bought the Hybrid as it was the 980 Ti I really wanted but I'm not interested in Overclocking it and out of the box the FTW is one of the fastest around. So instead I bought a Samsung Evo with the difference and that's probably a better investment for me :sunglasses:
2 Dec 15 1 #148
Yep, feels great to finally use my 4K TV at full res, not a jagged edge in sight :laughing: Don't think I'll get tired of every game auto setting everything to ultra either haha.

Just noticed the Hybrid one is £610 now :confused: Glad I went for this model though, really like how the fans totally stop during normal usage.
2 Dec 15 #146
I'm not going to bother pursuing any compensation or anything. Sure I'm annoyed about the immediate withdrawal of the money, the vague/confusing status updates by email and the lies about stock/dispatch over the phone, but AFAIK this is only the second time in the 13-14 years I've been using them where they've failed to get something sent out for next day delivery. If I remember rightly the other time was a Black Friday sale as well!
I just think they need to take on more staff for the period as it's obvious the normal warehouse numbers they have (which I think is 2 people?) get overloaded during sales and can't cope with the demand.

Plus I believe them when they say about little profits from these GPU's... what we paid can't be much more than the wholesale price of them, we could probably sell them now and make £100 profit!
2 Dec 15 #145
Except they didn't; if they had 200 to sell, they should have sold 200 :neutral_face: not difficult really.
2 Dec 15 #144
From what I've read EVGA supplied about 200 980 Ti FTW at a reduced price. These sold out in the first hour and Scan still honoured all 'Black Thursday' orders. EVGA subsidised the first 200 while Scan have only broken even on the remaining 980 Ti FTWs so I think in this case: yes they were not prepared for the number of orders and probably due to the number of cards and other Black Friday orders they have struggled to keep up so no prize for communication. However, I only budgeted for a 980 and thanks to this offer I'm getting a top 980 Ti. I think by honouring the orders and not cancelling them, despite being a stress, they have been pretty good. This was the only decent Black Friday deal for a Graphics card and fair play to Scan and EVGA for organising it.
2 Dec 15 #143
same situation for me. Mine was shipped 14:04 on Dec 1st for arrival Dec 2nd.

Lets all call and complain and then post the outcomes in here - I think it would be reasonable for them to compensate for this. Their main spiel when I last called was to explain they are operating on very small profit margins and can't offer anything - but that is besides the point now - They messed up, at our expense. The money was taken on 26th- Thursday, we were all lied to, on recorded phone calls about a priority batch being shipped in Friday for arrival on Monday. I also asked them to send a confirmation email in writing which they promised to do (this was on 27th) and didn't receive anything.

The one thing in their favour is it is an amazing deal for the GPU - and none of us were going to back out - but again that is besides the point it's a matter of customer service now.
1 Dec 15 1 #142
Finally picked at 18:58!
1 Dec 15 #141
Mine dispatched 30 minutes after I got an email from Google saying they'd rectified it, so perhaps that's what finally got them sending the 980's :laughing:
1 Dec 15 #140
Still nothing here... I wouldn't mind so much if they'd sent out the m.2 drive I ordered with it, at least I could have built the machine ready.
1 Dec 15 #139
Just got mine too picked too!
1 Dec 15 #138
Yup mine's just been shipped. Strange, considering they've been working all hours, since they 'arrived on Friday', and they all get shipped at once :laughing:
1 Dec 15 #137
Mines been picked just now.
1 Dec 15 #136
EVGA 980 Ti FTW listed on site as in stock at FULL £549.00 price delivered to you on Thurs 3rd of Dec if anyone is interested?!

Update: Order Picked! I take it back looks like Scan and EVGA are honouring the deal. Ship ship ship....
1 Dec 15 #135
Lol it's the Tuesday AFTER Black Friday and they wait til now they put up a message, basically saying we screwed up and don't know when we'll deliver your stuff.

How about you know Black Friday is coming (presumably because you forecast massive sales and see £ signs in your eyes), so make some preparations, like ensuring your stock is coming in, and you've got the capability to get things shipped on time??
30 Nov 15 #134
I'm waiting on mine. My 1GB 7850 died last week so this was good timing. I needed an upgrade as I've been playing at 1080p on a 4k for months now.
30 Nov 15 #133
Not desperate as such (I've got a card in my rig at the moment), but this was a cracking deal. Usually Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals are rubbish and an attempt to clear out old stock that isn't selling, but this was a genuinely good offer.

Shame they were clearly not geared up to fulfil the orders, I always use Scan as I've never had issues, but this will make me rethink using them again.

I've already got a buyer for my current card lined up, so they're just waiting now xD admittedly it's not comparable to a chain when buying a house, but it's annoying enough :P
30 Nov 15 #132
Damn, I feel bad. Seems some of you lot were more desperate for it, mine is still in Scan box all wrapped up as haven't decided what CPU/Mobo to get yet so can't build until I get all components. I've never bought from Scan before and this was the first time, but they are a very respectful company so I think you should all eventually have your orders fulfilled.
30 Nov 15 #131
Ha I got that option but decided I didn't need Google knowing anything else about me, they know enough :laughing:

I've seen DPD despatch notifications from Scan come at 9 or 10pm but yeah I'm not hopeful on this one.
30 Nov 15 #130
Evening orders usually go out as late as 8/9pm for delivery the next day so still time left, can't see it happening though.

I selected the Google Certified Purchase Protection option when I bought it so I've got them involved now. Supposedly they take over and try to sort the problem out for you. Not on they took money 5 days ago, still haven't sent the damn thing and have me phoning every day only to be told empty promises.
30 Nov 15 #129
Nothing again today, no notification, no email explaining why.

Getting a bit miffed now :disappointed:
30 Nov 15 #128
^ same, I was told my order has been labelled as "urgent", not really fair I thought, everyone that ordered with next day delivery should be treated the same.

How many cards did they have, that means people are working into the small hours to pack boxes?? :confused:

Be interesting to see if you turned up in person to collect, if they'd actually give you your card :laughing:
30 Nov 15 #127
They basically didn't prepare themselves for Black Friday. The lady on the phone said the guys in the warehouse have been working til 2-3am to get orders out. Now the thing is, why is it we're left waiting despite ordering a day before Black Friday officially started? She said the cards are in stock, so just send them ffs.

She says she'll put me as 'priority', but that a lot of people have had their orders prioritised as well. Really didn't sound optimistic they'd be out today either. So annoying...
30 Nov 15 #126
I bet they cancel a bunch of orders after Cyber Monday :disappointed:
30 Nov 15 #125
I spoke to the customer services on Friday and was told my order would be shipped Saturday night for Monday. No updates, no emails, no graphics card. I don't know if they are lying as they don't communicate. I think worst case they should offer us all a hefty discount off a G1 or Strix. BT shop have Strix for £530 and G1 are around £530 as well I'm sure Scan as good will gesture could sell theirs for £470 free delivery and break even. At this point they are going to upset a lot of customers and lose future business.
30 Nov 15 #124
I'm not hopeful based on the email I got from them tbh, the reply basically said "we might get it out today, if we try really hard, but don't hold your breath, we'll let you know if we can't.".

I'm fairly sure they don't actually have enough stock, but they can't tell us that since it'd mean they oversold the product, and admitting that is not in their best interests :laughing:

I've always been happy with Scan too, but this is pretty bad service.
30 Nov 15 #122
I haven't heard anything since the two emails about stock on Friday. I must have been one of the first to order, there were only 5 posts in here when I did.

"Thank you for your custom. We’re writing to let you know that unfortunately your order has been delayed due to a shortage in stock of the following item(s):


We have been informed that the above items are now discontinued and we’re not able to replenish our stock as we had hoped. However, we’re still able to proceed with your order immediately if you can select an alternative or remove this item. "

Does this mean it's delayed until stock or they're just not going to do anything until I call to cancel?

They took the money ok...
mamboboy to Alacazam
30 Nov 15 #123
Same here. The emails basically meant either wait for overdue stock to arrive, or phone to cancel or swap it for another card to be sent 'immediately'.
But what seems to have happened is the people who rang on Friday, no matter at what point they ordered got theirs prioritised and shifted up the pecking order as they got dibs on the ones in or coming in stock... which is really irritating.

It's not on they've taken payment and left us in the lerch/kept lying about dispatches. As I said I always defend Scan, but they are really starting to wind me up with this... wouldn't be half surprised if there's no dispatch today either. Seeing as they've got our money, the least they could do is send out an email giving us an honest update.
30 Nov 15 #121
Same situation for me. Ordered and was sent "discontinued" and then "we are getting more stock" emails. Called... Was told "we have made a special priority order to cover the sales and it will arrive Monday" was offered £4-5 Saturday delivery (unbelievable they want to charge extra for delivering a day late!) was told "cannot offer any compensation as they are operating on small margins with this deal".

So, now it's Monday and it hasn't even been dispatched as far as I can see from the status. I really don't appreciate being lied to. Money taken the moment I ordered.

They'll be getting another angry call soon.
30 Nov 15 #120
No way I'm gonna get it today, it's not even been picked yet. If it's not dispatched by lunchtime they're getting a call :laughing:
29 Nov 15 #119
Hmm, wonder if they sent mine because I also bought other stuff as part of package? Weird so many of you haven't heard a peep or got package yet, probably most will get it Monday, I was surprised when DPD delivered it to me on Sat.
29 Nov 15 #118
Was told they were getting stock on Friday to cover all the Black Friday orders, so I'm expecting mine to be despatched tomorrow at the latest.

Not sure why they weren't despatched yesterday...
29 Nov 15 #117
Don't cancel it - sell it to meeeeee!
28 Nov 15 #114
I phoned up Friday mentioned I had ordered it for my birthday (today) but was told that even if I wanted to pay extra "the courier can't take any more Saturday deliveries"... still no despatch/order update. I guess I will have to try and wait patiently. It would just be nice to know whether it's a stock issue still or they will be sending it out tomorrow!?
mamboboy to Danglos
29 Nov 15 #116
Closed on Sundays so earliest delivery now will be Tuesday. I always defend Scan on here but I hate being lied too... The guy on the phone assured me they had gotten more stock in today and they'll be sent out this evening for Monday delivery. I'd have cancelled otherwise... really irritating, especially as they've taken the money!
28 Nov 15 #115
If anyone decides they want don't want theirs, PM me, I'll have it off you at cost, rather than send it back to scan.
Item now discontinued at scan.
28 Nov 15 #113
Confirmed I received mine at 4pm.Didn't have to pay for Sat delivery.
27 Nov 15 #104
I can afford it, but it's just me thinking is it a worthwhile purchase really. I got bored with Battlefront after 2 days and play Fallout 4 for about half hour every day or so (mainly the only reason I want this card is because FO4 runs like ****), so thinking it may make sense just to get one of the SSD deals around today instead to fill that PC upgrading void!
rev6 to mamboboy
28 Nov 15 1 #112
Fallout 4 will run like crap regardless :smile:
28 Nov 15 #111
Just phoned to cancel but made a u-turn mid call. Tough letting such a good deal go to waste haha :smile:

The guy said the rest are going out today for delivery Monday. Hopefully that's the case...

EDIT: 8.48pm and still no dispatch so looking like another 'in stock and ready to go out' lie again, sigh.
28 Nov 15 #110
They didn't give me the option of Saturday delivery :disappointed:
28 Nov 15 #109
Mine is out for delivery today between 11.46 - 12.46
But I decide to pay 5 quid extra for Saturday Delivery
28 Nov 15 #108
Anyone had a dispatch email yet? I was told they were getting stock yesterday, but they don't seem to have shipped mine :disappointed:
27 Nov 15 #107
Just spoke to a lovely lady at SCAN that said that NO orders have been cancelled. Not one.

If SCAN read this, and they find a spare card at this price, can they PM me? I'll have it in a heartbeat! :smiley:
27 Nov 15 #99
Phoned up and confirmed they will receive the stock on Saturday and that they will dispatch on Monday. Can't say I'm that disappointed tbh, need to understand that they get a lot of traffic during Black Fridays and this might happen as I presume their order wasn't received in time. Since they are still fulfilling the order, not too bothered, plus not like I can build it this weekend anyways haha, just sourcing parts still. Motherboard, CPU, Memory still to go. (Got a bunch of SSDs and the 1000W Corsair PSU off Black Friday sales elsewhere).
shadow_boxer to LewsTherin
27 Nov 15 #106
Good to hear they will be fulfilling all the orders. I've had a right headache with them today but hopefully it's now sorted. First customer services chap I spoke to said they had been discontinued completely and wouldn't be getting any stock in so I had my order cancelled. Then I hear they could fulfill it but had to order again over the phone! Argh. Hopefully they will arrive tomorrow/tonight and I'll have it next week at some point. Fingers crossed.
27 Nov 15 #105
If you don't already have an SSD then it's one of the best upgrades you can make.

This is such a good deal though, helps soften the blow :smile:
27 Nov 15 #100
It's just the fact it said it was in stock and will be delivered for the next day. It wouldn't have been hard for them to set it as pre order and 'stock due 27/11' . A few people may have booked the morning or day off to sign for it today...

And for me, the longer I have to wait for a high price item like this, the more I start to think "hmm, maybe that £450 would be better off spent on other things", especially with Christmas coming up. I'm personally 50/50 and getting more and more of a temptation to cancel :disappointed:
johnthehuman to mamboboy
27 Nov 15 #103
tbh you probably shouldn't be buying it if you're instantly thinking it was a bad idea :confused:
27 Nov 15 #102
Could you not get it delivered to work?
27 Nov 15 #101
Looks like one of those games that really doesn't need to use DX12 :smile:
27 Nov 15 #96
I'm in the same boat received the out of stock email. I called and they confirmed they have more in stock today which will arrive on Monday.

I explained I was disappointed - they offered me saturday delivery for a reduced price (usually around £11 offer for around £5) which I rejected and explained I am not happy to pay.

It seems like a lot of customers are calling through with the same complaint as the advisor was under pressure and had already raised the same issue with their manager who was strictly not offering any further compromise or compensation (I did take leave from Work today in anticipation of delivery).

I think it would have been a pretty reasonable compromise from the company to arrange for free Saturday delivery, but the advisor said the profit margins are very small and they can't offer anything. It is still the best deal for a 980ti so I had to just accept it.
adam0812 to Schmutz
27 Nov 15 #98
it'll be worth the wait, such a monstrous card
27 Nov 15 #97
descent underground has "experimental dx12 support" right now, not read into what it does though.
27 Nov 15 #95
Reply says they're getting more in today to cover the orders placed yesterday!

Tried to pull a fast one, but got caught out. Hope it costs them tbh.
27 Nov 15 #91

"Good morning,

Please ignore the previous email, we're expecting stock to arrive into us today. Apologies for any confusion.


John C
Scan Computers"
smilliam to wonplc
27 Nov 15 #94
Hehe, possible they saw this thread and perhaps having second thoughts to avoid some adverse publicity?
27 Nov 15 #93
I've replied saying I don't want a replacement or an alternative, it's not discontinued, I'll wait til you get some stock.

No reply yet.
27 Nov 15 #92
Just got off the phone to customer services. Now they're saying rather than it being discontinued they will be getting in more stock. Completely different to what the first chap I spoke to said. I've cancelled my order anyway. Won't be dealing with these cowboys again!
27 Nov 15 1 #90
They'll have some explaining to do if the gpus reappear on the site at a bigger price.

Edit: also didn't someone say they collected theirs in store yesterday?
27 Nov 15 #89
Hmm discontinued is it?

Don't think EVGA would describe them as discontinued.
27 Nov 15 1 #88
"We have been informed that the above items are now discontinued and we're not able to replenish our stock as we had hoped. However, we're still able to proceed with your order immediately if you can select an alternative or remove this item"

That was my entire order! Emailed them back at 8pm but not heard back from them. I guess a lot of unhappy people as I'm struggling to find a decent 980 Ti deal that comes even close. "Phantom deal"???
27 Nov 15 #87
Discontinued! Haha, it's only just been released hasn't it? Not happy.
27 Nov 15 1 #86
What a bunch of cowboys this company is. They're an utter joke. Not the first time I've had issues with them but I thought I'd give them the benefit of the doubt and ordered this yesterday. Order seemed to go through and payment take. Now they email saying the card is out of stock and discontinued! What a bunch of amateurs.
27 Nov 15 #85
What a load of rubbish.
27 Nov 15 #84
Payment Authorised
26/11/2015 13:38

I'm sure they were still for sale a long time after this so not happy they aren't honouring their "unconditional contract" with me.
27 Nov 15 #83
I have not heard about EVGA decided to make this model discontinuous, they still selling them on their official website, I need a good reason from scan for cancelling these orders which have already placed and paid.
27 Nov 15 #82
Nooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! :disappointed: would have been all over this..
27 Nov 15 #81
​I'd say it's more of a case of them not being prepared to deal with all the early black Friday sales they had so they'll get sent out a day later instead. Pretty annoying if that's the case as I, and i'm sure many others wanted it for the weekend :/

Edit: 2 hours ago on Facebook Scan said 300 of them sold out in 2 hours.
27 Nov 15 #80
My house mate ordered one around 3pm, he has not received the dispatch email either, I think might be playing tricky and using these 'good deal' to promo themselves in order to grab our attentions, they stick a huge "SOLD OUT" Logo on this graphic card as their NO.1 deal of black Friday on their website just to pretend they have sold some, who knows ?
26 Nov 15 #77
Hi there,

Thank you for your custom. We’re writing to let you know that unfortunately your order has been delayed due to a shortage in stock of the following item(s):


We have been informed that the above items are now discontinued and we’re not able to replenish our stock as we had hoped. However, we’re still able to proceed with your order immediately if you can select an alternative or remove this item.

Not Happy :-( I guess that means I won't be getting one?
mamboboy to Danglos
26 Nov 15 #78
Not good :disappointed:

I haven't got a dispatch email and it's last stage in my account is payment auth. Scan evening orders tend to get dispatched about 8-9PM-ish so I'm not feeling too hopeful either. Ordered at 3.24PM
xavierzzz to Danglos
27 Nov 15 #79
what time of the day you placed your order ?
26 Nov 15 #76
Just as an idea, their cheapest 980Ti now is the MSI one at £549.58 Inc VAT, so yeah, this was quite a good deal :laughing:
26 Nov 15 #75
Hopefully my order went through and I'll get one. Ordered at 14.53.
26 Nov 15 #74
Sold out now so link has gone :disappointed:
26 Nov 15 #73
The next Titan based on Pascal, no doubt. Not sure about the 980 Ti equivalent.
26 Nov 15 #72
I wouldn't be surprised to see the top end Pascal cards come here at £1000
26 Nov 15 #71
Link no longer works
26 Nov 15 #61
Good price but surely for the price you better waiting for the new generation of chips next year which will be even better and at same price e.g pascal
rev6 to kyrusdemnati
26 Nov 15 #68
That's a while off.
mamboboy to kyrusdemnati
26 Nov 15 #70
You're going to be in for a surprise if you think you'll get the 980Ti's pascal equivalent for this price!
Reference 980 Ti's were £550 at launch so I'd expect at least another £50 on top of that just because of it being Pascal and because NVIDIA have even more of the GPU market share now...
26 Nov 15 #69
Thanks OP! Just ordered (and cancelled) a EVGA 980 Ti SC+ 2.0 off for £500. Think I got the last one too...
26 Nov 15 #67
sold out right as I was going to buy one qq
26 Nov 15 #66
Expired / sold out
26 Nov 15 #65
link not working anymore :disappointed:
26 Nov 15 #64
waiting for about hour and its already gone... fml i really wanted to buy it :S
26 Nov 15 #63
Balls, it's sold out. Was genuinely tempted to get one ><
26 Nov 15 #62
Sold out
26 Nov 15 #60
26 Nov 15 #59
Great price. Got one a few months back from Nigel O'Hara where the price was slightly less than this but the wait was insane (4-5 weeks). Great card. If in doubt I'd say go for it. Quiet as a mouse and beats the hell out of my overclocked msi 290x.
26 Nov 15 #58
This is the best card you can get for the price on air.. dont look anywhere else, also you will regret not buying this

the hyrbid is a better deal if you want your card to be even cooler, for an extra £50 you get the watercooled 980 ti only downside is the hybrid is a reference card being cooled the FTW is slightly more beefed up but in the end they should still overclock the same but hyrbid being much cooler
26 Nov 15 #57
@snappyfish scan are selling the i7 tomorrow for 238 and aria are selling it now for 234
26 Nov 15 #53
I just ordered mine, too good a deal to miss. i7 4790k goes on sale tomorrow....
snappyfish to PrivateBrowsing
26 Nov 15 #56
26 Nov 15 #55
Dam who's waiting for Black Friday?
26 Nov 15 #54
Pascal seems an age away at the moment.
26 Nov 15 #52
No probs, from what I can see the EVGA also has the silent fan feature where the fans are off below 60c, I couldn't see anything like that on the MSI one. I've got an EVGA card with that feature and it definitely makes for a quieter system. Obviously all your other parts need to be silent too! :smiley:

Oh and I've used EVGA for RMA's to Germany and they've been turned around in about a week which is pretty quick for a card leaving the UK->Germany->UK. So with the UK base things can only be better and faster!
26 Nov 15 #50
honestly it's still a lot compared to US prices but better than the £550+ price. but I'll wait for the Pascal series GPU's
mamboboy to sebianoti
26 Nov 15 #51
Not really. In fact the current Amazon price for this GPU converts to pretty much exactly the same as this (£449.81), plus they have to pay sales tax.
26 Nov 15 #49

Alright thanks guys, went ahead with it. Can't say no to saving £80 especially when it seems to have a higher clock rate too.
26 Nov 15 #41
So I purchased an MSI GTX 980ti Gaming for £539.99 the other day but haven't built the computer yet. Is it worth changing for this?
moogle to Nuttydev
26 Nov 15 1 #46
EVGA has better warranty, I've not had experience of MSI but EVGA are getting a UK RMA base in December which is good. Plus you'll be making a £90-80 saving.
xavierzzz to Nuttydev
26 Nov 15 1 #48
if i was you, I wouldn't even think about NOT doing so
26 Nov 15 #47
EVGA warranty is spot on, never had an issue and very easy to sort out if anything goes wrong. All done through their EU website
26 Nov 15 1 #45
@BluesFanUK + @Mamboboy

Thank you both very much for your help :smiley: really appreciate it!
26 Nov 15 1 #44
Yep, that PSU has 2x 6+2 PCIE connectors so it'll be fine.

I read the GPU comes with molex adapters for those with without 2x 6+2 available as well.
26 Nov 15 1 #43
Yes, as long as you don't go SLI.
26 Nov 15 #42
Thanks for the info :smiley: may I ask about the 8+8 pin PSU connection? I'm not familiar with that, I have a Corsair 650M PSU, will that support this GPU?

Many thanks
26 Nov 15 #40
They are very similar but the links you have posted are for the SC+ (06G-P4-4995-KR)
FTW part number is: 06G-P4-4996-KR

The FTW ships with higher clocks and uses an 8+8 pin PSU connection (the reference config is 8+6).
You may get a higher overclock with this model but it's still silicon lottery :wink: Very good price though!
26 Nov 15 #39
Just ordered mine :smile:
26 Nov 15 #38
Just collected mine, couldn't pass it up at this price.. Ludicrous!

I was about to buy an R9 Fury when this came up, which was only £43 more and the rival for the R9 Fury X which is the top tier for cards available, no brainer! Thankfully I only live 10 minutes away :smile:

As mentioned it's the FTW model which comes pretty clocked and with the all aluminium backplate so it's not even a budget card.. And you get either Assassins Creed or R6 Siege via DL!

26 Nov 15 #37
This is the FTW version with a dual bios, higher clocks, better backplate, betting cooling system...

Also worth pointing out the Hybrid one is also a very good price at £499.99:
26 Nov 15 #1
This or fury for one of our pcs? This doesnt have that high speed compressed memory does it?
shkurti to MadonnaProject
26 Nov 15 #5
​HBM is still in it's infancy meaning most games won't even utilise it properly until it becomes the standard. 980ti is a much better card than the fury.
noiren to MadonnaProject
26 Nov 15 1 #8
They have their trade offs, the 980 Ti has raw power but the Fury is a much more efficient card with it main downside being the memory which is limited to 4GB, for now, and because it so efficient only comes in question if you're rendering in 4K or in a multi-monitor setup. A while back I read that Nvidia has plans to introduce HBM type memory but who knows when it will come.
But anyway it all depends on your setup, the real advantage of a Fury is that it takes far less space and runs much cooler making ideal for a compact setup.
rev6 to MadonnaProject
26 Nov 15 #19
The 980 Ti. Right now, the memory speed is completely irrelevant. The Fury is restricted mostly by drivers/API. It will get better with DX12, but when is that going to kick off? Fable Legends this year, then maybe Deus Ex in 6 months...
dcpp4 to MadonnaProject
26 Nov 15 #35
fury scales better at 4k and in crossfire and should have better dx 12 performance. If you game at 1440p or less the 980Ti will be a bit faster. Also the 980Ti is a great overclocker.
26 Nov 15 #34
It should only be around 20 post's, that's what it was for me at least a couple month's ago.
26 Nov 15 #29
How much does this normally retail at? searching online has just made me confused seeing what seems to be the same card from £580 to £480. Does that mean this is just a £20-30 saving compared to the usual deals?
Schmutz to TheSuperchimp
26 Nov 15 #32
That's still a decent % saving isn't it? With the free game download also. Where you put "£580 to £480" in your post made me confused haha! I guess that is a typo?
mamboboy to TheSuperchimp
26 Nov 15 #33
It should be about £550 is my guess.

EDIT: It's 749.99 Euros on EVGA's site so £526.79, but add a little extra to cover UK's rip off prices...
26 Nov 15 #23
Bloody husband won't let me buy this, even when I said it was down to "£350"!

rev6 to smilliam
26 Nov 15 #24
I had to read that twice... :smile:
johnthehuman to smilliam
26 Nov 15 #31
Need a new husband tbh :man:
26 Nov 15 #30
Nice find. I've been waiting for a deal like this to show up, for 6 months! and I've finally bitten - I will seek to sell the free game download code. I called to check and found as I have an active AV forums (.com) account ,I qualify for the free delivery, so this arrives tomorrow Woo - GTA V 4K!

VOTE HOT! I'm pretty sure there are many people looking for a 980ti who will go for this.
26 Nov 15 #28
AV Forums is even less, I think you just need 'Member" status or better but the min order is £50 not inc VAT.

What I don't understand is Overclockers deals are frequently posted here not including postage yet nobody bats an eyelid, despite that free delivery being much harder to obtain!
26 Nov 15 #27
Heres hoping the G1 / Strix version goes sub £500
26 Nov 15 #26
If you become a Hexus forum member and post regularly minimum 100 posts you could get free p&p
26 Nov 15 #25
It's a fudging of the truth for his own good!
26 Nov 15 1 #22
God I need to get a better job, even at this bargain price it's still around my entire budget for a gaming PC. Must do better lol.
26 Nov 15 #21
Incredible price, ordered!
26 Nov 15 #20
Stunning price!
26 Nov 15 #17
if you are looking for a GTX 980 ti, this is a very very good deal

FTW edition is a higher rank to SC edition, and it has Dual BIOS, says the SC ACX edition prices at 525 is fair, then this card should be at 550-570 retail price range.

I wish I didn't buy my 980Ti last month and get this instead

If they dare put it on their ebay store, I will buy one to SLI with my current, I have a £30 ebay voucher expires on 30th/Nov
mamboboy to xavierzzz
26 Nov 15 #18
Unfortunately it looks like they just have old clearance stock on their eBay page now so can't see it happening :disappointed: Tempted to just get it any ways as it's a very good deal.
26 Nov 15 #13
No reviews for it yet, but a very good price. Anyone brave enough to pay that much for an unknown quantity?
themanwithapc to BluesFanUK
26 Nov 15 #16
No reviews for what? Unknown quantity? There's loads of reviews for this card online, unless you mean something else?

Excellent price for the card. Thought about buying but my R9 390 is only a month old. :smile:
26 Nov 15 #15
​You can get free delivery if you sign up to the hexus forum and post 20 times.
26 Nov 15 #14
I bought this GPU with the build I ordered through SCAN about two months ago. I only have good things to say about the company&service, while the GPU is a beast. I only wish I hadn't bought a 1080p screen.
26 Nov 15 3 #12
They're even charging ANYTHING for postage for a £400 graphics card? "Please, slap me around the face again Scan!"
26 Nov 15 #11
I guess thats true but if you want pure performance, i have this exact gpu and its in a rvz02 not suffering from any heat issues. The case is around the same size as the xbox one, getting updates weekly, the furyx would not have fit but the fury and nano wouldve, anyways atm i think the 980ti is the best performing card on the market even beats the titan x when overclocked.
26 Nov 15 #10
Was looking at getting a 980ti this weekend and £450 was the biting point. The postage charge is a bit much
26 Nov 15 #9
Hmm to SLI or not....
26 Nov 15 #7
Yeh I doubt it either, just realised this is their black friday deal just posted early!
I was originally looking at EVGA or ZOTAC so this is a good deal! :smile:

The question is which game is worth more as I will be selling the code as not interested in either game lol
26 Nov 15 #6
Shame it's not on their eBay page. Have a £30 voucher to use :disappointed:
26 Nov 15 #3
Any idea how long this offer lasts? can't see a mention of it.
I just can't click buy one day before black friday!
Aretak to liltman
26 Nov 15 #4
For what it's worth, there's absolutely zero chance of getting a 980 Ti any cheaper than this tomorrow. Especially not a relatively high end model from a top brand like EVGA.
26 Nov 15 #2
Wow, great price.
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