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Asus ZenFone 6 (Gold) £100.00 @ Scan, Stock overdue (Pre-order)
4.5 stars +466

Asus ZenFone 6 (Gold) £100.00 @ Scan, Stock overdue (Pre-order)

£100 Scan2 Nov 15
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Opening post
1 Nov 15
Not sure if this is a pricing mistake as the other colours are £177.59 and £100 seems very low for this?
Top comments
1 Nov 15 22 #5
Your RAM comment is ridiculous - it's a phone!
1 Nov 15 11 #9
Serious question, why are you on this post?
1 Nov 15 10 #39
Some ridicous comments on here. Find me a better spec for £100. I recently ordered a Meizu M2 Note which also has 2GB RAM. It's really fast and responsive. Not on the same level as an S6, but then it's a quarter of the price. Screen res isn't amazing, but it's perfectly workable. Some numpties on here.
donslibi to baldude
1 Nov 15 10 #2
Look like good specs for this price to me!
Latest comments (82)
2 Nov 15 #49
There's no phone from China 3gb ram for about £100 as **** commented .just ordered 1 £140
maano001 to zulfino
2 Nov 15 #82
Doogee F5 from china has 3gb ram and costs less than £100. Many hukd members have reported getting it for around £82 to £85 after cashback. It‘s worth a look. About to order it myself.
2 Nov 15 1 #81
Had the phone a year. Bought it knowing I wasnt going to pay silly early adapter costs for 4G and wanted something cheap - £200 at the time. Resolution and colours when watchin video is excellent and still gets commented on when someone new sees it. Remember when apple and samsung tell you theres a quillion dots per inch, you're not feckin owls and most is wasted on the human eye . It is the quickest, least buggy phone I have owned (seriously cannot remember the last forced reboot) but I did own a crappy samsung 3 before this which put me off samsung for life. A year on and the only reason I would buy higher spec is for the cheap 4G available.... But I won't cos I don't stream a lot of video on my phone . I don't actually know anyone who does.
2 Nov 15 #80
Need a dual sim with a sd slot as well. The moto g 2nd gen 3g is probably the phone iam after. Iam not too concern with performance and a camera. The snapdragon 400 performance is fine. The price less 150
2 Nov 15 #59
I need a dual sim phone the problem is I have read and seen some places saying they have 2 variants dual sim and non dual sim? Which one is this and can anyone confirm it ? I think this may be a single sim
nicotine to ssjinzo
2 Nov 15 #79
I have been looking for a dual sim phone myself also for a while and for me there wasn't too much options. First your need to decide whether this dual sim phone is the going to be your main phone or not? For me it is so my requirements are slightly higher if I were to buy a second phone with dual sim just for travel.

1) I have both Vodafone and O2 LTE sim so my first requirement is LTE FDD band 20 support in which many of the dual sim phones do not support.
2) A lot of dual sims phones these days shares the second sim with SDcard . It means unless the phone has large internal memory, if you want to use dual sims you are only limited to 16GB e.g. Honor 7.

Basically my shortlist end up with two models. The Oneplus2 64Gb or the Lenovo Vibre Shot. The Oneplus2 is higher in spec but no SDcard slot but 64GB internal memory. The Lenovo Vibre Shot has 32GB internal memory, has dual sim slots and a separate SDcard slot. Both can support LTE on either sim. It was hard to pick but I choose the Oneplus2 at the end as the Lenovo Vibre Shot I can only buy from Ebay.
2 Nov 15 #78
Wrong pricing. Please remove
2 Nov 15 #77
I used to have this phone - despite the resolution of the screen, it was bright and colourful and crisp and.. huge!
2 Nov 15 #76
Order confirmed, payment authorized, order picked, order cancelled.
2 Nov 15 #75
order cancelled
2 Nov 15 #74
Mine got cancelled now via email explaining the lack of availability from their supplier.
2 Nov 15 #73
​Yeo. Even order picked. Then a cancellation notice. I am still assuming they haven't prepared the order.
2 Nov 15 #71
Order cancelled.
donslibi to jayjay266
2 Nov 15 1 #72
Mine says payment authorised. Did you also get that status email before your cancellation?
2 Nov 15 #70
Did not see Dual Sim in the Spec sheet, the ASUS website says Dual Sim varies by region.
2 Nov 15 #69
No longer avaliable.
2 Nov 15 #67
HOT. Would pick this up immediately if it was Dual-Sim. I Have the Zenfone 5, great phone.
donslibi to markey75
2 Nov 15 #68
It is dual sim.
2 Nov 15 #66
i would say this is a great spec for a large phone.
2 Nov 15 1 #65
2 Nov 15 #64
Chasing specs is a fools game. Dunno why majority of people on here are slagging it off. Just leave a vote and go. The heat on this deal suggests to me it's a great price for what it is so well done OP
2 Nov 15 #63
Just as a comparison - iPhone 6s (released less than 2 months ago) has similar screen and same 2GB RAM
1 Nov 15 9 #1
6" screen and 1200×800 res
2 GB Ram

not for me
donslibi to baldude
1 Nov 15 10 #2
Look like good specs for this price to me!
ando to baldude
1 Nov 15 #6
not what gsmarena says,

not the best deal out there IMO, approaching 2 years old, no LTE either
akramfaisal to baldude
2 Nov 15 #62
Just as a comparison - iPhone 6s (released less than 2 months ago) has similar screen and same 2GB RAM
2 Nov 15 #61
Windows and Android employ different memory management models. Windows uses virtual memory and swap files, whilst Android just parks-up 'less important' applications to make way for newer applications that you run. I don't think you can say that all tablets with 1GB of RAM are a lag fest because it will depend on the speed of the CPU and flash storage which gets written to when your app is serialised. I've had very good experiences and very bad with a variety of Android tabs. The same applies to Windows. Android is actually reasonably efficient at keeping you running in low memory situations.
2 Nov 15 #60
Drink the cool aid if you like. A Windows tablet with 1GB of RAM is perfectly usable - IE, Word, Powerpoint, Excel, games - everything works fine (ok, not Chrome). An Android tablet with 1GB of RAM is a lag fest. The very same applications struggle to work, and the task switcher gets killed all the time. It is RAM hungry, and not in any good sense of the word.
2 Nov 15 #58
No Hodor, they don't. Your cack hands are stuck with this relic.
2 Nov 15 1 #57
My first smartphone was an HTC wildfire for the same money. Screen resolution 320 x 400. About 300 MB of RAM. And a potato for the CPU . My first smartphone love . It was virtually never out my hand.
2 Nov 15 #56
Do Motorola make a 6inch version of the MotoG?
2 Nov 15 #55
​yes but for an extra £60 or so u could get that new one plus x which is so much better and the shortest ur gonna have the phone for at least 12 months so to save just £60 more isn't that hard is it 5 months down the line when this phones slowing down to snail pace and then u end up just buying something else
2 Nov 15 #54
Take back what I said about the OS updates, seems it's upgradeable to Lollipop 5.0.2, which is better than my Note 3 at the moment.
2 Nov 15 #53
I'd be more worried about the OS version over anything else. This being a 2 year old phone and also being ASUS probably means the phone doesn't have any updates passed Kitkat. It probably wouldn't have the necessary security updates also.
2 Nov 15 #52
>6 inch screen
>no dvd player

2 Nov 15 #51
Ropey brand. mine broke after 3 months
2 Nov 15 #50
Screen resolution will be fine. I have that on. A Lumia 1320 and it's plenty. Nice big screen for the money. Only issue I think is the old Android version. Can it be upgraded?
2 Nov 15 #48
Similar screen res & RAM to Note 2 and try to pick up one of these new for £100. My point being I actually used a Note 2 for over a year and there's ****-all real world difference between this sort of resolution and that of the Z2 I'm using now (1920x1080). The difference in screen size makes no noticable difference either. Some people on here seem to be obsessed with screen resolution above all else.
2 Nov 15 #47
This phone is really old. With an Antutu score of less than 25K, you can really do better than this for the money. I think that the pre-order aspect is making people think that this is some misprice scoop, but it's not. It's a fair price for a fair phone, but the OS is ancient and Android really has improved since 4. We're on 6 now! A moto G around this price will be faster, have continued support, 4G and won't suffer from goldpox like this.
2 Nov 15 #46
How come zenfone 2 is same price as this zen 6 eventho zen2 has much better specs?
2 Nov 15 #45
It is crazy this is considered a phone, the Nexus seven is a 7 inch tablet this is 6 inches .
2 Nov 15 3 #44
I know I always find it hilarious that folks want a 1080p resolution on a bloody phone screen!! These dudes would never have survived in the 80's with low low resolution box TV screens and 3 channels
2 Nov 15 #43
Disagree with a lot of the comments on here tbh.
For £100 this is good value. OnePlus and others are all another £100 more.
Some, if not most people who are looking for a phone of X-specification, this obviously won't be for them, but for someone who only has ~£100 to spend a phone, this is a great deal.
2 Nov 15 #42
​for the first time I've seen someone say something sensible about phone screen resolution on this site. what is the obsession with qhd screens on a 5" phone, when 4k is only now rolling out on 40" plus size TV screens.
2 Nov 15 #41
​Well hopefully it has an official update pending out of the box.
1 Nov 15 1 #36
For a new release, Im surprised they are shipping these with Android 4.3.
mynameisthehulk to mikeyp
1 Nov 15 #40
It's not a new release, announced almost two years ago...
1 Nov 15 10 #39
Some ridicous comments on here. Find me a better spec for £100. I recently ordered a Meizu M2 Note which also has 2GB RAM. It's really fast and responsive. Not on the same level as an S6, but then it's a quarter of the price. Screen res isn't amazing, but it's perfectly workable. Some numpties on here.
1 Nov 15 #38
Cold does not come with snake X or snake IX
1 Nov 15 #37
​I + X = XI surely?
1 Nov 15 #35
:P), mine was badly written tbf was in rush... 4gb ram is great and all but proccesers are so fast nowadays opening apps again does not take long, and most users like me only ever use 4 apps, calculator, facebook messenger, chrome, flashscores
1 Nov 15 #34
Great price OP especially for a dual sim!
1 Nov 15 #33
oops...just read pg2 hadn't seen your comment :-)
1 Nov 15 #32
I'm just giving a comparison. Check the reviews. It's almost irrelevant to comment on screen res of a 100 phone when it looks decent in person.
1 Nov 15 #31
copy cat :P
1 Nov 15 #30
And would they only be looking to spend £100?
1 Nov 15 #29
Visible resolution improvement is a factor of screen size compared to distance viewed.
1 Nov 15 #28
this or the ultra 6 from Vodafone , or even Motorola 3rd gen
1 Nov 15 #20
2GB is pretty standard nowadays. It is worth remembering that Android is pretty RAM hungry - much more so than iOS or Windows / Windows Phone. So it is possible that some users will need more, although I have not felt the need yet. 1GB is too little, that much is clear.

The key problem seems to be the screen resolution - on such a large screen Full HD would be expected. But at this price some compromise is to be expected, so it is hot from me.
Uridium to MrPuddington
1 Nov 15 2 #27
It's RAM hungry by design! There is ZERO point in core memory sitting there doing nothing...this is the fastest memory in a device so the OS should use as much as it can, this is how Android is designed to run. When memory gets low unused apps will be paged out to swap that runs slower.
1 Nov 15 #26
Hot price. Good find, thanks for posting!
1 Nov 15 1 #25
obvcourse it usues more ram if there is available, with higher ram it keeps apps opened hours before still open where if only 1gb ram or 2 they clse when get to a thresold of ram free :P how android works

sorry for spelling on phone*
1 Nov 15 #24
How does this stack up to the smart ultra 6?
1 Nov 15 #21
Chinese people haven't invented full 4G yet, a shame.
donslibi to ChampionshipManager
1 Nov 15 #23
Play nice :wink:
1 Nov 15 #22
Great deal Hot :-)
1 Nov 15 #19
You can get 3gb RAM phones for circa £100 but they would have to come direct from China...
1 Nov 15 #4
it's bad honestly pay bit more for a huwei or one plus x
Elevation to wadewilson16
1 Nov 15 2 #18
There's a One plus X? Surely the IX hasn't come out yet.
1 Nov 15 1 #17
Great deal. Usual nonsense being spouted...
1 Nov 15 1 #16
no LTE/4G and awful res to screen size ratio. The 2GB ram is doable though but due to the other drawbacks there are other, better options out there.
1 Nov 15 4 #15
It's ridiculous to expect more then 2GB of RAM for £100. Most phones in that price range have 1GB.
1 Nov 15 1 #14
Elephone wing wah number 15 with noodles
1 Nov 15 #13
The new Nexus 5 only has 2gb so thats bad aswell, what are you talking about. I have the Zenfone 2 and that has 4gb and what ive found is that the more it has the more it uses, sometimes its using over 3gb of memory where as my Nexus 5 chugs along happily with 2gb. I really dont understand why people who know nothing open their mouths at all they just look like idiots but i do think its a poor deal as you can get way better phones for that price like the elephope p8000.
1 Nov 15 #12
Dual SIM and 13mp camera :smiley:
1 Nov 15 5 #11
I'm sure they do, but 2gb can not be regarded as insufficient. Again, it's a phone.
1 Nov 15 5 #10
2GB is plenty. Talking from experience that is. I've ordered one. Over 200 elsewhere and decent reviews overall. Screen res is basically 720p. Not bad considering most TV's are 1080p and there's no comparison in screen size.
1 Nov 15 11 #9
Serious question, why are you on this post?
1 Nov 15 #8
​excuse me but lot of people do want to have as higher ram as possible on android phone. so not ridiculous
1 Nov 15 #7
​my comment was based on the specs for this phone on scan website
1 Nov 15 22 #5
Your RAM comment is ridiculous - it's a phone!
1 Nov 15 #3
​very bad resolution....
if that doesn't bother you much ram is only 2gb
still mediocre specs for the price
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