Bought this a while ago seems pretty good, gets good reviews.
8 Nov 15#12
thanks for the heads up
8 Nov 15#11
The pad shines in multiplayer as the other player uses the touchscreen to assist and join in the gameplay. Particularly brilliant for the music levels in both single and multiplayer.
7 Nov 151#9
Platform of choice by far. Some sections are specifically designed for the Gamepad, and it benefits from these sections greatly. I think it's a fantastic game and still revisit it from time to time.
7 Nov 15#8
7 Nov 15#7
not available to buy.... it would seem
7 Nov 15#6
have u played it on wii u? just wondering if it uses the pad for anything different. thanks in advanced
7 Nov 15#5
This was Wii U exclusive until ubisoft got panicky and ported it to... well. everything else they could.
still. the only Rayman I ever liked was the original. the rest are all too French for me. This and origins were like an episode of Oggy and the Cockroaches.
7 Nov 15#4
Fantastic game with a ton of varied content at varied difficulty. :smile:
7 Nov 15#2
is this any good on the wii u?
cannibalwombat to timetosurf
7 Nov 151#3
Some say it's the platform of choice (was originally going to be exclusive to the Wii U).
Gamer_U to timetosurf
7 Nov 15#10
My favourite part is the ability to play as Super Rario. :stuck_out_tongue:
Opening post
still. the only Rayman I ever liked was the original. the rest are all too French for me. This and origins were like an episode of Oggy and the Cockroaches.