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2 nights in Copenhagen for £62.98pp inc flights and hotel! (£125.96 total) @ amoma
5++ stars +838

2 nights in Copenhagen for £62.98pp inc flights and hotel! (£125.96 total) @ amoma

£125.96 Amoma7 Nov 15
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Travel
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Opening post
6 Nov 15
This price is based on 2 people travelling from London Luton on 22nd February 2016 and returning 24th February 2016 and staying in Hotel Nebo.

Copenhagen is a beautiful city with plenty to see and do to keep you occupied for 3 days, I went a few months ago and would go back in a heartbeat.

The flight times mean you get nearly 3 whole days in Copenhagen which is plenty, there are other airports in the UK that fly to Copenhagen however Luton was by far the cheapest!

The airport is only a 13 minute journey into the heart of Copenhagen and the central train station, it's best to pick up a 72 hour metro ticket which costs around £20pp and will cover you the whole time you're in Copenhagen including your journey to and from the airport.

The hotel I've chosen is Hotel Nebo and I've chosen this because this is where I stayed when I went and couldn't fault it at all, the hotel is a 2 minute walk to central station which is handy to get to and from the airport. The hotel offers rooms with shared bathrooms cheaper than the room I have chosen as personally I like my private bathrooms, if you want to save a few ££ choose a shared bathroom!

Make sure you visit the famous Little Mermaid and the yummy Copenhagen Street Food, the amount of food stalls there is crazy and it all looks so good. We stumbled across the Green District which is so strange and I recommend visiting just so you can wander round and experience it! I've never seen anything like it! Tivoli gardens is a lovely place to visit, and if you love rides it's somewhere you will want to go, it is quite expensive (around £30) if you want to buy the ticket including the rides or you can just buy an entrance pass (around £10) and buy individual tickets for the rides when you're in there.

This deal only includes hand luggage but 10kg hand luggage and a hand bag each is more than sufficient for a 2 night trip.

Price breakdown

Flights booked through Ryanair - £39.96 - £19.98 each

Hotel with private bathroom booked through Amoma via Tripadvisor - £86 - £43 each

Total price - £125.96

Total price each - £62.98

Don't forget to use quidco which will save you 6% on the hotel, make sure you check for voucher codes too which may save you ££
Top comments
6 Nov 15 17 #26
Here come the self righteous brigade. You've no idea of the original poster's circumstances. Maybe they've put into the system for 30 years, maybe they've scrimped and saved and held every penny back for a break, maybe they've had a massive trauma and need a few days away. Maybe that break is all they need to rejuvenate themselves rather than being caught in a depressing cycle of applying for jobs and not getting anywhere. But yeah, if they've not got a job, let's not give them ANY privileges.
6 Nov 15 8 #38
You do SFA yet they give you money on the condition you are supposed to be looking for work. How devious of them to play "games" and suggest that means you must be in the country. They should stamp your passport when you're on JSA. Ungrateful **** like you are going to be the downfall of a system that was put in place to help those in NEED!
6 Nov 15 7 #12
Get a holiday form from reception. Aslong as you say you are staying in UK and are still able to look for work, you will still receive JSA. Just find a caravan park address in UK and put that down in address section that's what I done last couple times I been abroad. :stuck_out_tongue:

They want to play games, so can we.
6 Nov 15 7 #25
Agreed, not working should equal not having ANY privileges....
All comments (80)
6 Nov 15 #1
6 Nov 15 #2
:innocent: Hot! Beautiful city!
6 Nov 15 #3
I want to go :smile:
6 Nov 15 2 #4
A beautiful city but beware it is amazingly expensive when you are there.
6 Nov 15 #5
Thanks so much
6 Nov 15 #6
Great deal !
6 Nov 15 #7
Went there once but won't return. 20 mins away in Malmö Sweden amazing value for your money. Don't miss it
booroo to Kristang
6 Nov 15 #10
Sorry? Are you saying that this deal is amazing value (but you won't return) or that Malmö is a better option (and better value for money)?
6 Nov 15 1 #8
8% commission you get.. not bad
6 Nov 15 #9
This company any good? What's weather like that time of year?

Kinda put off by these reviews -
but then again, here are pretty good ones -
6 Nov 15 5 #11
I really want to book but I have to attend the Jobcentre twice a week, so I can't go :disappointed: Last time I went on holiday they cut me off for non attendance.
6 Nov 15 7 #12
Get a holiday form from reception. Aslong as you say you are staying in UK and are still able to look for work, you will still receive JSA. Just find a caravan park address in UK and put that down in address section that's what I done last couple times I been abroad. :stuck_out_tongue:

They want to play games, so can we.
6 Nov 15 2 #13
Bingo. Incredibly expensive. I would recommend that stay in Malmo and only take train to Copenhagen, 20 mins on train, a whole new world. £8 for a toothpaste, cross the border £2. you will experience the difference when you there. Danmark is like another Norway.
6 Nov 15 1 #14
i was there last month only for one night as my main destination was was raining that time....i bought city pass for £ can buy it from here via their website...they will send you text sms..need to show text in bus...normally in winter season tivoli garden remain closed...check it first...we went to a turkish restaurant £5 buffet...
6 Nov 15 #15
​how are you affording to go on holiday if you're not working?
6 Nov 15 3 #16
how are you affording to go on holiday if you're not working?
6 Nov 15 #17
Oh wow. Thank you. Was planning such a trip so this is very good to know.
6 Nov 15 1 #18
​so you are basically committing fraud and are now recommending that to other people?
6 Nov 15 #19
Cheap as chips
6 Nov 15 1 #20
Cheap but just a warning that this hotel is in the red-light district. Which is not the nicest of areas. Hence the price.
Pay a bit extra for a hotel in a nicer area - that's my advice. Square Hotel, near the town hall is my favourite. Used to be a fairly reasonable price but I haven't stayed there in years. Anyway, there's tonnes of other hotels in Copenhagen - away from Istegade.
BlueSkies to reakt
6 Nov 15 #21
Oh jeez I stayed here and didn't even know it was in the red light district haha we chose it because of how close it was to central station, didn't see anything dodgy when we were there though!
W_jelly1 to reakt
6 Nov 15 #22
I forgot about that - we worked in Copenhagen for a while dropped a collegue at a hotel and our regular taxi driver was laughing as he said they normally book by the hour.... oddly he checked out next day.

It's a great place to visit but can be painfully expensive - especially drinks.
crum666 to reakt
7 Nov 15 #66
It's not quite a RLD liike you would get in Amsterdam, just a few sex shops and a strip club. The hotel is grand, I stayed here a few months ago. It is dated but clean and tidy.
6 Nov 15 1 #23
I like Copenhagen but there is absolutely nothing hot (freeeeeeeeezing) about it in February!!!!!
6 Nov 15 #24
Stay away from the rip-off pubs on the main pedestrian street (which are still cheaper than central London prices) and find much better places charging more reasonable rates.
6 Nov 15 7 #25
Agreed, not working should equal not having ANY privileges....
6 Nov 15 17 #26
Here come the self righteous brigade. You've no idea of the original poster's circumstances. Maybe they've put into the system for 30 years, maybe they've scrimped and saved and held every penny back for a break, maybe they've had a massive trauma and need a few days away. Maybe that break is all they need to rejuvenate themselves rather than being caught in a depressing cycle of applying for jobs and not getting anywhere. But yeah, if they've not got a job, let's not give them ANY privileges.
6 Nov 15 1 #27
would they let you look for work in Copenhagen, or are the JSA dinosaurs?
6 Nov 15 3 #28
The government are the biggest fraudsters.

There are other ways to making money without working.
I don't feel as though I should explain myself but if the JobCentre didn't have such stupid rules then people wouldn't be forced into breaking them. They treat us like animals and don't take into account the reasons why we ain't in work.

Please understand the facts before judging people and telling me what and what I ain't entitled too.

No they don't want anyone to better themselves.
6 Nov 15 #29
you just cant fix stupid, and lazy xxxxer! thats how this government spends our tax money
6 Nov 15 1 #30
​Cos there are many legal ways to profit the dollar other than slaving away for Min Wage. Besides even on benefits I have still been able to afford a holiday every now and then, cos travel these days is cheap.
6 Nov 15 #31
This is nonsense. I live in Copenhagen and the prices are nowhere near Norway. Toothpaste is a little more expensive than the UK but not £8. Expect London prices in the centre and you'll spend a fortune in the normal tourist traps but if you use Tripadvisor you can find some great places to eat and drink that aren't too expensive.
6 Nov 15 #32 impostor! :confused:
6 Nov 15 #33
You're my wife now!!!
6 Nov 15 3 #34
How expensive is bingo? get 12 books for 7 quid down my local Gala.
6 Nov 15 #35
You are telling the foreigner in a local accent that things are not expensive. If Copenhagen price is as reasonable as what you said, you don't need trip advisor to tell you how to find reasonable places to eat or drink , love
6 Nov 15 3 #36
Ok, let me say it slowly this time. You can find places that are expensive if you go to the tourist traps. If you are sensible and use Tripadvisor it needn't be. Simple enough for you love? Now run along and stop spreading mis-information.
6 Nov 15 #37
​that rule apply to any turist destination...
6 Nov 15 8 #38
You do SFA yet they give you money on the condition you are supposed to be looking for work. How devious of them to play "games" and suggest that means you must be in the country. They should stamp your passport when you're on JSA. Ungrateful **** like you are going to be the downfall of a system that was put in place to help those in NEED!
6 Nov 15 1 #39
That lovely chap is telling you porky.. Better experience it yourself people then you know what I mean :-) enough said for me now.
6 Nov 15 #40
She's just trolling now. Colgate 10dkk, that's less than a quid:
6 Nov 15 1 #41
Whatever dear. You could show us the same product sold in LIDL but they could still be way more expensive when in waitrose. What I was trying to express is my view, that Copenhagen is very expensive to me when compared with Malmö even equally in the city centre. Unfortunately you are trying to lecture everybody using a local gone. Good luck with that and have a lovely weekend. I am off this topic. For more information about the price index,please refer to a more official source, for example, trip advisor.
6 Nov 15 #42
I was showing that toothpaste isn't 8 quid as you were saying. It's more expensive than Malmo because it's a capital city but there is also more to do here. Malmo is a dump.
However saying that, booze is cheaper here!
Not entirely sure what a local gone is? I'm not a local, I just live here.
6 Nov 15 #43
Lovely place but as others say, not cheap. Went there with another couple. Three rounds ie 12 drinks = £150!!!
crum666 to idturner
7 Nov 15 #69
I was paying around 450-600DK (£4.50-£6) for 500ml of beer.
6 Nov 15 1 #44
I think you can spend money or budget wherever you go, but people don't always think and go in the first place they see. Also its hard to decide when you are there and walking around, thats why Tripadvisor was suggested. I went to Venice (twice), spent hardly anything and had a great time, even had a beer at a lovely bar on the beach (my treat) deosn't have to cost the earth to be good but who wants to throw money down the drain ??
phil4444 to wendyak
6 Nov 15 #45
even had a beer at a lovely bar, hahahahaha. made me chuckle
6 Nov 15 1 #46
I do much more than SFA I have you know haha.
When did I say I was ungrateful? Who are these people you think are in NEED? Do you know me or know how much I NEED that money to live?
Didn't think you did. Come back and type when you got some facts and then judge.

Get back to topic now, this thread is about Copenhagen not me.
Regards :smiley:
6 Nov 15 #47
Whys he banned lol
6 Nov 15 #48
That's true, but giving advice to lie to the job centre - not exactly the mark of a respectable person.
6 Nov 15 #49
The government are not the biggest fraudsters. And in all honesty, do you prefer this government to the Russian, Syrian or Chinese or various other governments out there? Get some perspective!
6 Nov 15 1 #50
​Also, please tell me the other ways to make money without working, that might really help me out right now!
Although seeing as you're not willing to explain yourself, it sounds like you might be doing something illegal
6 Nov 15 #51
​In addition to that, rules are rules and breaking them is a crime, if you really have a problem then protest, lobby, etc. breaking the rules makes you a fraudster/criminal. The rules are only stupid from the perspective you might see them, doesn't make you right
7 Nov 15 1 #52
​Please tell me these ways, people on here could really do with knowing them. Also, how do you feel about enjoying holidays paid for by working people?
7 Nov 15 2 #53
For the ones saying that they can get money other ways without working, if you can do that then why bother telling the job centre you're unemployed/signing on, then persist to moan about them wanting you at home. Doh.
7 Nov 15 #54
A cracking deal,BUT my god it's so expensive there.
7 Nov 15 #55
HEAT purely for the flights.
7 Nov 15 1 #56
Law isn't ethics/morality/justice/righteousness or anything else, though often some laws have some elements of those. Criminal law especially, obviously.

You could be a lawbreaker and the most morally sound person on the planet.
7 Nov 15 #57
That is debatable depending on which laws etc. but if you care that much about said laws, then protest and work in changing those laws as many people do. Especially in this country where people are safe and allowed to protest and lobby
Vanderlust to rohitmkiller
7 Nov 15 #58

How does one protest against laws restricting protesting? (Which we have been bringing in recently).

Less theoretically, do you know how many protests there are in the UK every year, and what their effectiveness rate is?

How do you square your protestation with lawfulness, when every significant protest that worked in British history had elements of criminality, i.e. Suffragettes, Pole tax protests etc.

And that's before we go into the current meta of how infrastructure is more robust in dealing with quelling protests (see the cuts protest in London for example, which had barely any coverage, except that which focused on a single piece of graffiti, demonising the entire movement).
7 Nov 15 #59
​They actually had quite a bit of coverage actually. If you check the news correctly you'll find the media actually give good airtime to protest.

In addition to that, there's many websites where you can create petitions which after reaching X amounts of signatures actually force the government to review the matter in parliament.

I'm not sure of what you're referring to or why you think you can't protest in this country? It's probably one of the few countries that can actually and do provide police protection for various marches and protests.

And in terms of the elements of criminality you mention - they were part of a protest not just criminality or fraud as aforementioned benefit fraudsters are doing.
7 Nov 15 #60
What on earth has it got to do with you! How rude! You don't know circumstances and he is under no obligation to tell you!
7 Nov 15 #61
These people have no need to answer to you as it has f**k all to do with you. The government decides where our taxes go not you
7 Nov 15 1 #62
Cuts protests were given a brief spot on the BBC, and focused on the graffiti. Of course if you search now on Google it will look better. However the biggest complaint by protestors as it was happening was the lack of mainstream coverage. Ignorant and contrarian to suggest otherwise.

You haven't answered my questions. I'll put them to you again.

How does one protest against laws restricting protesting?

How do you square your protestation with lawfulness, when every significant protest that worked in British history had elements of criminality, i.e. Suffragettes, Poll tax protests etc.
7 Nov 15 3 #63
You do SFA for the JSA, it's a handout. A handout the rest of society that's working provides for.

Far from showing gratitude you've jumped on here to advise someone else how to defraud the system. And then further describe that very system that gives you a handout as playing games and being fraudulent. You get money for nothing and you think that's playing games and fraud, LMFAO! You don't know you were born :/ If you think that doesn't demonstrate a lack of gratitude I'd hate to see what you class as ungrateful :/

If you NEED the money, why are you taking risks with it by trying to defraud the system? I know lots of people that NEED their wages or their benefits. They don't generally **** around lying to their employer who pays their wages or the system (funded by their fellow citizens) which gives them a handout. And worse still lying for a sodding holiday :/

And yes we do know you and your attitude towards those that are providing for you. Because you and your busy little fingers hopped on here to elucidate the rest of us. If you don't like what you're hearing, don't post petulant BS about the system and people that put food in your mouth. OR better still don't take the handout.
7 Nov 15 #64
Beautiful city and lots to see. It was as expensive as any European city. It's all very walkable also. We had a great time over 3 days 2 nights.
7 Nov 15 #65
​The same elsewhere,
7 Nov 15 #67
It's got nothing to do with me, but I'm sure it could help people out. Out if the kindness of their heart maybe they would want to share the ideas, no?
7 Nov 15 #68
​Yeah, still paid for by hard working people! And like I said it doesn't have much to do with me other than it would be kind to share these ideas. And by that right, it has absolutely nothing to do with you, so why are you being so MAD?
7 Nov 15 #70
​You clearly didn't read my reply properly. If you could go back to it and address it again, or do you need me to write it in bold for you?
7 Nov 15 #71
I have to disagree. There has been considerable coverage of Anti Cuts protests over recent years. Moreover, politicians, representatives of charities and people in general have been given considerable opportunities to voice their opinions on cuts/austerity on all media outlets. I watch/read several News outlets as well as political programmes and rarely a week passes without a platform given to aforementioned who oppose the cuts/austerity programme.

Yes there are outlets (papers in general) that have a bias to one side or the other. But in fact for the recent proposed cuts to Tax Credits, even outlets that are generally to the right have questioned them. The cuts agenda was all over the news this week. This particular protest got coverage on all outlets, but it had to compete with some other big news stories (Tax credit cuts and the situation in Sharm). Nothing nefarious about it, other protests without such high profile competing stories at the time have dominated coverage.

That's neither ignorant or contrarian, it's an informed opinion that simply differs from your own.

I can agree with this. We should however differentiate between breaking the law because it is necessary to facilitate one to protest and breaking the law unnecessarily. Laws which curb the right of one to protest can be deemed fair game, a curfew for example. Smashing up and burning someones car/home/etc I'm not sure can be justified and likely doesn't serve the cause of the protesters anyway.

Unfortunately there are always idiots that will take the opportunity to join protests for their own ends, rather then the goal of the majority. It's really not any different from hooligans at big sports events or burglars who target people at Christmas. They see an opportunity and take it.

One thing I would say is the most powerful protests are those where the protestors make significant sacrifices. The un-named man that stood in front of the tank, Mandela, Gandhi, civil rights protestors in America that were beaten and killed, ... I'm sorry, but I don't feel that hiding behind a mask serves the current protestors cause. Stand up for what you believe in, show your face, show that you are prepared to face the unjust consequences for your beliefs/cause.
7 Nov 15 #72
I came here for a cheap trip to Copenhagen and ended up reading lectures about JSA.

Never change, HotUKDeals.
7 Nov 15 #73
Arrange a "job Interview" in Copenhagen and provide them with the evidence!
Sir Charles
7 Nov 15 2 #74
I don't want to start telling people how to live their life but if I was out of work I wouldn't be looking at holidays I would be walking around knocking on doors asking if any positions available. I was made redundant in 2006 and found a job within 2 days of signing on....which meant I never even got my first payment. I went from being a Manager of a giant retail store to cleaning trains. I just took the first job I could get. Problem is most people are too deluded thinking they are too good to switch to a job like that. I seen it as a platform (no pun intended) to find a job I wanted eventually.
7 Nov 15 1 #75
I'm talking specifically about one protest. The largest anti-austerity protest in recent history. And no it wasn't covered. Not talking about some vague coverage over protests over a non-specified period of time.

The fact that you guys aren't instantly thinking about the same protest is because it wasn't covered and I've been particular in not naming it to gauge just that very thing.
7 Nov 15 #76
And recent-history is far less vague then recent years? Once again, you describe coverage as vague where others would say they can't find a media outlet without Anti Austerity covered more extensively then any other story since 2009 (I've given a date to ensure you won't say we're being vague again).

We've had coverage of huge Greek protests, protests in Belgium, protests in Canada, protests in London, Union protests in this country. But of course none of those count do they, lets just concentrate on the one out of many that you feel has been shunned. As I said before, there are other stories aswell, but I can't think of a week in the last 6 years where the anti-austerity agenda (and associated protests) havent been front and centre in the media.
7 Nov 15 #77
Perhaps because I am female and not in the habit of drinking beer but it was so hot and it tasted lush :smiley:
7 Nov 15 #78
​Why don't you get a real job then you won't have to claim "JSA" you useless cretin. Your the reason this country is in decline.
7 Nov 15 #79
​Why don't you get a real job?
9 Nov 15 #80
It's worse than the redlight district in Amsterdam in that it's all street walkers who will and do approach tourists as opposed to be contained behind windows. Your choice to stay where you like but as I say I would rather pay extra to stay elsewhere.
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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