Doesn't state anywhere on site that it's the gold edition but ordered it late Thursday and just recieved today along with a few others.
All Complete woth box and all the other bits including character that comes with the gold edition, not entirely sure everyone else will recieve the gold edition but maybe worth a phone call to find out?
Latest comments (21)
13 Nov 15#20
Ordered this Saturday, dispatched Monday, nothings come yet... Anyone else ordered but still waiting?
vikkers14 to vinsteroonie
15 Nov 15#21
I had the same ..was dispatched on Monday..mine came on Saturday and can confirm it was the gold edition with all the extras with it ..was in mint condition ..looked brand new to be fair
8 Nov 15#16
Is this to own it or rent it? ;/
ando to Mathaeus
8 Nov 15#17
To own
thomas25 to Mathaeus
9 Nov 15#19
8 Nov 15#18
Do u know if the game is any good?
7 Nov 15#15
heat added thanks op just ordered bargain price as i was going to buy in cex yesterday but held off as it was 15 there
7 Nov 15#14
Possibly yeah. It's actually the second time it's happened. An 'as new' copy of dragon age inquisition I bought off them came in a case with one corner completely smashed (though the disc was fine). To their credit they replied to my complaint quickly and sent me a new case, no questions asked.
Might give it a go now.
7 Nov 15#13
Maybe worth a email?
7 Nov 151#12
Received mine today. It is indeed the gold edition with all included extras. Sadly there is a sizeable dent in the box (possibly occurred in transit) but everything inside is mint. For £6 I'm not gonna quibble - would've paid the same for the standard edition!
7 Nov 15#11
Thanks op ..gave it a go ..nice stocking filler price .
7 Nov 15#10
It was free a couple of months ago on ps+, it's not any longer.
Really fun game, and well worth £6! Heat!
7 Nov 15#9
on ps plus free
7 Nov 15#8
Nice cheap price why not.
7 Nov 15#7
Nice thanks OP, Loved the 1st one :wink:
7 Nov 15#6
Oh well they haven't arrived yet so I'm yet to discover if it comes with all this stuff.
I thought you were talking about actual gold, or maybe a download code for some kind of in-game gold!
7 Nov 15#5
You said you ordered this and shadow warrior, did you recieve the gold edition of tomb raider too?
7 Nov 15#4
7 Nov 151#2
Hot! Got a copy of that and Shadow Warrior when you pointed them out in that thread the other day.
ando to cannibalwombat
7 Nov 15#3
Ye, did you recieve the gold too?
7 Nov 15#1
Heated. Can't remember if I already own this through ps+ ?
Opening post
Doesn't state anywhere on site that it's the gold edition but ordered it late Thursday and just recieved today along with a few others.
All Complete woth box and all the other bits including character that comes with the gold edition, not entirely sure everyone else will recieve the gold edition but maybe worth a phone call to find out?
Latest comments (21)
Might give it a go now.
Really fun game, and well worth £6! Heat!
I thought you were talking about actual gold, or maybe a download code for some kind of in-game gold!