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Huawei Honor 7 - £40 discount back on while stocks last £209.99 @ vmall
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Huawei Honor 7 - £40 discount back on while stocks last £209.99 @ vmall

£209.99 Huawei Honor Store25 Nov 15
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Opening post
17 Sep 15
The deal is back on today - 10th December

*** Please note - I've been tipped off by Kevlar Engineer that if you had difficulties in applying the voucher due to the load on the website, if you call the usually excellent Honor/vMall support team on 0800 048 8994 and explain this then they will 'Honor' (HA!) the voucher price, though you may be waiting a couple of weeks until the next batch of stock arrives ***

Kevlar Engineer has also pointed out that you can register for a 3 year warranty, which is another great point -

Honor have reinstated the £40 off deal for the Honor 7 while stocks last, valid from 11am on 21st September.

You'll need to sign up to the Honor vMall Store and you will be emailed a coupon for the £40 discount.

As others stated on the previous thread, at this price you are getting the device cheaper than you can get it from China, amazing value.

Make sure you get in there quick, looks to be a great deal for the money (though mine has not arrived yet since last time...)

My understanding is that this phone does not have NFC ;-)

Honorable (ha) mention to smegheads69 who mentioned this on another thread just before I posted this deal
Top comments
18 Sep 15 11 #72
I believe it stands for No Fricken Cash - it's a method of paying for things. If your phone does not have NFC then you will have no way of paying for goods at any shop once Google launch Android Pay in November, or something.

Well, that seems to be the consensus judging from most of the comments.
17 Sep 15 8 #27
Yeah. It doesn't have 15 HDMI sockets either so I'm out .....
23 Sep 15 6 #277
Remove the unused SIM2 icon on the notification bar if you are using a microSD card with this App 'Honor 7 SIM Icon Settings' in the Play store
mamboboy to Wootz
17 Sep 15 5 #24
I don't get why no NFC is a dealbreaker for so many. Pretty much all bank cards have NFC now, and I'd bet good money on the fact sim cards will have NFC embedded in them before retailers upgrade their systems to accept it from phones any ways. You'd be amazed how many Tesco Extra's I go in and they still have old school card readers.

I really don't get it. People pass up on the phone when it's cheaper than from China, it has awesome build quality, probably the best and most intuitive fingerprint reader on the market and a pretty damn good camera solely because of no NFC.

Makes no sense to me!
All comments (424)
17 Sep 15 3 #1
I love my honor 6. Battery is brilliant.
Dragon32 to jrawlins28
17 Sep 15 1 #2
​I'm impressed by the battery life on my wifes Honor 4x as well (can easily last 2 days).

I'll be looking at Huawei when the contact on my Galaxy S5 runs out in April as well impressed with them.
finnmaccool to jrawlins28
17 Sep 15 #34
​I hope you are both very happy together then
17 Sep 15 1 #3
cant see the discount after signing up, only got a email for the honor 6 which is sold out
17 Sep 15 #4
Guess you might need to give vMall support a call - I'd recommend phoning rather than email, I have nothing but praise for their customer service, guess they are really committed to building a good first impression of the brand.
17 Sep 15 #5
cheers will do so mate thanks for the heads up heat added
17 Sep 15 #6
Got honor 6 and now the 7 love them both can't part with the 6 but will eventually the 7 is great and a no brainer especially with the £40 off which is the deal I got
17 Sep 15 1 #7
A really good deal , please be aware of stock levels though, I bought the 6 with the £40.00 discount on the 29/08/2015. It was showing as in sock, i still haven't received it. I contacted customer services by e mail 3 times , and i've had 1 reply. Eventually rang them (haven't checked cost of call yet ) and was told they will be in this week and I will get it sometime next week. So potentially they have had an interest free loan from me for close to 30 days.
17 Sep 15 #8
I have H3 and I'm impressed enough :smiley:
17 Sep 15 #9
and the Honor 7 only on 21st September from 12:00 GMT.
17 Sep 15 #10
According to a phone call yesterday (Wed) the H6 is DUE in stock on Monday 21st. Probably a huge container ship arriving Southampton over the weekend :-)
17 Sep 15 #11
Just registered for the site and have received my voucher code email a couple of minutes afterwards. Looks like monday may be a massive scramble. Quick note on the time the voucher is valid from, it's 12:00 BST for us in the UK . Great spot, heat added :smile:
17 Sep 15 1 #12
Alot of phone for your money, I'm always impressed with the chinese phone deals on this site.
17 Sep 15 #13
This or the Oneplus One
17 Sep 15 1 #14
17 Sep 15 #15
will this work with all the uk 4g providers other than EE?
chancooluk to hbond1989
17 Sep 15 2 #17
​Yes, it supports all UK LTE bands. Including 800mhz (as used by O2 and Vodafone).
17 Sep 15 3 #16
Brilliant phone but no NFC.
jmcg2010 to iDealYou
18 Sep 15 #71
​serious question. What is NFC?
17 Sep 15 #18
I really like the Honor 7, my brother have a Honor 6, so I'd like to get this one, that's a nice deal!
17 Sep 15 #19
Cannot apply voucher code, states error validating voucher code. Have tried this with 2 accounts now.
Moments to brawlzzz
17 Sep 15 1 #20
Did you read the email they sent with the code in it?
17 Sep 15 #21
I'm so daft. I assumed it said valid until... Ah man thank you so much!
17 Sep 15 1 #22
On EE it covers only 1800mhz, 2600mhz is TDD and UK used FDD same with 2100mhz. So on EE only one band...
17 Sep 15 2 #23
A whole lot of phone for not a lot of money. Such a shame there's no NFC as that's a deal breaker for me (Keen to use Android Pay when it becomes a thing here), however it's still a great deal :smiley:
mamboboy to Wootz
17 Sep 15 5 #24
I don't get why no NFC is a dealbreaker for so many. Pretty much all bank cards have NFC now, and I'd bet good money on the fact sim cards will have NFC embedded in them before retailers upgrade their systems to accept it from phones any ways. You'd be amazed how many Tesco Extra's I go in and they still have old school card readers.

I really don't get it. People pass up on the phone when it's cheaper than from China, it has awesome build quality, probably the best and most intuitive fingerprint reader on the market and a pretty damn good camera solely because of no NFC.

Makes no sense to me!
17 Sep 15 #25
I should have posted this as I messaged them 5 seconds after they tweeted:
17 Sep 15 #26
​Oh, sorry. Didn't realise that it was missing a band. Read it was fully covered on pocket lint.
17 Sep 15 8 #27
Yeah. It doesn't have 15 HDMI sockets either so I'm out .....
17 Sep 15 #28
Great phone...and good deal.. heat added... Unfortunately I need something with optical images stabilisation so will have to pass.
17 Sep 15 #29
HEAT! I was on this page earlier going to fire on it for £249.99 cause I thought it was a good deal at that price!

Be warned, that website is a nightmare with most browsers at the best of time and I wouldn't be surprised if it goes down on Monday and when it comes back it'll magically be out of stock. So get in early and good luck!
Phil's Barber
17 Sep 15 #30
So what does this mean to an EE user? Will it not work/only work with 4G?
17 Sep 15 #31
If it not been said already the the honor 7 supports NFC .. check android authority unless this is a different version
mamboboy to peacefullife
17 Sep 15 #32
The EU version doesn't support NFC. The specs are all over the place because Huawei are retarded with the model names...
17 Sep 15 #33
buy a lg g flex 2 instead for around same money far better phone.doesnt overheat now or lag now its on 5.1.1 after five updates
toner84 to tranceazure3933
17 Sep 15 #43
That's a strange recommendation?!... So we should go for a bent phone instead?! What a stupid idea?!?
17 Sep 15 #35
Barclays launches NFC mobile payments from November (ahead of Android pay and Samsung Pay)

Barclaycard, Android Pay and Samsung Pay all uses HCE (Host Card Emulation) which requires native NFC support. If you buy Honor 7, these 3 payments options wont work.

Sim card based NFC are only useful when carrier's SE (secure element) is used for NFC payments (such as 3rd rated options offered by EE 'tap and Pay' and Vodafone 'Smartpay). At best we can have our Honor 7 use the above apps by EE and Vodafone for payments.
17 Sep 15 #36
The processor is worst than almost one and a half year old SD 801, and Gpu performance is below par as per reviews so I think OPO is a better option considering the amount of support it has.
ssjinzo to kamran9558
17 Sep 15 #39
Benchmarks don't mean anything compared to real life performance check these test against app per app on phones even though it's shows better bench mark results real day performance is slower

This video below compares the 2 phones the one plus 2 vs honor 7 check out at around 7.10 on the video pressing the menu and going on the menu the one plus is slightly slower than the honor 7
17 Sep 15 2 #37
That means reduced coverage and speeds.
17 Sep 15 #38
Nfc payment via Google wallet has existed since ages where you can input your card within the app and use the nfc on your phone to pay since the nexus 4. Google has now inbuilt in in the os instead of using a app but essentially it's the same. If you didn't use it then why use it now? . Yes it's a bit more easer than opening an app then swiping your phone instead of just swiping your phone but come on how lazy are you. I personally knew of it but never use it even though I have Google wallet account and my cards allready in it and don't use it.
rdrp to ssjinzo
17 Sep 15 #40
Google NFC based wallet was never available in UK. Its was an US only release. I have been waiting for NFC functionality in UK for years and finally Barclaycard is going to be the first in releasing it (from November 2015).
17 Sep 15 #41
Had my honor 7 for about a week and its amazing!!! Got some serious processing power to - installed epsxe a ps1 emulator and tried out spyro. Worked great!!
The website can be a bit troublesome at times so allow plenty of time to order.
evolyze to Slothlord108
17 Sep 15 #42
Have you tried playing hearthstone on your phone? any feedback on how it runs?
17 Sep 15 #44
Like the look of this phone after watching some YouTube clips. Looks solid and easy to use.
17 Sep 15 #45
I think this is a bargain. The specs in this photo are great and compare to the mate s which has just launched its half the price with the same processor and ram. You can do neat little things like record your calls with a push if a button. Great battery too with fast charging (fast charger not included) dual Sim or Sim and sd card is great and one thing which will become big with phone manufacturers
17 Sep 15 1 #46
​whats strange about it.they cost roughly the same yet the g.flex 2 is far higher spec.the gpu in the honor 7 is a is the software.
17 Sep 15 2 #47
I have an honor 7, arrived last week. I can confirm that it does NOT have NFC.....not that I give a rats ass.
It really is a decent phone, solid build quality, screen is lush. comes with screen protector already installed. Fingerprint reader is flawless. Sound is good also, although it only has 1 speaker.
For those interested I have an ID sim card (which uses 3 network), works perfect.
17 Sep 15 #48
This is a total non scientific test which can be influenced by myriad of reasons ranging from, buggy OS to javascripts to user settings and amount of apps on each phone.
17 Sep 15 #49
When does the voucher get emailed out? Signed up 30 mins ago and no sign of the voucher.
Zen1984 to mickyc1
17 Sep 15 #50
I signed up at 22.56 and got the email with voucher codes at 22:57 (before I'd even clicked the link to validate my account signup!) .... checked your spam folder?
17 Sep 15 #51
No NFC = not worth buying with android pay coming
mamboboy to elbs
18 Sep 15 #57
Because opening up my wallet, taking out the debit card and holding it next to a chip and pin is such hard work.

And as I said earlier, so many places don't even have NFC enabled chip and pin machines, so what makes you think they'll roll out Android Pay on the machines imminently? Google hasn't even announced plans for it to launch in the UK for starters. I doubt we'll see them in this country for at least a year. My guess is probably 2.
omgpleasespamme to elbs
18 Sep 15 1 #59
Android pay? That's the scheme which will mean everything I buy costs a little more because yet another middle man is added to the payment transaction? Just because carrying a bank card is too much for some people?
UZOR to elbs
26 Nov 15 1 #387
​ why bother paying with your phone at all. it's no easier that wireless payment with a card, unless you're the kind of person who is has their phone permanently in their hand!
17 Sep 15 #52
I won't be buying this phone after going through the android authority review. The phone is not that great with games. I did register before looking at the review, so if anyone wants a voucher, pm me and I will send it to you.
Update: Code given to phiras
18 Sep 15 1 #53
I did some checking and that missing 4G 800mhz band seems quite important. This band is optimal at traveling distances (rural areas) and penetrating walls (cities.) If you live in a major city then you're probably ok but otherwise I'd leave it.
18 Sep 15 #54
Is this the best Honor phone thus far? And how well does it compete with flagship phones?
18 Sep 15 #55
This was on the shortlist for my mum's next phone but she will use it on EE. I guess I should look elsewhere (Nexus, Moto, Oneplus)?
18 Sep 15 #56
Is writing the word Huawei akin to Voldemort? Thou shall not be named? It's the Huawei Honor 7 not the Honor Honor 7.
18 Sep 15 #58
BS you are completely wrong. One question have you not seen the endless amount of stores advertising we accept Apple Pay here! Guess what that's NFC payment via phone, and if you have been keeping up to date with the news the banks and credit lenders have expressed more interest, support and faster rollout in Android Pay. So the rollout is now not 2 years time. Any shop which accepts Apple Pay will accept Android Pay.
18 Sep 15 #60
How are owners finding the battery life? Heard it's not as good as the Honor 6.
18 Sep 15 #61
The Antutu scores are: H7 = ~53k G2 = ~ 33k ... the gpu score - the H7 edged by a few points.

It's true that the H7 won't get any software updates. :smiley:
But the current one show no lags at all on mine.

The only joke I see is the non-NFC.
18 Sep 15 #62
​the 430 gpu is far more powerfull than the one in this phone i dont know where you get your results from and that score is for a g2 not a g.flex 2 with snapdragon 810
18 Sep 15 #63
£25 off the 4x as well.
18 Sep 15 #64
Good price but very slow cpu compared to snapdragon 810 and Samsung exynos
kamran9558 to sam_of_london
18 Sep 15 #65
its even slower than 801
lukec36 to sam_of_london
18 Sep 15 2 #66
Sounds like there are a lot of SoC experts on this site.

Honor 7 (£209.99) = Kirin 935 - 4x 2.2GHz A53, 4x 1.5GHz A53
LG G Flex 2 (£234.99) = Snapdragon 810 = 4x 2.0GHz A57, 4x 1.5 GHz A53
Galaxy Note 4 (£400) = Exynos 5 = 4x 1.9GHz A57, 4x 1.3 GHz A53

So, you can see that in terms of clock-speed alone, the Kirin is faster. Though this is based on 2 sets of A53s as opposed to the big.LITTLE setup of A57/A53, so yes the Kirin is 'slower' as a whole. But, you're not really comparing apples with apples.
The only device with a Snapdragon 810 which comes close in price to the Honor 7 is the G Flex 2, but this is very much a niche/proof of concept device and not really something that most mainstream consumers will want, even though it is good value.
The Snapdragon 810 is pretty much a 'tainted' SoC because of early overheating/thermal throttling issues, and is coming to End of Life with Samsung already testing the 820. But in saying this, it's still the top of the range Qualcomm chip.

Bear in mind that the Kirin is built on 16nm technology, the other 2 chips are 20nm. This is where my understanding is a little fuzzy but I believe that this makes it more power efficient? Someone in a white coat can help me here.

Blah blah yawn etc. At this price I'm saying the Honor 7 is a steal. People looking for a phone at this price are unlikely to want/need/notice the performance given by a top of the range SoC.
18 Sep 15 #67
the honor7 cpu gpu is midrange.the snapdragon 810 is top of updates have sorted out performance for g.flex 2 it will get marshmellow android is excellent.screen is fantastic.its built to last.if dropped it doesnt shatter.battery is good five hours screen time running latest android.its no contest
mamboboy to tranceazure3933
18 Sep 15 #68
18 Sep 15 1 #69
Redmi Note 2 for £135... just sayin'
18 Sep 15 #70
This one has NO NFC.
I got mine
18 Sep 15 11 #72
I believe it stands for No Fricken Cash - it's a method of paying for things. If your phone does not have NFC then you will have no way of paying for goods at any shop once Google launch Android Pay in November, or something.

Well, that seems to be the consensus judging from most of the comments.
18 Sep 15 #73
18 Sep 15 #74
My bad that was the g2 not the flex. :smiley:

According to these youtube videos:
H7 - 51227
Flex G2 - 51683
18 Sep 15 #75
Serious simple answer: with NFC you can pay at any point of sale any where in the world where is show NFC or Contactless symbol, Apple pay already started, Samsung Pay will start soon and, Barclays already plan to launch soon with its own apps for it's customer and Biggest news from "Android Pay" which is already started in USA and coming soon in UK and world over soon, if your phone don't have NFC you can pay with your phone, its everyday FutureTech
18 Sep 15 #76
I was pretty set on getting this phone, but the LG Flex 2 doesn't cost much more, now I'm confused :confused:
18 Sep 15 #77
I am confused - can you explain bit further please?
On GSM arena it says it supports LTE band 1(2100), 3(1800), 7(2600), 8(900), 20(800) - EE uses 800 1800 and 2600. Why would the coverage and performance be limited?
18 Sep 15 #78
always carrying around several debit cards, credit cards and loyalty cards, or 1 app.

rather a large difference between the two.. i know what i would choose.
18 Sep 15 #79
I guess this is getting off-topic now but with all the talk about the flex 2 - I just sold mine. Had it a week, couldn't get on with it - found the screen hard to focus on (could be my eyes and the curve) and when all my apps were loaded there was clear stutter.

Not saying its bad, its not - just go and have a go on one if you can find one before you buy.
18 Sep 15 #80
But you wouldn't just take out your 'one app', you'd need every single thing on the high street to accept NFC to do that and I personally can't picture fruit and veg sellers or small cafes, independent stores etc doing that.
18 Sep 15 2 #81
NFC (Near Field Communication).

I don't mean to give precedence whatsoever.
I just want to let people know earlier so they will not be disappointed after purchase finding out that this doesn't have NFC.

A lot of websites (and even the customer service) will tell you that this (16GB version) has NFC, but actually not. I had a customer service email convinced me it has NFC (blah).

Well they are still in the process of building "European" reputation, there's still a lot of "oops" rooted from China business style (stereotyping).

The product is really good though (fact).
18 Sep 15 #82
You reckon it's the best phone under £250?
18 Sep 15 #83
Good answer.
Note that NFC is not limited to payment. It's just a protocol.
18 Sep 15 #84
Depends what you want at this price range it's either this or moto x play they both have pros and cons to each but its up to you
18 Sep 15 #85
Just a high-quality, well-made phone with good specs :stuck_out_tongue:
18 Sep 15 1 #86
With no nfc :stuck_out_tongue: let's keep the nfc thing going
18 Sep 15 1 #87
lol the NFC talk reminds me of that Red Dwarf episode when Cat goes, "so what is it?"
lukec36 to williamsonjohn47
18 Sep 15 3 #90
Holly: They're all dead. Everybody's dead, Dave.
Lister: Peterson isn't, is he?
Holly: Everybody's dead, Dave!
Lister: Not Chen!
Holly: Gordon Bennett! Yes, Chen. Everyone. Everybody's dead, Dave!
Lister: Rimmer?
Holly: He's dead, Dave. Everybody is dead. Everybody is dead, Dave.
Lister: Wait. Are you trying to tell me there's no NFC on the Honor 7?
18 Sep 15 #88
Very good phone, I've had mine a week, upgraded from a nexus 4 which had NFC, which I never used, if NFC is a deal breaker then just move along and pay £100+ more for possibly less.
18 Sep 15 1 #89
In fact don't buy it as it hasn't got NFC, I'm thinking of getting another for the wife so I will get it quicker, repeat no NFC so do not buy this junk phone.
18 Sep 15 1 #91
18 Sep 15 #92
Is this phone dual sim?
shortguy4u to faisalqau
18 Sep 15 #93
Yes, dual sim or one sim and a memory card
18 Sep 15 #94
Does anyone got an app to use the IR blaster? this was convenient on the S4; on that the Peel app worked nicely but cant be installed on the H7.
rev6 to shortguy4u
18 Sep 15 #95
The Honor 6 has a good application for this. It might work on the Honor 7.
18 Sep 15 #96
It has a built-in app for the ir blaster installed on this one
18 Sep 15 #97
Thank you, but the link doesnt seem to work/
18 Sep 15 #99
Thank you. That worked. However the links for the apk's dont seem to work. Do i need to register first?
18 Sep 15 1 #100
Ahh. No you shouldn't need to register. I'll upload it if you want.
18 Sep 15 #101
​Nice one! :smile:
18 Sep 15 #102
Install it like any other apk.
19 Sep 15 #103
It's available from now too. Probably best to get it from there if you want to use it on their 800MHz network in future.
19 Sep 15 #104
This is the UK / EU version so (as it states on the tech spec) has all 4 4G bands (i.e. will work on all UK 4G networks).

Also, i couldnt get th link to work on Three's site, just errors but it looks like pay monthly only anyway
19 Sep 15 #105
Only devices purchased from Three themselves will support their 800MHz network.
19 Sep 15 #106
Oh right, apologies I am not familar with that. Personally I'm with EE but how can they physically do that? Surely an unlocked phone with the correct bands is exactly that?
19 Sep 15 #107
Three only allow devices which have their ROM on them to use the 800MHz network, so you couldn't use a device not from Three as it wouldn't be using the Three ROM, even though it has all the LTE bands.

I don't know if the Honor 7 runs a custom ROM if you buy it from Three but if it doesn't that perhaps is the reason why even the Three Honor 7 doesn't currently support the 800MHz network either.
19 Sep 15 #108
Have you got a link for what your saying here? I've had a quick Google but can't find a source for this - I'm genuinely interested as that is really bad news for Three customers who like to mod or get rid of bloatware
19 Sep 15 #109
19 Sep 15 #110
Here's a quote directly from Three:
19 Sep 15 #111
Oh Voice over LTE, no wonder I wasn't finding any info on it. I bet EE etc who are about to offer the same thing do the same, I bet in time that it will simply be an app. It is still too new for me anyway.
20 Sep 15 #112
Will this support Giffgaff/ o2 4G?
carsick77 to brawlzzz
20 Sep 15 #113
Yes, it will work on all 4G UK networks. Robert was referring to voice over LTE which is the same for all networks only working on select devices
20 Sep 15 #114
Great! Thanks, will purchase it tomorrow!
20 Sep 15 #115
This at 170 or lg g4 at 280 ?
carsick77 to robertadams12345
20 Sep 15 #116
It's £209.99 with the discount. Where are you seeing a G4 at 280?
20 Sep 15 #117
anyone know if the camera will be better than the one on the z2?
21 Sep 15 #118
Just so people know, the code is now working for £40 off the Honor 7 even though it's meant to be from 11am, I just used mine!
21 Sep 15 #120
Sorry Honor7 for 210 or Lg g4 for 280 (Expedite electronics) - which is better deal?
lukec36 to robertadams12345
21 Sep 15 #121
Expedite seems to be one of those 'too good to be true' stores in terms of price, so you'll probably not be getting the official UK phone, which for some people would be a big deal.

£280 for an LG G4 is a good price.
21 Sep 15 #122
​yes i got lg g4 on expedite, i got the h815 internacional but the phone is from outside europe mine was from taiwan. so now i cant unlock the bootloader. but yes is alot of a phone for this price i recommed it. but if you get a bad phone you going to have a hard time to send it back.
21 Sep 15 #123
I'm a bit confused, if I purchase this, will it work on 3 as it is or not?
shortguy4u to subzero1234
21 Sep 15 #139
​yes will work fine. Am using it right now with three

Though does anyone know how to get rid of notification for second sim if only using one sim?
21 Sep 15 #124
Yeah just ordered mine using the code. Changing from a 2 year old HTC One M7 which is dying a slow death.
X20VEV to Plastikman
21 Sep 15 #125
did not think code is valid until 11am. checked mine it does not work yet
21 Sep 15 #126
Contactless payments using bank cards have been around for years and still nobody hardly bothers ! I prefer to type in my pin as do most others ,NFC will never become the norm not for at least 50 years when most of us are dead.
21 Sep 15 #127
After a someone mentioned a few posts up I placed my order at 9:18am and it accepted the code and it's showing on my order confirmation which I just received a minute ago.
21 Sep 15 #128
Just ordered one for my wife to replace her Samsung S3. Code accepted and order number displayed - no email yet. I've also ordered a flip case for it, but the case was out of stock, however it still went through the check out. Not sure how that will affect the delivery of the order. Hope they don't wait for the case to become available.
greazedlightning to greazedlightning
21 Sep 15 #129
Received order confirmation email now:
21 Sep 15 #130
Good luck everyone, decided to go for the LG Flex 2 instead, but this i still a cracking deal.
21 Sep 15 #132
New orders can take up to 15 minutes to show on this page.
To show on the order tracking page.
21 Sep 15 #133
Got the confirmation page as well, but no email yet. Wonder how long before we receive that! Also not showing in my orders either!
21 Sep 15 #134
ordered mine too. just a few mins before 11.00

thanks everyone
21 Sep 15 #135
Has anyone received an email stating that their order has been dispatched yet?
airdsuk to lukec36
21 Sep 15 #136
There's a wee guy sitting a pile of sticky barcode address labels cursing somewhere :-)
Kevlar Engineer
21 Sep 15 #137
Can't log in, i can;t remember password and reminder service/ email is taking forever!!!
21 Sep 15 #138
Yeah had order confirmation and status has changed from ready to ship to shipped.
Kevlar Engineer
21 Sep 15 #140
This is BS, trying to log in for 1 hour, waiting over 1 hour for pw email reminder, called 0800 048 8994. The number is not accepting calls!!
21 Sep 15 #141
Does anyone know how this compares to the LG G3, bit torn between the two.
Siddas to Juzza12
21 Sep 15 1 #143,LG-G3/phones/9494,8347

Screen on G3 is slightly better. Rest is fairly equal.
21 Sep 15 #142
Can anyone recommend me a charger that will take advantage of the fast charging technology? I understand the charger that comes with the handset is just a standard charger.
21 Sep 15 1 #144

Honor is smaller, has (on paper) a faster processor, bigger battery and (again on paper) a better camera both front and rear.

G3 has much better screen resolution, a more 'androidy' version of the OS, and most importantly it has NFC :laughing:
21 Sep 15 1 #145
Dang, you beat me to it!
21 Sep 15 #146
Yours was a bit more in depth though!
21 Sep 15 #147
Call me stupid but I am not able to find the button to add it / buy it, Could you please advise?
playstationone to HuwMorgan
21 Sep 15 #149
Can't find it either. The button was there with two options (grey/silver). Now it's gone. Maybe out of stock?
21 Sep 15 1 #148
Thanks guys, much appreciated.
21 Sep 15 #150
I think I am going crazy!
It says the item is in stock of the Honor 7, but there is no "Add to basket" button. However when I go to other products the button is there!
Kevlar Engineer to gilesrdavies
21 Sep 15 #167
Phone 0800 048 8994
21 Sep 15 #151
Did you ever receive an email? I'm in the same boat and a little concerned as their CS telephone number is not accepting calls. So far, unimpressed.
21 Sep 15 #152
Call me stupid but I am not able to find the button to add it / buy it, Could you please advise?
Kevlar Engineer to HuwMorgan
21 Sep 15 #165
Phone 0800 048 8994
21 Sep 15 #153
In the end decided to not bother with the LG Flex 2 and got this instead :smiley: I'm not a heavy user so this seemed the better option.
Kevlar Engineer
21 Sep 15 #154
button to add it / buy it has disappeared!! :disappointed:
21 Sep 15 #155
thanks, does it work through WIFI and connect to the TV? also what size sim does it take? Cheers
21 Sep 15 #156
Kevlar Engineer
21 Sep 15 #157
sold out!!
lukec36 to Kevlar Engineer
21 Sep 15 #161
Did you manage to get your order placed?
21 Sep 15 #158
ordered at 10.30am said awaiting process now says awaiting stock told they are receiving a shipment and order will be sent out in 2 days the phone takes a nano sim for use with 4g services spoken to 3 and they have said that it will work fine in uk on 4g services you can use the second sim port but will not get 4g services this port can take either a micro sd card or a micro sim
21 Sep 15 #159
...well that's annoying - seems it was buyable before the appointed time, but has now been marked as sold out :-( ...wonder how many people bought- surely can't have been that many.
Siddas to spacehopperx
21 Sep 15 #164
I bought mine just before 9am. I had regsistered ages ago to get the discount code. By 8:30 it hadn't arrived so set up with another email address and it appeared 20 mins later. Tried it on the site and it accepted it just before 9am so hit the add to basket and it went through with the dicsount code.
21 Sep 15 #160
It looks like they sent out an email with a different code which was valid from 11am BST instead of 12 BST, which was what I used. Ordered sucessfully and got to the confirmation page, at around 11:45. I'm still waiting for email confirmation, I'm just assuming that their servers have taken a hammering from the masses
Kevlar Engineer
21 Sep 15 #162
THERE IS HOPE!!! I Phoned 0800 048 8994 spoke to Boris a CS rep, I tried to order Honor 7, he told me out of stock twice. I complained about the website being slow and changing my password to a temporary password but not emailing it to me until an hour later. I had log-in issues and wasted over 2 hours typing in an array of password permutations like I was hacking world!!

He consulted with his colleague before taking an order over the phone, using the discount code for a total of £210. i received an order reference number with the promise that the phone will be delivered in about 2 weeks when new stock arrives.

Good Luck
Kevlar Engineer
21 Sep 15 #163
Yes I phoned 0800 048 8994
Kevlar Engineer
21 Sep 15 1 #166
Lukec36 if you are able to please update deal with CS phone number 0800 048 8994 for telephone orders using given discount code. Thanks
21 Sep 15 #168
hmm sounds like they had a quota instead of actual stock selling out. I ordered one at around 10-10.30
Kevlar Engineer
21 Sep 15 #169
Phone 0800 048 8994
21 Sep 15 #170
ordered mine about 11am. Wasn't expecting it to accept the code and order but it did. Will nova launcher be ok on this?
Kevlar Engineer
21 Sep 15 #171
Update -> From telephone order >> email received >> vMall order XXXX-XXXX-XXXX - Order Acknowledgement

Order placed
21/09/2015 12:16
London UK Time

Main status
Not Processed

Your order will be processed soon. Our order processing team work 8am - 6pm weekdays.
21 Sep 15 #172
I placed my order nearly 2 hours ago. There is no mention of the order on am account page and not had email conformation. Anyone in the same boat?
brawlzzz to Jetset1981
21 Sep 15 #173
On the same boat. Money has gone out of my account. Fingers crossed!
leafyraja to Jetset1981
21 Sep 15 #174
Me too !!! Not sure whether I will get it :-(
21 Sep 15 #175
me too and their customer service number is busy, I have sent them an e-mail but no response yet.
21 Sep 15 #176
I placed order at 12.55 , I got a reference number, but no email as yet.
21 Sep 15 #177
Same boat too. Can't tell if they have taken the money easily as I ordered on a credit card in case the proverbial hit the fan or it turned out to be dodgy
21 Sep 15 #178
It'll either be that our orders are cancelled or ours will be put on backorder and we'll receive it in the next 2 weeks.
21 Sep 15 1 #179
was going to order this as was sick of waiting for an invite for the One Plus 2

missed out before it went out of stock but guess what i've just received an invite for
parasitemol to marc.safc
21 Sep 15 #183
What number were you in the queue man?
21 Sep 15 #180
Exactly the same as me... this is a really bad ordering system
21 Sep 15 #181
Even your telephone line doesn't work...
21 Sep 15 #182
I know they're experiencing issues due to the high demand but nothing being sent to my email is worrying. I should have at least received an order acknowledgement.
21 Sep 15 #184
Was vaguely interested but wanted 5.5" screen, also worked about future updates. The Honor 6 plus is stuck on KitKat and the lollipop beta isn't good news either.
21 Sep 15 #185
i'm still around 50k on the waiting list, the invite is for one of the competitions they were doing. think it was the first 4k retweets of something they tweeted on thursday
Kevlar Engineer
21 Sep 15 #186
What happened when you phoned?? I phoned earlier it was engaged a few times, then eventually I got through!
21 Sep 15 #187
Received Order confirmation email just now. Order status = In Progress
21 Sep 15 #188
What time did you place the order?
21 Sep 15 #189
I have also ordered with no email, I am a bit worried. I ordered straight away at 11am.
playstationone to grahamc7
21 Sep 15 1 #192
I ordered mine at 10.50 and my order appeared in my account 40 minutes later. Email received after 12pm. They may need more time to deal with orders after 11am.
21 Sep 15 #190
Amazingly they answered within about 1 minute, but was advised they had no more Honor 7's (or 6's) they were able to sell.
I asked why would they offer the £40 discount codes if they couldn't honour all of them, and couldn't give me an answer. Pretty peeved!
I think I am through with trying to get this deal, even if they offer more at a later date. The WileyFox Storm, looks a good alternative, when it releases later this month.
21 Sep 15 #191
I get 'this service isn't available from this line' on my work phone and then it just instant disconnects from 2 of my mobiles.
21 Sep 15 #193
I hope so, I was a bit wary of ordering from the site before I did. It has been over 3 hours since I ordered now :smirk:. Thanks for giving me some hope though.
21 Sep 15 #194
From My Account:-

''Order placed at 11.01, completed processing and is waiting to be packed and shipped''

Still no email confirmation though
grahamc7 to paddymcn
21 Sep 15 #196
My orders still has nothing showing.
21 Sep 15 #195
Roughly 10.30 AM
21 Sep 15 #197
Still nothing :confused:
21 Sep 15 #198
I've got an email saying my card has expired, eh doesn't expire until 10/2016. Got that 0800 0488994 to call but it doesn't work so emailed them. Frustrating to say the least!

You had any luck?
21 Sep 15 #199
Exactly the same as me, let me know if you manage to get through or find another number?! Thanks
21 Sep 15 #200
Status now is Shipped.
21 Sep 15 #201
mine has said shipped for 2 hours but no tracking information even though they said would receive an email with parcelforce tracking number dont really think this company know what they are doing
21 Sep 15 #202
Exactly this. My card is definitely not expired.

Called them up and got through eventually. The support line however is not able to take any payments over the phone so they have escalated this with another department who are meant to call me back. That was 4 hours ago, nothing yet.
21 Sep 15 #203
Jeez, that's terrible.
21 Sep 15 #204
Well they were very apologetic, but yeah. Not great.
21 Sep 15 #205
Let me know how you get along with them, sigh stuck at work with my manager sat opposite so can't call again :disappointed:

Will try after work...
21 Sep 15 #206
what is their email address?
21 Sep 15 #207
Just off the phone with them. Seemed nice enough. They said there is a problem with the IT system. They received thousands of orders of the phones in a few hours. The worrying thing was they had no record of my reference number. However they said everyone that ordered should receive a confirmation email by the end of the working day. If you haven't received one then you need to ring them in the morning they said.
21 Sep 15 #208
Mine is showing as shipped as of 13:52. Ordered mine before 9:00 this morning though if that helps?
21 Sep 15 #209
I'm yet to receive an email or a response to my email. However I have logged in to the vMall website and 'my orders' screen has now been updated to reflect me order which apparently has been dispatched.

Very unusual way of running things. Hope you manage to get it sorted man.

I'll advise anyone who was in the same situation as I was to check the website as the My Orders page on my account was blank and randomly updated to 'Dispatched' without an email to confirm.
21 Sep 15 #210
Mine has finally updated to dispatched as well. I placed my order just after 11am.
Was very disconcerting the way their systems work though, with no notification/confirmation of order by email or in account page after the initial order complete page after clicking Place Order.... So fingers crossed the phone arrives ok...
21 Sep 15 #211
Question to all those who have ordered today and have had a 'dispatched' notification.

What colour device did you order?
parasitemol to lukec36
21 Sep 15 #219
The darker model. I'm not sure what the official name for it is.
Awahid to lukec36
21 Sep 15 #225
silver ordered at 11:07 i belive
Awahid to lukec36
22 Sep 15 #232
I also received a delivery notification so it should come today.
greazedlightning to lukec36
22 Sep 15 #237
Kevlar Engineer to lukec36
22 Sep 15 1 #247
Thanks for posting this the deal man!! I ordered Mystery Grey. Please could you kindly include post #232 about the 3 year warranty info in the original post. Thank you :smiley:

Update >> phone order 0800 048 8994 (Honor 7 (Mystery Grey) £209.99) @ 12:16 >> Paid Via Bank Transfer @ 13:05 >> Shipped with ParcelForce Express 24 @ 21:46 >> Received Tracking number by SMS @ 22:45 >> DELIVERED @ 14:15 22/09!!!
21 Sep 15 #212
Mine has finally showed up in my orders. However says not processed still.
21 Sep 15 #213
Mine just says...
21 Sep 15 #214
Payment hasn't even been taken for me lol
21 Sep 15 #215
Ordered one this morning, says it's been dispatched. Went for the silver, wish they had the gold on offer but never mind still a great price for good spec phone.
21 Sep 15 #216
Does anyone else's say Awaiting Stock?
Jetset1981 to grahamc7
21 Sep 15 #218
​mine does :/
21 Sep 15 #217
mine still nothing, I have now emailed, lets see what happens.
21 Sep 15 #220
Mine has just appeared with the status of not processed, with the timestamp on the order at midday(15 mins after I ordered it on the site). I'm suspecting there may well be many people in the same boat as me now. Still, at least some information is there. Ordered the lighter model
21 Sep 15 #221
Placed an order around 11 ish where my order history was blank. Have just come home now to check that my order has now been shipped :smiley:. (This was for the Honor 7 btw)
21 Sep 15 #222
​my understanding is that the darker grey model is awaiting stock, expected on Wednesday so hopefully Thursday delivery. The lighter silver model seems to be in stock more.
21 Sep 15 #223
I've now received confirmation of dispatch via e-mail and a text from Parcel Force for a 22/09 delivery so fingers crossed.
21 Sep 15 #224
I ordered one this afternoon. I had placed it in the basket then went to do some research. An hour or so later at just before 13.00 I finally decided to buy it but it said it was sold out. As the phone was still in the basket I decided to give it try, placed the code in the box and it let me buy and pay but I had no confirmation emails and nothing in my account order details. I did have a screenshot of my order number though. I have emailed them with this info and its now been shipped.
21 Sep 15 #226
I placed 2 orders for the silver Honor 7, using 2 different email addresses and two different payment cards.

I've received an email on both accounts stating Card Expired, but they haven't.

I got through on the phone and said I received the email in error, but could not advise if my orders will be shipped.
kobirulali to stevevalo
21 Sep 15 #227
​Same as me! So phoned, eventually got through, he couldn't understand why it was saying expired. Anyway he cancelled my payment, sent me mail to pay via bank transfer which I've done. Gotta call up and see what they say tomorrow. Hopefully can get by end of the week?!
21 Sep 15 #228
Mine has just come up as dispatched via parcel force. Ordered about 1120am.
21 Sep 15 #229
You didn't really do a direct bank transfer did you?!
You will no recourse if anything goes wrong, and it will be your word against there if they claim the funds are not received.
I just hope for your sake, those bank details you sent the money to were not the person on the phones own bank details!
Kevlar Engineer
21 Sep 15 #230
Update >> phone order 0800 048 8994 (Honor 7 (Mystery Grey) £209.99) @ 12:16 >> Paid Via Bank Transfer @ 13:05 >> Shipped with ParcelForce Express 24 @ 21:46 >> Received Tracking number by SMS @ 22:45 >> DELIVERED @ 14:15 22/09!!!
subzero1234 to Kevlar Engineer
22 Sep 15 #248
Like your post, it should go to the top pretty soon.
lukec36 to Kevlar Engineer
22 Sep 15 #249
Not sure how to add the quote but I've put the information in and given you a shout out!

You've done well there - I ordered my phone the first time they had this offer, way back on 27th August and still haven't received it. Total disaster really and I'm very disappointed with the way they've handled my issue, they are still 'Awaiting Stock' apparently even though all you lucky people ordered yesterday and have got it today.

Not that I'm bitter or anything.
Kevlar Engineer
21 Sep 15 4 #231
When you receive your New Huawei Honor 7 don't forget to register your IMEI & Order Number with for your 3 Year Warranty!!


Must Register by 30th September 2015 (Click for T&Cs)
Kevlar Engineer
22 Sep 15 #233
Note: This phone runs Cyanogen 12.1 which is very nice customisable ROM, however I believe that Sky & Virgin do not support this OS for Streaming on-the-go as with the Oneplus2
22 Sep 15 #234
3 Year Warranty!! Fantastic
22 Sep 15 #235
Odd. They never suggested that. There is no chance I would agree to it anyway for a range of reasons.

Fair to say they have had a few issues. Currently in limbo. I *think* I have a phone in my name... but who knows. Not ideal but they are very honest about the whole thing.
22 Sep 15 #236
They held mine because I ordered a case, 3 days wait for that, but I then asked them to do a part-shipment for a £1 charge. So it has been shipped.
On the warranty, it says only 6 months for the battery and its a non removable battery. Hope it don't fizz out!!
22 Sep 15 #238
mystery grey
22 Sep 15 2 #239

Great banter.
22 Sep 15 #240
Delivered at 11.20am, pity i'll not be home until 7.00pm to play with it :disappointed:
greazedlightning to paddymcn
22 Sep 15 #241
Do you have a nano sim already?
22 Sep 15 1 #242
I do, I've come from the Fire Phone and the Smart Ultra 6. The first was too small, the 2nd too big, hoping this will be the ideal size, signed Goldilocks
22 Sep 15 #243
​Mine has arrived and my sim doesn't fit. Phoned three and sending one out for free. lovely phone!
22 Sep 15 #244
I called 3 up today, they will send a nano sim free off charge, it will activate once I put the sim in and deactivate my old sim. Lets see if it does work like that...
22 Sep 15 #245
​That's exactly how it worked for me.

Only point is if you use a home signal box at home like i do, you will need them to update that too with the new sim.
22 Sep 15 #246
To be fair, you can set the phone up without the sim. That's what i did.
22 Sep 15 #250
Got my one this morning but will have to return as 5 mins after the postman delivered I got a call and email confirming my iPhone from ID would be delivered on Monday which I was sure was not going to happen. Ah well never mind.
lukec36 to Scott1207
22 Sep 15 #251
First World Problems eh, you have 2 new phones and I have none :wink:
22 Sep 15 #252
Lol yeah however I really can't afford the two so one has to go unfortunately!
22 Sep 15 #253
I ordered a new nano sim for the phone from EE which they have despatched yesterday. Not sure when I will receive the new sim. 24 hours after despatching the new sim EE system has de-activated my existing sim automatically! I am left without any calls now!
And to top that, Parcelforce attempted delivery today and left a card.
Kevlar Engineer to greazedlightning
22 Sep 15 #255
You can get your nano sim from in the store instantly rather than waiting for the postman.
Kevlar Engineer
22 Sep 15 #254
Awwwww mate, that is not good, phone em up and complain, try to get some goodies thrown in like case, fast charger, earphones. Good luck
22 Sep 15 #256
There isn't an EE store near where we live. I thought I will use the convenience of the internet instead but shot myself in the foot.
22 Sep 15 #257
I know but was free to post and a fiver instore. I'm happy to wait. Will be here tomorrow probably.
22 Sep 15 #258
Yeah I've tried everything, being nice, being angry, tweeting the UK Marketing Manager of Honor, turns out they don't really care. They probably are just hoping that once I've got my phone in my hand all will be forgotten, which it probably will, but it leaves a pretty bad taste to be honest. I've had a look through Twitter and seems like I'm not the only one in this position, but when I call them and they say that there is still no no stock, yet you could order yesterday and get it today... Ah well, guess I've fallen through one of the cracks. My trusty Elephone will have to last a few more days yet :sunglasses:
22 Sep 15 #259
That's bad news, good news is Parcelforce will be delivering mine by tomorrow..:smiley:
22 Sep 15 #260
After ordering at about 11am yesterday mine got despatched today (Mystery Grey), luckily it's going to work and I work in IT so wi get to play with it there (no one can tell the difference haha)
Kevlar Engineer to carsick77
23 Sep 15 #266
lol you should finish your day with a Cheeky Nandos!!!
22 Sep 15 #261
Does anyone know if this phone locks to the first sim that is put in it or will it always remain unlocked?
Kevlar Engineer to Scott1207
23 Sep 15 #267
unlocked to all UK networks
22 Sep 15 #262
mine always Unlock.
Don't install any Sim specific installer
22 Sep 15 #263
I am sure your credit card doesn't have problem, but who knows.
23 Sep 15 #264
I don't understand how they can not ship to the peoples phones who purchased the it's last month yet we have been getting dispatch emails 24/48 hours after purchasing. Surely someone has complained about this?
23 Sep 15 #265
Yep have tried complaining - was told by vMall that my complaint has been escalated to 3 managers but it might take 48 hours for someone to get back to me. They're clearly just fobbing me off and waiting for the next shipment to come in and then they'll get back to me to say that the phone will arrive within the next 24 hours...

I'm not the only one that this has happened to, but I may be the only mug who hasn't cancelled the order yet.
Kevlar Engineer
23 Sep 15 #268
Question: Does any one have a loud wining noise from the White Mains Plug/ Charger (5V, 2A)???
Kevlar Engineer
23 Sep 15 #269
Question: What case have people ordered?? please post links? Thanks
greazedlightning to Kevlar Engineer
23 Sep 15 #272
​Ordered the flip case from vmall 9.99. Oos at the moment
23 Sep 15 #270
Will EE 4g work with this?
greazedlightning to m1lz
23 Sep 15 1 #271
​yes it does. Got mine yesterday. Working on 4g ee
Kevlar Engineer
23 Sep 15 #274
Does anyone know how to configure the apps draw alphabetically? It is displaying the app icons in the order I have downloaded. Thanks
23 Sep 15 #275
ordered the black one, but oos says three days
23 Sep 15 #276
I received mine today, ordered 12.50 on 21st. Midnight Grey, unfortunately at work so cant check it out.:disappointed:
23 Sep 15 6 #277
Remove the unused SIM2 icon on the notification bar if you are using a microSD card with this App 'Honor 7 SIM Icon Settings' in the Play store
ssjinzo to airdsuk
23 Sep 15 #278
Thanks that's a really good tip / app not that the icon was bugging me but it was for a few people on here. I will put it on the other thread too
Kevlar Engineer to airdsuk
24 Sep 15 #282
Do you have any tips to make order the apps alphabetically in the app menu?? Thanks
23 Sep 15 #279
Got the Honor 7 on ee 4g, really impressed for the price, I moved from a htc one m7. Any one having issues with battery life, it's barely lasting 10 hrs without charge and I'm not a heavy user, even sat idle over night it drops 50% battery.
How long between charges are other owners getting?
wixelix to jackojack
23 Sep 15 #280
Definitely not normal, you must have some intensive apps still running in background, or mobile data.
ssjinzo to jackojack
23 Sep 15 #281
My actual first day if use i took off charge at around 6am with 50 % auto brightness I have around 3 half hours or so screen on time with around 10% left now so around 12 hours of use. My usage is mostly browsing using 4g since the morning till about 4 then wifi. I didn't use the phone for a while so a no sim phone basically airplane mode I got around 4% loss over night. This is quite normal I think for me anyway. The thing that's strange is the usage I get chrome using most followed by android os then mobile network followed by screen on?
24 Sep 15 1 #283
​I put Nova launcher on mine. Gave it a proper alphabetical app drawer and familiar feel. Deleted and disabled a lot of junk that came pre installed.
24 Sep 15 #284
I haven't put Nova back on yet but certainly disbaling/uninstalling apps you don't need/want will help - also keeping those you do wait up to to date will help in the long run.

Might put Nova on tonight actually, its a bit weird not having an app draw.
24 Sep 15 1 #285
Thanks for this. Guys, don't forget to register your warranties!
24 Sep 15 #286
Yes thanks for this. There were two imei numbers. I put in the first one. Awaiting approval...
24 Sep 15 1 #287
My battery life is better after going to settings > more > mobile network and disabling mobile data always on.

I also only enable mobile data from the drop down box when I specifically need it.
24 Sep 15 #288
Only problem the battery will be well knackered long before 3 years .. :-(
Kevlar Engineer
24 Sep 15 #289
24 Sep 15 #290
seems I am having a similar issue to some, ordered through the website on 1st of September and still not received, sent three email and yet to get a reply. Spoke to CS twice in the phone to say there is nothing wrong and they are dealing with orders by date order, been fobbed off with the 1k new devices arriving soon, and today it was they have been delayed.

looked on the three website and have ordered one for £250, plus £10 topup and it will be here Monday.
24 Sep 15 #291
Thanks if you can get back you us what they say as in terms of what does it cover?
Kevlar Engineer
24 Sep 15 4 #292
Evening all, spoke to customer services and they will send a replacement for my wining/buzzing charger. I've received email confirmation.

with regards to the 3 year warranty; here is a copy of the email I requested:

Dear Customer,

Thank you for contacting the Huawei Device Customer Care Team.

In regards to your inquiry, as discussed over the phone, we will provide the warranty information.

Each and every one of our devices benefits from a 24 month warranty. Since you were able to register on the Honor club , your device will benefit from a 3 year warranty. 

The general warranty policy for the batteries is 6 months, and this is applicable to devices that have a removable battery. Since the Honor 7 has a non-removable battery, the battery itself will benefit from the same warranty as the entire unit (3 years).

Accessories like headphones and chargers, will also benefit from a 3 month warranty and they will be replaced within that period by the retailer.

The warranty will only cover manufacturing faults, which means that if the device takes any form of external damage or liquid infiltration, this will invalidate the warranty for the entire unit


Hope this helps!
Kevlar Engineer
24 Sep 15 #293
​see post above
Kevlar Engineer
24 Sep 15 #294
so Warranty is 3 years on battery and device & 3 months on charger and headphones.
26 Sep 15 #295
anyone had any news on their cover
lukec36 to subzero1234
27 Sep 15 #296
​nope. I got a Terrapin case from Amazon to protect the phone until the Flip Case arrives, but it's not great. Fits nicely but even with case on the camera still protrudes a little and the cut out for the fingerprint sensor could be a little bigger, sometimes the controls for notifications and running apps (slide up and down on the sensor) are a bit hit and miss, the Honor Flip Case looks like it has a bigger cut out for the sensor.
27 Sep 15 #297
it originally said 3 days when I ordered the phone. lucky I split the order,
27 Sep 15 1 #298
Went for the Huawei Honor 7 Case, ELTD (Nillkin) Matte at Amazon £7.95. Had one for another phone and still as pleased. Very tight fit - nicely textured rear. Edges neat - flush up to the level on the buttons, so they seem to be a wee bit recessed rather than proud now, but still easily accessible. Minimal wrapping over the edges round on to the front, what 1mm each side?
28 Sep 15 #299
Got the b121 just now available and....... Instalation failed? When I go to updates again no more updates?
2 Oct 15 #300
Mine is all over the show, 1 day mobile standby took a massive chunk, another day it's Opera Browser, another day it's another app. Very poor battery management software.

Overall phone hardware is nice, software even after installing Nova Launcher is is not as fast as OnePlus One and has an annoying lockscreen where you can't really customise the wallpaper (unless you use 1 cover for magazine lock). This phone with CyanogenMod would be a dream combo but highly unlikely to happen due to the chipset.
2 Oct 15 #301
Anyone know where you go to change the led notification light colours dependant on the app.
2 Oct 15 #302
I changed it for whats app in the app settings but not sure about others.
2 Oct 15 #303
Has anyone else had the issue in WhatsApp where it doesn't display contact name just the number - even if the names display properly in the Contacts app?

Also it randomly reverts to stock keyboard for no reason and I have to select SwiftKey again.

Couple of random niggles that could turn into major annoyances eventually
subzero1234 to lukec36
2 Oct 15 #304
you have to go to contacts in whatsapp settings and tick/untick the box which says show hidden contacts.
ssjinzo to lukec36
2 Oct 15 #305
I keep having this issue as well never had it with another phone before? Happened at least a few time a day. I refresh and the contacts come up but I got to keep refreshing daily?
2 Oct 15 #306
Didn't work for me contacts still revert back after a while
2 Oct 15 #307
​same issue here. fine most of the time then the contacts names disappear. Annoying!
3 Oct 15 1 #308
What's app issue Fixed with the new update
3 Oct 15 #309
Brill. I've not got it yet. will it come over the air? Anything else in the update. feature or fix wise?
3 Oct 15 1 #310
smegheads69 to ssjinzo
7 Oct 15 #332
Sorry, but have a couple of questions relating to the update.

where has this manual update come from? and is it the UK version?

Does it wipe the phone, or does all the data (eg contacts and photos) remain?

How long does it take to perform the update?
3 Oct 15 #311
​already getting annoying. Borderline deal breaker. If they can't get the simple things right, I worry what other irritating things will crop up in a week or two.
Wonder if the new consumer rules cover us for this purchase..?
4 Oct 15 #312
Its fixed with this week's update. Simple. Deal breaker ??? ( ps Maybe it was a recent WhatsApp update that broke things?)
lukec36 to airdsuk
6 Oct 15 #324
​my WhatsApp is up to date but I still have the problem?
5 Oct 15 #313
Email from vMall this morning to say that the flip case has now been shipped.
subzero1234 to greazedlightning
5 Oct 15 #316
What colour case?
5 Oct 15 #314
Signed up to get the voucher code on Friday. nothing as of yet? worth giving them a call you guys think?
subzero1234 to mattu
5 Oct 15 #315
Check your junk folder, I found mine there.
5 Oct 15 #317
Thanks, my registration email ended up there but nothing since. :disappointed:
5 Oct 15 #318
No deals are on at the moment - so no coupons, even if the phones were in stock.
5 Oct 15 #319
Oh, more fool me for hesitating then. :neutral_face: shouldn't this deal be marked as expired if so?
5 Oct 15 #320
To be honest I'd just five them a call and hope for the best. Anecdotally they have been happy to honor the deal (oh come on...) regardless
5 Oct 15 1 #321
Yep they sold out within hours on the 21st.
6 Oct 15 1 #322
I spoke to them yesterday about the case, they said they received a shipment of about 150, but have backorders of over 500
They distributing first come first serve basis.
6 Oct 15 #323
It was the light greenish one.
6 Oct 15 #325
Ok, I tried my luck with vmall today, the promotion is 100% finished with no chance of a late deal. I've been looking at the doogee f5 instead. At half the price this seems like a good second choice. Opinions anyone?
kunhadi to mattu
7 Oct 15 #326
Doogee is unknown brand. Reputable websites Gsmarena etc never really reviewed it. Reliability questionable. Lot of unknown chinese brand smartphone only last one month.
marc.safc to mattu
7 Oct 15 #335
be surprised if they don't run this deal again when they get more stock

the chinese companies love a flash sale
7 Oct 15 1 #327
Are you running the new b121 software on your phone ? I had this problem until the update
7 Oct 15 #328
An update about the covers:
We expect to have the new stock on 07.10.

Email from them this morning.
7 Oct 15 #329
I checked for update, there wasn't any, which menu you talking about?
7 Oct 15 #330
If you go to settings at the bottom there is update click that check for update

The ota update is still being released slowly but if you can't wait you can manually update using the update file here

Manual update here!g9BRFbCT!q3xNQLrGosaZ5Zvj_mzzNtf7mtk0RLxDdwzLwbycAjk
7 Oct 15 #331
It's infact called 'bisque' on the site. It looks light greenish on the site but it is actually light beige.
7 Oct 15 #333
the update is the European update its the manual version if the OTA update . it doesn't wipe anything it takes around 15 to 20 minutes all in all till the phone is usable.
7 Oct 15 #334
I had a look on honor website and the update is not on there, so will give it a miss till it's on there. Thanks for the update though.
8 Oct 15 #336
I got my flip case this morning, to be honest I'm a little disappointed. It doesn't seem to do very much with the flap closed, just show the time and then a pointless smiley face when it's closed.

The fake 'demo' screen inlay that the case came with seemed to suggest that weather would also be displayed, but it isn't.

Also the programmable 'hot key' on the left of the device is very difficult to use with this case open.

All in all, it's not great. Guess I was taking a bit of a punt in buying it anyway given the complete lack of information on the vMall site. Just that some of the early reviews of the phone suggested that there would be some functionality with the case shut. Maybe I've just not worked it out.
subzero1234 to lukec36
8 Oct 15 #337
Can you see the notifications light at all?
Is it worth the tenner, if not might cancel and order the one someone else put up from Amazon
8 Oct 15 #338
11 Oct 15 #339
Hi everyone, I've had my H7 for around a month. very pleased so far. where do I find settings for receiving a text ( tones & volume) ?

kobirulali to Kingydaman
11 Oct 15 #340
Settings > more > Messaging > sound (under notifications)
11 Oct 15 #341
​done. thanks very much
Kevlar Engineer
13 Oct 15 #342
Whatsapp is still bugging me!! Any solutions??
Kevlar Engineer
13 Oct 15 #343
13 Oct 15 #344
Sorry - fine here since the b121 update. Try uninstalling and reinstall Whatsapp? (backup your messges, etc)
Kevlar Engineer to airdsuk
13 Oct 15 #346
Whats is b121 update?? Thanks
Kevlar Engineer
13 Oct 15 #345
Yep this sorted this out. went from 2.12.304 ----> 2.12.306 now all contacts showing!!!! :smiley:
13 Oct 15 #347
see post #330 and previous. Download (298 Mb) and install manually (local) from a folder called dload either on the root of your SD card or in your internal storage.
Jetset1981 to airdsuk
13 Oct 15 #348
​will this be coming ott anyway? I don't mind waiting a couple of weeks.
13 Oct 15 #349
Agree with airdsuk it is worth upgrading to the b121 version of the Honor software. This is official and has rolled out OTA in Europe but there is the suggestion that in the UK we might just jump straight to b122, however b121 seems to improve battery life a little, I don't seem to lose as much due to 'cell standby'
Kevlar Engineer
21 Oct 15 #350
From credit to flibblesan

B121 OTA

Download, copy to a directory called 'dload' either on your microSD card or internal storage. Then go to Settings > Update > Menu > Local update!g9BRFbCT!q3xNQLrGo...LxDdwzLwbycAjk
21 Oct 15 #351
Really enjoying the phone but does anyone find that google maps just quits randomly (its a protected app) also a really annoying thing is that when I get a notification the header is black text ...and it turns the background to black too !!
Jetset1981 to lidds
23 Oct 15 #361
​Same here. Was using Google navigation yesterday and cut off 4 times in the 10 minutes I used it. I've not got the latest update yet.
21 Oct 15 #352
How do you add the phone to the basket, It won't let me ?
22 Oct 15 #353
Not in stock ! Sold out on the 21st SEPT- did you not read the thread ?
22 Oct 15 #354

It says the fantasy silver is in stock, but you cannot buy.
22 Oct 15 #355
Not here it's not
But according to their facebook page looks like there is another money off coupon deal in the pipeline ....

Hey honor fans! As you may know we will celebrate our 1st honor anniversary in one week in Berlin. For this occasion we would like to celebrate with you by handing out some cool gifts! Starting today you can sign up on to get your sign-up bonus for all honor smartphones (honor 7 -50€, honor 6 -50€ + free Flipcase, honor 4X -30€ and honor 6+ -100€!) You can register until the 28th of October at 10:00am to make use of this amazing offer (subject to availability). Those of you who are already vMall customers will get an e-mail concerning this offer within the next days. You know the drill: Share and like this with your family and friends! smile emoticon ‪#‎honor‬ ‪#‎forthebrave
22 Oct 15 #356
Click on the VMALL deals it is in stock.
22 Oct 15 #357
Think you need to refresh your browser. It is NOT in stock. Or the Honor 6 - phone them if you dont believe us! Anyway there are no valid discounts codes yet.
But looks like the deals will start on the 28th
22 Oct 15 1 #358
Just recieved confirmation of my 3 year warranty :-)
Kevlar Engineer to airdsuk
22 Oct 15 #359
me too
23 Oct 15 #360
​me 3
23 Oct 15 #362
I can't help in terms of the issue you have with Google Navigation but you might want to consider another app such as 'Here', personally I like this better than the google one and you can download maps and use it offline without needing a data connection (was a lifesaver in France when I went there last month)
23 Oct 15 #363
Found mine in the Junk Folder!
23 Oct 15 #364
I used to be a big fan of here maps but after trialing both google maps is miles better i now feel, the traffic updates are a lot more accurate,
23 Oct 15 #365
Ye im stilll on the b100 update going to give the b121 a go tonight and see if it improves. Can help but feel its the phones stupid' phone manager' which as far as i causes more issues than it fixes. .
23 Oct 15 #366
Yeah this started happening to me recently. It didn't before and i don't think it's after the phone update as I had a 2 1/2 hour journey after the update and it worked fine. It just started happen recently I don't know if maps had a new update that is making it crash all the time ?
23 Oct 15 #367
Are you on B121?
23 Oct 15 #368
Yes updated a few weeks ago
26 Oct 15 #369
Looking to order the phone this coming Wednesday, I cannot see where to add it to my basket. the fantasy silver is "ordered on request" and the mystery grey is "in stock". Neither phone I can add to my basket. Am I missing the obvious?
Also is the official smart case worth buying or is the nillkin flip smart case a better purchase? Thanks, Matt :sunglasses:
Jetset1981 to mattu
27 Oct 15 #370
​I've got the Nilkin black case. it's not actually black at all but silver and glittery!! It doesn't stay closed and is already showing cracks and wear within a month. You also don't get full smart view features. Was going to order the official but didn't want to delay the dispatch of phone as out of stock. Delivery is to expensive to justify getting now but hopefully will come to eBay or Amazon so I can get shut of the Nilkin. The seller I got off offers zero support wise also. Just ignore your emails.
27 Oct 15 #371
If anyone wants the official smart view case I'll sell mine for a tenner, didn't get on with it
Jetset1981 to lukec36
27 Oct 15 #373
​i've sent you a pm.
27 Oct 15 #372
Does the smart case have the "grill" like front cover as is shown on the vmall site? looks as if it has a front cover but I couldn't see any hinge/flap on the side to verify. what put you off the case Luke?
28 Oct 15 #374
is anyone else facing a problem with network connection for the SIM2 while using 2 sim cards? I am using vodafone and lycamobile sim cards with the phone. When I try to use Lyca as SIM2 (2G only) i am unable to get any network connection. If I use vodafone as the sim2 I am able to connect to network but then cant use 4G. Any suggestions?
29 Oct 15 #375
What about vodafone in #2, Lyca in #1? Assume, when you've just the Vodafone in #2,the other slot is empty - so #2 is the 'full capability default'? Never tried it, but when in use, thought the 2nd SIM card was crippled just for calling and messaging? ie youve got to tell it which is just the calling and messaging SIM. You said it yourself, the second card, is 2G only. This out the manual, p.11 in the pdf

Setting the default SIM card for calling and messaging

You can set the default SIM card for calling or messaging.
1 On the home screen, touch Settings.
2 Under All, touch Dual card management .
3 Touch SIM card 1 or SIM card 2 next to Default calls/messages.
30 Oct 15 #376
Anyone hace problem with notifications when app is closed, snapchat etc only send notifications if its open in the background :/ swipe up & close it completely then no more notifications! ?
31 Oct 15 #377
I've decided to buy Xiaomi redmi note 2 (Advanced Edition: MTK Helio X10 64bit 2.2GHz Octa Core Android 5.0 5.5 inch FHD Screen 2GB RAM 32GB ROM 5.0MP + 13MP Cameras) @gearbest for £120.
31 Oct 15 1 #378
​cool story bro :wink:
5 Nov 15 #379
OK, so I've had the phone for just under a week now. Is anyone else experiencing the phone randomly calling people even when unattended? mine keeps saying "calling will stone unless you say cancel" I don't know a Will stone or whoever he is and its done if twice now. and a minute ago it called my house phone when left on the sofa for 5 minutes. :neutral_face:
5 Nov 15 1 #380
Ha my phone randomly used to make odd outbursts too. Try disabling Voice Wakeup in the settings, that should do it.
mattu to lukec36
6 Nov 15 #381
​Thanks Luke, voice wakeup was turned on and apparently I've been walking around saying "dear honor" a lot! Not usually something I'm known for saying :smile:
6 Nov 15 #382
Yes, this was something that caused me some problems when one day at about 4am, my phone exclaimed something along the lines of "Unable to call Guybrush Threepwood!" at a loud volume and woke me and the missus up. Not sure whether one of us was talking in our sleep, or the mad stalker that was watching us sleep thought it would be funny.

(true story - apart from the name, which was just random gibberish, and apart from the mad stalker, I hope)
24 Nov 15 #383
Why am I not getting the code? Been registered for months and nothing
24 Nov 15 #384
Hubby bought this phone at the last deal and really likes the phone. He would definitely recommend it. The only problem he has with the phone is that he can't get the free Virgin Media wifi in the London Undergrond to work. Anyone else got a similar problem?
Reooow to HelloKitty88
25 Nov 15 #386
That's a shame cos I use the free Vodafone wifi in the London Underground... Hmmm...
25 Nov 15 #385
26 Nov 15 #388
​I have had the Mate 7 for ages and Huawei are indeed top quality (as long as you get on with the Android EMUI)
26 Nov 15 #389
So does it come with 3 years warranty or not ?

27 Nov 15 #390
really good price
27 Nov 15 #391
I'd definitely consider this if it were not for the awful frontend Huawei use to vandalise Android.
27 Nov 15 #392
this is not good deal! you can always get 40 pounds of when you join the club
27 Nov 15 #393
Why is this on my deals? It's not mine, I don't recommend it!!
27 Nov 15 #394
Please take this off my deals! It's not mine and I do not endorse or recommend it !!!!
27 Nov 15 1 #395
Tip for anyone picking one of these up.. update the firmware to the latest version as it improves battery life significantly as well as fix some annoying bugs with notifications. It also adds a pro camera too.

You can grab the updates from my thread over on modaco:
27 Nov 15 #396
this deal has consistently shown up in my top 5 hot deals for the last week. for that reason only I vote cold on my P8
27 Nov 15 #397
I've looked at this phone for a while, can anyone tell me what's the equivalent phone of this spec. Plus is there a better phone for the money.
I'm looking to upgrade from my liquid phone.
6 Dec 15 #399
Thanks, signed up for that!
7 Dec 15 #400
Install the free Nova Launcher App - then buy Nova Launcher Prime at 10p as a hotdeal, details here
13 Dec 15 #401
26 Dec 15 #403
28 Dec 15 #404
29 Dec 15 #405
The Huawei Mate S looks better and has NFC
30 Dec 15 #406
Behave yourself! The Mate S is more than DOUBLE the price at £469
Kevlar Engineer
3 Jan 16 #407
A really good case I have ordered from AliExpress Ordered 27th Dec & Arrived 2nd January - £2.66. Ordered the silver and grey cases!! Very Happy with the impact resistant hard plastic outer shell and the thermal conductive shock resistant silica inner shell. Buttons are smooth and the case rises high enough to protect the front screen and the camera lens on the rear.
11 Jan 16 #408
Hey guys I purchased this mobile recently. I am not receiving notifications from watsapp and other 3rd party app when the phone has been locked for a while. Has anyone experienced a similar issue?

Kevlar Engineer to pjnwilliamson
11 Jan 16 #409
Yes u need to update the software!! Try manual update in the settings.

settings > update > check for updates
Kevlar Engineer to pjnwilliamson
11 Jan 16 #410
What is your current version .... eg PLK-L01C432B140
Kevlar Engineer
11 Jan 16 #411
has any1 updated marshmallow?? Please post a link to walk through. Thanks
Kevlar Engineer to Kevlar Engineer
11 Jan 16 #412
pjnwilliamson to Kevlar Engineer
12 Jan 16 #413
My version is PLK-L01C432B121. Is there an update? when i "check for updates" there are none
Kevlar Engineer
12 Jan 16 #414

27 Jan 16 #415
The 3 year warranty thing was a lie, I bought 3 phones on 28/11/2015, vMall said the 3 year warranty only applies to one particular model and the Honor 7 is not one of them...
Kevlar Engineer to Gmx91
27 Jan 16 #416
from: at
date: 24 September 2015 at 17:23

Dear Customer,

Thank you for contacting the Huawei Device Customer Care Team.

In regards to your inquiry, as discussed over the phone, we will provide the warranty information.
Each and every one of our devices benefits from a 24 month warranty. Since you were able to register on the Honor club , your device will benefit from a 3 year warranty.
The general warranty policy for the batteries is 6 months, and this is applicable to devices that have a removable battery. Since the Honor 7 has a non-removable battery, the battery itself will benefit from the same warranty as the entire unit (3 years).
Accessories like headphones and chargers, will also benefit from a 3 month warranty and they will be replaced within that period by the retailer.

The warranty will only cover manufacturing faults, which means that if the device takes any form of external damage or liquid infiltration, this will invalidate the warranty for the entire unit.

If you have any further inquiries, feel free to reply to this email.

Best regards,
27 Jan 16 #417
Recieved 22 October 2015 14:00:38 - but we did get the impression it was for a limited number or period.

"Dear Customer,

Congratulations! The warranty of your device has been extended to 3 years from purchase date.
(IMEI: 865xxxxxxxxxxxx)
Please keep this confirmation letter and the proof of purchase which are the proof for your 3 years warranty registration. In case of any questions please contact us via [email protected]"
Kevlar Engineer
27 Jan 16 #418
28 Jan 16 #419
Has anyone had to send their phone back to be fixed under the warranty yet? Mine has just got a broken headphone socket, where the jack of the headphones doesn't insert fully, and in the process of emailing them.
lukec36 to smegheads69
28 Jan 16 #420
Nope, however I clumsily smashed the screen and was quoted £120 to fix it through the official channel.

I've ordered a £30 screen and digitiser from eBay and I'm taking it to my local branch of The Range where they have said they will fit it for £20.

Fingers crossed eh!

I do know what you mean about the headphone socket though, not sure why this couldn't have been made flush.
28 Jan 16 #421
now you mentioned it, maybe it was like that, so will try on the wife's phone to see if it's the same! Maybe its just me!
27 Mar 16 #422
The bottom of the phone has two speaker grills either side of the charge port. Is sound suppose to come from both of these? Mine only comes from the left hand side??
27 Mar 16 #423
No - one speaker grille
27 Mar 16 #424
Yeah the other one is for the whole feng shui balanced symmetry thing
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