Due to release on 23rd of this month. Boomerang won't charge you until despatch.
3% cashback from Quidco too.
In the visual style of the critically-acclaimed The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds comes a new adventure to save a princess from an evil witch’s curse. 3 friends team up – each as Link in different colour – to cooperatively make their way through inventive dungeons and battle bosses. Use the loot you get to create wearable outfits, each with a different boost or ability.
14 Oct 15#18
No two player, only three which is a bit wierd.
14 Oct 15#17
Yeah I was just reading to editors opinions and stuff on kotaku and stuff but as I said I'm gonna wait a bit
Does boomerang price match the 4p difference? :P I feel like a fool now. But aside from joking if you go through quidco, you'll get a better rate cash back from boomerang than simply games :smiley:
14 Oct 15#13
Just read the article and they end it stating how much they enjoyed the early stages that they played and how much they're looking forward to the full game. Link.
14 Oct 15#12
Nintendo Life had an article about it
14 Oct 153#9
It wasn't, but for the sake of comedy, I'll say yes :smile:
14 Oct 15#7
Link fixed :smiley:
CloudHeaven to BuzzDuraband
14 Oct 153#8
Pun intended I hope?
mixmixi to BuzzDuraband
14 Oct 151#10
Thanks mate :smiley:
14 Oct 151#6
In gonna wait for my reviews read it's not very good
cbatbh to hanzoadam
14 Oct 151#11
Good idea to wait for reviews, although not sure how you've read its not very good if there are no reviews?
Only review I've seen is from Famitsu who gave it a 34/40 (9, 9, 8, 8 ).
14 Oct 15#4
Thanks mate, the link is also in the description but I can't edit the post. Could you please fix it? Thanks :smiley:
Opening post
3% cashback from Quidco too.
In the visual style of the critically-acclaimed The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds comes a new adventure to save a princess from an evil witch’s curse. 3 friends team up – each as Link in different colour – to cooperatively make their way through inventive dungeons and battle bosses. Use the loot you get to create wearable outfits, each with a different boost or ability.
Only review I've seen is from Famitsu who gave it a 34/40 (9, 9, 8, 8 ).