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11 Nov 15
New Blackberry Priv for the best on-contract price I've seen so far.

3GB of 4G data, unlimited minutes/calls, O2 perks and free delivery.

If you're not a fan of the phone then fair enough, but I've been dying for a decent android phone with a physical keyboard, and this is it!

If you can find it cheaper, with the same or more data then let me know, but this equates to £10 per month for the contract if you deduct the phone price.

Updated Code: TENOFF10 gives £10 off the up-front price, bringing it down to £40.
£10 quidco is also possible, taking it down to £774 or less than £9 per month for the contract

*** Update ***

Spoke to O2, who confirmed the contracted data allowance can be increased mid-contract without much hassle and fairly cheaply. Upgrading from 3GB to 5GB would add "less than £5" to the monthly bill.
(£3 per month according to this thread:
Top comments
11 Nov 15 4 #9
​BlackBerry is THE only phone to never be hacked! their security is second to none, I realise they are not to everyones taste but that's an excellent track record none the less.
13 Nov 15 4 #27
I think criticism of the keyboard ergonomics is unwarranted... With any mini-keyboard you need to use it for a couple of weeks to build the muscle memory to use it efficiently and effortlessly.
12 Nov 15 3 #18
Just tried a demo (dummy model) in a CPW store today and I think it seems like this will be my next phone. I've missed the QWERTY wonders of my HP Pre and Palm 650. Yes it may be slower to type than some of the on screen keyboards but at least I can see where I'm going and still keep typing without making mistakes.

As others have said, I'm going to wait for a bit of a price slash before biting as I'd like to see it sub £30 and would allow my P8 contract to run out a little more before cancelling that. It's a shame you can't port a number out and keep the old sim running.
Latest comments (71)
7 Jan 16 #71
Just a heads up for anyone still looking for this phone that this deal has recently been posted.
16 Dec 15 #70
So my current moto G has gotten me vex , so i ordered last night. I will review.
11 Dec 15 #69
I had a look at the dummy in carphone warehouse, and it's really cheap and plasticky compared to the real thing.

That said, the backing section on the actual phone, which has the rubberised texture, feels a little loose, but then it is basically removable.
I have it in the official blackberry flip case (real Napa leather!) which encases the back of the phone anyway, so I don't really notice.
Thought some people have returned the phone because of the slightly creaky back cover, and report that more recently produced ones have a more secure back with less movement and creak.
11 Dec 15 1 #67
Further update: 3 weeks in, still really enjoying the phone. There were some lags creeping in (specifically when exiting google maps navigation), but the first monthly OS update that arrived on Tuesday has massively improved performance and removed the lags. The update was supposed to improve battery life as well, which I haven't seen, but it still lasts a day easy, and I'm used to charging every night.

Camera performance was also improved dramatically with the recent update.
pimpchez to Quiffco
11 Dec 15 #68
Pretty good review that , finally found a carphonewarehouse that had a dummy. Unlike older blackberry phones i dont think it looks premium to me. I am still undecided on whether to get it or not.
20 Nov 15 2 #66
Received mine next day as promised by, loving it so far. build quality is great, camera isn't the fastest, but not noticeably slower than other phones, and camera quality seems good for a smartphone.

Feels good in the hand, the keyboard is great for accuracy, the on-screen keyboard is still very good for convenience, performance has been fine, no noticable slow-downs.

In summary, I'm pretty happy!

For reference, another good review of the Priv after 2 weeks of use:
18 Nov 15 #65
Back in stock, mine is being delivered tomorrow.
17 Nov 15 #63
Out of Stock!
Quiffco to unoxymoronic
17 Nov 15 #64
Yup, just had an update on my order, that's the whole CarphoneWarehouse group out of stock online!

Blackberry themselves are out of stock as orders now aren't delivered until the end of the month, looks like some success for Blackberry, though no details of how many units they've actually shipped!
15 Nov 15 #62
i agree. most people still prefer the use of tangible keys. but the price for this still seems high.
13 Nov 15 #61
Why do you say it's no more secure than 5.1? They applied security updates to the Linux kernel to 'harden' it compared to the default Linux kernel, and enabled encryption by default, complete with a hardware embedded encryption. That's more secure than a standard 5.1 android phone by a significant step! Plus the dtekt app monitors app permissions to help spot any unwarranted rights violations. Yes, app specific permissions in android 6 will be even more secure, but it's already far more secure than 5.1 phones, and will be more secure than the nexus 6 when it gets android M 'soon'
13 Nov 15 #60
It is actually no more secure than any 5.1 device out of the box and certainly not as secure as the current nexus devices running 6.0 that provide more granular controls.

If you want a keyboard, this is an option but don't buy it because you think it's more "secure" or "private" because it's not.
13 Nov 15 #59
I was BB through and through until two years ago when I gave up. To expensive, hobbled software compared to Apple or Android and very little support.
This looks great, all the quality of BB with an Android system. However It is so over priced for a market with little to no confidence in the brand. A classic Berry on CPW is £22 a month. The Passport is £27! Way over the top for second rate software. Why not just stack high and sell cheap and get the brand back out there?
It will probably be of a better build quality than most phones as BB's always were. But BB are great at pressing the self destruct button. Just look how they killed off the Playbook which was easily an iPad equal in build but never allowed to reach it's full potential in software.
Like a lot of people I think I will just wait and see.
13 Nov 15 1 #45
This would sell well if priced under £250. What are they thinking pricing it so high above iphone and Samsung flagship level (I know the S6 launch price was high too). Love them or hate them Apple have stores where you can go if you have a problem so you pay a high price but at least you have some support and can get a warranty swap etc there and then. The other manufacturers just can't justify the high prices when the after sales is so poor. I think the Priv is only being sold by Carphone Warehouse (I think is owned by then?) so they will be providing support eg sending your phone off and leaving you with nothing for weeks waiting for it to return.
This time next year Blackberry will not be in the handset business.
Quiffco to Jimmyboy
13 Nov 15 #47
I thought it was Carphone Warehouse exclusive, but Selfridges are selling it, and it's starting to appear on other sites too. I think the exclusive was just for pre-orders, though you are right, e2save and are both related to Carphone Warehouse.

As for price, I agree it's high, but it's less than the Sony 5 Premium (£599), significantly cheaper than the S6 Edge+ (£749) and the iPhone 6S+ which has less storage and a lesser screen, and the Note 4 at release (£600). It's also the only keyboard android phone on the market, which adds production cost, the most secure (or is claimed to be at least) android phone, and has one of the highest resolution screens.

I'd have loved it to be cheaper, but I can't see it being £250, the OnePlus One at around that price had a lot lower specs. Even without the keyboard, can you name many other phones with similar specs that cost £250 at launch?
raggedy to Jimmyboy
13 Nov 15 #58
Agree it would have been better if they had reduced the price (but skimped on specs?) but the above statement has been trotted out year in year out since they had network problems back in 2011. :-)
13 Nov 15 #56
there's more security in Android Android 6 phones saying as they allow you control over app privileges.

you'd need to be a bit of a mug to buy this, its not a proper BlackBerry keyboard its some creaky squashed junk by the sounds of it
Quiffco to retrend
13 Nov 15 #57
Blackberry have confirmed Android 6/Marshmallow will be coming to the Priv, and the DTEKT application does allow some control over per-app priviledges I believe, notification at least.
Plus there's the hardened kernel and blackberry's hardware based encryption, which is turned on by default rather than off in vanilla Android 5.1.1.

As for the keyboard, it depends which review you read; Android Central rate it as "The best physical keyboard ever"
13 Nov 15 #55
If next year, the new Nokia makes an Android phone whose keyboard specification is the same as the old Nokia E71 I would buy it in a heartbeat. Best phone qwerty keyboard I have used. Better than the Bold 9000 and BB Q5 of which i have experience.
13 Nov 15 #54
They do, but then when I called in the local shop they hadn't had stock and weren't yet able to order it in. They were talking to the blackberry rep trying to find out when they were going to get stock in.
13 Nov 15 #53
The Carphone Warehouse still have it in stock sim free by the looks of it.
13 Nov 15 #52
Blackberry Priv? No thanks. I'm not a Balckberry perv.
13 Nov 15 #51
I think the dissappearance of the keyboard coincided with the rise of a certain fruit-based black slab, and nobody will lose their job for trying to make their products the same as the one that's currently selling millions. If the iphone doesn't have a feature, then it's assumed people are happy to live without it, see removable batteries, upgradeable memory, IR blasters and so on.
You're probably right from the business side of things, directors are going to ask for the shiny iphone, unless they have real security in place, in which case Blackberry gains some traction based on reputation.
To be brutally honest, I don't think Blackberry have done enough marketing on this phone, so the mixed reviews won't be helping the cause, I'll bet a lot of directors etc aren't even aware of it's existence, and they're already releasing details of the next android phone!

But yeah, success or not, the price is likely to drop significantly at some point, as all non-iphones do, though currently the online store has sold out of the first wave and is now awaiting new stock, Amazon has also sold out, so there does seem to be a groundswell of interest that may delay the inevitable price drop?
13 Nov 15 #50
So its a bit like Triggers broom then?
13 Nov 15 #49
I agree the keyboard is pretty unique these days. I'm surprised as the HTC Desire Z had a great design but I think the manufacturers got caught up in trying to make their phones as thin as possible even though maybe customers are not fussed by this? Personally I'd rather a better battery than a thin phone.
Selling Blackberry on the security merits is a good niche and we're all constantly told about this bug and that bug but you know what 95% of people don't care about that.
All phones drop in price form their launch price but generally what will happen is they'll start at £500 and eventually drop as low as £250-£300 then disappear from sale. The Blackberrys of late start high and keep dropping, the Z10 was one example. I think that was around £500 on release but instead of disappearing from sale they went on and on and you could (probably still can) get them for around £100 which suggests they simply didn't sell and there was loads of stock around. Rightly or wrongly I can see the same happening with this handset.
I work as a business mobile contract reseller and smaller companies with smaller mobile accounts are not interested in security they just want the latest iphones for the bosses and maybe some cheaper Androids for the others. Larger businesses where the decision is made by the finance director or IT manager will be looking for value for money and more often than not are influenced by the salesmen/women in the company who will be asking for iphones. If they are not influenced by the end users desires then this will be because they are looking more at cost. They will then be asking me for suggestions. I could say the Blackberry Priv is £466 (ex vat) or the iphone 6S is £449 (ex vat). 3 months down the line when a handset has an issue they will come to me for help. If they chose Blackberry I will say we'll speak to the supplier, get a returns authorisation completed, send the handset off and you'll get it back in a week or 2 weeks time. If they choose an iphone I'll say get the user to book an appointment at their local Apple Store and they will resolve it, or send it to me and I will do it and get it or the replacement back to them them within a day or so. This same scenario also occurs with Android handsets too but if they use Moto Gs they are inexpensive so easy to have a spare one so the user is not without a handset.
I don't think I'm alone here, most resellers will be looking for an easy life. I'd never recommend a business spends a load of money on these when they will be half the price in a few months time.
13 Nov 15 #48
Delighted about this, hope it comes to 3 mobile, I've been using a Z10 for the past 2 years amazing phone I've become a slave to blackberry, feels so much smoother than when I use my iPad or son or wife's I phone will be interesting to read the reviews :smiley: good spot
13 Nov 15 #42
Loved my Z10 - it got run over by a van once and survived! (Well, needed a new LCD etc)
Temporarily on a 4S and I reallyyy miss the BB Hub.

I'm strictly a PAYG man, can't say I'm tempted by the £600+ price tag. Awaiting the next price drop, but might grab the Z5 if it drops before this :smiley:
Quiffco to BraddersJ
13 Nov 15 #46
only £559 direct from blackberry if you're not bothered about a contract
13 Nov 15 1 #44
I've used the phone a little and know someone who tested the device. it wasn't ready for testing when sent but received updates during that time. that ars review night have been before the updates.
it's a solid phone and the software is just fine. it all works just like any other android. I'll be getting it as my upgrade as to us it felt like a solid and premium device. ran like one too.
the screen was fine also! i didn't see any problems in the short time i used it
13 Nov 15 #43
An awesome phone to own :-) HOT
13 Nov 15 #41
Biggest gripe with Samsung's keyboards is that the keys do not directly interact with the phone's software; rather, the hardware keys simply press down on a hidden virtual keyboard that is placed on the screen directly underneath the physical keyboard, and it's that hidden virtual keyboard that is responded to by the software. So it doesn't offer a smooth typing experience.

Then obviously there's the issue of losing screen space, and thirdly the Samsung keyboards look and feel extremely cheap.
13 Nov 15 #40
The only other alternative is the Samsung Galaxy S6 with the keyboard or the Note version of the same.

Personally, I don't like either option. It amazes me that there are no keyboard cases available for any phones other than the cheap rubbish ones that make the phone in the case about an inch thick.
13 Nov 15 1 #38
If it ticks the boxes for you then thats great, by all means go ahead and buy it. I just dont think its worth anywhere near the price its marketed at. I would honestly rather buy an LG G4 over this.
Quiffco to jamie147800
13 Nov 15 1 #39
I am tempted by the G4, but I've been wanting a phone with a physical keyboard for years, so there really isn't any alternative to this ( other than the next blackberry android phone which has a fixed, non-sliding keyboard)
13 Nov 15 1 #23
Sounds pretty awful all round according to this review...


BlackBerry's Android distribution sticks very close to stock Android. It mostly only adds extra features, and those extra features can be turned off.
A MicroSD slot.
Tap to wake! Just double-tap on the screen and it will wake up.

This device isn't worth $700.
The tiny keyboard is cramped, flat, and unpleasant to type on.
The camera is gray and colorless.
It has a scratchy, friction-filled sliding mechanism.
It features a spongy back material that feels like a plastic frame with a rubber skin wrapped around it.
Like other flexible PAMOLED displays, some colors show a dirty-looking "grain" pattern instead of a solid color.
Android 5.1.1. BlackBerry pushes the "privacy" angle, but shipping with an old version of Android means it's missing Android 6.0's great privacy features.
The hardware "mute" button doesn't mute the phone.

A phone with an awful hardware keyboard? Nope, not buying that at any price.
Quiffco to TedStriker72
13 Nov 15 #25
Reviews seem very contradictory, ArsTechnica slated it, especially the keyboard, yet Android Central say it's the best physical keyboard ever!

Amazing battery life
Smooth, mostly Google interface
The best physical keyboard ever
Decent camera
Fantastic front-facing speaker

BlackBerry software occasionally gets in the way
Front-facing camera is a little weak
Launching with Android 5.1.1 Lollipop
Astec123 to TedStriker72
13 Nov 15 2 #37
The thing is awful hardware keyboard being based on what to compare it to, the only other QWERTY smart phones that are on the UK market are made by BB, otherwise you have to go back 2-3 years to find one that we've had available, even the international markets haven't had a new one for a couple of years.

I presume they are comparing typing on a large screen tablet or a desktop computer? Did the reviewer ever use a smartphone to do any serious amount of typing on? It's damned awful and I've tried most of the on screen keyboard options without any success to finding one that actually feels nice.

That said most of the reviews seem to be a mixed bag, some reviewers find little wrong, others seem to find nothing right. I'm certainly getting the impression that a lot of these sites offering reviews either are fanboys of specific brands or models and refuse to review other models on their merits. It seems that every phone from the most basic to the top of the range often gets side by side judged based on how well it mirrors the current iphone/samsung/sony etc on everything from the way they appear right through to the way apps.

Have to agree. It seems that phones have reached that plateau where the CPU (at least in premium models) are more than ample for any daily tasks.The exception is gaming but then for a screen that's under 10inches I can't be that bothered about full HD or 2k resolutions in a game, I won't be able to tell the difference if I'm enjoying the game itself. I'm getting bored of the mine is bigger than yours attitude that some people on this site seem to love spouting on about.

Think you hit the nail on the head. Its the one reason I love physical keys that you can be walking down the street and type a message. I can fondly remember on my Nokia N97 being able to flip up the keyboard, open the messaging app and sending a message to the most recent contact without ever looking at the phone and all knowing that the message would be exactly what I wanted to convey rather than the jibberish that the on screen keyboards seem to think I want to say even when I'm looking at the screen.
13 Nov 15 #36
It has some functionality, i.e. displaying charging/battery status while the rest of the screen is off, but I'd say it's more a design/handling choice.
13 Nov 15 #32
Check out the camera comparisons on the arstechnica review - it's doesn't inspire confidence. As the review says, it just seems to be way overpriced for what it is.
Quiffco to TedStriker72
13 Nov 15 #35
And yet Android Central says the camera is just fine, along with decent photos, and says "The BlackBerry Priv deserves its $699 price tag."

Reviews are so contrrary, I wonder if there's significantly different versions out there.

The Ars Technica review sounds bases the entire value of the phone on the keyboard, which they don't like, so they won't see it as anything other than a failure.
13 Nov 15 #34
Why do you need a curved screen? Thats not in any way beneficial is it?
13 Nov 15 #33
The same contract on costs £25 more than this phone. you can get the priv cheaper if you don't mind going with less data, but 3GB is my minimum, so this is still cheaper.

As for the flex in the back, it would bother me too much, especially as I'll likely put in in a case, and to be honest the flex would absorb some of the energy of a drop. Besides, the iPhone 6 had bendgate, yet cost more and still sold a ton.

Android 5.1.1 plus a hardened linux kernel.

The keyboard is as big as most other blackberry keyboards, the one on my curve was tiny, but I've still never found a virtual keyboard anywhere near as good to use.

If you're not a fan of physical keyboards, then you're not likely to want this phone...
13 Nov 15 1 #24
Rubbish camera, old chipset, no radio, ugly design, poorly made. Z5 Premium beats this hands down.
Quiffco to jamie147800
13 Nov 15 #26
Some reviews say the camera is fine, the 808 is working fine for the LG G4, radio can easily be done over the internet,especiall as the government wants to turn FM radio off. Design is personal choice, I quite like it, can't comment on build quality until I have one in my hands though. Z5 doesn't have the hardened linux kernal, physical keyboard, commitment to monthly security updates and it's more expensive.
rodman to jamie147800
13 Nov 15 1 #31
Sony does not come with keyboard and curved screen.
13 Nov 15 #30
The £100 off iPhone voucher doesn't, the generic £10 does though
13 Nov 15 #29
You can get the Z5p for the same price if not cheaper. Priv ships with android 5.1, great for security eh? A tiny physical keyboard for fingers the size of babies, ill pass thanks. Youre paying £559.99 sim free or £700+ on contract. For that id at least expect a premium build and feel.
11 Nov 15 #12
Does the code from the iPhone deal work on this?
Quiffco to pedd
11 Nov 15 #13
I don't think so, there was a £10 off voucher but it finished yesterday, I'm hoping there will be more vouchers to come!
rodman to pedd
13 Nov 15 #28
13 Nov 15 4 #27
I think criticism of the keyboard ergonomics is unwarranted... With any mini-keyboard you need to use it for a couple of weeks to build the muscle memory to use it efficiently and effortlessly.
12 Nov 15 #19
This is a great device and to be honest, the physical keypad is just fantastic. For those who've not had a Blackberry before will most likely vote this cold, or fail to understand, what the fuss is all about. I've owned many Blackberry phones along with Samsung, and the quality and feel of Blackberry is always very good and now with this Android operating system on the phone means Blackberry are back in the phone market.

I do, however, accept that Blackberry phones don't hold their value and I suspect by Christmas, these will be available around £250 on eBay much like the Blackberry Passport.
Khairul to adamkhan
13 Nov 15 #22
Stolen the words from my mouth (or fingers). Great phone, steep price. I'm waiting for my current phone to die (bought out of necessity because there were no keyboarded phones in the market) and for the price to inevitably depreciate.
13 Nov 15 #21
I want this phone so much
12 Nov 15 #20
Watch "BlackBerry Priv - unboxing and first look" on YouTube -
12 Nov 15 3 #18
Just tried a demo (dummy model) in a CPW store today and I think it seems like this will be my next phone. I've missed the QWERTY wonders of my HP Pre and Palm 650. Yes it may be slower to type than some of the on screen keyboards but at least I can see where I'm going and still keep typing without making mistakes.

As others have said, I'm going to wait for a bit of a price slash before biting as I'd like to see it sub £30 and would allow my P8 contract to run out a little more before cancelling that. It's a shame you can't port a number out and keep the old sim running.
11 Nov 15 #17
Really want this but can't justify it just yet! Heat added tho
11 Nov 15 #16
looks cool
11 Nov 15 #15
could be going back to blackberry and leaving the iPhone after seeing this handset!
11 Nov 15 #10
What a name 'Priv' no wonder it's going down hill.
Snubbed to walsall123
11 Nov 15 #11
you know that it stands for 'privacy'? its got security built in to the software.

i'm a BlackBerry fan and have the z10, loving it. tempted by this but as i'm still on contract, looking at handset only deals
Quiffco to walsall123
11 Nov 15 1 #14
As opposed to 'One' ( by OnePlus or HTC) S6, 6S, Z5 or G4? I wouldn't say Priv was a brilliant name ( the code name was Venice, a much better name) but I wouldn't say naming was a strong point of any of the current flagships?
11 Nov 15 4 #9
​BlackBerry is THE only phone to never be hacked! their security is second to none, I realise they are not to everyones taste but that's an excellent track record none the less.
11 Nov 15 1 #8
Finally they create something worthy
11 Nov 15 2 #7
No fan of BlackBerry before this handset, but I think it's a great device. The keyboard as a track pad is a work of genius. Very nice handset.
11 Nov 15 #3
Going to buy this device outright after the first big price drop as I have a sim only contract. Good price for what it is though! Have some heat!
Quiffco to parasitemol
11 Nov 15 1 #6
I'm on sim only too, but it's more than £9 per month and 3G only!
11 Nov 15 #5
had a look at the nexus 6p and it felt and looked cheap in the 02 shop .

I am really keen on the blackberry but i will wait until its free and £31
11 Nov 15 #2
you can put keyboard onto s6 edge plus
Quiffco to WajAllRound
11 Nov 15 1 #4
You could, but you'd pay more, it wouldn't be the famous blackberry keyboard or double as a trackpad, you'd lose half the screen and have to carry the keyboard around separately... You also wouldn't get the hardened Linux kernel and promise of monthly security updates.
11 Nov 15 #1
Please, if anyone can find it cheaper, let me know otherwise I'll be ordering!

The only other option I found with decent internet was on EE with 5GB for £37.50 with £10 up front (£50 cheaper than Carphone Warehouse) which is £910 total or <£15 per month for the contract when you take off the phone price.
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Resident evil origins collection (PS4)
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Resident evil origins collection (PS4)

£13.85 Base.com10 Oct 17
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TSB credit card 0% on balance transfers for 28 months, fee-free, plus potential cashback
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£6 £24 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE
3 stars +143

JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE

£1.79 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE
3.5 stars +207

PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
3 stars +129

Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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