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Fallout 4 pc £28.62 @ Instant Gaming
5+ stars +632

Fallout 4 pc £28.62 @ Instant Gaming

£28.62 Instant Gaming18 Nov 15
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
15 Nov 15
i missed out on the preorder deals, so after some looking about this is currently the best price i think.
Top comments
Elevation to andrewedwardsuk
15 Nov 15 16 #10
Try a second time....
I don't trust ANY site that asks you for photo ID - why would ANY games seller need this, for any purpose whatsoever. It is up to THEM to prove they are legit, not up to us to prove we're real customers.
All comments (73)
15 Nov 15 #1
Anyone know if you only get the Fallout Dota announcer from buying on Steam or does it work from resellers?
dawidim to lukec123
16 Nov 15 1 #19
Just Steam.
ValueForMoney to lukec123
16 Nov 15 #36

I bought from CDkeys and got the FO4 Dota announcer.

It's crap though, went straight back to Bristleback.
15 Nov 15 #2
Thanks for posting. I’ve added the price and merchant to the title.
Here’s a ‘Help’ link which gives tips and advice on thread posting.
15 Nov 15 #3
thanks Andy, been a while since I've posted.
15 Nov 15 #4
I bought this yesterday, problem was they asked for a copy of photo id before they gave the code, I declined and in fairness they have started the refund process.

I ended up going back to cdkeys for an extra couple of quid but it went through straight away. Good price but good luck getting the code straight away and without handing over some photo id.
15 Nov 15 #5
first time ive used them and they never asked me for any photo id when you use paypal they'll ask for your phone number to verify
cockers to andrewedwardsuk
15 Nov 15 #6
Wasn't PayPal an extra couple of quid though?
Elevation to andrewedwardsuk
15 Nov 15 16 #10
Try a second time....
I don't trust ANY site that asks you for photo ID - why would ANY games seller need this, for any purpose whatsoever. It is up to THEM to prove they are legit, not up to us to prove we're real customers.
15 Nov 15 #7
Plus £1.44
15 Nov 15 #8
15 Nov 15 2 #9
First time with PayPal they want photo I'd, no ta
15 Nov 15 #11
Coming up at £30.06 now
15 Nov 15 2 #12
Why did the console peasant cross the road?

ᵀᵒ ʳᵉᶰᵈᵉʳ ᵍʳᵃᵖʰᶦᶜˢ ᵒᶰ ᵗʰᵉ ᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ˢᶦᵈᵉ.
mistafaz to kuboro37
16 Nov 15 1 #15
Oh good choice (dp)

Heat added.. Great deal
Meathotukdeals to kuboro37
16 Nov 15 #46
peasant? :neutral_face: spoken like a true gamer.
16 Nov 15 1 #13
If youre not dying to play this game id just get the gote next year. Its nothing special and yes you do get the dota voice thing and ita bad....
16 Nov 15 #14
I'd wait a little longer, it will start dropping a lot more. :smiley:
Trace6x to Martyn334
16 Nov 15 #21
I don't know I wouldn't count on it dropping much more for quite a while but who knows

Also a friendly reminder that the devs don't get paid when you buy steam codes from reseller sites, I always feel bad about it but the prices are much more reasonable :disappointed:
16 Nov 15 #16
I've used these guys. The photo I'd wasn't a problem for me and I just blacked all my details out apart from name and picture. Code was delivered 5 minutes later.
16 Nov 15 1 #17
im sure torrents existed for years :wink:
16 Nov 15 #18
​It's a 18 rated game therefore you have to prove your age to buy it
16 Nov 15 #20
No, most keys are steam keys but i think the dota thing was preorder only. I got my keybfrom and i have the dota voice which i can sell next year, its locked to put on market at the moment. But like i said the voice is bad.
16 Nov 15 #22
I believe coz the game is rated 18 or 16 or something. Probably they got warning of some sort from authorities so they must verify age.

Either that or they wanna see what u look like lol
16 Nov 15 #23
Seriously? I find that hard to believe. Have you got a source for that?

Edit: Reading up on it now - never thought twice about these resellers but some of them have questionable sources for their keys...
16 Nov 15 #24
I can believe that they make less money from such sales, but no money at all? where have these steam keys come from, fallen off the back of a lorry?!

Edit: I too have had a bit of a read up on the same topic.Looks like they're taking advantage of regional pricing, simialr to that detailed here:
I think the keys being bought with stolen CCs etc ( I assume that's what people are alluding to) are a very very small part of a bigger picture, and not one that should be smeared across all key sellers indiscriminately.
16 Nov 15 #25
Yeah I saw a great video where someone went to find exactly where a steam key came from on Kinguin or something, turns out people get them super cheap from places like the humble bundle or when they're employees from companies themselves or often from different countries using VPNs.

But yeah as a rule of thumb you're paying someone who's got a hold of a key super cheap, not the people who made the game but I know how easy it to just buy one anyway haha
16 Nov 15 #26
Its an interesting one, one that has no easy answer. If the topic interests you, have a look at the reddit thread i linked above, very interesting discussion from a couple of guys talking about the debate from an economic perspective.

Surely in some of those situations its a case of learning how to do things smarter? "Why is one of our testers buying thirty copies of the game at our employee special rate?" A few simple checks would solve some of these issues.

With keys sourced from Humble Bundle, i can see your point but at the same time, the publishers agreed to this promotion.Again ,if they are interested in restricting traders, implement some "one per customer" checks or similar.

Increasingly companies are learning about needing to provide separate keys for different regions to sidestep the issue of regional pricing.

On the other side, I remember when China was by far the cheapest ROW price for GTA V. I spoke to key traders that had made 500 quid in a day buying the game on steam and trading it to others for TF2 keys, making only about a quid per copy sold IIRC. All entirely legitimate transactions which were conducted through Steam, trading the game for TF2 keys which were bought with real money. Crazy stuff.
16 Nov 15 #27
I'd keep an eye on the system requirements btw.. Was a little higher than I expected, but my machine manages really well on Medium (which I'm happy with). Really good game, I've put about 10 hours in so far and loving it :smiley:
16 Nov 15 #28

I got the key from GMG and no announcer..
16 Nov 15 1 #29
The publisher may get slightly less but they will still get paid. These keys come from lower priced regions (e.g. Eastern Europe) and are purchased in bulk. The only way the publisher is earning any less money is if you would have alternatively paid the full UK price on Steam (which very few users of this site are ever likely to do).
16 Nov 15 #30
Alright price, shame the game is completely broken if you have a decent gaming rig. Locking the frames seems the only stable way to play it due to the physics & frame rate issue.
scotia2 to MrCollective
16 Nov 15 #37
Perhaps you're thinking of Wolfenstein The New Order. There is no issue with physics vs fps in this game (nor FO3).

There is a bug with the terminals and framerates though. But they are not related.

Game runs great. You just need a really fast CPU in comparison to other titles.
16 Nov 15 1 #31
If anything given the users of this site, they have a set price point "I'll bite when it hits £x", and thus such deals just accelerate their cashflow, netting them the sale earlier than they would have without such practices.
16 Nov 15 #32
Is this likely to drop in price at the same rate as most other PC titles, in which case I'll wait a few weeks or so, or is it more likely to hold its value for a while?
MrCollective to Jedfordski
16 Nov 15 #33
Going by the amount of refunds. I'm guessing it will drop soon.
Spark to Jedfordski
16 Nov 15 #35
It's not going to be showing up for £3.74 in any Steam sales anytime soon if that's what you're asking. You might see keys go back to the circa £20 mark around Christmas but that's about it.
16 Nov 15 #34
16 Nov 15 #38
of course they get paid.. they sell keys at a set price its up to the distributors to set the price etc just seems to be the standard that £39.99 is the norm to pay, if people didn't buy a game that just got released for £39.99 then they would lower prices so people would =-/
16 Nov 15 #39
No sure if trolling....

The games physics are sync'd to the frame rate. I have 144HZ Monitors and the walking, attack animations are multiplied by the frame rates and everything jumps around like a puppy on crack.

Its a well know fact since day one of release

P.S I have an OC 4970K, 2 x 980ti running 3 x 144HZ IPS BenQ monitors. Power to run the game isn't an issue at all.
16 Nov 15 #40
Its sure to drop in price but don't think it will come down at the rate of mad max and batman.
Spark to dave859
16 Nov 15 #48
Well it's the biggest selling PC game in the world at the moment and that shows no sign of slowing down whereas both of those games were garbage so yeah, I agree with you.
16 Nov 15 #41
This is very much normal for gaming services that accept paypal due to the huge number of people that use fraudulent credit cards to scam via paypal.
Johnny Fear
16 Nov 15 #42
I want your rig! :wink:
16 Nov 15 #43
How would that even work? it's not like paypal gives sellers a photo of the account holder to compare to, there's nothing to stop would be credit cards scammers from grabbing any old photo off facebook and using it as their own
16 Nov 15 #44
No it's very much abnormal. I use about a dozen digital download sites and not one single one of those has ever asked me to send them a photo of me holding an ID card - which of course could be quite easily Photoshopped and offers absolutely no particular proof of ID in itself. This practice immediately raises alarm bells - name me so much as 3 large well known digital game sites (that aren't called something like "gamekeyscheap4U") that would ever ask you to e-mail them a photo of yourself holding a form of ID. It's ridiculous.
16 Nov 15 #45
Wouldn't providing photo id to an unknown "company" in put you at risk of identity theft? Does anyone even know what country these people are supposed to be located in? Surely many cases of identity theft/account hacking etc, happen some time after the personal details have been "farmed", so it's hard to pinpoint the time when you were compromised?
16 Nov 15 #47
Lol photo ID, screw that.
16 Nov 15 #49
Awww I just caved and bought this for £31 over the weekend :disappointed:

Heat anyways!
16 Nov 15 #50
I really wanna buy this game, but as soon as I'm about to I'll end up reading somewhere how bad it is and how it didn't live up to the hype. :disappointed: Can someone convince me?
16 Nov 15 1 #51
TBH I pirated it and It's just not very good, and even for free I CBA to play it. Wait to get it cheap if you MUST buy it.
16 Nov 15 #52
I've used Kinguin a couple of times, got the key within 15 mins and they don't ask for id.

DLCompare is the best site for finding most gaming deals and they include consoles.
16 Nov 15 #53
I wouldn't buy this game if you're on AMD. The performance is not as good as Nvidia and you will most likely experience big fps drops.
Martyn334 to arsenalfan
17 Nov 15 #60
I wouldnt recommend gaming at all on AMD :P
16 Nov 15 #54
Im tempted to buy it but i have uni work to do lol.
16 Nov 15 #55
Batman yes, but I wouldn't say Mad Max is garbage at all, its quite an under-rated game and I really enjoyed it.
16 Nov 15 #56
This'll be a lot cheaper within days or weeks. Wait it out. Voted cold.
MrCollective to MUFCristiano
16 Nov 15 #59
I think you are missing the purpose of this website
16 Nov 15 #57
Done and ordered with no problems... downloading now :smiley:
16 Nov 15 #58
I usually wouldn't buy a game till it hit £5 or so anyway, so even with region / VPN purchasing I'm sure they'd make more money from someone selling at £28 than £5 or less on a steam sale.
Martyn334 to jaydeeuk1
17 Nov 15 #61
same, it is a single player story mode game, no matter how open, it has an end...
17 Nov 15 #62
An end that's potentially hundreds of hours away? Man I've played single player games longer than I've played multiplayer only games
17 Nov 15 #63
What I played of Mad Max just felt like a cheap mod of Shadow of Mordor to me, and not a particularly good one at that.
17 Nov 15 #64
And attitudes like this are why most of the games that come out these days are crap...
17 Nov 15 #65
This true however you should always black out the details, all they want to be sure is you are the same name as the paying account which will root out 90% off the fraud.
17 Nov 15 1 #66
A friend of mine whose opinion i value has already flown past lvl 20. Personally i'm gonna wait for more mods/patches to iron out the bugs and such. Maybe when the first dlc comes the base game will be at a better price.
17 Nov 15 #67
Are you trolling? if you black out the details how on earth do they know the photo is your own? There is no good reason they should be asking for photo ID in the first place
17 Nov 15 1 #68
It's very good actually, a huge improvement on fallout 3 (which I felt was inferior to oblivion/skyrim both in terms of the world and gameplay). The world is just richer and more colourful than what I remember of fallout 3 and the combat system has merged closer to a FPS (you don't have to rely on VATS as much) it flows more naturally compared to fallout 3 IMO.
17 Nov 15 #69
This is now £27.86, OP.
17 Nov 15 #70
The name, address and photo? Everything except the photo they have from PayPal to cross ref any who.

As said before by others, good reasons are fraud and age verification.
17 Nov 15 #71
Even the argument about age verification fails as you have to be 18 to open a paypal account
17 Nov 15 1 #72
Yep you also have to agree not to commit fraud. Unfortunately, paypal can't guarantee either of those things so sellers add their own verification.

I'm pretty sure you'd get away with opening a paypal account pre 18 and adding a card. I know I did.
17 Nov 15 #73
Sir I do believe you might be the long lost relative of a certain Col. Malkin in my native Nigeria. He has a great oil wealth left to his last surviving relative of which I am most certain you are him. If you will just forward me some details I shall bring you case before the highest court of the land and have your rightful fortune transferred to you.
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