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Draper 3000W Leaf blower/vacuum £24.99 @ Robert Dyas
5+++ stars +1.1k

Draper 3000W Leaf blower/vacuum £24.99 @ Robert Dyas

£24.99 Robert Dyas25 Nov 15
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Home
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Opening post
14 Nov 15
Identical to this one selling for £40 on Amazon with very good reviews:

The website page now has a note explicitly stating that the discount codes we all used before to get the price down to £21 no longer apply to this deal! Naughty us.

Product's pretty good though, has a really long power cord and does a decent job. No blockages yet clearing Storm Barney detritus off my lawn.
Top comments
gluke21 to money-talks
14 Nov 15 20 #8
So, it's you is it, you b*****d.
14 Nov 15 12 #7
So you just blow the leaves next door to avoid picking them up? :wink:
14 Nov 15 3 #1
GFOOD15 will give you a further 15% off , in effect giving you almost free delivery if you can't get to a shop.
All comments (125)
14 Nov 15 3 #1
GFOOD15 will give you a further 15% off , in effect giving you almost free delivery if you can't get to a shop.
14 Nov 15 #2
doh....just used a 10% off code....oh well. Thanks OP.....ordered.
14 Nov 15 2 #3
I got one of these in Aldi a few weeks ago at the same price. Its been very handy to have, unfortunately the bag has broken (husband stitched it back together again) and the wheels have fallen off (works fine without) just to let you know the kind of quality & durability they have! You get what you pay for with this item which is fine for us and the endless task of clearing up fallen leaves from the front of the house. main downside is that its very noisy, I dont care but the neighbours might!
soldierboy001 to allpinknsparkly
15 Nov 15 #75
This blower sucker is sold in many disguises at differing prices, I bought one 4 years ago and it is still functioning perfectly. Only need to use it 3 or 4 times a year like when I trim my hedges.
14 Nov 15 1 #4
Excellent, been meaning to make one of these for a while
14 Nov 15 #5
Ordered, thanks.

£21.24 delivered to store.

Heat left.
14 Nov 15 2 #6
This sucks. And blows.
wah0007 to gr1340
19 Nov 15 #99
It blows more than it sucks.
14 Nov 15 12 #7
So you just blow the leaves next door to avoid picking them up? :wink:
gluke21 to money-talks
14 Nov 15 20 #8
So, it's you is it, you b*****d.
Jimmyboy to money-talks
15 Nov 15 #47
I need one powerful enough to blow the cat sh#t back into next door's garden now.
oldskooltattoosuk to money-talks
15 Nov 15 #73
Hahaha. Like ya style
Pluun to money-talks
15 Nov 15 #83
I'M not blowing Mr Leaf ANYWHERE!:confused:
14 Nov 15 1 #9
Was out this morning raking the leaves up and thought I must buy one of these so thanks for posting the deal!
Thanks to chris_bou_uk for the discount code too.

I got 7.8% Quidco on the order also if anyone else is buying one.
discount_dude to i_like_crisps
15 Nov 15 #52
don't think you get quidco cb if you're using a discount code however the discount code seems better savings than what quidco is offering
14 Nov 15 #10
There is a huge tree situated on the grass outside of my house - the branches overhang my front garden and now my garden is literally covered in fallen, soggy, wet leaves from this tree. I have one area in my garden that has bark chip down to suppress the weeds but now all of the bark chip is also covered by these soggy leaves. Does this blower actually suck up all of the leaves or blow some around as well? As regards the noise of one of these, when we were on holiday in Spain, we were woken up every morning (at around 6.30 am!) by a man using one of these on the pavement outside of our accommodation - absolutely unbelievably loud noise - the first time we heard it we wondered what the hell the noise was! Has anybody got one of these models - just wondering how loud this one is - and if earphones really need to be worn? Thank you.
Gemo to Sophiasky
14 Nov 15 1 #14
You blow them into a pile, then flip a switch and it vacuums them up and mulches then (cuts them up so they have a smaller volume). I don't know how amazing an electric one will be with wet leaves. To be honest in this case it might be easier with a rake. At this price though you don't have much to lose by trying.....
14 Nov 15 #11
So you get sucked of with a discount
deeky to pomifarooq
15 Nov 15 #54
Yeah, that's an unbelievably hilarious joke. Just give me a minute to compose myself.
14 Nov 15 #12
Great price, just spent three days clearing trailer loads of leaves away for bonfire when it eventually tries up. It's a bit small for my usage but ideal for a small garden.
14 Nov 15 #13
Leaf blowers always remind me of Arnie on the Howard Stern show! NSFW!
click here to listen
14 Nov 15 #15
Just wondering now if this will only work on dry leaves - not soggy, wet leaves - perhaps if they are wet, they might clog the vacuum up?
14 Nov 15 1 #16
good deal but generally find raking more effective.
14 Nov 15 #17
I think more likely it will struggle to pick them up in the first place - I don't know that though - it's a good deal but if you don't have a big area by the time you have faffed about getting it out, plugging it in etc you might be better off with a rake. It is a good deal though, not trying to put you off!
14 Nov 15 2 #18
ordered thanks, tomorrow gonna rake the leaves up cos I don't want the delivery driver thinking our garden is a mess.
14 Nov 15 1 #19
Mine happily munches up wet leaves and mulches them into tiny bits, when the bag is full I empty it over the fence into next doors garden. The Leaves are from their trees.
14 Nov 15 #20
14 Nov 15 #21
Great price, great product. Bought lesser quality item like this before but was a waste of money. This draper blow vac from Robert Dyas is definitely worth buying
Less than half price, identical to this one selling for £40 on Amazon with very good reviews:
Thanks to chris_bou_uk for this: GFOOD15 will give you a further 15% off, reducing price from £24.99 to £21.24
14 Nov 15 #22
it wont let me order keeps saying .......:disappointed:

Website unavailable due to maintenance.

We are working hard to resolve some current technical problems and our website should be up and running shortly.

Our apologies for the inconvenience caused.

The Robert Dyas Team
twindy to arkhan78
14 Nov 15 #27
Me too. I tried around lunch time today and got the same. I got an email signing me up to their emails though, but no order confirmation.
14 Nov 15 #23
you snooze , you lose ! Been eyeing this all day and decided to buy it and it wont add to basket :disappointed:
i_like_crisps to taiko
14 Nov 15 1 #24
​The link looks broken but I searched to find it and it let me add to basket?
14 Nov 15 #25
add it to basket , go to checkout and it dissapears ...
14 Nov 15 #26
all sold out I think :disappointed:
14 Nov 15 #28
Just bought it now (using the 10% voucher as the 15% no longer works).
Had the same 'Website unavailable due to maintenance.' error, but the money was taken from my PayPal account and after refreshing the website, the order is listed in the My Account section of Robert Dyas.
14 Nov 15 #29
managed to order, thanks op
14 Nov 15 2 #30
3 kilowatt seems very energy inefficient to me, perhaps it's end-of-line before being outlawed on power consumption and noise levels. Save your pennies, get a good rake for a free workout. But then that's not a Hot Deal.
14 Nov 15 #31
Thanks been waiting for a good deal on a leaf vac.

14 Nov 15 #32
ive got the petrol version of this

got it for 60 quid

scruffty to ZEbbEDY
14 Nov 15 1 #33
15 Nov 15 #34
It's just let me order via paypal at 00.20hrs.
Thanks OP.
15 Nov 15 #35
This has been a mulch wanted deal. Thanks. My garden is so small I'll buy it what the heck just to annoy the neighbours atleast.
15 Nov 15 #36
Just ordered for £22.49 delivered.

New account gives free delivery plus the 10% off plus possible TCB.
07sanchez to Tallyho
15 Nov 15 1 #37
How did you get this? Can't see that offer anywhere.
15 Nov 15 1 #38
I have just ordered it at this price too. Use Code RD78926 for free named day delivery and the RDNEWS10 Code. Just worked for me.
15 Nov 15 #39
This is very similar to a Titan model that I bought from Screwfix last year. Good piece of kit!
15 Nov 15 #40
Thanks mate. Got it for the £22.49 delivered.
15 Nov 15 #41
ordered, thanks!
15 Nov 15 #42
I got one of these from b&q for £5 in the sale last year. Brilliant product. Blew all my leaves in a pile and took minutes. The suck bit it excellent to, also chops them up into tiny bits!
15 Nov 15 #43
Ordered, thanks OP
15 Nov 15 #44
the site crashed when it confirming my order but I got the confirmation email from them and PayPal receipt. hopefully they will deliver it to me
i_like_crisps to fr3dy77_sp33d
15 Nov 15 #86
​Same here, mines been dispatched now.
15 Nov 15 #45
Just worked for me with 10% code
15 Nov 15 #46
Just did exactly what you did and also went through Quidco to get a bit extra back, thank you.
15 Nov 15 #48
Gone ahead and ordered one, but can somebody tell me how loud this will be - like an electric drill? Just wondering if I need to go and buy a set of earplugs before using this, or if it is ok to use without ear protection? Thank you.
15 Nov 15 #49
Most of these devices, whether they cost £20 or £100 are made in the same factory in China with different branding. Some also have slightly more powerful motors.

They all have the same weak points a) the collection bags are weak and tear easy b) they have a small tube that clogs before the leaves end up in the bag.
15 Nov 15 #50
Great for clearing the leaves mixed in with dog #%#
15 Nov 15 #51
Ordered for £22.49 + poss Quidco, thanks for this.
15 Nov 15 1 #53
Thanks. The 15% code expired but I used the other 2 codes for the £22.49 price. Neighbours are going to hate me. lol.

Nearest Dyas store to me is 93 miles away. :disappointed:
Gozer to Zuulan
19 Nov 15 #101
Seems like Mr Dyas doesn't realise the UK goes beyond the North of Birmingham.
15 Nov 15 1 #55
What a deal! It's blown me away!
15 Nov 15 #56
Couldn't order last night after numerous attempts
Just tried now and went straight through
Cheers op
15 Nov 15 #57
Totally pointless if not cordless
Tallyho to trackdayking
15 Nov 15 #58
Why ?
Elevation to trackdayking
15 Nov 15 #63
Let's just stop at "totally pointless", please. We have a bunch of hippies come do the ..ahem..'gardening' here at the flats I live at. Clearly powertools are the gardening equivalent of buying yourself a 4x4 the size of a small bungalow to compensate for your lack of size in other areas. I watched with sorrow as they blew the leaves about, then the wind blew them straight back again, so they blew them again - seemingly oblivious to the utter stupidity of what they were actually doing. :disappointed:
15 Nov 15 #59
That is how I got it actually but never posted up the free shipping code as I thought it was a singular new account generated only.

My bad, glad it is generic.
15 Nov 15 1 #60
Unlike most things I have bought through HUKD, I was actually after one of these. Thanks OP.
15 Nov 15 #61
Brilliant offer. Just been rebuilding our Garden and needed to get the leaves off the newly laid turf!

GFOOD15 no longer works.
If you sign up for their newsletter its free delivery.

Quidco too.
15 Nov 15 #62
it's garbage...that's why it's cheap. it's ridiculously flimsy, comes with a tiny power lead (less than 1 metre) so you will have to attatch an extension and drag that round too. the bag will break too quickly and its a dog to remove the bag and fasten it again. buy a better make with better reviews. this is poor hence the price. I use mine to blow my motorbike dry after washing it, as that's all its good for now.
Tallyho to MRGRINGO
15 Nov 15 #65
Hamfisted maybe ?

Loads of people moan over the quality of things here & yet others say they are fine if you use them correctly.
Wolfylee to MRGRINGO
15 Nov 15 #68
I agree - I am trying to return mine(bought from an amazon seller) as it is utterly useless. Its underpowered, despite the 3000w, and mine has broken after half a dozen uses. I had another one that looked like this, from Aldi I think, but was much more powerful - that one broke but that was me being stupid and not emptying the bag when I should have done.
15 Nov 15 #64
Says one code per order when I tried this
15 Nov 15 #66
Purchased! This has to be better than my petrol one I have which takes me an age to get started. Thanks for posting. Bargain!
15 Nov 15 #67
It's huge! Need one but no where to store it. Booooooooo
15 Nov 15 #69
15 Nov 15 #70
oos. damn just missed?
15 Nov 15 #71
I bought a leaf blower / garden vacuum from a post on here a while back for a similar price and for a small garden it is brilliant - I am really pleased with it. I tend to use it for the flower beds and drive which has large granite chippings. I was worried they would get sucked up and break it but so far so good. I would thoroughly recommend the principle - well worth a try if you can get one for this price.
15 Nov 15 #72
yes indeed. :smiley:
15 Nov 15 #74
In picture on Dyas page.....Check workshirt with white t-shirt underneath ,check,ripped jeans check,work boots with or without steelys,check Ear protectors,check ,New yellow work gloves,check. Eye protectors,check........The amount of Dog **** that's covering yer new yellow gloves and shirt an jeans when emptying check,.....For everything else theres MasterCard..... :confused:
15 Nov 15 #76
sold out via Internet but possible if you have a local store
15 Nov 15 #77
I just wait til after dark and been a strong breeze and tip my lot over the fence into the neighbours...
Commander1 to spirogiro
15 Nov 15 #84
​superb! that's what i do but out in the walkway where the council will pick it up. plus it's mixed in with the othet fallen leaves so doesn't look out of place!
15 Nov 15 #78
Showing Out of stock for me!!
15 Nov 15 #79
15 Nov 15 #80
15 Nov 15 #81
Just tried ordering one and their out of stock.
15 Nov 15 #82
Just had 1 delivered 2 days ago
For the price not 2 bad
Does tend to block if big leaves or wet
15 Nov 15 #85
Really it's better just to use these to blow into a pile then pickup imo.
15 Nov 15 #87
Out of stock online...but still have some in shop. Bought one in Stratford this afternoon. Light and easy to use. But I'll need another bag or bin next to you, as 35L is not that much.
15 Nov 15 #88
15 Nov 15 #89
This may terminate all the leaves on your property - but come tomorrow - -
Just like owner Theo Paphitis - They''ll be back!

£10 off £50 spend online @ Robert Dyas 'till Dec 24th - - RDXMAS459
nth dan
15 Nov 15 #90
I need one powerful enough to blow the sh#t cat back into next door's garden now.
16 Nov 15 #91
Out of stock. Great deal if you got it.
16 Nov 15 #92
out of stock....great deal though!
16 Nov 15 #93
Available in store to order from warehouse... for £24.99
18 Nov 15 #94
Back in stock, but the GFOOD15 code doesn't work.
19 Nov 15 #95
It says Please note this item is not eligible for discount.So is this the best price
19 Nov 15 #96
19 Nov 15 #97
Had ours delivered. Bit flimsy, but not bad for the money. Seems to work well.
19 Nov 15 #98
so anyone got theirs yet ?
19 Nov 15 #100
stop watching this
19 Nov 15 #102
Like it took Mr Morrison all that time to realise that the UK went further south than Leeds.
19 Nov 15 #103
Don't blame Mr Dyas, blame Theo Paphitis
19 Nov 15 #104
Don't expect the bag to last very long, very poor quality. Blow pretty OK
20 Nov 15 #105
Robert Dyas have the worst customer services I have ever dealt with.

They took payment three times for one item from my bank card. each time i rang I had to wait about 40 minutes to get through and they didn't know what to do. They said they would ring back and never did. after a week of emails and calls I complained to my bank and they refunded the money after a further 21 days.

avoid like to plague unless you like talking repeatedly to very stupid or incompetent people.
Jimmyboy to jonnithomas
20 Nov 15 #106
I know this isn't always appropriate for everyone but pay with a credit card wherever possible online. That way when these mistakes happen it's not your money that gets tied up while the retailer dances round wondering what to do. One call to the credit card company and they would have put the duplicate amounts in dispute so you would be charged no interest on them and then resolve themselves.
20 Nov 15 #107
the lady at the bank was very sympathetic. she told me her own horror story. her car insurance company did the same and it took her 21 days to get the money back ! she had just been paid and it made her overdrawn :disappointed:

credit card company is a good idea.
20 Nov 15 #108
It's good to know the bank employees have the same hassles as the general public!
20 Nov 15 #109
Anyone picked a collect at store order up yet
Ordered on 14th and nothing
Contacted store and useless
taiko to Bradleigh
20 Nov 15 #110
same boat here , i am waiting for confirmation before i go to the shop.
20 Nov 15 #111
20 Nov 15 #112
Put mine together today, really noisy. Made my 2 year old cry!
Will test it tomorrow
21 Nov 15 #113
Yes its a good buy !.... All the leaves have dropped now and probably been picked up!
It's like buying a snow shovel In April :confused:
soldierboy001 to zippypants
21 Nov 15 1 #114
Welcome to the world of retail, that's when all the deals are at their best, after the event.
i_like_crisps to zippypants
21 Nov 15 #116
​No one's picked my leaves up :-(
bma1445 to zippypants
21 Nov 15 #118
lol if only.

We used this and had to empty the bag 4 times. That was 2 days ago, now there's a couple bags on worth on the floor again.
21 Nov 15 #115
A week after ordering I finally have a confirmation email I can collect
taiko to Bradleigh
21 Nov 15 #117
I have had no confirmation and if I did I would not collect as all the trees are denuded now :smiley:
21 Nov 15 #119
I've used mine a couple of times and the blow/suck lever keeps getting suck in the middle. So not great build quality.
soldierboy001 to Zuulan
21 Nov 15 #120
Don't you mean the blow/stuck lever?
23 Nov 15 1 #121
Ill get my Mrs to give your Mrs some tips on nagging if you want
26 Nov 15 #122
Blocked within 20 seconds for me with wet leaves. It's very difficult to access the area where they're blocked (inside mulcher) as it's sealed off. Total waste of money - won't be buying from Robert Dyas again.
soldierboy001 to patrick_000
26 Nov 15 #123
I'm sure it will say somewhere in the instructions not to use on wet leaves, common sense really.
5 Dec 15 #124
I emailed them to say it took so long for it to come to store for pickup that I do not need it anymore and can I have a refund ,they mailed me back saying

Thank you for contacting Robert Dyas Customer services.We have looked into your request but we can now see that the order has been collected.
If you require any further assistance please contact Customer Service.

lol , i never picked it up and do not plan too !
Jimmyboy to taiko
6 Dec 15 1 #125
Situations like this again make using a credit card for online purchases the best option. This useless company will likely now dance around giving you a refund. Quick call to the card company and they can deal with it.
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Lego Friends Calender
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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