Samsung Galaxy S6 for £21 p/m, £40 upfront cost using code payoct10
24 month contract with 1GB data, 1000 minutes and unlimited texts.
Total price over 24 months including the allowance and phone = £544
This is on the Vodafone network (unsure if phone will come unlocked)
I understand 1GB may not be enough for a lot of people, but it seems a good deal nonetheless.
Quidco pays £20, TCB £20.20
- cruisecars
Top comments
28 Oct 158#3
You should take it out of the box and turn out in then.....
oteshima to dinosteveus
28 Oct 157#2
What do you mean 1gb data is nowhere enough for a smartphone?
I use iPhone 6 Plus and use 200mb data a month....does that not make iPhone 6 Plus a smartphone?
rodman to alfa166
29 Oct 153#34
better deal? LOL Upfront cost £292.99
28 Oct 153#8
Different people have different data habits. For example, I have a Galaxy K Zoom (like a Galaxy 5 with a camera) and according to my phone, I've used 151 mb since Oct. 6. However, I do use my phone quite a lot... especially as I received all my work email on it (the email itself probably doesnt take up much, but whenever i check email i always think of something else i can do!). However, I do things like turn off all my location settings unless needed, close all programs (apps) when I've finished with the phone, never update on mobile data, etc. The bit that really helps is that I connect to wifi whenever I can, and I can almost everywhere. Work has wifi, as does my flat, as does the grocery store... and even the bus to and from work! So really there's not much need to use my mobile data at all.
All comments (66)
28 Oct 153#1
£554, far too much.
1gb data is nowhere near enough for a smartphone.
Naff deal IMHO.
oteshima to dinosteveus
28 Oct 157#2
What do you mean 1gb data is nowhere enough for a smartphone?
I use iPhone 6 Plus and use 200mb data a month....does that not make iPhone 6 Plus a smartphone?
Derek_Duval to dinosteveus
28 Oct 15#4
£155 more than giffgaff deal with no contract. That's 350C at the moment. Contract is easily worth £155 so not a bad deal. I manage with 1GB, with quite high usage, just no streaming and connect to wifi where possible. Vodafone is a bit of a negative though.
Resa6969 to dinosteveus
28 Oct 152#15
For you and I? 1gb probably wouldn't last a week. But for some people tha mainly use wifi and don't stream much? 1gb is more than enough on a 'smartphone'
snowflake75 to dinosteveus
29 Oct 15#17
use wifi as apposed to 3g/4g
robertadamson to dinosteveus
29 Oct 152#18
my wife is on facbook with her iPhone 6 a lot plus uses her phone a lot yet she rarely uses 1 gig I use about 1.2 on average but 1 would still do me so not sure what your on about
28 Oct 158#3
You should take it out of the box and turn out in then.....
28 Oct 151#5
quality deal,heat
28 Oct 152#6
Nope, lol :stuck_out_tongue:
28 Oct 153#7
I agree 1GB is not enough but my question is without turning on the phone how does he consume 200mb.........
28 Oct 153#8
Different people have different data habits. For example, I have a Galaxy K Zoom (like a Galaxy 5 with a camera) and according to my phone, I've used 151 mb since Oct. 6. However, I do use my phone quite a lot... especially as I received all my work email on it (the email itself probably doesnt take up much, but whenever i check email i always think of something else i can do!). However, I do things like turn off all my location settings unless needed, close all programs (apps) when I've finished with the phone, never update on mobile data, etc. The bit that really helps is that I connect to wifi whenever I can, and I can almost everywhere. Work has wifi, as does my flat, as does the grocery store... and even the bus to and from work! So really there's not much need to use my mobile data at all.
28 Oct 151#9
"PAYOCT10" reduces upfront cost to £40.
Quidco pays £20, TCB £20.20
28 Oct 15#10
Would be a good deal but the Samsung is crap poor battery wouldn't bother ..
Resa6969 to cruisecars
28 Oct 151#12
I get 5-6 hours screen on time. Far more than enough for a heavy days worth of use. If that's not enough go get a brick nokia or stay connected to a portable charger all the time.
furiousjammin to cruisecars
29 Oct 151#29
Don't know where you are getting your info from, but presume you are a crapple fan boy. The S6 has a very good battery life if you use the phone correctly (either power saving, or download and correctly set up a battery manager)
28 Oct 151#11
OP your pic is S6 Edge
28 Oct 152#13
If you have WiFi at home then it's enough for a lot of people. I use less than 500mb a month.
28 Oct 15#14
64GB models are £29pm
28 Oct 15#16
This is a really good deal so heat added, any tips for anyone other than those mentioned to reduce the price further as I'm seriously considering getting this tomorrow when I wake up ( about to sleep ), thanks.
Just seen the battery life so scrap that, I'm a heavy user for work so even 17 hours on light use to drain the battery isn't enough, shame :/
29 Oct 15#19
not a bad price
29 Oct 15#20
glad to see you can all manage on 1gb I pretty much hit my limit of 10gb every month... but then again I don't attempt to save data...
29 Oct 15#21
Can anyone help - looking for a cheap alternative to an iPhone 6. What's android support for A2DP and audio folders over USB like these days?
Got the missus a Vodafone Smart Ultra 6 but we had to download and pay for DoubleTwist to make it usable as a music player. Over Bluetooth in the car it's fine, but if you plug it in via USB it only finds two audio files on the phone rather than what's in the sd card. Downside of Bluetooth streaming is no playlist/audio selection via iDrive.
With this being built in memory, is it any better supported over USB?
29 Oct 15#22
I agree with Dinosteveus.
As far as Oteshima is concerned, not all of us are constantly surrounded by Wifi as, I presume, that's the reason you consume only 200mb/month.
29 Oct 15#23
To put it into perspective, if you were to go on pay as you go (giffgaff) it would be £288 @ £12p/m goodybag with 1GB data, and the phone would cost at least £340 bringing the total to over £600.
You're getting this phone for £270 and get to pay for it monthly.
29 Oct 15#24
Why have Ferrari and fill it with one gallon of petrol If people except this tiny data allowance we will all pay fortunes for ordinary usage. If your wifi turns itself off, you end up with a hefty bill. Deal good for very people who dont leave the house.
rikkif1990 to eelvis
29 Oct 152#25
I am not at home most of the time due to work and other commitments and I get by on my 1GB of giffgaff data by simply not using my phone's internet much when I'm out. It's not as though 3G and/or 4G is exactly that fast.
And it's not hard to check if your wifi has turned itself off.
cruisecars to eelvis
29 Oct 15#26
1GB is fine if your just checking emails and have wifi if you need more you can always add it on.
limegreenzx to eelvis
29 Oct 152#27
But my Ferrari has a special engine. This engine is cheaper and faster and I can use it virtually everywhere. At home, travelling to work and while at work. I barely need to use the petrol engine and when I do I drive efficiently. I keep it below 50mph, unlike my special engine which I drive at 200mph.
29 Oct 15#28
No deal
29 Oct 151#30
I have one it has a crap battery im no fan boy i have had all phones and its just the battery is very poor..
29 Oct 15#31
In that case apologies mate. Mr mrs has one and just about lives on facebook and hers last all day. Suppose it depends what you are doing when you use it. I stepped on the Android defence button a bit too soon then. my bad :sunglasses:
29 Oct 15#32
Maybe its because im use to the beast oneplus i have but i use the samsung as the spare decent phone but i like it lasting more than a day...
29 Oct 15#33
there's a better deal on the moment, Samsung S6 Edge 32GB, 1000mins, 5000 txts, 2GB.
Upfront cost £292.99, £12.50 per mth 24 mth contract.
rodman to alfa166
29 Oct 153#34
better deal? LOL Upfront cost £292.99
sazza6969 to alfa166
29 Oct 15#35
Where's that from please?
29 Oct 151#36
is the phone locked ?
29 Oct 15#37
Why has this been expired?
29 Oct 15#38
My S6 also has terrible battery life and if you're forced to use power saving modes or battery saving apps then that is the sign of poorly designed fone. My Z3 never has any battery life issues so i'd say it has better balanced specs and better designed software.
29 Oct 15#39
This is tempting. My back of a fag packet maths suggests it works out at £593 - only £40 more over the contract and you get an additional gig of data. My only concern is battery life, isn't the edge even worse than the s6?
29 Oct 15#40
Samsung Galaxy S6 32GB Gold
500 UK Minutes
5000 UK Texts
1 GB UK Data
24 Month Contract
Talkmobile Nano SIM Card
Also includes 99-7-uk-coverage
per month £265.99
Hows this deal on talk talk? Total cost over 2 years in under 510
29 Oct 15#41
Samsung Galaxy S6 32GB White
1000 UK Minutes
5000 UK Texts
2 GB UK Data
24 Month Contract
Talkmobile Nano SIM Card
Also includes 99-7-uk-coverage
per month £244.99 upfront cost
£544.99 o ver 2 years and more data
cruisecars to KASOOR66
29 Oct 15#42
£244 upfront cold!
29 Oct 15#43
Yes but look at the overall cost at end of the contract
29 Oct 15#44
Need a new phone but which one would ppl recommend? want a samsung. Its either S6, S6 edge or note 3. Whivh ones best one out of them 3?
Kaz00ie to KASOOR66
31 Oct 151#60
I have the s6 in gold coming from a Nexus 4. Touchwiz is nowhere near as bad as android purists say. The screen is brilliant and crisp with its QHD display, battery is brilliant compared to the Nexus 4, I average about 5 hours screen on time. It's super sharp and has no lag at all and since it doesn't use the snapdragon 810 it does not over heat even when playing Nintendo DS games. The phone itself is stunning and feels really premium in hand.
In terms of specs the s6 and Edge are essentially the same, if I could have afforded the Edge I would have got it because I think it is the best looking phone ever created.
29 Oct 15#45
Yes but is it with Vodafone?
29 Oct 15#46
Talktalk Mobile
29 Oct 15#47
that says it all one of the worst...
29 Oct 15#48
lol r they that bad???
29 Oct 151#49
Talkmobile don't do 4g
29 Oct 15#50
29 Oct 15#51
Lucky I'm on unlimited data, one month I can use 10gb, the next around 1gb.
destix to sm-1991
29 Oct 152#53
Luckily, you shared this little anecdote with us :smiley:
29 Oct 15#52
Not if you set the data limit in the phone's settings.
29 Oct 151#54
Exactly! I have a nephew with an iPhone who complains he has to charge his phone sometimes twice a day limited battery power is not confined to one make or model but dependent on usage
30 Oct 15#55
phones are unlocked when you buy from
30 Oct 152#56
Heat added!
Yes, it's not for those who use oodles of data. I only use it on rare occasions when I can't connect to Wi-Fi or it would be quicker using the mobile connection such as when checking something in a shop. My current contract which is just about to expire had 500mb and I only came close to using that on a couple of occasions so I suspect 1Gb is fine.
I do remember the lady giving me odd looks when I told her two years ago I didn't need much data! Many places have Wi-Fi these days so it's purely a backup for me when it isn't a viable option. You just need to make sure you set a data limit in the phone and keep an eye on usage.
All I know is... I laughed hard when I saw what Orange / EE where offering me as an upgrade. I'm only paying £4 a month less for the Galaxy S3 Mini and my fiancée was paying more for the Galaxy S4 mini. Both just ordered this and we've doubled our data and minutes, got the latest phone and made a slight saving.
I'm happy with that!
Batteries are dreadful in most phones. That's where the next great leap in technology needs to be.
30 Oct 15#57
Cracking deal OP, thanks for sharing.
30 Oct 15#58
Does this phone come unlocked?
31 Oct 15#59
Mine arrived today, not sure if it's unlocked because it only takes a nano sim and I've not got a spare.
31 Oct 15#61
Just to confirm as well, the first 3 months of data appears to be unlimited.
4 Nov 15#62
There's a promo code knocking off £20 upfront of any Vodafone Pay Monthly deal, use that and it's only £30 upfront. And yes unlimited data test drive for 3 months. Great deal, if you trust that site given the volume of bad reviews.
I risked it and I've had no problems, the phone arrived the day after I ordered.
This is a great phone, just a shame about the battery life but I suppose all phones have their weaknesses.
4 Nov 15#64
Cool, did you pay £30 or £40 upfront then? I went for the S6 Edge in Green, £27.50 a month on O2, with £0 upfront and 1GB data (2GB first month), from ☺ And yeah most phones have crap batteries nowadays, least you have a fast charger.
4 Nov 151#65
I paid £40 unfortunately as I wasn't aware of the £20 code.
Yeah it seems a considerable improvement on the S5. I think the phone is unlocked as well.
£27.50 is a good price for the Edge, and 1GB is enough for me as I use wifi most of the time. I've never been into getting a phone on contract (never had one before) but at this price I couldn't resist.
4 Nov 15#66
Ok, I think mainly have issues with iphones, credit checks, website errors and cash back. But luckily it worked out for you. Yeah I was happy with the deal I got, price/phone/data just right for me and I trust Amazon more.
Opening post
24 month contract with 1GB data, 1000 minutes and unlimited texts.
Total price over 24 months including the allowance and phone = £544
This is on the Vodafone network (unsure if phone will come unlocked)
I understand 1GB may not be enough for a lot of people, but it seems a good deal nonetheless.
Quidco pays £20, TCB £20.20
- cruisecars
Top comments
I use iPhone 6 Plus and use 200mb data a month....does that not make iPhone 6 Plus a smartphone?
All comments (66)
1gb data is nowhere near enough for a smartphone.
Naff deal IMHO.
I use iPhone 6 Plus and use 200mb data a month....does that not make iPhone 6 Plus a smartphone?
Quidco pays £20, TCB £20.20
Just seen the battery life so scrap that, I'm a heavy user for work so even 17 hours on light use to drain the battery isn't enough, shame :/
Got the missus a Vodafone Smart Ultra 6 but we had to download and pay for DoubleTwist to make it usable as a music player. Over Bluetooth in the car it's fine, but if you plug it in via USB it only finds two audio files on the phone rather than what's in the sd card. Downside of Bluetooth streaming is no playlist/audio selection via iDrive.
With this being built in memory, is it any better supported over USB?
As far as Oteshima is concerned, not all of us are constantly surrounded by Wifi as, I presume, that's the reason you consume only 200mb/month.
You're getting this phone for £270 and get to pay for it monthly.
And it's not hard to check if your wifi has turned itself off.
Upfront cost £292.99, £12.50 per mth 24 mth contract.
500 UK Minutes
5000 UK Texts
1 GB UK Data
24 Month Contract
Talkmobile Nano SIM Card
Also includes 99-7-uk-coverage
per month £265.99
Hows this deal on talk talk? Total cost over 2 years in under 510
1000 UK Minutes
5000 UK Texts
2 GB UK Data
24 Month Contract
Talkmobile Nano SIM Card
Also includes 99-7-uk-coverage
per month £244.99 upfront cost
£544.99 o ver 2 years and more data
In terms of specs the s6 and Edge are essentially the same, if I could have afforded the Edge I would have got it because I think it is the best looking phone ever created.
Yes, it's not for those who use oodles of data. I only use it on rare occasions when I can't connect to Wi-Fi or it would be quicker using the mobile connection such as when checking something in a shop. My current contract which is just about to expire had 500mb and I only came close to using that on a couple of occasions so I suspect 1Gb is fine.
I do remember the lady giving me odd looks when I told her two years ago I didn't need much data! Many places have Wi-Fi these days so it's purely a backup for me when it isn't a viable option. You just need to make sure you set a data limit in the phone and keep an eye on usage.
All I know is... I laughed hard when I saw what Orange / EE where offering me as an upgrade. I'm only paying £4 a month less for the Galaxy S3 Mini and my fiancée was paying more for the Galaxy S4 mini. Both just ordered this and we've doubled our data and minutes, got the latest phone and made a slight saving.
I'm happy with that!
Batteries are dreadful in most phones. That's where the next great leap in technology needs to be.
Here, also for EE too:
This is a great phone, just a shame about the battery life but I suppose all phones have their weaknesses.
Yeah it seems a considerable improvement on the S5. I think the phone is unlocked as well.
£27.50 is a good price for the Edge, and 1GB is enough for me as I use wifi most of the time. I've never been into getting a phone on contract (never had one before) but at this price I couldn't resist.