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New Model Sky Now TV box (Roku 3) 1080p £14.99 @ NowTV
5+++ stars +1.3k

New Model Sky Now TV box (Roku 3) 1080p £14.99 @ NowTV

£14.99 NOW TV6 Aug 15
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
6 Aug 15
£14.99 for the new Sky Now TV box Roku 3 that can play 1080p

or £24.99 with any of the TV packs below
Top comments
pannan to kpearsoncj
6 Aug 15 87 #35
Can't hear you. Speak up!
Elevation to cigbunt
6 Aug 15 66 #61
Ian who?
dijital to fairytooth
6 Aug 15 52 #49
Jesus Christ!

It's a £69+ box for £15 where you do not even need to use their services!

If you want netflix, buy a Roku3.

Stop whining like a spoilt child.
6 Aug 15 23 #105

Available from 06/08 from Nowtv website for £14.99

Available instore at Argos from 07/08

Now TV Smart Box with 3 Months Sky Entertainment Pass - £24.99

Now TV Smart Box and 2 Months Sky Movies Pass - - £24.99

Now TV Smart Box and 2 Days Sky Sports Pass - £24.99

It is based on the new Roku 2 but is crippled.

No Netflix now or ever.

No Kodi.

Previous NowTV box allowed sideloading of Emby Media Browser or Plex via the developer console. Confirmed that this is still the case.

New Box has USB and MicroSD slots for playing of MP4 and MK4 files. No word on what app/software this would be possible.

Box is capable of outputting 1080p. Sky's own NowTV streams are only 720p.

I will be dropping into Argos in the morning to pick one up. Need the ethernet connection to guarantee no stuttering on larger MKV streamed from Emby Server on HP Microserver to Emby.

I have recommended the original box to 4 people for use with Emby and we have bought 16 between us. We also ended up buying NowTV passes repeatedly so hopefully SKY see sideloading as a positive.
All comments (420)
6 Aug 15 4 #1
will this new box run iPlayer without all the stuttering between menus as since the last upgrade its been really bad.
Wolfsbane2k to paulj48
6 Aug 15 1 #10
I damn well hope so!
TokyoPaul to paulj48
6 Sep 15 #407
​Runs it really well, worth the upgrade.
chellexxx to paulj48
9 Nov 15 #415
Nice and cheap but what you get for that is limited. Having tried all TV boxes now I don't believe there is a better one than the fire TV currently. It has Amazon prime, Netflix, bbc1, channel 5, itv with the hub coming soon.... Many many more. If you have a good PCs you can even stream your games to it. We was playing batman lastnight. Will be streaming fallout this week also. Well worth paying extra for.
6 Aug 15 3 #2
Sky content will remain at 720p.Only iPlayer etc will be full HD
Elevation to javea
6 Aug 15 12 #30
iPlayer. Believe in better.
thomas01155 to javea
6 Aug 15 #55
I thought iPayer only streamed at 720p?
jaydeeuk1 to javea
6 Aug 15 #112
Even then with live stuff only Apple show in 720p, its SD for everyone else.
6 Aug 15 2 #3
Be aware the Sky content isn't in Full HD only iplayer, All4 etc....
NorfolkEnchance to FamilyGuy67
22 Nov 15 #416
Sky don't broadcast in full HD........
6 Aug 15 #4
Plus you can connect USB stick and micro SD. Bargain of the century for converting to smart tv.
6 Aug 15 4 #5
Can I reflash this back to a Roku 3 (e.g. to support Netflix)?
6 Aug 15 1 #6
Better off with my Amazon fire tv stick most of the channels on Kodi are Full HD...
spammy to FamilyGuy67
6 Aug 15 #8
Ethernet might be handy, as well as the price - this would be even cheaper than the discounted FTVS @ £19.

OTOH the lack of Android might be a drawback. Will have to wait and see what the enterprising people do with them. I expect at least Plex which tbh might not even be enough these days.
Jonnyblock to FamilyGuy67
6 Aug 15 #126
Which app do you use?
mrzaid to FamilyGuy67
6 Aug 15 #130
I'm agree with you i don't know why people buying these stuff if kodi do everything
shoobs337 to FamilyGuy67
6 Aug 15 #132
Can you now get Kodi on firestick? When I got it when it came out it wasn't available to download to firestick only Fire TV.
amour3k to FamilyGuy67
11 Aug 15 #317
And the OP's Deal supports Full HD! .. so what's your argument ..... lol. :-)
shadow2351jl to FamilyGuy67
24 Jan 16 #418
​What channels? Sources seem scarce since Genesis stopped being updated. Zeus and VDubt25 down. Phoenix inconsistent for live TV in HD. So, are there new sources out there?
6 Aug 15 #7
Ordered, just to see if I can still use plex.
TokyoPaul to tek-monkey
6 Sep 15 #408
​you can run plex, need to use developer mode, did mine Friday.
TokyoPaul to tek-monkey
6 Sep 15 #409
6 Aug 15 2 #9
Not being able to watch Netflix (or even side load the app) is a deal breaker for me.

Scared of the competition, NowTV ?
m1chaels to fairytooth
6 Aug 15 6 #11
I get your point but handing out a box subsidised by 30+ quid that could be used to play competitor products might not be the smartest marketing move.

I am amazed no one ever hacked the original nowtv box, presumably if it had been put out by one of Sky's competitors then the hack code would remarkably have been made available....(allegedly)
dijital to fairytooth
6 Aug 15 52 #49
Jesus Christ!

It's a £69+ box for £15 where you do not even need to use their services!

If you want netflix, buy a Roku3.

Stop whining like a spoilt child.
6 Aug 15 2 #12
What exactly were you expecting with the original box being hacked?
Sideloading apps was about the most you could do..
6 Aug 15 #13
the ethernet port is the key for me. my wifi is shocking (old house, thick walls). got power lines everywhere so might plump for this. Voucher wise Im sorted until november with ents and october with movies. Guess Movie pack is the best bet - takes me up til christmas
6 Aug 15 #14
Does anyone know for sure whether it is possible to Sideload Plex onto these new boxes? Ordered anyway.
6 Aug 15 2 #15
Yes Plex can be side loaded...
TacticalTimbo to FamilyGuy67
6 Aug 15 #29
I thought they locked it out?
garlik_bread to FamilyGuy67
6 Aug 15 #68
Hi, not that I don't believe you, but have you got a source for this info? As I can't find much other than people asking the same question.

6 Aug 15 1 #16
Would Itv player and Channel 4 still be in standard definition, or HD?
6 Aug 15 6 #17
Ha ha, you remember the old ONdigital days as well then!?
6 Aug 15 #18
any optical or coaxial out on these?

I'll just keep the previous ones then.
6 Aug 15 2 #19
does this have the headphone jack in the remote like the roku 3?
grimmy58 to peteforster
6 Aug 15 1 #21
​looking at the pictures on Engadget it doesn't look like it.

If I remember correctly this is going to be available from Argos from tomorrow ☺
amour3k to peteforster
11 Aug 15 #324
If its based upon the original Roku 3 (which it definately is ... ) I then don't see as to why not ..... lol.
6 Aug 15 #20
I've got a chromecast but would I be right in thinking this would be better for playing all the iplayer and on demand services?
6 Aug 15 2 #22
sticking with my original box's as sky will still be 720p and not really bothered about iplayer in full hd,, great buy if you haven't already got a box though. hot.
6 Aug 15 2 #23
looks like they've dropped the headphone jack from the remote control that Roku 3 usually offers. Certainly no mention of it in the promo material or tech specs.
fairytooth to bixbarton
6 Aug 15 4 #24
This box is a modified Roku 2, not 3 apparently.
6 Aug 15 1 #25
can u get kodi on new boxs ?
sweetfa to kevlfc
6 Aug 15 2 #33
I don't think any Roku/NowTv boxes have a Kodi/XBMC app.
They're not based on Android so you'd not be able to add any of those nice unofficial add-ons even if you could.

A FireTV stick is miles better than one of these, keep the £14.99 and wait for Amazon to put the FireTV stick down to £19 or £25 when it's Black Friday (amazed if that doesn't happen!)
6 Aug 15 1 #26
Be great if kodi could be side loaded
6 Aug 15 #27
Really cant see the benefit of a microSD slot unless gaming. Assume no other apps (that can run on NOWTV 2015 Box) unless someone knows differently?.. Was also expecting some nee bundled Sky Packages but seems the same/ 1 Week Sports was added a while back but the promo seemed to suggest more coming. Thoughts?
hifruit to brenbo
6 Aug 15 2 #76
play mp4 and mkv, a bonus imo
6 Aug 15 #28
Maybe the original NOWTV box will be able to be picked up cheaper soon?
gavin1 to brenbo
6 Aug 15 2 #32
Local Tesco had them at £15 with the passes, ie 2 months entertainment / 3 moth movies or a few sports day passes.

Almost worth buying for the passes alone...
6 Aug 15 #31
Nice - can you side-load XBMC or anything else? Would jump on one if it does at least Netflix and network streaming (not DLNA, but NFS).
6 Aug 15 #34

pannan to kpearsoncj
6 Aug 15 87 #35
Can't hear you. Speak up!
sweetfa to kpearsoncj
6 Aug 15 #36
You just need to put a password on a FireTV stick in the settings iirc.
I've got three FireTVs under my Amazon account and none of the kids have bought anything so far.
That might largely be down to them not using Amazon Prime and just going into the Genesis add-on on Kodi though....
ramiuk1 to kpearsoncj
6 Aug 15 #137
how is it easy to buy programs?
why the hell would you put account details on it with buying options and run kodi?
just make a fake account. jeez
krazyasif786 to kpearsoncj
6 Aug 15 #144
You need to go onto settings on the Fire Stick and choose a password that way you enter it before you can buy anything. Simples :smiley:
JoeUK to kpearsoncj
6 Aug 15 #145
6 Aug 15 #37
Hi does anyone know if you can watch sky go on your tv using this?
ampdewd to ptspen
6 Aug 15 #42
No, you can't. You can watch Now TV, which is roughly equivalent, but you'll need the relevant extra subscriptions.
6 Aug 15 #38
Could somebody please tell me what exactly this box does, it is so you can watch Iplayer on your TV, sorry not tech educated.
Moonwolf1976 to rtaxron
6 Aug 15 #46
Yeah and what is the SD/USB slot for? What functions does it provide?
cheapskate25 to rtaxron
6 Aug 15 #52
You can watch BBC's, ITV's Channel 4's and Channel5's catch-up services with the box, along with Flixster, Crunchyroll, YouTube, Vimeo, and a few other services, but primarily it's used to watch NOW TV's service, either live TV or on-demand programs, sports and films. If I remember you have to sign-up for NOW TV to activate the box, you couldn't plug the old ones in and use the catch-up services for iPlayer et cetra, if you have a Sky account you can use those details and password, but you still have to sign-up.
Dj CUE to rtaxron
6 Aug 15 #131
I have read a few of the answers given to you but its worth noting that the box streams using your internet connection. My internet connection is not the best so streaming using another method is not 100% reliable for me. Most broadband connections should be fine and now tv gets good reviews but make sure your internet contract is unlimited as it will eat through your data allowance otherwise.
6 Aug 15 #39
6 Aug 15 #40
The options in the Iplayer settings on the OLD box are HD or SD or LOWER Quality. The best option looks better and more HD than the Sky 720p program offerings - maybe it streams direct from the beeb? And surely most folk have got another device that can do the Iplayer in best HD quality (for their connection speed) already?
6 Aug 15 #41
will be interesting to see if Kodi can be loaded on this!!
ampdewd to cocoiffy
6 Aug 15 #45
You won't be able to. Nobody has yet made a Kodi client compatible with any Roku device. Not to say they won't do so in the future. Plex will probably work unless they've locked the device down further, which will be suitable for many people.
6 Aug 15 #43
Can anyone confirm if you can sideload RARflix 3.2.6 on this box? Also if you can does that mean it will playback in 1080p?

6 Aug 15 #44
ok thanks
6 Aug 15 #47
Anyone know of any good offers for a Movie Pass that isn't new customers only? I wanna watch the Star Wars movies with my young cousin.
ampdewd to stephenj891
6 Aug 15 #53
On ebay you can usually pick up a 3 month one for £10 or £11.
6 Aug 15 #48
I have the original Now tv boxes. Once I get the Sky movies in HD I'll upgrade to this model ... that's if I haven't cancelled first.
6 Aug 15 #50
Does this have lan
cheapskate25 to cigbunt
6 Aug 15 #54
An Ethernet connection? I think the new box does have one.
Elevation to cigbunt
6 Aug 15 66 #61
Ian who?
Richief to cigbunt
6 Aug 15 4 #100
Not sure but I think you can get Dave.:laughing:
brookysm to cigbunt
6 Aug 15 4 #149
I don't even think it has Dave.....
6 Aug 15 4 #56
Calm down dear it's only a gadget. Have you been to anger management classes yet?
6 Aug 15 2 #57
Tempted, but as nothing will actually be streamed at 1080p it's not really worth it on top of the 3 existing boxes I already have!
6 Aug 15 #58
Lol didnt click till afetr i read it haha
6 Aug 15 #59
just wondering, if i have a smart tv would this be useful to me?
the_el_man to Mali21
6 Aug 15 #88
​ depends how bad your smart tv apps are. My LG is horrendously slow and even the current nowtv box is far faster, this has a much better processor so would be lightening fast in theory. £15 is a bargain
wolvesinwales to Mali21
10 Aug 15 #295
Not really unless you wanted to use Sky sports or Movies passes on it which are available pretty cheap on E bay.
6 Aug 15 1 #60
Assuming NowTV have left the USB & SD slots enabled, you could plug in a card / stick / portable hard drive that has video files on it, and watch them on your TV. It's a brilliant feature. A bit like having a Plex setup, but with no need for a separate server. I guess you could use the SD slot to play stills off your camera's SD card? [edit: sorry, it's a microSD slot isn't it - so maybe no good for camera pics]

Along with the ethernet connection option (so you don't have to rely on wireless) this is a stunning spec for the money. It does pretty much everything that my WDTV media player box does, for 20% of the price.
6 Aug 15 1 #62
I'm looking forward to Tesco trying to clear out old boxes with vouchers :smiley:.
And then hopefully find the new box with vouchers at the "normal" tenner prices!
6 Aug 15 #63
Not sure if it allow videos or pics from sd.. anyone got a definative answer as that would be cool if possible...
6 Aug 15 #64
Can anyone confirm for sure whether it's the NowTV app or the new box itself is limited to 720p? This link here seems to suggest the box is actually limited, not the app. If in the future it could display 1080 content with an app upgrade then I'd be happy but if not then its difficult to see much advantage over the current box, assuming you don't have wifi issues.
6 Aug 15 1 #65
Cracking deal then.. This is going to get really hot..
Stop moaning trolls it's 15 notes
6 Aug 15 1 #66
Yep I'd like to find out for sure what it can do through the USB & SD slots. I really hope they've been left intact. I don't need one of these, but am tempted to get one just to find out & for the joy of tinkering...

I think strictly speaking this new box is the equivalent of the new Roku 2 box (not the slightly higher-specced Roku 3 as it says in the OP), but either way it's a great price. I have a Roku 2 and it's a cracking gadget - but it retails at £60+!
6 Aug 15 #67
But can you side load RARflix 3.2.6 on it, like you could with the white boxes?
6 Aug 15 #69
Just bought an old one with a sports pass ready for the football at the weekend.

From what I've read it'll only stream in sd? Anyone know of the new one will be able to stream in 720p or above?
6 Aug 15 #70
If this doesn't run android/Linux/openelec then I see now way how you would be able to install kodi on it.

It's a good price for what it is though but I agree that the kindle fire stick is probably a better option.
6 Aug 15 #71
can you play video files over your network with these, I have a hp microserver
Wolfsbane2k to dtokez
6 Aug 15 #86
if you run plex on your Hp microserver and are able to sideload plex on this, then yes.
I do this currently with the old white ones.
6 Aug 15 #72
My advise rather wait for the Roku 4 when comes out reason the box contains lots of buffering issues.
tek-monkey to baalberith
6 Aug 15 1 #80
I have a roku 2 and 3, and lots of old nowTV boxes, and don't have any buffering issues on any?
6 Aug 15 #73
I think its the other way around i.e. 3 month entertainment or 2 months movies. Im sure that's what you meant to say :-)
6 Aug 15 #74
Same here. I hear people saying you can but i've seen no confirmed proof.
6 Aug 15 #75
The method for side-loading previously involved using the developer menu. The Roku3 uses the same method to enable developer settings (, so presuming Sky hasn't managed to block developer mode it should be as easy as always to side-load apps.
6 Aug 15 #77
Off topic a little but what's the difference between Plex and Kodi? Don't they more or less look and work the same way?
Spark to Mebster
6 Aug 15 #79
Considering the reason why most people on here will specifically want to use Kodi, no.
6 Aug 15 #78
Agree with your point but did you have to overreact. Okay the guy was having a slight moan that perhaps wasn't justified but neither was your over the top response to the
6 Aug 15 2 #81
Had to stop going, the guy was really annoying.
6 Aug 15 #82
Are you The Mum from my favorite twitter account?
6 Aug 15 #83
cheers i used prime but switched to netflix
6 Aug 15 3 #84
Cold. Can't flash it to emulate a Sinclair Spectrum.
6 Aug 15 1 #85
It's hardly a £69 box
6 Aug 15 #87
Decided to order one direct from Sky (Now TV) as I'd like to get hold of one ASAP. Was debating one with a pass but at a extra £10 it isn't really significantly better than you can get on eBay or selecting to cancel because too expensive at the end of my current pass, so I got the box only at £15.

Just hope I don't find that when it is released to the general retailers that it is available for £10 for the box or £20 with pass, though I would think demand would be enough to sell it at full RRP for a while...
6 Aug 15 #89
Saw the spec on these and decided sky have messed up not making these 1080p streams so as a subsciber of both nowtv and netflix went and bought a Roku stick. Got to say theyre a lot faster than the old nowtv despite wifi direct remote and sure is good having a nice 1080 stream from netflix. Doesnt stop me having Nowtv as well as sky get newer movies and also got a 3 month entertainment pass for nowtv all for 39 quid. No sideloading plex required so for those that need Netflix and like 1080 serioisly recommend going Roku.
ontheqt to faronwong
6 Aug 15 #90
This thing is junk, wouldn't touch with a barge pole! get a roku streaming stick like this chap says.
6 Aug 15 #91
Who said these aren't 1080P capable? Now TVs own services aren't 1080P but they won't be on any system, that is a limitation of how Now TV encode the content (they are probably too cheap to invest in the infrastructure to support 1080P) not the box. I should think with a service that supports 1080P this box would play it.
6 Aug 15 #92
Tech specs here (scroll to very bottom of screen):

You can play MK4 and MKV from the USB port:

USB media formats:
Video: MP4 (H.264), MKV (H.264)
Audio: AAC, MP3
Image: JPG, PNG
6 Aug 15 #93
Can you hack this the same way you could on the previous model? I want to sideload the plex app. I got 4 of the previous model just to use as PLEX streamers!
6 Aug 15 #94

Could definitely be done on the original box. I did it without any issue, though you need a Plex Premium account in order to stream to it now. I never actually had a valid use for it as it was always easier just to copy the files onto a USB and play on the TV.

However, it's also possible that the latest firmware upgrade on the existing boxes prevents the side loading of it (I haven't tried since last update).

It was supposedly also possible to side load Netflix, but I never succeeded in doing so.

With regards to the USB and SD slots, you would think they are active, but they will also require some form of media player app and I've not seen anything to suggest that is available.

Never had any buffering or picture quality issues on any of the 3 boxes we have.
6 Aug 15 #95
You right, the hardware does have 1080p output, its the stream from sky that currently isn't 1080p
1080p hardware out put is confirmed on the following sky page, scroll all the way to the bottom and click on "technical specification"
6 Aug 15 #96
Sky have never broadcast 1080p anyway. Best you can get with their HD box is 1080i, so this is no real surprise.
I'd be surprised if anyone gets a genuine 1080p file to work even through the USB port, seeing as a true Blu-ray rip would be best part of 30-40Gb.
6 Aug 15 #97
The box allows 1080 content, its just Nowtv content that is streamed at 720p, iplayer etc is 1080. To the guy who said this is crap hardware, its a 5x improvement on raw processing power over the old white box...
6 Aug 15 #98
Yeah, i've already got a couple of original Now TV boxes and have sideloaded Plex/Rarflix without issue. Also, people saying that it can be done on the Roku 3 is all very well and good, I just want confirmation that it can be done on the new Now TV box.

I guess we won't know until these get to us for sure.
6 Aug 15 #99
bargain if they haven't stopped the side loading. I have a roku 2xs and that was £40 so this is a steal.
6 Aug 15 #101
Just for information guys, Sky also owns Roku . So if they will give a full Roku 3 specs in this new box, where is the differentiator and why would they compete with their own Roku3 at £15?

Surely, they must have crippled some of the funcationalities/sideloading etc.

Someone prove me wrong, when they receive the boxes. Till then I am not buying , even to tinker.
elliothancock to Onlydongles
6 Aug 15 #117
Where did you get that sky owns Roku?

Roku's website states:

Roku, Inc., is a privately held company located in Saratoga, Calif.
6 Aug 15 #102
It was originally reported as such but since corrected:
6 Aug 15 #103
never said the box is not capable it does do 1080p just not Now TV as you say the service isn't there and I expect that NowTV will up its game in the future and at that time Roku 4 with 4K will probably be out. Just said for those that want both the ability in the future to 1080 on Now TV and to 1080 on Netflix now then Roku Stick is a better alternative!!
6 Aug 15 #104
You can also get channelpear app on plex which give you access to hd streams!.
Jonnyblock to baalberith
6 Aug 15 #127
Can you do that on plex on a ps4?
6 Aug 15 23 #105

Available from 06/08 from Nowtv website for £14.99

Available instore at Argos from 07/08

Now TV Smart Box with 3 Months Sky Entertainment Pass - £24.99

Now TV Smart Box and 2 Months Sky Movies Pass - - £24.99

Now TV Smart Box and 2 Days Sky Sports Pass - £24.99

It is based on the new Roku 2 but is crippled.

No Netflix now or ever.

No Kodi.

Previous NowTV box allowed sideloading of Emby Media Browser or Plex via the developer console. Confirmed that this is still the case.

New Box has USB and MicroSD slots for playing of MP4 and MK4 files. No word on what app/software this would be possible.

Box is capable of outputting 1080p. Sky's own NowTV streams are only 720p.

I will be dropping into Argos in the morning to pick one up. Need the ethernet connection to guarantee no stuttering on larger MKV streamed from Emby Server on HP Microserver to Emby.

I have recommended the original box to 4 people for use with Emby and we have bought 16 between us. We also ended up buying NowTV passes repeatedly so hopefully SKY see sideloading as a positive.
6 Aug 15 2 #106
Comparison specs for the old and new Now TV boxes if anyone is interested
Sphere to carcuscrae
6 Aug 15 #139
Not sure if to believe the specs that Sky provide. They claim 5.1 digital over HDMI for the old box, but confirmed on various threads, that only 2 channel stereo was in fact available.
6 Aug 15 1 #107
USB port and MicroSD slot not active by the looks of things

According to above link:
USB – Not currently for use Hardware for potential future functionality
MicroSD card slot Not currently for use Hardware for potential future functionality
6 Aug 15 #108
I got the new Roku box... Bundled with Now TV , Netflix etc.. plus usb input. Better than Sky box IMO
rodman to malcmorton1
6 Aug 15 #118
you pay how much?
6 Aug 15 #109
I may have been interested in one of these but Sky's refusal to incorporate subtitles into the original box annoyed me. I would guess this box doesn't handle them either. Fortunately I stumbled across the Amazon Fire stick and I now have super fast iPlayer (in comparison to NowTV box), subtitles and access to just about any film or TV program I want.
6 Aug 15 #110
Shall wait until sideloading is confirmed, seems a great buy with Ethernet that will enable 1080p streaming via Plex without buffering if you can load it on and a £15 box will be better than devices costing £40+
6 Aug 15 #111
Can you send your PC desktop/display to your TV connected to this. The ROku 3 has a widi like feature too
6 Aug 15 #113
would be great if there was a little notepad tool within the apps available even if sideloaded.. would be so useful
6 Aug 15 2 #114
Best thing I've bought in ages was the Amazon fire TV box to replace my now TV box. Got it for £39 on prime day at discounted rate and used the prime now to take another £10 off. I then stuck Kodi on it and it's fantastic. Can do a lot with the fire TV box that I'm sure a lot more in the know can suggest on here. I'd recommend over this.
6 Aug 15 2 #115
Good find, that's worth knowing. Pity...
6 Aug 15 1 #116
Yeah. People lose the ability to communicate effectively when they shout. Just ask the oinks next door to me.
6 Aug 15 1 #119
I saw on the roku forums that it can, some beta testers have had the boxes a month or so now:

IIRC Sky own a large stake in Roku, but not a controlling one.
6 Aug 15 #120
Google is your friend. Was in the news too, last year. Sky already had a large stake in this company, which inspired them to offer NOW tv box. Now they own it,not under Sky brand, though.
6 Aug 15 #121
Am I right in thinking the Amazon fire stick Is the best way to get kodi at the min? Thanks
6 Aug 15 #122
they don't own it, they have invested in it though, pumping in over $12M over the past few years
6 Aug 15 #123
Yeh get a fire stick and put kodi on yourself or buy a stick with it installed for £60 for all your sports and movies
6 Aug 15 #124
6 Aug 15 #125
CommentYeh get a fire stick and put kodi on yourself or buy a stick with it installed for £60 for all your sports and movies
6 Aug 15 1 #128
Wow!!! They pumped in that much did they? I wonder what $12 + gets you these days? - and that was spread over a few years too!! That's where all my sky subscription went possibly...
6 Aug 15 #129
lol edited my post, $12M obviously!
6 Aug 15 #133
Now TV is the biggest pile of crap, dated at launch and no better now for anyone with a home cinema setup its stuck with 2 channel two years on it is still trying to compete with Netflix I do not know, at least from the content streaming aspect.
6 Aug 15 #134
Yes, enabling developer option in the settings menu allows you to IP address inject the apk install file to the firesticks internal memory.
6 Aug 15 #135
Good Lord, what have you done to the Queen's English?!!
6 Aug 15 #136
Maybe should have waited till tomorrow and collected it from Argos?
6 Aug 15 2 #138
Some people don't pirate, they pay for content from a provider they choose at a price they consider acceptable. Not everyone expects everything for free.
6 Aug 15 1 #140
Ha ha, you remember the old ONdigital days as well then!?[/quote]
Oh yes they where great days especially if had the gadget to change the codes on the cards
6 Aug 15 4 #141
I have had a few friends over the years, but not one of them has provided a series of blind algorithms and shown me pages of 'results', upon which, the word I typed into the search box doesn't even feature on the site it brought up.
My friends are a bit less hit and miss.
6 Aug 15 #142
Elevation is ON FIRE!!!!

Some top notch posts my friend!
6 Aug 15 #143
There's a name for those people....

...I think it's Jeff
6 Aug 15 1 #146
Going a bit off topic, but I was wondering if someone could just advise me on what's the difference between Kodi on a fire TV stick v Fire box? I basically am just interested in streaming live premier league games and the adult content! ;-) Am looking at buying a pre loaded one from EBay but don't know whether to go for the stick or box...
6 Aug 15 #147
OP thread is not quite true regarding 1080p.
"Like the old model, the new all-black Now TV box is basically a rebranded Roku. This time around, though, it's based on the Roku 3, but with one key difference: Sky's version doesn't support full HD (1080p) streams, meaning 720p is still as good as it gets. Nevertheless, with a redesigned Now TV app and a couple of improvements on the hardware side, it's looking like the new Now TV box will be just as good value for money as the last. Especially if you're up for making it more useful than Sky ever intended".
6 Aug 15 #148
can anybody confirm through reading forums or their own use if the usb port is active and what media formats it will play through usb - thankyou in advance
6 Aug 15 1 #151
I have reserved 2 of the old nowtv boxes from currys for £15 each, both with 3 months entertainment packs. I have the nowtv app on my smart tv, so after I set up an account with them, I will have 6 months now tv for £30, that will do for me.
6 Aug 15 #152
Google is that creepy friend follows you around, looking at you through the bushes and stares at you through your bedroom window as you sleep.
6 Aug 15 #153
I think people are getting confused between what the box can do and what the channels provide. If it is indeed a new breed roku 2 as it appears then the box is most definitely 1080p, nowtv channels are not though. You should be able to play full HD through plex without issue, but I'm not home for a week now so can't test mine when it arrives.
6 Aug 15 #154
Just got the Amazon fire TV box with full side loads & Kodi. Got to admit well impressed
6 Aug 15 #155
I have a Roku 1 (and about 147 Now TV boxes!), can anyone please recommend an app for either that allows DLNA - I want to be able to watch my WD My Cloud content on one of them if possible. It's only for a TV in my 'guest' bedroom, so don't want to buy yet another device...Thanks in advance.
mf9 to ezzer72
6 Aug 15 #158
I assume you've already tried the Roku Media Player on your Roku 1?
6 Aug 15 2 #156
So ... can you put Plex on these ?
6 Aug 15 #157
Does anyone know if you can watch live regular TV , BBC 1, ITV, Channel 4 etc on this box via streaming? Also can you use it in Hong Kong or USA?
mf9 to voyager7
6 Aug 15 #160
Only BBC iPlayer offers live streaming right now. And to use it you'd need to go through a VPN, although I hear the BBC are looking into blocking VPN users.

Your only other alternative is to use a sling player box and stream your own TV. The Roku boxes have a slingplayer app ( note the NowTV does not ).
grapplingpunk to voyager7
7 Aug 15 #168
ITV stream all their channels live through this.
6 Aug 15 #159
Hi, thanks for taking the time to reply. Yes, I have, it's very ineffective, don't know if it only plays a very limited number of file types, but it doesn't 'see' very many of my files :disappointed:

For comparison, I use Vimu on my Fire TV's, and that plays everything.
6 Aug 15 #161
i have a question. I bought nowtv (the white one) just last sunday. I asked them if it was the new hd but they couldn't tell so i bought it anyway. it's the one with the 3 months entertainment package for £19

this 1080p is the one i was after - where do i stand in getting a refund or exchange? i have opened the box already and activated the code unfortunately (because i was led to believe what i bought was the latest one)
cheapskate25 to MuscleFlex
7 Aug 15 1 #170
Depends on where you bought it! If it's a supermarket then chances are you'll get a result, Curry's are usually less cooperative! They should exchange it. Bear in mind that one of your devices will be taken up with a box you no longer have, so if they do swap boxes remove it from your device list, but for and extra £15 it might be worth keeping as a spare (you'll get the extra months too). You should be alright, you asked for advice and they mis-sold an item to you, you haven't done anything wrong, just ask politely to see if they'll exchange it and suggest they put the voucher in the box you're returning so they don't miss out.
jordanc93 to MuscleFlex
7 Aug 15 1 #173
You say they couldn't tell if it was the HD one, that is the problem. You bought it on a whim hoping it was the new one. Had the staff assured you that it was the latest one then you would be able to take it back and say under the sale of goods act you were miss-sold the device based on incorrect information given by the staff. You would have more chance of getting a refund or money put on a giftcard by saying it was faulty.
gizmo2501 to MuscleFlex
7 Aug 15 #190
You weren't led to believe it was the latest one if they said they couldn't tell you if it was. You bought it taking a chance. You might as well ask if they will take it back, but they definitely don't have to.
6 Aug 15 #162
That's funny I was quite happily watching the tour de france, live on ITV4 via a NowTV box (original white one), and I'm guessing it would be more than happy streaming any of the additional ITV channels, live as well.

I assume this new box is no different.

6 Aug 15 #163
So this is a Roku 3? Only difference is that there is not a Netflix App?
tek-monkey to This_Is_My_Username
7 Aug 15 #171
No, it's a roku 2 with custom firmware that limits the apps available (so no competing paid services). It also appears to disable the usb and microSD.
6 Aug 15 #164
Considering this is a thread about a NowTV box, I would have thought most people are specifically wanting to run Plex, since that surely is the most widely used reason for buying the 'white' NowTV.

Personally I found Kodi to be resource intensive, unreliable and nowhere near as flexible as Plex, the fact I could replace a £200 PC client with a £10 box and £2 Quidco made the whole thing a bit of an easy decision, add to that, show me another box that will happily work with a CRT and run Kodi, then I may pay attention.

6 Aug 15 #165
does this have the same flaw as the original box that converts all uk 50hz content into juddery 60hz?
7 Aug 15 #166
Wonder why sky don't have a sky go app installed . essentially multiroom for a one off fee I guess :/
7 Aug 15 #167
Cold, not 4K.
7 Aug 15 #169
Look up tvaddons.
7 Aug 15 #172
Can someone explain in simple English what Now TV is. I have sky and 5 multi room hd boxes.

Sorry to appear so techno ignorant but am over 50 and only just mastered mobile phones.
jordanc93 to jamsammy99
7 Aug 15 3 #174
NowTV is mainly aimed at none Sky TV Customers, it allows you to watch via the internet live sky tv channels and tv boxsets for £6.99 a month as well as being able to access the whole of sky movies on demand and the sky movie channels for an additional £9.99 a month. For those who have SKY TV a similiar service is offered at no extra cost called Sky Go which is very much the same as Now TV. The only real difference is with Now TV you can stream to chromecast but you can't with Sky Go. If you already have mutli room then you will be entitled to Sky Go Extra for free which would normally cost £5 a month.
jaynino to jamsammy99
9 Aug 15 #274
​I thought sky limited you to 4 boxes per household?
7 Aug 15 #175
Thankyou for taking the time to explain.
Can you buy monthly sports package that covers ALL of their main sports channels.
Ans secondly , what is chromecast?
7 Aug 15 1 #176
I don't get it, £15 to watch a limited selection of media? Just get an android box for £35 and watch anything you like
MuscleFlex to taker920
7 Aug 15 #180
what android box?

I want to know because I got the nowtv to replace sky (getting too expensive per month)
7 Aug 15 #177
It seems like an Apple TV is still the best way to watch NOW TV live sports because it's the only way to get 720p.

Does anyone know the refresh rates of this new box please? I'm guessing still 60hz which produces awful juddering of the football as it moves across the screen :disappointed:
7 Aug 15 #178
Get yourself an amazon fire tv stick or box and look up youtube tutorials on how to install kodi and its add ons. You can watch free sky tv for all channels. Forget about getting this cheap box.
7 Aug 15 #179
Thanks for this.
I also want to know.. some people on here have commented that the white one is better.
For what reason?
The new 1080 box is of interest to me because of the ethernet connection (and obviously the 1080 bit plus the fact it's new)
7 Aug 15 #181
The white one is known to allow sideloading of a 'developer app', so it can be used for Plex or other apps not available in for nowtv. If this new one doesn't allow that it's pretty worthless to many.

I have an actual Roku 3 and love it, utilising ethernet and 1080p streaming is the main way I watch stuff so was worth the investment.
7 Aug 15 #182
Guys can anyone please confirm if EMBY (Mediabrowser) can run of this device please and if it's true that the device is 'crippled' to only outputting a 720p resolution so you couldn't use EMBY/PLEX to stream at 1080p anyway?
tek-monkey to mumjit
7 Aug 15 #183
As far as I'm aware the box is not locked to 720p but the nowTV streams are. Mine hasn't arrived yet though so dunno.
7 Aug 15 #184
Never had one of these sticks could someone just give a quick rundown of the benefits of the Fire Stick (at £39) vs this Now TV stick.
Many thanks
7 Aug 15 #185
Can I get Youtube App with this box?
mumjit to anishmathw
7 Aug 15 #187
Yes youtube is on the box and is free to watch :smiley:
7 Aug 15 #186
Thought they would be coming to Argos today; not there yet, will check later!
7 Aug 15 #188
At the risk of repeating previous posters, there seems to be a bit of a contradiction in Now's specs for this gadget. The glossy marketing page here refers to:

USB media formats: Video: MP4 (H.264), MKV (H.264); Audio: AAC, MP3; Image: JPG, PNG
Ports: ...microSD card slot, USB

whereas the rather harder-to-find page here (respect to shakerstevens for finding this) says:

USB – Not currently for use Hardware for potential future functionality
MicroSD card slot - Not currently for use Hardware for potential future functionality

I wonder which is right? If the latter is correct (which wouldn't surprise me), Now's marketing page is pretty misleading.

The ability to play from a local USB disk / card like a Roku 2 would be a terrific bit of functionality...
7 Aug 15 #189
I don't run plex, I use XBMC usually on raspberry pi's. Can I not just play stuff over ntfs shares? cheers
7 Aug 15 #191
Thank you. Ordered.
7 Aug 15 #192
well to be fair - I don't mind - I paid £19 for the white with 3 months entertainment so that pays for the pass which essentially came with a free white box.
£15 for the new one is not much. I guess I could use the white one upstairs or in my son's bedroom but he has fire stick tv already in his bedroom.
7 Aug 15 #193
Which is better in your opinion...Fire stick or NowTV?
7 Aug 15 3 #194
I can't believe all the posts in here about discouraging use of a legitimate service in favour of using pirated streams.

This is supposed to be a DEALS site. If Netflix or Spotify had deals on, would they also be dismissed in favour of dodgy streams and getting your music off The Pirate Bay? Get a grip, people.

Even if you want to argue over the legality of the streams (I know it's a grey area) there are people who simply want to be able to access Sky content by simply plugging a box into their TV and using a remote (you know, like the 10 million+ Sky TV subscribers in the UK). The Now TV box achieves that for next to nothing and with minimal setup.

Kodi is a hobby, not a service, and you get what you pay for. It's a ballache to set up for anyone with limited technical knowledge (try explaining to the average person what a file repository is) and is even worse to maintain. The interface is a mess and involves hunting through endless submenus just to find the stream you want in the repo that has it. Streams go down, disappear, need to be reinstalled... and that's without having to use a VPN depending on how strict your ISP is.

Also, you can use your Now TV account on up to four devices. That could be a box in the living room, another in the bedroom (cheap multiroom), a laptop and a phone/tablet. It's also a decent way to watch Sky content on an iOS device or Apple TV - something Kodi can only do via jailbreaking (cue all the Apple-bashing nonsense).

Oh, and if you do have an Apple TV? All the content, including live streams of entertainment, movies and sport channels is in HD.

For what it is, Now TV is reasonably good value and easy to use. For the vast majority of people, that's a small cost worth paying.
swapnilkashyap to Interloper
7 Aug 15 #253
You know too much, been there done that? ;-)
7 Aug 15 #195
Nah, plex needs the server to transcode it. Kodi transcodes at the client.
I run kodi as well on pis for tvs, but access to plex served stuff on tablets/phones is good.
7 Aug 15 #196
I don't think anyone is discouraging anything, if this new box can use 3rd party apps to stream your media around your house for under fifteen quid then it's obviously going to appeal to us techies who DO have the technical knowledge on how to modify these things to get them to work how WE want them too work.

For the average person who just wants to use Now TV then it's a good deal too so everybody wins!
7 Aug 15 1 #197
I've not really used the fire stick much. I bought it for my son.
It's tiny tho! and I like the simplicity of the remote and the fact it's just a dongle that you plug into your spare HDMI.

uhm - my son watches youtube on it mainly. That's why I got it for him (he's crazy into minecraft as most kids are right now)

If you can get the Fire stick for £19.. I would say go for it. it has support for games as well.
We got the NowTV as we've cancelled our SKY package simply because of the cost (£75 a month). I'm keeping their broadband tho but I've cancelled our tv package and will rely on freeview and nowtv. I also have netflix. I can't remember if firestick has netflix actually. It may do but I can't confirm it at the moment.
7 Aug 15 #198
FYI, not all kodi users are illegal pirates/streamers. I use it just to stream DVDs and music j legally own, but have personally ripped to hard disk, to allow my kids to choose something to watch/listen to without breaking/scratching the originals:-)
For that, its perfect.
7 Aug 15 #199
You do realise you are providing an example of "non-illegal" usage, which is in fact illegal? (see: )

7 Aug 15 #200
Just FYI, it remains illegal to rip CD's and DVD's that you own. Sad that laws haven't updated to reflect the digital age.
7 Aug 15 #201
Am a novice and totally lost with above terminology Plex/Kodi. I just want to know can I watch basicl sky channels such as Sky1, Sky Atlantic, Syfi etc in FHD? Thanks
Wolfsbane2k to giselle48
7 Aug 15 #203
Not FHD, no, but 720P ( HD ready) if you buy the entertainment pass.
The existing ones do the same.
7 Aug 15 #202
Yes, yes, but I copied it while it was legal.... Where these copies now stand, I have no idea!
7 Aug 15 #204
Argos dont seem to have the NOWTV 2915 Box online for reserving today (Friday)?.. Thoughts it was available from them today (via NOWTV it was yesterday).. Thoughts?
7 Aug 15 #205
Thanks for reply. But is it 'YouTube' app or some channel with youtube linked stuff.
7 Aug 15 #206
15 in tescos at the min.
7 Aug 15 #207
Netflix seems to be one of the apps the NowTV stick does NOT have....which is pushing me towards the Fire Stick :smiley:. Unfortunately, it is currently £39.

(Just got superfast broadband...from a 0.9Mbp/s connection to 65!! So it would be useful to have one of these catch up TV sticks)
7 Aug 15 #208
There's a really good deal to be had here. I was a sky customer for many years, paying £26 per month for entertainment and kids channels in SD, plus £7 per month for Netflix. Upon getting a Roku stick I received a 3 month trial of Now TV and decided to check the content of Now TV against what I watched on Sky. It turned out pretty much everything on the Sky planner was covered by either Now TV or Freeview/Free to air catch up. As an added bonus, Now TV delivered the content in HD on their catch up service. Although only 720p, this blows away Sky's SD picture quality! So I ended up with £26 of SD Sky content in HD for £7 per month via Now TV!
The only downside is the lack of alibi / watch / universal - but the decent shows on there (Resurrection, Castle, etc) seem to turn up Now TV's ABC catch up service, it just takes a fair old while for them to appear.
WalkerboyUK to reddwarf555
11 Aug 15 #308
That's why we have now cancelled our standard Sky subscription. Paying £60 per month to channel surf and realise that most of what we watch is actually non-Sky exclusive in the first place with the odd programme here and there on Sky 1 or Sky Atlantic. May as well take up the £6.99 Entertainment package and get all the box sets!
Sticking with Sky Broadband & Talk, but now paying £16.98 for NowTV movies & entertainment packages and £8.99 for Netflix. A no brainer really....
7 Aug 15 1 #209
7 Aug 15 11 #210
I have been testing the new Now TV box for a couple of months so I can answer most of the questions being asked.

The box is a rebranded Roku 3 (Model 4200) unit with a standard remote. It is not based on the new Roku 2 box. The model number of the Now TV box 2 is 4200SK.

USB port is fully active however Sky have NOT made the Roku Media Player app available. You need to sideload an app if you want to watch media from the USB. This is the app you need

The microSD slots on Roku devices are only used for channel storage and cannot be used for media playback. Pointless on the Now TV box since there aren't enough channels in the store to fill the internal storage anyway.

Sideloading apps is still possible and you can sideload the last version of Plex 3.1.4 before they went private channel only. I have no problem playing 1080p videos from my Plex server using direct play. No transcoding unlike the original Now TV box.

The box is a lot faster which is noticable in apps like Youtube which were very sluggish on the original box.

BBC News & BBC Sport apps are currently not functional. Waiting on the BBC apparently.

No Netflix. Heavily cut down app store which hasn't changed from the original Now TV box.

You can still only sideload one app to the box.
7 Aug 15 3 #211
Just to be clear - I wasn't having a go at those people using Plex/Kodi etc to stream your own content around the house. But there are clear comments in this thread along the lines of "don't pay for this when you can watch Sky for free on Kodi". Legality aside, it's not a solution for many people who either wouldn't have a clue how to set it up (even with all the instructions in the world) and would be scratching their heads when a stream disappears/won't load.

For those wondering what Now TV offers, here are the channels available:

On the Now TV box you also get Sky Sports News HQ (this is free and in HD, even without a Sports Pass) plus BBC iPlayer, ITV Player, All 4, Demand 5, YouTube and Spotify. There are also apps for Sky News, BBC News, Facebook etc.

You also get access to Sky On Demand and Box Sets (on satellite, these are normally only available with a Sky Family Pack and above).

I ditched my Sky subscription a few months ago and switched to Now TV. As someone mentioned above, all the core channels are on Now TV and a Freesat box. This is substantially better value than a Sky subscription - remember, Sky charge subscribers extra for HD! Now TV has HD as standard for On Demand content (and for those with an Apple TV, live channels as well). Yes, it's "only" 720p but it looks fine and remember that Sky doesn't broadcast via satellite in 1080p either (I think it's 1080i max).

To receive the core entertainment channels and movies would cost around £40+ per month on satellite. You'd need at least the Family Pack for HD (or it costs extra) and either multiroom or a Sky Go Extra subscription to watch on multiple devices.

Honestly, I don't know how Now TV isn't cannibalising Sky's own satellite service. It's much better value for money.
7 Aug 15 #212
Thanks - answered all of the questions I had! Just one more thing, does the remote have a headphone jack as not to disturb anyone else whilst watching late night telly etc
7 Aug 15 1 #213
Sadly not, they have just shipped a standard IR remote with the box.
7 Aug 15 #214
Ah shame, still a cracking deal - thanks
7 Aug 15 #215
Can you hack it to run plex like the old one?
7 Aug 15 #216
Tempted to get this .... might finally replace my WDLX Live box with this and use Plex from my server.
Audio supports passthrough upto 7.1, so should ll be good.

Anyone know if the playback of medi files is as varied as my WD box?
Save my server doing a lot of transcoding
7 Aug 15 #217
Just tried to buy one from the link buy they wanted my mobile phone number. I ignored it and a message kept pooping up saying they needed my mobile number.

I don't want to give them my mobile number as I don't want strange people calling me Willy-Nilly at all times of the day and night.
7 Aug 15 #218
Nothing in Argos today. Staff as expected had never heard of it.
7 Aug 15 #219
Bought, was going to buy new Chromecast for Kitchen but now will swap this over and have NowTV box in lounge and another remote control that my daughter can hide / vandalise.
7 Aug 15 #220
Anyone found any stores selling these yet - Tesco and Argos just have the old boxes?
7 Aug 15 1 #221
how do you side load that roku media app on this new now TV box please.
7 Aug 15 #222
How do you side load the roku media app on this box as I've bought one and I'm stumped how to do it.
7 Aug 15 #223
Just got one in Argos in Feltham :-) don't know how to upload pictures to show you. Sorry
thespiderpig to 1Neil
7 Aug 15 #225
Can you let us know the argos item number please?
7 Aug 15 #224
I have a chromecast rotting away in the corner somewhere and Amazon fire stick tv still not used properly yet, so I'll pass on this despite been tempted. :P
7 Aug 15 #226
Yes it's 424/0251 was £24.99 and come with 2 months movie pass. It's the black Now TV box works really well and loads movies fast via earthnet socket.
7 Aug 15 1 #227
A goldmine of info there - thanks flibblesan!
7 Aug 15 #228
Where do you get the last working version of Plex? Can't find it on the Plex site.


7 Aug 15 #229
How do you side load the roku media app on this box as I've bought one and I'm stumped how to do it. thanks
7 Aug 15 #230
Does anyone know if there is a space bar on channel 5 search on the new now TV box
I have been in touch with channel 5 who tell me that my now TV boxes does not have a space bar (can't search without a space bar can only work if the title is one word!!!) but they inform me it should work with the new update that was last September
cheapskate25 to Weksa
8 Aug 15 #265
There is a space bar on the Channel5 App, but bear in mind that the App uses Channel5's keyboard layout and not NOW TV's, so the exclusion of the space bar was always their error, not NOW TV's.
7 Aug 15 #231
I am after three apps mainly Youtube, iPlayer and 'YuppTv' - Could you please check whether these application works on this box?
7 Aug 15 #232
All three of these are on the Now TV box.

iPlayer and YouTube are preinstalled. Yupp TV can be installed free of charge from the Roku store that is built in.

These are all the available apps/channels:
7 Aug 15 #233
How is performance on iPlayer on the new boxes? It was woeful on the old one
7 Aug 15 #234
Can anyone confirm if this box is able to use cccam?
7 Aug 15 #235
No you can't
7 Aug 15 #236
As it is based upon the Roku 3, are we talking dual band WiFi and what is the maximum size USB storage device that it will support and does it also support NTFS?
7 Aug 15 #237
Had never even heard of emby. Thanks for teaching me more things I will probably never need to know about :stuck_out_tongue:
7 Aug 15 #238
the performance is fine just wish they would fix the chopped if bits & black bars :disappointed:
7 Aug 15 #239
Can the FireTV or the Now TV box be used to watch BT Sport? (We have BT Infinity, and would like to be able to watch it on the main TV).
7 Aug 15 #240
Some very useful info on the last 2 pages (11/12). Now that we hear that the SD Slot cant be used, BUT USB can; do we need the or is this an overkill just to play MP4 and JPG from the SD?. Assume that has to be a sideload?. Maybe a simpler approach?
I dont think Sky Sports News is free (it wasnt on old box ONCE once a month had passed since a Sports pass used). Thoughts?
Could a Roku remote be bought with headphone jack AND it would work with the new NOWTV box?
The Argos number 424/0251 doesnt seem to find anything online
7 Aug 15 #241
Oh well, just decided I may as well get one, already have three of the white ones hanging around the house.
7 Aug 15 #242
argos item number for this is 414/6678 (which includes the 3 month entertainment package). Its not available online to reserve yet, but I can promise you its available in store if you ask. Just picked up one myself, although they only seem to have the packages for £24.99 rather than just selling the box alone :/
7 Aug 15 #243
Cheers for the info, I'll get one from Argos when its just the box
7 Aug 15 #244
Just been into my store and they don't have the player by itself, only with a voucher for £24.99 :-(
7 Aug 15 #245
says on here that micro SD and uab don't work ?
any body confirm this please.
7 Aug 15 #246
SimonB79 Posts: 7Members, Plex PassPlex Pass 2:44PM
The SD slot works as I've got an 8GB card in mine!
brenbo to Uwish
7 Aug 15 #251
Hi.. So you have the new black box and the sd card allows music and video to be played? Do you need an app or does the box just see the sd card and bring up a player of some sorts?
7 Aug 15 #247
7 Aug 15 #248
Does the sports stream in 720p when using the new box?
7 Aug 15 #249
No worries. I think the confusion is that there are 2 versions of the roku 2, the latest version is essentially a roku 3 without the more advanced remote control whereas the older version was more like a roku 1 but did have the better remote.
7 Aug 15 #250
Got a dispatch confirmation from Now TV today so shouldn't be long now.

Anyone know if this box has the annoying borders on BBC iplayer problem that the actual Roku 3 does? Wondering if it using the same hardware has caused it to inherit this annoying bug. I know they were only small borders on the Roku 3 but still really annoyed me when the £10 old now tv box played it perfectly yet a RRP £100 box couldn't!
7 Aug 15 #252
When I say the sports streams, I mean the sky sports streams, anyone know?
7 Aug 15 #254
Is this the latest 4320 model please?
7 Aug 15 #255
yes you are right now tv is a great idea, I have it and to think you can get sky without the hassle of getting a dish and having to pay stupid prices.
but if it wasn't for half these illegal sites , I think we would be at their mercy and the prices would be sky high (excuse the pun )
7 Aug 15 #256
Got mine from Argos and had it out the box and running Plex in 10 minutes. I've been looking for a small, quiet 'Plex client' to plug into my telly for ages and this fits the bill.
7 Aug 15 #257
Ahh **** ... was hoping the latest version of plex was sideloadable onto the NowTV2 box ... Seems like its still the old 3 year old version.

Ahh well, will keep looking ... Going to end up with a Roku 3 at this rate :disappointed:
flibblesan to Winterwolf
8 Aug 15 #263
It's only 5 months old, not 3 years.
8 Aug 15 #258
Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. :smiley:

Nothing wrong with tinkering with Kodi. I know my way around things from a technical standpoint, but sometimes you just want to call up a half-decent UI the kids and missus can use with a simple remote. Each has its place, but they are chalk and cheese to the average person. Now TV is pretty good for what it is.

I'm not condoning piracy but I'm not condemning it either. Some of these providers need to sharpen up. A good example is Eurosport - pretty much a must if you're into cycling coverage. Their own Eurosport Player service is a disgrace. Go and read all the one-star reviews on the iOS and Google app stores - the damn thing just doesn't work yet there's virtually no way to cancel payment and customer "service" doesn't give a toss.

No wonder people use dodgy streams. Sometimes people are just sick of getting ripped off.
8 Aug 15 1 #259
fyi, they are now live on the argos site:

Now TV Smart Box with 3 Months Sky Entertainment Pass - £24.99

Now TV Smart Box and 2 Months Sky Movies Pass - - £24.99

Now TV Smart Box and 2 Days Sky Sports Pass - £24.99
8 Aug 15 #260
Anyone been able to load images and video via sd card to new box?. Does it need an app also or auto loads?
8 Aug 15 #261
So seems you have to buy it with a pass on Argos, sneaky, very sneaky. They obviously haven't updated the site properly yet either as if you just search now tv they don't even come up, just the old ones....

Wonder if other retailers will follow suit? I wouldn't be surprised, especially those that have a lot of the old ones to clear, make the new one look more expensive (not that £24.99 is bad with a pass) to sell of the old ones.
8 Aug 15 1 #262
Why not just purchase 14.99 direct from nowTV, or am I missing something here?
8 Aug 15 #264
I'm using a build from Christmas I believe, is there a newer one?
8 Aug 15 1 #266
Got the new one this morning to replace an older roku lt. Have to say the speed increase is very noticeable and obviously is much quicker and faster than the old model. Installed plex via the same old mode etc.
Latest version of plex available is v3.1.0. I found it under Github releases. Piece of cake and working great.
Actually a great deal with 2 month movies for £25...thats basically a fiva for the box as i pay £10 a month as I've been on now tv for ages. So similar to a standard roku you cant really go wrong. Unless you want netflix but i have that running on the fire stick that i got for £15 on promo. No biggie.
8 Aug 15 1 #267
does the USB port work at all?
8 Aug 15 #268
the usb port doesn't work...
billywizzz to Tabtester
8 Aug 15 #269
8 Aug 15 #270
does anyone know if you can cast to the box seems like its been blocked
9 Aug 15 #271
does side loaded plex play 1080p?
redbutcher to Hasslehogg
9 Aug 15 #277
Just picked up mine and installed Rarflix on it. You can then change the media playback quality so I've changed it to Direct Play at 1080p at 10mbps and it's working fine playing a MKV film with the DTS 5.1 soundtrack as well.

EDIT - just dropped it to 8mbps as managed to crash it - hopefully should be OK with using a little less bandwidth.
9 Aug 15 #272
Does the playto app work on this new box? It was pretty good on the original box for streaming my media from my phone and laptop to the tv
9 Aug 15 #273
​ This isn't a roku3, if I was sky I'd be disabling dev mode, unless they just don't care that I possibly have setup about 40 nowtv boxes that'll never be used for nowtv, and I'm sure there are many thousand more the same.
9 Aug 15 #275
​ sky satellite still doesn't do 1080p
9 Aug 15 #276
​ Interloper is right, although kodi is a very functional and clever bit of kit, it's now only really known for it's facilitating piracy which is completely dependent on the content providers keeping up the streams your watching.Not entirely within your control but it's the risk you take.
9 Aug 15 #278
Will this be suitable to get yuppi TV which is an online subscription on an old Sony TV pls
Is this WiFi enabled?
redbutcher to paulprakash
9 Aug 15 #281
Yes WiFi or wired connection. Did you mean YuppTV?
9 Aug 15 #279
Would you be able to check if the SD slot can play MP3/MP4/JPG if some loaded to the card. Not sure if an app needed unless it sees the extrnal media and brings upa simple player?.
Also are theBBC Iplayer and ITVplayer streaming live tv in HD?
9 Aug 15 #280
Not sure I've got an sd card that'll fit as don't really use them I'm afraid.

BBC iplayer does live streams in HD I think with a change of settings to the video quality. Doesn't look like ITV does live HD streams.
9 Aug 15 #282
its not sneaky, now tv only let retailers sell there boxes as bundles. The 1st one was 9.99 on now tv website and £19.99 at retailers for a bundle.

As for offers i cant see why anywhere would sell for under £24.99 for a while to come
9 Aug 15 1 #283
9 Aug 15 1 #284
9 Aug 15 #285
can anyone tell me if the OLD now tv box ,has a usb connection for playing mkv or movies on,thanks
nige182 to joeann1
10 Aug 15 #286
The old box does not support playing movies off USB.
10 Aug 15 #287
thanks for reply
10 Aug 15 #288
Heat added thanks :smiley:
10 Aug 15 #289
Hi can anyone tell if this will support yupp TV app pls
Interloper to paulprakash
10 Aug 15 #290

Yes it does.
10 Aug 15 #291
Here's something daft.
If you decide to go for the new black box, don't buy a pass from Sky direct as they are wanting £24.99 for 2 months Movies or 3 months Entertainment or 2 day Sports - value (?) packs

Tesco's have the old box with a pass for the same periods (2m x Movies /3m Entert/2d Sports) for £15. Here

Also these online Special 'value' pack prices at 24.99 are more than their regular monthly subscriptions for Entertainment (£6.99/m) and 2 day Sports passes also £6.99/d or £10.99/wk
10 Aug 15 #292
the £24.99 includes a new now tv box
10 Aug 15 #293
Sure - if you follow the thread link it says "NOW TV Box £14.99. Get the NOW TV Box and choose the pass you want later." And then takes you to the Pass selection screen all at £24.99. I'll maybe clear my cookies and retry.

Yes you're right tried in another browser and entered at
10 Aug 15 1 #294
Just got my new box from argos.....much nicer than the white one and now matches my setup in the room. Was gonna order from nowtv website but was passing argos and got the 3 month entertainment pass with it so thought what the hell.

The UI is definitely more snappy. Youtube and vevo wiz along lovely. It also now utilises the 5ghz wifi so no buffering while watching 720p sky channels. Tested modern family and hd looked crisp and smooth.

I sideloaded the usbplayer (found on page 11 here) and it plays 720p mkv's fine. Not tried it with any other format but would assume if it can handle mkv then avi and mp4 will be a doddle. However.....most mkv's are coded at 24hz and the nowtv box works at 60hz so its not as smooth as my bluray player for mkv which sends out a true 24hz signal.

Overall im happy and the white one is now being used in the bedroom. Originally got it so i could used wired connection by its worked flawless with wifi so i dont think i'll bother messing with the wires.
11 Aug 15 #296
I have the Filmon private channel on Roku. Was wondering if anyone has been able to sideload this as it gives live TV which is sadly missing from the NOWTV box.
11 Aug 15 #297
yes plex works, use same plex install as before.
11 Aug 15 #298
Am I the only one who finds the 4 device limit on NowTV a pain ?

Surely if I have paid for content, I should be able to watch it on all my devices ?

The problem is, I have my tablet, phone, multiple TVs in the house, games consoles - and that is without the other 3 phones and tablets in the household.

I find the 4 device limit is such a hindrance when wanting to watch on whatever device I want to watch on, rather than what NowTV restrict me to
WalkerboyUK to Bikertov
11 Aug 15 1 #307
Absolutely agree - and actually queried this with NowTV themselves.
Apparently it's to do with licencing, but I call BS on that and say it's more about them making money.
Of course, NowTV are actually run by Sky, and Sky themselves put the same limitations on the Sky Go service, saying you can only have 4 devices.
I have 3 of the white boxes, plus the TV in the living room already as the NowTV app, so that's my 4 device limit.
However, I also have 2 Xbox 360s, a PS3, tablets and ipods that can use the same function, but because of the limit I can't actually use the service.
It's ridiculous really....
In the meantime Amazon Prime & Netflix allow you to set up as many devices as you want, but only stream to a maximum of 4 at the same time. In this day and age of modern technology, this makes far more sense than what Sky/Now are saying.
11 Aug 15 #299
Just ordered the box, without any packs, directly from the Now TV website for £14.99

My wife didn't like the look of the old white box anyway, so I had a good reason to go for a replacement! :smiley:

Hopefully it will be here by the end of the week.

Heat added.
11 Aug 15 #300
Seems like a good deal
11 Aug 15 #301
I'm not at all sure what is going on here...
My Mac (and presumably any PC) loads NowTV, Netflix, iPlayer, and (if I subscribed to them) countless other 1080p HD streaming TV/Film apps. I can watch them on my monitor or via HDMI to my receiver > TV > Stream around the house.

What does this little box do in addition to this? I don't watch any sports at all; never, ever. So, is the gain with this to do with sports or additional TV/Movies one can't get anywhere else?
nige182 to loiterer
11 Aug 15 #303
If you are happy doing that, then nothing. The point of these is to connect to a TV and leave permanently set up and turned on, they consume virtually no power and just work with little or no configuration.
xeroc to loiterer
11 Aug 15 #304
You don't have to deal with clunky web interfaces, and use a mouse/keyboard to watch TV. This box has (in most cases less clunky) 'apps' built in for the various services that allow you to operate it all with a single remote, and without the hassle of using additional hardware.
wenttoabetterplace to loiterer
11 Aug 15 #306
I'm pretty sure the benefit of this is the convenience of being able to access all these things without having to plug in a laptop etc.

Your laptop can of course do lots more than this ever can - but then, do you really want to plug your laptop in every time you want to watch something on iPlayer?

Basically, we're paying for the convenience :smiley:. It is a shame Netflix isn't included though....hopefully there will be a way to sideload it in the future (if it isn't already possible now?!)
11 Aug 15 #302
I have what may be a dumb question so apologies in advance.

Sky use a Roku Box that is "Limited" to only what they want you to see. Can you get a normal Roku and download the NowTV app onto it and have an unrestricted box? I know it will cost more but still, is it possible?
stuartmc to msharif911
11 Aug 15 1 #312
Yes you can download the NowTV channel to a standard ROKU which allows all the Roku channels as well including NetFlix which is blocked by Sky on the NowTV box
11 Aug 15 #305
I am slightly confused as the OP says that this is a Roku 3 box, but later posts imply that it is in fact (only?) a Roku 2... albeit the 2015 model.

Is there any significant difference between the two, and what are the pro's and con's of them?

Could someone please clarify the position as to what is actually on offer here?

Thanks! :smiley:

Edit: Actually I think I have just found a website which answers that very question... check out:
11 Aug 15 #309
Am I right in thinking that this deal is different from the one I saw last week in Sainsburys? The box showed a white unit, £15 including the Sky package.
nige182 to Supatramp
11 Aug 15 #311
White unit is the first version Now TV box.
11 Aug 15 #310
11 Aug 15 #313
11 Aug 15 #314
When I use my phone to pair with it for youtube videos its called Roku3 so im assuming its definitely the Roku3 inside.

Its well worth £14.99. Even if you aren't bothered about Sky channels and just use it for the terrestrial Iplayers, Youtube and watching movies via USB its well worth the one off fee. We don't have a smart tv in our Room or Kitchen, we just use this. Its tiny and uses hardly any power.
amour3k to shepster34
11 Aug 15 #318
AMEN to that! lol.

Its a 'de-tuned' Roku 3 Box .. I recall a few earlier threads a few months ago (July, & June) via hukd speaking of this as the then yet impending Sky NowTV Roku 3 Box in August 2015 for only £15, etc, etc? .. do a hukd search for some?. :-)
11 Aug 15 #315
Sky has more than a 39% stake in the company. Rupert Murdoch's 21st Century Fox is also a large investor.
For Sky it is cheap to get 'crippled' Roku boxes to use as 'NowTV' boxes and if Roku really takes off and challenges SKY I am sure more money will solve that little problem. i.e. Buy a majority stake in the company. :smiley:
11 Aug 15 #316
I placed an order for one on the NOW TV website just after 8 am this morning, and have just been advised that it is already on its way to me via. Royal Mail.

As they also included a tracking number it could possibly be delivered tomorrow.

Excellent service! :smiley:
11 Aug 15 #319
Thanks. I thought with everyone getting so excited that I may have bought one. But as it adds nowt to my existing arrangement I'll pass on what looks like a great deal. The Mac Mini only consumes 1.75W in sleep mode (which I prefer as thermal cycling shortens the life of electronic goods) all the multimedia is handled by Plex, so no web interfaces, and anyone in the house can simultaneously watch anything they like with control handled by remote. With my set-up I can switch from Samsung Smart to Mac to Plex any which way and be totally overwhelmed by the countless TV channels available...All rather academic as I invariably end up watching BBC 3 or BBC 4. Others in the household have different tastes, so none of us have to watch what someone else wants. Still, that wee box looks convenient and the vouchers help with running costs.
11 Aug 15 1 #320
3.1.4 is the last free version. Newer Roku versions aren't available to sideload sadly. But 3.1.4 works fine with my videos.
11 Aug 15 #321
Is it confirmed the usb & sd sockets won't allow playback?
bellamy_47 to bellamy_47
11 Aug 15 #322
shepster34 to bellamy_47
11 Aug 15 1 #326
Out of the box it doesnt play movies/photo/music from the usb. However, if you go to page 11 in this thread there is a link to a usbplayer that you sideload to the nowtv box and this allows you to play them fine, even 720p mkv. It takes 5 mins and the use of a pc.
11 Aug 15 #325
Mine arrived yesterday and I'm impressed. I had smart functionality via my ps3 but for £15 decided to get a dedicated box (with just Netflix via the ps3). I've also got a roku stick in the bedroom.
The now tv box is on par with the performance of the ps3 smart tv applications. Now tv in particular has a much better interface than it's ps3 counterpart and iplayer can be set to maximum definition, rather than having to select hd or sd every time.
The box is much quicker than the roku stick and seems to playback flawlessly via Ethernet.
11 Aug 15 #327
No unfortunately it doesnt. Its the same as the original nowtv remote but black.
11 Aug 15 #328
Thanks for the info,i am new to this ,so if I buy this new box,how do I play movies I have on a usb stick throught this new box,you say you need to download something first,,so how do I get the download on to the now tv box ? I am a novice so go easy in easy to follow jargon,thanks for help
11 Aug 15 #329
Has anyone managed to enable developer mode on this? I picked one up from argos today, but the "cheat code" doesn't seem to work. I principally bought the thing to play back from usb, but can't seem to get into developer mode. Bit of a waste of money otherwise, but I can't see Argos taking a retunr because it can't be hacked...
grimmy58 to rudeboypeter
11 Aug 15 #331
Hi, yup I've had developer mode up and have installed plex on it. I followed the instructions in the first post here:
11 Aug 15 #330
ok, panic over, the regular cheat code did work in the end!
12 Aug 15 #332
Could someone confirm please if these will work overseas to play media files from the usb/computer?
12 Aug 15 #333
Regarding the USB port:
I managed to get it working easily using the links below - takes around 5 minutes. This new box seems to play all common video formats and doesn't stutter even at full HD. It even plays from my USB powered external hard drive (with just the one USB plugged in for power + data).

Sideloading works just like the old box. I used instructions here:

Post 210 on this page provides the link to the USB player:

I presume someone has already said this but may be useful to some?
12 Aug 15 #334
unable to hack or side load on these.
only able to sideload on old model due to a maintenance opening.

these are a very cut down roku Bix as components missing internally so never be able to get up to roku standard.
garlik_bread to griggiel
12 Aug 15 1 #336
Not true, plenty in this thread have sideloaded onto the new boxes using the same Developer Mode method as the original NowTV box.
xeroc to griggiel
12 Aug 15 #338

Unfortunately you can only side-load one app at a time. So if you want, for instance, USB functionality AND Plex that is a no-go. I would imagine that Plex is the best option as you then have no real need to introduce media on a USB stick (as it should already be on your PMS...). IF you don't have/need Plex, then just side load the USB loader app.
12 Aug 15 #335
>> Since the boxes are connected to th einteret, it would be EASY for sky to lock the boxes wih a firmware update preventing 'developer' mode. They could do this at any time.
stuartmc to zaheer2003
12 Aug 15 #337
They could but why would they not have done this already when they released the new box. I suspect Sky know exactly what is going on and their hope is that enough people that buy it to use developer mode actually get a subscription too. I know I did.
12 Aug 15 #339
On the actual NowTV website, they specifically say this if you click the "tech specs" button at the bottom of the page:

USB media formats:
Video: MP4 (H.264), MKV (H.264)

Now I find out it's not enabled after all. Why the hell do they say it is then?? I shouldn't have to sideload in a feature that is supposed to be standard!
joeann1 to merkin51
13 Aug 15 #343
how do u sideload plex on to this and what exactly does plex do,any instructions for a novice at this ,thanks.
12 Aug 15 #340
So before i make the order, can I stream movies from my pc AND watch from a USB drive ? or is it only one or the other?
bargainBooze to thomarkr
13 Aug 15 #342
Yes you can stream movies from your computer via Plex sideloaded or you can either play movies via USB using USBPlayer sideloaded.
Only one sideloaded app can used, then can be replaced with another when required.

USB can be used offline without logging in again.
12 Aug 15 #341
Finally. Thanks for the info! :smiley:
13 Aug 15 #344
Hi Joeann1

It's fairly easy to install Rarflix, which is the Plex client that I, and I think most other people use - follow the instructions on the first post on this page:
13 Aug 15 #345
Anybody got this working in conjunction with a VPN for use abroad?
stuartmc to justanotherpunter
13 Aug 15 1 #351
I use a smart DNS with my existing NowTV box and it works fine.
13 Aug 15 1 #346
I can remember when the boffins used to say not sure about those plasma TVs mate, apparently they are only designed to last about X number of hours, which actually equated to about 10-20 years for most people :laughing:
13 Aug 15 #347
Ok thanks for the link ,can anyone tell what kodi is and what it does I hear people mention it on here all the time,bit confused for someone with no technical knowledge,sorry,i just want to get this new box install plex or kodi or whatever is the easiest,to stream from my pc,in simple non technical explanation instructions to do it ,thanks.
13 Aug 15 #348
Thermal cycling is not really an issue on a £15 box, even if you turn it off daily, you should easily exceed the cost with the savings in electricity.

But perhaps more to the point, thermal shock, is generally considered to be things like the box going from room temperature to operating temperature (often in excess of 80 degrees C) in a short space of time, well, show me a device that consumes 1.75W and is kept at a temperature where the sudden change won't happen the moment you start to use it.

In sleep mode all my tablets and laptops are cold to touch, so the thermal change is pretty much the same whether in standby or powered off fully.

I personally think thermal cycling is no longer relevant and certainly suggesting sleep mode as a good way to save electronic components from this shock, is seriously flawed.

My NowTV box is connected to my plasma, if the tv is turned on, the NowTV powers up, it's been running like this for months, no sign of failure yet.

13 Aug 15 #349
How did you get your NowTV to turn on automatically? Or does it do that by design simply by being plugged in via HDMI?
13 Aug 15 #350
You can still only sideload one app to the box though, so usb or rarflix... both and I'd have jumped on this.
13 Aug 15 #352
​You could just keep your old white box for plex & sideload the USB app on the new box. Not ideal but that's what i plan to do
13 Aug 15 #353
If I seperately bought a Roku Handset thats go an Audio jack (for wireless sound etc).. would it work with this box?
14 Aug 15 1 #354
I've got one of those computer gang sockets that uses a master socket that if it draws enough power, causes the remaining gang sockets to be powered up. It took a bit of trial and error finding one that worked, because the plasma seems to have some very power efficient modes when displaying credits for films, i.e. mostly black, which caused my first one of these adapters to power off, the one I currently use came free from NPower about 5 years ago it's a bit slower in turning off, which is perfect for the plasma.

Ironically I wasn't looking for a power efficient solution (the NowTV is used more than my telephone and burns less power, so isn't particularly useful to power down), but found the BBC apps, especially the News would freeze if the box had been powered up for several days, just because of the location, it was a pain rebooting, and I thought this would be the ideal solution, and it works great.

14 Aug 15 #355
When I finally get round to ordering, I reckon it should be relatively straight forward to merge both Rarflix and USB player as a single entity, bodged naturally, but well enough to work. Roku seem pretty good at providing developer information, and the size of both apps together is less than the max allowed, so it should be possible.

14 Aug 15 #356
​How could this be achieved? I didn't realize that you can merge apps together. Tell me more. I'm intrigued
14 Aug 15 #357
what's the spec of the power adaptor on this? I don't suppose you get the option to swap the 3 pin plug for a 2 pin EU one?
stuartmc to justanotherpunter
14 Aug 15 #358
Don't need one, it works fine with a travel adapter. It's meant for exclusive UK use so there isn't an option of a two pin adapter.
14 Aug 15 1 #359
Both apps are open source, but the zip files seem to contain the source anyway, so it shouldn't be that hard to add a button to load the USB or RARflix interface, on each application, I not thinking complicated programming, just a way to jump from one to the other.

I've no idea if this would work, but I don't see why not, so long as it's possible to get a build together with both sets of script files, might be more difficult if they have different files with the same name, but nothing's impossible.

Looking at the source for the USBPlayer, it shouldn't be that hard to add it into the RARFlix build, there's no a whole lot of stuff going on in there.

14 Aug 15 #360
An alternative may be to make a multi-app loader, so both or even other apps can be added to the file and then you launch the loader from Now TV, select the app using buttons which then launches the app and clears the loader from memory? This would mean no messing with the source for either app and potentially creating other issues.

If going down this route, you could make a compiler to add the apps to which then creates the new file to load onto the box containing the loader and apps. Options then for more than two custom apps as well, depending on maximum file size.
14 Aug 15 #361
If you got yours today - Aug 14th - there's a problem activating them. If, like me, you are switching from an old style box to the new one, your user name and pw are not recognised. Sky are working on the problem. Overwhelmed by demand or just crap servers? Also worth double-checking Device Manager - you are only allowed four devices on any one account and that limit soon gets used up.
Montala to OttovonPrimark
14 Aug 15 #363
That is not what I want to hear when I spent this morning having a good 'tidy up' behind the TV, and installing my new box! :disappointed:
I will give it a try shortly, and if it doesn't recognise my user name and password, I shan't worry too much, and will try again tomorrow.

Thanks for the warning anyway.

EDIT: It just keeps telling me that "An unknown error has occurred". Doesn't really inspire any confidence in Sky, unfortunately! :disappointed:
14 Aug 15 #362
Just about to buy one from Argos now with the intention of using it only for plex .... Do people sell the passes on at all to get money back do you know?
I'm just to impatient to buy it directly from sky for £15 :S
14 Aug 15 #364
I'd thought about doing that, but I want to be able to switch between them, otherwise it's barely more effort than sideloading the correct app on demand, in fact maybe that's the way I should do it to start with.

I could set it so my Plex server sideloads RARFlix on boot up, but on shut down sideloads USB loader, then the NowTV box would always be in the correct mode for use.

14 Aug 15 #365
That would then require you to be turning your Plex server on and off all the time. Most people keep their Plex server on all the time. For instance the benefit of both would be where you have your Plex server on all the time with your media, someone comes round with some music or films on USB, rather than put on your server, copy to Plex folders, rescan and then use, or shut down the server when someone else in the house may be using it. Just plug the USB into the Now TV box, switch it on, or exit Plex if it is running, open the 'Custom App Launcher', select the USB loader and away you go.
14 Aug 15 2 #366
This is bad. Almost twelve hours after the online activation fault popped up, Sky have still not fixed it.
14 Aug 15 #367
I either use Plex server or it's turned off, I don't leave it on burning electricity all the time, just in case I want to watch something, so for me a simple switching algorithm is all I need, would probably take no more than 30 minutes to code and would solve 99% of my requirements.

14 Aug 15 #368
Ah, ok then that makes sense. I generally only need Plex myself. Would be cool to have a setup with both options either way.
14 Aug 15 #369
Does it make you a cuppa tea?:stuck_out_tongue:
15 Aug 15 1 #370
Yep truly sheeite .... And i still cant register my box ... Even though the status page says its fixed... Great comms and service from sky.

Concern for me though is the remote is really bad ... sluggish, some double presses, and a load of no responses at all.... wondering if I got a bad 1 as the old white box remote was 10 times better.... Anyone else? ... Or just a faulty one I managed to win?
15 Aug 15 #371
You're not alone - our box doesn't register all the clicks....and one annoying bug is that if you go on to the network settings and then refresh the wifi connection, then the box will get stuck on the network diagnosis page (the one with the three ticks to show you are connected fully). Requires powering off at the wall.

On balance though, we're happy with it. The video connections are v.good quality and reliable - and it was only £15. Hopefully it'll get a software update to improve things further.
15 Aug 15 #372
Yes, thinks sports is £6.99 day pass, really want to see Sunday even without Eva ;
I know this is a slight reach but is there an existing box similar to 'open box' using Ethernet not dishes?
15 Aug 15 #373
Has anyone who was unable to register their box yesterday been able to do so this morning?

Despite Sky telling us that the problem has now been resolved, and carrying out a 'hard reset on my new black box,' it is still telling me that "An unknown error has occurred."

I can log in OK on my PC, so I know that my details are correct.

Surely Sky can do better than this.... I am not happy! :disappointed:
15 Aug 15 1 #374
You could subscribe to Sky and just use the Sky Go app not have the dish, but seems a lot of money for the occasional watch...
15 Aug 15 #375
Yes Gavin, I was thinking about sky TV min package (12 month) keep Virgin BB and get open box unit £40 ish and gift. Don't think there's anyway round the 12 mnth dish contract but think they were offering £100 off til end of month.
15 Aug 15 #376
While im waiting for Sky to fix the problem ... anyone know if the side loaded plex can connect to a remote server?
My mate is interested in picking up a gen 1 box, just to connect to my home servers media.

Looking around I dont think its possible from what I can see?
tek-monkey to Winterwolf
16 Aug 15 1 #380
It certainly can, I have 2 dozen clients on mine!

As for registering I did it last night, refused to work at first so I held down the reset button for 30 seconds and tried again and it was all fine. Also took a few attempts to enable dev mode, dunno if it makes a difference but the third time I scrolled all the way through the terms and conditions rather than skipping past and that time it was OK.
16 Aug 15 #377
Could I connect the nowtv av/out to my headphones. Even though its Audio and Video would it maybe not damage my headphones?
16 Aug 15 #378
What is OpenBox and what would it offer?
16 Aug 15 #379
Thanks, found it on github and installed it last night.
16 Aug 15 #381
I think you have to scroll right down to the bottom of the T & C page before you can accept them, and then continue on.

Still haven't been able to activate my box though!
16 Aug 15 1 #382
Yeah, the first 2 times I skipped past it and it still rebooted, but dev mode wasn't enabled regardless. The last time I scrolled using the FFWD button and it worked.

Have you tried the 30 second reboot thing? I couldn't register at first but that worked, as odd as it rebooted as soon as you pressed it but if you hold it on long enough it reboots again and then it seemed OK. I streamed a 9Gb copy of Blade Runner in MKV format through wifi last night and it was fine, didn't skip once.
16 Aug 15 #383
Thanks for your comments 'tek-monkey'. I thought that I had tried most variants, but will certainly try again later!
16 Aug 15 #384
Can anyone confirm that this will work will a 2tb hard drive plugged into the USB socket via the sideloaded USB app or will it only play files from a USB stick? Thanks in advance to anyone with the answer
sopaz to davidlivesey1971
16 Aug 15 #385
Anyone having remote problems: I've found the range and directionality is worse than the old white box - try getting closer or repositioning the box. Hopefully this is something an update can fix...

My 500gb laptop drive in a USB caddy works fine - I would imagine any USB powered drive would work.
16 Aug 15 #386
It still won't recognise my username and/or password. If this is still the case tomorrow night, then it'll be going back and I'll be demanding a refund.

I've got better things to do with my time than be messed about by Sky, and I don't have this hassle with the HDMI lead between my laptop and tv.
Stinkyfish to Supatramp
16 Aug 15 #387
I had a similar issue then connected up via ethernet and it worked first time

Might have just been lucky but could be a bug?
16 Aug 15 1 #388
For anyone else looking round for 3.1.4 i found it here

took me like 4 times to get the box to ask me to setup developer password, once set it was fine
16 Aug 15 #389
Funnily enough it was the other way round for me... I couldn't get anywhere with a 'hard wired' Ethernet connection, (well not past the user name/password screens) but did so straight away when I changed to wireless... all very strange!
16 Aug 15 #390
It would be interesting to hear from others experiencing user/pass issues and then trying alternate connectivity - as above if ethernet then switch to wifi

Also if you setup with wifi then just plugin ethernet and see if it works

In theory it should not be as you would expect the box just to check for any active connection but you never know
16 Aug 15 #391
Open box uses sky dish and offers sports movies and loads of other channels, although you need a sub to access server also known as a 'gift'. Usually around £40.
16 Aug 15 #392
Well, at least two of us have finally been able to connect our boxes!

Just to clarify though I did a full reset first and then went through the complete set up procedure again, but selected Wi-Fi (rather than wired) as my chosen connection method.

When I entered my username & password they were both accepted, and it finally started to update 13 channels etc.
16 Aug 15 #393
Congrats, glad you got your boxes up and running. I suspect the full reset might be the fix over the connection method like
17 Aug 15 #394
That's the one I uploaded, just in case anyone thinks it might be dodgy :smiley:
17 Aug 15 #395
Kudos matey, i been using it for about 3 days and no problems
21 Aug 15 #396
Tried to read whole thread but may have missed this.

What do you get for free on Nowtv as I dont want a subscription. We have just got unlimited fibre here in the sticks. All I want is iPlayer/on demand for ALL main channels BBC, itv, 4 & 5.

Am I right to say the Chromcast and Firestick won't give me this (but just BBC) but Nowtv will give me all and with no subscription?

ampdewd to kar999
21 Aug 15 1 #397
Yes, I'd say this box is your best bet. No other streaming box besides Roku/ Now TV boxes provide access to catchup services from the five main channels.
21 Aug 15 #398
Thanks for that. Just wanted to make sure they were still available with no subscription. Cheers!
26 Aug 15 #399
New version of plex out to sideload (v1.3.5)... working fine on mine .... Still looking for a changelog to see what has been changed though.
26 Aug 15 #400
Might go for one of these nearer Crimbo as a Plexer
Fyi ​sleep mode still thermal cycles your components .. all it does is lessen the boot time or allows the device to respond to commands to wake up. low wattage as most of device is unpowered. Most computers become obsolete long b4 they wear out (thru thermal cycling or other breakage)
31 Aug 15 #401
Got major buffering issues with fire stick, I used to have now TV first version and had no issue but upgraded due to kodi.

Does anyone know if this version of nowtv can hide the box behind TV and remote will work (if Bluetooth) also is it thicker than the old nowtv box?
wenttoabetterplace to OrangeAgent
3 Sep 15 #404
Pretty sure you can't hide it. Our dog walked in the way of the box, and we couldn't change the channel! So either the dog is a great conductor of bluetooth signal...or it's a standard IR remote :smiley:

*Edit - as confirmed by reddwarf555
grimmy58 to OrangeAgent
3 Sep 15 1 #405
If you have an Android smartphone (not sure about IOS) you can download a roku app from the Play Store and use that as the remote (over Wi-Fi) if you want to hide your box behind your TV.
2 Sep 15 #402
3 Sep 15 1 #403
OrangeAgent - The remote is standard infrared and needs to see the ir receiver on the front of the box
3 Sep 15 #406
Yes, wifi apps also available for iOS, including RMote.
26 Sep 15 #410
Has anyone found an app that will play USB files AND do DNLA access to a NAS Box ?

I have 3 V1 boxes all running plex like a dream - got the new one, plex works OK but want to be able to play video off the USB without sideloading a new app ?

Any ideas ?
zaheer2003 to phanco
7 Nov 15 #411
Someone here said they would try to combine the 2 programs and have a launcher that would load whichever one was selected. No idea how far they have got with it or if they have even started.
7 Nov 15 #412
rarflix and usb player would be perfect!
8 Nov 15 #413
Has anyone tried playing avi/divx/xvid formats through the usb port??

Does it support subtitles?
9 Nov 15 #414
Hahahahaha .. Ps. NOT according to Jeremy Clarkson .....
22 Jan 16 #417
Just to resurrect this thread, Sainsburys currently have the new NowTV boxes with either 2 Sky Sports day passes, 2 months Sky Movies or 3 months Sky Entertainment for just £15
1 Mar 16 #419
Argos £24.99
NOW TV Box with 6 Month Entertainment Pass 459/0602
Or £24.99 for NOW TV Box with 4 Month Movie Pass 453/6886
You can't complain about that :smiley:
30 Oct 16 #420
Is there a DLNA/uPNP app that can be sideloaded on the V1 box - eg: a zip file version of 'Roku Media Player'. This is for use with a Serviio server. Thanks
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