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Opening post
19 Nov 15
Using the voucher code BLACKFRI6S you can save £125 off initial upfront cost. (Pay £100 instead of £225)

Similar to deal posted earlier but with an extra 4gb data for £5 per month.

£31 per month on a Vodafone 4G plan, with unlimited calls and texts and 6GB data.

Here's the deal in full:

iPhone 6S 64GB | 4G | £100 upfront | Unlimited calls and texts | 6GB data | £31pm

Great deal, but please be aware that Vodafone is the only major network who doesn't automatically cap your data. If you go over your 6GB limit you'll be charged £6.50 for every 250MB extra you use. Ensure that you set a data limit in the phone's settings menu to avoid such charges.
- preecey
Top comments
20 Nov 15 3 #54
I agree, once i was one day late with my payment and was unable to make the payment on the following day as they had blocked outgoing calls even to customer service, so i had to call in via my orange payg phone to make the payment!
Worst service i have ever experienced with any mobile network provider!
Vowed never to use Vodafone again.
mintcondition to computerGal
20 Nov 15 3 #44
​Don't do it! I know a guy that ended up in a deep state of depression after he switched from andriod :disappointed:
Stevie Badman
19 Nov 15 3 #38
can't believe you apple **** pay that every month for 2 years hahahaha
All comments (286)
19 Nov 15 1 #2
If I weren't such an Android fan I think I would definitely have this (although I am giving it some serious thought), especially as the iPhone 5s 64gb is currently worth £175 on
mintcondition to computerGal
20 Nov 15 3 #44
​Don't do it! I know a guy that ended up in a deep state of depression after he switched from andriod :disappointed:
nasirh17 to computerGal
20 Nov 15 #87
No do not go for this bro, do not ditch Android community, united we stand against iPhones
19 Nov 15 1 #3
Total cost £844, effectively £35.17/month.

@b_nar you should remove the 225 from the title as I believe that is the upfront cost before the voucher :-)
Doctor_Zorders to Doctor_Zorders
19 Nov 15 #4
sorry, remove it from the description I meant!
19 Nov 15 #5
Thanks op
19 Nov 15 #6
Can you port voda contract to voda contract? Tried to get a decent deal through voda upgrade team and they couldn't get near this. 49 a month and 69 upfront!
Umillion to mepik
20 Nov 15 #50
If you want to keep existing number and either you're at the end of your contract or don't mind paying the rest off, then you can get this deal and port straight from Voda to Voda.

I've done this before and was surprised this was possible that the rep advised I could do this but in saying that the rep explained that once upon a time it wasn't possible but it's all kosher now... So no problem
19 Nov 15 #7
Is this new customers only?
19 Nov 15 #8
Is this a vodafone Red tariff? will it come with spotify premium?
nt1311 to stav
19 Nov 15 #37
Not 100% sure. Looks like this is Vodafone 4g Red iPhone 6Gb and according to Vodafone:

Spotify Premium puts millions of songs at your fingertips. The artists you love, the latest hits and new discoveries just for you. Enjoy up to 24 months’ access to Spotify Premium when you buy a Red Value Bundle (excluding Red Value 2GB Bundle) or a SIM only Red Value Bundle.

Elsewhere on their site:

With our Red Bundles you'll get unlimited UK calls and texts, and a choice of data allowances to suit you.

For just £5 extra a month you can get a Red Value Bundle with inclusive calls to the UK from Europe with Vodafone EuroTraveller and a choice of a NOW TV Entertainment Pass, Spotify Premium or Sky Sports Mobile TV for the length of your agreement.
19 Nov 15 #9
Port your number to a PAYG sim on another network then port it back to your new VF contract.
19 Nov 15 #10
Since Samsung ditched it removable battery in the S6, I've been considering an iPhone. But this seems a bit light compared to the S6/edge according to reviews. At £35/mth compared to the £25/mth deal I posted for the S6 edge that's £240 more for less phone. Piles of data tho' if you need it. Neither hot nor cold.
cruisecars to d1gger
19 Nov 15 #11
battery is crap !
fishmaster to d1gger
20 Nov 15 1 #82
That doesn't make sense as iPhones don't have removable batteries either.
19 Nov 15 #12
Ya sass been waiting on this as 2gb not enough. Cracking deal !!!!
19 Nov 15 #13
The S6 edge or iPhone 6S? Techradar says the battery min the latter is crap.
19 Nov 15 #14
Done, cheers
19 Nov 15 1 #15
At last, I can get it in space grey haha
19 Nov 15 #16
Great deal
19 Nov 15 #17
Iphone 6S
19 Nov 15 #18
What's the Vodafone coverage like in Northern Ireland.
Currently with Tesco (O2) and as we say in norn iron, 'it's ****'
jnm21 to JarrodWRX
20 Nov 15 #48
Where I work (BT3, Hollywood exchange end of Harbour Estate) I get Vodafone 4G and speeds are not bad (good, more than anyone needs, but not great for 4G). Second only to EE IMHO. 4G does make a big difference - 20% of average 4G speed is great, 20% of average 3G isn't. Have hit 50Mbps at home compared to 60 on EE. Also Vodafone allow tethering.
napper to JarrodWRX
25 Nov 15 #237
In the BT53 area there is only signal outdoors. Signal inside is weak or zero. That's not just data signal. That network signal for making calls. Be very careful. If you life in the city you'd get away with it.
19 Nov 15 #19
Think someone mentioned NHS discount in another thread. For this to apply does it have to come from voda direct?
SoapMcTavish to mepik
22 Nov 15 #165
19 Nov 15 #20
Is 6gb of data enough for the average user I only reply check news sites and some light surfing I'm on unlimited with 3 but think that will be scrapped when I try to upgrade
b_nar to shedboy66
19 Nov 15 2 #21
I'm on a 1gb tariff and rarely go over. My data usage is 90% web browsing. Totally dependant on user. There'll always be people who argue that data limits 'aren't enough'.
1sba1 to shedboy66
21 Nov 15 #146
Of course. The apps, photos, videos and music weight the most.
suecoo1966 to shedboy66
27 Nov 15 #254
I use about 2 gb and use mine a lot
19 Nov 15 #22
can increase the price? someone has warned me about this. any point from their t&c much appreciated.
19 Nov 15 1 #23 won't charge you, the network will
19 Nov 15 #24
I believe that Vodafone have a fixed price promise so they won't increase your monthly price for the length of your contract as long as you stay within your data allowance.
19 Nov 15 #25
Good deal. Don't think I'll bite though, means Vodafone can't port my number
19 Nov 15 1 #26
19 Nov 15 #27
Excellent deal.considering the tarriff and 64GB iPhone 6s.
19 Nov 15 #28
I've tried to place order but £125 doesn't come off the charge
eacesar to stevenmassey
19 Nov 15 #30
I've just placed mine. Did you use the code BLACKFRI6S?
19 Nov 15 1 #29
Just spoke to Voda live chat and they said that it is possible to port from Voda contract to Voda contract...
deany76 to mepik
20 Nov 15 #53
Hi mepik insisted that it would be
vodafone sending pac to other network (PAYG sim)
other network back to Vodafone

not sure if there is a cost doing this and your method sound much easier but goes against what I was told.

Could you provide a link and state what you asked? also was there a cost.

thank you


anyone buying this for business? he also said personal use only, which also is a problem.

Anyone with experience of all this?

talking about 'jumping through hoops'

19 Nov 15 #31
Anybody know if this come with Spotify?
19 Nov 15 #32
Not working for me ...
19 Nov 15 #33
Cheers for this, it has just worked for me and £20 quidco I think.
19 Nov 15 #34
Ahh, looks like a good deal, went for the O2 3gb deal last week and just ported from Vodafone!....
19 Nov 15 #35
Very good deal!!! I pay that for a gig less data with a 16gb phone on EE.
19 Nov 15 #36
I'm intrigued, where do people find the codes for this and the other code "BETTER64"?

Anyway, I've been trying these codes against an iPhone 6S Plus tariff in the hope they work, but sadly not.

Anyone know of a code that works with the Plus?
Stevie Badman
19 Nov 15 3 #38
can't believe you apple **** pay that every month for 2 years hahahaha
20 Nov 15 #39
If I could vote cold ten times on this, I would!
b_nar to r0cky69
20 Nov 15 2 #45
Let me guess - you've found an Android or Windows phone that does the same stuff or is even a higher spec for cheaper?

Usual stuff and each to their own. I'm an Android user. Would take a lot for me to port across to Apple but I posted this because for this specific phone its probably one of the best offers out there. So I'm assuming that as you want to vote cold 10x over on this you know of a better deal for this handset.
20 Nov 15 #40
Why cold?

I personally need lots of data so 6gb is insufficient. I do a lot of work on my tablet and etc so I need tethering. Anyhow this is a hot deal. Lucky you guys who are going on it!
20 Nov 15 #41
i was gonna leave vodafone until they offered me s6 edge free, 20gb data,unlimited calls and euro calls and free sky sports for 18 months for 31:99p inc vat! happy days.amazing what they offer you when you say your leaving!
20 Nov 15 #42
Not enough data. Where has unlimited 4g gone,?
20 Nov 15 #43
Code not working
20 Nov 15 2 #46
DO NOT GO WITH VODAFONE, I joined 2 months ago and after 20+ calls and a number of email with there complaints team, I have only just been able to cancel my contract! Worse service ever
20 Nov 15 #47
Does anyone have a definitive answer on when and how much it would take to get this phone unlocked? Thinking of getting it for my daughter but I'll have the sim for my Oneplus Two.
jnm21 to neilthehobo
20 Nov 15 #49
I am not an Apple fan or expert, but these come unlocked *THEN LOCK TO 1ST SIM INSERTED*. Hope this helps.
20 Nov 15 #51
Don't forget if your in the forces you get a extra 10% off your bill. :smirk:
daveparky119 to ThugBasher
22 Nov 15 1 #192
20%, but only if you buy directly through Vodafone shop or online, not through 3rd party providers
20 Nov 15 #52
Gutted just got a iphone 6s 12gb from carephone warehouse for £30 upfront and £35 a month with 2gb :disappointed:((
deany76 to samh6056
20 Nov 15 #55
is it within a certain time frame?
carpmaster1 to samh6056
26 Nov 15 #253
​no you didn't
20 Nov 15 3 #54
I agree, once i was one day late with my payment and was unable to make the payment on the following day as they had blocked outgoing calls even to customer service, so i had to call in via my orange payg phone to make the payment!
Worst service i have ever experienced with any mobile network provider!
Vowed never to use Vodafone again.
20 Nov 15 #56
how did you go about this (keeping a voda number) please? and is it a business phone like ours will be?
20 Nov 15 #57
Just did this and code worked. Thank you.
20 Nov 15 1 #58
Sorry it was personal not business contract but I would expect it to be the same.

Before I bought another contract I phoned voda and asked if they would transfer my present voda number to the new voda line I wanted to port to...

Rep asked if I was at the end of my present contract or if I didn't mind paying it off to which I explained that I was at the end of it but had seen a deal that would give me a new phone and a new voda number, but didn't want a new voda number... I just wanted to port straight to Vodafone from Vodafone and Rep said that it was simple.

They explained to purchase my new phone with the new number then phone up and get old number ported over and that would replace the new one to leave you with:

1. New phone
2. Old voda number
3. New Voda number replaced by the old one
4. Less hassle as you won't need to go through the process of getting a pac code etc.

Hope this helps... Any clarification please don't be afraid to ask!
20 Nov 15 1 #59
Great deal.. Oh hang on, its Vodafone, imagine being tied to this company for 24 months.. No thanks.
20 Nov 15 #60
Are Voda actually that bad? If so why?
C0mm0n_Sense to Mattio
20 Nov 15 #91
Probably because they're a highly profitable company that's complacent and therefore behave as they wish.
For example the government let them off paying £6 Billion in tax, because they threatened to move their business abroad, so i've been told.
They seem to be able to pull strings to get what they want somehow, highly suspicious activity.
20 Nov 15 #61
great deal ! just got one :wink:)) so happy n can not wait to recive it :wink:!!

there is also possible £20 cashback from quidico -
for EE or Vodafone handset pay monthly new contracts
20 Nov 15 #62
Such a good deal. Surprised to see a few of these sort of deals pop up.

64gb is the way forward. I've got so much crap on mine now! :smiley:
20 Nov 15 #63
Hi Umillion,
Really appreciate your detailed reply,
thank you,
20 Nov 15 #64
anybody seen any similar deals for EE?
Clydey10 to cap27
20 Nov 15 #65
I too am waiting for an EE deal, i hope something comes up!
mjpower4 to cap27
20 Nov 15 #90
I was offered a 128gb IP 6S Plus for £89 and £59 pm yesterday but decided against
20 Nov 15 #66
Just ordered, was trying to hold out to see if a better deal came along but ultimately I get 14 days to change my mind anyway so.
20 Nov 15 #67
Well it beats the o2 deal - pains me to say it as I went for that but I was with Voda for over 10 years so they've had enough out of me already!
scrosby23 to loop
20 Nov 15 #95
I wouldn't go that far mate. I went with the O2 deal & upped my tariff. Now got 5gb data for £34 per month. Id rather pay the extra £3 a month and have 1gb less data to be with o2 and have a good signal most of the time. Voda are very poor in terms of signal and customer service!
20 Nov 15 #68
Anyone know if i can get my discount on this because the woman in vodafone shop told me im entitled too 20% discount because where i work
Matty18 to beclyonz
20 Nov 15 #69
If you went direct with voda, yes. not through a third party.
20 Nov 15 1 #70
It's a nice phone but Vodafone are the worst.
20 Nov 15 #71
Also code no longer appears to work?.
poopscoop to Be79n
20 Nov 15 #74
Still working
20 Nov 15 #72
With regards to possible Quidco, if you use the voucher:£10 - TENOFF10 code at checkout, the Quidco cashback gets denied because you've used the TENOFF. It happened to me, Quidco cashback was £45 a while back but because I used a £20 voucher at checkout I lodt out on the Quidco (gutted) :disappointed:

I also changed the URL of the rose-gold deal to space-grey and you get the same deal without changing all the filters etc :smiley:
20 Nov 15 1 #73
Vodafone coverage is rubbish got Vodafone on my work phone and no where as good as o2 that we used to have and not just me other people at work who are spread out throughout the country say the same thing
20 Nov 15 #75
You're welcome!
20 Nov 15 #76
Vodafone RED too so free Spotify or Sky Sports Mobile!
20 Nov 15 #77
Will it allow you to tether?
20 Nov 15 #78
Spotify is for the length of the phone contract right?
20 Nov 15 #79
Does anyone have any idea how long this offer is likely to last? I'm hoping to hold out until Black Friday to see what 3 , who I'm currently with, offer.
20 Nov 15 #80
The Mobiles/O2 was expected to last until Black Friday but was pulled earlier this week after high demand, so it's a bit of a gamble expecting this one to be still around in a weeks time.
20 Nov 15 #81
I use 25Gb a month :laughing:
20 Nov 15 #83
Can anyone confirm when they start charging for the contract please? Is it once you activate or once you buy as I don't fancy paying for a month of unused contract before it is given to the lucky recipient on Christmas Day?
diamond321 to graemeakajimmy
20 Nov 15 #86
from the date the phone is shipped
20 Nov 15 #84
It should do. If Samsung had continued with a removeable battery in the S6, I wouldn't have considered an iPhone.
20 Nov 15 #85
But iPhones don't have removable batteries also, so if that's the reason you're moving to an iPhone it doesn't make sense!
20 Nov 15 #88
Well said chum
20 Nov 15 #89
Strewth calm down its a phone......
20 Nov 15 #92
Great deal, voted hot. The NHS discount only applies for direct Vodafone deals otherwise I would have jumped on this. Holding out for a Black Friday deal too but realistic enough to realise it might not be better than this and I will have missed the boat.

That said phone companies are no mugs and I'm hoping this deal is as part of a range of deals Vodafone/Apple/mobiles are making available over the next week. So fingers crossed on better deals to come.
20 Nov 15 #93
​I would consider getting an iPhone because Samsung Galaxy S6 doesn't have a replaceable battery. It's lost it's USP. I have an S4 with three batteries. One in the phone, one in my pocket and one on charge. Do you get it?
20 Nov 15 #94
Ordered one yesterday in Space Grey, got an email today to say i failed the credit check :-/ . There should be no reason for me not to pass it. I can only assume is because i've recently started a new job and put down that i've been working in that position for less than a year; if that's the case then that's ridiculous.

Went to try and repurchase under my old employment but the code no longer works for Space Grey! So frustrating.
owenm1234 to Mistymaz
20 Nov 15 #98
Same here bro, nightmare
20 Nov 15 #96
This deal does not include Spotify. Only the Red Value tariff's include Spotify.
20 Nov 15 #97
20 Nov 15 #99
Only showing £31 for Rose Gold. How can I get any other colour. When I choose Space Grey for example it drops the data to 2GB and price to £26.
peterbmkelly to cleverduck
20 Nov 15 #100
Sam here, any help on this would be appreciated
Matty18 to cleverduck
20 Nov 15 #101

Select the colour you want and search through the tariff's.. filter to 6gb and contracts £25-35 a month if you struggle finding it!
H.Maleki to cleverduck
20 Nov 15 #108

That's because they're out of stock so they're offering you a different deal. Only golds left. Hope this helps
20 Nov 15 #102
The voucher code is only actually working on the rose and the gold however.
20 Nov 15 #103
Fair point!
20 Nov 15 #104
This seems a fab deal best deal i can get on a 16 gb is 39 a month and 29 upfront
20 Nov 15 #105
Vodafone cold.
20 Nov 15 #106
The S6 is a lot more than not having a removable battery. You never mentioned you have another phone. However the point is moot as whether you have a backup phone or not, both the flagships don't have removable batteries. So really what you mean is you prefer the iPhone spec over the S6 and that the removable battery really doesn't have anything to do with it.
20 Nov 15 #107
No that's not what I mean. You just don't get it. I give up. :confused:
20 Nov 15 #109
After a heavy thought, I'm gonna leave it. Buying the phone then getting a simo will save me lots. Still a good deal though!
wi1bert to H.Maleki
20 Nov 15 #113
Interested in your thinking, can you clarify how please? Ta
savingsguru to H.Maleki
22 Nov 15 #201
Could post your deal combination pls.
20 Nov 15 #110
Is this company genuine, called Vodafone and any my current provider 3. both said that the offer isn't genuine and they have complaints from other customers in the past. either phones are refurbished or after 6 months the monthly tariffs increases massively. i know they could say this to deter me from buying but has anyone experienced this with
FleetFanatic to Teewhy2
20 Nov 15 1 #112
Yes both my daughter's & son's contracts were done via these guys - they are part of carphonewarehouse.

The companies, who charge more for less, will try to put you off 3rd parties.
20 Nov 15 2 #111
I'm not sure anyone would understand what you mean.
20 Nov 15 #114
I certainly do understand what he means, why are you trolling?
20 Nov 15 #115
I'm also intrigued
20 Nov 15 #116
£500 from CEX a Vodafone locked 6s 64gb, colours are depending on price but the max is £500 mobiles is doing unlimited unlimited 2gb for £5.50'with redemption calculate that and it's already cheaper.

Not the same amount, I'll give you the example I'm comparing to as that was just one I plucked out in general but for me. But vouchers for 80% here, buy the phone, say it's £550 that's 440 for the phone. I'm on o2 unlimited unlimited 5gb with sun mobiles for £11 with redemption from mobiles no problem with cash back that's £704. £140 less.

But the phone from CEX is second hand you say? They're all new with stickers if you check in store.

Point proven haha
20 Nov 15 #117
Thanks, could I ask when they got the contract. Also when they have issues with network, do they contact the network provider directly or is it they have to liaise with.
21 Nov 15 #118
Sealed and unused for 500? Show me and I'll bite your hand off
21 Nov 15 #119
WOW, what a load of B.S
21 Nov 15 #120
Great deal! Got mine being delivered Monday :-)
21 Nov 15 1 #121
Haha it's cute that you have such a small mind to think you have to pay expensive prices to get the good stuff. Don't believe me, I don't care. I'm not paying extortion prices, you are :smiley:
21 Nov 15 #122
Go to your local CEX. I picked up a rose gold 128 6s for 520 with CEX vouchers. They're not sealed as they need to check the item so open it. However you know it's unused when you activate and check warranty to see it started on the day you just got it!

Why do people sell sealed phones to CEX? Well you got the few who just sell their upgrades when they get it, and the others who send 9 in on release to make a profit and they stay on. CEX don't prioritise items. If they buy one for 600 and buy one for 300 they'll sell the same. Obviously you can be like four cough #119 or you can open your eyes and realise I ain't chatting ****.

Like I said, this is a good deal, but a few know how to get it better!
21 Nov 15 #123
I can see people saying you have 14 days to cancel please read this in the ts and cs Ensure the Sim/Handset/Free gift has not been used (use signifies acceptance of your contract).
21 Nov 15 #124
Check my stats, I don't troll.
21 Nov 15 #125
Thanks, could I ask when they got the contract. Also when they have issues with network, do they contact the network provider directly or is it they have to liaise with.
21 Nov 15 #126
I bought a brand new "bargain" 5C for my wife last year andand then after using it for a month the network cut it off as the previous owner hadn't paid the first bill, this is apparently a common occurrence at CEX. Not everything is the bargain it seems at first, CEX gave me a full refund but I bought elsewhere where I knew the phone was genuine.
21 Nov 15 #127
When does this deal expire ? Thanks
21 Nov 15 #128
Would've ordered one of these but the battery issue puts me off
21 Nov 15 #129
Ordered Rose Gold - good deal.
Can only order 1 phone though with code.
21 Nov 15 #130
Cold for me. Can't justify for the price. Cheaper and better phones out there.
21 Nov 15 #131
nice find shame its voda if this was EE id be all over it heat given
21 Nov 15 #132
I tried to sell sealed games to CEX once and they refused to accept them on the grounds they couldn't prove they weren't stolen. Surprised they're willing to accept sealed phones given they're about 10 times the value.
21 Nov 15 1 #133
I need an Apple phone to be cool bruh. Gota pay ridiculous money to access facebook.
21 Nov 15 #134
I do admit sometime you do greet the weird workers. I pre sold plenty of sealed games to CEX. They just rip it open, check the cd is inside and pay me in like 2 minutes. Some people will have different experiences
21 Nov 15 #135
I mean in the rare case that does happen you will always get money back with reciept and proof of purchase. I usually go for the unlocked ones. Most of them are from Apple
21 Nov 15 #136
Ordered the phone in thursday, git it delivered on friday, downloaded vodafone app, showing unlimited data, calls and messages. Called vodafone on saturday morning answered in 1 minute, transfered my old number from Three, explained that first 3 month unlimited data is trial. Voilà
21 Nov 15 #137
I spoke to somebody in Carphone Warehouse about this phone for my daughter. I was told that they do automatically cap the data (on EE), but nothing else - and was assured that with them capping the data, there would be no way my daughter could go over - the only way she could get more data (if used up), would be to pay to add some on. Not too sure if I have been given the wrong information about this, as the person posting this stated that it is only Vodafone who automatically cap the data.
preecey to Sophiasky
21 Nov 15 #138
Think you misunderstood my comment in the original post.

Vodafone is the only network that doesn't cap data and will charge for excess usage automatically. All the other major networks will stop your data once you've hit your limit and will give you the option to buy more.
21 Nov 15 #139
Freezing !! Apple! Arctic temp lol....... get a decent phone!!!
21 Nov 15 #140
Hi does anyone know how to get this deal please ? I click on the link an this deal doesn't come up thanks
preecey to krisstabell
21 Nov 15 #141
You need to select Vodafone in the list of networks and then use the filter to change the data allowance to the 4GB to 6GB option. The tariff will be at the bottom, and when you've added it to your basket you then get the option to enter the voucher code.
21 Nov 15 #142
If only I could get my 20% Vodafone Employee Advantage discount with this :smiley: Even so, it's a cracking offer ..

Anyway of getting the extra freebies such as Netflix, Now TV etc with this ?
21 Nov 15 #143
Sorry, yes my fault - I read it a bit too quick!
21 Nov 15 #144
​I got them as they are both under 18. my daughter's was about 6 months ago, the other one 3 months ago. if you have an issue you phone the network provider.

My stepdaughter has just bought her phone via these too. She should have waited a week for this better offer...
21 Nov 15 1 #145
Save yourself £814 and buy a Doogee Nova for £30 , Absurd price for a piece of communications equipment.
b_nar to johnnyd57uk
21 Nov 15 2 #149
Seems a bargain when compared with the Mars rover though doesn't it?
21 Nov 15 #147
Anyone else struggling to get the blackfri6s code to work?
FleetFanatic to Mattslingsby13
21 Nov 15 #148
They only allowed so many handsets for the code. I think only Rose Gold is working now.

Edit: nope, Gold also works still too.
21 Nov 15 #150
Does this include a reward like Spotify etc
21 Nov 15 #151
Dear Friends,
is that possible to unlock this phone? I am not from UK, so if i want to close contract while going back to my country, how much do i need to pay?
21 Nov 15 #152
Anyone else having an issue actually ordering? I've got the phone in my basket, get all the way through to the bank details section and keep getting a message saying "please enter a valid bank account number" despite the fact it is 100% correct!!!
actress to Gooner4
21 Nov 15 #157
Just put it in again and again till it accepts it. Same happened to me.
21 Nov 15 #153
If people are dumb enough to buy it on Vodafone because it's cheap then they deserve what's coming to them.Wouldnt have the deal even if they were paying me.Vodafone more like avoidafone
21 Nov 15 #154
520 bones for poor condition iPhone 6s? Woow You really got more money then sense.
21 Nov 15 #155
Haha yea so stupid it had its original stickers and the warranty started when I turned it on. Lol some idiot I am....
21 Nov 15 #156
Why is this so hot? Is seriously everyone so rich that they can Drop a grand on a Phone which will be worth maybe £150 in 2years IF you are lucky.
Don't you guys have to work to get that $ ?
21 Nov 15 #158
When did CEX start accepting bones for payment? Do they need to be specific bones 'cos I just finished off a roast chicken and there's quite a few left over I'd happily trade for an iphone 6s!
21 Nov 15 #159
Does anyone know what the process is if I'm already on a monthly contract with Vodafone and doing this deal? I finished my 2 year contract with them a few years ago and just stayed on at a lower rate. Do you reckon this will just be an easy switch over if I do this and just contact them after the fact to stop my current monthly and go with this? Or will it mess everything up and I'll end having two contracts at once for a while and will have to do the jiggery pokery of getting my number to switchover.
21 Nov 15 1 #160
where the hell have you been? I do what most of us do on here, go to the pet shop beforehand and stock up on bones (they also accept pigs ears) before going into cex for a bargain - the other option is to cut off your arms before you set off from your house but, you can only use this option once. why do you think fred flintstone was always kitted out with the latest kit?
22 Nov 15 #161
Saw idmobile selling 16GB iPhone 6s for £27.50 a month with £49 upfront using voucher - IDUSWITCH6S
Works out cheaper if you dont need 64GB. also free roaming as this is takeaway deal
22 Nov 15 #162
I already own iPhone 6s Plus (on launch date). Much better deal buying direct from Apple.
22 Nov 15 #163
Go for it. You hardly pay nothing upfront, and you can always find a way to pay the monthly cost...

Amazing deal, and you would look sooo cool, unique and smart, holding an expensive smartphone with a fruit logo...
22 Nov 15 #164
can someone please find a great 6s plus deal?
22 Nov 15 #166
Why anybody would want this garbage is beyond me, about as strong as a double dipped rich tea. Purely made to be a fashion accessory and not to be used.
ficosaneil to TheMightyInferno1
22 Nov 15 #167
You keep telling yourself that and ignoring all the professional reviews and you'll be just fine :wink:
mattmerch to TheMightyInferno1
22 Nov 15 #183
and why exactly do you care what phone other ppl choose to buy how does that affect you personally ?
preecey to TheMightyInferno1
22 Nov 15 #184
Sigh. I'm primarily an Android fan but own an iPhone 6 and let me tell you this - there are many reasons why people would consider an iPhone over any Android phone. The main reason for me is that iOS has far more built in 'Easter eggs'. There are so many features built within iOS that cannot be copied by any other smartphone operating system presumably due to patent laws. A good example of this is the tap to top feature in iOS which will take you to the top of any web page, list etc. Just tap the time at the top and it'll instantly scroll back to the top. Android doesn't have that. Nor does Windows Phone.
Must also mention the swipe from the left or right to go back and forward in any supported application feature. Once you've tried it you'll find the back button in Android to be a little cumbersome in comparison.
22 Nov 15 #168
Silver and space grey not working. Only seems to be working on **** gold.
slannmage to xrchris400
22 Nov 15 #178
Just don't open it and go to the Apple store to exchange.
22 Nov 15 #169
Professional reviews? Obviously more deluded fanboys. And yes i will be fine as im not the one who is gonna get duped into buying a mediocre phone.
22 Nov 15 #170
I don't own an iphone but can't deny this is a top end phone.
22 Nov 15 #171
Gold doesnt work now with the code "BLACKFRI6S"
22 Nov 15 #172
Do you reckon this code will be working again with the Space Grey soon? TechRadar are stating its "temporarily out of stock"...
22 Nov 15 #173
code not working :disappointed:
22 Nov 15 #174
Code isn't working on any model now.
22 Nov 15 #175
wanted the space grey :disappointed: .Phone nearly out of contract and want to go back to the dark side again.
22 Nov 15 1 #176
Was on chat with Vodafone last night because I want to keep my number and to make it a smooth process, just upgrade my account. Their network was down so they couldn't get any advisors just support. Support said they would match the deal and would arrange a call for this morning at half 10 with an advisor, no call happens. Comes to half 11 I'm on chat again, talk to an advisor. He drags me along with a pretty good deal, 8GB instead of 6GB but £40 a month with no upfront. I reiterate what he's said, about to say yes to the deal and then he tells me, 'Oh that's for the 16GB version.' Bloody joke, who can use 16GB internal. If I wanted the 64GB I'd have to pay £54 a month with an upfront of £69. Still not a bad deal I suppose but not the 'price match' I was promised last night.

*Edit* Just did my maths, that's a terrible deal. £1365 altogether after the 2 years compared to what this deal is. My **** pricematch!

Anyway have tried this now, code still works for me. Now just 'processing' the order. I'll be pretty **** if the deal's gone now when I could of done this last night and not had my time wasted being lead around by Vodafone.
22 Nov 15 #177
22 Nov 15 #179
I too was on chat to vodafone last night and promised and deal but they couldn't get anywhere close to this! They did tell me that I can easily switch my old number to the new account when this contract starts though so fingers crossed all goes well....HOT DEAL!
22 Nov 15 1 #180
Please, do tell. It costs £620 for an iPhone 6S 64GB from Apple, direct. Then the cheapest SIM only deal that even compares is Three's £19 a month 8GB contract (they dont do 6GB) and it doesnt even have unlimited data. 620/24= £25.80 per month for just the phone.

This is a SMASHING deal that I would definitely recommend to anyone.
22 Nov 15 2 #181
And wow, the pettiness in this thread surpises me. There's no denying that the iPhone is extremely good for what it does. It's super for people who don't have time or don't care about tinkering with their phones. It's got a super camera, battery that's far better than the "equivalent" S6 (at least in terms of size) and will actually last 4-5 years. I've got friends who are still using their iPhones 4Ss.

That being said, the phone is not for me, personally have a Nexus 6P. But this is a SMASHING deal for people who want an iPhone.
22 Nov 15 #182
rose gold working
stick a cover on it!
22 Nov 15 1 #185
Can anyone who have orderd thos tell me if they have recieved it plz
magicbeans to beclyonz
23 Nov 15 #208
ordered it yesterday around 2pm. had it delievered this morning at 8.25am!


used the other code, better64 (i think thats the code) as didnt need that much data.

works out ridiculously cheap!
22 Nov 15 1 #186
I have a Galaxy S6 however it's still not as good as an iPhone 6S for web browsing. I've invested in Android though and it does some things that aren't on the other platforms. I use all the platforms and like them all.
22 Nov 15 #187
How long is this offer on till plz
22 Nov 15 #188
How is £850 for a phone a deal?! The mind boggles
SIB01 to jimpom23
22 Nov 15 2 #190
It's not £850 for a phone. It's £844 for a phone PLUS unlimited texts, unlimited calls, and 6GB data per month over 2 years. Depending on how much you use your phone for any of these will make it worth while or not for you. Personally, I'm using a Note 3 I bought from new (£399 at the time) and a three mobile pay as you go sim I spend less than £5 per month on. This isn't a good deal FOR ME but it's the cheapest iPhone 6s deal with that amount of texts and minutes so it may be a good deal for others.

Hope that helps you understand things a little better?
daveparky119 to jimpom23
23 Nov 15 1 #205
I was looking for a Vofafone Sim only, the equivalent was 29£ a month but with no phone, with this I get a free iPhone.
22 Nov 15 #189
Great, thank you. My wife just got this. Code worked with the Rose Gold but only when she chose 6GB, not 2GB. Since this includes the monthly tariff the price for the handset works out to be pretty good. Better monthly amount than she was previously paying.
22 Nov 15 #191
Can't get the blackfri6s code to apply, has it experience?
22 Nov 15 1 #193
its called employee advantage
22 Nov 15 #194
Let's all just keep out iPhone 5's and get sim-only contracts. The prices of contracts will sharp come down. Supply vs demand, people.
22 Nov 15 #195
can tether?
22 Nov 15 #196
Can't see it anymore. Expired?
22 Nov 15 #197
Wouldn't this be cheaper for those on Sim Only to get iPhone 6S through Apple themselves with the 12 month interest free option?
22 Nov 15 1 #198
A 6S 64GB is £619 which is over £50 per month over the 12 months plus you have to add a monthly sim which will be £15/20 per month for similar data etc Even with 2 years interest free finance these deals probably work out cheaper, which is unusual for a recently released iPhone.
22 Nov 15 #199
Will Apple actually allow this?
22 Nov 15 1 #200
Go To manually search for iphone 6s 64gb rose gold. Vodafone and click the £31 a month deal. Add that to your basket and use the code as listed by the OP. Now this will work,
22 Nov 15 #202
I explained it in good detail, I can't be asked to do it when all I'll get is haters!
22 Nov 15 #203
Sorry if this has been asked before, but can I transfer my current mobile number to this SIM? I am currently with O2.

krisward7955 to valcov
22 Nov 15 #204
23 Nov 15 #206
Like the product or not, this is a really good deal. It usually works out marginally cheaper to buy iPhone outright and go sim-only, but depending on how much you value not having the 24-month lock in, this is difficult to beat.

You'd have to find a sim-only deal at £9.38 per month to equal this, you're not getting anywhere near 6GB data for that. I'm currently paying £10 per month for 2.5GB data and a measly 250mins of calls.
23 Nov 15 #207
Hi how do I get this deal the code doesn't work ? And vodaphone says it has expired!
23 Nov 15 #209
ask o2 for your pac code

when your device arrives, ring voda and give pac code to them :smiley:
23 Nov 15 #210
You Quoted the wrong person. I replied yes to their question
23 Nov 15 #211
23 Nov 15 #212
Must be over as I cannot see any Vodafone contract for 31quid per month...
23 Nov 15 1 #213
Still working (£100 upfront and £31/month) but use the search & filters when you get to the site.
In search box put '6s 64gb rose gold'. Then select monthly view tariff, then select vodafone (from their logo on the left).
This gives you a list of tariffs with Vodafone. Scroll down until you see handset price on right as £225 and this should show unlimited texts, unlimited minutes and 6gb data. Select this (buy it) and then on the next screen add BLACKFRI6S to the promo code and the upfront cost drops to £100.
ohdearohdear to troytempey0
23 Nov 15 #214
Thanks ;-)
23 Nov 15 #215
BLACKFRI6S - doesn't do anything when added into the 'Voucher code' there another opportunity to enter the code as you work through the order?
23 Nov 15 #216
Can somebody, if possible, please give me a definitive answer on how, and for how much and far into the contact could I get this phone unlocked. Thanks in advance for any replies.
23 Nov 15 #217
Ah, got it - OK folks, using the filters on the left hand navigation once you've selected the iPhone 6S 64GB Rose Gold :

1) Choose Vodafone as the provider
2) Choose Data 4GB-6GB
3) Select the handest priced at £225
4) Buy and on next screen, in the 'Voucher Code' box enter the code and 'apply'

Looks like it only works with this particular combination!
23 Nov 15 #218
Hmm, also seems to work on Gold as well as Rose Gold?
23 Nov 15 1 #219
Ordered it at around 12pm yesterday received it at half 10 this morning. Great turn around, really pleased.
23 Nov 15 #220
Order placed. Heat added !
How long until credit check completed as the other iPhone 6 thread is full of false declines?

Confirmation of order received so I guess the problems with credit check with the earlier deal from are hopefully sorted out
23 Nov 15 #221
Handset still £225 what am I doing wrong? .....Cancel that hahaha it works now :-)
GOONERJJ to far-queue
23 Nov 15 #224
Did you manage to get a space grey one with the discount?
23 Nov 15 #222
Does anyone know if this phone is locked to Vodafone as I'd like to use it with an ee sim.
I'd then use the Vodafone sim in another phone.
23 Nov 15 #223
When is this deal on till plz
23 Nov 15 #225
Sod's Law means that my eldest turns 18 on Wednesday and was all ready to take out his first contract in his own name, with the expiration of the previous iPhone contract I got him for his 16th birthday, but can't risk waiting until then given the heat of this deal! We've been pondering it for a few days, but just gave in and ordered one in my name. Gold isn't his first choice, but with a case on it doesn't make much difference!

He does get an in store CPW discount through work, but even those discounted deals can't touch this one!

Worst case if some unexpected mega deal appears on Black Friday, I'll cancel under distance selling and he can take out his own contract then.
24 Nov 15 #226
Got this deal last night and got a confirmation thismorning that it's been accepted and will be dispatched. Managed to get it on the gold. Tech radar posted an article yesterday promoting the deal and mentioned stock is running out quick! Can't imagine anyone will release a better deal.
24 Nov 15 #227
Thought & CPW were part of the same company ?
24 Nov 15 #228
They are, but the offers from tend to be a lot better than their CPW instore deals.
24 Nov 15 #229
Code now expired :disappointed: Gutted I missed this. Hoping that Three do a decent iphone deal soon!
24 Nov 15 1 #230
This is a con I know of 4 people who have applied for this phone an all got knocked back and all have got a perfect credit score
25 Nov 15 #231
Code working this morning for me
25 Nov 15 #232
Both my husband and I applied and both failed the credit check. Absolute farce as have a completely clear credit history
25 Nov 15 #233
I have had scroll through the posts and wanted to know what I need to do if I already have a contract with vodafone but am due an upgrade? If I purhase using this deal will I need to contact Vodafone to let them know? Thanks in advance for the help!!
25 Nov 15 #234
For those who got the deal
Who did you give your PUK code to or vodafone
preecey to aabs
25 Nov 15 1 #235
You give your PAC (not PUK - that's a different thing altogether) to Vodafone after connection.
25 Nov 15 #236
Thanks for the help preecey
25 Nov 15 #238
It's a good deal, but Vodafone coverage is pants then.
25 Nov 15 #239
How does this work my phone is due for upgrade Nx month can I use this code to up grade already with Vodafone
25 Nov 15 1 #240
I was really wary of this given some of the negative comments but phone arrived this afternoon :smiley: Haven't set up in case a better deal comes up but haven't seen anything that comes close yet.
25 Nov 15 #241
I'm the same (although had a massive hassle with dpd the delivery company) - going to hold off til Friday just incase there's something similar on a better network.
25 Nov 15 #242
they now have dropped the Handset price (incl. Space grey and Silver) to £150 + £31 per month. There is also a £10 voucher here, so you effectively pay £884 for 24 month, which is (only) £40 more than the deal at the beginning of the week and still the cheapest for 6GB/month and 64GB-6s I could find
25 Nov 15 #243
Code still working but the link is to the 2gb bundle - be sure to click the 6gb... (And press add, not the return key after the code) :smiley:
25 Nov 15 #244
Ps on the phone they said this code expires Monday ...
26 Nov 15 #245
I asked the company and there will be no more O2 voucher deals however there will be some deals on other networks over the course of the week.
I believe they said a new one should be out every few days.
26 Nov 15 #246
Is this deal still on? When I click it says £39 per month? Thanks
26 Nov 15 #247
Why do I get rejected by Vodafone even though I have a clear history?

"your order has been declined by the network after being credit checked .. the reason for the decline is not shared with us but we do have other options available for you"
26 Nov 15 #248
How long does credit check usually take
26 Nov 15 #249
Thanks OP! Just ordered mine and I'm paying no more for my IPhone 4S! Hot, hot hot!
26 Nov 15 #250
Ordered mine £20.20 topcashback too :laughing:
26 Nov 15 #251
Does the code no longer work? That said, cost seems to be £150 rather than £225?!
j2hot to j2hot
26 Nov 15 #252
Oh I see it's only on gold or rose gold. Yuck
27 Nov 15 #255
I was rejected by Vodafone after a credit check, I have never been rejected for a mobile phone contract before.

It's interesting that they don't email you that you've been rejected, they say they need to confirm some details with you and ask you to phone them. Then you hold for 20 minutes at 13p/minute to be told you've been rejected but how about this much more expensive deal from another network...

Nothing more than a scam to make money from people phoning them and hopefully upselling them to a more expensive contract.
sqlguerrilla to leeboz12
27 Nov 15 #256
Same situation here where they entered the wrong dob in the vodafone system and my friend spent more than 30minutes waiting for them on the phone...
gregclark to leeboz12
27 Nov 15 #257
Had exactly the same issue. Although mine was slightly more farcical. The phone was out for delivery on Friday - I wasn't in so had to reschedule for Monday. While waiting at home on Monday for it, I tracked the parcel only to find out that it had been returned to sender over the weekend, cancelled due to 'security reasons' but with no explanation nor warning. I've spent ages on the phone, but they won't give me any reason. I've no reason to be declined a contract. Feels like a complete scam.

Obviously my details were secure enough to debit payment, so I am still waiting for the refund. Good deal if you can get it, but has been a horrendous experience for me. are a disgrace.
27 Nov 15 1 #258
if you have an old phone somewhere you can trade in there is a click through from Mazuma mobile to and they will give you an extra £50 trade in for your phone. meant I got £70 for an old broken samsung
suecoo1966 to j2hot
27 Nov 15 #260
​Normally they adjust the price if the phone isn't in perfect working order
27 Nov 15 #259
Does it work with existing voda customers with an upgrade due?
27 Nov 15 #261
27 Nov 15 #262
Out of stock.
27 Nov 15 #263
Ordered yesterday got it today. Paying less than my 5s so happy so far. Good job I ordered with it going out of stock.
27 Nov 15 #264
I missed out. Tried ordering earlier when it was in stock but it didn't accept payment. Tried several cards. Thought I'd try later only to find it out of stock. Not happy.
27 Nov 15 #265
Bargain i had 16 gb for 39 upfront 29 with 6gb data gutted
27 Nov 15 #266
Will they be restocking them?????
JABWootton to sophvogue
28 Nov 15 #267
Think they will, but without the code to reduce the upfront cost
28 Nov 15 #268
Just to say on this, thanks to Rojon for giving the details for perservering. Also to pinkpinkprincess. I too had the declined credit check after ordering late Thursday evening. Yesterday, I was backwards and forwards to Vodafone and as they were both blaming each other. I went on to experian to get the free credit check and again, like others, it was 999, the highest it could be. The second person at vodafone was extremely rude just trying to sell the same deal at £44.10 per month and saying are failing the credit check and vodafone had not applied for one at all (despite my experian credit check showing that Vodafone had applied for a creidt check on 27/11/15). Then he let slip well it's other factors too into the credit rating, not just the check, so things started to not add up. I had him agree that if found my credit check OK would vodafone be happy for me to move to and he after 6 times of asking, he said yes.

So back to this morning on the normal number (01509 615474). Spoke to Tom who was extremely helpful and said he's already had 4 calls like this today. He said he was calling vodafone manually and they were accepting within a couple of minutes, so he checked my details again, put me on hold and called vodafone. Sure enough 2 minutes later he said all agreed and order can now go ahead. So I paid the £100 and phone will be delivered on Tuesday. He was very helpful as Hannah was yesterday when I was calling.

This is just to let people know if you have an order pending with a failed credit check, persevere, because the deal is no longer on but they will still honour your original application if it was done in the timeframe.

It annoys me that Vodafone are able to try and refuse these applications, I suppose it's no benefit to them losing customers to a third party and us paying lower for the plans.

So fingers crossed I should have a beautiful rose gold iphone 6s winging its way to me next week. And with a 6gb data plan that works out at less than £9.50 a month (for the sim) with a 64gb iphone 6s at cost price (so really interest free credit) - this really is a win, win if you're looking for a 6s !!
29 Nov 15 #269
Any more deals like this? :disappointed:
GotBass to eshaq786
29 Nov 15 #271
have you found a similar deal?
29 Nov 15 #270
Phone arrived on Friday but Vodafone customer service are awful.
Made a complete balls of porting my number so now I have nothing apart from a shiny new iPhone 6s on wifi only.
Be prepared to be passed all around the world with International call centres when things arent as they should be.
Good deal but vodafone are a very frustrating service provider with corp scripted answers albeit in a very polite manner.
Just google vodaphone number porting problems for the extent of the problem they have.
29 Nov 15 #272
No. I missed out on this one. Stupid payment error.
1 Dec 15 #273
Any new offers like this ?
benjyyy to matwalaboy
1 Dec 15 1 #275
No but waiting in hope
1 Dec 15 #274
Called EE for pac code, they offered me the iPhone 6s 64GB for £29.99 upfront unlimited text calls and 5GB for £32 a month
1 Dec 15 #276
And how much upfront for the phone?
1 Dec 15 #277
That's a good deal provided the upfront cost is less than £100.
Plus EE will never automatically charge you if you hit your data allowance, unlike Vodafone.
1 Dec 15 #278
Thought I had put that in my comment upfront cost was £29.99
1 Dec 15 #279
Sorry thought ad put that in comment £29.99
1 Dec 15 #280
Well in that case it's a stonker of a deal - just double check that it's the 6s 64GB before you unwrap it!
1 Dec 15 #281
Wow, thats an awesome deal in case it indeed is 6s 64 GB, good for you :smiley:
1 Dec 15 #282
Just hoping accept my return and cancel vodaphone contract ok now!
1 Dec 15 #283
They confirmed it was the iPhone 6S 64GB in a text to me but will defo still double check!
1 Dec 15 #284
Well if it's within the cooling period (which I am assuming it is) then they have to accept the return without any hassles.
1 Dec 15 #285
Yes it is only ordered on Thursday.
2 Dec 15 #286
Vodafone are a absolutely disgrace would never recomend this company or go with these again
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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