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Opening post
13 Apr 15
Vodafone 4G Smartphone Sim Only Promo

12 Months
Unlimited mins
Unlimited texts
6GB data

£24.30 before cashback
£8.99 Per month after Cashback - Paid at months 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12.

I have dealt with for years - they are a part of CPW, and their cashback process has got even easier recently, with good success rates if you are organised and put the cashback dates in your calendar.

This is the price for the RED L tariff, so it may even come with 12 month Spotify/Sky Sports/Now TV - Worth upto £10 per month themselves! People have posted to confirm that it does include this.

Cashback Redemption Process:

1 - Put reminders in calendar to submit bills for cashback
2 - Wait for bill (months 4, 6, 8, 10, 12)
3 - Login to online account, take screenshot/save copy of bill
4 - Login to, upload bills
5 - Wait for confirmation, and cheque
6 - Repeat next time

I know not everyone likes Vodafone, but this is a great deal!

Total cost is £291.60.
- nublets2k

Same deal posted 3 days earlier & iced (presumably by people who don't trust themselves to do redemption cashback):

Quite sad that a great deal can get iced if the first few don't like it. Technically this should be spammed, but better that people get to benefit, albeit a few days later. Credit to the original thread poster & this thread poster.

Don't forget £10.10 or £10.50 Topcashback - tracked fine on my order (10GB version).
- jnm21
Top comments
14 Apr 15 22 #15
If these companies are so good @ cashback why not do it automatically or take it off the monthly bill to start with?

Because they will always try screw someone...
hukdlr to fort
13 Apr 15 4 #10
All you need to do is:

1. Download your bill that is required for cashback.
2. Go to website and login with your order number and mobile number/email. Once you login it will tell you at the bottom what month's bill you are required to send.
3. Upload your bill there and you're done.

From my past (very positive) experiences with over many years, it will take approx 4 weeks for you to receive your cashback cheque after you have uploaded your bill. Remember you have 60 days to upload your bill.

Also, I don't see why it shouldn't come with all the extras that Vodafone are offering with the same plan on their website.
14 Apr 15 4 #16
@DuWolfy: They pay auto cashback but the amount is less. In some cases their auto cashback rate is better than Quidco and TopCashBack.

They can't take it off your monthly bill because they don't have any control over your billing. They simply act as a third party agent and get commission from O2, Vodafone etc for every contract they sell.

With such a deal there is no way they will be paid enough commission by Vodafone to pay you £180 odd quid. They simply rely on unorganised people, simple as that.

I have said this many times. If you send your bills on time they will pay you. I have taken a few contracts from them in the past and have always been a happy customer. I'm sure they don't like me :smile:
13 Apr 15 4 #8
For just extra £1.01 why not get the 10GB data deal here?
All comments (497)
13 Apr 15 #1
Nice deal. Hot!
13 Apr 15 #2
Ordered this morning
RudeYute to hafizpatel
13 Apr 15 #4
Do you know if this does come with the Spotify/Now TV/Sky Sports premium bundles?

I have a month before I need to renew, but if I can get signal at work, I will just get it early.
the porter
13 Apr 15 2 #3
£5 quidco or £10.10 tcb
13 Apr 15 #5
Not that I know of.
13 Apr 15 #6
it should come with 12 months subscription....Spotify/Now Tv or Sky Sports
1977testing to iar1980
14 Apr 15 #47
can anyone confirm this including tethering

Mr Mac
13 Apr 15 #7
Just missed out as 6 weeks into new contract
13 Apr 15 4 #8
For just extra £1.01 why not get the 10GB data deal here?
13 Apr 15 #9
Can redemption done via email?
hukdlr to fort
13 Apr 15 4 #10
All you need to do is:

1. Download your bill that is required for cashback.
2. Go to website and login with your order number and mobile number/email. Once you login it will tell you at the bottom what month's bill you are required to send.
3. Upload your bill there and you're done.

From my past (very positive) experiences with over many years, it will take approx 4 weeks for you to receive your cashback cheque after you have uploaded your bill. Remember you have 60 days to upload your bill.

Also, I don't see why it shouldn't come with all the extras that Vodafone are offering with the same plan on their website.
14 Apr 15 #11
"Offer Information
Save over £184 Cashback by redemption on Vodafone

This will save you £-107.90 over the 12 month duration of the contract. In effect this means that your average line rental per month over the contract period is £8.99 per month."

can someone tell me they pay 184 or 107.90???
hukdlr to toluca
14 Apr 15 #13
It seems to be a mistake when you click the "i" but when you click "buy now", there you can see the correct cashback amount which is £183.72. So yes, you will be paid £183.72 at five stages.
14 Apr 15 #12
Great deal. Ordered, thanks.
hukdlr to kab600
14 Apr 15 #14
6GB or 10GB? As I mentioned earlier, for £1.01 extra per month you get 4GB more data, unless you don't need that much data.
14 Apr 15 22 #15
If these companies are so good @ cashback why not do it automatically or take it off the monthly bill to start with?

Because they will always try screw someone...
This_Is_My_Username to DuWolfy
14 Apr 15 #17
They count on people forgetting to file for their redemption, and as a big company imagine how much less they are paying out.
msk81 to DuWolfy
14 Apr 15 #28
they are targeting the desperate....

if they made it easy. .. even the rich would get this tariff and they will make a loss.
MrRight to DuWolfy
15 Apr 15 #173
No, it's because people are careless and end up not claiming it. I claimed late twice and twice they still accepted it though.
14 Apr 15 4 #16
@DuWolfy: They pay auto cashback but the amount is less. In some cases their auto cashback rate is better than Quidco and TopCashBack.

They can't take it off your monthly bill because they don't have any control over your billing. They simply act as a third party agent and get commission from O2, Vodafone etc for every contract they sell.

With such a deal there is no way they will be paid enough commission by Vodafone to pay you £180 odd quid. They simply rely on unorganised people, simple as that.

I have said this many times. If you send your bills on time they will pay you. I have taken a few contracts from them in the past and have always been a happy customer. I'm sure they don't like me :smile:
14 Apr 15 #18
how reliable is this company?
14 Apr 15 #19
Arghhhhhh... Every flipping time
I'm paying 16.80 a month for 1GB
So amazing deal
Have some heat
kracker69 to badar121
14 Apr 15 #111
I only signed up for that same contract over the weekend double AAAARRRGGGGHHHHHHHH
14 Apr 15 #20
14 Apr 15 #21
Can anyone confirm if tethering is allowed?
14 Apr 15 #22
Just confirmed it is, thanks.
14 Apr 15 2 #23
hey u all...remember Phones 4 U.
even if pay the cashback, if they are taken into administration or worse still closed, you cant count on your cashback.
thats the risk with redemption.
14 Apr 15 #24
Now all you need to do is get signal be able to text call and if pigs fly you maybe have to get 3G signal
ollie87 to kevinsmbuk
14 Apr 15 #35

Vodafone are spending a lot of money on their network. Especially moving 3G to the 900Mhz spectrum. By the end of this year I believe if you can get a 2G signal you'll have at least a 3G one. Their 4G is on 800Mhz so is even better for long distances.
14 Apr 15 #25
Very tempted as Vodafone have just coated my very small village in the middle of nowhere in 4g... And I'm already paying for now TV :smiley:
14 Apr 15 #26
Yes the 10gb deal is better. I'd already ordered the 6gb when I saw your post though, and probably won't use the full 6gb.

I'm currently paying £7 for 250mins/500mb with Talkmobile, so switching to this is a no-brainer if the redemption works OK.
14 Apr 15 1 #27
This looks like it is a micro sim only deal. Does anyone know if you can get a nano sim on this deal as their other nano sim deals are much more expensive.
jyjyjy to stargunner
14 Apr 15 #29
I've find this before, get the best deal then once you have the sim, you can easily go into a Vf store and ask for a blank nano sim, then use the online sim switch tool to transfer service to the new sim :smiley:
jyjyjy to stargunner
14 Apr 15 #30
I've done this before, get the best deal then once you have the sim, you can easily go into a Vf store and ask for a blank nano sim, then use the online sim switch tool to transfer service to the new sim :smiley:
hafizpatel to stargunner
14 Apr 15 #41
Hi. phone them on this number 01509 618 770. They will give you a nano sim. on same min/tex,etc
14 Apr 15 #31
Why dont they just have the price at £8.99? Cant stand these rendition deals that dont always work.
Qrunch to jacenj
14 Apr 15 #32
Don't think a rendition deal would get much heat :-P
eastangliauk to jacenj
14 Apr 15 #67
Yes I would defo switch from my three deal I have which I pay £13.50 for right now even though its unlimited signal is really crap in my town in Clacton and i never get any 4G.
If this were not £27 a month I would have defo gone for the 10gb deal but don't have all the money in my account.
14 Apr 15 #33
Ha true, had bad experience through this type of cashback deal before. Not voting either way.
14 Apr 15 #34
It's only for micro sim deal, not nano sim. How can I get nano?
tomdgorman to sy8111
14 Apr 15 #36
It's pretty easy to cut your own down to fit.

Alternatively, pop into your local vodafone shop and they'll do it free.
14 Apr 15 #37
Brilliant deal. Super hot. I pay an extra £8 on that now for 5GB
14 Apr 15 #38
thanks ordered
14 Apr 15 #39
i have a contract which will finish in 2 months but im thinking to cancel it to switch to this deal can io transfer my number ? if yes can i do it after i cancel my existing contract or i need to wait for this to finish and then switch the number

thank you
FoundADealLon to 1977testing
14 Apr 15 #110
Well i had to phone up since it didn't activate, but they had no problems in saying i was eligible for it. Apparently a lot of Vodafone customers are having activation errors. Nothing to do with getting the offer from as far as i can tell. I'm on a standard contract with voda.
14 Apr 15 1 #40
I wouldn't touch Vodafone with a barge pole again, was with them for 6 years and their customer service is absolutely terrible not to even mention their network coverage is a joke. Changed to Three 2 years ago and never looked back since!
14 Apr 15 #42
Still 10GB for me.
14 Apr 15 1 #43
Very tempted by this but think would rather just pay bit more and have the £110 automatic cashback in one go. End of the day the same amount of money is still coming out of your account each month.

Would like to know about the spotify/sky sports thing too. Anyone confirm this?
14 Apr 15 #44
my mistake, i had two items in the basket and it seems you can only have one with 10gb
14 Apr 15 #45
14 Apr 15 #46
Vodafone customer service is the worst I've experienced. If you are in a good service area this deal could be very good nevertheless.

I'm currently waiting for them to sort out my free spotify which feels like pulling teeth.
14 Apr 15 #48
Is there a way to apply an nhs discount with these redemption deals
hukdlr to ism
14 Apr 15 1 #50
Nope. Because at every redemption needs to see you are paying what you signed for originally. If you pay more with some addons then they don't mind, but if you pay less they will reject your cashback claim.
the porter to ism
14 Apr 15 1 #51
Only direct through vf you can use the discount
14 Apr 15 #49
Contracts about to expire with t mobile. Am I all good to switch?
hukdlr to dantoe12
14 Apr 15 1 #52
Yes. All you need to do is order this or the 10GB data deal (by paying just £1.01 extra per month) before they take it off. The get your PAC from T-mobile/EE and when your Vodafone sim arrives you can transfer your number either on their website or by calling them.
14 Apr 15 #53
can u redeem cash back via email?
14 Apr 15 #54
Thanks the porter

Also checked and can't use nus extra card either :disappointed:
14 Apr 15 #55
I am pay as you go vodafone can i move to this one?
hash47 to 007xico
14 Apr 15 #56
Yes you can. You just need to order (yu will get new number) and then call vodafone to transport your number to this package. I did this for my number couple of month before.
hukdlr to 007xico
14 Apr 15 1 #57
You will need to port your number to another network on a pay as you go sim and port it back to Vodafone pay monthly sim. Remember with most of the network you will need to make a chargeable call or text (so a min £5 or £10 topup needed) before they can allow you to port it back to Vodafone. So you will need to do your research.
14 Apr 15 #58
This is new to me. That's even better. Usually networks don't allow you to switch from pay as you go to pay monthly especially when you go via third parties.
14 Apr 15 #59
anyone knows if they allow tethering with this contract?
14 Apr 15 #60
^ +1
14 Apr 15 #62
Looks like you just use your allowance as the tethering.

Under the question how much does it cost it says

We won’t charge you a penny, as long as you don’t go over your agreed internet allowance. If you do go over, you’ll just pay the standard rate for anything extra you use.
14 Apr 15 #63
great deal but vodafone is crap where i live.
14 Apr 15 1 #64
Cold for me! Cashback by redemption is never guaranteed. I got my last iphone 5 contract through dial-a-phone who was taken over by phones4u which collapsed in Sept 2014, was supposed to be getting cashback every 3 months, got the first 2, remaining 4 no chance! But as they say you learn from experience, never again will go for these redemption deals, as who knows where the company will be in 12/24 months time.
RudeYute to ie10
14 Apr 15 #76
I am on my last month with a previous SIM only deal with and got all of my cashback. are owned by Dixons Carphone (Carphone Warehouse), and are a lot more secure than Phones4U were.

I have had no issues with any of the last three cashback deals I have had with them - so I will be going for another - either this one, or stick with O2 due to the signal where I live/work.
14 Apr 15 #65
Fantastic deal! My lucky day! Thanks very much OP!
14 Apr 15 1 #66
10GB deal for a little more, £10 per month after cash back -

Using mine now, number porting due tomorrow, CS were helpful and efficient so far.

Speed and signal strength blow TMobile out of the water in the areas I use my phone in - we're taking one bar / around 1-2Mbps on a good day in a fair few areas (often indoors), to consistently stronger signal and 10Mbps or more; highest test indoors was 23 up / 13 down.
14 Apr 15 #68
I took out a contract online 2/4/15, it wasn't activated until 9/4/15. Sim arrived 3/4/15

They said "we cant activate sims over the weekend and we have a backlog"

Had to wait for activation to cancel. never again. I went to the 3 store on 6/4 and bought the AYCE sim only plan - this was active before I walked out the shop.
14 Apr 15 #69
Order the 6gb and 10gb by mistake. Called them and they cancelled the 10gb and accepted my 6gb straight away .

Asked them about porting the number and he told me have to go first to a different network. So already done all that , had a giffgaff sim, so done it all online, only problem had to top up £10.

Asked him about spotify offer but he didn't know.
14 Apr 15 #70
Good deal, but never sure about Vodafone so will wait for an O2 or EE(BT) deal similar...

Voted hot though.
14 Apr 15 1 #71
redemption = cold.

now that i have experience of it, i see why it is (and why it should be) universally loathed.
ie10 to elbs
14 Apr 15 #72
+1 .. I totally agree with you on that!
14 Apr 15 #73
do you have to MANUALLY ask for each instalment of the cashback? because i dont think many people will remember to keep asking at every specified month....
14 Apr 15 #74
Don't go near Vodafone. Their customer service is a complete disgrace. They took over 1 month to port my number. Wasn't going anywhere so cancelled.
14 Apr 15 #75
Vodafone are bad news. I cancelled my contract after 4 days as the signal was unusable at my house. Even though Vodafone said all was good, I had to put up with debt collectors for a month! No a nice experience.
14 Apr 15 #77
I'm new to this cash back idea, having been on Giff gaff pay as you go for so long this seems like too good of a deal to miss! I was wondering if anyone can give me a step guide on what I need to join to get cash back and wether or not I need a credit card supporting cash back!
14 Apr 15 #78
Cheers OP found this on the site: Please note: the above calculations are based on the basic line rental of the tariff and do not include itemised billing

Was a 20 minute wait for customer service. Does this mean additional charges i.e over bundle or actually receiving your bill as paper to redeem (extra charge to Tariff), sounds like the later to me but couldn't find any more info. Also has anyone confirmed Sky, Spotify etc.. cheers
hukdlr to superyiddo
14 Apr 15 #80
That simply means you'll be charged if you go over your allowances and also if you ask for a paper bill you will be charged extra. You don't need a paper bill for redeeming your cashback by the way.
FoundADealLon to superyiddo
14 Apr 15 #108
Have got the 10GB Red Xl from Have got Spotify activated on the account. Though had problems with activation the first time - it wanted to charge. Used live chat and they escalated it to tech team and they phoned me back to activate. Takes a while but using live chat I can wait for response while doing some work.
14 Apr 15 1 #79
ITS REDEMPTION NOT CASHBACK...............suddenly something happened to HUKDS redemption deals have started to become HOT
elbs to humadoon
14 Apr 15 #107
yes, bizarre... people seem to have forgotten how horrible they (still) are.
14 Apr 15 #81
Cheers hukdlr. Vodafone aren't great in my experience as most of the call centres are now in Egypt and poorly trained but this could have changed. I'm on talktalk mobile at the mo who are helpful but made a mess of my bill on several occasions and didn't keep promises to the extent it would take 3-4 calls to get a manager resolution to basic stuff!

Do you go through or Vodafone themselves for customer service?

4g isn't in my area so waiting on the Spotify deal etc.. I would presume as mobiles are quoting the exact deal Vodafone are offering at that price it should come with all the perks. Thanks for taking the time to read.
14 Apr 15 #82
You will need to go through to get this deal and yes it should come with all the extras.
14 Apr 15 #83
Sorry I meant for general customer service after you've taken the deal. Is it direct with Voda or do mobiles have their own customer service team? Cheers
14 Apr 15 #84 are just third party agents. Once you have your sim then you're a Vodafone customer and all queries would be dealt by them, apart from redemption queries.
superyiddo to hukdlr
14 Apr 15 #85
Ok thanks for taking the time to post
14 Apr 15 #86
gonna gamble. my s4 is unlocked but cant get an o2 to work in it :disappointed: will i be able to return this?
14 Apr 15 1 #87
6gb of 4g and can't use any of it
14 Apr 15 #88
Can I use my phone as a hotspot with this?

[edit] Just remembered Vodafone doesn't have any 4G in the 1.8Ghz band so pointless with a OnePlus One phone that I currently have on Three :disappointed: Good deal though! Make sure your handset operates on the right 4G bands (most will) :smiley:
14 Apr 15 #89
14 Apr 15 #90
Yes - I think you have a 14 day coolling off period.
14 Apr 15 #91
Good luck ringing them if you need to cancel. Had time of 30 mins, 20 and 25 last few calls to speak to them. Plus if you've moved more then twice in the last 3 years the website refers you to telesales and on an 0871 number. Suppose they make money from your calls as well.
14 Apr 15 #92
can someone confirm that this includes sky sports?
hukdlr to kris00
14 Apr 15 #95
It should come with all the perks that Vodafone are offering on their website for the same tariff i.e Unlimited data for the first 3 months, either Sky Sports 1 and 2, Spotify Premium or Now TV.
14 Apr 15 #93
I'm not sure what terms and conditions have but just to be on the safe side try not to make any call, send a text and use data if you're not sure whether you're going to keep the sim or return it. Just turn off your data before you insert your sim in your phone.

But if this Vodafone sim works in your phone so I assume you would keep it anyway so you should be alright.
14 Apr 15 #94
credit check..........hmmm
hukdlr to dantoe12
14 Apr 15 #97
What do you mean by this comment? Please elaborate.
14 Apr 15 #96
Quite tempted with this but the OP mentions the possibility of 12 months Sky Sports being included - can anyone confirm where this is mentioned on the website?
14 Apr 15 #98
dont see why a credit check is required when no phone is being provided.
14 Apr 15 1 #99
Obviously you don't know what you're talking about so I will leave it to that :smile:
14 Apr 15 #100
You're entering in to a 12 month agreement with the potential to run up further charges so fairly standard they will check
14 Apr 15 #101
thanks for the explanation :smiley:
14 Apr 15 #102
Amazing deal thanks op!
14 Apr 15 #103
hah: i shall consider myself owned; and take great pleasure in doing my job which i know would be doing your ed in if u knew the impact it had on your daily life :smiley: cheer'y bye"
14 Apr 15 #104
i heard that taking contract plans from third parties can lead to increase in monthly pay at any time after you taken this true
dantoe12 to N3RO
14 Apr 15 #105
this can happen on any contracts with mobile networks i think. it used to lead to the awesome threads on here about breaking out of contracts lol.
14 Apr 15 #106
i love my 3
feel at home <3
14 Apr 15 #109
did you have to ask Vodafone for it and what offer did you have to refer to ?

thank you
14 Apr 15 #112
thank you
14 Apr 15 1 #113
14 Day cool off my friend if you need to cancel ;-)
14 Apr 15 #114
Same deal posted 3 days earlier & iced (presumably by people who don't trust themselves to do redemption cashback):

Quite sad that a great deal can get iced if the first few don't like it. Technically this should be spammed, but better that people get to benefit, albeit a few days later. Credit to the original thread poster & this thread poster.

Don't forget £10.10 or £10.50 Topcashback - tracked fine on my order (10GB version).
14 Apr 15 #115
You legend
14 Apr 15 #116
Still 30 minutes if you want to speak to sales - what a joke! Has been pretty much the same all day when I've tried.
1977testing to superyiddo
14 Apr 15 #128

True had to call them to ask how soon i have to do parting to my newly ordered sim, they said i can port at any time even after 11 months of having this number. Also asked them about online chat mantioned in welcome pack and they said it might take some time but they sound like its not gonna happen, hope someone finds this usefull
14 Apr 15 #117
Hope the cashback is easier than the horror that is Absolute disgusting company. Hope it's not an affiliated site, there's a bunch of sites by a parent of this company. eg
14 Apr 15 #118
Hi , I have a pay as you go Vodafone sim. Any idea can I take this contract and it is possible to keep the same number.
14 Apr 15 #119
Not voted either way but I would never go with Vodafone again, they are an awful company to deal with. They're so massive they just couldn't care less about customer service. They don't even respond helpfully to Twitter or Facebook comments. Their 3G coverage is also dire. I've travelled all over the UK & I always struggle to get a 3G signal whereas my husband's on 3 and never has a problem.
14 Apr 15 #120
Hi, I have a few questions which I hope anyone can answer.

I have never used cashback before, how reliable is it, but more importantly is it guaranteed that you will get the money back as claimed on here? I dont want to be ripped off and pay the normal price and not get cashback. So not sure if this deal is hot.

Also do you get spotify, sky sports and now TV for free for 12 months?

hukdlr to simpleaddict
14 Apr 15 1 #124
Nothing is guaranteed in life, so is the cashback. Some guys have had bad experiences with claiming cashback by redemption (mostly due to their own fault) and some were unfortunate when the company they were dealing with went bankrupt.

I never had a problem with this particular company. I have bought a few contracts from them in the past and have always received my cashback in time.

You get free 12 months subscription for either Spotify Premium, Sky Sports 1 and 2 or Now TV. You don't get free subscription to all 3 of them. You have to chose only one out of three.
FoundADealLon to simpleaddict
14 Apr 15 #125
While im having a activation problems with Spotify, Ive not once been told Im not eligable for it. I did have it activated but a problem on Vodafones end reverted my Spotify back to a free account.

Hope once reset has kicked in I can cancel Deezer and the my Three One plan. Even if cash back has problems. 27 for voda with Spotify will save me 8 pound a month against 25 One plan and 10 Deezer. With redemption it will be about 13 a month saving 22 a month for me.
14 Apr 15 #121
cashback not reliable. cold
stevep94 to hashemcom007
14 Apr 15 3 #129
I've never yet failed to get what I've been owed on a cashback deal (including through so in my experience it must be user error that stops it being reliable! (unless of course the company in question actually goes out of business!)
14 Apr 15 #122
14 Apr 15 1 #123
Cash back as reliable with these guys. Part of CPW and have done this 4 times over as many years. So easy just to send statements when required online.
14 Apr 15 #126
Thanks for your reply.

Dont get me wrong it's a great deal only if you get the cashback and one of the services mentioned.

My concern is if I take the deal and then couple months later I still receive no cashback then I'm screwed.
14 Apr 15 1 #127
These redemption deals are also good if you are with Santander 123 bank current. 3% cashback on £24.30 per month.
14 Apr 15 1 #130
Great deal. I'm paying £16 after cash back I think for this exact same contract. With the one I got at the beginning of March I could sign up to NowTV/Spotify/Sky Sports so I assume you can with this one. Not read all the posts so this has probably been answered already.
14 Apr 15 3 #131
if you want to try out the Vodafone network for free (minus 4G)
Sainsburys are offering 2GB data, 800 mins and 5000 sms for 30 days.
They piggyback on Vodafone
14 Apr 15 #132
Voted hot and ordered the 10g today. Have a dual sim phone (Moto G) but only really want the data - the other sim is a work sim. Have Sky Sports and Sky at home so access to Sky Go - so it will have to be Spotify if thats included in this deal. I shall wait to find out. Brought a GiffGaff card last month with 3g for £12. Interesting that for £3 per day you can use your package in the rest of the EU - could be useful.
stiffnuts to roggie1
14 Apr 15 #139
My experience of vodafone 3g coverage is not that good if your using it in dual sim moto g...
14 Apr 15 2 #133
Redemption; I currently have 5 family contracts running with cashback via redemption and another company and not had any probs. in fact do tell you which bills you need to send but the other does not. I accept the risk of companies going bust, but its worked for me for years now. if you are organised its easy!!
14 Apr 15 #134
I suppose most people wont have this issue
14 Apr 15 #135
meh .. if it worked out at £8.99 for "real" then i'd probably give it a go, but can't afford £24.30 a month.
14 Apr 15 #136
never in 5 years happened to me being with 3
14 Apr 15 #137
Does anyone know if you can have your existing number ported with this deal?
14 Apr 15 #138
Can someone who is on Vodafone confirm how their signal is for using the internet on 3G or 4G?

I haven't used Vodafone before so I'm not sure. I'm on o2 and I am due for an upgrade in a couple of weeks so searching for some good deals.

The best o2 have offered me so far is £20 per month for unlimited minutes, unlimited texts, and 7GB of data on a Sim only deal.
obsydian to umarh
14 Apr 15 1 #147
3G is very good, 4G is awesome when you get a signal, problem starts when there is no 4G as you can't even get a phone signal, my home location was listed as max coverage but was zero
14 Apr 15 #140
Sorry but having been stung by these cash back type deals before it's cold for me. These companies simply make their deals as awkward as they can reasonably get away with in the hope that most people will either misinterpret their terms or simple forget. A one of cash back offer (such as those offered on canon cameras) is reasonable but anything more places unreasonable demands on customers.
RudeYute to srp81
14 Apr 15 2 #141
It really isn't that difficult with these days:

1 - Put reminders in calendar to submit bills for cashback
2 - Wait for bill (months 4, 6, 8, 10, 12)
3 - Login to online account, take screenshot/save copy of bill
4 - Login to, upload bills
5 - Wait for confirmation, and cheque
6 - Repeat next time
14 Apr 15 #142
can you keep your current number?
RudeYute to bora
14 Apr 15 #143
Yes - You get a new number with your SIM - just call your old network for your PAC, and provide Vodafone this PAC to transfer your number to Vodafone.
14 Apr 15 #144
I can appreciate what you are saying. If you are organised enough to do all that then it is a way of getting getting a good deal over a period of time. I just think that anything that requires 5 separate bills to be sent off over the period of the deal is not worth the hassle. It obviously costs these companies time and money in admin staff to deal with the cash back requests but they are not doing it for the fun of it. They must make a larger profit from the people who forget or read the terms wrong than the wages they pay processing the requests.

I appreciate the effort in posting but I'll give this one a miss.
14 Apr 15 #145
Do they give the blank Nano Sim for free?
14 Apr 15 #146
Could somebody explain what is the difference between a smartphone sim and an iphone sim? I was thinking of a deal to go with an iphone 5
14 Apr 15 #148
Just a shame voda are doing these deals now. ( still get paid to pay us). Vodas prices have been extortionate for years. Bet they lose customers via the shed load.

Three all the way for me. Especially once they have O2 as well. Free contract inclusive data from Spain? Result.
14 Apr 15 #149
Could somebody explain what is the difference between a smartphone sim and an iphone sim? I was thinking of a deal to go with an iphone 5
Smartphone sim with unlimited texts and minutes and 1 gb data after redemption is £3.99
Iphone sim with unlimited texts and minutes and 1gb data after redemption is £7.00
Both deals on Vodaphone but its similar with o2
14 Apr 15 #150
This is a cracking deal!
It's a real shame it's only for Micro sims, I think I will need a Nano sim for the S6. :-(
the porter to Dal
14 Apr 15 #151
Look in your cutlery draw if you see some scissors then your laughing
14 Apr 15 #152
had 3 & T mobile for years. Both are rubbish indoors. Want to try Voda or 02 next. Anyone know which is better indoors?
14 Apr 15 1 #153
In London N7 area I get on 4G with a half signal on my LG-G2 between 7 to 11 download and 3 up. if i switch to 3g I get a full signal i get up to 25 down and 2 up. However in EC2 I got better 4G.
14 Apr 15 #154
Argh still in two minds really would like 6-10gb but worried about the signal in London/stratford areas

Also this is worrying
14 Apr 15 1 #155
Come on. It was a real hassle in the old days with posted bills and recorded delivery. Bills are now online And you can submit them online too. Its just a case of setting calendar reminders on your phone.
14 Apr 15 #156
Cashback by redemption - no guarantee of this price - rubbish deal.

14 Apr 15 #157
Vodafone network has the worse coverage, don't get blinded by the deals
14 Apr 15 1 #158
Cashback + Vodafone? I can see why it got cold.
hukdlr to herrbz
14 Apr 15 #164
Its 857C my friend, how is it cold?
14 Apr 15 #159
My works mobile is on this pathetic network the reception is awful, if you live in the city you might be ok, anything at least semi-rural like myself just forget it.
My personal mobile is on Three and head and shoulders above Vodafone for reception and sim only plans !!
Voted cold I'm afraid
14 Apr 15 #160
Are you sure?

As on it states the bills are required to be sent by post

The required bill needs to be sent to Cashback Claims,, PO Box 377, Southampton, SO30 2PY and must be received within 60 days from the date on the bill. The bill must show your name, address, mobile number and tariff you are connected to.
14 Apr 15 #161
100% - I am on my final month of an O2 with and have screenshotted my bills and uploaded online - all 5 payments were accepted without any problems.
14 Apr 15 #162
i think a lot of networks do this thing where you download their app and when you get home it switches to wifi using your allowance.i know 3 and voda has this just you know ho complaints about poor signal or no signal at home (indoors)
14 Apr 15 1 #163
For those who think it's difficult to claim the cashback - here is a screenshot of my account showing cashback claims accepted - I think most of them were accepted within 24 hours of me submitting my bill - and I am not particularly organised with stuff like this, just set up reminders!:
14 Apr 15 #165
Very tempted with this deal, my Three contract runs out the start of May and to be honest I get rubbish signal wherever I am, lucky to get 1 bar of 4G but judging by Vodafone's coverage checker I'll get 4G signal indoors and outdoors.

Never done a redemption deal so setting up reminders would be essential.

Someone confirmed that tethering is allowed and includes 12 months sky sports subscription, does anyone know how much data the sky sports eat up if for example you watch 2-3 football matches a week?

Just need to ring Three to see what they can offer me for being ''such a loyal customer''
15 Apr 15 #166
110% - my 10GB sim account already has the redemption table there - once the window for claiming arrives a button appear on the table (claim or upload or similar) and you just upload the bill. Currently doing an O2 one, have done several T-mobile. Yes it is a hassle, but for 6 or 10GB data for just over £8 or £9 per month... no brainer if you can set a reminder and follow - personally I use my yahoo! mail calendar (1 reminder with 2 month frequency & 5 occurrences) - 2 emails to remind me a few days apart. Personally would not do again unless a really special deal (which for me this is) due to their 'technical issues' which normally mean late payments/stress! They are a1comms & as a previous poster said have lots of affiliates (I once googled their post code & wow - loads is an understatement)! are CPW (who write the cheques).
15 Apr 15 #167
SD tv is usually 550Mb per hour, but I have not used this service. Interested to hear what three offer you - I suspect (as the " in your post suggest you do to) that it won't be much - I think their retentions department has been all but rendered useless by their all on the same tariffs, all paying the same price policy. Best I can see is waiving the laughable upfront cost of a phone that will the be at best an OK deal.
15 Apr 15 #168
I am in the same position with Three, (that Note 2 deal 2 years ago, £20 a month for Ayce data, and 500 mins) yesterday was my "Upgrade day" so I went into store, and checked online, but the "phone deals" are a bit rubbish, better off just staying on my current sim.
15 Apr 15 #169
Many thanks - I will go ahead and place the order!
15 Apr 15 1 #170
I've just called Three and have been offered a few things:

SIM-only 4GB Data, Unlimited minutes + texts £15 p/m (I think rolling contract)

Sim only AYCE data (4GB tether allowance) unlimited texts, 200 mins + 300 three to three mins £17 p/m on a 12 month contract or £20 p/m rolling contract

iPhone 6 plus 16GB, AYCE everything, 2GB tethering allowance, something about 0800 and some other numbers free and using abroad. 2 year contract, and no upfront cost (usually £99) for £41 per month - seems decent? But I have an LG G3 and very happy with it. All looks a load of tosh compared to the vodafone deal to be honest but that iPhone deal looks tempting, similar deals to that require £200 upfront cost.

Infact, that iPhone 6 plus deal I've been offered is £56 p/m + £99 upfront cost on their website. shame it's the 16gb version. They said they don't currenty have any offered for the 64gb or 128gb versions
15 Apr 15 #171
I have used for a full 2 year contract. Never had problem in claiming cash back. Just email the bill and they post you a cheque.
1977testing to lionkhan1
15 Apr 15 #186
how long does it normally takes to receive the cheque once you submit the bill ?

15 Apr 15 #172
How do you get sky sports with this?
15 Apr 15 #174
Anyone who placed orders yesterday heard back? Nothing from mine yet.
1977testing to superyiddo
15 Apr 15 #175
i did order yesterday and got email conformation and could check the status of the order online using reference number sent to me by email two hours later

waiting for sim delivery
15 Apr 15 #176
Cheers no update for me yet but I had to extend my time at my last two addresses to meet the credit check so could bounce back. Wasn't waiting 30 minutes on an 0871 line to give customer service my details. Fingers crossed!
15 Apr 15 #177
I spoke to Mobiles regarding this offer and they told me that the Spotify/Sky Sports/ Now TV is not included because it is a sim only deal!
superyiddo to Scuderia92
15 Apr 15 #178
Doubt it as others on here have it and they are advertising the Vodafone promotion price for their SIM only deals with the Sports etc..

Shame I just saw this was on the phone to them, seems short wait times at the mo. There's a delay with Vodafone credit checks they've told me at the mo.
Sponge to Scuderia92
15 Apr 15 #182
Strange, as Voda's website says the extras are available with SIM only tariffs and as far as Voda are concerned, you're on the full price tariff (and claiming CB from re-seller) = 12 months spotify and CB, surely?

I'm in the dizzying position of trying to figure out which tariff to get my wife. EE can only offer £12.99 for UL/UL/2GB (12m) whereas these CB deals potentially offer similar/more for substantially less. I just need to take a punt on Voda or O2. :S
15 Apr 15 #179
I thought it was slightly weird how it didnt come with the entertainment pack even when its the same price and contract was what Vodafone was offering. I just dont want to take the risk and have it if it doesnt come with Spotify
15 Apr 15 #180
Could also cancel in your 14 days if Vodafone don't honour.That's what I'll be doing.
15 Apr 15 #181
The old deal that OP was talking about.
15 Apr 15 #183
Just been on to Vodafone's chat about Spotify, as the website seemed to think I was only entitled to 1 month free followed by £9.99 a month. The guy said my account hadn't been set up with the correct details, and claims to have sorted it but he asked me to wait a couple of hours before trying again as I need to wait until the system update has occurred.

So if you get on to them they seem to accept that we should have the 12 months free.
elitom to kab600
15 Apr 15 #184
was the chat with Vodafone or

FoundADealLon to kab600
15 Apr 15 #190
My vodafone account states this:

Your bundle
unlimited UK minutes
unlimited UK texts
10GB internet
Red XL 12 months - inclusive entertainment
Agreement length 12 Months

I got the sim last friday from
15 Apr 15 #185
Sorry, I corrected that as I realise it was vague. Vodafone's.
15 Apr 15 #187
Spoke to Fatima at mobiles who confirmed the deals are as per Vodafones offering with Sky etc.. I went for the 10gb and she swapped to a Nano SIM for me. As per previous comments she confirmed your account is managed online where you upload the bills. Hope this helps a few people. Plus you have your 14 day cooling period if anything goes wrong.
15 Apr 15 #188
If I remember correctly couple of weeks.
15 Apr 15 #189
Getting the sky sports for 12 months is really the decider for me whether to go for this or not. Still a great deal without it but was expecting it from the start so would be less excited without it
15 Apr 15 #191
Mines shipped but had to log in to see this......
I really can't see why u wouldn't get all the bonuses of the red xl package. Just hope I can get the sim to work on my s4. It's unlocked but haven't been able to get an o2 card to work
15 Apr 15 #192
15 Apr 15 #193
Not happy with cs so far. Spent 20 mins on phone, no one answered, just constantly on hold Then 25 mins plus only for the call to cut off. Anyone got another number for them?
the porter
15 Apr 15 1 #194
roll on 2 weeks time when you lot are either listening to spotify or watching the footy instead of going on if it does or doesnt :wink:
superyiddo to the porter
15 Apr 15 #196
So no Now TV then... ;-)
15 Apr 15 #195
And who do you contact to get the 12 months Spotify/Now TV/Sky Sports? Which department of Vodafone?
kab600 to j4j
16 Apr 15 #207
Try to register for it on their website, but don't proceed if it says you're only getting 1 month free, as this indicates your account hasn't been set up correctly. If it says this, speak to their customer service team, either on the phone or use their live chat. They need to correct the account so that it'll let you register for the 12 months free.
15 Apr 15 #197
Sounds like you can milk them for the first 3 months aswell....

16 Apr 15 #198
Generally 2 to 5 weeks (they would likely say up to 10 as I think it is 2 weeks to process + 8 for cheque, but never takes that long).
16 Apr 15 #199
What's the email address used to send the copy of the bill?
RudeYute to fort
16 Apr 15 #200
No email address required - do it online in your account.
16 Apr 15 #201
10 GB for 1£ really good if someone don't have broadband at home or don't want to pay like silly line rental just to get internet save approx £220 for year
16 Apr 15 #202
in this digital age why they still using paper or cheque ? so every time we we need to go to bank ? why not providing direct bank credit ?
16 Apr 15 #203
hassle as every time we need to track and keep eye on post as sometime so many post coming and some of them might delay or misplaced or even doesn't come, so we need to track and note all incoming cheque ?
superyiddo to onlinejobwork
16 Apr 15 #204
I'd suggest another way they make money from those that forget to bank/chase up. This deal wouldn't exist otherwise. Good if you can keep on top of it.
16 Apr 15 #205
Sorry but where do i get the bill from?
I know we have to upload it on account, i see the claim there.
16 Apr 15 #206
You'll be a Vodafone customer as are just third party referrers. Set up an online account when you get the SIM and download from your account.
16 Apr 15 #208
Finally just managed to cancel my Three contract, jeez that was hard work.

Straight away asked for my PAC code as I called yesterday and wasn't keen to take what they offered, but the guy kept arguing with me about Vodafones T&C's and about buying through a dealer, in the end asked for his name and asked to speak to the manager who straight away put me through to cancellations.

This is where it got interesting, he ''just needed a moment to get the PAC code'' but in the meantime bombarded me for 10 mins with more ''special offers'' which I had from the previous guy doing my head in. Then suddenly he said ''OH just as I clicked the cancellation button and this very special offer popped up for you'' - AYCE mins & texts + 4GB data for just £11.

Told him I was only interested in a new phone if it was the iPhone 6 plus but they don't have any offers currently, but I could get the iphone 6 64gb - AYCE everything with 2GB tethering allowance for £39 or iPhone 6 plus 16gb AYCE everything 2GB tethering allowing for £38 and no upfront costs.

Got my PAC code, this vodafone deal looks great.
MLD9 to GimmiSomeOfThat
17 Apr 15 #221
I had a similar experience. Be very careful using your PAC code from Three as they have a 30 day notice period. I cancelled due to poor signal in my home and they stung me for ~£15 "early termination" after using the code after a few days. They claimed this was mentioned in the call but I think it's utter bs and don't recall this at all.
16 Apr 15 #209
I originally was told my card details were incorrect (I moved recently and updated my bank address very recently) so I called them and they told me they would do the credit check before trying my card details again.

Credit check is in "monitoring" which appears to be a referral... I am waiting to hear back from them.

I contacted my bank who confirmed my address did update successfully and they are not sure what's going on.

Looks like I might get my first decline on my credit file :/
notavalidaddress to bluecarter
16 Apr 15 #210
You don't get accept or decline markers on your file AFAIK - only notes that you have applied.
16 Apr 15 #211
I had this problem and had to be added to the right group by the specialist team. now have Spotify activated.

I had this problem and had to be added to the right group by the specialist team. now have Spotify activated.
16 Apr 15 #212
had to contact them asking where the sim is. im going for a response on saturday.
hukdlr to dantoe12
16 Apr 15 #213
Contacted who?

I ordered my sim on the 9th of April and it was shipped on the same day. Until this morning, there was no sim in the post. So I popped into Vodafone store this afternoon and they gave me a new sim there and then.
16 Apr 15 #214
I've just ordered, Vodafone confirmed the 10GB is tetherable and also said they we're ending the deal (reduced sim prices) very soon as they've already reached their target of orders very quickly so if you're going to order, do it.
superyiddo to GimmiSomeOfThat
16 Apr 15 #215
Vodafone standard price is well overpriced anyway or do you mean are ending it?
16 Apr 15 #216
I did vodafone live chat and they said their offer is ending as they have a few quid knocked off their sim deals so I'm guessing that will go hand in hand with ending too if the prices go back to normal? Just a heads up for anyone who can't decide. I wanted to wait a couple of weeks as Three have my 30 days notice from today but decided to go for it as I didn't want to miss out
16 Apr 15 #217
Okay guys I'm currently going through an order placed with for the deal 10gb of data unlimited mins unltd texts £10 per month after redemption as I thought it was a tremendous offer you will get your sim delivered by DPD very good carier as it goes The problem is when I put the Sim card into the handset nothing was showing I contacted Vodafone who blamed I rang who said they were having a technical issue with their backroom staff and would contact Vodafone two days has gone by and nothing RUBBISH and I really considered giving up my EE contract and three £15 a month unlimited plan I think in these days you get what you pay for if you're prepared to jump through a lot hoops expect and probably get frustration annoyance and disappointment then this deal is one to go for
but...... if you just want an easy straightforward deal this is not it
hukdlr to johnb667
16 Apr 15 #218
Just pop into any Vodafone shop and they will give you another sim or sort out the problem there and then.
17 Apr 15 #219
I did the problem is that the Vodafone store said that all the details haven't been transferred over from the application to they had my name and address details but they didn't have the other part of my contract details like when the contract starts when ends what package I'm on so I'm in limbo Vodafone can do nothing until they get contacted by and blames the facts of the problem on a technical issue
17 Apr 15 #220
I just got declined. had the same issue with the address on my bank account. Vodafone still declined me even after updating :disappointed: boo. Anyone know if this get's counted against your credit score?
17 Apr 15 #222
Seriously? What a bunch of knobs. They never mentioned anything like that to me either but I'll definitely look out for it so thanks for the heads up.
17 Apr 15 #223
You're welcome. I was only on a month contract as well. Disgusting service, basically forcing customers to stay an extra month even when they claimed that the signal is "very good" for 4G. Couldn't even get 2G yet along anything else. Apparently in order to avoid the fee you either have to call & give 30 days notice prior or use the PAC on the final day that it's valid.
17 Apr 15 1 #224
My wife had a similar problem a couple of years ago when she left Three for T-Mobile. She vowed never to go back to Three.

The problem is the odds are not in our favour. At some point all the networks give poor service. We would end up with no mobile phone if we voted with our feet. :o
17 Apr 15 #225
They literally told me more than 5 times that I have 30 days to use the PAC code, it's only valid for 30 days and if I don't use it I will be charged another month and then have to give another 30 days notice. My 4G was also very poor signal with Three, According to Vodafones area checker I should get good 4G indoors and outdoors where I live so fingers crossed
17 Apr 15 #226
I'm in a webchat with Vodafone at the moment, as I was only offered a 1-month trial. The agent (Romio) has said that I should just accept this and I will have it free for 12 months.

Doesn't fill me with confidence. Anyone else? Even my direct question about whether the 'specialist team' had added me to the correct group was met with a 'don't worry, you were promised 12 months Spotify and you will enjoy it for 12 months'..

Anyone else been in a similar situation?
17 Apr 15 #227
I had that with one of the web chat operators. They didn't seem to understand that i was not getting the right activation page. You only get Spotify and Sky sports and both say there is a charge. However if you get the correct activation page you get Now TV, Spotify and Sky sports and they don't have a price. I think you have to take it that one group doesn't know what the other groups does or the tech part need to be done. I just said I had an ongoing problem and need to chase it with with the specialist team directly. Then i talked to them.
17 Apr 15 #228
Don't know what to do. Sim only means no new toy and the battery on my Note 2 is gubbed. Plus it's not 4G. But this is a great price plan.
notavalidaddress to Bobbybhoy
17 Apr 15 #229
You are exactly in the same boat as me - I too have a 3G Note 2 and this deal is tempting - I just know that there will be a fantastic Note 4 deal come along as soon as I get something like this.
Sponge to Bobbybhoy
17 Apr 15 #230
Buy a new phone?
17 Apr 15 #231
Thanks for this. Is there a magic term to use (is it a specific specialist team?)? Sitting in the queue now...
17 Apr 15 #232
Have been looking at Three upgrades last few days not great, but the offers on the S4 and the Z3 compact ain't bad.

(Other offers ain't good I reckon)

I was looking at maybe getting a new 3 contract with BuyMobiles (some very good deals, and they seem legit, plus quidco, etc), and transfer the number over.
17 Apr 15 #233
This offer is for micro sim..I have and iphone and need nano sim and the offers are not same for it. Can i order it and change the sim later ?
hukdlr to sidshukla
17 Apr 15 #235
When you receive your sim just pop into any Vodafone store and they will give you a nano sim right there. No need to call CS and then wait for a few days to come in the post.
17 Apr 15 #234
Just got my sim today, forgot i needed a nano sim so i am on live chat asking for one to be sent out before i activate my sim
17 Apr 15 #236
Customer service at mobile switched this for me no probs
17 Apr 15 #237
Two days and my SIM arrived not bad. Seems it Vodafone not who have the issue. First the Vodafone site kept saying 'there's a problem' when I registered and tried to enter my PAC. That took 20 minutes with live chat and them calling me to transfer to porting. And secondly looks like it's live chat again if you want Spotify etc. as this hasn't registered properly. Am on live chat to them now.....

Just seen post from mix wonder if he had any luck...
17 Apr 15 #238
I've got a moto g 4g, got LTE activated, got th internet settings. I'm in a vodafone 4g area with good indoor and outdoor coverage but I'm getting H+ only. I'm not getting 4g signal?
hukdlr to j4j
17 Apr 15 1 #241
Do the following and let us know how you got on with it.

1. You need to go to your networks setting in your phone where you select which network you want your phone on.
2. Select any other Network apart from Vodafone. (You will get a message that you can't register this sim on this Network, ignore that).
3. Restart your phone.
4. Go to your Network settings again but this time select Vodafone as your Network.
5. Switch off your phone.
6. Take your sim and battery out and leave it out for 5 minutes.
7. Insert your sim and battery back in your phone.
8. Switch on your phone.

You should have a 4G signal now. If not, you will need to call their helpdesk :-)
17 Apr 15 #239
In my email after I ordered:

******IMPORTANT NOTE*******
Please note that upon receipt of your new handset, you may experience a delay in connection of up to 48 hours before the handset can be used. This is an additional security measure to ensure that the handset is not used prior to being delivered.

May explain some of the issues some people having?..
17 Apr 15 #240
Update: Vodafone have said the 12 month pack was not added to the account on set up. Seems there issue having worked for them a few years ago. Still to check if it will actually works though...
17 Apr 15 #242
Another update if this helps anyone. Any changes made by customer service i.e. adding Spotify will not happen until after midnight not 2 hours as I was told. Customer service is based in Egypt and generally poor but retentions option is in uk. So if you get stuck go through the IVR to leave them and you'll be through to UK who will do there best to help and stop you leaving. Ridiculous you have to do this now. I used to be a manager for them a few years ago when it was UK based.
18 Apr 15 #243
Hi, I tried that but it's not working. I'm going to my local store tomorrow, see if they can sort it
18 Apr 15 #244
Installed sim and set up account with vodaphone.....

Only getting H+ signal

Also how can I activate Spotify Premium. Do I need to call Vodaphone?
hukdlr to mane1034
18 Apr 15 #245
Try what's written in comment# 241. It worked for me to receive 4G signal. If not then have an online chat or call Vodafone.

To get the entertainment package follow the link below from your mobile using mobile data:
18 Apr 15 #246
hukdlr to mane1034
18 Apr 15 #247
Did it work?
18 Apr 15 #248
Spotify still not added after two assurances yesterday. Vodafone on form as usual..
18 Apr 15 #249
4th call to Vodafone. Has gone from 2hrs first call to midnight update and now 24hrs for Entertainment pack to be added. They are blaming mobiles saying there initial set up was wrong. Beware anyone new signing up it'll take some work to sort your free entertainment pack.
18 Apr 15 #250
On the other hand mine was added and I started watching Now TV straight away. I just followed the link I've mentioned in my comment # 245.
18 Apr 15 1 #251
You were lucky. If it's not set up on the account at source the link is about as good as Ghostbusters 3 :-)
18 Apr 15 #252
cs told me to active the spotify offer even though it says one month free.
they confirmed i will not be charged.
superyiddo to iamhamesh
18 Apr 15 #253
Check your bill carefully in 2 months mate. Hope you spoke to them on live chat and got the transcript emailed.
18 Apr 15 #254

Yeah, got the transcript emailed as proof. I kept asking if it was okay to accept the offer. He said to ignore the message.
18 Apr 15 #255
argh spent 20 mins on the phone to the call centre.. told me to text 97613 entertainment and should activate spotify... probably load of rubbish but i cba tonight :disappointed: as have my old sim in currently.

best way to activate the pack currently?
18 Apr 15 #256
Good lad. Im losing the will to live contacting them. First was 2 hours then midnight, 3rd advisor said 24 hrs and now the guy Im talking to now can't see it's been added!! Arghhh...
18 Apr 15 #257

5th call now lied to by Vodafone about the entertainment offer being added and I have the transcripts. Terrible service was advised this had beeb added by multiple advisors then one I spoke to tonight so he couldn't even see it on my account. 3 hours roughly spent and no closer to getting my Spotify. Definitely beer time!!
18 Apr 15 #258
Wasted 2 hours....... First the guy over chat could not locate my account and then I was diverted to another team...

In then end they suggested to port your number first and then call us back for Spotify...
18 Apr 15 #259
double checked with the specialist team and they said I'm paying for spotify. Need to get in touch on Monday to cancel and apply 12 months free.

I hate Vodafone CS. Been a customer for 24 hours and I already regret it.
jackvdbuk to iamhamesh
19 Apr 15 #260
haha the same, was with giffgaff this year, smooth sailing... now i remember what it was like with talktalk/ee... just horrendous
19 Apr 15 #261
Received a text this morning welcoming me to a 4G plan and to pick 12 month free perk.
I guess the specialist team on live chat are the ones you need to speak to.

bundle details page on my vodafone now shows - "Red XL 12 months - inclusive entertainment"
19 Apr 15 #262
My wife's SIM should be coming tomorrow and I was just going to cut it down to nano (I bought a cutter) but I'm wondering if I should not activate the SIM and ask Voda for a nano instead.
iamhamesh to Sponge
19 Apr 15 #270

I went straight to a vodafone store and they switched it for me.
19 Apr 15 #263
Yep welcome to the club. Another 30 minutes this morning being transferred around advisors in the live chat. Then having to start again and explain to someone else...
19 Apr 15 #264
any luck...? :smile:
19 Apr 15 #265
Followed the steps for the 12 months spotify but got a message saying 1 month free.
Vodafone says that is not showing any pack on my account, i can't find it either.
Don't really know what to do????
superyiddo to 007xico
19 Apr 15 #267
You could register and try the forums Ours isn't the only tales of woe! One guy had to wait 4 weeks!!

And there's always - get Anne Robinson on the case LOL :wink:
19 Apr 15 #266
Nope 1 hour later still no further. Live chat operator transferred me to another advisor who put me in the customer service queue NOT the technical team as promised. She sneakily told me to close my browser so she could transfer me and I wouldn't get the transcript! Unbelievable! After a further 30 minutes Hassan tells me an email needs to go to a mysterious department that doesn't take calls and activates the bundle. They will call me back but he couldn't confirm when. I thought Talktalk was bad. I can honestly say I've never experienced anything this bad from a company... So after several calls and live chats over a good few hours I'm still no closer to getting my bundle....
19 Apr 15 #269
Stalker :smirk::laughing:
19 Apr 15 #271
Does anyone know if I port over a number after I receive the sim would invalidate my future cashback claims?
superyiddo to AslaM
19 Apr 15 #272
Not at all but you need to inform mobiles on their website under mynumber section
19 Apr 15 #273
19 Apr 15 1 #274
will adding a corporate discount invalidate the cashback claim?
RudeYute to iamhamesh
19 Apr 15 #275
Yes - you need to pay full price and upload full price bills.
19 Apr 15 #276
Still no joy here. I'm now in the enviable position of not having even the one month trial of Sky Sports of Spotify showing... Have posted on Vodafone eForum to ask how to escalate the matter. Have spent hours over the weekend trying to get this sorted.

The number port (from a ringfenced 3 tariff) is all set to happen tomorrow. Bah.
19 Apr 15 #277
Not going too badly, ordered thursday, received saturday, just put SIM in phone 30 mins ago, ported number for 21st April, can already see a better 4G signal than what I had with Three...

...The only thing I don't see is any entertainment package, I followed the offers link someone kindly posted before but I only see Spotify premium one month free or Sky sports (which I want) £4.99 per month.
19 Apr 15 #278
I'm surprised that so many of you are having issues - when I signed up to Vodafone and got me Spotify premium for 12 months it was very little effort. Maybe their CS has got worse in the last few months.
20 Apr 15 #279
After reading so many negative comments on here I still wasn't prepared for Voda CS.

I received my sim last Thursday, tried using it on the weekend, but all I keep getting is a Not registered on network message.
I've tried online chat at least 30 times and it's always not available or we have no one to chat to you right now please try again later.
Called a few times. This morning the systems were down. This afternoon they just cut me off transferring me between departments. Also the automated bit when you call voda won't recognise my new number.
Dal to Dal
20 Apr 15 #283
Spoke with someone at and they cancelled the order and got me to reorder.
Second time lucky. Fingers crossed.
20 Apr 15 #280
Nightmare. Can't get spotify/sky sports/NOW TV as per others on thread. Live chat not working at all (on support pages there is no button to click through to live chat). Called 191, no options are even close to what I want to speak about, tried technical help, got referred to a website and call ended automatically!

Then tried to port number using online tool, says the number I have been given isn't a valid pay monthly number.

Regretting this already....
iamhamesh to mbga8mjb
20 Apr 15 #282

I had the same issue regarding port. Use the port tool under the my vodafone section of the website.
20 Apr 15 #281
I went for this deal and have now spent the last 5 days trying to get my old number transferred over. I think it's in the process of happening now as the phone now thinks it has the right number - it just can't be called! It's been testing my patience as I've spoken to them every day only to be told it'll happen overnight. And then in the morning it has the same incorrect number.

I'd expect to be treated like this if I was a departing customer, not a new one!
20 Apr 15 #284
I would consider myself lucky then. My Now TV was added within minutes and I could watch it straight away. Also got my number ported within a day. Hopefully I won't have to get in touch with them for anything because I know I won't be getting anywhere.
20 Apr 15 #285
My sky sports should be active after midnight tonight, hard work and very frustrating but hopefully sorted
mix to GimmiSomeOfThat
20 Apr 15 #286
Let us know how you get on - and how you did it...

Number port happened today - and I'm now back to being offered 30 day trials of Spotify and Now TV! 'Manage Services' in My Vodafone says "Red XL 12 months - inclusive entertainment"... On the upside, the in-building coverage at work is much better. Even works in the lifts!
20 Apr 15 #287
Yeh I've already said I can see a much better signal of 4G especially indoors than my previous Three sim. My porting should be finished tomorrow at 4pm.

I've been trying live chat all day but I've been told ''servers are slow'' ''servers not working'' ''dont have access to your account'' but the last guy I got through to on live chat said they've been updating servers which is causing problems and will continue for a couple more days. They're so slow at replying and doing anything, the first person you get through to listens to your problem, apologises for the experience, checks your account for 10 minutes, then asks security questions then needs another 10 minutes to look at your account then finally admit they cant do anything and pass you onto another department, just this time I was lucky, even though I did threaten that If I need to contact vodafone again it would be to cancel my contract. Earlier I was promised a call back, didn't happen and I was sent a message to choose which pack I wanted but on that link was just 1 month free spotify or £4.99 a month for sky sports Basically the entertainment pack wasn't added on my account, he needed to change something and then re-send me the link to choose a pack which worked and had the choice of NOWTV, Spotify and Sky sports so I selected sky sports and was assured it would work after midnight when the account has been updated so fingers crossed
20 Apr 15 #288
Post your reviews here. Boy I wish I had seen this before this nightmare began!! Mine is the latest review at the moment.
20 Apr 15 #289
So from the comments i'm reading the free spotify is working but you have to do everything via Vodaphone themselves?
21 Apr 15 #290
My sky sports is working as promised, number should be ported at 4pm today, if that goes smoothly I'm happy and hopefully the next I'll need to get in touch with the customer services, it will be to get my PAC code
21 Apr 15 #291
This deal is an absolute nightmare I hear you guys are mentioning that you're having problems in getting sky sports or Spotify to work I took this deal out about a week ago I can't even get the number that they've given me to work I speak to tell them the number isn't connected to the network they turn around and say we transferred all the details to Vodafone it should work Vodafone say no they haven't transferred all the details of the number onto the account it's is fault this is been going on now for a week I haven't even got a working number When you take out a deal you accept the fact that you have to send bills you accept the fact that you have to jump through hoops to get Spotify and that you're getting a discount on the account but when the Sim card turns up it doesn't work you go to a Vodafone store they see no information on the system you ring Vodafone they see no information on the system you ring to say we've given all of the information to Vodafone I'm going to cancel because if after 10 phone calls and about five hours trying to sort this problem out I haven't even got to the point of the number working yet
what nightmare is there going to be when you try to add Spotify
hukdlr to johnb667
21 Apr 15 #292
Pheww. I need to catch my breath now.
Rhythmeister to johnb667
21 Apr 15 #296
Punctuation, heard of it? :wink:
johnb667 to johnb667
23 Apr 15 #334
Update...... Nothing
I was told by mobiles that it is 48 business hours the would contact me on Monday did I
Abi from mobiles said "I will take ownership of this give it till Tuesday did I hear
Wednesday......... Nothing
The problem I have is they don't care I mean really they don't?
Where's the phone call to say we are chasing this up and we will keep in regular touch till it's sorted?? Of course not they are the worse company I have ever dealt with
Because if they did care would you treat customers like this
If you had gone straight to Vodafone this wouldn't have happened
I was a great advocate or of this deal now....... Makes me sick and for the guys who have taken this deal? This has only just begun??
You have all the hassle with spotify?
Then then sending the bills for redemption what happens if there's an issue?
on my evidence what happens if you have an issue will they really help you they will not ???
If you take this deal and it goes wrong you only have yourself to blame ............
21 Apr 15 #293
I manage to get 24 months free Nowtv subscription, went to Vodafone online chart and they put me to tech team to chat and they call me while we were chatting and enable this offer manualy as it was only giving one month for free and asked me to try to activate an offer after 24h but i tried 10 min later and it gave me three options spotity 12m now tv 24m and sky sport 12m i went for niw tv and its now active for 2 yeas. Hope it helps soneone
21 Apr 15 #294
He had a lot to get off his chest! This is the hors-d'oeuvre before the real fun begins when it actually gets connected....
21 Apr 15 #295
Scorchio! I thought getting that deal for £12.15/ month was good but this is a CRAZY price :o
21 Apr 15 #297
port was supposed to happen today by didn't...SHOCKED!
GimmiSomeOfThat to iamhamesh
21 Apr 15 #299
Same - high five
21 Apr 15 #298
aside from vodafone complaints, how is the redemption, is it a smooth transaction or is it a hassle to get done? Is the website usually good?
21 Apr 15 #300
I just got through to them and they said mines due to be ported today but porting hours are between 4pm and 8pm and was told to turn my phone off until 8pm and it should be done
21 Apr 15 #301
ordered the 10GB deal yesterday, SIM came today in the post and worked straight away - thought it might have taken 48 hours but didn't.

Not ported my number yet but will get round to it in a couple of days once I've received the link for Spotify and got that sorted.

Happy so far. Was on Sainsburys mobile for a few months so no I get a good VF signal in the areas I am usually in so happy days there.
21 Apr 15 #302
Is it possible to get this deal with a nano SIM want it for my iPhone 6?
iamhamesh to dazdragon
21 Apr 15 #304

You can swap micro to nano in-store.
21 Apr 15 #303

They said the same to me. Well it's 20:00 and number still hasn't ported. Any luck your end?
21 Apr 15 #305
Finally! Chased them up and got my Spotify today few hours after about the 6th live chat. My port was scheduled afternoon Monday and happened about 8.30PM. Don't forget to login to to inform them of your number change to the ported one.
21 Apr 15 #306
You can swap micro to nano in-store.[/

21 Apr 15 #307
Stupid question I know but how do you take a screen shot on your computer?
21 Apr 15 #308
Press the printscreen button on the keyboard and then paste it in ms paint
dazdragon to AslaM
21 Apr 15 #310
Nothing happens??
21 Apr 15 #309
Mine not done either, I'll sort them out tomorrow lol
21 Apr 15 #311
If you have a key with 'FN' printed on it (usually situated underneath the left shift key or in between the windows and the ctl key...) you will have to simultaneously press the FN key and the Print Screen key together and then go into MS Paint program and press the ctl & V buttons simultaneously and that should copy the screen shot in to MS Paint.
21 Apr 15 #312
Sorry, tried that, still not working?
21 Apr 15 #313
Sorry, don't know what to advise then. That's pretty much the sequence for a screenshot on a Windows OS (edit below). You are running Windows? Or are you on a Mac? That would be a different set of commands.

AAAAH! or do you have Windows 8? Apparently, that's the Windows key and C key. Here's a youtube vid on it:

Screenshot tutorial for Windows 8 and 8.1

Sorry, still running Windows 7 on most of our stuff, haha.
21 Apr 15 #314
Use your phone and take a photo of the screen :laughing:
21 Apr 15 1 #315
YES! That's it! Thanks for your help, lol, got there in the end
22 Apr 15 #316
Having the same nightmare as comment #291. Anyone got a free to call number for mobiles? Vodafone CS is not much help. they're saying its who didn't sort out the setup properly.
22 Apr 15 #317
I think the port is going through today as three and vodafone sims no longer go to voicemail.
GimmiSomeOfThat to iamhamesh
22 Apr 15 #318
Restarted my phone just and I was able to call it, my number's been ported but wasn't updated on myvodafone
22 Apr 15 #319
Do you have internet yet? I had it before my port. No internet now. I can't send text messages either.... Although when I call people see my old (ported) number.
22 Apr 15 #320
Yes all seems to be working fine now, internet, texting, calling (with correct ported number) and sky sports.
22 Apr 15 #321
I think my order is stuffed now. I was told to cancel my first order and reorder by because it hadn't registered properly with Voda.
My second order is showing as Status: Credit Check Declined.

I'm waiting for to call me back, but it's not looking good.
22 Apr 15 #322
Just to give a shout: my order is now accepted by Voda. I orderd another deal (14 per month) for same tariff from Mobile Direct one week ago. Now I manage to get down to 8.99 and I have canceled that contract (within 14 days)
22 Apr 15 #323
Lazy from mobiles and now sounds like they've stuffed you on the credit check.It's probably already showing you have a mobile from the last order and now applying for more credit...
22 Apr 15 #324
if anyone is having issues with spotify, id suggest calling early morning and make sure you speak to someone that sounds like they are based here as LOADS are having issues with the

i went through to cancellations i think and a nice lady called Anna sorted it in about a couple of minutes, one phone call no problems! i was so surprised. she mentioned other customers are having the same issue and all that was needed was two (and not one which i guess is the reason for all the problems) to be ticked.
22 Apr 15 #325
still going around in circles trying to get the entertainment pack re-added now my number has ported. really is the worst network in Britain.
22 Apr 15 #326
Really not too sure whether to go for this deal or not, sounds great, but seems more trouble than what it's worth??
sy8111 to dazdragon
22 Apr 15 #327
If you are like me, who only care about the big data allowance, this is definitely bargain for you.
GimmiSomeOfThat to dazdragon
22 Apr 15 #333

Definitely worth it, at the time very frustrated with vodafone but now it's sorted and working as it should it was worth the little effort, even though none of the faffing about was necessary.
22 Apr 15 #328
To get the entertainment pack added, i used the online support chat and they added the pack to my account.
22 Apr 15 #329
Ordered and confirmed

edit - does anyone know if its possible to view the sky sports app on a pc or tv
22 Apr 15 #330
Cant get through to voda chat. Just keeps saying unavailable or something. Been like that for 3 days. Need to get entertainment packs sorted
22 Apr 15 #331
Yes, that is one of the main factors, this sim would be going into a new phone, so no porting any numbers and I'm not worried about the other extras either
22 Apr 15 #332
just spent 30min online chat- apparently they are having issues with their system. chap called Harry advised me to text entertainment pack to 97613; got a link straight away but it says i dont have any subscriptions LMFAO

its a joke so far

phone line and data however started working the moment I inserted the sim card.

not impressed so far!
23 Apr 15 #335
I wouldn't unless your prepared to accept a lot of hassle people are having and you have the worry of what happens if the when you send the bill and they don't pay...... I can't get them to even connect my line remember Vodafone won't help you if this goes wrong .it will be mobiles that you will deal with and they are rubbish
23 Apr 15 #336
Maybe you are very unlucky. I have been using cashback for years without big problem.
23 Apr 15 #337
first time using vodafone. wish now that i hadn't... took them days to activate the sim then when it worked spotify is still not added to the account.
bluecarter to inweelendil
23 Apr 15 #339
I'd try calling for technical help. They seem to be more competent that some of the other departments... Although "more competent" doesn't mean that much.
23 Apr 15 #338
So my number should have ported over 4pm yesterday, it still hasn't.

I have a "split services" issue where I cannot send/receive text messages, receive calls, or use data. Four hours of calls/chats and I've now been told it could be another 48 hours to port over and I should keep my phone off all this time! - They've offered me £5 + the cost for the number of days that I am without a service... It's still a headache to sort.

I still don't have spotify (Entertainment Pack) added to my account and have got clarification that you SHOULD NOT accept the free trial as you will be charged after a month no matter what the people on chat tell you. It needs to be added to your account manually by someone although it just depends who you get. I've had two people tell me I won't be charged and to accept the free trial.

When someone finally told me he had to add it manually after 30minutes of hold he told me the "relevant department isn't picking up his call" and to try again another time.... Next time I contacted them I got told to accept the trial again...

I can't wait till everything is set up and I can just ignore the fact I am with vodafone. This is my first (and last) contract with them.
23 Apr 15 #340
Does anyone know if this is covered by the data test drive (3 months of unlimited data)?
hukdlr to tight_guju
23 Apr 15 #341
Yes. Have a look here tight_guju :smile:
tight_guju to hukdlr
23 Apr 15 #342
Nice one, in that case I will get spotify sub.
Thanks to the OP(s) for posting this deal.
23 Apr 15 #343
Yes. Ask for the technical team. They set up the free activation page in a few minutes.

Other departments try and send you through a link for monthly trial.
23 Apr 15 #344
thanks bluecarter. technical support did sort it out. i wouldn't recommend webchat at all. their too slow in giving a reply only to get nowhere. the phone support is a lot better.

and i did ask about 3 months test drive and they said yes.
23 Apr 15 #345
Do we get a full year of all 3 of nowtv/spotify/sky sports or do we choose 1? I've had mine sorted but been told I can choose 1 only?
hukdlr to j4j
23 Apr 15 #347
You can choose only one.
23 Apr 15 #346
Also, the entertainments pack page on Vodafone website says up to 24 months. So are we supposed to be getting 12 or 24 months?
hukdlr to j4j
23 Apr 15 #348
This is a 12M contract so you will get it free for 12 months. If you have a 24M contract (which is with a phone) then you will get 24 months free of Entertainment package.
24 Apr 15 #349
Finally got my sim set up last night after waiting ages to have my number ported over. Vodafone may offer an Unlimited data test drive and entertainment pack but I never received a text or anything to say that it had been added. It turns out I had to add it manually with their customer service department. It looks like a lot of people are having hassle but once you get there in the end it's still a very good deal
tight_guju to SquidgySpider
25 Apr 15 #371
Found the same thing, after getting it added it now shows up in the My Vodafone app as unlimited data.

Also once my number was ported I lost the Entertainment package, having it added back was quite painful dealing
with the webchat guys, but once tech support got on the case it was quite quick.

Overall this is still a great deal, as long as the cashback gets honoured.
24 Apr 15 #350
I got SIM yesterday. Today morning, I pops in voda shop and staff happily replaced micro sim with nano sim and 1 minute later, the new nano sim is working with 4G signal. Good service.
24 Apr 15 #351
One question: can I tether during first 3 months when data unlimited?
SquidgySpider to sy8111
24 Apr 15 #352
I asked the same question to an adviser through web chat and he says we can
24 Apr 15 #353
24 Apr 15 #354
Went for the plunge and ordered it, the 10GB deal, hope it all works out okay
24 Apr 15 #355
Good luck my friend. Go to the shop if you can get there if you need help from Vodafone. The live chat is next to useless unless you have the patience of a saint and a spare weekend!
sy8111 to superyiddo
24 Apr 15 #356
Don't you know only good place to use live chat is in your office? Launch the chat window and you can get back to your work, until someone says Hi.
dazdragon to superyiddo
24 Apr 15 #360
Thanks, just need to go to the Vodafone shop when my sim turns up to swap it over for a nano-sim
24 Apr 15 #357
You mentalist you don't want to get caught in the office with your trousers down talking to some chinese 'girl' on livechat..not twice anyway.
24 Apr 15 #358
confirmed with that adding corporate discount won't affect cashback.
hukdlr to iamhamesh
24 Apr 15 #359
Via email? If not, I won't take that risk.
24 Apr 15 #361

Yeah, via email.
24 Apr 15 #362
Really? That's icing on the cake. That's another 20% off if I am not wrong?
24 Apr 15 #363
Sorry but here it says that the plan must be purchased directly from Vodafone online, in the store or over the phone. Look under "What do I need to do" and then click "Choose Bundle". In our case, the discount won't apply as we have bought it via third party reseller.
24 Apr 15 #364

damn. I've already been in-store to apply the discount, I'll let you know if it works. I don't think vodafone are smart enough to know where the sim came from. Look at the difficulty we've all had trying to add the entertainment pack.
24 Apr 15 #365
Haha. Yes you never know you might get it without being noticed. Please let us know if do get lucky to get the discount. So how would you find out? Wait for your next bill or something?
24 Apr 15 #366

They said I should receive a confirmation email. You only have 30 days to apply the discount.
24 Apr 15 #367
Sorry have you received that email confirmation yet?
24 Apr 15 #368

No, store staff said 48 hours.
24 Apr 15 #369
Okay, please let us know. Didn't they ask you where have you bought this sim from?
25 Apr 15 #370
okay, i am avin a go!
25 Apr 15 #372
Just if anyone is interested in seeing the nightmare I am having....
Link to Vodafone Forum
25 Apr 15 #373
Been watching this for weeks... shall I or shant I?
Just taken the plunge on the 10GB deal and also qualified for £10 quidco + £10 spot quid-co bonus [win!]
I am currently on the old TMobile full monty plan from just before Tmobile and orange merged. Despite having unlimited data [and using it a fair bit for tethering for work] was just plain fed up of having really poor call/data signal at home or on the road - despite at home being line of sight to the nearest EE tower! Tested a vodafone and "3" payg sim today and both had much better call quality and averaged 8mb/s on 3g speed tests compared with 1.5 on EE!

Au revoir EE! :smiley:
hukdlr to daveo78
25 Apr 15 #375
Welcome to the Club :-)

To be honest all these Networks are the same when it comes down to coverage and customer service etc. Some have a good experience with them and some have a bad experience with them. For me it all comes down to value for money at the end of the day.

I switched from The One Plan (with unlimited internet and unlimited tethering) from Three paying £20/month to Vodafone Red XL (10GB tariff) and couldn't be more happier. Much better reception where I live (South West London) and where I work (City of London). I got scared on the very first day with Vodafone when my phone started ringing when I was in the basement in our computer server rooms. I even get H+ data signal in the basement. With Three my signals would usually disappear as soon as I would step down on the lower ground (not even the basement).

My old number was ported to Vodafone in less than 24 hrs and got my Now TV activated straight away after I ported my number. Everything worked as it should.

So just pray and let's hope you are a happy bunny as I am with Vodafone.

25 Apr 15 #374
still waiting for the entertainment pack to be added again - Monday apparently. And finally got test drive added.

worst cs ever. how does the company function?
26 Apr 15 #376
I agree these days it's about getting value for money with the best signal as they are all much of a muchness. However Vodafone were voted worst customer service provider by Which last year. The evidence in the small section of this forum alone is there for all to see. What I don't get is Vodafone are one of the most expensive providers (without offers) and still give dog dirt service! The banks are sorting themselves out and getting that customer service matters over offers e.g. First Direct. Lets hope the mobile companies catch on. Maybe if Martin Lewis got on the case encouraging people to claim expenses for wasted time chasing these companies like he's done with missed deliveries.
27 Apr 15 #377
Any luck with this?
27 Apr 15 #378
Got my Spotify working now :smiley:
Waiting on my number getting ported across.

Getting there - slowly but getting there - will be worth it once it's all over.
27 Apr 15 #379

no email yet.
27 Apr 15 #380
I have just sent my request through as well after getting an email confirmation from that this "Employee Advantage Scheme" would not affect my cashback claims. If it works out then the effective monthly cost for the 10GB deal would be just £4.56/month. Fingers crossed :smiley:
27 Apr 15 #381
finally got the entertainment pack re-added to my account. Now need to wait for the accidental paid spotify subscription to end to activate 12 months free. phew, getting there...
the porter to iamhamesh
27 Apr 15 #385
Any word on vea yet ?
007xico to iamhamesh
28 Apr 15 #389
How did you get it done?
My experience has been horrible, contacted vodafone at least 10 times and no luck , have the chats to prove it , been told lots of different things without any results. A joke really.
27 Apr 15 #382
Took the plunge for 10GB deal :neutral_face:
27 Apr 15 #383
Anyone who got the sky sports pack having any problems? works perfect most of the time but sometimes very laggy, slow, error occurs and closes, half the screen red, especially if there's been a goal scored in the game I'm watching. I never had any problems when I had sky sports on my iPhone with Three. I don't know where the problem lies as to who to contact about it? I can live with it but it's slightly annoying.
27 Apr 15 #384
Thanks OP i have a try on my existing connection, still got 18 months and was offered imstead of 4gb data they gave 3 months unlimited and then 25gb data plus free entertainment pack for 24 months. All for just extra £1 on my current plan..
28 Apr 15 #386
Yesterday I finished the whole process, as smooth as it can be. After I ported my old number to the SIM, I received txt msg telling me offer of 3 entertainments and the URL. Clicked the link and followed all steps, I get Spotify in 5 minutes.
28 Apr 15 #387
This Spotify program is rather good - it just works. Love the way I can switch between playing on my PC, phone or PS4 at the touch of a button and control it all via my phone. Very comprehensive library as well.

I've only scratched the surface on this program but thus far it's better than I thought it would be. Makes the deal fantastic.
28 Apr 15 #388
Anybody got the employee advantage scheme added onto their contract yet?
hukdlr to FreebieJeebie
28 Apr 15 #390
I filled out the form last night but I haven't heard anything yet. I will give it a couple of days.

iamhamesh (comment # 364) applied for it 3 days ago but it looks like he hasn't heard from them yet either.
28 Apr 15 #391

I got a bit angry on live chat and asked to be put through technical support team. They called straight away and the guy just added the entertainment perk onto my account again. Received a text within two minutes to confirm.
28 Apr 15 #392

I should hear tomorrow. Received an email confirming application for discount submitted.
29 Apr 15 #393
I tried all sorts but they can't do it. Trying the forum now.
29 Apr 15 #394

The forum is the worst place. They generally tell you to use live chat.
29 Apr 15 #395
the porting time here is crazy. how does ofcom allow this
FreebieJeebie to dantoe12
29 Apr 15 #398
I ported Monday evening and it didn't go through until 2pm today. There was a 7 hour wait of limbo since my sim didn't work straightaway after my current sim ceased to work on my way to work today. They said to wait until 4pm but glad it was sorted out before that.
29 Apr 15 #396
I bit the bullet and went for the 10gb offer.

I'm currently on TalkTalk mobile which uses Vodafone's network but with this I should get 4G at home.
29 Apr 15 #397
I ordered on the 22nd, got a letter to say its on its way... Why not just send the sim with the letter, rather than 2 separate packages:|
30 Apr 15 #399
now i've realised the port didn't work. cannot receive calls or texts. ffs.
hukdlr to iamhamesh
30 Apr 15 #401
Are you sure they haven't blocked your account? Since you have lied to them (so have I) that you have bought your sim directly from them to get the discount via "Employee Advantage Scheme"? :-)
30 Apr 15 #400
Got my port apparently happening tomorrow - wonder if my Spotify will stop working at this point.

After that's done just got to get the unlimited data test drive added. Doing this one thing at a time.
30 Apr 15 #402
ha! nope, that would imply these duckers know what they are doing. my old sim still receives the texts and calls. i was starting to wonder why nobody wanted to talk to me all of a sudden.
30 Apr 15 #403
Haha. BTW have you heard anything from them about your discount? I filled out the form on Monday evening but so far I haven't heard anything.
30 Apr 15 #404
May i know what company you used for EAS? I used NHS yesterday evening at 6 and today 9 am it was approved and make sure you do after porting and not before orelse the discount will be removed.
30 Apr 15 #405
Has anyone actually recieved cashback from this company before and if so how long did it take?
hukdlr to Gstar_231
30 Apr 15 #407
It takes 4 to 6 weeks.
30 Apr 15 #406
sorry how long did it take after you sent them the bill
30 Apr 15 #408
Ernst & Young. They are included in this scheme, confirmed but I haven't heard from them yet. Did you buy your sim from

Yes I applied for the discount after porting my number.
30 Apr 15 #409
No i haven't but i took out from carphonewarehouse..
30 Apr 15 #410

Both are the same. is a subsidiary of CPW. So the chances are bright as you bought it from a third party as well. You know in their T&C's they say the discount will only be applied if you have bought directly from Vodafone either online, on the phone or in store. I'll have a chat with them online tomorrow to find out.
30 Apr 15 #411
By the way i took out contract 6 months ago, and recently upgraded to higher tariff (remaining 18 months) which was done on live chat,and also gave me 3 months unlimited trial and free entertainment pack.
hukdlr to secretmsg
1 May 15 #416
Just got an email from Vodafone. They have refused my EAS discount saying my sim was bought through Carphonewarehouse.

iamhamesh, have you heard from them?
30 Apr 15 #412
Has anyone not get their sim yet, but have been charged for a month already?
fossman to euqiddis
1 May 15 #413
On the order page it said something about them taking a 'one off' payment from the debit/credit card to verify your identity but didn't actually say how much the payment was for, is this what you are referring to?
1 May 15 #414
That was 1p from think) , I've just been charged by Vodafone £27.20
hukdlr to euqiddis
1 May 15 #415
The sim might take a few days to arrive. All networks charge your monthly line rental in advance so that's nothing new. When did you order your sim?
1 May 15 #417
Ordered on the 22nd.
hukdlr to euqiddis
1 May 15 #421
It shouldn't take this long to arrive. I am most certain that it has been lost in transit. If I was you I would pop into a Vodafone store and get a new sim there and then. Infact that's what I did when my sim didn't arrive in 3 days after I placed my order. It came a day after I got another sim from Vodafone store :-)
1 May 15 #418
The t**#s are quick enough to get you the correct answer then aren't they!
1 May 15 #419
Awesome deal, heat added. Just signed up myself, used a £5 cashback link from should help a little more. Question, how do I get the spotify added to my account? I guess I need to wait for the sim, swap it at a voda shop for a nano, then contact voda to assign me the free spotify. Correct?

thanks !
1 May 15 #420
Looks like I finally got everything working after 2 weeks of hastle. (See here if you're interested in details). Spotify is finally set up although I cannot activate it till my current subscription (£4.99 per month student one) runs out, as I actually already pay for it this deal is even better for me.

I got a month free on my contract for the hassle. I also think I've blagged 10% off per month. I asked for student discount and them to waive the requirement to take a contract directly from vodafone for my trouble, the first operator said no, but the second told me he's requested a 10% goodwill discount. When I called back two days later they could see that it should have 10% but it's not been applied yet. They never asked for student proof so it is not a student discount so it should all go through fine. I will be calling up after my billing date if not.

That means this deal works out:
Contract 12 x £24.30 = £291.60
Cashback -£184
Quidco -£10
One month free - £24.30
10% discount 11 x £2.43 = -26.73
Spotify Saving = 12 x -£4.99
Total for 12 months: NEGATIVE £13.28

So I'm being paid just over £1 per month to have this contract! Much better than my previous one costing me £25ish a month.

I'll be posting back to let you all know how my cashback goes. I've bookmarked the deal.
1 May 15 #422
Haha. That is very true.
1 May 15 #423
Welldone mate. They showed me the middle finger when I reqested a discount under the "Employee Advantage Scheme" telling me that I have bought my contract from Carphonewarehouse.
1 May 15 #424
sorry if this has been asked before.

Whats included with now tv?
movies & entertainment? or just entertainment?
hukdlr to MR1123
1 May 15 #425
Just entertainment.
1 May 15 #426
1 May 15 #427
Any one having entertainment package for Now tv? Do u get the voucher or it links up with the account and billed to vodafone monthly?
hukdlr to secretmsg
2 May 15 #429
You will need to speak to the "customer service specialists" department. They will then send you a text with a link to register with any one of the three. You just have to follow the link, register with your email address and that's it. They also take your bank details but that's just for after the 12 months are over or if you buy movie pack or sports pack. If you don't need it then just cancel it before your contract expires otherwise it would be £5.99/month after 12 months.

Just make sure that the link doesn't say 1 month or 6 months free activation otherwise you will get the entertainment pack only for that period of time if you still register. You will need to speak to them again if it's for less than 12 months. If it doesn't say how long is it for then that means it's for the duration of your contract.

You don't get any voucher by the way. It just links up with your account and what happens between NowTV and Vodafone, it's non of our business as long as we get it for free :-)
2 May 15 #428
2 May 15 #430
Thanks for info, i was thinking to sell off the pack if they gave a voucher.Its probably hard to sell if its account basis.
2 May 15 #431
Got my sim yesterday... Quick question... Does the sky sports mobile app work with chromecast?
secretmsg to euqiddis
2 May 15 #432

No, only works on mobile .
2 May 15 #433
I would go for this deal but I'm unsure as I feel may go into liquidation considering whats happened to phones4u l. And cpw's future doesnt seem too bright atm
hukdlr to Gstar_231
2 May 15 #434
You need to risk it to get the biscuit, lol. No pain, no gain :-). I don't even know if I will be alive to take my family out tonight that we have planned or even be alive in the next 5 minutes, no one knows.

I haven't heard or read anything yet about CPW's being in financial trouble to be honest and even if it is we won't know until it goes on all fours. Unless you know something that we don't by predicting future?

I say: "Go for it mate" :-)
RudeYute to Gstar_231
2 May 15 #435
So you think Dixons Carphone are going to go bust? Why do you think Phones4U went bust? It's because of CPW! And now they're with Dixons, so even better!
5 May 15 #436
Got a replacement nano sim from the Vodafone store and it is working fine.

How do I port my old number in? I have tried completing the online form but when I hit the submit button nothing happens.
notavalidaddress to fossman
5 May 15 #437
It did this for me as well. Go onto live chat and eventually they will phone you back and put you onto the porting team who will do it all manually for you.
5 May 15 #438
Same problem with me aswell.. I have been given this number 08700 720 265 so will give them a ring tomorrow - they are open from 8-8
6 May 15 #439
My nightmare with this offer just will not end
I've placed two orders, in the last month I decided to go for the 10 GB deal, both orders Sim card won't register to the network this is getting beyond a joke how can a company screw it up twice and when you contact Vodafone there will say to you it's nothing to do with us we don't have your details on our system, you go back to and there excuse is we've Inputted all your details to Vodafone its their fault so you go back to they will then tell you we will chase this up with our team that manually connects Your account
Oh it gets better I telephoned them says Vodafone will get back to you within 48 business hours however when you speak to Vodafone they say no it's not 48 business hours it's five working days you wait one week, after that the turnaround turns and tells you were really sorry but Vodafone have cancelled your order and you have to resubmit a new order and you go through the process all over again I'm sorry guys no deal is worth the hassle that this bunch jokers will give you I mean Christ I haven't even got to the point of submitting a bill to get free now or trying to get the entertainment at it will trying to get the unlimited data for three months she want my advice please contact our offering the deal that you get for a good reason because you will have difficulties with them whether it is getting your cashback thru your bill just trying to get somebody at to take ownership of the problem I've spoken to 4 different advisors and I've lost complete faith in their of rubbish just ask yourself do looks too good to be true it usually is good luck to somebody able to get this offer for Me it's been a month of hell
6 May 15 #440
Same here they made me work to get my Spotify with over 4 live chats and numerous calls. The 4g or voicemail never worked with my port so the shop did a sim swap that's not worked. Live chat won't register the Sim and insist I go back to the shop, which I can't get to at the moment. So no service for the 3rd day now. Unbelievable!
6 May 15 #441
That number worked for me. Straight through to someone knowledgeable, and transfer setup for the next 24 hours.
Now all that's left is to reach out to Customer Support on 191 option 2, once the number has ported, and ask to enrol on the spotify/nowtv/other package.

hope this helps someone.
7 May 15 #442
I got a call back on Tuesday and was put through to the porting team, my number is supposed to be transferred today. On other networks when I have ported a number I've received texts confirming the date etc. but I have had nothing from Vodafone, is it just a case of just waiting for it to happen?

With regards to Spotify I was told I would receive a text with a link in it once my number had ported.
7 May 15 #443
Take nothing for granted with Vodafone. I've had to fight for my Spotify, Port and still no voicemail or 4g 3 weeks later. They lie on live chat or fob you off as you'll see from the comments..
7 May 15 #444
I'm still in split port hell.
7 May 15 #445
My port is complete and everything is working fine.

I've found a link for the spotify offer but when I enter my mobile number it says £9.99 a month (with one month free) so I'm going to do an online chat and see what they say.

Update: The live chat guy updated my account and I got a text welcoming me to Vodafone Red with a link to the offers. I now have Spotify Premium activated, happy bunny here.
7 May 15 #446
I still have no 4g now my Spotify has gone and still no voicemail or 4g. This has turned in to a complete nightmare. Vodafone are a disgrace to mobile network and you can see why Which voted them worst network 2 years running. The local store manager I know told me they are now basically salesman and can't help with any problems and you have to phone customer service, even in the shop! Shocking!
7 May 15 #447
The waking nightmare of livechat:
Hello, you are through to Binil , I will be investigating your complaint today, please can you let me know the details of your issue.
Gary: at 21:57:42
Hi, still have no voicemail or 4g and now have lost my Spotify premium after a SIM change.
Gary: at 21:59:16
Binil : at 21:59:31
Hello Gary.
Binil : at 21:59:34
How are you?
Gary: at 21:59:49
not good I have had many problems with Vodafone over the last 2 weeks :disappointed:
Gary: at 22:00:43
are you there
Binil : at 22:00:52
I am sorry to learn that.
Binil : at 22:01:01
Please share your concern so that I can assist you further.
Gary: at 22:01:19
Hi, I still have no voicemail or 4g and now have lost my Spotify premium after a SIM change.
Binil : at 22:03:03
I am sorry to learn that.
Binil : at 22:03:07
Let me quickly access your account first and then assist you further.
Binil : at 22:03:21
Is this the number in question - 07%49**488@?
Gary at 22:03:27
Binil : at 22:04:46
Thank you.
Binil : at 22:05:55
Let me quickly locate your account.
Binil : at 22:05:58
Are you happy to stay online while I gather some information?
Gary : at 22:06:08
yes thankyou
Binil : at 22:08:34
Thank you.
Gary : at 22:12:38
will you be much longer?
Binil : at 22:12:52
Thank you for waiting.
Binil : at 22:12:59
Is this a pay as you go account?
Gary: at 22:13:01
no pay monthly
Gary : at 22:13:46
you usually need to check another system when I contact you
Binil : at 22:14:28
Yes, I got your account.
Binil : at 22:15:00
Just to confirm, have you checked the coverage checker for any 4G site updates?
Gary: at 22:16:09
no my 4g has not worked since I had the SIM card this was confirmed in the store in Leamington Spa. They said technical need to add to my plan along with my voicemail. They did a SIM change and now I have lost my Spotify Premium as well. Not good :disappointed:
Binil : at 22:16:59
I apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Binil : at 22:17:02
Before we proceed, may I take you through a quick security check please?
Gary: at 22:16:59
Binil : at 22:17:09
May I take 1st and 2nd digit of your pin please?
Gary: at 22:17:08
Gary: at 22:19:52
Gary: at 22:21:09
are you there...

I lost connection after this....
7 May 15 #448
I just about managed to miss this deal....sadly theres no other voda deals atm :disappointed:
8 May 15 #449
I so regret going for this deal. Nearly a month on following the porting of my number, I can't receive any calls, I can't receive any text, I can't send any text, data is crap.

I want to port away from vodafone now and I'd go with any network rather than them. Unfortunately I'm tied to vodafone if I want to keep my number which I've had for 15 years. This split porting lark is pathetic.

Worst mobile phone operated there is and their call centre staff lie through their teeth.

Been speaking with their customer relations "team" who are also as useful as chocolate teapot. Been speaking to people about this problem and it's so common it's frightening! Watchdog have taken up the story now.
8 May 15 #450
I've placed 2 orders over the space of a month still not got to the point that I can put the sim into my phone and it works?? I've received compensation but I'm really worried about this deal is it worth the hassle
10 May 15 #451
Did the link ( say that yoiu would get it for free for 12 months?

I signed up the other day and got charged 4.99 (for Sky sports), phone 191 they then cancelled the sub and told me to sign up 24 hours later, but it still says its going to be 4.99 a month......:neutral_face:
11 May 15 #452
When I followed the link on the first text I got it gave me two offers:

Spotify at £9.99 a month (one month free)
Sky Sports Mobile at £4.99 a month with no mention of any free period

After I did the online chat I received another text welcoming me to Vodafone Red and when I followed the link it took me to another page with all three offers listed. At the bottom of the page it stated what period the subscriptions were free for on the different Red contracts.
11 May 15 #453
What was the link? (pm me if you dont want to post here) please
12 May 15 #454
The link was the same in both texts but the offers changed after the person on live chat updated something on my account, the link is (this is probably the link you followed when you signed up for Sky Sports Mobile) the link only works when accessed from your mobile.
16 May 15 #455
Is this deal still available on the 6gb tariff. The website now says it £12 a month inclusive of cashback
Gstar_231 to playz28
16 May 15 #456
Deal has expired....I'm still looking for a sim only vodafone deal :disappointed:
17 May 15 #457
First bill just came in... With the month I got for free for having a 6day split port, plus 10% student discount they applied as goodwill (usually only for direct customers) for Spotify taking 9 days it came to a total of..... -£3.60.

So that'll carry over to the next bill. Looks like my previous calculation was correct. I'm effectively being paid for this contract if all cash back works :smiley:.

GREAT DEAL....vodafone are a nightmare to fix things, but at least they pay up. I'm hoping I'll not need to contact them for 10 months until I request my PAC code....
17 May 15 #458
Well done :-)
18 May 15 #459
My wife got this deal and like many others signed up to Spotify, but it looked like the one month trial and she was going to be billed £9.99 thereafter. She called Vodafone and a very rude and unhelpful woman insisted she wasn't eligible for anything. My wife pushed the point and after being put on hold for several minutes whilst the woman consulted with her supervisor, agreed she was entitled to the package but only for 6 months. My wife was losing the will to live, so ended the call.

Fast forward to tonight and after a quick online chat was telephoned by Voda and transferred to the relevant dept (whatever that was). The man that ultimately sorted it was incredibly helpful and polite. Without any prompting acknowledged Spotify should be free for the duration of the contract (12 months) and said there was a known issue with sim only contracts where such packages are not being configured correctly and require adjustment.

It should now all be sorted and all she has to worry about now is remembering to send of the cashback claims on time.
1 Jul 15 #460
The wife has just been charged £9.99 for Spotify. Another nightmare call to VF to try and sort something that should have already been sorted. :disappointed:
9 Jul 15 #461
Guys... first cashback should be due now. My billing date is 9th of every month and I have just uploaded my bill online to get my first cashback.
10 Jul 15 #462
Does anyone know if you change your price plan to one above this deal midway through contract would nullify the cashback claim.

For example. You upgrade to £30 plan that gives 20gb allowance
hukdlr to Gerrardlegend
10 Jul 15 #463
I was told it wouldn't affect even if I lower my plan i.e get discount via "Employee advantage scheme". If you up your plan so that should definitely have no impact on your cashback claim. Best is to send them a message via their website and they will send you a reply that you can keep as a record.
16 Jul 15 #464
Anyone else had problems with uploading their bills?
j4j to superyiddo
16 Jul 15 #465
I uploaded my entire pdf bill for july last night instead of submitting the separate pages from the bill to cover the required info. Got email today to confirm bill been accepted and cheque will arrive within 8 weeks
17 Jul 15 #466
Where do you upload them to?

I've just accessed my account but can't see where they need to be sent.

My bills are a shambles. First one was £27, then £0, then, £51, now £0 they refunded me some money for no connection due to their porting cockup. Then they charged me data when abroad despite charging me £3 per day for "passport" so a £23 refund there too. I was fortunate enough to get a 40% discount applied, so a monthly bill of about £16 - meaning this contract will be free. And so it should be, Vodafone are dire.

So any tips on where to upload appreciated.
17 Jul 15 #467
Cancel that. I managed to find my order details on their site and found the "my cash back" tab.

I thought you had to submit all 4 bills? I put in the july one, then added my £51 and £27 one as well in the other 2 slots. My July bill is showing as -£7 and nothing to pay.
j4j to 365pizza
17 Jul 15 #468
I only put in the july one that's it
19 Jul 15 #469
I only uploaded July bill and have received confirmation. 8 weeks is a long time to wait for a cheque.
21 Jul 15 #470
I uploaded a screenshot of just the first page of my bill and it has been accepted because that's the only information they need to see. They don't want to see who I have called, how many texts I have sent and to who and how much data I have used. To be honest I wouldn't want anyone to see my usage anyway, it's something personal.

Though they say the cheque would take 8 weeks to arrive but in my previous experience it usually arrives within 2 to 3 weeks. They say 8 weeks so people don't start calling them after 2 weeks and complain that they haven't received their cheque.
22 Jul 15 #471
uploaded my pdf of my bill yesterday and got same day confirmation that it had been approved and to expect a cheque in 8 weeks or so. That was painless.
fossman to notavalidaddress
3 Aug 15 #472
Same here, was a lot easier than the old e2save deals where you had to send a copy of your bill by recorded delivery!
5 Aug 15 #473
Has anyone used their mobile abroad in another European country? I'm going soon and was checking the roaming costs and came across this, it implies that if I use my mobile for calls it won't cost me anything, can anyone confirm this is this case?

Vodafone EuroTraveller
Red Value Bundle customers can make free voice calls to UK standard mobiles or landlines (starting 01, 02 and 03 but excluding voicemail, premium rate and non-geographic numbers) from within our Europe Zone without triggering the daily charge. However, these free voice calls are for our UK customers only who are on short holidays or on short business trips to countries within our Europe Zone. If you are permanently roaming, for example you continuously use your phone from within our Europe Zone for more than 30 days, then we may suspend international roaming on your account and you will no longer be able to use your phone abroad. We will contact you before we do this.
7 Aug 15 #474
Got my first cheque this morning, couldn't be more simple.
hukdlr to GimmiSomeOfThat
7 Aug 15 #475
Me too. Came in this morning.
7 Aug 15 #476
same. good service so perfect, no issues
8 Aug 15 #477
Anyone else get the hacked email from them? Sounds bad.
GimmiSomeOfThat to notavalidaddress
8 Aug 15 #478
I got that, I read about it earlier about carphone warehouse and they would contact those affected... but the email states ''Dear Customer'' so not personal to me and sounds be a general email but best that everyone notifies their banks
8 Aug 15 #479
9 Aug 15 #480
With most breaches, it is difficult to actually prove after the fact what exactly got stolen. Add to that, reputation etc, and most companies won't ever admit to their whole customer database being stolen, so they write notifications which are broad and cover all bases.
13 Aug 15 #481
Cheque recieved
11 Sep 15 #482
Just a reminder fellas.. Your next cashback should be due now. My billing date is the 9th of every month. I sent a screenshot of the first page of my bill (that's all the info the need) last night and just received an acceptance email. My second cheque should arrive within 8 weeks.
jans to hukdlr
11 Sep 15 #483
Do you know if there's an expected time frame in which you have to submit the cashback cheque that you receive from them into your bank account? i.e. are you allowed to save them and put a few in all at once? I don't get to the bank that much and was wondering if they had an expiry or a time limit on the cheques that they send you.
12 Sep 15 1 #484
There is no expiry on the cheque, just checked mine from my July's cashback cheque :-). Cheques normally don't expire and it depends on the bank. It can last upto 6 years with some banks. I wouldn't wait that long though and will deposit them in pairs.
12 Sep 15 #485
That's good. Thanks :smiley:
26 Sep 15 #486
Received my 2nd cashback cheque yesterday. Happy days.
1 Oct 15 #487
Sent off the first three pages of my bill yesterday and got an email about 4 hours later saying my cashback had been confirmed.
hukdlr to fossman
2 Oct 15 #488
I usually send a screenshot of the first page only as that's the only information they need to approve cashback.
3 Oct 15 #489
​I sent the first three pages as the T&C's state the bill needs to show which tariff you are on and my bill shows this on the third page.

To be honest the third page only shows your tariff and how much of your allowance you've used.
20 Jan 16 #490
Hope everyone hasn't forgotten to claim their cashback.
hukdlr to GimmiSomeOfThat
20 Jan 16 #491
Naa. Just submitted my second last cashback two weeks and got approved the same day. Cheque should arrive soon :smiley:
29 Mar 16 #492
A year is nearly up... Any good retention deals being given?
notavalidaddress to euqiddis
29 Mar 16 #493
I went onto web chat and got unlimited texts, calls and 5GB data for £10.20 a month. 12 month sim only but you can upgrade after 3 months with no penalty.

Sounds alright to me.
29 Mar 16 #494
I upgraded last month for the half price offer including unlimited minutes and texts with 20GB 4G tetherable data, usually £40 but was half price £20 also including 12 months of sky sports/netflix/spotify. Thought my cashback claim this month would be refused but they've accepted it even though the bill shows a lower amount. So I have double data and paying £7 less per month and claimed all my cashback for last years deal.
1 Apr 16 #495
Big warning about transferring to giffgaff: service is none existent is you have a network issue only an agent can help with. Two days without being able to receive calls/texts since transferring from Vodafone. Online help only and agents can take up to 24hrs to get back to you. In my case just to give you standard troubleshooting you've probably done already. Reply to next post will then take up to another get the picture...
3 Apr 16 #496
The best ive been offered is unlimited calls and texts, 2gb data (with 2gb free) so 4gb altogether, for 11.90.
Apart from the the 10.20 above, any other good deals been offered.

Am thinking of moving to ID mobile, 500 minutes, 5000 texts, 4GB data for £10.
7 Apr 16 #497
Well this has been fun as Vodafone don't like you leaving! My port is still not complete a week after I left Vodafone due to them not sending the correct files to giffgaff.
Anyway the ee deal yesterday looked tempting...
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Resident evil origins collection (PS4)
3 stars +128

Resident evil origins collection (PS4)

£13.85 Base.com10 Oct 17
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TSB credit card 0% on balance transfers for 28 months, fee-free, plus potential cashback
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3.5 stars +281


£6 £24 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE
3 stars +143

JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE

£1.79 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE
3.5 stars +207

PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
4 stars +361

ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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