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iPhone 6s 16GB 12 month contract on iD Mobile - £529.99
5+ stars +647

iPhone 6s 16GB 12 month contract on iD Mobile - £529.99

£529.99 iD Mobile12 Sep 15
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Opening post
12 Sep 15
I was comparing the cost of the new iPhone 6s 16GB on Mobile Phone Checker -

If you order by Total Contract Cost you see this awesome iD Mobile contract:

- 600 minutes
- 5000 texts
- 1GB

£79.99 upfront, £37.50 a month, total cost: £529.99.

That's £10 cheaper than the list price for the handset, so effectively a 12 month contract for free! Likely a misprice so grab quick!

£15 Quidco
- mynameisthehulk

£15.75 TopCashback.
- clostridium_botulinum
Top comments
12 Sep 15 15 #6
Hot from me. It's cheaper than buying the phone outright from Apple and you get a semi decent allowance thrown in.

Those voting cold are clearly only doing so because it says apple in the title. Unless someone can post a cheaper deal of course.
16 Sep 15 6 #321
Dear customers,

We would like to make it clear that we are honouring any orders placed for the iPhone 6s – on this deal or any others on our website – as long as customers pass the credit check.

Where customers have received an email saying that their card/bank details or address details are incorrect, they should receive a call from our sales team today or tomorrow. Due to the huge demand across the range of iPhone deals, there has been a technical fault with our order processing system, which led to these emails incorrectly being sent out.

Please be assured that we are still processing the pre-orders for these deals, and we’re contacting customers directly to confirm their order details.

While most customer orders have been processed without any issues, we apologise for any inconvenience or confusion that may have been experienced by a few customers.

Once the sales team has spoken to you to process your order, if you pass the credit check you will then receive an email to confirm that your order has been processed, and is awaiting stock. This email will have the subject line “Your Order Update” and will specifically say “Although the product you ordered is currently out of stock or on 'pre-order', we’re expecting it shortly, so it should be with you soon.”

If customers receive an email saying that they have failed the credit check, this means that we have processed their order, and unfortunately they didn’t have the credit score required for the deal they ordered. This email will have the subject “Order Cancelled” and will specifically say “Unfortunately you didn’t meet the credit check criteria required for the contract you requested.”

From time to time some customers will unfortunately not have the required credit score for certain deals and handsets. However, it may be that they will pass for alternative deals on SIM only or lower value phones. Customers are welcome to reapply for an alternative plan through the iD website.

If customers don’t receive either of these two emails, they can contact us by using our online contact form here:
25 Sep 15 6 #582
Received my phone today. Tried 2 different sim cards in it and can confirm that its unlocked to any network.
12 Sep 15 4 #7
Yup, this is a genuine bargain! Anyone voting cold on this is being very silly. If I could find any legitimate reason to get this then I would.

£15 Quidco too!
All comments (681)
12 Sep 15 #1
£37.50 ???
12 Sep 15 #2
its 37.50.
12 Sep 15 2 #3
Has it still a mid/low range spec?
beckysdaddy1 to LadyEleanor
13 Sep 15 #185
12 Sep 15 1 #4
Even at £37.50 it's a decent deal if you can live with 1GB data.
£37.50 x 12 = £450
Plus £80 upfront = £530

Cheaper than buying outright
You get a mid usage sim with it
Pay the cost over 12 months.

I say it's hot
12 Sep 15 #5
Yeah hot from me, thanks for posting
12 Sep 15 15 #6
Hot from me. It's cheaper than buying the phone outright from Apple and you get a semi decent allowance thrown in.

Those voting cold are clearly only doing so because it says apple in the title. Unless someone can post a cheaper deal of course.
craigstephens to Wotan
13 Sep 15 #160
​It doesn't say apple in the title though.
12 Sep 15 4 #7
Yup, this is a genuine bargain! Anyone voting cold on this is being very silly. If I could find any legitimate reason to get this then I would.

£15 Quidco too!
12 Sep 15 3 #8
The iPhone 6s 64gb contract is cheaper than buying the phone alone, £590 over 12 months compared to £619 from Apple
grajac123 to 1an4492
12 Sep 15 #10
can't find this can you post the link please . prob just me being dim
12 Sep 15 #9
Checked coverage map, looks like it's on EE coverage, which isn't great where we live :disappointed:
Atwills1991 to surfbabe10
12 Sep 15 #61
iD piggy backs off the 3 mobile network has nothing to do with EE so you should be good
kwl147 to surfbabe10
13 Sep 15 #132
The iD network runs off 3. So will be patchy I think outside cities? Never been on 3 so can't say for sure.
12 Sep 15 1 #11
12 Sep 15 #12
it's £37.50 + £79.99 upfront

can't see it for £35.50
mynameisthehulk to batista
12 Sep 15 #14
The headline price is still correct though
12 Sep 15 1 #13
thank you
12 Sep 15 1 #15
oh ok, thanks, thought I was a bit blind, couldn't see it
12 Sep 15 #16
Are the phones locked or could this be used for a sim I already own ?
sickly sweet
12 Sep 15 1 #17
Hot, for what it is.

Cheaper than buying outright.
12 Sep 15 #18
Do they supply unlocked?
12 Sep 15 #19
ordered thanks
12 Sep 15 3 #20
Gone for the 64GB deal.
Works out £590

Was tempted by 16GB as that's what I have now and I still have 3.9 GB free. Considering iOS 9 should take up less space I probably could have got by with 16GB

Having a few regrets now but let's just see if this gets honoured

Oh and £15.75 TCB
argosextra to loofer
12 Sep 15 #26
Where is it
12 Sep 15 1 #21
I don't think this is a misprice, I reckon it's just a sweet deal where iD are trying to get people on their network whilst breaking even on the cost of the devices. I just hope it gets to the main page before they pull it because this is a great deal for the iFolk. Even if you were looking for a SIMO deal you could pick this up and sell the phone, you would probably end up getting a years deal for next to nowt. Shame I am not interested in iPhones and it's no way near enough data. Oh and I am in the middle of a 12 month SIMO :disappointed:
12 Sep 15 #22
So now that I've ordered... Worth finding out about ID mobile.
loofer to loofer
12 Sep 15 #23
Which network do they piggyback
12 Sep 15 2 #24
as with talkmobile CPW' other network

the monthly price is EX vat (tho very will hidden) go ask them if you like *from that out when i asked talk mobile then checked the hidden terms, on my new £7 pcm y330 from them, that im paying £8.40 for a month now with VAT, as couldnt be bothered to cancel under the cooling off period since i already sold the phone to cex to make it cheaper pcm

11.8 Unless otherwise stated, call prices are quoted by the minute and include VAT. Each call is charged excluding VAT and then rounded up to the nearest whole penny, each MMS or SMS is charged excluding VAT and then rounded up to the nearest tenth of a penny. VAT is then added where applicable and then rounded up to the nearest whole penny. An invoice including the rate of VAT charged and our VAT number can be provided upon written request for Post Pay customers (this may be chargeable).

so the real cost would be £79.99 up front, and a pcm of £45 (£37.50 + £7.50 vat) x 12 contract plan of £540. so total of £619 vs a cost of £539 direct from apple and £5 pcm (£60 for a year) for a giffgaff sim total £599, tho still not bad,

why to did i put so much effort in to this post to be questioned no doubt on the EX VAT, and picked on for spelling, oh well


oh and they will bill you by defeat £1.50 pcm for paper bills until your opt out, so another £18 a year if you dont bother to pay much notice to you DD


and so far you all fail to get it LOL

its a hidden change of VAT why its not easy to under stand the listed minutes and texts inculed vat unless otherwise stated (well the terms state is otherwise, so not false advening if they tho slyly tell you, and what do you think a month plan is if not call charges? it comes with 600 mins a month does it not, they are call that can be charged VAT under they terms LOL, and yes i agree its talking about the call charges to, that are in the PLAN with CALLS in the PLAN LMAO, so people need a brain so much

either way just a heads up make of it what you want to

or go ask them on facebook about they plans (or go thu talk mobiles old posts to find when i asked talk mobile about they VAT added billed i got on around the end of last month) and the sly vat worked carefully in to them, oh no dont it did that for you 15 mins ago,

how look ill just draw you a PICTURE, tho you still wont get it,

talkmobile have this policy on VAT, they CPW no doubt ID mobile do to

ok ill explain the PICTURE for you then maybe draw you a picture of a picture?

the listing is at the top £7 PCM, i added my bill below that (or i cant put two pictures together its more likely that talkmobile show every one a bill on the listing page OMG @ moron), just as the same will be true with the listed iphone £35.50, but your bill with be £45


and just for a lesson on math to, tho it will get the added VAT but you all ignored that warning so i will give numbers with out it,

37.50 x 12 + 79.79 (529.99) is more that

41.50 x 12 + 29.99 (527.99)

ok by £2 but still lol

scroll down the age more ftw
12 Sep 15 #25
12 Sep 15 #27
3 network
12 Sep 15 #28
Gone for the 64GB, great deal!
12 Sep 15 #29
Billy bargain! £30 cheaper *including* minutes for the 64GB version... Ordered!
12 Sep 15 1 #30
That seems to be Pay as you go tariffs. Tbh if they start charging more then it's false advertising and the T&Cs of the contract haven't been sent to anyone. What you've quoted seem like an overview on the website.
12 Sep 15 #31
It only refers to call charges, not line rental as far as the clause he has quoted seems to say?
12 Sep 15 1 #32
Yeah I agree plus on the order confirmation this is what shows -

Total Costs (including VAT) £139.99
£37.50 per month
12 Sep 15 3 #33
Shame they dont have the plus size at 12 month contracts would of been interested then
12 Sep 15 #34
Smoking HOT! Ordered...
12 Sep 15 1 #35
Free fraud risk with every contract which they might tell you about, too late.
Their handling / transparency regarding the data breach means I'm out.
12 Sep 15 #36
From what I understand that's fairly normal. The price of calls outside of your allowance are quoted inclusive of VAT.

The individual calls might be billed pre-VAT and then VAt applied at the end.

No mention of anything to do with line rental/package price excluding VaT in those T&Cs you've quoted there
12 Sep 15 #38
Will these handsets be locked to the network?
12 Sep 15 #39
So noticed you added further info to your post. The image you provide shows the breakdown of monthly cost with added VAT. ID mobile do not show this breakdown, so yes talk mobile add VAT but they tell you. There is a complete difference in saying they don't tell you as they clearly have from the image you've provided.
12 Sep 15 #40
Will these handsets be locked to the network?
Rebellion to megaminx
13 Sep 15 #86
No guarantees but as people are saying this piggybacks on the 3 network then it should be unlocked (as with all iphones purchased after 1 January 2014 from 3). You can always cancel during the cooling off period if not.

However, its likely that if it isn't unlocked then you simply need to connect the iPhone to iTunes and restore the device to unlock it (as is standard on 3 network).
12 Sep 15 #41
expired? I cant see this deal
nectar to vmistery
12 Sep 15 #44
By patient the website seems to fail to load the page sometimes.

Wonder if these are unlocked?? Hope so

It is only a £45 saving on the RRP but thats actually excellent as we usually don't get any deals
12 Sep 15 1 #42
Read these reviews before u buy....
loofer to ash2786
12 Sep 15 2 #45
Pretty horrific reviews, especially from a brand backed up by CPW.
I'm starting to hope it's a misprice and won't be honoured now
bigtam1 to ash2786
12 Sep 15 #52
People who have bad experiences can't wait to tell others etc, those with good experiences probably haven't bothered to write reviews. So if you go by reviews this'll help otherwise ignore and see what happens
cruisecars to ash2786
13 Sep 15 #104
Yes i wouldnt trust this company going by that..
12 Sep 15 #43
Go for 128 GB - £37.50 pm for 12 months + £ 209 - A total of £659 (£40 less than the cost of buying a 128gb outright)
12 Sep 15 #46
I don't see it as just a £10-£40 saving off RRP
You also get the benefit of paying for the same phone monthly and also a SIM thrown in too
12 Sep 15 #47
the company reviews isnt good , avoid.
12 Sep 15 #48
Agree - its like a partial 0% credit payment too. Not sure what I will do with the sim...especially if you read those reviews sounds like they are terrible to deal with.

This happened to me with the 5S also (diff company) they were a total joke and did't honour my order
12 Sep 15 #49
Hot for the price but not convinced based on the bad reviews!
12 Sep 15 #50
Was about to order but then saw some of those awful reviews - seems to be all the same issues with regards to billing. 1st monthly payment fine then overpriced monthly bills from the 2nd month onwards....
nectar to karlie88
12 Sep 15 #53
Im not planning on using the sim so hopefully that eliminates that!
12 Sep 15 3 #51
I hate this site. Ordered
12 Sep 15 #54
Just had a look at other operators on that review site - Voda, Three, O2 all have pretty bad reviews too.

What's (slightly) worrying is the sheer amount of negative reviews for iD mobile, within such a short space of time and with a small client base.
nectar to karlie88
12 Sep 15 #57
I think it's quite common , I've had similar experience with who were one of the worst ever. Others though seem to be ok so who knows
12 Sep 15 #55
Yeah reviews making me think twice, going to sleep on it
12 Sep 15 #56
Well i have tried to order the 128gb version as the 64gb version is nto available it seems so will see what happens.
12 Sep 15 #58
i'D avoid (See what I did there?) - Worst network I've ever dealt with.
bestestbud85 to JG91
13 Sep 15 #95
Very clever lol
12 Sep 15 #59
Genuine deal OP, thanks.
12 Sep 15 #60
Meh - gone for it. Ta OP.
12 Sep 15 1 #62
why I should open HUKD before I go to sleep. Damn, thats ordered. I'll review my purchase tomorrow. :smiley:
13 Sep 15 #63
very hot thanks
13 Sep 15 1 #64
what a stupid site for reviews, I read bad comments about ID mobile that's why didn't use them, but this site please check other network reviews looks like all are copy and paste, looks like this is place of maniac where no body is happy >>>>>>>>Lol
13 Sep 15 #65
Damn just ordered. Bit worried tho for reviews. Any suggestions what to after purchase?
superspeedy to sethjee
13 Sep 15 1 #66
Put the kettle on and wait for delivery...
13 Sep 15 #67
Just ordered fingers crossed they honour it! thanks op :smile:
13 Sep 15 #68
Any ideas about sim locks on the phone and are there prices inclusive of vat ?
13 Sep 15 #69
Just gone for 64gb Gold. Too good of a deal to pass up. £140 for the Handset. £37.50 per month for a year, making it less than what Apple charges + £15ish cashback. We'll see in the next few days if it's gone through or not.

+++ You can still get the 64gb model. Just search for iPhone 6S, it's about 20 items down. It lets you order :smiley:
paza12 to ukryan
13 Sep 15 #70
What are apple charging sorry?
13 Sep 15 #71
What site did you go through to get the cash back ?
ukryan to mat2090
13 Sep 15 #74
Top cashback but it's not tracked yet. Could take a few days assuming orders aren't cancelled, I'd imagine.
13 Sep 15 #72
Apple are charging £619 for the 64gb model. Under this deal, you'd pay £590 over 12months (£575 with cashback)
13 Sep 15 #75
Cool thanks, I am assuming Apple's doesnt come with any sim plan?
13 Sep 15 #76
Nope, Apple doesn't have it's own network. If this deal works, it's probably one of the best for the latest phone.
13 Sep 15 #77
Ordered fingers crossed, will get a BT mobile sim at £12 a month on a twelve month contract too unlimited minutes/text and 2gb data inc a £25 gift card too
13 Sep 15 #78
Excellent deal, great find and thank you
13 Sep 15 #79
Fair enough. Any idea when it will be available or delivered?
13 Sep 15 #80
Currently 6 months into a 24 month EE contract with a Samsung S4. Seriously tempted by this though. Do EE have a buy out clause or does anyone have any suggestions on the most cost effective way to do something with my current contract?
Father Christmas to paza12
13 Sep 15 2 #82
Admire your 6 month old phone and save your money
13 Sep 15 #81
if you like to download apps, watch some movie clips and listen to music you will find 16gb will get used up in no time
loofer to unreal1ty10
13 Sep 15 #96
Might not be the case for everybody. I have a 16Gb iPhone 5. Still got 4GB remaining. iOS 9 should also take less space too
13 Sep 15 #83
On the start of the presentation the guy says we've changed everything.. ime like where is it? All I see is 1 new colour and a new pressure sensitive screen.
As above.. wait for the iphone 7
13 Sep 15 #84
Not liking the S4 too much so would like a change :smiley:
Father Christmas
13 Sep 15 #85
Keep your s4 for calls and texts and buy a new iPad :smiley:
13 Sep 15 #87
Just order the 64gb version. Let hope that the phone is unlocked :smiley:
Chaz_UK to resende
13 Sep 15 #98
I believe iPhones lock to the first network sim that is put in there. If you plan on using another simcard other than the one supplied, pop that one in first.

Only Apple store bought iPhones aren't locked.
13 Sep 15 #88
I'm thinking that I'm not going to put the sim in to activate the hand set and just insert the sim I want to use instead
13 Sep 15 #89
64GB deal has gone, 128GB is still available along with the 16GB
Rebellion to mat2090
13 Sep 15 #90
13 Sep 15 #91
13 Sep 15 #92
Ordered 64gb thanks
13 Sep 15 1 #93
Bloody hell i had to really concentrate to make any sense of that!!
13 Sep 15 #94
Can you upgrade if you have a sim only shockproof monthly plan?
13 Sep 15 #97
Ordered thanks a lot currently on EE sim only deal 12m which will be going straight in that bad boy 6s. Hope it comes on day of release...
13 Sep 15 2 #99
Voting hot on Price, not on product.
13 Sep 15 #100
Get the S6 Edge ...Nutter....Perfect Phone
13 Sep 15 #101
ordered 64gb, bargain, thanks, heated the deal up...
13 Sep 15 #102
Hmm, on reflection, although 12 months is good i would be sh1tt1ng it with 1gb data and 600'mins a month
13 Sep 15 #103
Under buying online terms it states -
All prices are inclusive of VAT at the current rates and are correct at the time of entering information. However, we can change prices without giving prior notice. Please check the website for up to date pricing before you place your order.
13 Sep 15 #105
16gb of memory......!?
1gb of data.........?!
what's the point of buying a next gen mobile if you have these basic foundations. it's like buying a Ferrari and never passing 20 mph. not voting either way, but I don't see the point. better off saving a bit more and go for much much more.
bobtastic to blanka
13 Sep 15 #106
I have the 16gb, whilst the 64gb would be nice it's cheaper for me to pay £9.50 per year and have the iCloud storage for all the photos/videos. the iPhone will store low res versions of the old images on your phone and as soon as you want to view them in full res it downloads them.
13 Sep 15 1 #107
So exactly how many seconds of 4K video can you record with the 16Gb model?
13 Sep 15 #108
You are right. Too dangerous to enter a contract.
13 Sep 15 #109
On paper a great deal, but just doesn't appeal to me. I'm either not vain enough, or not cool enough.
13 Sep 15 #110
Oft, steer well clear of them!!!
13 Sep 15 #111
won't let me make payment at checkout. I think deal is gone now
13 Sep 15 #112
​This is wrong. I bought a 64gb iPhone 6plus outright from the Apple store and put an EE payg sim in it and when I sold it recently I discovered it was locked to EE. Had to pay £9 for them to unlock it. It's called first sim lock or something.
13 Sep 15 #113
​fair enough if it works for you. with storage becoming cheaper. 32gb should be the basic iphone at the 16gb price and go up from there. for me it's just not possible.
13 Sep 15 #114
​Yikes! You seem like an angry guy! I'm gonna assume that's why the grammar and spelling are so bad, making the rant hard to understand.
13 Sep 15 #115
I was almost going to go for this until I read the company reviews. They do seem to be a really bad company to deal with. I think I will wait for a reputable company with a decent deal. Good luck to all those who went for it. You might need it,
13 Sep 15 #116
Just got an email from ID with the following

The product you ordered is currently out of stock or on 'pre-order', but don?t worry ? we?re expecting it shortly, so it should be with you soon.
nectar to loofer
13 Sep 15 #121
This is a pre order the phone isn't out until 25/9
karlie88 to loofer
13 Sep 15 1 #124
Likewise. TCB tracked too. Doesn't look too good when they've got question marks instead of apostrophes.

Either way, if it gets cancelled then there's always a good chance of still getting the cashback. I've lost count how many times cashback has been paid out even though the original order was cancelled.
13 Sep 15 #117
It is a really good deal, but remember there is no tethering allowed at all on ID network, might be a deal breaker for some people.
13 Sep 15 #118
I've never quite understood this.

So any photos you have backed up to iCloud still remain on your device, albeit in low resolution?

So if you decide to view that photo on your device, are you viewing hi res or low res version?
13 Sep 15 #119
@loofer - depending on the settings you can have a low resolution image stored on your phone or the original one.
When you view the Low res one it will temporarily download the original copy of it for you to view!
loofer to dav465
13 Sep 15 #156
So you can't permanently move photos off your device by backing them up to iCloud and making space on the iPhone?
13 Sep 15 #120
Was tempted but the reviews put me off. not worth the hassle
13 Sep 15 1 #122
Wow, someone needs to get laid.
13 Sep 15 #123
About the 1gb and 600 mins which some criticise as limiting for a phone like this. Anyone who wants blistering price/performance and expects to eat data for breakfast, go elsewhere. The lady in my life got an iPhone 6 as soon as it appeared. Lovely to type on and reading the screen easy on the eyes. Easy to use and configure even for non tech folks. For people with handbags to slip this size of phone into, the screen size is a no brainer. 16gb is fine so long as no epic music or photo collections are planned. Also makes for a cracking satnav.
13 Sep 15 #125
I wouldn't be too bothered about those reviews, have you actually read them? It seems to be mostly idiots moaning that they used more data than the allowance and had been charged for it. Well, that's how it works!
hemjshah to mynameisthehulk
13 Sep 15 #127
I am on iD Mobile for 3 months. Great network. Great app to check your allowence. So far so good. Haven't bothered to write any review as not needed yet!
13 Sep 15 3 #126
16gb should be banned. So pointless.
DebtFreeWannaBeE to JayS2014
13 Sep 15 #128
i agree, should start at 64gb especially with the 4k ability on this version. 16gb useless
13 Sep 15 1 #129
Wow, you are right.

Lots of literature out there does suggest that apple purchased iPhones should be unlocked but that isn't always the case it seems.
13 Sep 15 1 #130
16GB. Cold.
13 Sep 15 1 #131
This is crazy for 64gb phone. Buy from Apple for £619 outright, but spread the cost over 12 months like this deal and you are looking at £55.57 per month total £666.82 vs this deal at £590 over 12 months. Its a no brainer.
ChampionshipManager to bubbablue
13 Sep 15 2 #134
The biggest no brainer is not to buy it. For example you can buy a Samsung Galaxy S6 with 32GB for 370 bones or Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge with 64GB for 495 bones (Amazon). Both are cheaper than the Apple 16GB model, which by the way is unusable (I have one).
Rossmor40 to bubbablue
13 Sep 15 #165
Personally I'd agree with this the top Android phones like the S6 are twice as good as the IPhone and half the price sim free. However no matter how technologically advanced Android is over iOS it's all down to personal preference.
13 Sep 15 #133
ID Mobile trending at +3375% on TCB. Wonder why!
13 Sep 15 #135
The 16GB model is unusable?
13 Sep 15 #136
I rekon these get locked to the first sim going in?
13 Sep 15 1 #137
Why can't I think of a completely average product, put a fruit logo on it and then charge £550 for it even though it only has a miniscule 16GB wahhhhhhhhh :disappointed:
13 Sep 15 #138
Why do we get into this IOS/Android debate every time an iPhone is put up as a deal. Some people like IOS, some like Android and some even like both. Deal with it people!

I wouldn't personally buy a 16GB or less phone irrespective of IOS or Android. However 16GB is perfectly useable, it solely depends on what you use the phone for.
13 Sep 15 #139
Very hot. Wish I hadn't preordered mine now! Good luck to you all, hope it gets honoured.
13 Sep 15 #140
How does that fit in with my other apple products? Why is the 16gb model unusable? I have no issues with it, most storage is cloud based now anyhow, iTunes Match anyone?
13 Sep 15 #141
​I know, is really annoying when I paid £700 of my own money for a phone, and then paid EE £15 a month in top up payments that I can't use it how I want without paying them another £9 to unlock it. I have now jumped on the Android bandwagon!!
13 Sep 15 #142
I can't order now
13 Sep 15 #143
Cold they have locked away the links
13 Sep 15 #144
I'll have what he's having please, u talk funny
13 Sep 15 #145
13 Sep 15 1 #146
I bet Android fans are gelous cos you can get new iPhone 6s on 12 month contract.
13 Sep 15 #147
Looks like it was a mis-price. All the prices have now jumped away up.
13 Sep 15 #148
13 Sep 15 #149
thanks OP, I went for the 128gb version as you can't add an sd card later if you run out of space. As for the tarriff having only 1gb of data I'm not worried as it's what I have now. at the end of the day it is only a 12 month contract and your essentially getting the service 'free' when compared to buying it outright from apple so can't complain about it really.
13 Sep 15 #150
Looks expired
13 Sep 15 #151
Do Apple iPhones still lock to the first network of the first sim card you put in? and if they do how do you unlock them when wanting to change sim to another network?
13 Sep 15 #152
Just ordered, hope there are no problems, I'm not sure about the network, but you can't go wrong at this price, this is Christmas come early.
13 Sep 15 #153
Even the deal is a steal for the handset, ID Mobile is on 3 Network - which i'm little bit hesitant to take.
13 Sep 15 #154
I'm on the look out for cancellation email now (hope not!)
13 Sep 15 #155
I've not received a confirmation or cancellation email yet , gotta say don't think it will happen
vmistery to grajac123
13 Sep 15 1 #157
​I've had 2 emails so far. the initial conformation order then one telling me it's on pre order. but that is far away from it being confirmed!
13 Sep 15 #158
same here
13 Sep 15 #159
16GB was £529.99 over 12 months - now it's £691.99.
64GB was £589.99 over 12 months - now it's £761.99.

Can't see them honouring this...
13 Sep 15 #161
They've pulled the deal.
13 Sep 15 #162
Missed out :disappointed:
13 Sep 15 #163
Hey , if you delete the photo from your phone it is also deleted from iCloud.
I haven't used it but it does tempt me. Meant to be like 80-90% efficient in saving space so photos take up a lot less room.
13 Sep 15 #164
​I've had the same two emails, but nothing about actually passing their credit check. Have read on other forums that a lot of people have failed the check with good credit history...
13 Sep 15 #166
Still no emails , not looking good
13 Sep 15 #167
Has anyone contacted them about this offer , I'm considering phoning them
13 Sep 15 #168
Can't hurt to ask them they clearly know what's happened as the deals have now changed.
13 Sep 15 #169
​I ordered late last night and got the confirmation within minutes. probably best asking them, perhaps you put the wrong email in or something? I guess in the next few days we shall find out if they are even honouring them.
13 Sep 15 #170
I ordered this morning and called them mid morning the guy on the phone says it seemed correct and couldn't really elaborate on it. I know it doesn't really help but like other people on here are saying we will just have to wait and see. Plus I have had the 2 emails as well.
vmistery to Brando4000
13 Sep 15 #171
If it turns up I'm going to be a very happy bunny
13 Sep 15 3 #172
For the sake of HUKD, let's try not to ring them.

It's not the biggest misprice ever but still a nice one - there's a small chance this may still be honoured. Let's try and keep those odds alive...
mynameisthehulk to karlie88
13 Sep 15 #180
Why do you think it is a misprice? The figures were too precise in terms of the cost of the handsets for it not to be a genuine offer imo.
13 Sep 15 #173
The S6 is not twice as good as the iPhone, unless you can show me a holistic metric demonstrating this spurious information that I've obviously overlooked.

In any case, this was a great deal. Good luck to those who jumped in!
13 Sep 15 #174
Exactly. I'm on a note 3 (from a deal 2 years ago :smile: ) and it is great but I want a change. I doubt either brand is better than the other
13 Sep 15 #175
iPhone has a really good resale value. I have just checked the price to cash in an iPhone 6 64GB. You can get around £300. Possible more if you shop around.

If you bought your phone from Apple originally you would have paid £619. Effectively you are paying £319 for using your phone for 1 year. For a latest phone of Apple's calibre, that is pretty good in my eyes and is one reason i'm moving from S3 to iPhone.
13 Sep 15 #176
Anyone heard anything back yet, so far just 2 emails...
vmistery to RichKid10123
13 Sep 15 #178
Just the 2 emails as yet here. I imagine either it's dye to only doing credit check during the week days or closer to release or they have to wsit till management areserves inot to cancel the orders. I'm not worrying yet...
13 Sep 15 #177
This will be torture waiting until September 25th everyday thinking is it even going to turn up? I'll keep hold of my 5s just in case
13 Sep 15 #179
Great deal
13 Sep 15 #181
I would have thought the credit check would have been done already
13 Sep 15 1 #182
Two reasons it was a misprice:

1. The overall cost including the minutes, texts and data was less than the cost price of the phone.

2. The price went up by £150+ this morning.
13 Sep 15 1 #183
I think they will be honored without issue, I am sure that those who have ordered will get their devices. It was just a really good way to get people to move to iD and they are bound to break even as all the overexcited iFolk will likely go well over 1gb per month :smiley:
13 Sep 15 #184
Exactly! If they're clever they'll honour it - several thousand new customers to a relatively new network would be priceless for them. And as you say, I'm sure they'll claw their money back from overcharges and from customers staying on after their 12 months are up.
13 Sep 15 #186
13 Sep 15 #187
Pick a network you would trust based on the reviews on that site -
They all get a kicking.
13 Sep 15 #188
placed my order today morning. received 2 emails in the space of 5 mins after placing order. the latter one saying its going through for a credit check. not heard since.
grajac123 to WajAllRound
13 Sep 15 #189
You're doing better than me I ordered last night and had no emails , bit strange
14 Sep 15 #190
Regarding credit checks, this is what they have to say "
If you're signing up online we'll send you an email if your application has been declined - if you don't hear anything you can assume your application has been accepted."
vmistery to liban64
14 Sep 15 #192
They haven't charged my card yet for the upfront payment so it might also be just they only do that kind of thing during the week.
14 Sep 15 #191
I have had the same 2 emails as most people. Thanks for posting OP. Hope it's honoured!
14 Sep 15 #193
Trying to deal with their customer services is more painful than sticking rusty pins in your eyes. I've spoken to about six people so far, and have got exactly nowhere.
14 Sep 15 2 #194
Although they (iD mobile/CPW) might get stung as there are probably some buyers on here who have no intention of using the sim and will just destroy it or hand it to their old folks (low usage) and diarise an entry for 11 months time to cancel contract . The joy being that some of us have got a minor discount on the iPhone 6s and can pay in instalments too.
14 Sep 15 #195
Although they (iD mobile/CPW) might get stung as there are probably some buyers on here who have no intention of using the sim and will just destroy it or hand it to their old folks (low usage) and diarise an entry for 11 months time to cancel contract . The joy being that some of us have got a minor discount on the iPhone 6s and can pay in instalments too.
what's there to speak about? (sorry not gone through whole thread)
14 Sep 15 #196
I hope so but anything to do with CPW makes me suspicious.
14 Sep 15 #197
To find out what the status of my order is - I haven't received any confirmation that I've passed their credit check and that the order is therefore confirmed. And they haven't taken any money from my account.
14 Sep 15 1 #198
I think that's the position most of us are in.
I had one original email immediately after placing the order... that was just a welcome and acknowledgement of my order. Then I had a second email just stating that the phone is either out of strock or on pre-order and they will credit check and subsequently debit my card in due course.

Nothing further so it's just a case of sit quiet and wait.

They've come in this morning to probably thousands of orders placed. Someone in a higher pay grade will make the call weather they should bite the bullet and honour the deal or send a sorry email out.

I think they will only carry out credit checks and debit the accounts once they know what stock of iPhones they can secure. Unlikely they will do a credit check and charge debit cards until they know that info otherwise people will be complaining if this was done and they still had to wait weeks for iPhone due to stock shortgaes
14 Sep 15 #199
just email from iDmobile that my order cancelled as expected.
Reason: Credit check fail.
I have very good credit score though :-(
JohnnyUtah to hotdeal_ts
14 Sep 15 #201
And this why I said earlier that I'm suspicious of CPW, particularly pricing "errors".
They always use the failed the credit check line. When they blamed a previous failure on EE which EE denied I was put through to a manager who was aggressive with the intention of fobbing me off with contradictory comment after contradictory comment.
JohnnyUtah to hotdeal_ts
14 Sep 15 #203
You'll be the first of many. :neutral_face:
14 Sep 15 #200
Got a cancellation email this morning
14 Sep 15 #202
Same can despite having an experian rating of 999, a joke
14 Sep 15 #204
still waiting for my order update email. rung up to ask and was told the order is on and only needs a credit check and will go through after that.
14 Sep 15 #205
Just had a cancellation stating I had entered some information incorrectly............. very convenient!
14 Sep 15 2 #206
As with many others, I apparently failed the credit check.
"It's okay, we can do you an alternative contract on a different network... How about £59p/m with Vodafone?" - iD / Carphone Warehouse sales assistant.
WajAllRound to MercutioLeonhart
14 Sep 15 1 #207
​you failed on £37.50 a month and they offering you £59 a month. They are fools to say the least.
usenetz to MercutioLeonhart
14 Sep 15 #210
14 Sep 15 #208
Ah the old 'failed credit check' excuse! I haven't had it yet and my card has not been charged so guess I will have to wait and see for a bit longer...
14 Sep 15 #209
I am awaiting my failed credit check email....this is what I expected from the very start as it has happened before (the truly truly awful

If you argue affordability with them they switch it to details entered's a total con..

Need to find a way to stop these companies doing this
14 Sep 15 #211
What time frame are people getting the cancellation email? My second order confirmation email was at 8.46am yesterday. I have yet to receive a cancellation or credit check failed email. Much appreciated guys
14 Sep 15 #212
Still haven't heard anything after 2nd order confirmation email though they have changed the price on their website.
14 Sep 15 #213
I had 1st confirmation email at 23:11 on Saturday night, the 2nd email arrived at 08:48 on Sunday morning. No cancellation email as of yet.
14 Sep 15 #214
My 1st confirmation email arrived at 00:51 on Sunday morning with the order update arriving at 08:50 on Sunday morning. No cancellation email as of yet.
14 Sep 15 #215
​​I had 1st confirmation email at 09:44 on Sunday morning straight after i placed the order, the 2nd email arrived at 09:52 stating that they will be doing a credit check. No email/update received after that.
14 Sep 15 #216
The people who have had the cancellation how long was it exactly between the 2nd confirmation email and the cancellation email? I assume they are automated?
14 Sep 15 #217
I ordered at about 1am on Sunday morning.
Like others, just had my order cancelled with the ******* "Unfortunately you didn’t meet the credit check criteria required for the contract you requested." I have a very good credit history btw.
I'm thinking I have probably dodged a bullet with this lot anyhow so not that annoyed really,

Would be interested to see any posts from anyone who passes this credit check.
14 Sep 15 #218
Took 7 1/2 hours for the 2nd email to arrive.
14 Sep 15 #219
For those interested in seeing their credit report and current scoring, as well as seeing who has done a credit check on you, a reminder you can do so for free at
vmistery to usenetz
14 Sep 15 #220
​nothing on mine just yet but presumably might take a few days to be on there?
Uncommon Sense
14 Sep 15 1 #221
Just had a call from Carphone ID Warehouse, to confirm the delivery date for the Mrs. 64GB silver 6s.

So there is hope for others too. :smiley:
vmistery to Uncommon Sense
14 Sep 15 #222
​Awesome :smiley: congratulations! I will keep my hopes up then
Brando4000 to Uncommon Sense
14 Sep 15 #223
Excellent news is the delivery date Friday 25th of September? You shouldn't get my hopes up like this lol.
WajAllRound to Uncommon Sense
14 Sep 15 #245
​has your upfront cost been taken from your account?
14 Sep 15 #224
I just had a call too, to confirm security details. Said I'd next have an email from courier to confirm delivery. I ordered Saturday at around 3pm prior to this deal being posted
14 Sep 15 #225
Would be interested to know which orders they're actually cancelling, and which are being honoured. Are those who've had cancellation emails all ordered the 16gb?
Brando4000 to elgrouse
14 Sep 15 #229
Hope not I ordered the 16GB
Papakorn to elgrouse
14 Sep 15 #230
i ordered the 64gb prior to this deal being posted
Uncommon Sense
14 Sep 15 #226
We've asked if the can swap Friday 25th to Saturday, otherwise we may miss it.
14 Sep 15 #227
Was the call from a 0203 number? I missed 2 calls as I was driving...
Papakorn to Quinten
14 Sep 15 #232
yes it was from 020311 number, i answered in my stupid voice bcos i thought it was one of those accident that wasn't your fault call i keep getting from an 020361 number. I soon had to put my proper serious telephone voice back on :laughing:
14 Sep 15 #228
Just had a phone call from Carphonewarehouse to verify my details and said I'd get an email from DPD closer to the time... Looks like their honouring the deal!
grajac123 to nptrem
14 Sep 15 #235
I had the same phone call earlier, see if it happens
14 Sep 15 #231
64GB for me
14 Sep 15 #233
The waf ordered a 64gb in silver ordered pre 9am Sunday morning. Cancellation email today saying details entered incorrectly.

Lying [insert expletive here]s
14 Sep 15 #234
This whole thing is very dubious. I phoned them to ask exactly why my order has been cancelled as my credit score is very good. They told me that I passed the credit check for the contract but not the phone?!?
Then couldn't give me any further answer apart from the web team were handling it but wouldn't put me through to them.
If it was a glitch and they cancelled but were transparent about not honouring it thats fair enough but to reject me even though my credit check has passed is very suspicious.
ferrarian to Rebellion
14 Sep 15 #241
Yup, after this fiasco I'm totally fed up with both id mobile and carphone warehouse. Never am I buying anything from this company again (unless there are more mis-price!) I know this whole iphone 6s thing is most probably a mis-price and if they have been honest about the situation I won't be so enraged. Even worse, their customer service hotline are utterly rubbish.

So I was told my order got DELETED and the reason was not UNKNOWN. Very well played. :smirk:
14 Sep 15 #236
Anyone got the exact number do I can save it to my contacts?
14 Sep 15 #237
still no call or cancellation.
14 Sep 15 #238
Brilliant! Means I'm one step closer :wink:
14 Sep 15 #239
Nothing for me yet.
First email came 00:51am. Second 8:50am. Seems to be pot luck atm. Nice to see they're honoring the deal for atleast some people.
14 Sep 15 #240
Just checked both the phones and there is no missed call from any 0203 number. Had 2 emails, one when I went through the web deal at about 01:45 on yesterday and another at about 08:00 informing me that they were preparing the order etc. Still keeping fingers crossed.
14 Sep 15 #242
Just received the following in an email...

Thank you for choosing iD.

We?re really sorry, but due to the current high demand for iD plans, it?s taking a little longer than usual to process orders.

We?re working hard to get through them all and hope to have an update over the next couple of days. We?ll email you as soon as possible to let you know what?s going on with your order.

Once again, thank you for being an iD customer. Please accept our apologies that on this rare occasion, we?ve been unable to provide our normal service.

The iD Team
loofer to elgrouse
14 Sep 15 #244
Got the same too
14 Sep 15 #243
Just got an email from them but not what I expected...a sorry for delay email. There is still hope i suppose.. But not buying a case or anything yet!

Feel for those with cancelled orders, been through this before and it's infuriating, should report them to the ombudsmen
Uncommon Sense
14 Sep 15 #246
Not sure, but can check the account later once I have my dongle/keypad thing. :smiley:
14 Sep 15 #247
Me too!
14 Sep 15 #248
same email here. I suspect tomorrow some people tomorrow will be delighted and some less so once the credit checks go through...
loofer to vmistery
14 Sep 15 #249
Even if I'm accepted I'm not sure if I'll be delighted or not.

I would never pay half a grand for a mobile phone nor would I pay £37.50 for a mobile tariff (including a phone).

I may consider selling the iPhone 6s. First stop on release day will be checking out Cex. On release day they normally offer a premium onApple products of you sell to them.
15 Sep 15 #250
I failed the credit check because I gave the new address is there any way I can give them the address that is registered with my card
15 Sep 15 #251
I see. If you feel so strongly about it why on earth would you go for it then? I can't imagine you will make that much selling it to CEX anyway this time around as supplies appear to be quite good.
15 Sep 15 #252
Waiting for the phone call today... (Hopefully)
15 Sep 15 #253
Stay away good thing my one got cancelled due to credit check called them worst service ever from iD mobile they transfer to CPW then they don't do anything put me through to ID mobile back and forth I gave up waited for 45 min on hold and spoke to 3 Indians and got cut off
15 Sep 15 #254
I think everyone deals will get honoured as I have experienced their service before taking a contract with them they are even worst than talk talk and whatever comes after them thanks
15 Sep 15 1 #255
I didn't get mine and spoke to 3 people and I will be giving bad reviews good thing I will not be suffering for 12 months thank god for credit check thanks for failing on me
15 Sep 15 #256
Well if I can't get rid of the 64GB for £590 then I'll just keep it and consider it a bargain (based on RRP). Simples.
15 Sep 15 #257
CPW have said this offer never existed, however I can purchase the same offer for 24 months. My order number "didn't go through the system"
WajAllRound to HuffPropane
15 Sep 15 #259
​well i rung idmobile yesterday and provided them with my order number. they said the order is open and will go through a credit check.
15 Sep 15 #258
Mine got cancelled 3:30am, credit check reason. Ah well, that's ok.
15 Sep 15 #260
Just two emails for me and 2 missed calls so far... not sure what will happen next...
15 Sep 15 #261
well mine got canceled due to incorrect details.
15 Sep 15 #262
​incorrect that should read...

my details were correct though. going to ring them
15 Sep 15 #263
Well mine got canceled due to incorrect details :man: .....
15 Sep 15 #264
Mine also incorrect details.

Not sure what to do next really, not surprised at all !
15 Sep 15 #265
Just had a call. Credit Check Success and soon should get a call from the courier company DPD :-)
RichKid10123 to samay007
15 Sep 15 1 #266
Call from dpd? The phones not out for another week and a bit
15 Sep 15 #267
Don't bother to call them, unless you have plenty of time to waste. They will transfer your call in between id mobile team and cpw team of which neither hotline will be helping you much.
15 Sep 15 #268
I see the initial payment has been taken from my card.
karlie88 to samay007
15 Sep 15 #269
Is that following a phone call? Ta.
15 Sep 15 #270
Recieved a 3rd email saying still being processed
15 Sep 15 #271
I don't understand how they can pick and choose which are accepted and which are not. Not really fair.
15 Sep 15 #272
Incorrect details for me too.
15 Sep 15 #273
Just had my phone call to confirm all my details. And said I will Recieve an email when the phone will be sent !! Woooop !!
15 Sep 15 #274
It is annoying they cancel the order and don't talk you through what details don't match. Decided to order a 6+ from someone else and it went through within an hour.
Uncommon Sense
15 Sep 15 #275
Well we've just received a contradictory e-mail stating 'incorrect details' even though they called to confirm yesterday.

Going to email them and try and figure out which is correct, once I confirm they've taken the upfront payment. :confused:
15 Sep 15 #276
Had the phone call to confirm my details yesterday and they said that DPD would be in contact shortly...had an email this afternoon saying my order had been cancelled due to incorrect details...
sethjee to nptrem
15 Sep 15 #279
Thats a shame. What colour and memory model did you order?
usenetz to nptrem
15 Sep 15 #286
Left hand meet right hand! It really is appalling 'service' which the company should be ashamed of.

Imagine if Apple behaved like this.

Managers need to get a grip.
15 Sep 15 #277
I got a phone call from them this afternoon to check my details. Then they said i'd hear from the couirer company when it's coming. Checking my bank there is a £139.99 gap between balance and available so it looks like they are taking the payment now.

Still not 100% convinced i'll get it until the phone is in my hand!
15 Sep 15 #278
Anyone received confirmation of delivery and credit check for 16gb model? The comments above for 16gb are really disturbing
15 Sep 15 #280
I've heard nothing since the first 2 emails. No phone calls or further email. Still in limbo. 64gb rose
15 Sep 15 #281
Isn't it funny how many people have entered incorrect details? Seems like a lottery to me, assuming the iPhones even get delivered after release...
15 Sep 15 #282
Cancellation email here due to incorrect details - 128GB Rose Gold.

Kinda relieved it's been cancelled as they seem like a bunch of incompetent jokers and that's without even receiving the phone...
15 Sep 15 #283
New spin on the cancellation emails from CPW.

Always used to be "failed credit check" but now moved onto "incorrect details entered".

Filling the gap is "order never existed" from the call centre staff.

I'd hate to see anyone lose their jobs but I really wish the CPW owners would get their comeuppance.
15 Sep 15 #284
Have also just had an email saying that they have cancelled my order due to incorrect details entered on my part. Hmm very suspicious... (not)
15 Sep 15 #285
So yesterday I had 2 missed calls from the 0203 number (I was driving, forgive me for doing the right thing) and this afternoon when I called them (echo all the comments about their call centre, what an incredible bunch of muppets) I was told "your order is open, you will have to wait for the call". No call for the rest of the day, but early evening received 2 emails (identical) to say that my details were incorrect... Oh well, will now just stick with GiffGaff and get one from Apple themselves...
15 Sep 15 1 #287
Well they always get away with it, and the worst part is it's the whole Dixons/CPW group that behave like this...

I like others would really not mind if they just said they made a misprice ! But behaviour like this means I would never get a contract from them now and will very much advise others the same
15 Sep 15 #288
Which 02031 number are you using to call them ?
15 Sep 15 #289
had the call yesterday saying all ok but now just had an email :disappointed:
RichKid10123 to Papakorn
15 Sep 15 #293
Did the money go out your account , money has gone out of mine after the phone call
15 Sep 15 #290
Had two emails today,both within 15 minutes of one another - one saying I didn't pass credit check. Second then saying my details didn't match and for me to place the order again on the website. :confused:
JohnnyUtah to ccfcleigh
15 Sep 15 #291
Only problem is the deal has been removed from the website and if you call them they will probably deny it ever existed and say you are mistaken.
15 Sep 15 #292
So has everyone had theirs cancelled now? I ordered 6am Sunday had 2 emails about order confirmation but still no phone calls as yet? There is no pending transaction on my online banking for £79.99 unless this gets taken on day of release.
15 Sep 15 1 #294
Ive taken a photo of the deal and It also showed the deal in my orginal email order. Is that any good?
15 Sep 15 #295
I am not holding my breath after all these comments. Why do they have to word this so cleverly? Why can't they come out and say it that it was a mistake.

I've been monitoring their twitter feed but they are keeping this low key.

On another note, they can't deny the deal existed as it's on the confirmation email! As for the "details incorrect" syndrome, that means nothing.

I ordered on Sunday but have had no phone call back (only the 2 confirmation e-mails). Time to look for another deal me thinks.
15 Sep 15 #296
It can only help back you up if you try to get the original deal. I don't want to **** on your chips but from genuine past experiences trying to have cancelled CPW orders honoured I will say it may well be a struggle. Go for it anyway, what do you have to lose?
15 Sep 15 #297
no, nothing pending
16 Sep 15 #298
Shame to see loads of other buyers getting lied to like me but happy that many are promising not to buy again through them.
Just waiting to see what deals GiffGaff will offer for the 6s.
16 Sep 15 #299
still not heard anything and no monies pending, not looking good.
16 Sep 15 #300
Same here, I'm giving them a call this morning because I want a 6s on release day
16 Sep 15 1 #301

Right just called I'D. Just as the phone started ringing I received an email about my order being cancelled due to wrong information being entered.

The first phone call I was passed to 4 different people, after 12 minutes I was cut off.

Called back and the agent said they need to ask the management regarding online orders. I was told to wait 2 hours for a response. Boy you guys were not kidding about this company.

Hopefully I won't be charged an upfront fee and I'm just so glad the order has not gone through. I can't imagine calling their customer service (if that's what you want to call it) for the next 12 months.

Guys don't get your hopes up its not going to happen...
16 Sep 15 3 #302
I think after this deal ID Mobile deserve to be a banned retailer
16 Sep 15 #303
cancelled, incorrect details

cause I dont know my own information...
16 Sep 15 1 #304
Here is the exact text of the email i got this morning. It's total garbage.

Sorry, but we’ve had to cancel your order reference: , as some of the info you entered was incorrect. It could have been any of these reasons:

Card/Bank Details – The card and bank details you give should be registered under your own name. Also, your billing address needs to be the same as your delivery address.

Invalid Delivery Address – We can only deliver to your billing address for security reasons. There are also some addresses that we can’t deliver to, such as halls of residence or overseas addresses.

Too many plans ordered – We currently only allow each customer to have a maximum of two iD plans at any one time.

Existing Mobile Number Required – We need this as part of our credit checks, so please make doubly sure you enter your valid mobile number.

As the order was cancelled, we haven’t taken any payment out of your account.

Please can you make sure you’ve got all the information above to hand, and then place the order again on our website.

Once again, sorry we had to cancel your last order – we’ll process your new one as soon as we receive it.

The iD Team
_BargainHunter_ to imran108
16 Sep 15 #307
I got the same this morning also
16 Sep 15 #305
I have this morning received my cancellation email for my iPhone 6s 64GB pre-order from the weekend - My 1st confirmation email arrived at 00:51 on Sunday morning with the order update arriving at 08:50 on Sunday morning.

Like so many here the reason given is "some of the info you entered was incorrect"

I know for sure the first three are not the reason which only leaves the lack of mobile number as the reason, which is interesting as nowhere on their web order form do they ask for a mobile number. They ask for, and I gave them, a 'Daytime phone'.
16 Sep 15 #306
Had mine cancelled due to "incorrect details" also lol... sounds like 247electronics all over again...
16 Sep 15 #308
Waste of time trying to get anywhere by calling by far the worst customer service ever!!!
16 Sep 15 #309
Pushed from pillar to post
16 Sep 15 #310
I still haven't had anything since the first two emails, anyone in th same boat as me?
RichKid10123 to robraytaylor
16 Sep 15 #312
More than likely your in my boat being a lucky one
spybaba to robraytaylor
16 Sep 15 #352
Me too
16 Sep 15 #311
Iv had the emails, what a bunch of lies. Was going to go trading standards but there will no doubt be some catch that they were allowed to cancel like this.
16 Sep 15 #313
Did anyone take a screen shot of the deal on their website for the 64GB? Going to email them with it and see where I get..
16 Sep 15 1 #314
Yea, here you go
16 Sep 15 #315
Think you could post the picture of the deal?.. Did you get it for the 64GB? Thanks
16 Sep 15 1 #316
I have one, posted in but it's flagged for moderation... it will appear eventually :smiley:
Myles008 to robraytaylor
16 Sep 15 #317
Thanks!! :smiley:
16 Sep 15 #318
I don't get why people are even wasting their time to try and get them to honour the clear misprice? Especially those that got cancellation emails.

Email them, phone them, write them a strongly worded letter, sue them etc. You won't get anywhere; you'll only be wasting your time (as demonstrated by some people phoning them already).

They're a multi-million pound company and they're cancelling orders - doesn't matter what excuse they spout about incorrect details, failing credit checks etc.

Move on people.

16 Sep 15 #319
The reviews warned us they were cowboys so I'm not surprised.
16 Sep 15 #320
If it was a 'clear misplace' then why don't ID Mobile simply say so? They are making the matter much worse by telling customers "some of the info you entered was incorrect" or you failed the credit check or you didn't give us a valid mobile number so we can't sell you a mobile phone.

Frankly, I'd be happy to see people give this company a taste of their own medicine.
16 Sep 15 6 #321
Dear customers,

We would like to make it clear that we are honouring any orders placed for the iPhone 6s – on this deal or any others on our website – as long as customers pass the credit check.

Where customers have received an email saying that their card/bank details or address details are incorrect, they should receive a call from our sales team today or tomorrow. Due to the huge demand across the range of iPhone deals, there has been a technical fault with our order processing system, which led to these emails incorrectly being sent out.

Please be assured that we are still processing the pre-orders for these deals, and we’re contacting customers directly to confirm their order details.

While most customer orders have been processed without any issues, we apologise for any inconvenience or confusion that may have been experienced by a few customers.

Once the sales team has spoken to you to process your order, if you pass the credit check you will then receive an email to confirm that your order has been processed, and is awaiting stock. This email will have the subject line “Your Order Update” and will specifically say “Although the product you ordered is currently out of stock or on 'pre-order', we’re expecting it shortly, so it should be with you soon.”

If customers receive an email saying that they have failed the credit check, this means that we have processed their order, and unfortunately they didn’t have the credit score required for the deal they ordered. This email will have the subject “Order Cancelled” and will specifically say “Unfortunately you didn’t meet the credit check criteria required for the contract you requested.”

From time to time some customers will unfortunately not have the required credit score for certain deals and handsets. However, it may be that they will pass for alternative deals on SIM only or lower value phones. Customers are welcome to reapply for an alternative plan through the iD website.

If customers don’t receive either of these two emails, they can contact us by using our online contact form here:
vmistery to iDmobile
16 Sep 15 #327
Thanks for getting back to us and Great to hear. Can you confirm the twitter message is incorrect?
notahoarder to iDmobile
16 Sep 15 #330
Is this even an official representative or just a troll? lmao
16 Sep 15 #322
Their twitter feed has confirmed it was a mistake.
JohnnyUtah to kilmac
16 Sep 15 #326
Well that contradicts the email above your post.

They still cannot get their stories straight.
16 Sep 15 #323
That probably explains why I received a call from them a few minutes ago. Unfortunately the call failed after about 30 seconds so I never got a proper chance to find out!
16 Sep 15 #324
Happen all the same rubbish to me, got the email saying that I did put incorrect information " LOL ? "

So try to phone, and after almost 2:00 on the phone I put it down. IDmobile put me on hold and after mins transfer the call to carphone warehouse , explain the situation and carphone warehouse guy said that they can't do nothing needs to be idmobile, so back to idmobile and the same again, on hold and transfer to carphone warehouse.

I'm glad in the end that they order as cancel, the customer services is -1* , never see nothing similar, really really bad
16 Sep 15 1 #325
Don't come here and saying that you guys are honouring the orders because you guys are not, this is all full of crap...
16 Sep 15 #328
All I want to say, that the way you delt with us, is like saying hey, don't ever deal with idmobile, we are happy alone! Then so be it: idmobile
16 Sep 15 #329
Sounds like a wind up to way we can verify that is a legitimate post from iDMobile (HUKD, not Twitter)

So I had the 'Incorrect details' email...what does this mean for me ?
16 Sep 15 #331
All I want to say, that the way you delt with us, is like saying hey, don't ever deal with idmobile, we are happy alone! Then so be it: idmobile
16 Sep 15 1 #332
Following the comment above by @IDmobile I tried using the online contact form mentioned at however that form has a required field of 'Which iD Mobile number are you contacting us about?'. So the form returns 'You did not complete the id_mobile_number field'.

Next I used the ID Mobile number listed on their website, which was also in the IDmobile post above until it was removed, 0333 003 7777 which repeatedly asks for the ID Mobile number that this calls relates to. Eventually I am given an option for Sales which I select.

I started by offering my order ref number but the ID Mobile agent wanted my Surname, my first name, my post code, my 1st line of address, date of order, bank used for Direct Debit, and finally which model phone I ordered.

Once I had given him all the information he required (now six minutes into call) he launched into a script about how the iPhone 6S is on pre-order at the moment so I would .... I know that but I just what to check the status of my order so I asked if he could confirm my order number to which he said he can't see that on his system as he is Customer Services and only Sales have that.

I told him I had pressed 1 for Sales but he didn't know why I had gone through to Customer Services but agreed to transfer me.

When I got through to Sales I had to again go through all the above info re Name, Address, Post Code, Bank etc and when I offered my Order Ref number the Sales agent said it was not a valid reference number as all their numbers began 34. How did I place the order / via the ID Mobile website/ But this is Carphone Warehouse he said and so we can't access the ID Mobile sales.

Do you have a number for ID Mobile Sales, I asked - yes he said 0333 003 7777. I looked at my phone and replied that is the number I am speaking to on now.

There's a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza,
There's a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, a hole.
16 Sep 15 #333
I'm not even going to waste my time chasing it up, just take it that it's cancelled, if it turns up then it turns up.
16 Sep 15 #334
You're a very wise person and I'd advise others to not waste your time with this pathetic company.

That's why I posted my experience so others will not have to go through what I endured.
16 Sep 15 1 #335
I'm not bothered about my order anymore. ID mobile, I'll give you my MIDDLE finger.
16 Sep 15 #336
They need to improve their grammar. Shame what a bunch of illiterate people owns this company.
16 Sep 15 #337
F U idmobile. Won't ever use it even if it's free, you failed big time.
16 Sep 15 #338
Usenetz this is the exact same process I have been through this afternoon. The car phone warehouse guy even said that ID customer service is just awful and that they shouldn't be passing anyone through to car phone warehouse for things like this. I got no where in the end and gave up after 40 mins on the phone.
usenetz to Scott1207
16 Sep 15 #350
I've being following your tweets :smirk:
16 Sep 15 1 #339
Well shoddy customer services or not - if that post from them on here is genuine & my order does end up getting honoured, I certainly won't be returning it! I think most of us went into the deal knowing that they haven't exactly won any awards for customer services. But we bought into it anyway because it was a good deal!
16 Sep 15 #340
to be fair of they have come on here, apologised and are doing something I happy enough. Now they need to follow through and learn from the mistake.
16 Sep 15 1 #341
Exactly, if it goes through i will be more than happy. I just wish they would put some form of email out to state don't worry your order will still be processed and your phone expected delivery date is ...
Something like that anyway
16 Sep 15 #342
Happen the same to me, but I was on the phone for about 2 hours, ID mobile guy put me on hold for 40min in total ( this just one guy ) coming back every 5mins asking a new thing, the last one he said that is everything done to wait a bit more and then he pass me to carphone warehouse ( this happen 3 times till I said to them F U your customer services is rubbish ).

They should be closed down...
16 Sep 15 #343
This matter should be taken to Ofcom as more than one customer is affected with false information.

Problems including:
total loss of coverage
poor coverage
restricted service
mobile too slow
installation delayed or incorrect
refusal to provide service

As idmobile is providing incorrect information and refusing to provide service on the agreed terms while placing order, we can take this up with ofcom regulator
16 Sep 15 #344
Referral to the Ombudsman Service: Communication

iD is a member of the Telecommunications Ombudsman Scheme. This is an independent service that tries to resolve complaints where customers and communication companies can't come to an agreement.

In the rare event where we have not been able to agree a resolution within 8 weeks of your initial complaint, the Ombudsman can look into your complaint for you.

They will not look into the complaint before 8 weeks, unless you have been issued a ‘deadlock letter’. This is a letter from us detailing the complaint you have raised and our final response. If we're still working on a solution, expect to resolve the complaint or recognise that your complaint falls outside the Ombudsman’s responsibilities we won't send a deadlock letter. These letters are only issued in cases where we’ve fully reviewed your complaint and our handling of your complaint throughout, and are still unable to reach an agreement with you.

You can contact the ombudsman as follows:

Phone: 0330 440 1614

Textphone: 0330 440 1600

Ombudsman Services: Communications
PO Box 730

Email: [email protected]


If the ombudsman decides your complaint is justified, then ID will honour this decision. We’ll put things right and resolve your complaint based on the ombudsman’s recommendations.
16 Sep 15 #345
moderators are deleting the useful information
16 Sep 15 #346
You're not an ID customer though unless they've taken payment? That's my understanding anyway. Might want to look at trading standards instead. Or just let it go.
16 Sep 15 #347
installation delayed or incorrect
refusal to provide service
is also a punishable act and we are eligible for claiming compensation based on consumer protection rights

compliant raised formally with for a deadlock letter with proof for failed credit check.

** This is an automated response from iD. Please do not reply. **

Thank you for your email.

This is confirmation that we have received it, and it has been assigned to a member of our team.

We'll do our best to reply with an answer within the next 48 hours.

Many thanks,
iD Customer Services
16 Sep 15 #348
got this email @10.30 am today and also a miss call from 020311 number on the land line ,but when you ring back the number it doesn't ring ,they did call ar 4.30 yesterday to ask some security questions .today the miss call was on the same time ..
"Dear sir
We are still processing your order no ---------
Although the product you ordered is currently out of stock or on 'pre-order', we’re expecting it shortly, so it should be with you soon.

In the meantime we’re going to prepare your order by running your credit check and taking payment (but only if your order requires it).

We completely understand if you don’t want to wait. If this is the case, you can contact a member of our friendly customer services team on 0333 003 7777 and they will be happy to advise you of other products that might be suitable.

Office hours are 8am to 8pm every day of the week.

Thank you for choosing iD, and please be assured that we’re working hard to supply your product as soon as we possibly can.

The iD Team

*Calls to our telephone numbers will be charged at standard rate from BT landlines. Call costs from mobiles and other networks will vary.

Ps this email came today after the cancelled order generic email that the details are incorrect blah blah
haywoodclan1 to beejan
16 Sep 15 #349
Had the same email earlier............
16 Sep 15 #351
16 Sep 15 #353
Planned as a gift to someone special and hopefully this is going to cause more disappointment
17 Sep 15 #354
Same here. Pretty sure that none of the listed reasons applies, as ordered Vodafone and O2 deals recently without any issue. Also have not yet received any calls from ID, so not sure if their words are trust worthy.

If they are not brave enough to dishonour the deal, they should not use excuses such as the customer's faults! That's just LOW!

Also their CS seems to be one way only - we might call you back, but please do not bother us!

If it was not this deal, I would not have known ID Mobile. They may be million-pound company, but they play like a bogus.
17 Sep 15 1 #355
Looking at some of these posts i think ID mobile made some sensible decisions with who they rejected
17 Sep 15 #356
It could be a wind up but seems an awful lot of effort for someone to go to. I have the same emails as you and personally I am just going to play the wait and see game. If nothing has happened by close of play Friday then I will assume the info posted in that post here is incorrect.
In some ways I should not be surprised about the service being poor, this is Dixons Carphone after all which in it has PC World, currys, Carphone and KnowHow all of which I have had bad experiences with in the past, to top it off they are using 3 which don't have the best rep for CS either! .
17 Sep 15 #357
I thought the saga was over, but today to my surprise I received an email to say that my order is still in progress... This is after receiving two rejection emails... Not holding my breath though!
17 Sep 15 #358
Some people are that sad!

All gone very quiet here. I've not had any further emails from them after the incorrect details. I wish they would put something out officially in a blanket email or something as some of us are in the dark still and may go order elsewhere !

Very frustrating
17 Sep 15 #359
Guys, keep your hopes up.

I ordered on 12th, received "your order has been cancelled" email on 14th, phoned them up to ask what's wrong with my order. The only answer was that my order has been DELETED, and no reason was given. Been through 30-40mins of nonsense waiting and got my phone calls transferred to the wrong department. I was so fed up and decided I should just forget all these.

Guess what, I received a phone call from id mobile just now saying there was error on their system but is now fixed and my credit check has passed even though I was told I submitted wrong information before! My order has gone through successfully.

Now I'll be looking forward to next week and hope they will deliver the phone on launch day.
17 Sep 15 #360
Received a message saying they are aware of the issues on this and that someone will phone either today or tomorrow to arrange payment processing.
17 Sep 15 1 #361
The plot thickens...
Like many others I ordered on the weekend and then the following sequence of events...

First email acknowledging order
2nd email to say the phone was on pre-order and will progress to credit check soon
3rd email to see incorrect details or credit check failed... Essentially the order has been cancelled

I tweet ID Mobile to complain asking for specific reason, they ask for order details via DM. I provided this but never heard back

Today I get a call from 01509 area code claiming to be from ID mobile, they mentioned the order needs completing, took payment detail but I got them to confirm the details of the deal. All done.

Less than 2 mins later, I get a call from an 0203 number claiming to be from CPW order verification team. Asks a load of security questions and confirms the handset... And then confirms the order. That second call seemed a bit dubious but let's see what happens.
nectar to loofer
18 Sep 15 #391
This is exactly what happened with me, unfortunately I missed the 0203 call twice...not sure what to do next...

Also the guy on the call refused to send me any confirmation I had paid etc...strange
17 Sep 15 #362
Currently on the phone, emailed id yesterday today responded saying ring this no. talking to a bloke saying this is carphone warehouse not id why u ringing us!! This is the no. I've bin given
17 Sep 15 #363
sounds like a mixed bag
17 Sep 15 1 #364
Are the people getting success stories the ones who have complained via Twitter? Maybe it's time for me to join...
17 Sep 15 #365
also been in email correspondence and they say that they can't find out why my order was cancelled the only people who can tell me why is the carphonewarehouse phone number they told me to ring, but as far as they are concerned i need to talk to Id. Id can't deal with sales through email they only have bills and complaints thats why they want me to speak to carphonewarehouse. Trying my luck through twitter dm now
17 Sep 15 #366
I had a call this morning took my money, now to play the waiting game...
17 Sep 15 #367
TO those who emailed ID Mobile, did you use the complaints form on the website?

It asks for iD mobile number..which I guess none of us have - what did you guys do and did you get a reply?

Many Thanks
usenetz to anixter
17 Sep 15 #370
I used that form and entered a fictitious number. It worked and they replied and I have since replied to them using queries [at]
17 Sep 15 #368
Took a few days of pending but they've finally took the money from me today :man:
17 Sep 15 #369
I would say Twitter is the best way to get in touch with them. They don't seem to have a call centre or at least one that is any use for us.
17 Sep 15 #371
For anyone who hasn't contacted them, have you received a phone call to confirm order etc.? Ta.
vmistery to karlie88
17 Sep 15 #372
​I haven't done anything and haven't heard anything. I am contemplating contacting them tomorrow afternoon if nothing in the morning.
notahoarder to karlie88
17 Sep 15 #373
Inbox them on Facebook, this was their response:

Hi ______, I have confirmed that we have your order, however, there has been an issue with the payment required.

This is a known issue and we are actively contacting customers in these instances to arrange the payment and place the order.

You will receive a call either today or tomorrow at the latest and once complete, we will process the order as required.

I hope this answers your question.

RichKid10123 to karlie88
17 Sep 15 #375
I recieved a few days ago and payment taken
17 Sep 15 #374
Prompted by the few that seem to have some form of success I've now also used the Twitter contact for an update and checking my CC, I can see that a transaction is pending for the amount that I would have expected to pay up front... Getting a little bit of hope back
17 Sep 15 #376
Thanks. Did you contact them via the iD Mobile Ireland page?
17 Sep 15 1 #377
17 Sep 15 #378
Is it 24 months now?
notahoarder to meshosa
17 Sep 15 1 #379
What gave you that idea?
18 Sep 15 #380
Please help my order got cancelled because of credit check but everything is fine they are lying what shall I do
notahoarder to argosextra
18 Sep 15 1 #381
If you failed the credit check and not "incorrect details" then you've failed the credit check... get over it. Wait for another deal.
vmistery to argosextra
18 Sep 15 #397
All you can do is ring them or email them. If you failed the credit check you might want to think about why you failed it as well.It could be setting simple, Sometimes if you haven't been at an address for long enough or you got a date wrong when asked how long with your bank and that kind of thing. Unfortunately you have probably missed this deal but it's worth checking your credit reports before you try for something else.
18 Sep 15 #382
Update on my order.

Was cancelled Tuesday AM due to failing *credit check*. Basically gave up at that point until some people said last night they emailed yesterday and got some sort of success. So I dropped them an email last night with my order number.

Just received a call to confirm details and he said I'll get contacted by DPD closer to the 25th about my 6S. I'll also get an email soon to confirm my order + a call shortly related to payment for the handset. I did say that my order was cancelled on Tuesday so was a bit surprised. His reply was that their was system issues and orders are being re-processed so mine is OK.

Edit 2: Decided to ring them 30mins later (to double check). They said my order is fine, it's not cancelled. Expected delivery date is the 25th. + Got a reply to last nights email at the same time stating my order isn't cancelled. So that's 3 different things saying It's ok
18 Sep 15 #383
Like others I just had a call to process my order. Now to cancel the other order i have then...
elgrouse to vmistery
18 Sep 15 #385
Congrats. Glad some people are getting lucky. Had you tried to contact them or did they just get in touch out of the blue?
18 Sep 15 #384
Well I joined the realms of Twitter just to be able to speak to them. DM'd them my details & they just came back & said my order was cancelled. So no such good news for me. Have decided to message them on Facebook too, just in case it's a case of it depends who you speak to!! Likely to give up after this.
18 Sep 15 #386
Thanks, it was just out of the blue. The only communication I had before just now was the 2 order confirmation email and subsequent cancellation email due to incorrect details. I didn't see the point in phoning them and just waited as other peoples experiences have been less than stellar. No luck for you then?
18 Sep 15 #387
I've received another email today but it's another cancellation email. After I've missed 5 calls from 01509 no. and Twitter dm has yet to get back to me
nectar to Papakorn
18 Sep 15 #390
That is the number they called me on, I called them back on it.

If you google it it is listed on website though
18 Sep 15 #388
Not yet! Refuse to spend hours on the phone so have turned to social media. Seems to be an easier way to contact them. Fingers crossed I get a phone call!
18 Sep 15 #389
I've had it confirmed by Twitter DM that my order is still 'in progress' with expected delivery on the 25th. No further emails or calls though.
18 Sep 15 #392
Just had my phone call!! Phew!! Don't know if my messages to them gave them a nudge or not. Guy on the phone said I'd get an email confirmation. I've just received an email saying they're 'still processing my order' - not quite a confirmation but still acknowledgment that it's no longer cancelled at least.
18 Sep 15 #393
Just had another phone call from an 0203 number to ask some security questions. Said he was from carphone warehouse. Seems quite reassuring. Fingers crossed for everyone else! :-)
vmistery to elgrouse
18 Sep 15 #394

Awesome :smiley: Sounds like they are doing the right thing. The only funny thing with mine was I got a guy on his first day. I didnt say anything but I could hear the bloke guiding him through placing the order...
18 Sep 15 #395
I hope all the orders gets cancelled thanks wait for another deal
18 Sep 15 1 #396
18 Sep 15 #398
I know why I failed credit check because I gave my new address and my card is registered to my old address is there any way I can update the details I tried calling was on the phone for hour no hope
18 Sep 15 #399
Try dropping them an email? That's all you can do really. It looks like people were rejected wrongly a few days ago who are now being told everything is ok. If you genuinely made a mistake on your order then I'd imagine there's little you can do now.
19 Sep 15 #400
Best thing is to contact them via their complaints form, Twitter, or Facebook.

Despite being far from the best for communication I have to say at least they have responded to my email and twitter message.

Good luck
19 Sep 15 #401
This iD network is a scam. god sake. Called them, mailed them, message on Facebook. complete joke. They are denying the fact there was this deal. Gave up.
karlie88 to ramtheconqueror
19 Sep 15 #402
Have you linked them to the iD mobile rep who posted on here?

I DMed via Twitter - had a phone call a few hours later to confirm order, pass credit check, take payment etc. Confirmed delivery of next Friday.

Essentially paying on negative interest over 12 months, no silly queueing at an Apple store etc.

Ta OP again.
19 Sep 15 #403
i had a dm yesterday on twitter saying that my pre ordered has been received and awaiting completion. So i responded so all the cancellation emails that i received are wrong and they said yes someone will contact me with an update asap. Haven't heard anything since and that was 24hrs ago.
19 Sep 15 #404
They told me my order would be here the Monday after release... Is it usually the Friday that new phones would be delivered then?

Would agree to using social media to contact them!
19 Sep 15 #405
Can someone please give me ID mobile email address so I can contact them thanks
usenetz to argosextra
19 Sep 15 #406
Use this form and put your own mobile number where it asks for ID mobile:
19 Sep 15 #407
Had confirmation on Twitter that my order was fine. Expected dispatch 25th so fingers crossed all is well. Just for info for anyone else Twitter is the best method I would say for getting in touch with them.
19 Sep 15 #408
Another dm from Twitter just said my order will be confirmed later this week prior to dispatch on 25th. I don't think I'm going to get it but will just wait and see
19 Sep 15 #409
I failed credit check so I called them up, they put me through to carphonewarehouse, they said everything looks fine and you'll get it delivered on 25th. Weird
19 Sep 15 #410
All , finally some good news ..Upfront cost debited from my account ..iD Mobile getting better :smiley: .. Good luck all .
20 Sep 15 #411
Right, looks like more and more people are finally getting the deal honoured. for those that get their iPhone on release day, it would help other to know if you managed to find out if the device locks to the first sim or works with any SIM.

Let's hope we're not back here again in 30 days complaining that teh first bill is wrong... hehe
nectar to loofer
20 Sep 15 #412
It is unlocked but locks to the first sim you put in - that's the official line from them. Have to say their customer service on Twitter is quite good.

Yes my suspicion on their lack of confirmation emails and details is that they will start us all off on the plan that is live on their site now, and we will have to go through complaints to get them to honour the deal we actually signed up for (if you notice the order confirmation emails did not have mins/texts/data details).
20 Sep 15 #413
I don't think they can do that - the chap on the phone confirmed several times '12 monthly payments of £37.50'. Otherwise, I'll be going to trading standards.

With regards to unlocking the phone, are we able to do that at the end of our contract? I can't see any information on the iDMobile website...
20 Sep 15 #414
ID network runs on Three doesn't it? Three unlock iPhones for free so not sure what's going to happen. I thought I'll just whack my current Three sim in, connect to iTunes which will say phone unlocked, then put the iD network sim in. Not sure if that's going to work?
20 Sep 15 #415
we will find out when the account details come through I guess? My order cofirmation is a bit on the vague side about what the deal includes anyway.
20 Sep 15 #416
How do you DM them via twitter? I tried but can't DM someone who isn't following me?
Sorry twitter newbie!
loofer to Cmd78
20 Sep 15 #419
Sorry, above response was for you
20 Sep 15 #417
Although I git them to confirm over the phone, it still isn't proof unless they recorded the call. I've the following screenshot but again it doesn't prove this was the deal that was accepted by them when I ordered.

Also, I think Three only unlock phones that were bought directly through them, though I could be wrong.

If you use O2 then you might be ok unlocking from Jan/Feb
karlie88 to loofer
20 Sep 15 1 #420
The main proof is the first confirmation email (subject - 'thank you for your order'). It confirms all your personal details, account details and contract length/phone/price etc.

Just a little unsure with regards to unlocking the phone at the end of the contract. I know that an unlocked phone will attract a higher premium when it comes to resale - not so much when it's locked. I guess time will tell...
20 Sep 15 #418
Make a complaint via Twitter (publicly) mentioning your order. They should hopefully respond by asking for DM and following you
20 Sep 15 #421
OK just found out the answer to my own question in the T&Cs sent to me:

'Devices which can be used to access the Services may be locked to our network. The software in the devices and all intellectual property rights in that software is owned or licensed by the manufacturer and you are being allowed to use the software on a limited licence from the manufacturer. Following the Minimum Period, if your device is locked and you want it to be unlocked from our network, you can contact us on 0333 003 7777 between 8am-8pm every day of the week and we can help to arrange for your device to be unlocked (where we are able to) in an authorised manner (which may include replacing your device with an unlocked device, which is the same or similar specification to your device).'

No mention of a charge.
loofer to karlie88
20 Sep 15 #422
Hmm, I wonder if you you offered to pay the full 12 months line rental up front £450 (£37.50 x 12) they would make an exception?!
20 Sep 15 #423
Thats quite handy then if they will unlock it.

It all just seems so vague, I would have expected some documents through the post...maybe that will be with the phone. Or confirmation of DD set up. When I was on the phone the guy was very reluctant to send me any confirmation email for my payment or my deal.

Bit of a blind leap of faith at the moment!
vmistery to nectar
20 Sep 15 1 #424
​Even if everything does go to plan they still look unprofessional. You'd think a company as big as Carphone could have done a slightly better job really especially as ID have been going since April!
21 Sep 15 #425
Facebook messaged them last week and they said they would look into it. Still hadn't heard anything to tweeted them this morning and they then replied on facebook to tell me everything seems to be ok with my order (having received two cancellation emails last week) - still haven't received confirmation of this and no money has been debited so asked them to email me confirmation. Will be chuffed if I actually get the phone but what a mess this has all been!!!
vmistery to reeso3000
21 Sep 15 #426
Yea they are in a right pickle. If it wasn't such a good deal I'd have not gone ahead with it as I very much like 12 month phone contracts.
21 Sep 15 #427
just spoken to them on the phone , everything on mine has gone through fine phone dispatched on the 24th for delivery friday , we'll see !!
vmistery to grajac123
21 Sep 15 #428
They told me mine would be here next Monday :disappointed:
Papakorn to grajac123
21 Sep 15 #429
They ring u or you them? Twitter dm on Friday said they would contact me but nothing
21 Sep 15 #430
Same here. Perhaps they are mistaken re Monday delivery? Never bought a phone for release day - is it generally normal to receive it on release day or because they're posting then the next working day?
21 Sep 15 #431
My one got credit check failed what's the best way to resolve this I'm been on the phone ID mob to Carphone for a hour back and forth what shall I do help
21 Sep 15 #432
They rang me last week but I got no emails off em to confirm so I rang them
21 Sep 15 #433
What number did you call? i had a missed call thursday prior to twitter dm. Rang it bk and it was e2save. Thought it was weird. I checked over weekend and noticed they are part of the same company. tried ringing them back 2night they shut at 7. Just rang id on 0333 number past me through to orders they shut at 7, phone then went dead.
21 Sep 15 #434
I'm still none the wiser. After last weeks "yes it will go ahead" confirmation on Twitter DM I heard nothing. So today I asked again and again they confirmed that mine will be delivered on the 25th. Not even had the phone calls yet!
21 Sep 15 #435
i rang 0333 003 7777 customer services , the number they rang me on i think it started 0203 not sure now
21 Sep 15 #436
i havent had any phonecalls , havent contacted them either , i have just had three emails from them , should i contact them via twitter???????
vmistery to haywoodclan1
21 Sep 15 #438
​Can't hurt to tweet them
21 Sep 15 #437
​Lots of retailers do deliver for release day but we are at the mercy of carphone /I'd mobile so I'm not holding my breath!
21 Sep 15 #439
Yeah same, when I called them it was an e2save number which was odd. It took a few goes was on hold for ages too. It is generally better to contact them via Twitter or FB in my experience.

This is what I was saying earlier!! I genuinely don't expect to get the phone this week. I have no paperwork no confirmation of anything...
21 Sep 15 1 #440
I don't think they will honour this deal or maybe some of us will get lucky because they are treating each customer differently some are getting phone calls emails Twitter message but no confirmation yet let's hope they give to everyone that ordered my one is rather odd I got email confirmation then a email to say out of stock but it will get processed when in stock then I get credit check failed I have had no calls or emails I called them ID mobile it goes to sales team they put me through to custermer service which is Carphone warehouse they say they don't have any idea what I'm talking about transfer my call back to id mobile sales team put me on hold for 40 minutes then line went dead so my one is definitely cancelled I emailed to today on id mobile website told them why my credit check failed could be my address gave wrong one still waiting don't know what to do not keeping my hopes up what shall I do anyone got any better advise for my solution or the situation I'm in not expecting much thanks anyway please reply thanks
nectar to argosextra
21 Sep 15 #443
Unfortunately looks like you legit dos not pass the credit check due to the address thing. I'm not sure what you can do other than try to get in touch with them which you have done. Maybe go down the formal complaint route with a letter of you are willing to go that far.

Interesting for me my payment on my card says 'unknown merchant ' - has anyone else got that on their statement?! VERY worrying! iD have confirmed my order and stuff so seems ok, just even more bizarre!
21 Sep 15 4 #441
Longest sentence ever!
21 Sep 15 #442
Nothing for me yet other than the call to confirm some details last Thursday. They did say someone would phone me to take payment for the phone but not as of yet.

Rang them earlier. Got the above (being passed between iD and Carphone Warehouse). Eventually passed to someone who checked. Asked why payment for the handset hasn't been taken. Got told:

"Order is showing as Open so it's being processed along with a lot of others. Once the order has been processed, it will change to confirmed at which point the cost of the handset will be taken"

then basically told to wait it out. Long as it's not cancelled, it's ok I suppose. They're cutting it a bit fine with the release on Friday but I'd imagine we'll start seeing some updates tomorrow and Wednesday as Friday looms.
22 Sep 15 1 #444
Mine also shows as "unknown merchant" on my latest statement. Not sure how bank works releasing a payment coming from unknown merchant. Even a freelancer or a unknown company will have "Some" name to process payments. Strange!!!
karlie88 to samay007
22 Sep 15 1 #445
Mine says 'ID Web London'
22 Sep 15 2 #446
Just had my call, confirmed and took payment of 139.99 for 64gb and 37.50 a month for 12 months. Said cancellation emails were sent out by mistake because payment wasnt taken within 48hrs so payment details get deleted. Hence why they are ringing to get payment
vmistery to Papakorn
22 Sep 15 #454
That sounds like the most likely scenario. Wish they would have emailed that out ASAP afterwards!
Brando4000 to Papakorn
22 Sep 15 #455
Just had the same phone call. He said the details expire in 48hrs. He took payment and said the phone will be delivered Monday via dpd. Just before the end of the conversation I asked if this deal was a pricing error. He laughed quite hard and said does that answer your question? I said yes obviously haha. However had the extra phone call after from Carphone Warehouse to take some of the same details that Id had previously taken. So all sounds OK at my end. Ps I contacted them through the 'contact us' part of the Id website. Hope this helps you guys. Anyone needs any more information just ask. Cheers Ben
22 Sep 15 #447
on mine the funds are unavailable but doesn't show the transaction as yet.
22 Sep 15 #448
Likewise, mine's still a pending payment and isn't showing up on my completed transactions as of yet (although purchases made after at other shops are showing as complete).

Could you let us know when it shows the transaction? TIA
22 Sep 15 1 #449
Oh another thing they said delivery would be the 28th
22 Sep 15 #450
Sure can, assuming my memory doesn't fail me...
22 Sep 15 #451
Mine is a completed transaction on my account (as unknown merchant)- it did take a good few days for it to show up during which times funds were unavailable.
22 Sep 15 #452
When did you get your call?
22 Sep 15 #453
Shame called carphone warehouse regarding my order and they kept transferring me over to id then back carphone. Happened like bloody 6 times and all the operators have different details and opinions for order. Contacted them by email and they said we are doing credit checks on order. What to believe? Will report them if order not honoured.
22 Sep 15 #456
Hi Ben, what was the turnaround time between you contacting ID through the contact form and them calling you? I've been waiting since Friday.
22 Sep 15 #457
When did you originally place your order? I think Papakorn placed his on Saturday afternoon and he got called a hour or so ago. Mine was placed Sunday around 1am....still waiting on the payment call so I'm guessing yours is somewhere between the 2?

Can just imagine them with a clipboard going down the list atm
22 Sep 15 #458
The turn around time was about 2-3 days I sent 3 emails in total each a bit more aggressive than the last. I actually missed a phone call yesterday however I don't know if it was I'd
22 Sep 15 #459
Hi I originally placed order at 6am Saturday when the deal went live. Font forget your details get wiped off after 48hrs of original order. Send the emails and make sure you answer the phone. The English guy who placed the order was really polite and couldn't do enough for me. Weird working for Id being helpful...
22 Sep 15 #460
Finally got it sorted! After over a week of persistence.

For anyone still waiting, I'd recommend calling e2save (they're much more helpful than calling ID Mobile directly and can access your order) - you can get hold of them on 0208 8965000, and then press options 4, 2, 5 and then 4. The guy I spoke to couldn't process my order directly but said he would get someone to call me back within an hour to do this. Against all odds, they actually did, apologised for the issues and took my payment over the phone. When I asked, he confirmed that this was a mis-price (he actually asked if I'd seen it on Hotukdeals) and said they are honouring all orders anyway.

Very pleased (and surprised) to have finally got it sorted! Phone being delivered on Monday.
Quinten to krabople
24 Sep 15 #510
For anyone still wondering, follow the above. After spending 30 minutes on the phone being passed from Cust Service to Sales to CPW and back again without getting anywhere, I called e2save and the guy couldnt have been more helpful... Hard to believe they are from the same owning company!

Apparently my payment has been taken (but its not on my CC anymore) and the next email I receive is a dispatch notification. A mobile number has already been assigned to it, but you can't sign up to their online account system because as part of the registration process it sends a text message to that number. Chicken meet Egg...
22 Sep 15 #461
Hi, i placed my order on Sunday early AM. I personally think they have let the orders deliberately expire and unless you push them, they will not honour this deal.

I have had a rather big merry go round with them which has today culminated in the guy ringing me to take my payment for the phone. In between this and my order, i have made many calls, i have been told my order was cancelled/deleted without explanation.

The best was yesterday someone rang me, was about to take my payment and then said my computer is not working and i'll ring you back in 5 mins. He didn't!

So i thought i'd call them again (Carphone warehouse) and then some lady (uk) said the guy yesterday was mistaken and that my order will need to be sorted out with ID Mobile direct.

I then messaged them on twitter and the (same) guy rang this morning to take payment. I also got a further call which i missed, but when i rang back they said my credit check/pre processing/payment has all gone through and to expect DPD tracking details on Friday for delivery of phone Monday.

Moral of the story is keep pushing them (twitter/facebook/email) seems to be the best methods to force them to do something.
22 Sep 15 #462
Just received an email from them

Still not been contacted with regards to payment upfront, although the amount is still reserved on my credit card. What a wonderful way of doing business :smile:


Another email arrived

Guess I'll look for my details in the post then... who knows, may even get the iPhone after all... :smile:
22 Sep 15 1 #463
Thank You krabople! I just did the exact same thing, and got a call back 15 mins later from iD mobile. I've passed the security/credit checks & had to give all payment information out again as they expired after 48 hours of initial purchase. Should be getting the phone Monday hopefully! Also just received a call from Carphone Warehouse verification team, so it's looking good! :smiley:

To anyone who hasn't heard anything yet I suggest you call them as they are honoring all deals
22 Sep 15 #464
You're very welcome!
22 Sep 15 #465
i ordered prior to this deal on hukd on the saturday, call on the monday from carphonewarehouse to confirm everything. Next day cancellation email twice ( Tuesday ). Friday contacted them on twitter, they followed me and then dm them. Later friday missed call from e2save. Saturday response from dm saying they will contact me to confirm order. Heard nothing monday dm them again, tried calling but lines closed,( after work at 7ish ) Today ( Tuesday ) call to say do i still want order, took payment and confirmed. Payment pending
22 Sep 15 #466
Wow order deleted without my permission. Calling them and being transferred over between I'd and car phone. All operators have different opinions regarding order. Will comment negatively on their fb page.
22 Sep 15 #467
Received an email with the mobile number, and stating what my bill date is... No confirmation on when I'll receive the phone yet :smiley:
vmistery to RichKid10123
22 Sep 15 #469
​.I'm the other way around. they told me my phone will be out on Monday but I haven't got my number or log in details to their site yet
22 Sep 15 #468
Rang e2Save who called me back. Ran another credit check and said I failed. So last week I got an email to say it failed, then I got a call to say everything is ok.

Today I got told I failed. Wtf
vmistery to ukryan
22 Sep 15 #470
​Did they take a card payment at any time? Just wondering if they processed it twice or something
22 Sep 15 #471

Nope unfortunately. I'll ring them tomorrow cause of all the back and forth. Not expecting anything now
22 Sep 15 #472
On Friday lunch time.

I also have the DD details via email but still nothing on account details or phone delivery.
22 Sep 15 #473
Looks like I missed out on this
22 Sep 15 1 #474
​i had dd email today but can't log into account as I haven't a number yet
22 Sep 15 #475
Same, quite funny really.

Bit worried about delivery, probably won't be anyone at home and can't imagine them doing a saturday! Next week seems more likely anyway
23 Sep 15 1 #476
So yesterday I paid for my phone. Monday delivery cause initially the phones are sent to CPW warehouse.

Spoke with a great guy who was quite new at the CPW/id call centre.

"So what do you guys think of HUKD cause its that site that made this viral?"

"No comment! Lol"

"Aahh yeah I guess its a lot of orders... How many got sold?"

"Thousands and we're trying to honour them all.. It's been a very strange week of work"
23 Sep 15 #477
Interesting, I am just going to assume they are all over the place and have not set up my DD yet...
23 Sep 15 #478
Can someone please reply has anyone been charged for the upfront payment yet thanks
samay007 to 19DembaBa19
23 Sep 15 #479
Hi , Upfront payment has been taken after you get the call to confirm your details. Some of their bank shows as "unknown merchant" for this payment.
loofer to 19DembaBa19
23 Sep 15 #481
My account hasn't been debited yet but i can see that they have the authorised £140 on hold from my available balance.
I expect this will be applied for a debit to proceed when they are ready to despatch
23 Sep 15 #480
Just got a phone call from them and I've got the 64gb at £37 a month 12 month contract upfront cost of £139
Happy days
23 Sep 15 #482
When did they phone you loofer to take card details etc?
23 Sep 15 #483
Last Thursday, first call was from ID Mobile themselves to process order, then 60 seconds later got call from CPW to confirm order.
23 Sep 15 #484
Thanks. Interesting that it still hasn't gone fully through even after 6 days. My payment is just like yours. Yet some others have gone through and appearing on their main list of transactions. Time will tell I guess...
23 Sep 15 #485
Did you pay on debit or credit card if you don't mind me asking? Wondering if there is a difference between them in this case.
23 Sep 15 #486
Why are they not calling me then not had any response since I placed the order
nectar to 19DembaBa19
23 Sep 15 #488
The way they have operated you will actually have to chase them to complete the order, they will not contact you. I also heard nothing until I initiated contact. The good news is that it seems like they are honouring all deals as long as you pass credit check so if you contact them on Twitter, FB or email you may have some luck.

Big question to you all - has anyone been brave enough to order a case yet
23 Sep 15 3 #487
apparently mine 'should be with you soon' can i get excited now, ive never even had a new iphone before, let alone a new newest one!
23 Sep 15 #489
:laughing: I'll order the case when I have the phone in my hand! I anticipate some teething problems with porting numbers across etc so I think I'll wait until the end of next week until I actually use the phone. I imagine several thousand orders have not helped...
23 Sep 15 #490
Having had them call yesterday to take payment followed by a "We are processing your order email" I have now received two emails - one welcoming me to id mobile and the other relating to my direct debit being setup. Payment still not been debited though my account shows £139.99 less under available balance. Getting slightly excited now :smile: For all those who have not heard anything as others have mentioned get onto them!! I used facebook,email,twitter and phoned to get this sorted but the hassle will all be worth it if my wifes shiny new iphone turns up in the post on monday!!
23 Sep 15 1 #491
I ordered a case, 10x screen protectors and a tempered glass screen protector last week off ebay once I had a phone call from then, the next day they rolled out the cancellation emails. I thought typical, waste of money. Tried telling my wife that even if order never arrives I'll have to buy phone from Apple otherwise it would be a waste of £5 on the case and protectors!
23 Sep 15 #492
Has anyone actually managed to login? I was sent a 4 digit pin when I tried to sign up but it seems to need an 8 digit code sent via sms - to the new number I don't yet have..... just wondering about others experience?
23 Sep 15 1 #493
​mine now shows the transaction. I have also received a welcome to ID email
23 Sep 15 #494
my cc showed the pending balance to be taken but today has disappeared, very strange.
karlie88 to haywoodclan1
23 Sep 15 #495
When did they ring to take payment?
23 Sep 15 #496
the only contact i have had is email to say that they have set up the dd
23 Sep 15 #497
I am waiting to see if I need a battery case first
23 Sep 15 #498
Just a updated from my end, after they send the email cancelling my order, after me spending 2 hours on the phone and nothing, I got a email yesterday saying that they will contact me to go ahead with the order.

So today they didn't, ask the bank details again ( guy said that just keep it for 48hours and that's why the order I got the email with order cancel ).

Just checked my bank account and is a 139.99 pounds pending for IDMobile, so looks good, and he said that the phone will arrive Monday.

I will update if it does arrive
23 Sep 15 #499
They took my payment Monday 21st (payment pending still) but no email about DD? Like others I have been told to wait until Monday for delivery. I think DPD will be busy next week.
vmistery to Brando4000
23 Sep 15 #500
​mine only came through this evening and I ordered saurday night
23 Sep 15 #501
Kinda annoyed now they cancelled my order cause of the credit check. Just signed upto experian, apparently I have 888 out of 999 so falls under 'Good'. Gonna drop em a call in the AM
M2014 to ukryan
25 Sep 15 #535

Did you contact them? Just checked my credit report and I'm in the same position, not sure if it's too late to do anything now or not hmm
24 Sep 15 #502
The £80 payment isn't authorised any more.

Seems like mine is being rejected
Quinten to HuffPropane
24 Sep 15 #504
Same for me :disappointed: Time to hit the phone again...
24 Sep 15 #503
just got another email with my pin for the account. so now I have have my number, pin and the money has gone. Just waiting for the phone now!
karlie88 to vmistery
24 Sep 15 #505

Likewise. No idea what's going on - having said that I've just had a Twitter response to say that my order is all fine and awaiting to be picked by DPD. :confused:

Think I'm just going to hold out. If a phone arrives tomorrow/Monday then great. They clearly don't want the upfront payment for it and it looks like they're not going to take 12 x monthly DDs (nothing setup on my account yet).

Free iPhone anyone?

24 Sep 15 #506
An odd bunch to say the least... Well we will all know in the next 5 days I guess!
24 Sep 15 #507
Some very impatient people here!
nectar to loofer
24 Sep 15 #509
Totally disagree, we are not impatient it is the lack of communication from iD Mobile that is concerning considering the length of the contract and amount of money etc
24 Sep 15 #508
Then all the questions about which SIM to use first and how to go about unlocking and why does my bill say this when it.... Oh! I love HUKDs :smile:
24 Sep 15 #511
I've had nothing since my two phone calls to take payment & ask security questions. Looks like there's money on hold in my account but none actually taken. No emails with phone numbers, account details, pin etc.. Anyone else the same? Wondering if I should be co ta ting them.. Phone is supposed to be dispatched tomorrow after all!
karlie88 to elgrouse
24 Sep 15 #514
Looks like you're in the same boat as Quinten and myself. Just a little bemused that the upfront payment has dropped off my account and yet I'm still receiving the phone tomorrow/Monday. :laughing:
24 Sep 15 #512
I can haz DPD tracking number \o/

Got a call from a very lovely lady from the "ID Mobile Social Engagement team" (or similarly trendy named) asking about my concerns on payment and again I was re-assured that everything is looking A-OK from their point of view. She even went as far as providing me with the DPD tracking number which (after checking) confirmed that mine was posted on the 21st and will be delivered tomorrow! :smile:
nectar to Quinten
24 Sep 15 #513
Conrgats! my twitter communication with them said I should have delivery by 25th and they would contact me...but that was last weekend. I wouldn't be surprised if they have sent the delivery details to my iD mobile number...on the sim I have yet to receive :smile:
24 Sep 15 #515
I just contacted them and they have given me the tracking number for delivery tomorrow! Great news but still bemused I have not had an email from them!
24 Sep 15 #516
I just contacted them , everything was going so smooth until they said , your phone says it was delivered on the 22nd ?! How the f*** is that possible....
nectar to RichKid10123
24 Sep 15 #517
Are you sure they don't mean send out for delivery on 22? As a few of us had ours sent out on 21(tbd tomorrow)
24 Sep 15 #518
After all the reports in here I got impatient and rung them to find out about delivery etc - I was able to sort out my account over the phone (as I can't yet receive sms on the phone I don't have ;p) So I can now login to idmobile and have confirmed the billing shows its for 12months etc. I also was told I needed to speak to dpd regarding delivery - called dpd who stated they could see the order (had been placed on 22nd) but hadn't information regarding delivery yet but it was in the pipeline (would assume monday then). Strange thing is the payment is still not complete for the £139.99 but available balance is still £139.99 less.

To save people hassle checking their delivery I would ring dpd direct first as last on - 01212750500 and enter the mobile number you provided when you ordered(quicker than ringing id mobile)
24 Sep 15 #519
Well I have had a dispatch email but no tracking number just a link to the DPD website lol
24 Sep 15 #520
Just had the following email...
We're pleased to say that your order has now been dispatched, so it should be with you shortly.

If your order is under ?50 it'll be sent via Royal Mail and you should receive it within the next few days.

If your order's value is ?50 or more we'll send it to you using DPD and you can track your order using the DPD order tracker
vmistery to loofer
24 Sep 15 #521
Snap, I wanted to pay in ?s but they said it wasnt a valid currency - very strange.:smile:
24 Sep 15 #522
Just contacted ID_Mobile_UK on Twitter and they gave me the DPD tracking number for the delivery
vmistery to Brabbzy
24 Sep 15 #524
I'd do the same if I was on twitter :smile: I am prehistoric
loofer to Brabbzy
24 Sep 15 1 #525
The whole experience has been quite shoddy. Would easily excuse them if they were a start up but they're part of a FTSE 100 company operating in an environment they're used to.
samay007 to Brabbzy
24 Sep 15 #526
I contacted them via twitter for tracking number and I've been told that "the tracking number is send to you on the morning of the delivery :smiley:" - How did you get yours then?
24 Sep 15 #523
Received email from ID Mobile as below......

We're pleased to say that your order has now been dispatched, so it should be with you shortly.

Don't know if it will be delivered tomorrow or Monday (no tracking number)
24 Sep 15 #527
i've just had the same conversation , text and email tomorrow apparently
24 Sep 15 1 #528
Sent a facebook message and tweet the same time - twitter came back as with others about tracking number being sent the morning of the delivery but via facebook they sent me the tracking number - Checked on dpd and couldn't find the delivery date so selected "change date" and selected tomorrow :smile:

Last update from dpd: -
24 Sep 2015 16:28 Hub 3 - Birmingham We have your parcel, and it's on its way to our Swansea depot

Unlikely to get a response from idmobile on facebook now but would deffo try dpd on 01212750500 (they are able to bring up the order from your mobile number and postcode) believe they are open till 10pm. I have just called and they have confirmed I can pick up my parcel from their depot from 8am tomorrow . Hope that helps someone!
24 Sep 15 #529
I didn't know you could arrange that with DPD, nice to know thanks
24 Sep 15 #530
Just received the order complete message and can now track via DPD with no number?
reeso3000 to Brando4000
24 Sep 15 #533
Contact dpd on 01212750500 and they should be able to locate it
24 Sep 15 1 #531
I didn't know you could arrange that with DPD, nice to know thanks[/quote]
I noticed it on their website - very handy indeed!! just need two forms of id for anyone wanting to do it! (and obv arranging it with them before they send it out!)
24 Sep 15 #532
Ok, so I rang them and the said my post cose has no pending delivery so I was prepeared to wait till tomorrow to chase up). However I just got an email from id mobile stating order dispatxhed and should be with you shortly however no tracking number. So hopes are still alive for tomorrow delivery!
24 Sep 15 #534
Offices now closed.
25 Sep 15 #536
If my order has been dispatched on 24/9 does that mean it will come on Friday 25th? The guy from iD told me it would be Monday delivery? Will call dpd at 9am and see if they know. Really hope it's today
vmistery to Brando4000
25 Sep 15 #537
Let me know how you get on when you call. I also had a dispatch email yesterday so am interested to know if it will turn up today as I am supposed to be on a half day at work...
karlie88 to Brando4000
25 Sep 15 #538

Ring that DPD number quoted by reeso above. Make sure you phone from the number that you gave iD Mobile to send order updates etc.

It automatically recognises if you've got a parcel for delivery just from the number you're calling from.

Mine's being delivered today.
25 Sep 15 #539
Oh that is clever, is the service automated then or do you have to wait in a queue?
25 Sep 15 #540
It's automated and you can even get the parcel reference number to track it online.
25 Sep 15 #541
Just called the number apparently my delivery date is Friday, whoop whoop
25 Sep 15 1 #542
Excellent stuff! Mine is at my local depot, but no delivery slot assigned yet.

Now we just need volunteers to test if they are locked on the 1st sim or plain unlocked :smiley:
25 Sep 15 #543
Mine is out for delivery today!!! Wooooooooooooooo!
25 Sep 15 3 #544
reuploaded as i didnt realise my address was visible (thanks mod) worth all the hassle in the end :smiley: thanks to the op and all members who supplied info!
25 Sep 15 2 #545
Cex are offering £650 for the 64GB version, regardless if it's locked or unlocked
25 Sep 15 1 #546
Just had an email from Carphone Warehouse to say my phone is being delivered this morning by DPD. Thank-you CPW for using DPD - online tracking includes map showing drivers current location, just how it should be in this day and age. None of this UK Mail non-delivery malarky or Yodel throwing parcels over the fence or putting into rubbish bin for 'safe-keeping'. :confused:
25 Sep 15 #547
Does anybody know if game buys them? Last year they were giving more than cex.
usenetz to mspychala
25 Sep 15 #550
According to their website Game do buy mobile phones and say they will beat anyone else in town by 5% but the price-checker 'don't have a Trade-In price for this product' so you would have to visit shop with photo ID and proof of address such as utility bill to check price.
25 Sep 15 1 #548
Delivery between 1:50 and 2:50 by Alex from DPD

Get those pictures up of your shiny new iPhones guys... We've been waiting and praying for this
25 Sep 15 1 #549
I spoke to ID on the phone they cancelled my order and can't give me a reason why it's been cancelled they can place a new order but can't give on 12 months deal what shall I do can I fight this if yes then how please
25 Sep 15 #551
My DPD tracking has 3 entries for arrived at depot (5:39am, 6:09am and 9:33am)

Doesn't look great :disappointed:
25 Sep 15 #552
Delivery expected between 1-2 today! Can't wait!
usenetz to Scott1207
25 Sep 15 #553
I'm sorry but you'll just to! :stuck_out_tongue:

Here's something for you to read while you're waiting:

Even with the latest iOS 9.0.1 update, your iPhone's lockscreen is unsafe
nectar to Scott1207
25 Sep 15 #554
Did you get a text or find that online? Mine isn't changing :disappointed:
25 Sep 15 #555
Got a text and an email from carphone warehouse
25 Sep 15 #556
They have some how tried to deliver to my old address. Only time I gave it was on original web order for credit check cos I've only bin in New house 18 months. Cut along story short I can't pick up from depot bcos I have nothing recent with my name and address on. Need id or carphone to change address. Was on phone for over an hour but no1 can find order even tho a 600 quid phone has been dispatched. Going to call me Bk. Luckily no one was in my old house otherwise they would av had a free iPhone
Jonninety to Papakorn
25 Sep 15 #599
Do you have anything with your old address. I did this took an old bill and passport to collect from dpd. Arranged this online. Parcel number is shown when you click dpd link to track. Was that wrong? It is my phone and I did live there!
25 Sep 15 #557
I can see the DPD driver delivering parcel few house away and now he has gone further away from my place. Live tracking is cool and should have the parcel in 15 mins time.
krabople to samay007
25 Sep 15 #558
Cool, how do you get the live tracking map up?
25 Sep 15 1 #559
Received the parcel. Will upload the pictures soon.

For Live tracking of the Van - Click on "Follow my parcel now" icon/link that's on the email from "Carphone warehouse order delivered today" email.
25 Sep 15 #560
Come on want to see some pics. Space grey please...
25 Sep 15 #561
"Ian is 5hrs and 30 minutes away from you".

He's in the next bloody street to me! Come on Ian!
Quinten to jimeruff
25 Sep 15 #567
I wonder if you wait for the same Ian :wink:

My Ian is only 45 minutes away :smile:
25 Sep 15 #562
"Matt is currently making delivery number 1, you are delivery number 9.

Matt is approximately 45 minutes away from you."

Getting closer...
25 Sep 15 #563
Tracking makes the wait better or worse?
25 Sep 15 #564
Anyone else waiting for Alex in the south Yorkshire area lol?
25 Sep 15 #566
Looks nice..
25 Sep 15 #568
Mine has been delivered too!

Who is actually gonna use the ID sim? I feel like 2gb is risky for me , unfortunately the ID bolt ons are a little expensive
vmistery to nectar
25 Sep 15 #569
I thought it was 1GB?
25 Sep 15 #570
Yes 1gb
nectar to Brando4000
25 Sep 15 #577
My bad - yes 1gb....even worse lol!

I have a £14 sim only w voda I'm gonna use that instead I think
25 Sep 15 #571
Just received mine it's lovely!!!!
25 Sep 15 #572
My delivery guy is on parcel number 24 and I'm parcel number 166 :disappointed:
Time left 7hr 14min away lol
25 Sep 15 #573
Mine is here :smiley: I can't believe I got a phone on release day, first for everything!
25 Sep 15 #574
25 Sep 15 #575
Yup! He's now parked round the corner (says the map), yet still 15 minutes away... Slowly does it :wink:
25 Sep 15 1 #576
Bloody hell. Tell Ian to head to Duston next please! :smiley:
25 Sep 15 #578
I'm using my EE sim only don't even care if it's locked to it
25 Sep 15 1 #579
But he was in Duston the whole time! I'm in Upton myself, so howdy near neighbour :wink:
25 Sep 15 1 #580
Anyone able to tell if they are locked/unlocked yet?
vmistery to Quinten
25 Sep 15 #581
Will check once I am at home :smiley: I have my old o2 nano sim
25 Sep 15 6 #582
Received my phone today. Tried 2 different sim cards in it and can confirm that its unlocked to any network.
bellerip to bellerip
25 Sep 15 #584
I called ID mobile today attempting to use my PAC (discovered it can only be done online tho), there was an automated message saying all phones sold by them come unlocked to any network.

So everyones should be unlocked.
vmistery to bellerip
25 Sep 15 #587
Mine does not appear to be unlocked, it tells me to insert a sim from the authorised network or some such text. did you have to do anything to get yours working? What sims did you try? I was trying my O2 Sim
karlie88 to bellerip
25 Sep 15 #589
Which networks if you don't mind me asking? Perhaps both run on Three's network?
25 Sep 15 #583
Had mine delivered an hour ago. Not opened yet, might keep my iphone 5. Have arranged for my Three number to be transferred to ID mobile.

Online my ID account confirms the £37.50 tariff, with start date for contract 20/09/15 (I expected contract to start from day of delivery, could complain just to be arsey as i miss out on 5 days of service).
Contract end date confirmed as 19/09/16:sunglasses:

anybody also confirm their's is unlocked to all networks?
25 Sep 15 1 #585
Yeh the FAQ is pants. State you have to contact CS to provide PAC but when you go through automated system then message says you can do online through My Account.

Don't remember hearing anything about it being unlocked
25 Sep 15 1 #586
Arrived an hour a go ,Mrs is well happy , thanks op, just need one for the s6 for me know , come on
25 Sep 15 #588
I can confirm though that it is an iPhone 6s and it is on a 12 month contract with 1GB data, 5000 texts and 600 minutes :smiley:
25 Sep 15 #590
Try restoring the phone in itunes using this official guide then put the 02 sim in first. Let me know if that works.
25 Sep 15 #591
Thanks I will do it now! Got to do a backup first so for anyone waiting it might take a while.
25 Sep 15 #592
I think Apples servers might be a tad busy at it keeps telling me it can't connect. As I have no AV or firewall enabled I don't think it's that. Will give it a go in a few hours time or tomorrow
25 Sep 15 #593
Mine locked to first network. I'm sticking with Id so put that in first, then tried an O2 sim & the phone said it wasn't valid.
Quinten to elgrouse
25 Sep 15 #594
I suspected as much... So we have one (unconfirmed networks) unlocked and one locked... Who's up next? :wink:
25 Sep 15 #595
I took mine to Cex (yup I sold it), told them it may be unlocked but just assume it's on Three. For some odd reason they tried an O2 SIM. Turns out it locked to O2
25 Sep 15 #596
Just loaded mine up - got ridiculously hot while restoring from iTunes!

Big thanks to Pazforever on finding this deal and everyone on the thread for keeping us all informed!

25 Sep 15 #597
Thanks op, received the phone and made one happy sister on her birthday (for the next few years....) XD
25 Sep 15 #598
Definitely locked here I'm afraid
25 Sep 15 #600
So basically the phone locks to the first network of the SIM?...
25 Sep 15 #601
i managed to sort it, spent over a hour on the phone to carphonewarehouse, said he would sort it. 5 hrs later nothing, rang them back other man sorted it in 5 minutes and changed my address. he emailed dpd with change of address for me and I went to pick it up! 60 mile round trip but i wanted it 2day!
25 Sep 15 #602
Do iD Mobile do unlocking?
25 Sep 15 1 #603
I've been expecting it to be locked to the 1st network, so I ordered a Three sim beforehand and have just used that to register an account with Three. Then I requested an unlock code from them (takes up to 7 days they say), and have now stuck the Three sim in the 6S (did all the leg work on my old unlocked 4S). Once my update to 9.01 finishes I will stick the ID mobile sim in (which should work still) for now until it is unlocked...
25 Sep 15 2 #604
I emailed iD Customer Services who replied
"You would need to stay with the network for 3-6 months before we can request our technical team to unlock the phone."
25 Sep 15 #605
Received phone all sorted . Thanks to OP and Congratulations to all of you .
25 Sep 15 #606
Wish I had known that 15 hours ago! Planning to use the sim anyway so hopefully won't be too difficult to get them to unlock it later down the line.

Update: Id Mobile Facebook messaged me about this and have informed me they will unlock it for free after 6 months :smile:
26 Sep 15 #607
Yep cancelled here yest too....bummer....well done to those who got the,
26 Sep 15 #608
Dude that really sucks!!! really sorry to hear - what reason did they give? did you get the direct debit emails etc in the last week or so?
26 Sep 15 #609
Am I the only one who has received the iPhone but still hasn't seen the £139.99 debited?
26 Sep 15 #610
Shhhh. :laughing:
26 Sep 15 1 #611
Haha... Tempting but I would rather it was done now than I forget about it and suddenly get stung in a few weeks/months time.

Already wondering if we'll get a good retention deal in 12 months time when the inevitable iPhone 7 is due :wink:
26 Sep 15 #612
Ah but would you upgrade or go sim only?
26 Sep 15 #613
They would have to tempt me with a very good upgrade offer but I believe that's very rare for any network when it comes to the new iPhone.
26 Sep 15 #614
Anyone know how long id take to port numbers?
26 Sep 15 #615
Excluding weekends it's generally:
Request by 18:00 and it gets ported next working day

Request after 18:00 then it's two working days
28 Sep 15 #616
Mine is locked
Which aim did you use to activate ,
And which aim you use now
I used an orange/ee sim when the phone showed career I took it out
Now restore the phone from icloud back up and it keeps saying to put the correct dim when I use 3 pay as you go sim in it ?
28 Sep 15 #617
Aim= sim
28 Sep 15 #618
You took a brand new iPhone [all iphones lock to the first sim you put in's network] into cex, and they put a sim card in it?? Why would they do that? :neutral_face:
28 Sep 15 1 #619
Yup! I sold mine to Game within 15 minutes of delivery and the manager there did exactly the same - I explained whilst the iPhone was currently unlocked it was likely, given it was supplied by Carphone Warehouse, to lock to the first SIM inserted but he said he had to check the phone worked.

I made sure he was confirmed on price before even opening box - infact he opened the DPD package as I wanted them to see it as it was delivered; opened package then said he needed to open iPhone box at which point I said I didn't want him to do without confirming price which he did. Then he said he needed to connect to laptop and insert SIM.

Anyway all went well in the end and I got my cash and never even touched the iPhone or even the box in fact barely saw much of the handset. I will now buy unlocked from Apple as I couldn't bear going through the unlock process with iD.
28 Sep 15 #620
How much did you sell yours
28 Sep 15 #621
Aa mine is now locked to ee and want to use Id sim in it
28 Sep 15 #622
Of course I expect them to put a sim card in it. Luckily the price they pay for the unlocked and locked version is the same. The point being, what if they were paying a different rate for a Three locked and O2? I specifically said it may be unlocked but please price it being on the basis of locked to Three. If they were paying less for an O2 version then I would have been stuffed as it would have locked to O2.
Anyway I got £650 for the 64GB version
28 Sep 15 #623
Same here, I made sure they were happy with all my ID and even made sure they had £650 in cash available to pay today. I said I wanted them to do all preliminary checks before they open the seal. Once they opened it and done their checks, I expect them to go through with the sale at quoted price.

How much did game pay you?
28 Sep 15 #624
I went through that exact process too! :smiley: If they didn't have the cash then I was ready to walk around the corner to CEX but Game played fair and gave £682.50 for my 64GB Silver. More than I need to pay Apple for a completely unlocked handset, some spare money to buy a cover and a 12 month SIM allowance. Happy days!

I made the trip doubly worthwhile by returning my recalled EE power block and received a free £20 accessories voucher for my troubles. Double happy days!! :innocent:
28 Sep 15 #625
Arrrgh! Gutted I didn't go check at Game first. Cex claim to pay the most, I should've double checked.
28 Sep 15 1 #626

They'll offer 5% more than CEX.

There was also a thread about iPhone 6S/6S Plus trade-ins and making some profit on release day last week. Unsurprisingly, it got very chilly.
29 Sep 15 #627
Hi guys, can't see on the cex website that they pay £650 for an iPhone 6s...all I can see is £545, am I missing something???
29 Sep 15 #628
Prices vary from day to day depending on supply/demand and a load of other factors, however I can see a price of £620 on the CEX site this morning.

They were paying £650 on launch day last Friday when demand was very high compared to availability.
29 Sep 15 #629
Anyone managed to successfully port their number across to iD? Would have thought those who applied on Friday would have completed by now.
29 Sep 15 1 #630
Yup, mine was done yesterday around mid-day

I must have been out of service on my original sim (Three) for about 2-3 hours.

You do get an SMS from ID mobile (to your ID sim) to confirm the transfer has happened.
29 Sep 15 #631
I initiate my number porting yesterday and this morning it was completed.

I did ask for VAT invoice as i'm a freelancer and been told they can't provide as i'm on personal contact. I have been "charged VAT" on my recent bill summary, hence I have asked to look at it. When other providers can supply this why iD mobile can't?
29 Sep 15 #632
Got my 6s 64gb rose gold delivered Friday, put my O2 sim straight in not even used the iD sim and I've not had the £139 payment taken either...
29 Sep 15 #633
I should perhaps keep quiet about this but it seems I'm not the only one.
I am using my ID sim. Previously the £139 was reflected in my available balance but this appears to have disappeared now.

an iPhone 6s 64GB for just £450... that would be nice8)
29 Sep 15 #634
My original number has been offline since this morning not transferred yet. Just logged onto app selected port number and it says my transfer has failed!
29 Sep 15 #635
Hi went across fine this morning no problems at all I set it up on Sunday morning so was well within the 48 hours when done at a weekend.
29 Sep 15 #636
just spoke to them, they don't know why my transfer failed. I think fate is trying to screw me over for getting this deal. First all the hard work, calling, emailing and tweeting them trying to get the deal honoured. On release day they some how tried to deliver phone to my old address, spent ages on phone to get it sorted, finally managed to get phone at 7pm but i had to pick it up from local dpd depot ( about 30 old miles away ), and now my bloody number port has failed!! Oh well I got a 64gb iPhone 6s with tariff chucked in cheaper than phone on its own!
2 Oct 15 #637
Id network is on orange!
2 Oct 15 #638
It's on 3
2 Oct 15 #639
Funny. When I put the sim in my old Nokia 6300 it both gets signal and says orange in the corner.
2 Oct 15 #640
Probably because it's not a 3G phone and they have a 2g roaming agreement.

A launch review
2 Oct 15 #641
Meant to reply to your comment, see above
8 Oct 15 2 #642
Looks like I got this iPhone 6S 64GB with a 12 month airplan for just £450...payable in instalments too.:wink:
8 Oct 15 2 #643
Wish I'd gone for the 128GB now. Would have been £450 too. :laughing:
8 Oct 15 #644
I'm not saying anything... look for a thread update in 12 months :wink:
8 Oct 15 #645
I went for the 128GB :smiley: The odd thing here is that it had shown as cleared on my CC but then just vanished, not refunded just gone.
9 Oct 15 #646
Has anyone been billed for their 1st month via DD yet?
9 Oct 15 1 #647
Yes, cleared yesterday
10 Oct 15 2 #648
deal is back on
10 Oct 15 #649
Yes, deal back on! Quick before they remove it again.
10 Oct 15 #650
Failed credit check.. Now what?
11 Oct 15 #651
I've noticed a few people have mentioned the deal is back on but I don't seem to be able to find it, is it possible for someone to post a link?
11 Oct 15 #652
11 Oct 15 #653
Doesn't seem to be up at the deal price any more though.
12 Oct 15 #654
I haven't been billed yet, says on or around the 9th on my account and has a tick by the 9th October in payment history but nothing out my bank
12 Oct 15 #655

£0 for an iPhone 6S? :laughing:
12 Oct 15 #656
Lucky guys. I've had the DD collected for £37.50
13 Oct 15 #657
Direct debit collected this morning
13 Oct 15 #658
My DD has also been collected.
20 Oct 15 #659
Check your bills guys/girls, my bill has been changed to £75/month (from £37.50). Am awaiting investigation as to what has happened there :/
20 Oct 15 #660
Where do you see that? On the app or just your DD.
20 Oct 15 1 #661
On tha app/website. My DD was the expected £37.50, but the new charges for the next bill are listed as £75... and no, I haven't been calling saucy premium numbers :wink:
20 Oct 15 #662
Now there is a thought...
21 Oct 15 1 #663
Panic over... the £75 is apparently the 'limit' on the Goto tariffs if you go outside your allowances (so you can not run up bills beyond the £75). It was only a display flaw in the app/website (yeah right), but it has now been rectified, and as coincidence has it, my bill arrived today, which has everything as expected.
22 Oct 15 #664
any way to reduce this limit? Although we're not on the GoTo tariff I find it absurd that you should have to be on a special tariff to place a spending limit.

Ofcomm (or whoever the watchdog/regulator is) should make it a basic requirement to allow bill payers to place a spending cap of their choice.
22 Oct 15 #665
Have you tried calling them? :stuck_out_tongue:
22 Oct 15 1 #666
I wouldn't bother calling. iD Mobile call centre staff are idiotic morons. Stupid beyond belief.
4 Apr 16 1 #667
After 6 months, my £15 cashback has been paid via TCB. And upfront payment still hasn't been taken. :wink:
4 Apr 16 #668
I wonder if they will end up chasing the up front payments. I got the 128GB which was supposed to be £230ish up front!
4 Apr 16 #669
Anyone tried to get theirs unlocked yet? Seem to remember a promise they would unlock after 6 months...
21 Apr 16 1 #670
I contacted ID through twitter and after they asked for details incl IMEI, etc, I now have an unlocked iPhone 6S. Can't fault their service so far (other than the overseas call-center).
22 Apr 16 #671
Just did the same through facebook messenger, they have taken my details so will see what happens!
22 Apr 16 #672
They said I have to wait the full year!
22 Apr 16 #673
Don't know if it helps, but this is what I send on Twitter

their reply was
21 Aug 16 1 #674
Folks, if like me you managed to get this deal on the day then best request your PAC from today/tomorrow. In 30 days time you will have cleared the minimum contract term (20th September for me)

Don't think I'll be going back to iD, coverage is poor in my area.
21 Aug 16 #675
For me ID has been really good. I have 2 other £5/month contracts with them and was hoping to move this contract to that too. So I contacted them earlier in the week to see if they would change my contract and they said "no problem, just contact us on the day it ends". They can do the change on the same day, so no need to port out and back in again using some other network in between.
22 Aug 16 #676
What are you going to do next? For me I am torn between upgrading to something else and just moving over to their 1 month rolling sim only deal with a bit more data (as coverage round me has been better than EE for me).
22 Aug 16 #677
I'm going to temporarily change over to o2/Voda MVNO 30 day sim and just keep an eye out for good deals over next few months.
11 Sep 16 #678
Surprisingly not seen any iPhone 7 deals on HUKD yet.
Out of curiosity, has anybody on this iD mobile contract called them to see what deal they're offering if you upgrade to iPhone 7?
11 Sep 16 #679
Where have you been?
21 Sep 16 #680
Asked for my PAC code yesterday. iD mobile didn't offer any good deals. Was happy with the deal I got. :wink:

Moving on to Three - unlimited mins/texts/4GB data on 12 month contract - £9 per month. Also trying to get £50 cashback and a £50 Amazon voucher. Based on past experiences I'm confident I'll get both offers...
21 Sep 16 #681
I've moved to the Shockproof £5/month 30 day contract. Am happy with the service and reception, so no need to move elsewhere.
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