I just found a 32GB Samsung Galaxy S6 on EE for £24.99 a month on www.mobiles.co.uk
The handset is £25 but with code TENOFFVC you can get £10 off making it a more attractive £15 upfront.
I have tracked it through Topcashback so should hopefully get £20.20 from them. Quidco offer £20
The tariff is the faster 4G Extra with 1000 minutes, unlimited texts and 2GB of data.
The contract is 24 months.
I am working the total for the contract out as £614.76 with code (not including cash back). Obviously a little better with cash back.
There is a choice of 4 colours on offer. They are blue, gold, white and black.
Top comments
14 Oct 157#2
2GB data is quite generous for the price. Even If you bought an LG G4 for £300 you will be looking at over £12 per month for 2gb of 4g data for two years which comes to around £600 anyway
Latest comments (73)
20 Oct 15#73
second to last deal from my link shows the deal, no?!
19 Oct 151#72
Your link is for £26.99 a month but Should be £24.99 a month plus upfront £35 minus code.
19 Oct 15#71
or post 66 where I posted a link
15 Oct 15#57
Can't seem to find this deal when going on the site - Am I missing something or is it not there now?
rodman to aforumac
19 Oct 15#70
Read post #14
19 Oct 15#69
I've never used this site before but their prices have grabbed my attention: http://www.valuebasket.com/search/search_by_ss?q=galaxy+s6
Apparently they're selling a 32gb S6 for: £333.99
Hopefully others can vouch for the trustworthiness of this site?
More than likely based in Hong Kong.
17 Oct 15#68
I can't find one with £25 handset cost. Any ideas?
I know who it's from, topcash back get the cash from mobiles uk affiliate network, it doesn't come out of topcash pocket
15 Oct 15#60
Ordered yesterday instead Galaxy S5 £21 M + free handset.
Galaxy S5:
Removable Battery, Micro SD capability!
1000 min 1GB Vodafone
So no need to pay for 2 years £96 + £25 handset = £121 extra for Galaxy S6
mrew42 to royemi
16 Oct 15#64
well done. What's that got to do with this offer?
14 Oct 151#7
Don't do it...unless you want a minimum of a year's hassle battling with EE.
blakester to R1992
14 Oct 151#22
Battling over what? Been with them for 2 years and had no issues
mrew42 to R1992
16 Oct 15#63
ridiculous comment.
15 Oct 15#62
same here had to search to find it, but it is there. ordered one for my girlfriend
15 Oct 15#61
If I'm going to buy a phone without a memory card slot, I'll but an iPhone. I'll stick with my HTC One M9.
15 Oct 15#59
Filter EE only deals, scroll down, might have to change handset colour to black too
15 Oct 15#58
i cant find the deal
14 Oct 157#2
2GB data is quite generous for the price. Even If you bought an LG G4 for £300 you will be looking at over £12 per month for 2gb of 4g data for two years which comes to around £600 anyway
RooGuru to jb66
15 Oct 15#50
I'm on a sim only 3 deal, paid 270 for a nexus 5 a couple of years ago and get unlimited 4g for £13.90 a month.
vodafone gove me as as a customer a decent sim only deal for 12 months. Half price line rental for 12 months ul minutes, ul texts and 5gb data with tethering. £12.50 a month
BenderRodriguez to jb66
15 Oct 15#56
It's 2015, 2GB data can be consumed by an hour long youtube video.
Providers outdo each other with ridiculous download speeds nobody ever needs on their mobile while keeping data allowance at a level that's good for checking your facebook from time to time.
15 Oct 15#54
For £2 extra per month phone is free and unlimited minutes, works out at extra £33 over 2 years for unlimited minutes
15 Oct 15#53
black one is free
15 Oct 151#52
I have the normal S6, I could have got the Edge, but the deal breaker was the screen distortion at the edges of the screen as they slope, and picking up the phone from a flat surface is seriously annoying, because of the lack of surface area at the edge of the screen. I was a no brainer to get the normal S6 for me. The 'bigger' batter in the edge is a miniscule 50mah over the normal S6, makes no difference. The Edge+ has a 3000Mah battery but of course a massive screen. The S6 and S6 Edge will both have a crap battery life.
So I'd say unless you're a fashion victim do not get the edge. The S6 Edge in Emerald green is really tasty though, but I don't believe you can get those anymore.
15 Oct 15#51
bare in mind folks.. this is the standard s6 and not the s6 edge with the curvier sides. good deal non the less
15 Oct 151#34
What about s6 edge+?
rodman to cru
15 Oct 15#49
What about it? Is it the same price?
15 Oct 15#48
How much to replace the screen if one cracks it, drops it etc....
No MicroSD, no battery swaps = No from me. {Current Samsung user too...}
15 Oct 15#47
Also TCB states cashback is declined if used in conjunction with a voucher code....
15 Oct 151#46
And looks like price is £35 for the phone now...
15 Oct 15#45
The battery is 2% bigger...and the screen is just a gimmick...
15 Oct 15#44
I was about to get this deal but common sense kicked in, as I've just received the Android 6.0 update for nexus 5, its like s whole new phone, battery life is better.
I'm on virgin mobile sim only 1250 mins, unlimited text and 500meg for £8 that will do me for now.
15 Oct 15#43
get a sim only like me and just wait till December and see better deals or January :smiley:
15 Oct 15#41
EE are telling me I can't keep my number if I go through an agent for this deal. Is that right?
Longandstrong to Flombard
15 Oct 15#42
you cant port to the same network so in that sense what they are saying is true. you'll open a new line with the deal on ee and if you are on ee already you wont be able to switch the number across. stupid in my opinion as there are now only 3 proper networks in the sky
15 Oct 15#40
15 Oct 151#35
Guys and Gals,
Nice looking phone but honest question here. How do you all afford to buy these £0.5k+ phones? In my experience, all phone brands get buggy/faulty after about a year of constant use, some quicker than that. Then there's the occasional drop or slide of the car seat when you go round a corner and moisture gets into them through weather and inside pockets. Then factor in they drop the price on these high end phones constantly from their launch date, by 20% to 40%+ in the first 10 months. So the deal above seems cheap relative to the launch date RRP, but in fact it's a premium price no?
So factoring all this in, how do you all afford these top models? My phones tend to get broken within 12 month, and I'm not particularly reckless with my stuff. Do you get insurance and If yes can you please put in a link, as I have not seen and good phone insurance deals.
I would love this phone but I could not afford to replace a phone like this on a yearly basis. I find a sim only coupled with buying a phone outright is significantly better value than these kinds of deals.
jb66 to Beach_comber
15 Oct 15#37
I use a rubber bumper and screen protector, I also have insurance through my nationwide bank account, its £10 per month and covers 4 phones in my family, breakdown on my car and travel insurance
dunc360 to Beach_comber
15 Oct 151#39
Simple answer to most of your points is to use a protective case.
I have owned the Samsung galaxy, S3 and a HTC one M8 (from the smartphone generation) which all were the newest models on offer at the start of each contract I took out.
All of them I have resold after the 24 month contract ended without a single mark on the cases thanks to protective covers, even the rubber ones that just act as a jacket are better than nothing. I don't use screen protectors because I loathe them.
I am careful with my phones but have never once broken or dropped any of mine.
Sounds patronising but it's just being careful and taking precautions, if the weather's p**sing it down put it inside your jacket rather than in your trouser pocket, don't put it in a pocket with anything else, don't leave it beside sink, bath, children etc.
And yes sometimes the phones play up and slow down a little towards the end of a contract, probably due to the mass of content they accrue, but never faulty or buggy in my experience.
14 Oct 151#3
Good luck with cashback from them did similar deal with my s5 10mths ago and followed topcash backs procedures to the letter and it has been refused,still trying to fight them for it
rodman to smarty0007
14 Oct 15#13
Cashback is from Topcashback not from mobiles.co.uk
Do not see problem here.
JGav to smarty0007
15 Oct 15#38
I got mine paid straight out with no issues.
15 Oct 15#36
Seems like a good deal to me OP, and that's coming from an Apple fan boy!
Have some heat...
14 Oct 15#12
anyway of getting this if I am already on EE, their retention's people never offer any decent handset deals.
Jimmyboy to barginchaser
15 Oct 15#33
If you're at the end of your contract ask for your pac code and transfer to pay as you go on another network for a few days. Then transfer back to EE as a new customer.
david hemsby
14 Oct 15#26
I managed to get unlimited mins and texts plus 5GB 4G. Free phone plus half price case. EE contract £31.99.
gareth1608 to david hemsby
15 Oct 15#32
Was that a Samsung s6 32GB?
15 Oct 15#31
Can you get a cover for it that doesn't restrict the edge notifications and use of?
14 Oct 15#30
cheers op, seems a good deal :laughing:
14 Oct 15#29
Yes,Edge has bigger better battery,also much better looking device..and better colour options..overall much more attractive and its more on demand so better re-sale value.
and ofcourse some edge only functions like edge notifications,favourite lists on edge etc..
I will take the 6 Edge over standard 6 anyday just because of superior aesthetics and design and better battery life..
14 Oct 15#28
Is there any benefit to getting the Edge version over the normal S6? Die to upgrade and looking at my options.
Also, can you use a PAC code on the same network? EE are offering terrible deals (at least £10 per month more than the Uswitch options) for me to upgrade, but as a new customer they seem to be the cheapest. Rang them up and asked about it but the guy was very "no mate, can't do anything for you" after I've had two lines with them / Orange for 8+ years...
14 Oct 15#27
That is a healthy amount of data for a decent monthly price, especially with a FREE phone.
However, I was looking for as much as I could get for as little as possible and didn't fancy parting with the extra £7 a month for 24 months. That is a huge £168 extra over the contract length. As you have probably guessed, I am very tight.
14 Oct 15#25
I've been managing ok on 750mb for the last two years so 2gb will be more than enough for me. Thanks OP, been waiting for a deal at no more than £25 a month in total - if the cashback tracks this will take it just under :smiley:
14 Oct 15#24
good price as long as you don't use much data, but this day in age nearly everything on a phone uses data. 2GB wont get you far lol
Disco Dave
14 Oct 151#20
Hope Samsung bring back Micro SD slot with there next incarnation
ChampionshipManager to Disco Dave
14 Oct 15#23
I wouldn't bet on it.
14 Oct 15#21
You're probably going to want the 64gb version tbh
14 Oct 15#19
great deal I just got mine last week 22 a month 40 upfront but only 1gb data. would definitely have gone for this. but I'm happy love the phone. heat added
14 Oct 151#18
heat add great find thanks
14 Oct 15#17
not voting hot or cold yet - waiting for the "no memory card slot" brigade
14 Oct 15#16
Useful site Thanks
14 Oct 15#15
only retentions deal I got was priced at £31.99 on the s6 that's why I've left, in a sim only until Xmas and see what deals are out then.
as s6 will get lower, as Samsung normally release handset every April
14 Oct 151#8
deals not listed for me :disappointed:
jco83 to jamierichardson129
14 Oct 151#11
I only found it when I refined the 'upfront cost' to '£1 - £50'
The particular tariff I am referring to has a set one off handset charge of £25 so I feel my listing is accurate.
14 Oct 151#9
It is right towards the bottom on the EE listed tariffs. I only came across it by accident.
14 Oct 151#6
Hot from me
14 Oct 152#5
The £10 off upfront cost code is TCB10OFF on topcashback
14 Oct 152#4
I read somewhere about issues getting cash back on mobile deals so that's why I didn't include it in the overall contract calculation.
I will keep you all posted to whether I get it or not.
Opening post
The handset is £25 but with code TENOFFVC you can get £10 off making it a more attractive £15 upfront.
I have tracked it through Topcashback so should hopefully get £20.20 from them. Quidco offer £20
The tariff is the faster 4G Extra with 1000 minutes, unlimited texts and 2GB of data.
The contract is 24 months.
I am working the total for the contract out as £614.76 with code (not including cash back). Obviously a little better with cash back.
There is a choice of 4 colours on offer. They are blue, gold, white and black.
Top comments
Latest comments (73)
Apparently they're selling a 32gb S6 for: £333.99
Hopefully others can vouch for the trustworthiness of this site?
More than likely based in Hong Kong.
Galaxy S5:
Removable Battery, Micro SD capability!
1000 min 1GB Vodafone
So no need to pay for 2 years £96 + £25 handset = £121 extra for Galaxy S6
EDIT: Seems the same deal is £17 now unfortunately http://www.three.co.uk/Store/SIM/Plans_for_phones
Providers outdo each other with ridiculous download speeds nobody ever needs on their mobile while keeping data allowance at a level that's good for checking your facebook from time to time.
So I'd say unless you're a fashion victim do not get the edge. The S6 Edge in Emerald green is really tasty though, but I don't believe you can get those anymore.
No MicroSD, no battery swaps = No from me. {Current Samsung user too...}
I'm on virgin mobile sim only 1250 mins, unlimited text and 500meg for £8 that will do me for now.
Nice looking phone but honest question here. How do you all afford to buy these £0.5k+ phones? In my experience, all phone brands get buggy/faulty after about a year of constant use, some quicker than that. Then there's the occasional drop or slide of the car seat when you go round a corner and moisture gets into them through weather and inside pockets. Then factor in they drop the price on these high end phones constantly from their launch date, by 20% to 40%+ in the first 10 months. So the deal above seems cheap relative to the launch date RRP, but in fact it's a premium price no?
So factoring all this in, how do you all afford these top models? My phones tend to get broken within 12 month, and I'm not particularly reckless with my stuff. Do you get insurance and If yes can you please put in a link, as I have not seen and good phone insurance deals.
I would love this phone but I could not afford to replace a phone like this on a yearly basis. I find a sim only coupled with buying a phone outright is significantly better value than these kinds of deals.
I have owned the Samsung galaxy, S3 and a HTC one M8 (from the smartphone generation) which all were the newest models on offer at the start of each contract I took out.
All of them I have resold after the 24 month contract ended without a single mark on the cases thanks to protective covers, even the rubber ones that just act as a jacket are better than nothing. I don't use screen protectors because I loathe them.
I am careful with my phones but have never once broken or dropped any of mine.
Sounds patronising but it's just being careful and taking precautions, if the weather's p**sing it down put it inside your jacket rather than in your trouser pocket, don't put it in a pocket with anything else, don't leave it beside sink, bath, children etc.
And yes sometimes the phones play up and slow down a little towards the end of a contract, probably due to the mass of content they accrue, but never faulty or buggy in my experience.
Do not see problem here.
Have some heat...
and ofcourse some edge only functions like edge notifications,favourite lists on edge etc..
I will take the 6 Edge over standard 6 anyday just because of superior aesthetics and design and better battery life..
Also, can you use a PAC code on the same network? EE are offering terrible deals (at least £10 per month more than the Uswitch options) for me to upgrade, but as a new customer they seem to be the cheapest. Rang them up and asked about it but the guy was very "no mate, can't do anything for you" after I've had two lines with them / Orange for 8+ years...
However, I was looking for as much as I could get for as little as possible and didn't fancy parting with the extra £7 a month for 24 months. That is a huge £168 extra over the contract length. As you have probably guessed, I am very tight.
as s6 will get lower, as Samsung normally release handset every April
I will keep you all posted to whether I get it or not.