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v2 Chromecast - £30.00 @ Play Store, effectively £10 (receive £20 Play Store credit)
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
20 Nov 15
Buy a new Chromecast from Google for £30 and get £20 of Play Store credit back, effectively making this £10.
Top comments
20 Nov 15 116 #10
I'm not sure I'd know what to spend £20 of Play credit on..
lukeo44 to trionkidnapper
20 Nov 15 52 #22
Whilst the £20 credit is a good promotion, it doesn't make this £10 as you aren't recieving £20 cashback but credit you can't spend anywhere else. I can't take my phone to my bank and ask them to deposit £20 Google Play credit :wink:
20 Nov 15 43 #128
Can someone explain to me why this is nearly 1000 degree's when less than 7 days ago you could have purchased the same thing for £22.99 and received the same play store credits... see links!
For all the good HUKD's can be, it amazes me how an unwarranted frenzy can be consumed!
This deal is 30% more expensive!
lidds to trionkidnapper
20 Nov 15 32 #36
Because its not £10 is it. Its £30 (The RRP)
All comments (240)
20 Nov 15 1 #1
Just such a good bit of kit! Have 2 of the old ones and this one and two of the audio versions...With Spotify and goggle music these kick **** plus YouTube of course! This should be a no brainer for any android user!
trionkidnapper to cantonbean
20 Nov 15 #3
​Indeed! I have two v1 Chromecasts already and a Nexus Player, but I'm probably going to buy this too, just because I know I will use up the credit anyway.

Hard to knock a v2 Chromecast for a tenner!
20 Nov 15 1 #2
Would there be any use for this if I already have an android / windows tv box?
20 Nov 15 6 #4
Why the cold votes? This is effectively a new Chromecast for £10!
idarek to trionkidnapper
20 Nov 15 1 #19
Because some people are stupid and cannot read. They just looking on price and vote cold. Deal is very good.
lukeo44 to trionkidnapper
20 Nov 15 52 #22
Whilst the £20 credit is a good promotion, it doesn't make this £10 as you aren't recieving £20 cashback but credit you can't spend anywhere else. I can't take my phone to my bank and ask them to deposit £20 Google Play credit :wink:
lidds to trionkidnapper
20 Nov 15 32 #36
Because its not £10 is it. Its £30 (The RRP)
MadeInBeats to trionkidnapper
20 Nov 15 #71
Only for anyone who actually plans to spend £20 on the Play Store... I never would (maybe over 20 years) otherwise you're just forcing yourself to buy stuff on there. Hot though.
20 Nov 15 1 #5
Looks like the credit might not apply to the audio version?
trionkidnapper to Ashe
20 Nov 15 1 #6
Yup, HDMI version only I think.
20 Nov 15 1 #7
Shame the offer does not apply to the audio version.
20 Nov 15 #8
Does the version 2 do anything that the version 1 doesn't?
fishmaster to Daverobeo
20 Nov 15 #118
The wifi works on these ones, they improved it.
20 Nov 15 1 #9
I'm after 2 of these can I use both £20 credits on the same account ?
20 Nov 15 116 #10
I'm not sure I'd know what to spend £20 of Play credit on..
miffyl to Donna80
20 Nov 15 #29
Agreed (or as a yoof at work would say - true dat).

I have Google Opinion Rewards on 2 accounts with over £10 credit on each and had a free movie rental for months that I just can't seem to find anything I want to use it on.
teggl97 to Donna80
20 Nov 15 #68
Just sell the code on eBay
mhdfadhil to Donna80
20 Nov 15 #143
buy apps, books and movies.
Mikiex to Donna80
20 Nov 15 #144
Great Apps! :smiley:
maverikk to Donna80
20 Nov 15 #146
I said the same thing. The bookstore is pretty good but I also just switched back from awful Apple Music to pretty awesome Google Play Music - the £20 will get you 2 months worth!
Duncsalot to Donna80
20 Nov 15 1 #149
Pft! We don't need no common sense with spending on here madam, this is HUKD! We buy because we need to! We need because it's cheap, not because it's useful!
20 Nov 15 3 #11
If I buy one for £30, can I then spend the free £20/credit towards another one in a new order and again receive another £20 credit?

On and use QUIDCO OR TCB?

Anyone read the terms
20 Nov 15 #12
This one doesn't offer enough extra to make it a worthwhile purchase for me, even for an aggregate of £10.
chrisredmayne to reddit
20 Nov 15 #40
​could probably eBay your old one for a tenna though...
20 Nov 15 6 #13
you get the £20 in the form of Google play credit which can't be used on Google store to purchase devices
20 Nov 15 1 #14
can't see any real benefit over the old Chromecast although smoking hot price for anyone after one. this will get hot
haritori to cjdean1983
20 Nov 15 #88
5Ghz is the main benefit.
20 Nov 15 1 #15
Don't have a 1st gen Chromecast but this might persuade me a good time to jump on board for 2nd gen. Hmmm...don't think credit is transferable + limited to per account. Just not sure what I would want with £20 credit + already member of Google Opinion Rewards with some credit earned. :neutral_face:

¹Performance of certain Chromecast features, services, and applications depends on the device you use with Chromecast and your Internet connection. Certain Chromecast features, services, and applications may not be available in all areas. Chromecast is compatible with Wi-Fi-enabled Android 4.1+ smartphones and tablets; iOS 7.0+ iPhone, iPad, and iPod; Chrome for Mac® and Chrome for Windows®; and Chrome OS.

²Chromecast works with Cast-enabled apps. View the list of compatible apps at

³Subscriptions may be required to access certain content.

⁴Mirroring is available on most Android devices. More information is available on the Chromecast help center.

⁵Not available in every country. Available only for first-time subscribers to Google Play Music or for those who have not trialed the Google Play Music subscription service in the past 12 months. Credit card required at sign up. Once your trial period has ended, you’ll be automatically billed each month for your Google Play Music subscription (For country monthly prices, please visit As an active subscriber, you’ll have access to unlimited streaming music from Google Play Music. During your free trial, you can cancel at any time. Unless you cancel, you will not be charged until the start of the first paid billing period.

*Each promotional link is valid for one £20 Google Play credit. Must purchase a Chromecast device to qualify for the promotional credit. Not reloadable; no cash value. Offer is valid starting from 15 November 2015. Offer expires on 15 January 2016. Credit must be added to a Google Payments account by 31 January 2016 and used on Google Play by 31 January 2017. Certain devices and subscriptions excluded. Offer good in United Kingdom only. Must be 13+ years old and UK resident, have Internet access, and qualify for and have a UK Google Payments account. Limit one per Google Payments account. See Promotional Balance Terms for more information.
20 Nov 15 #16
Well I am sure Version 2 is far lot better then the old one, I had version 1, which is difficult to connect and only had 2.4ghz wireless. when this came out I bought it within few days of release. this one has 5ghz & 2.4ghz connection is instant .
20 Nov 15 1 #17
I have one of each. The new one is only worth the upgrade if you need the 5ghz wifi IMHO.

This is a really hot deal though. I bought the v2 pretty much as soon as it came out and I have been able to claim this £20 offer :-)
cantonbean to hotrod2
20 Nov 15 #37
Yeah me too
herodave to hotrod2
20 Nov 15 #57
Do I need 5ghz wifi..??
20 Nov 15 2 #18
already posted
20 Nov 15 1 #20
Anyone know... If I buy 2 of these do I get £40 credit? And does it also apply to the Chromecast Audio?
20 Nov 15 19 #21
Or because the people who aren't voting cold are stupid. The £20 voucher has already been posted and the Chromecast was recently available for £22.99 with a free film - the film normally costs £3.49 to rent, so in your world they are "effectively paying you 50p" for a free Chromecast.

In other words, this is a stinker of a deal
20 Nov 15 6 #23
Personally I wouldn't use the credit (can't even remember the last time I bought an app/something app related) so no good to me, great if you're into that though. Titles a bit misleading.
20 Nov 15 2 #24
I have a PC hooked up to my TV with wireless input devices, there is no point in getting one of these right?
my-planet to Gentlesnipes
20 Nov 15 #58
​Right. Although the only use I would personally have is the ability to stream bt sport to the tv via chromecast as my pc connected to the tv struggles with the bt sport website (I usually use kodi to watch everything else but there is no bt sport plug in - kodi is very efficient with cpu etc when processing video compared to flash or silverlight in a browser). But now that the free bt sport package has been limited to just one bloody channel...I'm out
20 Nov 15 1 #25
do they add the £20 to a play store account or send a top up with the Chromecast?
20 Nov 15 #26
I'm tempted by this after ITV have stopped supporting their ITV Player on the PS3 now (absolutely ridiculous and it was not that good in the first place).
20 Nov 15 5 #27
It's not the same as getting it for a tenner though as you are invested for £30, admittedly that gives you £50 worth of asset for that £30 but it's still a £30 outlay.

I should read page 2 of the comments before adding my own :wink:
lukeo44 said the same above.
20 Nov 15 #28
Great deal for those who would use the credit but I can't see what I would buy in the google play store, heat added tho because it will be a great deal for a number of people
20 Nov 15 #30
For those that missed the earlier cheaper deal this is not bad. And if you buy it from Argos they are doing £1 off if you use fast track and spend £25 or more.
20 Nov 15 #31
Anyone used this with a kindle fire?
20 Nov 15 5 #32
The free credit part of the deal has been posted a few days - thread for reference

Surely worth waiting until Black Friday for the actual product price to drop - £30 is rrp
20 Nov 15 #33
ive got more than £15 in credit from Google Opinions. the only things ive spent any credit on was a whatsapp subscription and a couple of 10p deals that ive not even installed or used. always looking to spend that credit but honestly cant find anything worthwhile or of interest so just spend it on games that id never play so the credit gets used up before it expires.
its a shame they don't let you make device purchases with the credit in your playstore account.
20 Nov 15 4 #34
Last weeks deal at 22.99 was much much better, that INCLUDED the credit too! why is this so damn hot!
Apogee00 to Straycat1967
20 Nov 15 4 #35
It'll be the people just flicking through and voting and not actually having a read
20 Nov 15 #38
exactly misleading!
20 Nov 15 2 #39
Purchased one from, so just waiting on it to be delivered. I already have over £12 from rewards, so will use this credit to make up the difference when Football Manager Touch 2016 comes out.
chrisredmayne to iskillz
20 Nov 15 #41
​was thinking exactly the same thing !
20 Nov 15 #42
Anyone who has one of these able to answer this question.

Can you mirror you android screen to your TV with this device or does it just pull the app that you are throwing to it? I want to be able to just have my phone screen on my TV.
EN1GMA to akhan_29
20 Nov 15 #45
most nexus phones have a mirror function called 'cast screen'. its in the display settings. first connect yours chromecast to your wireless network, then when you go into cast screen option, it will pick it and you can mirror your screen phone.
Apogee00 to akhan_29
20 Nov 15 #54
Yep, whatever is on your phone will be on your tv
20 Nov 15 #43
just ordered. when will i get the 20 credit added to play account? do i have to wait til it arrives to activate?
20 Nov 15 #44
if my old chromecast was struggling because it is at the other end of the house will this one improve ? not clear if the new Wi-Fi settings would help on this or if it just makes it work better if there's a lot of devices in the house
20 Nov 15 #46
I've had a V1 since they first came out. What does a V2 do that a V1 can't?
20 Nov 15 #47
Preferred the 250 Clubcard points deal on this a couple of weeks back, at least then you could buy a lot more with the points. I don't think I've even spent £10 in the Play Store the entire 6 years I've had android phones so this isn't a deal to me.

Voted hot though as I know it will be useful to some users.
20 Nov 15 #48
I'm on a Sony Z3 which has a cast screen option is this the same across all devices and not a propriety thing per device?
20 Nov 15 #49
Same here. If it can be used to rent movies from play store then it may be useful for some.
20 Nov 15 #50
It can be used to buy music albums, can't it?
20 Nov 15 #51
Can anyone clarify this for me... does the Chromecast allow you to cast any video playing on your Android device to your TV or does it only work with streaming web content such as Youtube etc.? I know it's possible to effectively duplicate your screen to the TV but does that also include sound for media that's playing? Sorry for what is probably a dumb question but I don't really understand what these things are capable of!!
Apogee00 to echotrials
20 Nov 15 1 #55
Yep, just download the Chromecast app and cast to screen as above.
20 Nov 15 #52
My v2 I sent back because of lip sync issues streaming from net , no problem with v1 and I tried everything to get it to sync!
20 Nov 15 #53
is there a expiry on the £20 credit?
20 Nov 15 #56
Cool, thanks for that :smiley:
20 Nov 15 4 #59
Yay! I can buy the Lifetime free TOMTOM navigation from Google play with that 20£ credit :smiley:
trick23 to Roz4u
20 Nov 15 #89
how do you do that?
20 Nov 15 #60
Thanks. One more question can these be powered by the USB from your TV or do they have to be plugged in to a wall socket?
20 Nov 15 #61
either. tv usb or wall plug.
20 Nov 15 #62
20 Nov 15 #63
Well I am sure Version 2 is far lot better then the old one, I had version 1, which is difficult to connect and only had 2.4ghz wireless. when this came out I bought it within few days of release. this one has 5ghz & 2.4ghz connection is instant .
20 Nov 15 #64
Well I am sure Version 2 is far lot better then the old one, I had version 1, which is difficult to connect and only had 2.4ghz wireless. when this came out I bought it within few days of release. this one has 5ghz & 2.4ghz connection is instant .
gordo1964 to Iyarkai
20 Nov 15 #66
Yeah, I've got the version 1 currently being used a doorstop and occasionally go on line to see if there are any freebies - I hope the new one is better
20 Nov 15 #65
Last year Play Store did quite a few albums at 99p. Keep you eyes on HUKD and there might be 1-2 posted each week. Also a few apps for 10p seem to be appearing regularly.
20 Nov 15 #67
I'm guessing we get emailed a code to apply to our account?
20 Nov 15 #69
I believe it will be linked to your Google account through the 'Offers' section in the Chromecast app
20 Nov 15 #70
Is the credit for use on apps or just movies & TV shows which is how I read it?
20 Nov 15 #72
don't know if everyone gets the same offers but I currently have 2 months now tv movie pass, 90 days Google music and one movie rental from just owning a chromecast so that's worth over 30 pounds by itself!
20 Nov 15 #73
Can someone outline the benefits of a chromecast?

I currently own an INTEL NUC which runs KODI/XBMC
and a fire stick (which will probably go to my in laws or parents to be honest)

what could i use this for? i mean i want one... but usage?
chrisredmayne to Jetpac
20 Nov 15 #75
​i doubt you would need it if you have kodi, its good for downloading things on showbox and playing them or streaming bt sport...
20 Nov 15 #74
If I buy this to give as a gift, will the person I'm giving it to get the £20 credit or is it linked to my account when ordering?
20 Nov 15 #76
No, you won't get a code emailed to you. rather, you'd be asked to go to chromecast offers page from chrome browser and a redeem key in there to get the code added to your google account balance..
20 Nov 15 #77
i bought mine from wuaki site for £25 and still managed to get this £20 credit.. n also quidco cashback.. so voting this cold.. soz..
Plumbz to mach9
20 Nov 15 #85
Aaagh, I knew I should have gone for that Mad Max offer!
crjos to mach9
20 Nov 15 #94
Has anyone else bought through another site and still got the £20 credit?
20 Nov 15 #78
Can someone briefly explain to me why should I buy this? Thank you
20 Nov 15 1 #79
Would be nice if I can use the credit to buy another Chromecast =P
20 Nov 15 #80
Bought this morning as credit will eventually get used up on the odd apps for my phone & the kids tablets (running on the same Google account as mine as they are only 6 :wink: ).

I thought everybody would have used the £20 credit eventually?
20 Nov 15 #81
I was going to buy more than one, then read this: *Each promotional link is valid for one £20 Google Play credit. Must purchase a Chromecast device to qualify for the promotional credit. Not reloadable; no cash value. Offer is valid starting from 15 November 2015. Offer expires on 15 January 2016. Credit must be added to a Google Payments account by 31 January 2016 and used on Google Play by 31 January 2017. Certain devices and subscriptions excluded. Offer good in United Kingdom only. Must be 13+ years old and UK resident, have Internet access, and qualify for and have a UK Google Payments account. Limit one per Google Payments account. See Promotional Balance Terms for more information. - So my Uni student son will have to get one on his own account!
mach9 to lakes-claire
20 Nov 15 #83
I believe you read my comment above.. you can buy multiple devices that way and still get £20 credit.. all you need is individual google accounts though..
20 Nov 15 #82

I use my chromecast all the time.. i beam my chrome browser onto my TV to watch videos from almost all sites.. also u can do more from your android phone like casting ur phone media files onto TV..
20 Nov 15 #84
I have £5 credit Google Play account - is it possible to use that against the purchase of this does anyone know?
mach9 to sabresonic
20 Nov 15 #86
Nope you can't use play credit to buy devices from play store.. but again, buy it elsewhere like i did and still get £20 credit..
20 Nov 15 #87
Yeah, i bought it for £25 with terminator movie but it was only £22.50 a week later with mad max movie.. :smiley:
20 Nov 15 #90
​theres some great paid apps... football manager, guitar tabs, pocket cast, fruity loops is awesome too... easy to spend
20 Nov 15 #91
Managed to cancel this one. I'll wait for another offer or get it locally.
20 Nov 15 #92
20 Nov 15 #93
Makes sense.. but u never know how long the £20 credit would last though!!! You don't wanna miss that one! :P
20 Nov 15 #95
Actually it is the same!
20 Nov 15 #96
you mean.. anyone other than me?!! :P
20 Nov 15 #97
Offer expires 15th January 2016. Might get one this weekend anyway :-)
20 Nov 15 1 #98
Kind of, this "deal" is for a Chromecast at rrp paired with your link to make it look like a deal.
20 Nov 15 #99
You're not missing anything, the mods are just slipping.
20 Nov 15 #100
I think the offer is part of Chromecast offers, not linked to this Google Play deal directly. So should be fine to get it from anywhere and still get the deal. Expires 15th January 2016.
20 Nov 15 #101
£*£*£*£ :wink:
20 Nov 15 #102
Hardly £10 when you're still paying £30 for £20 play store credit that can't be used anywhere else.
20 Nov 15 1 #103
Bought mine CC v2 from pcworld on day of the release and still got £20 and free google play movie this morning. Google offers freebies every now and then. You just need to go CC settings and check for offers :smile:
20 Nov 15 #104
I presume you can buy one, then use the 20 credit to buy another one? Then use the 20 credit from that to buy another one? Is it also available on chromecast audio?
Plumbz to dwattsy21
20 Nov 15 #105
No you can't use the credit to buy Google hardware and not available on Chromecast Audio.
Apogee00 to dwattsy21
20 Nov 15 #106
You presume wrong I'm afraid
20 Nov 15 #107
Same deal in Currys/PC World - Chromecast is £30 and then you get £20 Google Play credit
Apogee00 to Tobster_
20 Nov 15 #110
Tesco....John Lewis....
20 Nov 15 #108
I just found this via a tweet by @dealhunter88

Awesome deal!!
20 Nov 15 #109

20 Nov 15 #111
Thanks, ordered.
20 Nov 15 #112
They aren't even chrome so its cold from me, wanted a chrome 1
20 Nov 15 #113
Only one Google Account; was going to buy as presents for children (students) but will get them to buy through their own Accounts so they each get the £20 credit - I'll just get one for me - should be excellent in the car as Aux input in compartment behind hand brake.
20 Nov 15 #114
can I just check... what if you already had chromecast v1 do you still get the 20 pounds ???
Plumbz to chrisredmayne
20 Nov 15 #115
Offer only available for V2 owners
dessala to chrisredmayne
20 Nov 15 #129
Checked this morning and there was no offer for v1.
20 Nov 15 #116
​cool I bought it just worried it might not work with me already having the v1
20 Nov 15 #117
for people who are not ****,

spend 20£ on in app purchase and go google fill in form to say your kid bought them and get 20£ back, ..20 turns in to 40, so this cost -10£ :wink:
20 Nov 15 #119
I would guess it's an in app purchase on this >
20 Nov 15 1 #120
Definitely not fraud then.
20 Nov 15 #121
Sorry I just re-read your post. Yeah, doesn't matter what you already own. Still get the offer.
20 Nov 15 1 #122
It's effectively £30 if you don't have anything to spend £20 credit on!

I haven't spent a penny on the Play Store for years so it's no good to me. Good deal for anyone who would spend £20 anyway though.
20 Nov 15 1 #123
Effectively £10 is deception. Effectively.
20 Nov 15 #124
think in app purchases with tomtom go seperately to play credit though?
20 Nov 15 #125
Wow, you can't buy them with Google Play credit either :disappointed:

I've got 50 quid sat in my account that it is looking difficult to spend.
20 Nov 15 5 #126
They [mods] making enough money with affiliate link to Play Store.
20 Nov 15 #127
Thanks darling.
20 Nov 15 43 #128
Can someone explain to me why this is nearly 1000 degree's when less than 7 days ago you could have purchased the same thing for £22.99 and received the same play store credits... see links!
For all the good HUKD's can be, it amazes me how an unwarranted frenzy can be consumed!
This deal is 30% more expensive!
20 Nov 15 1 #130
Channel 4 have just annonced that All 4/4od app cast support is arriving on 24th November for android with ios coming "very soon"
20 Nov 15 #131
Hopefully no one actually BOUGHT it at this price. :smirk:
20 Nov 15 #132
I reported it as a dupe/spam 2 hours back and no response yet - hmm odd.
20 Nov 15 #133
So I can buy from Argos, pick it up today and still get this offer?
Plumbz to chrischarles
20 Nov 15 1 #137
Yup, I was going to do the same :sunglasses:
20 Nov 15 #134
It's silly season near xmas for this to be 1000 degrees.
20 Nov 15 #135
surprised anyone would buy 1 of these over a fire stick...
malothehound to seanandleah
20 Nov 15 4 #140
'Posted Sean'
Marketing Assistant
20 Nov 15 #136
with the 1st gen Chromecast I bought for £25. redeemed the £20 credit then sold the Chromecast for £25. tempted to try this again.
20 Nov 15 #138
Is this for existing customer or new ones?. Seems the way to access the deal is via the deal page on an existing device?
20 Nov 15 #139
Gosh I'm gonna get it and sell v1
20 Nov 15 #141
I always want to get one of these but then I'm left wondering what I would use it for :confused:

I have a smart tv with all the apps on and if I want to listen to music on my phone I use my creative Bluetooth speaker.

Am I missing something.....?
20 Nov 15 #142
Really doubt there's anything I'd want to spend on the Play Store even more so it's all digital content. If it wasn't for this, I'd get it for a tenner.
20 Nov 15 #145
Thanks for this, I'll hold off for black Friday before committing - as the £20 play credit offer should still be available then.,
20 Nov 15 #147
Can the code be sold on ebay?
20 Nov 15 1 #148
What code?
20 Nov 15 #150
Thanks for the tip. Purchased Chromecast about a month ago, but checked and £20 is on my account.
20 Nov 15 #151
I would wait for a sale, it was £23 just a few days ago.
20 Nov 15 1 #152
likelyhood of prison, 0%
20 Nov 15 #153
The only other feature this will give you is the capability to mirror your mobile devices screens on your TV.
20 Nov 15 1 #154
It's not "effectively £10" unless you were about to buy one and then spend £20 worth of apps, not sure how may would be.
20 Nov 15 #155
would really love one of these but what do i buy with 20 quid?
20 Nov 15 #156
Nope, wrong. just someone who knows what he's talking about here. chrome casts are pointless pieces of kit when you compare them to a fire stick... FACT
20 Nov 15 #157
What do the fire sticks do that these don't?
20 Nov 15 #158
​if it's got cast screen it should work. The casting option is built into android
20 Nov 15 #159
I've got both and think they are totally different devices. I love having side loaded Kodi to Fire TV but love that chromecast streams directly from the cloud as opposed to your device like airplay or youtube to fire tv stick as get much less lag. Fire TV stick only really use to the none tech savvy if have an amazon prime account where as chromecast ca be used by any level of technical person across mobile platforms apart from windows mobile. This is like when people compare the surface to a macbook air or iPad.....or a laptop to a gaming pc!
20 Nov 15 #160
Access the hopeless Amazon Instant Video catalogue, and do everything slower. It's perfect for those who enjoy watching terrible TV at a more relaxed pace of life!
20 Nov 15 #161
When does the £20 credit come through?
20 Nov 15 #162
I've been meaning to get my girlfriend a chromecast for xmas but I was waiting until black friday...Do you guys know how long this deal will be up for?
Infinite Element
20 Nov 15 2 #163
It amazes me how many people get the HUKD acronym wrong. :smile:
20 Nov 15 #164
lol know what you mean, my bad!!! for some reason it seems easier to say UKHD'S... should the site name be changed? :wink:
20 Nov 15 #165
If you already have smart functions on your TV, this probably isn't for you
20 Nov 15 #166
Surely there is not that many people these days without a smart tv!
20 Nov 15 #167
Infinite Element
20 Nov 15 #168
There's a tagline that says "Hooked on Hot UK Deals" - the 'hooked' bit is a play on how 'HUKD' would be pronounced.

So that might help you memorise it (not that it matters really :wink:)
20 Nov 15 1 #169
Would Chromecast, Fire TV stick/box, Now TV box, Nexus player etc exist if that were true?
Infinite Element
20 Nov 15 #170
As much as I hate the idea of a Google monopoly, smart functions on TVs can be cumbersome compared to how easy it is to cast YouTube from another device via the Chromecast.
20 Nov 15 #171
anyone know if there is any lag on these when streaming kodi?
20 Nov 15 #172
True, I love my Chromecast and use it for Netlifx daily. Using Kodi on my Raspberry Pi seems slow in comparison (even though its not slow in general)
20 Nov 15 #173
as soon as you plug the device into your tv and check the "apps", one is get the £20. Bought one from currys and just did it.
20 Nov 15 #174
yes 2017
20 Nov 15 1 #175
Cheers mate.
20 Nov 15 #176
There is no code, its a link in the chromecast app that you see when you plug the thing in
20 Nov 15 #177
Empire Strikes Back x 2 :smiley:
20 Nov 15 #178
Only one £20 credit allowed per Google account
If you buy 2 you would to put on another Google account

You can cast anything on your tablet or phone to the chromecast which is the TV.You can also cast screen
20 Nov 15 #179
Can this stream from a NAS may pick one up if it can
20 Nov 15 #180
Maybe for people who're into buying apps, ebooks and movies with lower quality than physical media (Blu-ray) then that might do it for them.
20 Nov 15 #181
think you may be better off with a fire stick and sideload Kodi...don't think this chrome cast is any use for watching videos off nas - as far as I know.
20 Nov 15 #182
You CAN use one to stream from a NAS but via an app on another device - eg: an app on an android phone or tablet. You'd access the NAS on that device and 'fling' it to the TV via the Chromecast.

As mentioned, it's easier to get a Fire stick and sideload Kodi. A bit of effort to get that set up but then you can access your NAS 'directly' through the menus, no secondary device involved.
20 Nov 15 #183
Awesome deal, nice one :sunglasses:
20 Nov 15 2 #184
because the sites full of clueless numptys
20 Nov 15 #185
And numpties too
20 Nov 15 2 #186
plural yes, but its Scottish language so it doesnt matter either way
20 Nov 15 #187
Can you get kodi on this chromecast.
20 Nov 15 #188
Could I use this to cast Kodi from my tablet to my TV? Then my tablet would just be a big Kodi remote...?
20 Nov 15 1 #189
Having looked at this deal a few times now.......sorry, but effectively .....its 30 quid.
20 Nov 15 #190
Does anybody know of any apps that cast live sports channels. Free (illegal) ones obvs. Showbox is working just tickety-boo at the moment so that is films/TV series sorted but sports seem to be a struggle. At a push, I can cast kodi from phone to telly but then cannot use the phone as the screen is being mirrored. No problems if not but if you don't ask, you don't get. Thanks in advance.
20 Nov 15 #191
nope but you can install Kodi into a laptop/phone/tablet/etc and cast to the tv
20 Nov 15 1 #192
Its "effectively" £30 if you dont actually use google play store
20 Nov 15 #193
heat added!
20 Nov 15 #194
I don't get how this has gotten so much heat (1214º) maybe those who voted hot use Play Store a lot.
20 Nov 15 #195
I use mobdro
20 Nov 15 1 #196
Yes but you need an app to do it. Plex is a good setup but requires you run the Plex Media Server on aa computer to serve up the videos.

An alternative is the likes of ES File Explorer which let you browse files on your NAS and has a Chromecast plugin for it.
20 Nov 15 3 #197
As the original poster, I didn't expect this kind of heat either!

I figured it would be useful for those who do use Google Play anyway (including myself).

I appreciate the comments from people who don't use Google Play much that it isn't a deal for them.

Anyway, I've had fun getting so many emails all day long for it. :-)
20 Nov 15 #198
Only works intermittently for me but thanks for replying.
20 Nov 15 #199
It's not a deal, a freebie at best
20 Nov 15 #200
can i use the 20 credits to any apps or in-apps puschase?
20 Nov 15 #201
what is this? I've read the deal but don't understand its use?... is it like a Bluetooth between your phone and TV? ?
20 Nov 15 #202
I'm guessing that you mean:
Because the site's full of clueless numpties

Grab the victories where you can though...
20 Nov 15 #203
Wish I'd have seen the one from last week for £22.99 with the same cash back! Already have three of the older ones, would have purchased another 3 at that price! Must check on here more often!! I can use up £20 play credit easily, no idea why others are struggling!
20 Nov 15 1 #204
If anyone would read terms, they would never use Google and any of their services :smiley:
Now you case see who runs our life, legally and metaphorically.
20 Nov 15 1 #205
Works via Wifi and allows you to stream content from your Android device (via Chromecast App or Cast options depending which version of Android you have). Example being YouTube video's. Works well, and especially useful for those areas where you don't have a smart TV.
20 Nov 15 1 #206
Respect to the OP but I have asked the Mod's why this is not in FREEBIES?

The item (Chromecast V2) is this price from most retail outlets and online stores and thus the only PLUS point about this deal is the free credit offered via the google play store, which would also be available via purchase from ANY reseller of the Chromecast V2.

Furthermore, the google play store credit deal has already been posted in the FREEEBIES section a few days ago.

Can a Mod either expire this deal as it's in the wrong section OR expire it if they place it in the FREEBIE section as it would then become a duplicate post.

Again, it's not the fault of the OP but an error on the part of the HUKD Mod's for allowing it.
21 Nov 15 1 #207
wow, just wow. I haven't read comments like this for at least a couple of days on here. this op wasn't trying to destroy the world economy or steal someone's pension. they seen what they thought was a good deal and wanted to help others. I know that sounds bang out of order and they should be strung up for it but maybe as it's nearly Christmas we could just leave all the negativity for a change. ps I like chromecasts even though I don't really need it pps there is apps, games, books, comics, movies and music on Google play so plenty to spend £20 on ppps I don't care if people post something that's already on our put it in the wrong section I've found loads of buying opportunities that way pppps sorry for such a long comment but I'm glad you stick with it till the end :wink:
21 Nov 15 #208
if anyone ever read any terms and conditions we'd all live in caves with tin foil hats.

bad Google :man:
21 Nov 15 #209
21 Nov 15 2 #210
Does anyone remember Hotdeals when people used to actually be grateful when someone would post a deal?

Now hotdeals it seems to be all about people trying to be comedians on posts trying to get as many likes as possible for posting replies with stupid pictures attached . It's a sad day as used to be a great site but being ruined now with several people just out to complain about anything and everything and non funny people trying to be smart ar***
21 Nov 15 #211
It's tinder culture, disposal comments!
21 Nov 15 #212
Can any of you clued-up peeps advise me why my 2 old chromecasts and the new one can hardly ever be found when I open the app on my Galaxy Edge+ (and was the same on my Nexus 6). The most consistmostway I've found is by uninstalling everything, but thats so frustratjng!!! please help
Hot, by the way op!
21 Nov 15 #213
*the most consistent way I've found*, really must learn to type
21 Nov 15 #214
and I've tried looking at forums but nothing stands out to me!
21 Nov 15 #215
my guess would be that they are perhaps just on the fringe of your wireless network? sometimes they are connected, and sometimes not (even if it shows it is connected).

you could test by moving it closer to your wireless router temporarily and see if it improves things.
21 Nov 15 #216
Chromecast is crap, a standalone android dongle/box/fire stick beats it by a million miles, guess the TV add is hoodwinking ppl into believing its decent, yes I've got one, yes its been in the cupboard and replaced ages ago.
21 Nov 15 #217
I mostly try to use it on the TV that is sat right next to my BT wireless router, so not that! Thanks for trying to help though, I am so frustrated with them!
21 Nov 15 #218
It could actually be too close to your router then...interference!
22 Nov 15 #219
How did this get so much heat, its not even a deal.. Pay £30 for a device that cost around £30 and get the £20 Play credit that they've been offering Chromecast users for free since before this deal was posted anyway..

Watch how many people are going to be gutted on Friday 27th (Black Friday) :laughing:
23 Nov 15 #220
can the fire stick cast a chrome tab to the tv? for example if u wanted to play an embedded video on a website on your tv that isnt youtube or netflix... seems to get any real use out of the fire stick u need to actually have netflix and/or a amazon prime
23 Nov 15 #221
Yes, you'll get £40 credit. This does not apply to the Chromecast Audio.
23 Nov 15 #222
No doubting this is a good deal and heat added, but it seems the offer runs until mid Jan, so unless you want it right now could be worth hanging on to see if there are any cheaper deals for the device itself.
24 Nov 15 #223
yes, when it arrives, set it up and using a PC or the Chromecast app, check for available Chromecast offers. one of the ones available is £20 is credit which will add the balance to your account.
24 Nov 15 #224
You can mirror the entire screen as well as throwing apps at it.
24 Nov 15 #225
Could somebody confirm that this £20 credit is for the whole Play Store (to buy apps etc) or just for the Play Store to stream movies as I've got my Chromecast and it looks like it's just for the movies?

Great little device though. :smile:
24 Nov 15 #226
I've had a search on one of the other threads and people said it can be used for apps (even though it says movies on the description), so I went and added the credit and sure enough it looks like it's just added Play Store credit so should be able to use for anything. :smile:
25 Nov 15 #227
Maybe more people are on the site on a certain day...
26 Nov 15 #228
Yes connect to apple ipad
27 Nov 15 #229
could this store credit be used to buy any of googles phones
29 Nov 15 #230
Does this support the HTC One M8?

29 Nov 15 #231
I can see an offer for £20 movie credit, but not for just Play Store. An ideas?
1 Dec 15 #232
it might say movie credit, but the money is just added to your account for you to do as you wish with it, buying movies, apps, music or games.
1 Dec 15 #233
no, sadly not. digital content only.
1 Dec 15 #234
yes, definitely can be used for any apps/games/music/movies/books
1 Dec 15 #235
So not many I'd imagine, right? ☺
9 Dec 15 #236
where do i find offers tab in chromecast app
9 Dec 15 #237
if i get both for 50 do they both come with £20 free credit.
9 Dec 15 #238
On Laptop go to The select your Chromecast and next screen, then you will be shown your offers.
10 Dec 15 #239
I ended up getting two Chromecast 2 for £40 including 2x £20 Play Credit...
2 Jun 17 #240
Does it apply to Chromecast Ultra 4k ? I don't want the two year old Chromecast. Already bought two last year with free three month Netflix.
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