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Star Wars: The Force Awakens (IMAX,3D) 18/12/2015 20:20 @ Cineworld (Nottingham) - £3.30
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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19 Oct 15
Just pre-ordered 4 tickets to see "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" at Cineworld (Nottingham) 20:20 showing on the 18/12/2015 for £3.30 per ticket for IMAX 3D (with free glasses).

Didn't think this was a bad deal all in all.
Need to create an account to get it at this price otherwise it will cost £3.60 (as shown in the screenshot).

Not sure if this is just at this date/time/location - but either way, I hope it saves someone a few pennies at the big screen! :)

"Beam me up, Obi" - Dr Spock, 'Blue Harvest' ; )
Top comments
20 Oct 15 5 #75
As a final update.... just been to Cineworld and picked up the 4 adult tickets from the ticket machine with no bother or fuss.
the 20:20 showing I originally booked for now indeed shows 20:30.
Happy days!

I'm soo glad that I got these and was able to pay it forward to other fellow HUKD users :smile:
mattyh333 to lisa_2
19 Oct 15 3 #26
Oh please don't ? Or if you must can you put gaffer tape over there mouths or I will silence them with a taser ( poor mans light sabre )
19 Oct 15 3 #15
'By requesting tickets through the Web Site, the User is placing a booking request for tickets on the Terms that is only deemed accepted by and binding on Cineworld once valid payment has been processed and the User has been sent an email confirmation of the User's booking.'

Seems like we have ourselves a hot deal :sunglasses:
All comments (75)
19 Oct 15 #1
19 Oct 15 #2
19 Oct 15 #3
gotta be a miss price, but good on ya!
19 Oct 15 #4
Fantastic price you have obtained.
19 Oct 15 #5
This must be a glitch as imax 3d for this film is normally £15.20 without online discount in fact this price is even cheaper than a unlimited premium cardholder surely this wont be around long.
Ok this is weird so for this particular screening its actually £2.70 unlimited premium screening and normal price as above.The only possible could be because its 2 days after release.
A previous screening the night before 3d non imax is £11.70
19 Oct 15 #6
£16.20 at Castleford for the same showing.
19 Oct 15 #7
Thanks for the heads up. Soooooooooo excited. Just booked my tickets. May the Force be with you!!
19 Oct 15 #8
I was hoping that they might do a quadruple bill the 3 best original films and this one starting at 00.05
sbenton to archer1204
19 Oct 15 1 #13
No Luke : (
19 Oct 15 #9
i have my confirmation email through for the tickets but im not sure what to do now, do i hope they work, or will they cancel them in a few days and be stuck without decent tickets, what to do.
archer1204 to stevienotts
19 Oct 15 #10
Just keep your fingers crossed after checking various screenings they seem all over the place
WalkerboyUK to stevienotts
19 Oct 15 1 #30
Once the ticket is sold they can't do anything, as you only authorised a certain value.
Cineworld made similar mistake for the 4DX double-bill of Fast & Furious 6/7 on release date.
Should have been about £25, but they priced them up at £4.30!
19 Oct 15 #11
OMG - four tickets booked, £13.20. That's a right result if they honour it. Thanks OP
19 Oct 15 #12
Thanks - booked some tickets :smiley:

(It must be a mis-price because why on earth (or in space) would they sell tickets so cheap on the release date!)
19 Oct 15 #14
yes... join the dark side...
19 Oct 15 3 #15
'By requesting tickets through the Web Site, the User is placing a booking request for tickets on the Terms that is only deemed accepted by and binding on Cineworld once valid payment has been processed and the User has been sent an email confirmation of the User's booking.'

Seems like we have ourselves a hot deal :sunglasses:
19 Oct 15 #16
Thanks OP, great find thanks for sharing!
19 Oct 15 1 #17
Just booked 4 seats for the family, see you there...
19 Oct 15 1 #18
DaveWallace to servlan
19 Oct 15 1 #19
Poor form, my good man.
19 Oct 15 #20
just got these, 4x tickets for £13.20, cheaper than 1 normal ticket to IMAX
19 Oct 15 #21
Thanks, booked to take my two kids. hot deal
mattyh333 to lisa_2
19 Oct 15 3 #26
Oh please don't ? Or if you must can you put gaffer tape over there mouths or I will silence them with a taser ( poor mans light sabre )
19 Oct 15 #22
get ready for the refund!
19 Oct 15 1 #23
gonna be rammed
19 Oct 15 #24
£25 for 2 people here in Didcot :disappointed:
19 Oct 15 1 #25
Is this just because Nottingham has a dark side
19 Oct 15 #27
They have just updated it as I was booking :smirk:
sbenton to trickyfocus
19 Oct 15 #28
19 Oct 15 #29
Guttered ... Just went to book and its full price... Deal mossed... Bad times
19 Oct 15 2 #31
The term kids has quite a big age range. Then to add to that some kids have a far higher level of maturity than some adults.

So I'd suggest a self tasering course and miss the showing. Save people the annoyance of you turning up.
19 Oct 15 2 #32
As this is a great deal I've decided to be charitable.
I've booked 3 lots of 10 tickets for this showing. I'll donate them to different parents and toddlers groups. On the understanding that each parent must take a child with them.
You can't introduce Star Wars too young
It's a cheap night out for them
No need to pay extra for childcare
They will fit in with the average mental age in attendance, myself included.

PS I didn't really but not a bad idea :smiley:
moonkeh to Oneday77
19 Oct 15 #39
We've got a sith lord on our hands here. As if the minion icon wasn't enough of a hint.
19 Oct 15 #33
Damn the first page came up as the £3.30 but then got to the Confirmation and payment and it was £30.
Oh well good try and you got yourself a bargain.
19 Oct 15 1 #34
Reserved my tickets, but 2D. I'll be damned if I ever bother with 3D again.
19 Oct 15 #35
Scrap my last comment tried again and Bingo 6:60 for 2 tickets.
See all HUKDers there!
19 Oct 15 #36
Not working
19 Oct 15 #37
I booked 2 tickets just now. Not that many left and mainly the first couple of rows only. I managed to get about four rows back so I can't complain for £6.60!
19 Oct 15 #38
Managed to bag 4, then another 1 - So I can go with a car full.

It's a bit glitchy though. Both times I had to click back on my web browser as the price had increased. It actually almost went through at full price, but luckily the payment failed that time.

Fingers crossed it's not revoked. Bit difficult when I've already been emailed the tickets.
19 Oct 15 2 #40
Massive saving, saved another 60p as im a student!

19 Oct 15 #41
Booked :smirk:
19 Oct 15 #42
Tried a few of the cinemas near me (Manchester), but didn't work.
Good find though. :laughing: have some heat!
19 Oct 15 1 #43
IMAX :smile:
3D :disappointed:

Really wish they'd do 2D IMAX again. I love having the big screen, but I'm not fussed about 3D at all.
19 Oct 15 #44
Got my 5 tickets for £16.50, had to split the group up as not many seats unless you want to sit on the front row in nottm.
19 Oct 15 #45
£15.80 for my local, such a shame, still what a find, cracking price. Have some heat
19 Oct 15 #46
didn't work for me in liverpool :disappointed:
19 Oct 15 1 #47
In the old days people used to go to a cinema to watch a film , these days if you enter the odeon in the daytime its like entering a creche with booster seats all over the place! Cant you just wait for the dvd next year and watch it?
19 Oct 15 #48
Seems to be sold out on that date now and the other days are showing as a lot more expensive. :disappointed:
19 Oct 15 #49
Big thanks to the OP for spotting this!! Friday might be sold out but plenty of other seats left at the 8:20pm time on Saturday for the same price! Just booked two myself!
mrzootsuit to SSPanther
19 Oct 15 #53
It's not on at 8:20pm on the Saturday?
19 Oct 15 #50
Thanks op, cracking deal. Bought my tickets online and picked them up from the box office already :sunglasses:
19 Oct 15 #51
amazing deal I bought 4 tickets for £70 at Bluewater Imax £17.50 a ticket
19 Oct 15 2 #52
Aside from Avatar, I've not seen a single film that was better for being in 3D. In fact, the opposite is usually true, with a darker picture irritating me throughout. Avatar was something a bit special, I saw it in IMAX 3D (which was significantly better than standard 3D I thought) and it blew me away, and while I knew the underlying film was a bit rubbish, it didn't matter. Incredible.

Then it came, cash in time!! The masses seem to like this 3D, Avatar made a billion, lets make everything 3D!!! James Cameron spent many years designing the whole film around 3D, using new technology, 3D cameras that pretty much the only ones in existence at the time, so much attention to the detail of the world he made, I think he forgot about the script somewhat. Soon we had Clash of the Titans 3D....we don't need all that planning, design and 3D camera rubbish, just run it through the Macbook Pro, job done. It was like watching an action movie of cardboard cut outs, which, ironically, was also representational of the acting.

There is not a movie franchise that comes close to the excitement of Star Wars. I suffered the pain of the prequels, Jar Jar, Haden Cystiansham, and dialogue so poor that my junior school nativity play had more depth. Now, we have a film with a really good chance of not being dire, in fact, I reckon JJ Abrams could make it stoned, and still it would be better that Episode 1-3. So, am I going to see it in 3 bloody D, if that's the only ticket I can buy, too dam right I am!!!
19 Oct 15 #54
​Lol they are 10 and 11 and well behaved
19 Oct 15 #55
Get ready for cancellations folks.
I just looked at my booking history is blank and the 20:20 showing does not even exist and been replaced by a 20:30 showing
19 Oct 15 #56
full..... :-(
19 Oct 15 #57
Had to get frontrow seats... R these still worth it
terry's june
19 Oct 15 #58
2D only thanks. Next deal?
19 Oct 15 #59
Were they the 20:20 showing on Friday 18th?
19 Oct 15 #60
None at Feltham :disappointed:
19 Oct 15 #61
Would not recommend watching it in 3D...
19 Oct 15 #62
The trailer I saw on an IMAX in 3D and looked amazing. Even the wife who does not like Star Wars and not fussed on the 3D said now that does look good.
19 Oct 15 #63
I love Star Wars... Data was my favourite character.I used to love it when he said,"Beam me up Leia". Great stuff.
ahmed123 to chapchap
19 Oct 15 1 #66
I was shocked when Darth Vader told Spock that he was his father. :confused:
19 Oct 15 #64
Mis-price corrected? all back up to £15+ for me
19 Oct 15 #65
on a separate note can anyone remember not that long ago when cinema tickets cost about £4 max?... what happened the last few years with the hyper-inflation?...
20 Oct 15 #67
The showing for 20:20 on the 18th at Cineworld Nottingham is no longer on the site but there is a (full price) one at 20:30.

What's going on there then?
mattyh333 to veato
20 Oct 15 #68
I'm no Einstein but could it be that it has more than one screen and is showing it twice
20 Oct 15 1 #69
Your right you aint lol ... Its same screen 10 ... I exspect a refund for my 8.20 booking shortly
20 Oct 15 #70
This one is different as they discover after a dna test via the Jeremy Kyle show that darth Vader and Ian Beale are step brothers
20 Oct 15 1 #71
Just to let those worriers know, I have just contacted Customer services on 0333 00334444 (just wait after the auto message). The gent confirmed my booking and told me it was for 8:30.
20 Oct 15 #72
There is only one IMAX screen in Cineworld Nottingham
20 Oct 15 #73
I'm guessing that the 20:20 showing has moved by 10 minutes to allow all us lovely fans extra time to turn up.
I've personally gone for a slightly earlier showing at 17:20 on the 18th.
20 Oct 15 #74
Ive got 2 adult 6 kids for front 2 rows center screen ... Is it worth me going still? Or shall i try for a refund? Never been imax will kids enjoy it at front
20 Oct 15 5 #75
As a final update.... just been to Cineworld and picked up the 4 adult tickets from the ticket machine with no bother or fuss.
the 20:20 showing I originally booked for now indeed shows 20:30.
Happy days!

I'm soo glad that I got these and was able to pay it forward to other fellow HUKD users :smile:
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