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O2 SIM Only - Unlimited minutes/texts and 2gb 4G Data (£4.13 p/m after Cashback) at £183.60
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Opening post
22 Aug 15
This seems to be an excellent deal for an O2 4G 12 months sim only contract.

Deal includes Unlimited minutes, Unlimited texts & 2GB 4G data.

Monthly cost is £15.30 x 12 months = £183.60

Redemption Cashback total = £124
(£24.72 can be claimed in 5 instalments at months 4, 6, 8, 10 & 12, bills can also be submitted online, so no need to worry about loss or delay by RoyalFail)

Exclusive £10 Quidco cashback

Monthly Net cost after Redemption and Quidco = £4.13
(£183.60-£124-£10 = £49.60 / 12 = £4.13)

It is available via, which is a trading division of The Carphone Warehouse Limited.

EDIT (Sunday 23 Aug 9:50am) - Quidco cashback is now down to £10, making this effectively £4.13 per month.
Top comments
22 Aug 15 12 #2
I'm currently on a O2 sim only deal through

I've claimed back two cashback cheques so far without any problems.
22 Aug 15 12 #6
That's really cheap but FIVE cashbook claims! The business model is clearly based on a high probability of people forgetting.
22 Aug 15 4 #58
Been on giffgaff for a while now for £12 a month and they are soon going to change their data plans which makes it compulsory to switch it 4G for 2GB a month, so makes sense to switch over.

Thanks OP
22 Aug 15 3 #18
Have a 100% cashback contract from Carphone Warehouse's e2save brand on their/Vodafone's TalkMobile - only reached first of half a dozen payouts but no problems whatsoever.

Moral of any of these cashback mobile contracts should be that you are content you got a good enough deal on tariff & allowances even before the cashbacks, which are seldom 100.00% guaranteed whereas your contract commitment is. Then every remembered/successful cashback claim = worthwhile bonus to you.
All comments (360)
22 Aug 15 1 #1
Lol judging by the votes, it seems my fellow HUKDealers don't think this to be a good deal.

I would like to understand the reason, is it the redemption that people dislike?
LongPockets to AAB
22 Aug 15 3 #8
Redemption deals are always voted cold. There are a lot of lazy slackers on HUKD. I have had years of free service and phones via redemption- pity the deals now are less generous.
MaximusRo to AAB
22 Aug 15 #49
I voted cold because you put "cashback" in the title, fully aware this is redemption.
lavafire to AAB
22 Aug 15 #62
Dam that's posh way of putting it :smile:
pig69er to AAB
22 Aug 15 #71
**** you, your needy ****, it is a good deal thanks.
22 Aug 15 12 #2
I'm currently on a O2 sim only deal through

I've claimed back two cashback cheques so far without any problems.
cmncomp to northerngeezer
22 Aug 15 #65
is it clear when you have to claim?
22 Aug 15 1 #3
that's really cheap heat from me
22 Aug 15 1 #4
I'm also doing a similar deal with no issues so far, hot from me.
22 Aug 15 1 #5
Good price OP. You have been heated (atleast to compensate the cold votes):smiley:

I have two similar contracts for more than 6 months and have nothing to complain.
22 Aug 15 12 #6
That's really cheap but FIVE cashbook claims! The business model is clearly based on a high probability of people forgetting.
Agent-006 to kalico
22 Aug 15 1 #12
​yeah your correct!

Doing it with my EE via them and i did forget on 6th month and they didnt pay but on 8th month and rest been fine.
NIgelK to kalico
22 Aug 15 #29
​Isn't that what all cash back by redemption business models rely on?
derrylad to kalico
24 Aug 15 #123
and they do... was caught myself... never again!
22 Aug 15 2 #7
I used to set reminders on my calendar on the phone, never had a problem
22 Aug 15 1 #9
Voted hot from me too :smiley:
22 Aug 15 1 #10
Good deal, thanks!
22 Aug 15 2 #11
Just wait till you start getting random calls from car phone warehouse on some adverts.
22 Aug 15 3 #13
It's not that hard. If your a forgetful lazy bastid then this isn't for you.

However I have already received cheques from them in good time for both me and the Mrs .

Just setup a reminder in your calendars app
22 Aug 15 1 #14
cashback :disappointed:
22 Aug 15 #15
Can you put spend cap on with o2 , i.e. like you can with tescomobile?
22 Aug 15 1 #16
Purchased, Thanks!
22 Aug 15 1 #17
I got the 1gb and 1000 minutes offer last month for £7 and now this? really gutted:(

heat from me though
22 Aug 15 3 #18
Have a 100% cashback contract from Carphone Warehouse's e2save brand on their/Vodafone's TalkMobile - only reached first of half a dozen payouts but no problems whatsoever.

Moral of any of these cashback mobile contracts should be that you are content you got a good enough deal on tariff & allowances even before the cashbacks, which are seldom 100.00% guaranteed whereas your contract commitment is. Then every remembered/successful cashback claim = worthwhile bonus to you.
22 Aug 15 1 #19
You are spot on, that exactly what I thought before taking this deal. To me unlimited minutes and 2gb 4G data for £15.30 p/m on a 12 months contract is good deal even without taking any other cashback in to consideration.
22 Aug 15 #20
I don't understand how you said without cash back this is good deal, there are number of good deals for £15 with better data, I am also looking for a deal unfortunately vodafona and EE both deals are expired now, just having a PAC code with me hope to get a another call from EE as I missed the first one
AAB to jun19
22 Aug 15 1 #22
Such as? Please do share as I'm after unlimited minutes with at least 1 to 2gb data.
22 Aug 15 #21
Nice find OP. Is there a section on the site which shows these types of details for different networks?
22 Aug 15 1 #23
The deal without cash back is average, however your getting 2gb of 4g data which compares ok with other 4g networks, what makes this hot is the cashback element if you can be bothered, some people vote cold because its cashback but they generally pay out if you claim within the time limits.
Hot deal for me, good find.
22 Aug 15 #24
looks good to me. wish there was option of higher data with less minutes.
AAB to nnj10
22 Aug 15 1 #27
I think there is one with 4gb data for £8.50 p/m
22 Aug 15 #25
does the invite a friend offer work with sim only contracts?
22 Aug 15 1 #26
Heat added...bargain price.
22 Aug 15 1 #28
Heat added. Extras with O2 rewards are great.
22 Aug 15 #30
Can you tether in this?
22 Aug 15 #31
good deal but I would stay away from O2. They have one of the worst CS lately. 30 minutes on hold on both chat and phone. So far this is a record time for me....
ohdearohdear to dante2000
22 Aug 15 #41
And at the end the adviser cannot help and passes her manager who says we cannot help and ends the call.
22 Aug 15 #32
Anyone know if it is possible to switch over to this deal if I already have a 12 month contract with 1gb data from on O2.
22 Aug 15 #33
very good deal, i just wish O2 would work at my house, voted hot anyways coz thats what it is
22 Aug 15 #34
Do o2 allow tethering?
22 Aug 15 #35
No offence but i have got far more important things to do like sit on my behind

Far too much faffing about
22 Aug 15 #36
22 Aug 15 2 #37
Bought it this morning through Quidco, just got an email to say £15 Quidco tracked. Happy days.
22 Aug 15 1 #38
Got it for the missus - good find OP
22 Aug 15 #39
do u have tp activate this straight off? or does the contarct become active only once sim is instered - few months left on contract
AAB to w123kid
22 Aug 15 1 #40
I think it'll be straightaway, unless someone else knows any different for definite.
22 Aug 15 1 #42
Thanks ordered for my dad!
22 Aug 15 #43
This deal has been on for a couple of week already bit it's a good one. Took out mine about a week ago. Note that you need to inform of you number port for the cashback but the online system for doing this has been disabled for now. The told be it should be working again "soon".
22 Aug 15 #44
For the redemption thing can be done online or do we have to send by post ?
Fellows to mess0804
22 Aug 15 1 #46
22 Aug 15 #45
Poor coverage @ O2
22 Aug 15 #47
Managed to cancel the contract at 2nd attempt. Swearing to the robot got me a CS in 3 minutes :wink:
22 Aug 15 #48
Hot, looking for a new sim.. this could be it... so hot... however I am lazy!
22 Aug 15 #50
good deal, but the security of the website is CRAP. it was hacked last month
22 Aug 15 #51
Cashback shouldn't be in the title as it is not guaranteed.
22 Aug 15 1 #52
Well done to the OP.

good to see the thread heat up as it deserves.
22 Aug 15 1 #53
Ohdear, just move along spammer.
22 Aug 15 #54
can you still use o2 priority and the EU £1.99/day unlimited roaming offer with this deal? thanks:)
AAB to Grazz0r
22 Aug 15 1 #55
Definitely use O2 priority, I don't know what EU roaming is.
22 Aug 15 #56
"after cashback" .... eeeeek
22 Aug 15 1 #57
It's just the hassle that puts me off! But heat added
22 Aug 15 4 #58
Been on giffgaff for a while now for £12 a month and they are soon going to change their data plans which makes it compulsory to switch it 4G for 2GB a month, so makes sense to switch over.

Thanks OP
22 Aug 15 #59
With the cashback from quidco/topcashback, will this pay out twice if I ordered once for me and once for the wife?
Gollywood to Justwondering00
24 Aug 15 #139
Yes. Make sure you place 2 separate orders otherwise only one will track & pay out once
22 Aug 15 #60
i use giffgaff at the moment and i assume as giffgaff use 02 i would get the same reception.
22 Aug 15 1 #61
hot hot got my 4gb bundle yesterday
22 Aug 15 #63
I'm a sucker for deals, bought. I'm happy even at £15.30 per month so the cash back is a bonus.
22 Aug 15 #64
So when I port my number I have to let mobiles know by emailing customer service or by filling out some form?
TheShadowWalker to mohan731
22 Aug 15 2 #72
Found the answer:

Q: What happens if I change my address or mobile number after the sale?

A: Once your address or mobile number has been changed, you need to visit the My Account section and select the 'My Personal Details' tab to update your details. If you send in your bill to claim and the address and/or mobile number do not match those on our records, your claim will be rejected.
22 Aug 15 #66
22 Aug 15 #67
Can anyone confirm (joking apart) what companies do with the information on your bill you send them in order to get the cash back?
22 Aug 15 #68
Thanks OP. I'd also be interested to know how and when to inform when we want to port numbers without voiding the cashback?
22 Aug 15 #69
Never had a problem with Just set up reminders. No brainer if you're organised.
22 Aug 15 #70
Good sim only deals have been few and far between this year. Despite redemption commitment this is an excellent deal, especially as it is on 4G too. Is BT entering the market shaking things up I wonder.
22 Aug 15 #73
Good deal, I've signed up but the 5 cashback claims sound like a massive faff. How do they actually make any money out of these deals?
22 Aug 15 #74
how does this redemption thing work?
23 Aug 15 #75
£15 Quidco now expired but you still get £10 !!!
23 Aug 15 #76
Have some heat. Ive also used e2save for well over 8 years now and Ive never had a problem. Guess its a bit like broadband; good in one are but shocking in another.
I had to renew my contract last month before this deal came out, so am disappointed im on the effective £7/m.
23 Aug 15 #77
Is £5 including VAT?
Plus I can only find £10 off from Quidco? please send link to the £15 cash back from Quidco - thanks in advance.
Susi13 to Lyas
23 Aug 15 1 #79
​Gstyle already reported Quidco is now down to £10. I guess it was £15 till midnight.
23 Aug 15 #78
I'm with O2 and would need to change my number to use this deal as in their Q&A it says number can't be transferred if one stays with the same provider.

Does anybody know of an easy way for me to keep the number?

I'm on pay monthly, contract finished.

Thank you,

spamlover to Susi13
25 Aug 15 2 #175
I don't think you can port a number within the same network. The only way to do it would be to quickly port out to a temporary sim on a new network (choose the cheapest pay as you go sim you can get hold of) then port from that to your new O2 account for this deal. I did this a few years back changing from my original TMobile PAYG account to a pay monthly T Mobile deal with cashback I wanted to take out. I went via a spare Virgin PAYG sim I had lying around for ages. Bit of a faff and took a few days to all go through but it worked in the end and I got the new deal with the cashback.

incidentally, I had one of these redemption deals with O2 a couple of years ago and it worked fine. Yes, you have to inform them of your new number if you've ported it over and changed it from the one on the original sim they send you, but there's plenty of time to do it before you need to start claiming back; usually around 6 months, which does mean it will be that long until you start seeing the refunds. You also do need to make sure you don't miss the deadline on submitting the specific bills they ask for after getting them but there was plenty information on the website and your own account section to explain what and when. Submitting was fairly easy, either by post, email or uploading on their website. Just set a calendar reminder and it's easy. Set a reminder for the deadline to chase up any missing cheque for safety's sake too if you like, but I never had to chase anything, they all arrived and were cashed as soon as they did.

The best bit? The first time, I submitted my bill via online upload, then just to be sure I also emailed it to them. That first claim, I got two cashback cheques in the post a few days apart. Cashed them both. Tried the same trick a few times with the following submissions but it only worked the once. All the following cheques arrived as normal, but because of receiving that one extra check, I was £9 up on the deal for a year's contract. They ended up paying me...
23 Aug 15 1 #80
Trust me I'm anything but posh. At the beginning it went cold to over -50, but can't believe it now :smile:
23 Aug 15 #81
carphone warehouse is the worst company when it comes to customers service.
only those know who had used their cs otherwise you won't understand i know.
pops1975 to princeprecious
23 Aug 15 #83
Vodafone are just as bad, they used to be great and resolve problems at first contact but not anymore.

I'm considering this deal but don't really need it til Nov/Dec. Heat added, great find.
23 Aug 15 #82
I posted this deal over a week ago and didn't get much heat. This post however is scorching :neutral_face:
23 Aug 15 #84
Does anyone know if I can keep my number with this deal?
Thanks in advance
xeroc to DJC31
23 Aug 15 2 #85
You will be able to. Call up your existing operator (i.e. the network with which the number you want to transfer exists).

Ask them for a PAC (Port Authorisation Code).

When you receive your sim from O2, call them up and ask to port a number. They will ask for the PAC.



PS: You should note that the network has an obligation to give you a PAC. They usually do so instantly. If your existing number is tied into a contract, by porting the number you will cancel that contract and so any fees due (including early termination fees) will be applicable. If you are currently on PAYG, when you port your number any credit balance will be lost - so be sure to use it up first (donating to charity is a good way!).
mk-donald to DJC31
23 Aug 15 #95
No idea if applicable here, but watch out with SOME of these type of deals you need to give your PAC at the time of signing up to the contract, ie they don't accept a later migration.
23 Aug 15 #86
might be the year I go up from a 1GB cap to a 2GB when I upgrade in October as I seem to be using more these days. Fingers crossed a deal like this is around then!
23 Aug 15 #87
It's gone up to becoming £5 a month including cash back now?

Current deal posted no longer available..
AAB to nothingmuch
23 Aug 15 1 #88
Quidco gone down to £10 instead of £15. Updated the deal accordingly.
23 Aug 15 #89
Hi all, both myself and my misses have signed up but do not know how to get the Quidco, Can you advise, I signed up but do not know how / cannot figure out how to do it :disappointed:

I searched for o2 on quidco but it takes me back to the o2 website...
23 Aug 15 1 #90
If you are already a member of quidco you need to come out of your browser clear all internet history including cookies, sign into quidco and search for Then look under sim only, find the correct plan and hey presto wait for cashback. It's only £10. The problem here is the redemption. I had a dialaphone contract and we know what happened to them.
23 Aug 15 #91 is owned by carphone warehouse which is now owned by curry/pc world, I don't think they are going bust anytime soon.
23 Aug 15 #92
That was the assumption about phones4u and dialaphone!
23 Aug 15 1 #93
Great deal, thanks OP!
23 Aug 15 #94
May be a stupid question but how would this work ? Is the cash back from and then the extra from quidco ? Would I have to contact both every few months ? I'm new to this so not sure.
mk-donald to Qas101
23 Aug 15 2 #96
The two cashbacks are completely independent.

The Quidco potential cashback is a one off at time of signing up - ie if you use the Quidco website to get to the deal on mobiles website in the first place - ie NOT via any link from this forum. (To maximise chances of that visit/link being registered you need to have cleared cookies beforehand.) Have a good read about Quidco on their website. The visit then has to track... be accepted... and then get validated... and ultimately paid - it can take months and any query you have is with Quidco but there's nothing for you to do other than watch, and moan if anything isn't going as you expected.

The Mobiles cashback will almost certainly require you to submit a copy of your month 'n' bill from the carrier - ie o2 - eg as a captured/downloaded PDF file that you have a particular window of time to submit online to Mobiles (or via post but costs a lot more time/money to do). Once they have validated that claim you'll get a payout by bank or cheque some time later. Any queries about that are with mobiles website and nothing to do with o2. So the important thing here is to work out what you are required to do and then make clear notes in your 2015/6 diaries at the various times in months n1, n2, n3 etc when you should do those reclaims. (That's what I've being doing successfully with e2save/Talkmobile from a HUKD on here last year.)

Meanwhile you have a commitment to pay o2 for their monthly bills for the duration of the contract. Anything between you and mobiles is not their responsibility. Hence why being part of Dixons Carphone gives you as much comfort as you can probably get in the phone arena that the business will still be there throughout your contract commitment (to o2) to keep making the cashbacks they've committed to you.
23 Aug 15 1 #97
All Signed up.
Thanks OP
23 Aug 15 1 #98
Very well written mk-donald. Thank you :smiley:
23 Aug 15 #99
Sadly 02 reception sucks where I live, otherwise I'd be all over this. Heat anyway.
chezvegas85 to Stumead
23 Aug 15 #102
Its about 50p a month more for same deal on vodaphone if thats any better where you are
23 Aug 15 #100
just left 02 they are awful company
if you have to get in touch with customer services god help you
i was promised a refund of my own money three months ago and still waiting
Gollywood to jeffski
24 Aug 15 #149
​All CS Dept's suck nowadays
23 Aug 15 #101
O2 are ****
terrible customer services
23 Aug 15 #103
Gutted, bought pay monthly 1000 minutes, unlimited texts and 1gb data for about £7pm 2 weeks ago
Gollywood to Themanhunt1
24 Aug 15 #150
​Where from??
23 Aug 15 #104
I've bought from before and they do decent deals.
having said that, they got hacked recently and I've been texted to say my details were in the leak.....not good! Had to do an experian credit report and everything. they should not be keeping cc details on their servers.
23 Aug 15 #105
Is it 4G? It is not mentioned clearly(?)
Fellows to KrisFerrari
23 Aug 15 #106
I think I remember it saying 4G available.
AAB to KrisFerrari
23 Aug 15 1 #107
Yes it is 4G
23 Aug 15 #108
I was a previous mobiles.Co.UK customer would never use them again they gave all my details to hackers.
Now I have to keep checking all my bank an credit details all the time in case of fraud.
kiish to hackedcustomer
23 Aug 15 #110
This is part of life, they never gave it intentionally. Though -1 for not having a tight security team and auditors of their online software.

US's biggest bank was hacked with 50+ million customers data being leaked last year.


As far as goes, it's owned by Dixons and so won't be going anywhere and you will highly likely get your cash backs.
23 Aug 15 #109
seen that - 4G available. Dont understand the use of word "available". why not say 2GB of 4G data.
having seen the comments on hacking, [carphone warehouse in news], is it advised to be customer?.
23 Aug 15 #111
can you get these capped?

Also would the cash back start from 10th month now?
23 Aug 15 #112
I got stung with my redemption deal with dialaphone so for me I think I will stay away from this one.
DarrylJohn to mannin
23 Aug 15 #115
Can't see going down... I got stung with Dialaphone.. Only went down as it was part of phones4u. Which was generally a harsh and aggressive takeover and asset stripping... Leaving a shell of a company with millions if debt.
23 Aug 15 #113
Well seems like a good deal to me. Does anybody know if it is possible to port a number? Have a Vodafone contract at the moment runs until end of September :laughing:
23 Aug 15 #114
I'd have been tempted if it was 200 mins and unlimited data for £15.. Then cashback. (I'm on 3 paying around £15 with said tariff)
23 Aug 15 #116
Hi - Can I port my existing phone number from three to this O2 sim deal?
AAB to Lyah
23 Aug 15 2 #117
Yes you can
23 Aug 15 #118
Would someone like to tell me what happens if the service providers, i.e. Vodaphone, 02, EE and Three decided to pull the plug on in a month, two months or six months time, like they did with Phones4U and Dialaphone. I got my fingers burnt when they did that and whilst the chances of it happening again are perhaps slim there is no reason why it couldn't happen again.
princeprecious to Smartguy1
23 Aug 15 #119
​nothing much will happen but may be you lost a few pounds towards few remaing months yet your service will remain active for you to use as contracted.
23 Aug 15 #120
Exactly. Some will lose money which is why redemption deals are always a gamble. I lost a bit when Phones4U had the plugs pulled from their phones. Same could happen again and the fact that they are part of CPW makes no difference. The problem with redemption deals are the cashbacks make them quite appealing but if you don't get the cashback for one reason or another they are more expensive. However at least this looks like a proper deal unlike the S6 Edge for £29.99 and £14.99 a month.
24 Aug 15 1 #121
Ordered the £8.50 deal after cashback for my husband. Thanks.
24 Aug 15 #122
Apologies if the question is daft, but would these work with 3g phones?
rabb5it to mariochristianrivera1974
24 Aug 15 #124
Not a stupid question. I would like to know if this sim could be used with an old 3g for calls and sms. Can anyone enlighten us?

Also TCB: New O2 contracts £10.50
24 Aug 15 1 #125
wow, great deal. shame my current deal has a few months to go. know where I'm looking when renewal time comes, heat added
24 Aug 15 #126
Do not forget that the monthly bill does not include O2's (£1.50?) itemised billing each month.
24 Aug 15 #127
Yes,if your phone only supports 3G then only 3G is available, if you phone has gprs only, only gprs is available.
24 Aug 15 #128
How do I get the extra £10 quidco off making the effective monthly cost £4.13 or else it will be £5 a month?
24 Aug 15 #129
Hi, how do I go about getting the £10 cashback? I'm on the Quidco site and I'm not sure thanks!
AAB to Luciegoose
24 Aug 15 1 #130
Search for on Quidco
24 Aug 15 #131
Silly me haha! My phones takes a micro sim, which would I choose?
Fellows to Luciegoose
24 Aug 15 #137
I think the Standard Sim has the micro built in (usually) however it didn't mention anything about it so I went for Nano Sim route and will use an adaptor.
24 Aug 15 #132
I don't understand what's going on. Ordered Sat night. Today received and email for both my orders that I had inputted incorrect bank card details (which I am adamanat I didn't).

In the email it said you can up date your bank details in your My Account, but I there is no option.

Tried calling their CS, they said the longest call wait is 25minutes. So I hung up.

Tried their Sales option, and they said the automated voice said the department is close now, their opening hours are Monday 9am-8pm....

Seems like their system and CS will cause me a lot of problems.
AAB to TheShadowWalker
24 Aug 15 1 #133
I got a separate email direct from O2 with the link to set a password and verify "my account". Check your spam folder incase it's landed in there.
nnenne to TheShadowWalker
24 Aug 15 #135
Just got this email too. Not sure why.
24 Aug 15 #134
Nope nothing in my emails.

In the my accounts it still says Thank you for your order and that's it. Will wait a bit later and try to call them again. Maybe the waiting times will be shorter then.

Really hope it will be a simple case of adding the details again and my £30 quidco (2 orders) cashback going through!
24 Aug 15 #136
I got this email too. Can't see where to change details either.
24 Aug 15 #138

So I'm not the only one. Pretty useless I must say. Did you guys talk to them yet? I'm waiting to call them at a later time when their waiting queues should be shorter
24 Aug 15 #140
Trying that now. I'm using that WeQ4U app so it's not charging me while on hold. Decent app if anybody was interested. A free EE sim I ordered had £5 automatically put on it to get me started so thought might as well use it up. Waiting time is 30 minutes it did say though.
24 Aug 15 #141
Oh yeah I forgot that I have that app haha. Thank you.
24 Aug 15 #142
Just been on the phone with them after 30 odd minutes on hold - they said only some people can access the account section properly and others can't for some reason.
TheShadowWalker to Fellows
24 Aug 15 #144
Did they rectify the card bank details for you? All good and you'll get quidco cashback?
24 Aug 15 #143
Not sure if that WeQ4U app helped either. I got charged £2.70.
24 Aug 15 1 #145
I just rang to amend the details. Cashback via redemption shouldn't be affected I don't think, or if you meant via Quidco, that was tracked when I ordered the other day.
24 Aug 15 #146
Can you go over your data cap with O2, and do they allow tethering ???
Fellows to Pricy147
24 Aug 15 #147
Just spoke to one of their reps - data is capped so you can't go over and they do allow tethering at no extra cost.
24 Aug 15 #148
Could anyone tell me what will be the monthly payment after a year when the contract has ended? Will the payment rise to 15.30£ ?
AAB to piripiri
24 Aug 15 1 #151
You will pay £15.30 p/m from the beginning, which will carry on after 12 months unless you change the tariff or upgrade. To get the effective cost of £5 (or £4.13 if you go through Quidco) for the 1st 12 months is by redemption.
24 Aug 15 #152
I received an acknowledgement for my order just before 12:00 this afternoon. On the order screen it said "We'll be back in touch with an update later on today and this will be sent to the email address you provided. Our aim is to get your order delivered to you as soon as possible" but I haven't heard anything since. Is that standard for it to take a while to go through?
24 Aug 15 1 #153
Yep I got that yesterday and today I've my despatched email.
24 Aug 15 #154
Oh, that's good, was just wondering as I've never gone through a third party before. Thanks for the reply :smiley:
24 Aug 15 #155
So is yours sorted out? I got the wrong details email twice from them.

No way to access account where info is amendable. Are we all supposed to keep calling?

All my details were current when I signed up so I'll do nothing but sit tight and wait.
24 Aug 15 #156
I've received 2 emails from o2 but there was no mention of setting up a password. One with a link to verify my email address which then opened a page to say "We've verified your email address. Next time you sign in, use this as your username." That was it, no specific request to set up a password. So I attempted to register from scratch as a new customer but it requires a mobile number to send a code to. Does (and i'm sorry if this sounds like I need spoon feeding, but...) does that mean their new o2 mobile number that they will be providing in the new sim when it arrives in the post, or my current mobile number which is with a different network provider? I don't want to input the wrong one in case it caused problems down the line. Apologies for pestering you :confused:
24 Aug 15 1 #157
I have had the same issue. On My O2 log on page, if you click on "forgotten your sign-in details?" link at the bottom, it will give you an option to select either a mobile number (which will be your new O2 number) or an email to get a password reset link sent to you.
24 Aug 15 #159
Ahh, Ok. Thanks for that. I don't suppose I'll need it yet, so will probably leave it till the sim arrives and set it up properly then. Cheers again.
24 Aug 15 #160
How easy is it to port my number?
Fellows to mosanraza
24 Aug 15 #168
You need to fill in an online form on the o2 website - should be pretty easy but not sure how long the process takes.
24 Aug 15 1 #161
I called them up like Fellowes did. Had to wait 30 minutes with the weq4u app, unbelievably long and depleted my £1 payg credit (3p/minute) :confused:! Had to give them the exact same card details again. Pretty disgraceful tbh as I'm adamant I put the correct bank details for both my orders. Calling the sales number had the same amount of time being put on hold.

Thank goodness the incoming Sim has Unlimited Minutes in case I need to call this laughable customer service with ludicrously long queues again!
24 Aug 15 #162
Btw, since the Quidco is only £10 now, you could also refer to a family member for and you will received an extra £10 cashback; whilst your family member will get the £10 cashback (they have to make a min £5 cashback deal before you can claim the Refer-a-friend reward).
24 Aug 15 #163
can anyone please explain how to claim Quido?

i heard so much about it here but never use it, Thanks
AAB to Adam980
24 Aug 15 1 #164
24 Aug 15 #165
can anyone please explain how to claim Quido?

i heard so much about it here but never use it, Thanks
Fellows to Adam980
24 Aug 15 #167
You need to go on the Quidco site and search for Then you need to search for the deal itself.
24 Aug 15 #166
ok,I just bought 2 sims, but I can't see anything tracked on my account yet, how long it takes?
25 Aug 15 #169
[quote=kiish][quote=hackedcustomer] I was a previous mobiles.Co.UK customer would never use them again they gave all my details to hackers.
Now I have to keep checking all my bank an credit details all the time in case of fraud

Was thinking about it....But on that note I'M OUT
25 Aug 15 #170
Shocking reviews on Trustpilot for am more surprised that Uswitch are still showing their emblem on the site.I have phoned Uswitch to complain today.Awards and rewards are in the past now.That 0871 number must be shovelling the money in for the person owning the line.Change the number to 01509615474 so at least a local rate charge for frustrated customers.This company is now going through some troubled times now along with Carphone Warehouse.They will be judged on that and how their customers are actually being looked after including proper compensation
Oh and before you consider parting with your money........Are you absolutely sure the cashback mentioned on their 02 deals will be paid to you in a few months time even if you stick to your side of the bargain.Some online Mobile companies like Dial -a phone have not paid up.They were bailed out by Phones 4U after going bankrupt.
Wouldn't it be better if online mobile companies started putting money into independent trust funds so that you can actually get a guaranteed promised payment if they go to the wall?Which,Uswitch etc seem to want to champion the consumer and companies love the publicity.Maybe Mr.Dunstone can start the ball rolling.It could become the ABTA or ATOL of the mobile phone industry.
I have no confidence in what is happening now with will not be going for their deals and have spoken to them about my issues today.I except they are not intrested but she did say she will pass on my comments.Hopefully they will take issue as customers need trust at this stage of the business problems they are having.Let's hope they don't all get that P45 shortly.
Don't forget to add your review on their website.Who knows if their 4.6/5 at the moment will continue to show in the next few weeks.It's intresting there have not been many reviews put on their in the last few days....hmmm.Sometimes days wih no reviews at all.i wonder if someone is actually removing them
25 Aug 15 1 #171
Went for the deal ,ordered Sunday and sim arrived today ( Tuesday ) filled in form to port number and given notice it will be changed over tomorrow.
All in all pretty straightforward so far.
Luciegoose to BFLEM
25 Aug 15 #172
Hi did you need to phone o2 to give them your PAC code or do you type it in the form?
25 Aug 15 #174
Did you fill in the form on the O2 website?
25 Aug 15 #173
I ordered another yesterday and today in the email said my first bill is £15.79 (Not £15.30?)???? What's going on? Haven't even received the blimming sim card yet!

The one I ordered Saturday and correct the card details yesterday still hasn't arrived either..

I dread to call their CS again....
AAB to TheShadowWalker
25 Aug 15 1 #180
The first bill is usually a bit extra because it'll be for a month and a bit.
25 Aug 15 #176
Is the casback payed automatically from into the bank which you buy the sim from in months x x x...
nnenne to mahdi9
25 Aug 15 #184
No you have to claim
spamlover to mahdi9
25 Aug 15 #186
No, they send you a cheque in the post after they receive your bill. Takes around two weeks.
25 Aug 15 #177
Anybody still showing the cashback on the website please..? I saw it this morning, now it only says 15.30 per months with no cashback...
AAB to vincethebeast
25 Aug 15 2 #181
Yep, seems to have finished. Well done to those who managed to grab one (or two or even three in some cases)
25 Aug 15 #178
Just ordered my SIM ... Cheers.
Found this WELCOME PACK on the website ... Should answer pretty much all the questions being asked.
25 Aug 15 #179
​I think so. The status of the sim has changed now after getting in touch with them. It's a bit dodgy though as I'm sure I put the correct details in the first time. They probably do it so they can con some money out of you. I did tweet them first but didn't get a response until today saying they can arrange a call back - people should try that route instead but not sure how long you be will waiting for a reply.
25 Aug 15 #182
expired :disappointed: was thinking of finally moving from the crappy virgin signal here
25 Aug 15 #183
It's still listed here;

You could call and give it a try.
25 Aug 15 #185
Couldn't be bothered to queue and queue so left it but today they called me and asked me my marital status and my employment status. I think they did all this to invalidate quidco. Mine hasn't tracked as well.
25 Aug 15 #187
Don't they ask for these details anyways? Since they'll run credit check, they need to know if you or someone else can keep up with the payments @ o2.
25 Aug 15 #188
I only filled all these online so no need to tell me they don't have my marital status or credit card details. You can't complete offer without these.....
25 Aug 15 1 #189
Anybody who missed out on this one and is still interested, there is a Vodafone sim only which works out at £4.67 for exactly the same allowance. I have just posted that here: Vodafone SIM Only
25 Aug 15 #190
Received my SIM today but no emails from O2 just yet....
25 Aug 15 #191
Quid on tracked in less then an hour today after I ordered... Emails from o2 after about 3 hours, so all on track for now
25 Aug 15 #192
That's pretty much daylight robbery charging me even though the sim hasn't been dispatched yet. It's unfair for them to even charge after dispatch. I'm still waiting for my sims.

Anyway o2 live chat agreed to credit the extra charge back to my accounts, pretty good CS.

Do I have to wait for my o2 Sims before I can give them my PAC code? I don't know my new o2 phone numbers yet.
25 Aug 15 #193
If you log into your o2 account it will say what your new number is... I couldn't see anywhere to put in your package code though... Think you must have to activate your simply first? ... If you do find a way though let us know as I'm waiting for my dim to turn up also
25 Aug 15 #194
This company aren't leaving me with much hope! signed up and was advised they would email later today, had nothing from them! won't let me log in to my account! Just got an email from 02 to create an account which I have n now won't let me on there! nothing to say if and when my sim will be dispatched :/ anyone else had these issues?
25 Aug 15 #195
I thought Ofcom had banned such redemption deals
25 Aug 15 #196
​Thank you Spamlover, was thinking of doing that, thank you for your confirmation and info :smiley:

25 Aug 15 1 #197
Yeah on the o2 website just search port number,don't forget once number is ported you need to go to and update your account with the new number or you wont get your cashback
25 Aug 15 #199
Thankyou :smiley:
26 Aug 15 #200
Cheers ... Just used the online Port form as well
While I was logged into my O2 account, I just noticed my tariff

£18.00 per month on O2 Simplicity Unlimited 12M 2GB

Shouldn't this be £15? .... Even my confirmation email from below stated;

"= Only £ 15.30 per month"
Save £123.60 Cashback by redemption.
= Saving -£10.30 per month
26 Aug 15 #201
I have the same thing appear on my o2 account also. Any suggestions? I am going to contact O2 tomorrow.
26 Aug 15 #202
I noticed that as well but I checked the bill. Don't worry, there's a £2.32 (15%) +vat discount applied onto the bill. Mine comes out as £15.79 total as there's an extra days line rental on the first bill.
26 Aug 15 #203
I live chatted them and told they had charged too much.
They said it was for a extra day from billing day. I told them i hadn't received the sim by then and they refunded the difference
26 Aug 15 #204
Yep, I've also had a bill from o2 yesterday for £15.79 too and I haven't even received a dispatch email for the sim yet, let alone actually received it.
26 Aug 15 #205
Has anyone received their sim yet? Order completed and shipped on Monday and I still haven't received it yet. There is no "My Delivery" section to track it either like they said.....
Fellows to TheShadowWalker
26 Aug 15 #206
​Not yet. I did get in touch with them about the bill already and they said they wave it when you receive the sim. You just need to speak to them. I also asked them via chat earlier about porting the number across which only took a minute - all sorted for tomorrow.
DJC31 to TheShadowWalker
26 Aug 15 #208
Mine has been delivered and my number is being swapped over 2mora.
Then I just need to let know so I can claim my cash back
26 Aug 15 #207
Oh really, like the actuall bill itself? The guy on chat told me that's not possible as you start get billing when the sim is disptached. I'd prefer to receive the Sim itself before porting my number as it's my main one, and I don't want to have ported the number but the Sim get "lost" in the post or whatnot :disappointed:
26 Aug 15 #209
I received mine on Monday m8
26 Aug 15 #210
​I'll speak to them again if mine gets here tomorrow. Got me worried about the sim now - had my number since I was a kid... :neutral_face:
27 Aug 15 #211
My new o2 SIM received and number ported within 24 hours. One thing to be aware of though is that by default my SIM didn't have the 'iPhone data bundle' (free) activated on it, so I had no mobile data and no 4G on my iPhone 6. Not sure why (or how) they differentiate between iPhones.

After a call to CS and they were able to switch the data bolt-on (free), but I had to wait until midnight for it to become active. There is an option to switch data bolt-ons on o2's account page, but it waits until your next billing date (i.e. 1 months time!) for it to switch, CS can switch it within 24hrs.
DJC31 to iambigred
27 Aug 15 #223
Same for me. Just had to get the data switched on.
They said it was for a android phone.
That wasn't on the contest I asked for.
27 Aug 15 #212
Nope - even worse :disappointed:
It's EE here or nothing
27 Aug 15 #213
Just received my Sim cards.
27 Aug 15 #214
its the eeway or the highway. hope a good ee deal crops up for ya then!
27 Aug 15 #215
Any ideas what to do if they sent me the wrong type of Sim card? I wanted a NANO sim, if I just went to a phone shop to get a sim cutter would that work?
Fellows to chip2388
27 Aug 15 #217
Usually the Standard Sims have them all built in one where you can just push the right size out? If not then yeah you will need to get it cut. I ordered Nano by mistake but I just took the micro template off another sim I had.
27 Aug 15 1 #216
Received mine as well. :smiley: Cheers OP for finding the deal!
27 Aug 15 #218
I did the same, I rang O2 and they send me the nano sim in post the next day. They said you could also get one from O2 shop and then do a sim swap on their website. But I just asked them to post it.
27 Aug 15 #219
sim card turned up today ... Billing started yesterday ... Only a days difference, sure I'll cope.
But I did do an online chat to check status of my port in.... As I did submit the online form last night, but heard nothing back.

Online chat advisor said there was nothing on the system for me for a port in ... He did it online, and port is due tomorrow.... Hopefully no issues.
27 Aug 15 #220
Yeah, I've logged in to my new o2 account for the first time after receiving the sim card today and just spotted that £18.00 MONTHLY tariff. It looks like (to me) that the £15.30 figure comes from a 15% discount that is applied to that usual £18.00 tariff. It hasn't really been mentioned here afaik but it was referred to on the original offer screen on the website. It is still applicable now on the updated price but the only thing is, the wording of the 15% discount is a little ambiguous. It states:

"GET 15% OFF
Enjoy 15% off all O2 SIM Only plans until 30th September.
Offer already included in the price"

Now, does the "until 30th September" part mean that the 15% discount cuts off after the 30th September and then the cost reverts back to the full charge (prior to cashback, obviously) of £18.00 after that date. Or, does that 15% discount run for the whole 12 months contract and is only available to the customers that sign up before 30th Sept? As in, any new customers after the 30th Sept will not receive the 15% offer discount? Not sure.
27 Aug 15 #221
I also had the issue where the port I did online hadn't progressed onto my records and had to phone and get them to do it manually.

Also had the issue with the iphone data not being turned on correctly.

Whilst I was onto CS, I got them to credit the incorrect start date of billing that preceded the SIM arriving.
27 Aug 15 #222
If you look under Bolt Ons in your O2 account, it will say "Gives you 15% discount on airtime bill for 24 months" with an end date of Aug 2017.
28 Aug 15 #224
My o2 account actually shows the 15% discount applied for 24 months.
28 Aug 15 #225
Forgive me for being thick, and apologies if this has already been explained, but how do you apply or get back the cashback? i.e. what do you have to do? It's not clear to me...:-/
Fellows to GastonGrimsdyke
28 Aug 15 #227
To get the Quidco cashback, you need to go on the Quidco site and search for '' and go to their site that way. Then search for the offer itself. To get the redemption cashback you need to send your o2 bill off to them every couple months online or by post.
jans to GastonGrimsdyke
28 Aug 15 #228
When you receive the 4th bill in November is when you make your first cashback claim (as far as I can tell anyway - hope I'm correct in that) You go to your account on the website (you will need the reference number you were given from your order confirmation email along with your email address or new o2 mobile number to log in) once logged in you then hit the 'My Cashback' tab at the top of the page which will bring up some relevant info and a table with the required months when you need to submit/upload your o2 bill. It's the 4th, 6th 8th,10th and 12th month that have to be submitted throughout the contract.

I've copied this from their website but there's also further info on that My Cashback Claim page that I mentioned above:

"Please visit the My Account area to view which bills you will need to send throughout your contract.

Bills will need to be submitted within 60 days of the bill date and show specific information in order for the claim to be successful.

In order to make a successful cashback claim, your bill must show the following information:

- Your name
- Your home address
- Your mobile phone number
- Your current tariff
- The date of the bill

Please check below to see how your bill should look. Please make sure it's submitted in one of the following formats: JPG, BMP, PNG or PDF.

Once you know your claim periods, you will need to send a copy of your network bill for each of these months to

You can submit a copy of your bill online by logging in to your My Account area.

Alternatively you can send your claims by Recorded Delivery post to:
PO Box 377
SO30 2PY

Please retain proof of postage for reference."
TheShadowWalker to GastonGrimsdyke
29 Aug 15 #229
If you got to the cashback section at your account, it says:

O2 Pay Monthly SIMSave over £124 Cashback by redemption
Month Amount Bill Date Status Ticket No Action
4 £ 24.72 November 2015 Not due yet
6 £ 24.72 January 2016 Not due yet
8 £ 24.72 March 2016 Not due yet
10 £ 24.72 May 2016 Not due yet
12 £ 24.72 July 2016 Not due yet

Can someone please help? I can't find anywhere in the account to input that I've ported my old number to the o2 sim. Do I have to call or email them? How did you guys do it? Thanks

PS. The first bill will have the new o2 number, and the subsequent bills will have my old ported number! Will this be ok? :/

PSS. It says this in the FAQ, Q: What happens if I change my address or mobile number after the sale?

A: Once your address or mobile number has been changed, you need to visit the My Account section and select the 'My Personal Details' tab to update your details. If you send in your bill to claim and the address and/or mobile number do not match those on our records, your claim will be rejected.

But there is no "My personal details" section!
28 Aug 15 #226
Oh yes! I see it now. I didn't see that link that took you to a bolt on info section when I first checked the bill. I didn't even realise that we had a bolt-on attached to the account till I read your reply just now. Good to know it's not temporary. Thanks for the info.
29 Aug 15 #230
You I noticed the same thing .... No easy way to submit your cashback bill online anymore either.
Ive just send them a message through the contact list with my port over details ... Will see what they say.
29 Aug 15 #231
Oh let's hope you have no problems in getting the cashback from them without those huge barriers
'Mohammed' from maybe able to answer that question as I see so his name in many replies
What I still find a little strange is with so many unhappy customers,why is your website Feedback ratings on your home page not showing feedback for quite a few days,Mohammed.Are you concerned that the 4.6/5 which is still there after a few days may seriously reduce with unhappy customers.Too many gaps. Is someone in your department refusing to put alot of the unhappy customers reviews on there?
I still see Uswitch are still showing their emblem on your website and I have asked them to review that in a complaint.
Your website also fails to display a local rate number alongside your expensive 0871 number so calling your customer services will actually be a charge for irate customers.I accept you have that 01509 number but that's in the small print.
I do hope your customers get full compensation for the data breach hack you have experienced recently.
Should new customers follow a link to your adverts they may not see the 'hacking'information that is not on all your products shown.
Should they be fully aware of what has recently happened?
Well done for winning quite a few awards.
Let's see if further awards follow
30 Aug 15 #232

This is the reply I received from

"Thanks for your email regarding updating your mobile number.

Currently the My Account section of our website is undergoing maintenance work which means some features such as, updating your mobile number, aren’t fully functional.

As this is a request to change personal information you’ll need to visit a Carphone Warehouse store with two proofs of ID and ask them to add your new mobile number to the notes on your account.

Acceptable proofs of ID are:

Driving Licence/Passport
Utility bill/bank statement (dated within 3 months)

Alternatively, this feature of your My Account should be up and running shortly should you wish to wait.

Once you’ve done this please let us know so we can update your number on our systems."
1 Sep 15 #233
I did all of the above then emailed and eventually got a email back saying my account had been updated.
It took a while but it's all done now and I can claim the cash back
1 Sep 15 #234
Hi, I have recently gone onto my new o2 account after getting this deal and it is saying my tariff is £18 a month O2 Simplicity Unlimited 12M 2GB when the deal was supposed to be £15 and then cash back making it £5 a month. Can anyone help???
Fellows to Luciegoose
1 Sep 15 #235
It should be £18 with a 15% discount for 24 months (if you look on the Allowances section it will be listed under Bolt Ons).
1 Sep 15 #236
Also if you've ported your number across, you will need to get your details changed with the updated number otherwise you won't be eligible for cashback - the details need to match.
TheShadowWalker to Fellows
1 Sep 15 #237
But what about our first bill? It has the New o2 number.
1 Sep 15 #238
​That's what I mean. The bill will have the o2 number instead of the one we port across.
1 Sep 15 #239
Just got an email like above saying we need to take ID into a store because the online system isn't working properly. :neutral_face:
1 Sep 15 #240
I understand Fellows. But for our contracts we pay 1 month in advance. So for the first month bill that we have already paid in advance, it will show the new o2 number. And then from 2nd bill onwards will it show our new number. So I hope that's ok.

I asked them before and they jut brushed past that topic... :disappointed:
1 Sep 15 #241
You have to send your first bill in on the 4th month.... So YOU have to get your number updated on your account before that bill is generated.
2 choices as per there email take id into a car phone warehouse branch.... Or wait and see if there online site I'd updated in time to let you do It online
TheShadowWalker to Winterwolf
1 Sep 15 #242
Check your myo2 account. You're already charged (from your bank) in advance for the first month with the new o2 number (£15.79). So your first bill is already generated as you're paying in advance.

August, September, October, November. So you'll receive your 4th bill on 24th November which to me covers 24th November to 24th December which you will have to send in your FIRST claim.

The thing is the August bill = New o2 Number
But your September, October, November bill = your old ported number.

Anyway I'll get to confirm back to me it's ok in writing in case they try to wiggle out of anything.
1 Sep 15 #243 Quidco Cashback claim payment speed (from submission date)

Less than 5 months :disappointed:. Looks like it will be awhile before I receive my £30 quidco cashback (if they pay that is!)
2 Sep 15 #244
Do you mean we'll be fine as the bills we send off will have our ported number?
2 Sep 15 #245
So as long as the number gets updated by the 4th month is this OK? Or will they want the first month's bill that's generated before you even have chance to swap anything over? Also with O2 to port the number do I just need to fill in the online form and that's it?
2 Sep 15 1 #246
You could always try reading the comments over the last few pages ... All of these questions have already been answered
Fellows to Winterwolf
2 Sep 15 #247
You said above you send the first bill on the fourth month, but isn't the month mentioned the bill you send? For example month three would be October so you send October bill?
2 Sep 15 #248

I went into Carphone warehouse and after much persuasion, they still insist that they can't do it (update the ported number to my account). They claim to have no access to the system... What's going on here... What exactly did you say to the CW staff DJC31?
2 Sep 15 #249
​I rang them earlier and said exactly the same. We didn't order from them therefore there is no account. Take it up with others they said basically. need proof that the number is ported so I am going to try and email them first the first two bills showing the mobiles numbers have changed but other details remain the same. Not sure why they can't just check that on their system though. Annoying really.
2 Sep 15 #250
Yes, extremely frustrating. I'll call tomorrow and won't hang up until they sort it out, as I've pretty much exhausted all options. What a useless company.
3 Sep 15 #251
Rang again. They said I still have plenty of time to update the number. In November, I would only have to send the 4th bill and it has to match the number on my account at (I thought I had to send bills 1,2,3, and 4th in the 4th month).

So I'll just wait until their account pages is up and running again.
Luciegoose to TheShadowWalker
3 Sep 15 #252
So we need to send the 4th bill in the 4th month, not the 1st bill in the 4th month?
3 Sep 15 #253
Yes I misunderstood that too (because on previous redemption bills I was on I had to send all the bills).

But for this, he said Only the 4th bill in the 4th month. I think it's just to confirm you're on the same contract with your number and haven't left.


4th bill £ 24.72 November 2015 Not due yet
6th bill £ 24.72 January 2016 Not due yet
8th bill £ 24.72 March 2016 Not due yet
10th bill £ 24.72 May 2016 Not due yet
12th bill £ 24.72 July 2016 Not due yet

I've just set a reminder to update my account with the ported number, check once a week.
3 Sep 15 1 #254
That's what I mentioned before - as we have to send from the fourth onwards, that will have our ported number. The thing is when I log into the account I can use my ported number to do so which works fine, yet they said we need to give ID to update it - if I can log in with it, isn't it updated?!
3 Sep 15 1 #255
OK thanks for putting in the time and effort, appreciated! Wishing I'd have just accepted the new number to stop all this faffing but presumed it wouldn't be rocket science to update a contact number lol
4 Sep 15 1 #256
They know nothing about it but after I showed them the email, they just updated my number. He had never done that before he told me.
I've emailed and they have said I'm good to claim cash back now.
Happy Days
7 Sep 15 #257
Just managed to get it sorted over the phone with Carphone Warehouse - I did ask first via their Live Chat but they told me to ring 03701116565 which is a Customer Services number. Not sure why when I rang before they said they couldn't, but the rep I spoke to sorted it out. Just tell them the situation that in order to get the Cashback your details need to match and that the old number and ported number need to be put in the notes section of the account for you to be eligible. I did ask them if they could email me some sort of confirmation just incase further problems come up but they said they have been barred from doing out emails? Going to check up with now.
Winterwolf to Fellows
7 Sep 15 #258
Just rang them ... all options get you through to the offshore advisors, but just have patience :smiley:
Eplained the situation, said I couldn't get to a local shop near me within the opening hours so she put me on hold for 5 mins to sort. Came back to say it was done, and actually transferred me to an English person from who confirmed the system had been updated, and there shouldn't be any problems when I put the cash back request in.

Just need them to update their website now so you can submit cashback claims online!
16 Sep 15 #259
They've updated their website now so you can update your number - this is under the 'My Number' section. :smiley:
16 Sep 15 #260
Can't log in, wants to send me a link to validate my email... However when that comes through it doesn't work, just says something went wrong.

Anyone else tried?
Fellows to Winterwolf
16 Sep 15 #261
Yeah they send an authorisation link to the email first then text a code.
16 Sep 15 #262
Text a code? ... What to the number I no longer have since I ported??
Fellows to Winterwolf
16 Sep 15 #263
No, you put your new number in, and to verify that number they send you a text with a code in.
17 Sep 15 #264
My problem is I cant login to the website to get that far ... Everytime I put my details in, I get sent a validate email link sent to me. then when I click it, I get the error that something has went wrong :S

Just in the cust service queue at the moment ..... expected wait time 12 mins .... Just as well its a free call ... oh hang on wait its not!... sods.
17 Sep 15 #265
And their answer once finally through .... try again in a week :disappointed:
22 Sep 15 #266
are e2save n the same? I tried to log in to my account it said auth link sent and then I clicked the email link n it took me to e2save asked me the same n sent another auth link?? any help would be great!
22 Sep 15 #267
Managed to login now. They sent authorisation link, clicked it from my email, got an error on the login page (e2save logo top left), entered same details again and got in. Changed my number, got a text, validated.

Only problem is everytime I want to login it sends a authorisation email again.....
Fellows to TheShadowWalker
23 Sep 15 #270
​Happens to me each time as well.
23 Sep 15 #268
Well, this all seems to be quite complex.. My problem is that I phoned to get this deal, so have no account. When i go to the site and go for I have forgotten my order number, I type in my email but I never receive a reply, so I have no account and can do nothing. Phoned 2 weeks ago, was told that there was a problem with their site, but still I am unable to login / recieve email with order number. Does anybody have a solution to that? Greatly appreciated.
Fellows to Rvdveer
23 Sep 15 #269
​You'll probably need to ring them or speak to them via Twitter to see if it can get setup. Why did you opt for over the phone and not online?
23 Sep 15 #271
Also has anybody renewed their Cashback deal after the 12 months? How does it work?
TheShadowWalker to Fellows
24 Sep 15 #272
On the 11th month give o2 30days notice that you dont wish the contract be renewed. They try to entice you with retainment offers.

If you wish to change to a new cashback offer simply ask for your pac; if the new cashback redemption from is from o2 network you will have to use the pac (port number) on another network with payg and then ask for a pac again before you can sign up back on the o2 network.
24 Sep 15 #273
Could you change to o2 PAYG then back to the new o2 mobiles deal, or wouldn't that work?
24 Sep 15 #274
I don't think so, you have to switch to a different Network, as before EE told me you can't port your number to the same network...

This was for a cashback deal 5 years ago though over a period of 3 years so I'm not sure whether things have changed.
24 Sep 15 #275
Cheers for that - I'll have a look into it. I just thought it might be easier/quicker that way. Plenty time left yet though.
27 Oct 15 #276
Hello guys, Can you please let me how to do redemption and where and when I need to send this request?

Thanks All.
Fellows to negiyk
27 Oct 15 #277
You need to download your bill from O2, then login to your mobile account. You can do this either by O2 website first or login to the Mobile account, then go to My Claim Status and there's an O2 link there. Mine isn't available to do yet so not sure if any links appear. But there's an address on the page if you want to print the bill out and send it to that instead/as well as.
11 Nov 15 #278
Hey guys,
1. Has anyone got their Quidco cashback yet? Mine just says Tracked still.

2. On it says that the November bill is Due now. But since I started near the end of August, I'm assuming I should be sending the 4th bill, which will be issued to me at the end of November 2015? Correct me if I'm wrong but I have 60 days from the issue of the bill to send it to them right?

Thank you in advance.
Fellows to TheShadowWalker
12 Nov 15 1 #279
Mine still says tracked and yes you have 60 days to send it.
12 Nov 15 #280
Mine also says tracked and no payment, it says update: The retailer is taking longer than expected to process your transaction. We apologise for the delay
12 Nov 15 #281
Can I just triple check guys, we send in the bill that will be given to us at the end of November which covers the month of November right?
TheShadowWalker to Luciegoose
12 Nov 15 #282
I believe so. Since they just want the 4th bill, which isn't out until the end of November for me. We actually pay mobile phone contracts a month in advance. So the end of November bill covers 29th Nov - 29th Dec 2015 or whenever you started.

This Quidco is taking agesssss :disappointed:
13 Nov 15 #283
Really not happy with Quidco at the minute, got another one that's taking forever/ probably won't get it at all :disappointed:
25 Nov 15 #284
I imagine most people's first cashback claim bill is due from today/some time this week. As I've never done this before, can I just check and confirm before I upload it to my account page on that the correct page that I upload is the one from my downloaded o2 bill that states: "Copy Bill" at the top centre of the page with the o2 logo to the far right and then it has all your personal name, address and account information below that and then it says in bold green larger print: "At a glance" which then proceeds to give the remainder of the account info and rundown of charges for that bill etc.

Can somebody be so kind as to confirm if that Is the specific page that I need to upload in order to receive the cashback?
25 Nov 15 #285
Won't let me reply to you for some reason, but I just downloaded the recent bill as a PDF and sent that one via their site. It has the personal details on along with tariff, cost, etc.
jans to Fellows
25 Nov 15 #286
Oh, did you send the full bill to them? I was thinking of only uploading the first page with all the relevant info on. Not all the pages with all my itemised calls and other info on etc. Do they require the whole bill?
25 Nov 15 #287
They may only just need the front page, but I have send them the entire bill just to be on safe side. I have just uploaded mine, literally took me about 30 seconds to do. Very impressed with how easy it was.
25 Nov 15 #288
It's let me reply now. Probably needed to restart the app. Yeah I sent the full bill - couldn't be bothered to split up the pages and didn't mind if they get to see my usage.
25 Nov 15 #289
Yes, I did too in the end. Hope it works out for us. Haha. Thanks for the reply.
25 Nov 15 #290
Thanks for the reply. I have already submitted it and agreed the process was pretty straightforward however, I noticed something while comparing the requirements that may cause an issue through no fault of my own as obviously they were responsible for all the info/personal details from the outset. To explain.... On the upload the bill page, below where it states: "Please make sure the information below is the same as on your bill." They specifically have my first name listed in full with no middle initial on their system but o2 only appear to have my first initial accompanied by the second initial. Like the difference between 'Joseph Bloggs' and 'Mr J R Bloggs'. Do you think there's a possibility that they could use the fact that my full first name is not listed on the o2 bill and doesn't correspond with their system to get out of paying the cashback?
25 Nov 15 #291
I think that shouldn't be an issue, but the only way to be sure is to ask them.
25 Nov 15 #292
Yes, you're probably right. Although, I'd hate to bring their attention to it. I think I may wait and see what happens and if they somehow reject it then contact them about it at the time. Hopefully that won't be necessary though :smiley:
26 Nov 15 #293
It's the same with me - I asked them earlier via Direct Message on Twitter but no reply yet.
26 Nov 15 1 #294
Hope it's fine though as they should see your initial and surname match along with the other details...
26 Nov 15 #295
I uploaded the invoice late yesterday evening, and just got an email to say cashback claim has been accepted and cheque is on it's way. Impressive or what? Now that is what I call service.
negiyk to AAB
30 Nov 15 #302
I got the authorisation link and clicked that but I can't see the link to upload bill or fill any cash back form. can you please let me how you did ?

26 Nov 15 #296
Still unable to login ...Every time I try I get the message an authorisation link has been emailed to you.
And when I click on that, their page pops up with a message something has went wrong ... FFS

How long do you have to submit the bill, anyone know?
AAB to Winterwolf
26 Nov 15 #297
I believe within 60 days.
26 Nov 15 #298
Did you get a confirmation text? My details didn't match exactly but got a text to say it's being processed.
26 Nov 15 #299
All sorted now ... Copied the authorisation link and manually pasted it into IE, and it logged me straight in ... NO clue why clicking the email link is any different.

Got the confirmation email just through now that my claim has been accepted and can expect a cheque within 8 weeks. Pretty painless process, once logged in :smiley:

Now just need to remember to do the rest :smiley:

"To claim the rest of your Cashback please submit the following bills within 60 days of the date on the bill;
Nov 2015
Jan 2016
Mar 2016
May 2016
Jul 2016
27 Nov 15 1 #300
Yes, thanks I did. I got both an email and a text early this morning at about 7;30 confirming that my claim had been accepted and processed should receive the cheque within 8 weeks. Well pleased with that. Was all a lot less painful than I anticipated to be fair.

Thanks again for deal AAB. Nice one.
27 Nov 15 #301
I can't see the cashback form in my account - their account system is pretty awful - two factor authentication is a pain
30 Nov 15 #303
Sorry will I get cash back from or O2?
AAB to negiyk
30 Nov 15 #304, I think there was a tab at the top under my account called my cashback or something. Sorry I can't see that on my mobile so am unable to confirm
2 Dec 15 #305
I received email from they saying I can't get the cash back because when I placed order which is 25 Aug 2015 there was no cash back scheme. So did anybody received email from them which clearly states that you will get cash back.. if that's the case I am screwed up here. cheers guys
AAB to negiyk
2 Dec 15 #306
I ordered mine on 22 August, I've already got an email to confirm that my claim is accepted and my first cheque is on its way.
Fellows to negiyk
12 Dec 15 #310
Check your email for the order confirmation and see if it mentions cashback by redemption in that.
2 Dec 15 #307
And my initial order confirmation email from 22 August does say on it "Save £123.60 cashback by redemption"
12 Dec 15 1 #308
Received the first cashback cheque for £24.72 this morning. YAY! :smiley:

Cheers AAB <3
12 Dec 15 1 #309
I also got my first cheque for £24.72 this morning.
Fellows to AAB
12 Dec 15 #311
Got mine too. Hopefully the rest are okay in the following months. :smiley:
12 Dec 15 #312
Yup my cheque turned up as well
12 Dec 15 #313
Just remind me in another 3 months please ☺
14 Dec 15 #314
Yes, mails I received doesn't says about the redemption, unlucky my delays for couple of days
Fellows to negiyk
14 Dec 15 #315
Double check your confirmation email.
25 Jan 16 1 #316
Uploaded my new January bill a couple of hours ago and have just received email & text confirmation that my 2nd cashback claim has been accepted already and the cheque's on the way. This is great, haha! A hell of a lot less painful than I anticipated before entering into this deal.
Fellows to jans
25 Jan 16 #317
Yep, good so far. Hopefully it's alright for the remaining months.
26 Jan 16 #318
Cheers for the reminder ,just submitted mine again with no issues :smiley:
Remind me again next time please :smiley:
5 Feb 16 #319
So glad I found this deal, Hoping that come August there will be another similar one :smiley:
Fellows to Luciegoose
5 Feb 16 #320
Yep hopefully O2 again as there's been no problems so far. The other one that was on the site was Vodafone for pretty much the same price - I did get a free sim to test coverage and that was good also, so you guys could try that.
26 Mar 16 #321
Quick bump to remind people for their 3rd cashback claim! Mine has just been submitted!
26 Mar 16 1 #322
Cheers :smiley: ... Just done mine again
26 Mar 16 1 #323
And me - thanks.
28 Mar 16 #324
Just to confirm does it still say 'Due Now' after uploading your bill? I haven't had any confirmation to say it uploaded fine.
28 Mar 16 #325
Mine is the same. I've uploaded it twice thinking it didn't go through as I also did not got a confirmation. They must be having a long Easter weekend off.
28 Mar 16 #326

Same here. Not had the usual Customer Services "Your cashback claim has been accepted" email/text yet either. I was also hoping it was due to the Easter bank holiday weekend too. I was thinking if it hasn't arrived by Wednesday then I'd start to get concerned but after hearing I'm not the only one then hopefully it should be alright.

Can't believe how fast the time has gone for this contract. Nearly 3/4 of the way through already.
29 Mar 16 #327
My acceptance text came through about half an hour ago.
29 Mar 16 #328
Got a text saying it had been rejected and the email explanation said that it was because they are currently processing my claim - I did upload the bill twice so that maybe why. Hopefully it gets sorted.
29 Mar 16 #329
Got the same here and I too uploaded it twice :smiley:
20 Apr 16 #330
Anyone got their cheque yet? I'm still waiting for mine ☹️
20 Apr 16 #331
Mine turned up in about a week
20 Apr 16 #332
Yes, got mine about a week ago. I take it they reversed the initial rejection that you mentioned above? The delay maybe due to that, hopefully.
21 Apr 16 #333
I thought the same as well - still haven't got mine yet.
21 Apr 16 #334
Thanks, yes I did got a confirmation later to say my claim is accepted. But no cheque yet, hopefully it will turn up soon.
25 May 16 #335
I forgot to mention mine turned up. I had a look on their site as well to get the cash back deals in August however they haven't got the cheap deals going anymore.
25 May 16 2 #336
Remember folks, it's time to send May bill.
25 May 16 #337
Has anybody else had the new way of logging in screen? It now requests a password but has a link above saying:

"My account has changed!
If you have previously logged into your my account but haven't yet set up an email address and password - please click here."

When I opened that link (because I don't remember ever creating a password) it then requested my order id and email address as usual and also a box to tick to confirm 'I'm not a robot.' The following screen thanked me for the registration request and said that if I had an account with them an email would be sent to my address. That was about 45 mins ago and I haven't received anything yet. Nothing in the junk folder either. Have I done something wrong? I don't want to try again too soon in case that causes more problems.

Edit: Have gone through that procedure again and still have not received an email. Getting a bit concerned now.
25 May 16 #338
I'm having exactly the same issues, may have to ring them tomorrow.
26 May 16 1 #339
Just to say I had the same screens this morning, however once completed it I received an email within 5 minutes, followed the link and all is good. So maybe worth trying this morning and if not received soon, then ring them.
26 May 16 1 #340
Thanks, tried this morning and it worked.
26 May 16 #341
**** ... Forgot what my Order ID number was .... Wrote it down safely somewhere ... Isnt that always the case!
26 May 16 #342
Search your emails for!
26 May 16 #343
Cheers for the reminder - even though I have my phone reminding me every two months, it skipped May's for some reason. :neutral_face:
26 May 16 1 #344
Yes, me too.

I woke up this morning to an email from them which I just followed the link from there and it's all done now.
26 Jun 16 #345
Anybody had any luck finding a replacement for this sim as contracts are due to finish soon? Cheapest I can find is Vodafone £9/month with unlimited calls and texts with 8gb of data.
26 Jun 16 #346
Good point... When it expire?
26 Jun 16 #347
Was thinking about this the other day. I had a quick look at the time but didn't see anything with 02 nowhere near as good as this. Does anybody have any idea when we have to give notice to o2? I ordered mine on the 24th Aug so I'm assuming it expires on the 23rd Aug this year and with the 30 days notice you have to give I worked it out that it should be 24th July.

Does that sound right? Have never done one of these cashback deals prior to this one.
26 Jun 16 #348
Sounds alright to me. Mine expires on the 24th August so I'll be ringing around the 20th of July to make sure.
26 Jun 16 #349
Probably around the end of August similar to mine. Check what date your bill comes in on your account.
26 Jun 16 #350
I thought about doing it a little earlier too but then I was a bit wary in case doing that could possibly impact on the final cashback qualification with if you cancelled it too early? Not sure now.
26 Jun 16 #351
Do you mean getting the cheque once you've cancelled? My 12th bill is July so I reckon the cheque would be here a couple weeks after (which would be mid-August). I reckon we'll be fine.
26 Jun 16 #352
Yep. The cashback cheque. I hadn't checked when the final bill upload was due to be honest but you're right. It must be due in July, next month. So thinking along those lines it should be fine to do it a bit earlier as you say. Hopefully, anyway.
25 Jul 16 #353
Cashback claim around today people!
25 Jul 16 #354
Anybody found any deals for similar usage and price? e2save are doing Vodafone 500min/Unlimited texts/10gb data for £8 a month after cash back, and Unlimited calls/texts and 4gb data for £7.50 a month.
25 Jul 16 #355
Also just on chat sorting out the cancellation process - remember that if you want to keep your number you need to request a PAC code and not ask for 30 day notice as that would mean terminating the account altogether.
26 Jul 16 #356
Thanks for the info ... So who do we talk to for PAC ... or O2? .. My account started on 25th Aug 2015, so should be good to start looking at other options now.
Couple of daft obvious questions probably.

1. Reading the comments then, do we have to give min 30 notice of leaving or not?
2. Or if we request a PAC code, I think there only valid for 30 days anyway?
3. If you don't cancel, does it just roll over onto a month to month basis?

26 Jul 16 #357
1) Yes if you don't want to keep your number.
2) Yes.
3) Yes.

You need to speak with O2 for the PAC code - I did mine through Live Chat and kept the email transcript for proof if needed.
26 Jul 16 #358
Hi Fellows.

How long did it take for your PAC code to come through? I was on the o2 online chat nearly an hour ago and the CS rep said he was generating one as we chatted and would text me it within 15 mins. No sign of it yet.

ps. Have had my cashback claim accepted from So at least that side of things has gone fluidly.
26 Jul 16 #359
They tried texting while on chat but it didn't work for some reason so they emailed it instead.
26 Jul 16 #360
Ah, ok. I'm on the chat service again with them now. Will see what happens
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