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28 Oct 15
£500 cheaper than the freedom contracts posted a month ago, star deal from NVS, seems cheap enough.

Based on 5000 mpa, and in Solid Urano Grey. Initial payment of £1800 incl VAT and admin fee of 239.99 incl VAT.

Yes its a VW, yes the emission scandal was awful, yes its a lease deal.

Dealt with them before, seem like a good company.

The Golf 1.6 TDi is not affected by the current scandal

- simon-c
Top comments
28 Oct 15 47 #6
29 Oct 15 18 #50
28 Oct 15 7 #7
Personally, I wouldn't pay the extra to lease a German car over any other. Yes, German cars are generally better, but you aren't going to benefit from the residual value and you have the warranty to cover any faults. I'd go for a focus or Astra over something like this. Just my opinion and not voting either way!
Rich44 to 74zep
28 Oct 15 7 #24
​you're NOT buying it
All comments (108)
28 Oct 15 #1
works our roughly £165 a month for 5000 miles ...
Cyrus to desdan
28 Oct 15 #2
is that good ?
28 Oct 15 #3
same deposit and £113.79 a month for 10k miles
Monty_Burns to Gartley
29 Oct 15 #71
Can sometimes be as cheap or cheaper to pay the excess mileage and you might not hit 10K just something to ask if ordering. :wink:
28 Oct 15 #4
Great value for a £19k car. Not a Golf fan myself, but good if that's what you're after.
johnnyboyuk to oddballjamie
28 Oct 15 3 #11
Thought the same before driving one. Test drive the latest versions and see if you change your mind...
28 Oct 15 3 #5
Is this really a 19k car?
oddballjamie to krizw
28 Oct 15 #16
That's through a broker too, list is around £22k.
28 Oct 15 47 #6
aljack to JPS
29 Oct 15 #45
28 Oct 15 7 #7
Personally, I wouldn't pay the extra to lease a German car over any other. Yes, German cars are generally better, but you aren't going to benefit from the residual value and you have the warranty to cover any faults. I'd go for a focus or Astra over something like this. Just my opinion and not voting either way!
28 Oct 15 #8
This works out cheaper than many other cars of this size, regardless of marque. A similar spec ford focus deal is around £5400 for the 2 year term;
ktm666 to krishman
28 Oct 15 #17
Fair enough - I have seen cheaper alternatives in the same class but maybe they were just offers
28 Oct 15 1 #9
As commented above steer clear of all Diesel VW at the moment and be careful of the petrols secondhand prices are well below GMFV at the moment and will stay that way for a while. Where this company will be in 2 or 3 yrs no one knows but be aware you take a risk in the immediate future buying VW. The law suits are going to cost them a fortune and they may have to buy back into the market later by reducing prices or enhancing customer deals which hurt a buyer or owner now then. to 74zep
28 Oct 15 4 #13
​nah! In a few months something else will happen and we'll all forget about this.
Rich44 to 74zep
28 Oct 15 7 #24
​you're NOT buying it
Phila4 to 74zep
29 Oct 15 2 #49
I saw a report yesterday that suggested this issue could wipe VW out. The lawsuits have only just begun and feelings are that fines and compensation could well run into tens of Billions! Apparently the US (as always) will have first bash at them and fines and compensation in the US alone could bankrupt VW, let alone in Europe where they have of course sold many, many, more cars. Just look at what the yanks did to BP to see how vindictive they are - it's a win win for the yanks because not only do they help to increase sales of American cars over European/German, but they will also fine VW and the other manufacturers (Audi, plus I think BMW and Mercedes are rumoured to be involved too) BILLIONS, like BP, to try their best to finish them off, not to mention probably cranking up the strict emissions levels and tariffs making European cars too expensive to buy.

Things are only going one way for VW from now on - down.
28 Oct 15 1 #10
A VW? A diesel? I'll stick with Renaults, German cars are well past their sell by dates now and are no longer anything special or more reliable.
seanandleah to luridtricycle
29 Oct 15 6 #36
Renault?? I used to work for a company that sold Nissan & Renault and can honestly say I've never known cars to have so many problems especially with the electrics. French garbage! All steer well clear of Renault cars!!!
princeprecious to luridtricycle
30 Oct 15 #85
i am not favouring Renaults but the problem i have with German cars is, ignoring the reliability good or bad, they are too boring inside, plastiky, plain, dull, well they may have better outside looks.

yes i also see most cars on hard shoulders awaiting recovery are newer bmw's and i drive 80 miles a day for work to witness these.
Cthomas957 to luridtricycle
30 Oct 15 #89
Lol, Renault are as good as German cars??
28 Oct 15 #12
Does anyone know if you can part ex as a deposit?
tom6195 to Allosunshine
28 Oct 15 #15
Would also like to know this
28 Oct 15 2 #14
Could be the best driving car in the world, still wouldn't have one. Don't like the image.
28 Oct 15 #18
Exactly.... Same as with Toyota a few years ago
28 Oct 15 1 #19
Each to their own. I felt that the interiors were significantly improved on previous versions and the onboard computer/screen was great. Combined with decent driving (2 litre TDI) gave a solid all round offering. Depends what you compare with I suppose.
28 Oct 15 #20
The radar cruise control on the Golf is good, makes for a relaxing drive.
s24adm to kingchris
29 Oct 15 #38
I had a new golf for a week as a loaner, that radar nearly put me through the windscreen several times. If a car ahead of me is turning off, I slow down early and time it well that they clear the road just as I pass thus not needing to brake or accelerate hard again (wasting fuel and brake wear). With about 2-3 car lengths to go, the radar picks up the slow moving car and does an emergency stop for a brief second before it realises the car is not actually in front of me and has turned off the road. happened to me 3 times in that one week. o_O
afroylnt to kingchris
29 Oct 15 1 #39
Wonder if they have tweaked that as well, to warn you when a emissions inspector is nearby....
barbiegirl to kingchris
29 Oct 15 2 #41
Doesn't it. I have an R and I took it to Germany - used the adaptive cruise pretty much the whole way. 6 hours and 400 miles later I didn't really feel like I'd even been driving. It really takes the strain out of the continual concentration of motorway driving. Bit worrying when you switch cars to one without it and momentarily forget...
28 Oct 15 3 #21
​Good? That's bloody fantastic for 5000 miles a month. :-)
28 Oct 15 #22
Only diesels that are affected are the 2.0 TDI engines from 2009-2015
VAG has set aside around £8 Billion for compensation and remedial solutions.
You'll be fine with this.
youngrobbo to spinks
28 Oct 15 1 #33
Not true I'm afraid. Our 1.6 TDI Touran is affected. It's leased though, so makes no difference to me.
74zep to spinks
28 Oct 15 #35
Not true VW are looking at further engines, expect more news. Ask a dealer from any mark except VW what a trade in would be on a 2011 Passat 2.0 tdci and he will offer you a price well below Cap for two reasons they do not know what the car is worth due to VW not saying what needs doing and when and what effect it will have on performance.
Second they can sell cars very easy at the moment so why take the risk of doing a px on a VW diesel.
VW make good cars but stay away for a few years to see how this story develops or it could cost you dearly. Afterall this site is about Hot deals not getting burnt deals.
jjsuv11 to spinks
29 Oct 15 #54
​i have a 1.6 diesel and my car is affected waiting a response but still great car
28 Oct 15 #23
A 1.6 Tdi with only 110bhp seems a bit underpowered to me, especially for a golf?! I'm sure it's pretty good on the fuel economy and such though, a good deal if that's the sort of car you're after.
Oneday77 to badumtish
28 Oct 15 2 #27
If you want a rally car yeah it will be slow. Otherwise it's fine.
I've gone from a 1.8tdci Focus to a 16.tdci. Power is down but torque was up. So engine size is no longer the be all and end all.
28 Oct 15 #25
Cracking deal
28 Oct 15 3 #26
My local chimney sweep now offers to clean these.
28 Oct 15 #28
Lots of opinion around VW diesels,
Does anyone actually know what VW have done ? Is it a simple EGR defeat,some creative DPF management, are they fiddling the emissions or just trying to maintain their reputation for reliability by bypassing some notoriously problematic exhaust components.?
raysmith1971 to hullu
30 Oct 15 #78
when the car is put on the 3missions test the cars computer knows this (no steering wheel movement,steady revs e.t.c). it then switches on the emission controls so the car passes the test. when the test is over it knows this and then completely switches OFF the emission controls. bosch make the system and warned vw not to tamper with it but they did it anyway. This is why air quality hasnt improved as expected in cities , because they were expecting it to improve due to super clean VW's are overpriced and overhyped , theyve just given me another reason not to buy one.
28 Oct 15 #29
VW must be desperate. They are doing a VW Tiguan 2.0 TDi EDTN 2WD BMT - Cruise Control-Keyless Entry-Navigation-18"Alloys for the same price!
krishman to howard9
28 Oct 15 #30
28 Oct 15 2 #31
​i tested 2l diesel with dsg. hi spec one. I prefer my Kia Ceed and Ford Focus i was driving. Even Civic was better in my opinion. numb steering for me. kia and for are more direct.
28 Oct 15 #32
got an email in this morning. Suspect all lease companies will be doing the same deal though.

Volkswagen have released these only this week (WC 26th Oct 2015) ! See list below.

We are currently accessing vehicles with monthly prices way below the traditional 'main dealer' market place. The reason this week is despite VW producing some of the best made vehicles out there, the recent press storm has forced them to release offers like those below to us, and us able to offer them to you. Manufacturers release them in small numbers to companies like ours to ease production pressure at their end without disrupting the main dealerships and their traditional european vehicle sales structure. To have our packages explained more clearly or reserve a vehicle please call (T. 01903 331966). or reply to this email and we will respond immediately.
Also If the vehicle you are looking for is not in this list, let us know and we can send you an alert immediately when something that matches your requirements comes up or simply reply to this email with your exact requirements or call us on 01903 331966 and we will take the details over the phone.


VW Tiguan 2.0 TDi EDTN 2WD BMT - Cruise Control-Keyless Entry-Navigation-18"Alloys 5,000 £2500 23 YES YES £79.99

VW Golf 5dr 1.6TDi 110 Match 5,000 £2500 23 YES YES £79.99

Nissan Juke 1.6 Visia 6,000 £2000 23 YES YES £79.99

Mercedes E220 SE Auto Saloon 4dr Includes Navigation and Leather 10,000 £3000 23 YES YES (POA) £169.99

Mercedes SLK 250D Cabriolet SE Automatic 10,000 £3000 23 YES YES £199.99

Audi A6 2.0 TDI SE Saloon Including Navigation and Leather 5,000 £3000 23 YES YES £169.99

Mercedes A180 D SE 10,000 £2500 23 YES YES £179.99

We offer competitive part exchanges and all makes and models will be considered.
Email us by replying to this email or call us direct on T. 01903 331966.
28 Oct 15 #34
Agreed. The engine size is only relevant to its maximum power - not its designated power.
Remember F1 cars now run a 1.6 engine....!
Zetec Andy
29 Oct 15 #37
What about prices on petrol models, I bought a 2011 Passat 1.8TSi in February, prices down or are petrol vehicles not affected.
29 Oct 15 #40
I think most VW owners will not bother with the fix; ok apart from green party members and Guardian readers.... :stuck_out_tongue:. If however VW force the 'fix' i.e. de-tuning, to be installed e.g. at service time then there are going to be some even more p***** off VW owners....
29 Oct 15 1 #42
Then it was configured to do that - there are settings of how close you want the car to get / keep and how aggressive it is or isn't with the braking and acceleration. That's all.
29 Oct 15 2 #43
5k pa ....cold
29 Oct 15 #44
What's the web address for this please?
29 Oct 15 #46
​indeed, VW and other companies have survived scandals in the past.
29 Oct 15 #47
We have the 2 litre GTD, great, quick car and clear of the recent scandal, highly recommend it.
29 Oct 15 2 #48
Only came here for the comments but they're not as good as I was expecting
29 Oct 15 18 #50
29 Oct 15 #51
hot, does any one have a real life pic or interior
29 Oct 15 1 #52
We might, but those with valid lawsuits won't. VW have a long way to go yet.
29 Oct 15 #53
Not so, a P/X valuation on my petrol Passat, which was valued 2 weeks ago by the dealer, has gone up by nearly £300 in that short a time as demand has actually increased on the 2nd hand market for VW petrol models via the dealer network.
29 Oct 15 #55
Likewise, but looking for a GTD next time...
29 Oct 15 #56
Yes agre the US will use it to damage as many foriegn car producers as posible. But European emission laws are more lax and it will be harder to instigate court cases for losses in Euorpe. I would expect the loss to VW to be a lot less in Europe than in the US.

Real cost to VW wil be in reputation damage and lack of r&d spend for future cars; expect the competition to produce more advanced vehicles in the mid to long term. Then VW will be left playing catch up and may never to do until they fade away like Saab...
29 Oct 15 #57
Good I can replace my MK VI 1.4 Golf with a Mk VII. To be honest though I really like the Audi A3 interior much more, so a cheap A3 sounds good to me.
29 Oct 15 #58
i am using one ,same 1.6 5tdi and this deal seems cheaper... Car is good and on avg i get about 65 mpg in city...All options like parking sensor ,digital audio all are there... My extra miles is only 5 p and this is better since if we dont use 10k in a yr ,it will lapse...
29 Oct 15 #59
I smell a rat
Agharta to leon121
29 Oct 15 1 #63
That's just the normal exhaust smell with a Golf diesel!
29 Oct 15 2 #60
Over 4k to rent a golf for 2 years. And I can only drive it 10k miles in that time. No thanks. Cold.
dan494 to Ian182
29 Oct 15 1 #68
Enough said! Stupid deal
29 Oct 15 #61
You have to remember the media are hyping this up as much as possible because it makes a great news story.

VAG are one of the largest car companies in the world. Revenue last year was 202 billion euros with assets worth a further 351 billion. They've set aside an initial 6.5 billion euros in the wake of this scandal, and have the ability to set aside much much more if needed.

And don't forget - this is a short term lease. You don't own the car so it's residuals are effectively irrelevant to you. So in my opinion snap up a deal on a brilliant car now, before everyone forgets about this issue and moves on!
29 Oct 15 #62
I wonder what the true emissions are supposed to be? There's so much fraud to it even from the smallest stand point. You remove the software, the C02 is revised and you get a new tax band, or the cars are re mapped to meet the CO2 levels quoted and the mpg goes to the wall.
waby1234 to Grohller
29 Oct 15 #65
We don't know if CO2 is affected yet - to date it's only NOx
alfadaz to Grohller
30 Oct 15 #75
The U.K. Gov has already said that any changes to the cars will not affect the tax band of the car. You will still pay the original band based on the C02 value on the log book.
29 Oct 15 #64
I don't know whether to go for this or the new Astra 1.6 ecoflex start stop, decisions decisons
29 Oct 15 1 #66
Very unlikely VW would be wiped out. What may happens is that a financial model working with banks using financial instruments will mitigate and eliminate this risk, namely, a fantastic technical solution would emerge, cars would be fixed, the existing huge base of cars around the world would get maintenance and service fees hyped in some years to come. Namely the 2010-2015 models would get costs paid for by pre-2010 customers and post 2015 customers. Ultimately the VW customers pay through the service pricing and repairs.
29 Oct 15 #67
Surely a feature like this is only for use on motorways or uncrowded roads?
29 Oct 15 1 #69
Any retuning to reduce the NOx will worsen the CO2 - and/or hobble performance.
The alternative Addblue urea fix is more effective but near impossible to retrofit.
29 Oct 15 #70
Profit is the important figure. ‎€10 billion last year, the scandal will wipe that out before the law suits and fines kick in.
Then you've got the stock price dropping which will take years to recover.
30 Oct 15 #72
The Golf 1.6 TDi is not affected by the current scandal
30 Oct 15 #73
But only 110 bhp, wouldn't bother myself
30 Oct 15 #74
Just because it doesn't suit you doesn't mean it's not a good deal. I for one only do 4k miles per year as I live close to work.
30 Oct 15 #76
I think people need to get a grip and their facts right
VW group won't be the only ones
1.6 and 2l are affected not just a software fix and they assure you won't lose performance
My 1.6 caddy will have new injectors and exhaust system components
There is talk of compensation also though not yet confirmed .

If vw are no better than Renault or Vauxhall etc why are there so many older vw group cars on the road compared to the other just as good cars? It's because it's a well deserved reputation in both cases .

Residuals have taken a slight almost non existent hit .

VW will survive they are one of the most cash rich car companies they may have to compete a bit more for business but that's no bad thing considering the dealer attitudes
30 Oct 15 #77
My point was that they won't go bust, and it's irrelevant to this deal anyway.
mango carrot
30 Oct 15 #79
I had the MK VI Golf Match and it's possibly the best car I've ever had in terms of enjoyment and comfort. I have an A4 now and I absolutely detest it.

It's just a shame VW insist on putting the absolute worst alloy wheels on the Mayct
30 Oct 15 #80
I hired a Skoda rapid with the 1.6 tdi...... It was doing near on 70mpg!
30 Oct 15 #81
5k miles? Can I suggest a bicycle?!
30 Oct 15 1 #82
don't think so, personally.
5000k is a joke...
30 Oct 15 #83
i think OP didn't buy this neither you did.
so what is your point...
30 Oct 15 #84
His point is this is a personal lease so you wouldn't own the car! So you don't have to worry about the second hand value! You just return it to the lease company!
30 Oct 15 #86
Can we trust VW? No idea what else they are hiding ?
30 Oct 15 #87
The sad thing is Rudolf Diesel designed his engine to run on veg oil, the first one used peanut oil. Don't put crap in the tank it won't come out the exhaust. Well-head distilled etc is feasable, just force the oil companies to sell cleaner fuel. Then engine manufacturers wouldn't have to deal so much with the mess.
30 Oct 15 #88
If Toyota can survive their cars killing people, I'm pretty sure VW will survive this.
30 Oct 15 #90
That's because the French cars are in the garage getting repairs done or couldn't even make it off the drive.
30 Oct 15 1 #91
My golf 1.6 TDI Match is effected. Don't do it.
30 Oct 15 #92
Can't part ex as I have asked about this previously with this company unfortunately
30 Oct 15 #93
That sounds good from an ownership point of view, the emission controls wreck the engine in the long run,
30 Oct 15 1 #94
Not a scandal, it is a gate
ollie87 to Krizzo3
30 Oct 15 #95
No, it's a car.
30 Oct 15 #96
People moaning about the mileage, some people only do 5 - 10k a year so will suit them fine, I've just done a lease with 5000 miles a year but excess is charged at £62 per thousand miles so factor that in to your calculations and its still a good deal, if you bought the car and stick 25k a year on it that's also going to have a massive effect on the depreciation :smile:
Krizzo3 to Monty_Burns
30 Oct 15 #97
You can always correct the odo reading :wink:
30 Oct 15 1 #98
Gotta be a joke, no one drives 5 million miles a year.
30 Oct 15 #99
Extra discount per death by emissions caused?

If not, cold
30 Oct 15 1 #100
Well done you are paying well over for the car you bought as we are paying £800 under cap on Passat,Bora, diesels,etc and 300 to 500 under on petrol because at the moment people don't want them(trust issues).Our prices will not change on this as we do not want this stock on our Forecourt, so it would go to auction.The only people still giving good deals on VW are VW. Hope you new purchase goes well though.
30 Oct 15 #101
I voted Hot, I spent most of the day considering it and decided to go for it only to find the NVS site says that solid colours are out of stock. More stock might be available on 3rd November. They have Metallic paint cars available - thats an extra £23.47/mth. I'll wait and see how much the new stock is.
30 Oct 15 #102
​so why restrict people in lease if this is the case.
let them drive whatever anyone wants n needs even some will drive only 4k may be.
sure you don't understand lease so wonder n who cares.
be happy n go to sleep so you can dream.
30 Oct 15 #103
Wrong - it is. My Work car (62 Plate 1.6 TDi Bluemotion Golf) has been recalled. Checked both on VW website using VIN number and mine is one thats affected. My work also received the recall notice. As ive already ordered my new car i aint too fussed.
30 Oct 15 #104
Usual car deal comments. Pile of pub talk rubbish.
30 Oct 15 #105 from memory. But like I said wont be specific to just them, all lease companies will be offering similar deals
31 Oct 15 #106
31 Oct 15 #107
12 Nov 15 #108
love my 1.6 TDi Golf, scandal or not ..

besides, the emissions cheat means we are paying cheaper tax then we should and our cars are chucking out more dirt then they are meant to, or that the cheat tests reported!

Tax will be going up soon anyway so we'll probs be paying on par as to what it should be

VW will survive this even though this is a massive breach of Customer trust.

Hopefully VW will clean up their act thoroughly as well as the emissions! :P

and that picture with the VW emissions passed tick

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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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