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Jobcentre Plus Travel Discount Card - 50% off all Rail fares!
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Jobcentre Plus Travel Discount Card - 50% off all Rail fares!

50% off Transport for London13 Dec 12
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Travel
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Opening post
13 Dec 12
Not many people know about this at all (including Jobcentre themselves) - but you can get 50% off all rail fares (across the UK) if are on, either:

- Jobseekers Allowance: if you're aged 18-24 and have been unemployed for three to nine months
- Jobseekers Allowance: if you're 25 or over and have been unemployed for three to 12 months
- Incapacity Benefit, Employment and Support Allowance or Income Support: if you're actively engaged with an adviser in returning to employment.

The card will be valid for at least 3 months and can be used for the first couple of months of a new job. You can only get this by talking with your Jobcentre Plus advisor (ensure to take two passport-sized photos with you) and you will be made to fill out a form and then given a card right away.

Also, londoners have a similar scheme with 1/2 price bus fayre on Oyster.
Form from the post office, get job centre to fill out, hand into post office and they give it to you there and then, then go to undetrground and they load the card on.
- nebno6
Top comments
S23 to talbert
13 Dec 12 86 #2
Feel free to leave your job, become unable to pay your bills, potentially lose your home, not afford your family any decent christmas gifts and get the railcard discount :innocent:
14 Dec 12 50 #19
I'm sick to the **** teeth seeing blue collar **** posting about people on benefits as if it concerns them. Why the **** do you deify the **** masters of this country who shaft the people from all angles -- they're the reason people can't find a job. The money that goes to benefits is a **** pittance compared to the frivolous **** that the government **** our taxes away on year in, year out.

I just lost a job because it was a temporary contract and wasn't renewed. I sure as **** don't want to go back to the bloody jobcentre. I'm pretty sure almost no-one does. It's truly bleak and if you ever find yourself in that situation, you'll understand. I wouldn't be surprised if half of the people who whinge about job seekers are admin monkeys in jobs that you have to TRY to be fired from, full of whining, incompetent, disinterested dumb asses.
14 Dec 12 17 #16
people on benefits (and i know quite a few) do not have loads of spare cash. in fact, most of them spend what they get in the first few days paying bills, buying food, etc. most people on benefits have no cash at all for the second week. but that money goes into local shops which employ mostly women part time who are trying to supplement the family income. many people are on minimum wage (not even living wage) and this is vital to them. the shopkeepers also make money which goes into things like the leisure industry and home improvements for their family , in turn creating jobs and on and up the money goes. or we could give the money to the banks so businesses can borrow just to keep going, get into more debt in the hope that things will get better which leads to failed businesses and more people on benefits. when all you nazis have finished with your ethnic cleansing, you may well find that you are now the lowest rung in society. I wish you well of it.
13 Dec 12 12 #1
Pays not to work anymore

What next money off stamps?
Latest comments (126)
7 Jun 16 #126
I'm doing my ******* hardest to look for full and part time work.constantly on universal jobsmatch seven days a week.including public holidays.and I'm infuriated at ones who dont bother to find work while on jsa .i cant even get travel discounts from jcp to search for work more profficently.bus fares.train fares are expensive.anywhere.its utterly seems the UK government.dwp.prefer to help foriegn assylum immigrants..and refugees to get free benefits.housing in they really care if genuine jobseekers wont to get work.with all the money they spend on foreign voting bnp if things dont start changing in the has too many foriegn immigrants.refugees.explaining enormous amount of problems.the e.u. Ministers can go to hell. UK is better off out of the e.u.. I'm 49. Years old and still trying to find adequate really furious over matter.ive done jobs since I was 16 till I was 39.and I'm eager to get back. Into some fulltime.part time work .
30 Nov 15 #125
Well I have had one of these cards,I only actually asked for one a month ago when a close friend had a heart-attack in Milton-Keynes (and wouldn't anybody if they saw Milton Keynes....???). I tried to buy a ticket to get to his bedside, but found the price-tag a bit more than I could afford, and then heard that there was a "JSA- only" fare, and despite being on JSA, but not having ever heard of a "JSA-Fare", I decided to wing it, and took a copy of my JSA status with me, hoped I wouldn't be asked for it, and booked the affordable option an took the trip anyway without being challenged.
Upon my return, I demanded this previously unheard of JSA discount Travel Card from my DSS advisor, but as I live in Central London anyway, and don't generally use public transport, I haven't yet enjoyed the benefit of taking any further advantage of the continued. and gratefully received, generosity of the British taxpayer.
29 Sep 15 #124
I knows this post was a while ago but I have something to say my partner has alot of qualifications and he has been on job seekers almost 2 years and he has not been able to get 1 interview letc alone a job and that is all because he can't drive so this is helpful to him he didn't even know about this until yesterday and that is because he needs to travel to England to join the army as this is his only option now and it's unfair as now he can't see his child grow up its hard being on any benefit we have a lot to pay as they don't even pay the full amount for housing anymore we have to pay out close to 200 quid a fortnight and we have no money spare that's for everything for us so people in benefits don't get it easy trust me
2 Sep 15 #123
whilst it may be true a single parent with children would have to be in a 20k job to be bringing home the same as they would get not working, i can assure you as a single guy living on JSA and housing benefit i can not afford 2 utility bills so the gas and heating have never been on and the only way i can afford to eat to to buy the discounted food that the shops are about to bin. Also its not a case of 'i don't work' i do voluntary for Age UK so although on JSA technically I'm not unemployed it's just i do not get paid for the work I do. People like you really are crass an no doubt only a few pay slips away from being unable to live yourself if you lost your job. Grow up and grow some, Harry in Lytham St Annes
25 Aug 15 #122
Are these still available ? Also any discounts for buses for Job Seekers ?
10 Jul 15 1 #121
So here is the thing. If you actually need this discount travel card DO NOT start work until you got one. I started work yesterday. At the moment i`m walking 4 miles to it and 4 miles back. Today managed to find time to visit Job-center and been told that it`s my employer worries now because i already started the job.
thanks a lot
16 Mar 15 2 #120

I thought I would like to add my comments in, give the previous "discussion" going on. I am 51 years old. I have been continuously employed since I was 18. Last March I was dispensed with by a large Plc in the financial services sector. I was "managed out" after being diagnosed with work related stress and depression. This was the seaport I got after 12 years with them.

I delayed claiming JSA through pride until January. I spend almost all of every day applying for jobs. I have O levels, A levels, three degrees (one a Mastares) professional qualifications. I a a volunteer reservist and do charity work locally.

I have had few interviews, although I have applied for post all over the UK and abroad. I am constantly told that other "more suited candidates" we're given the job. I was on £55k when I left my last post and I have applied for jobs paying as little as £16k, even though my mortgage is more than that alone.

I would swap my "freebie handout" life for anyone on here who thinks JSA claimants are all scroungers. I have paid far more in than I will ever get out. Unless I get a job in the next two months I will lose my house. I already lost my wife over all this as well.

What is wrong with the country I have supported all my life helping me out in my hour of need? Even if it is not enough to tide me over. Careful planning had seen me accumulate life savings that have dwindled away to nothing. So don't lecture me on being a scrounger and being idle.

As someone said in here already, if the put a tenth of the effort chasing tax evaders as they did benefit cheats the welfare budget would be more than compensated for!
12 Mar 15 #118

Please can somebody tell me if the railcard still exists? I have been given different information depending on whom I speak to at the job centre. Just today I have been told this isn't something they do (I'm near Manchester) and was just given information regarding bus travel. What does the form to apply look like? Help! THis would be a massive help for me to get back into work.
S23 to rai32a
13 Mar 15 #119
Based on the information from the post above yours, the railcard is very much available as of 2015. In my original, personal experience, I found that staff weren't very well informed about this existing at all. Keep enquiring about it until you have confirmation that it doesn't exist in Manchester - which I would be inclined to believe is not the case.
18 Dec 14 1 #117
Just thought I would post in case it is useful to anyone... I have had 2 of these cards in the past year. I was on Job Seekers prior to last June and I was given one of these discount cards to travel to job interviews (I was however interviewing all over the country, so it was cost-effective for them). Thankfully it paid off as I did then get an internship position over summer :smile:. I've also got one now which was to help me cover train fares for the first month of my new job as well as travel to induction events as the new position was a few hours away from where I originally lived. Also, I wasn't on job seekers for over a certain amount of time to receive these - in the second case only for a few weeks.

My experience is that if you can prove that you have a need for this which is related to your job search (e.g. travel to interviews, travel to work if you find a new job, or even travel in order to hand out CVs) then the job centre will happily provide you with it.
3 Dec 14 #116
Another freebie for people already on freebies. No offence to those who are trying to find a job. People wonder why the country is in debit.
10 Nov 14 #115
What an idiot!?... Some people should keep their points to themselves!?...
18 Oct 14 #114
The total welfare bill is a smaller cost to the national coffers than tax avoidance/evasion by corporations and the super-rich. There are thousands employed to make sure that those applying for benefits get nothing they are not entitled to. The number investigating the aforementioned tax evasion is tiny. It is not pleasant to live on benefits, the system is designed so that it isn't. Certainly having earned good money working very hard, then losing my job through no fault of my own it was impossible to survive on the benefits I was advised I could claim. Of course, there's no-one employed to tell you your entitlement, so to return to the starting place. This is very useful information for those who are trying to find work. Of course, those of you who think that life on benefits is a 24hour party are very welcome to give up their jobs, fight their way through the labyrinthine benefits system and leave those exhausted by the battle to apply for the job they just left. I hope the OP's information helps someone get a job, for everyone's sake.
18 Oct 14 #113
The total welfare bill is a smaller cost to the national coffers than tax avoidance/evasion by corporations and the super-rich. There are thousands employed to make sure that those applying for benefits get nothing they are not entitled to. The number investigating the aforementioned tax evasion is tiny. It is not pleasant to live on benefits, the system is designed so that it isn't. Certainly having earned good money working very hard, then losing my job through no fault of my own it was impossible to survive on the benefits I was advised I could claim. Of course, there's no-one employed to tell you your entitlement, so to return to the starting place. This is very useful information for those who are trying to find work. Of course, those of you who think that life on benefits is a 24hour party are very welcome to give up their jobs, fight their way through the labyrinthine benefits system and leave those exhausted by the battle to apply for the job they just left. I hope the OP's information helps someone get a job, for everyone's sake.
18 Oct 14 #112
I born and raise in India and I came over here last year because the better government perks and quality of living. I don't qualify for most jobs so can I get this discount card?
6 Feb 14 #111
I pay other people way for 8 years. I think if I lost my job, I should be entitled to some of that money back, hence JSA! Why should anyone pay high tax rates for JSA, then if they do find themselves redundant, not claim? Just a thought!!
13 Dec 12 #7
I'm an Indian Citizen. Un-Employed. Please advice.
S23 to london7117
13 Dec 12 12 #10
You can only get this if you are receiving one of the above mentioned benefits. To claim Jobseekers Allowance, you need to be a permanent resident of the UK, I believe. More info here:

Cool story bro, take your 'bah humbug' somewhere else (local MP would be a start...)
jhhjhjhjhj to london7117
14 Dec 12 3 #38
Get a job and pay your own way, only a suggestion
tjc2005 to london7117
3 Jan 14 1 #110
my advice is get a job
13 Dec 12 12 #1
Pays not to work anymore

What next money off stamps?
S23 to talbert
13 Dec 12 86 #2
Feel free to leave your job, become unable to pay your bills, potentially lose your home, not afford your family any decent christmas gifts and get the railcard discount :innocent:
4COSI to talbert
13 Dec 12 1 #13
Yup ....... Money off stamps were offered this Christmas to those on benefit !!
royals to talbert
14 Dec 12 #20
no free housing, 25K tax free (so really nearer 35K for us that work!!), no council tax, etc....oh!
compingcomping to talbert
14 Dec 12 #22
bobajob444 to talbert
2 Aug 13 1 #109
How about I have your job and you wait 3 months to be able to afford a ticket to attend an interview
23 Jul 13 #108
I am a single mother, with a full mortgage and bills to pay, been on jobseekers for 6 weeks and starting a new job tommorow, this will be paying me 10k less than my previous job and i only get a 25% discount on my council tax all other bills and rates are paid at full premium. I see people coming into the jobcentre who really do want to work but have many obstacles for which they cannot, all comes down to financial... would I be able to work unless I had my mum to lookafter my child whilst I am at work etc? ... no because the childcare costs would have been too high.... I be honest with you.... I earnt £71 a week and £350 in maintenance from my ex husband in maintenance £80 a month child benefit.... my mortgage is £700 a month, council tax £130 a month (after discount).... all other costs on top of this, I still managed to survive on £714 a month.... and I was in my previous job for only 4 months and hadnt even managed to build up bank balance as I had so much overdraft to pay back as I had been out of work for 14months previously! .... This is the first time I was offered a discount card.... welll deserved as I have een paying taxes for over 16 years.... and I havent even taken back 25% of what I have paid in taxes..... Please do stop and think before you comment .... I know there are some lay abouts.... well then there is bad and good everywhere isnt there? even at work you get some drivers and some passengers isnt it? ... just trust the power above and try your best in life you life... :smiley:
12 Mar 13 1 #107
People always stereotype those who claim Jobseeker's allowance. I worked a whole year when I left college last year, earning £12 an hour.

I've been claiming Jobseeker's Allowance for the last 2 months until I can find another job.

I've paid a lot more money into the system than I've claimed back and when I get another job, I'll basically be paying it back anyways.
12 Mar 13 1 #106
Idiot! I'm out of work and have been trying hard to look for a job. I have every intention of working but this card will help to travel into London to look for work. Your comments are immature and derogatory to the many people who are struggling to find their way back into work.
29 Jan 13 #105
14 Dec 12 2 #32
Maybe some people should spend more time applying for jobs rather then spend their time applying for things like this.
compingcomping to mumtozm
14 Dec 12 5 #36
There is definitely no maybe about people with jobs spending time on here during working hours. They should be fired.
kaplunk to mumtozm
14 Dec 12 3 #51
That's a bit of a ridiculous statement to make. You've obviously never had the misfortune of being unemployed or had to struggle it appears. A scheme like this could be very beneficial to those who genuinely want to work but struggle with the cost of transport, good luck to anyone who gets it.
mica1 to mumtozm
14 Dec 12 3 #52
The reason this is a good scheme is because you could use this money off travel card to get out, travel a little further and look for a job.
I am starting to look for work further afield but it still costs too much to travel, even with a half price London bus pass.

I'm fed up of hearing employed office robots talking about people who are unemployed like they are cut from the same cloth. We are individual people with individual stories.
I was temping too and there was no more work for me as the company were downsizing.

It's not fun being on benefits. I do a lot of voluntary work, scrimp and scrap and look for work on a daily basis, it's a full time job looking for a job.

Stop judging please.
jamie60509 to mumtozm
14 Dec 12 #53
Do you realise how stupid that comment makes you sound?
Iwaswrong to mumtozm
29 Jan 13 #104
Clearly you have no idea what the whole thread is about if that;'s your reply. It's not applying for jobs that's the problem it's getting there!
29 Jan 13 #103
I found out about this 2 weeks ago and I have used it for job interviews. I also used it to go and see my children who live 300 miles away. And no - The tax payer did not pay for my jollys. Their mum did who works 44 hours a week like many others

The point is being on the dole is no laughing matter. Personally I never put my heating on because I am scared of the bill. I have 2 blankets I bought from HUKD which I wrap around me all the time. Yes I can afford electricity but as a single person living alone my bills are £10 a month.

I was on ESA after a stroke but I bought myself off and on to JSA so that I would get some support into getting back into work. Now all I get is tellings off because I have not applied for enough job, despite the job center knowing of my problems. So I am going to go back onto ESA again because I can't cope. I'd much rather be in a job but even the basic jobs are hard when you have lost 80% dexterity in your hands (if took me 31 minutes to type this reply)
28 Jan 13 #102
hahahaha, he has made all these accusations, and he doesn't even know who his local MPs are. So.. tell me more about it sir!
27 Jan 13 #101
Right the jobcentre plus office gave me 1 of them travel discount cards because i am on a college course to get into national express buses, but nobody seems to know how they work including west mids travel, national express, and the jobcentre plus office. i would really appreciate some help on this, so if someone else has got or used one in the west mids area could you help me please.
16 Dec 12 #100
After 9 months, if you are under 25, or after 12 months, if you are 25 or over - you are supposedly referred to and placed into the work programme.

As I have not actually been on the work programme, I can only assume it places you into extra training, more priority and also more work experience for you. Either way, you will know if you are on it.
16 Dec 12 #99
Can I ask what the work programme is please?

They change things around so often it gets confusing! lol
15 Dec 12 #98
As long as you are not on the work programme, have been on JSA between 3-9 months (under 25's) or 3-12 months (25+), YOU ARE entitled.
14 Dec 12 9 #40
I can't believe some of the moaning **** on here; I was unlucky enough to be out of work for six months; I got an interview for a job I knew I could do standing on my head - it was half the wages I normally work for but I thought... beggars can't be choosers.

Due to where the interview was it was going to cost me £25 to get there (Two buses and a taxi - I'd been forced to off-road the car three months earlier due to costs that my massive benefit payment wouldn't quite stretch to); I asked the job centre for help with the cost (If I got the job I wouldn't mind paying the money, but to pay it and not get it...). Did I get any help? No.

This would have made a pretty big difference.

As it was a friend lent me their car for the two interviews that I ended up having. I got the job.

So you see... the government helping people with little things like this can stop some of the self-righteous pricks on this forum from moaning about the unemployed by allowing them to get a job.
deelz001 to Calldean
15 Dec 12 #97
MODS - you seems to be policing the nexus 4 thread very heavily and deleting my posts which aren't offensive to anyone in the slightest, yet you allow people to use such language towards others on this forum?

Well done, great job again.
15 Dec 12 #96
no they offer me half price bus only
15 Dec 12 2 #95
All those of you who go to work and think that benefits are a doddle to get and let one live in the lap of luxury, I have a top tip to help you wake up and join the real world. Next time you are due to go to work, look around your workplace carefully. If you look hard enough it is likely you will be able to see something that is happening and shouldn't be - a disabled person who has not been given their legal entitlement to reasonable adjustments, a pregnant woman who has not had a risk assessment since telling the employer she was pregnant. Or maybe something much bigger, some breach of employment law or good practice that is so significant that it is a matter of public interest that you make this malpractice known.

Stand up and make it known. Then stand back and watch as your career disappears under a heap of lies, backstabbing and corruption that makes The Godfather look like bedtime reading for a small child. Believe that your union will help you - WRONG. Believe that the Equality and Human Rights Commission will help you (because you have more than one protected characteristic including a disability) - WRONG. Believe that the law will protect you - WRONG. Then sit back and watch a lifetime of being honest and decent and fair come to count for nothing and lose your job as well as all the people you thought were friends because they have been told you are a liar and you have no means of telling the truth because those who were supposed to protect you stitched you up like a kipper.

I bet you think none of this could ever happen to you, that you are safe at work, that the law protects you, that you can go to ACAS, go to an employment tribunal. Try it and see. Or, you are too much of a coward to stand up and say anything about the wrong doing of others so you keep your head down and your mouth shut and hope to God that they never come after you, which is fine, but it doesn't give you the right to sit and say that life is easy for those people who worked 20 years and paid into a system that now doesn't even tell them about everything they are entitled to have out of it and certainly doesn't employ anyone to tell you how you are supposed to live off the pittance they do pay you. My house isn't free, it's £710 a month, the gas bill is £116, the electricity £40, oo oo I get council tax benefit and the nice lady at the council tax place told me I was entitled to child tax credits (my benefits advisor didn't) I'm still not quite sure how the £280 a month JSA is goibng to cover the above bills though. So, while i frantically apply for jobs and try not to feel sick about the prospect of mortgage arrears for the first time in my life, those of you who know how the heck you are going to pay for your child's Christmas present should perhaps keep your totally ignorant thoughts to yourselves. I wish you a Merry Christmas and bet you still put less than me into the Salvation Army collection tin despite everything.
15 Dec 12 1 #94
MrDestructo, You wrote some fair words. It takes some effort to write so much of your beliefs on an open forum. Just relax when the odd d**khead or two attempts to rile you up with a troll comment. Don't sweat it. :smiley:
15 Dec 12 #92
Also, londoners have a similar scheme with 1/2 price bus fayre on Oyster.
Form from the post office, get job centre to fill out, hand into post office and they give it to you there and then, then go to undetrground and they load the card on.
NannyP to nebno6
15 Dec 12 #93
You can fill out the form yourself , need 2 passport sized photo's & proof of benefit then the Post Office go a head & do it for you

Alot of people get outraged about these 'benefits' but truth is they don't exactly HIGHLIGHT these extra entitlements , they seem to keep as hush hush about them as possible & you have to ask around or do research yourself to find out how to apply etc...

Lots of people don't claim because they don't even know about it even if they need it or it would benefit them immensely ie be the difference between barely getting by or NOT getting by! x
15 Dec 12 #91
Sorry I didn't read some of the previous posts , it was a bit long! :wink: lol

As I see it , don't know if I have misunderstood , but this is a tool to get you back into work & especially to tide you over for the first couple of months in your new job??

It is like the Housing Benefit waiver for the first month of employment , but I don't know if that still exists but it seems more of a scheme to 'help you back into work' not scrounge around & visit all your relatives by train while you are unemployed! :wink:

I think this is a welcome offer to help people get back on their feet after being unemployed & in a new job! :smile:
15 Dec 12 2 #90
THIS!!! Our society has constricted to the point where people commute to and fro their jobs and when they get home they lock the doors, close the curtains, don't know their neighbours, don't have a community feel and suck up the media that enters their home and hands through TV, newspapers and websites, the majority of which are owned by those who have a reason to control us so that they can get what they want done, whilst manoeuvring us into buying their products.

The majority of misinformed ideas on people in our society come from buzzwords and shock headlines from media that are made, without full honesty, to sell their papers in the first place and then with an ulterior motive in mind.

Of course, we have to be part of the society around us and this means we have to input this information, whilst making our own opinion on it, or get shunned by the 'rest'. The 'rest' doesn't have to be sucked in though, but perhaps they see it easier, much like parents sending their kids to school telling them to bully others to avoid getting bullied themselves, it's all a form of peer pressure.

Then there's the spectrum of trolls we find online. But once we realise who they are, and of course they can recognise their peers easier than we can this side of the fence, they can more easily identify those amongst our society in the gene pool that does need removing.

We live in a consumerist society, that is what this website exists as part of, and it sometimes aids the 'evils' of consumerism. Can you imagine if the admin here suddenly banned all posts from particularly bad employers/companies in the UK on moral grounds? The message that would send out would insinuate itself in the users (of which the base are massive) but it would be biting the hand that feeds it. One could say that the Tesco deals we all love to hate upon being presented with them, and the 'till errors' are nothing more than a form of social control using websites like this, that they very well knew it would appear here, disseminate and gain notoriety in the papers bringing up this websites name, therefore increasing the member base and allowing the full consumerist cycle to accelerate the next round.

and if you read all these long posts that people have been making, you're a free thinker and liable to be capable of opening your eyes and minds, or already have. Those that don't, the 'tl:dr' brigade, they perhaps are the ones who need decisions making for them.

I'l end this with a little leaked factoid. There are x number of jobs in this country and x number of unemployed (official figures that suggest 25-40% number of jobs for unemployed people.) There are 2-2.5x that unemployed figure of people without jobs that could potentially work I suppose. A worker in a job centre in the West Midlands leaked out the jobs on their board were in the ratio of 4:1 part time:full time. Some people have to take 2-3 part time jobs to survive. Those that have one and claim benefits to top up are getting slated by people for some odd reason, told to go find full time jobs. There are many people in full time jobs claiming working tax credits because they are on minimum wage with no training or job opportunities. Even Newsnight vets people it brings on to speak out in audiences but they mess up sometimes. I remember when a youth party member of the socialist party got on and waited and waited and near the end of the episode his hand was registered and he made comment on these jobs figures. The truth came out, but was skipped over fast without a credible response. No one focuses on these things because they don't want you discussing it, they want you steered away to other things, like hating your neighbours and anyone else in the "us vs them" battle that has been raging since forever.
15 Dec 12 2 #89
Maybe they just more wise then you and play the system, but either way the Government has gone tough on people who claim depression or simple back problems, plus you are not a doctor, some people could not be stable mental wise do we really want these sort of people in work place? mind is complex matter, depression comes in many forms.Not a good idea to send someone who is suicidal or someone who may harm others into a work place is it.

So its not so easy and doubt its as easy as ringing up saying yes im depressed sign me off sick. also what do they do come tell you that they are depressed and claiming of the state as well as well working 2 jobs?? lol

If some of my tax didn't go towards the unemployed I'm sure the Government would use it in other ways that's just how it goes.

So i don't really care to be honest, rather have a life doing doing then sitting at home all day. and who could afford to even go out drinking on what people get, really think people need a wake up call or stop taking everything the papers says so seriously.
15 Dec 12 #88
Why make such an outlandish comment then.
Anyone who wants and desperately needs to work spends the majority of their time applying for job after job so why should they not take 10 minutes out of their day to apply for something which can also benefit their job search.
15 Dec 12 #87
and having children you cant afford to pay for? how is that justified? it doesnt make sense.
15 Dec 12 #83
my job centre says this is not available
MrDestructo to dilewar
15 Dec 12 #86
Are they mistaking this particular scheme for the free travel costs to interview scheme they recently cut? Ask them again and make sure they clarify they understand both of the schemes.
15 Dec 12 #85
Lol, oh my word, you have no idea. I've had it tough. Very tough. I sound ny tine applying for jobs though, or volunteering for 2 different companies.
15 Dec 12 #84
Is this as well as or instead of the half price bus one for JSA? Sister long time unemployed anarchist who believes in perfect job or no job and wastes what money she gets from mum to pay bills to get trains to protests against the very system that feeds her. Figure this will save my mum bailing her out for train fares when she comes home for food parcels...
15 Dec 12 #82
Rabble rabble
15 Dec 12 3 #81
As someone who is working part time, with my hours going down now for the second time (and being forced to not work for a couple of weeks over xmas, unpaid) I have to sign on to make up the difference and I get all the stress and threats of sanctions. Is it my fault my work hours went down because we're in a recession that's about to triple dip?

This half price train card thing is rubbish to me. The cost of a train to london (return) is going to be about £120 from where I am. I need to get down for a medical and hand in some docs to get a working visa to get work abroad (not coming back) and tbh, I'd rather get the Megabus, which is £9 each way if I time it right, and get a mate to put me up. Hell, even a cheap hotel for the night would be cheaper all in than £60 train fare after this 50% off rubbish. The trains aren't affordable by the common man anymore since privatisation and the ridiculous increases on them.

When I was studying to get to uni about 6 or 7 years ago I looked at statistical figures for the birth/death rate in this country, it was before mass immigration really made an impact on figures. Those figures showed that without single mothers we'd be a barren nation within two generations! Anyone who spouts nonsense about 'not having a kid you can't afford' needs to put their head on something solid whilst the rest of us take turns with a sledgehammer trying to beat some sense into you, because your way, we'd not exist as a nation, as a people. Might I also remind you even the PM was claiming for things, using the NHS for things for his child, universal things that we as a society have as a safety net. Now he doesn't need them anymore, it appears he doesn't think the rest of the country does either and they've managed to take an apathetic nation, with a crumbling education system designed to create grey worker drones and used buzz words to set you all off attacking each other. There is no Us and Them amongst us. It's Us (the citizens with the vote) and Them (the rich toffs and tax avoiding scum who are taking us down economically)

Over 400 families live in my area of my city who are working and claiming benefits and the council tax devolving to local governments in April means a lot are going to charge the first 30% to all, no matter what you earn, or don't. The housing benefit caps are going to be averaged over large regions, and when you live in a city where the housing is a spike, the welfare minister thinks we should give up our homes and move 15 miles away to cheaper areas. I call this Transportation of the worst kind, others call it economic and social cleansing. The government just passed an infastructure bill which is going to turn the A1 in to a motorway and give us super fast broadband in the city. This was to attract businesses up to increase wealth here. What it is going to do is attract southerners to come up and buy our housing stock and commute back down on that shiny new motorway. Those selling and their estate agents, will increase the price of housing here, so our kids will never be able to live here. The cost of housing of those towns 15 miles away will go up too and shoot through the cap ceilings. These are working families we're talking about, not doleys,

Some people spout complete and utter rubbish and hate about their fellow man and still manage to turn their pc's on and get online. I'm completely and utterly surprised they didn't win a Darwin award before getting to this point in their lives. Maybe it's Stockholm syndrome or something, brainwashed past the point of saving.
14 Dec 12 1 #80
It can be depressing applying for jobs you are over qualified for and going to several interviews and being turned down time and time again.

Some of us really want to get back to work

Seriously people are not sitting on JSA living in the lap of luxury. It can be quite degrading and depressing going to the jobcentre every week and receiving £71, when you've lost your job which paid £200 - 300 a week.
14 Dec 12 #79
This post was about a half price travelcard, yet people are coming on here to rant about freeloaders and lazy unemployed people.

If people want to rant or do something about all the lazy freeloaders sitting at home watching Jeremy Kyle (one the most ridiculous shows on TV, I don't know why these stereotypes still exist. Day time TV is so disgraceful, as is evening TV. i got rid of my TV), then please write to your local MP.
The way benefits are being cut right now, there might not be a benefit system in the near future.
14 Dec 12 #78
also immigration is a massive problem. we cant afford to keep them so they should not be able to enter the country, it doesnt matter what circumstances they have
14 Dec 12 2 #77
i say this as an unemployed person, there are people out there who are genuinely seeking work but the amount of people abusing the benefit system is a disgrace. l know alot of people where i used to live that are claiming sickness benefits and going out doing a day job and a night job on the fiddle. those 2 jobs could have given 2 people employment if the person was legitimately sick. i also know alot of under 25 year olds that have claimed sickness benefit due to being depressed but when they get there benefit cashed they go partying drinking and taking drugs. people that need the help dont get it. my brother has took a job for 4 hours a week as that is what was available at the time and he constantly gets his housing benefit stopped. he would work for more hours if it was available but its not.
we do live in a society where people dont want to work and like to abuse the benefit system for anything they can get. it is about time it stopped but those in need should get the help
14 Dec 12 1 #75
Loving this thread and all the comments from people pretending they know what they're talking about.
kaplunk to lucas
14 Dec 12 #76
HUKD...aka Hot UK Debates :man:
14 Dec 12 2 #74
confused at why people have to put down the very poor in society, what would you have the government do , let people starve to death, have no home? let children suffer?

Then what next we all get our homes robbed by the very poor? because they have nothing to lose.

I do believe though that people who just arrive into this country should not get any benefit's what so ever.

Don't judge others as who knows you may one day lose your home, get cancer or serious illness then what? take your pride and starve i guess.

Do people honestly enjoy being on benefit's i doubt they do, i actually feel sorry for people on it, i wouldn't like going through life struggling for money, going cold, not having anything to look forward too.

People i do get annoyed at though is i see loads of people parked in disabled bays and i look at them thinking your fit as a fiddle with disabled badges, even saw a girl who looked about 18 but not up to me to judge so mind my own business and believe government have cracked down hard on this happening now anyway.
14 Dec 12 3 #73
So Billyburke, if you lose your job, what are you supposed to do with the children you already have? Sell them? Smother them? There are lots of places in this world, many with better weather, that let their poor and sick die on the street, where orphans or unaffordable children live on the streets begging or prostituting themselves. Why don't you take your sanctimonious, bandwagon twaddle and live in one of those. I believe their taxes are lower too. btw billy, berk is apparently cockney rhyming slang, something to do with hunting
14 Dec 12 #72
which is really annoyin/stupid cos its the ones on the work program that need it most, i had to wait 9wks to get £7.90 refunded for a bus trip to a recent interview!
14 Dec 12 1 #71
[u]Sorry about any misconceptions.[/u]
Its the conceptions that he was speaking about, not the misconceptions
14 Dec 12 #70
We don't live in a responsible society, we live in a free society. Sorry about any misconceptions.
14 Dec 12 #69
Ooooooooooo this is kicking off like someones posted a deal on chickens or eggs!.
14 Dec 12 1 #68
liveing with in your means not having children omfg whats wrong with you life changes every single day you never know what round the corner family's split people get made redundant if everybody thought like you we would all have to be rich first before we could have children how sad is that
14 Dec 12 #58
No one is putting down the people who genuinely are looking for work and who want to work. The problem in this country is the youngsters who think signing on is a career choice. Yes im speaking from experience, I have a layabout workshy nephew who can afford designer jeans, new trainers and to go out drinking when he wants.
It doesnt occur to him the child he produced is his responsibility and not every other tax payers. He left school five years ago and has never had a full time job he had a part-time one that he last three days at.

Everyone is finding it hard this time of year, its it really peeves me when i see unemployed (workshy, not all) people getting help when we get nothing
compingcomping to dawns1969
14 Dec 12 1 #60
How do you identify the workshy? Is it the same way Joseph McCarthy tried to identify a Communist?
johnstalvern to dawns1969
14 Dec 12 1 #67
Except the workshy probably only amount to a small percentage. I have no idea how anyone can afford designer jeans on the dole -- are you sure no-one else in your family is subsidising this? The numbers are there in black and white -- £71 a week. If he gets help with rent as well, that still only leaves £280 or so a month to buy these designer jeans with.

I know people want to be mad at someone for the financial situation of this country, but it sure as **** is not the people on the dole that caused it.
13 Dec 12 1 #14
I think everyone who has been unemployed for over 2 years should get an IPad Mini!!!!

Don't know why though.....

Plus if your unemployed you should be able to have as many children as you like... And the tax payer should foot the bill!!!
compingcomping to talbert
14 Dec 12 2 #25
surely it should not matter if you are employed, self-employed, or unemployed?? The number of children you choose to have is a matter of personal decision and biology? That's the joy of living within a free society.
baldeagle217 to talbert
14 Dec 12 #66
I thought that was what we doing anyway
14 Dec 12 2 #65
14 Dec 12 1 #64
No being part of a responsible society is living within your means and if you cant afford to have children, its not up to the taxpayer to foot the bill
14 Dec 12 #63
how the hell dose jsa already pay for people to reach job interviews its 71£ a week paid every two weeks by arrears so most people are out of money and on the poverty line by every second week did also that program on tv last night said it all about getting help from local council next to no help and left to charity's to pick up the pieces.
14 Dec 12 8 #62
I'm unemployed, I have a disability, I have two children, I claim every benefit I can. I can't work normal hours in a normal job so there is very little help available to me in finding work. It's depressing how when I was serving in the RAF I was considered a "hero" but I'm now considered a layabout and a sponger. I hate it, but what am I supposed to do? If you're lucky enough to have a permanent job on decent pay then do me a favour and shut up about how the unemployed are all just too lazy to get up off their **** and find work.

Merry Christmas.

And a Happy New Year.
14 Dec 12 #61
No wonder tube fares are going up.....
14 Dec 12 #59
I wish I'd known about this when I was unemployed. My local job centre didn't really seem to have any useful advice (or jobs) and it just felt like I was going through the motions with rude and uninterested staff.
14 Dec 12 6 #48
Evidence!!!!! I suggest you go to any Job centre you like, do some people watching I promise you will very soon see enough Evidence to fill your boots !!
Oh and before some one comments on 'Bet he's never been in that Position' 'He doesn't know what hes talking about'
Yes I have, Yes I do.
Some of the people turning up made the name 'job seeker' was a complete misnomer...I trawled the web and got a job interview within a couple of weeks and a job a month later.
compingcomping to andy8771
14 Dec 12 #57
Prove you got a job. Facts. Not old wives tales.
14 Dec 12 #55
funny comment above!

but makes u think about what life is like for those who enjoy 'not working'
whilst we pay so much in taxes!
mushyg99 to mushyg99
14 Dec 12 #56
i do realise many are finding it hard to get a job
not judging but saying government should also look at those who are wworking and still struggling to make a good life cos of the taxes paid and benefits cut
14 Dec 12 6 #43
Are cigarettes free whilst on benefits??? I am assuming they are, as it appears the majority I see entering the buildings with no intention of getting a job are puffing away madly!!! Don't even get me started on the discount there must be available on 'Bench' Burberry' Helly Hansen' 'Lager' 'Strongbow' and all of lifes other necessities
No I am not on benefits I earn just above the minimum wage, don't smoke, (couldn't afford too even if I wanted) have 3 kids and pay through the nose for everything which others on benfits get either free or discounted........and yes I feel better after that rant
compingcomping to andy8771
14 Dec 12 #45
Evidence please.
mica1 to andy8771
14 Dec 12 #54
There are a small minority of people who sit at home not wanting to work (i have a couple of neighbours like that), they smoke and drink far too much and go to the jobcentre telling their advisors they don't want this job or that job.

There are another group of people like me who actively look for work every day and volunteer at the same time. I have met people through the jobcentre who are so desperate to get work they are taking any interview and spending hours in the jobcentre doing job searches on the newly installed computers.
14 Dec 12 1 #50
As to the deal, it might help some who are genuinely looking for work. As far as I know, Jobcentre might help in other ways as well - they might pay for a new suit for job interviews. Jobcentre staff is mostly unaware of this, so best to speak with supervisor or central office.

In my personal opinion, there is no involuntary unemployment here. If there are people coming here from Eastern Europe or Africa and finding work, this means that there is only lack of will. Last week my friend managed to find work within three hours of landing at Stansted.
14 Dec 12 #49
When I was unemployed you got this when you was on new deal, it saved tax payers money as travel fares where paid back by the job centre at the end of the week so it didnt eat into your 67 quid a week.
14 Dec 12 1 #47
I was made redundant recently. Out of work. It was ridiculously easy to find work so I dont buy all that rubbish.
14 Dec 12 3 #46
please come and swap with me

gone from having a good wage a good job a good career progression to

dla allowance and can barely live day to day
14 Dec 12 1 #44
Complete rubbish.

Employed people should share their working hours with the unemployed. Everyone would get a fair share. Or perhaps there are enough jobs to go around for everybody?
14 Dec 12 2 #42
Fair play to people on benefits actiely looking for a job because that's what it's their for however there are people who abuse the system and are far more happy sitting on their backside and that's why we have The Jeremy Kyle Show.
14 Dec 12 #41
They'll probably stick annual tickets up again to cover the money needed for this. It's actually hilarious.
14 Dec 12 50 #19
I'm sick to the **** teeth seeing blue collar **** posting about people on benefits as if it concerns them. Why the **** do you deify the **** masters of this country who shaft the people from all angles -- they're the reason people can't find a job. The money that goes to benefits is a **** pittance compared to the frivolous **** that the government **** our taxes away on year in, year out.

I just lost a job because it was a temporary contract and wasn't renewed. I sure as **** don't want to go back to the bloody jobcentre. I'm pretty sure almost no-one does. It's truly bleak and if you ever find yourself in that situation, you'll understand. I wouldn't be surprised if half of the people who whinge about job seekers are admin monkeys in jobs that you have to TRY to be fired from, full of whining, incompetent, disinterested dumb asses.
royals to johnstalvern
14 Dec 12 #21
i was made redundant and signed on jobseekers for 3 weeks, was a good motivator to get another job, not that i needed it. What annoyed me was that i wasnt entitled to anything except jobseekers, despite paying taxes for past 25 ruddy years. It was because i got redundancy pay of a few 000's which is all well and good but they dont take into consideration that will last 2-3 months when you have big monthly bills to pay, which they dont care about - some of these mortgage but also council tax. Aslo, they way benfits are done is stupid - this dept this benefit, this dept for this benefit. yeh ill spend 5 years and spend my jobseekers just phoning the public sector waste of space muppets!!
kingjames to johnstalvern
14 Dec 12 1 #37
I could not agree more
elthorno to johnstalvern
14 Dec 12 2 #39
These 'admin monkeys' are the ones who keep the country ticking over and pay to keep your household afloat while your between jobs so how about some gratitude mate.

Also, noone wants to be a job seeker. This shows how out of touch you are with modern society with your head firmly in the sand. On my lunch break everyday especially over the summer I saw untold amounts that were very glad of it and their extended brood that they cant support. Sorry that other posters arent as delusional as you.

Now didnt JSA already pay for money to reach job interviews which was all that was necessary. This is just a slap in the face to the rest of this hardworking nation and allows resentment to breed.
14 Dec 12 1 #35
An excellent post OP will pass that info to people I know who are unemployed and poverty stricken.

Heat given
14 Dec 12 1 #34
Hi, just had a google and it came up with this on '', for anyone interested?

"Please can you tell me what the eligibility requirements for the job
centre plus travel discount card are?

Also is it true I have to be living in or just be about to start a job
in London to be able to get a card?"

In England and Wales, the Jobcentre Plus Travel Discount Card is
available to:
* people who have been claiming Jobseeker's Allowance for 6 months
up until referral to the Work Programme, which is typically at 9 months
for 18-24 year olds and 12 months for 25 year olds and over; and
* people who are claiming Incapacity Benefit, Employment & Support
Allowance or Income Support claimants and are actively engaged with an
adviser about returning to employment.

In Scotland, the Jobcentre Plus Travel Discount Card is available to:
* people who have been claiming Jobseeker's Allowance claimants
for 13 weeks;
* people who are claiming Incapacity Benefit, Employment & Support
Allowance or Income Support claimants and are actively engaged with an
adviser about returning to employment;
* Work Programme participants for two periods of no more than 13
weeks each, during the two-year period on the programme.
* Stage one Work Choice participants.
Turning to your second point, you do not have to live in or be about to
start a job in London to be eligible for the Travel Discount Card.
14 Dec 12 1 #33
this card is to help people look for work. £71 a week (and housing benefit/council tax) is not an awful lot but enough to live on if u strip everything back but when u add on the cost of travel to and from interviews or even just to hand c.v's out it does add up. I think it's a great thing as it helps people help themselves and it's important not to misuse this scheme or it my get pulled.
14 Dec 12 #31
When searching for employment, you're expected to usually spend upto an hour and half travelling to an interview. If you haven't a car, public transport can be a mitigating nightmare being frustrating, and stressful, but the problem is that it's expensive especially if you are on a low income. While the government schemes suppliment and cover travelling expenses to an interview, you must inform and provide evidence to the job centre about the travelling arrangements beforehand. Unfortunately in the past i've fallen foul of the system and been out of pocket for a substantial amount of money. The Travel Discount Card (never had one) on the other hand could provide a lifeline if you need to travel to an interview or work placement, so in the short term the person pays less to cover train tickets.
13 Dec 12 7 #9
Foreigners that are unemployed get the Bank of England thrown at them especially if they're disabled, an ethnic minority and a pregnant lady! White, war hero male pensioner gets screwed and forgotten...
sparklehedgehog to sparklehedgehog
13 Dec 12 #12
Chances are its somebody like you that is my local mp, that's the problem! You carry on crippling this nations budget...

Cool story bro, take your 'bah humbug' somewhere else (local MP would be a start...)

compingcomping to sparklehedgehog
14 Dec 12 2 #24
Any statistical evidence to support this idea also?
MayingPrantis to sparklehedgehog
14 Dec 12 #30
Where is the nearest bridge.......
14 Dec 12 #29
This is really helpful if you live in London. Seems like it is a TFL idea and good for them. Over 60s can travel free as well as travel deal for veterans. Have some heat OP. :-)
14 Dec 12 1 #28
This is a good deal for those who can get it especially any drivers, in my experience jobseekers can only run a car for so long before the petrol/insurance becomes too much so this would provide cheaper transport for some to actually get to a job at least before they could earn something.
The amount of jobs that prefer/require you to have your own transport is ridiculous, I once got turned down from a job even though I was taking my tests because they were worried about how I would get there, umm if you don't have a car there is something called a bus and a train :confused: -bringing me back to the point of this train card, it's helpful :smiley:.
14 Dec 12 1 #27
sentence, convoluted, words....string together. cannot.
14 Dec 12 #26
this should help a lot of ppl on hukd
13 Dec 12 5 #4
Plenty of people on benefits have more surplus cash than people that pay their way in life so talberts point is relevant in thousands of families situations!

Governments fault for allowing it, bottom feeders then take it
compingcomping to sparklehedgehog
14 Dec 12 2 #23
Have you statistical evidence to support this idea?
14 Dec 12 #18
anyone know if this is available in northern ireland?
13 Dec 12 #15
valid only in London,not across the country
S23 to frosa
14 Dec 12 #17
The photocard itself is valid across the UK. The link shows the prices when used in conjunction with Oyster.
14 Dec 12 17 #16
people on benefits (and i know quite a few) do not have loads of spare cash. in fact, most of them spend what they get in the first few days paying bills, buying food, etc. most people on benefits have no cash at all for the second week. but that money goes into local shops which employ mostly women part time who are trying to supplement the family income. many people are on minimum wage (not even living wage) and this is vital to them. the shopkeepers also make money which goes into things like the leisure industry and home improvements for their family , in turn creating jobs and on and up the money goes. or we could give the money to the banks so businesses can borrow just to keep going, get into more debt in the hope that things will get better which leads to failed businesses and more people on benefits. when all you nazis have finished with your ethnic cleansing, you may well find that you are now the lowest rung in society. I wish you well of it.
13 Dec 12 6 #11
sparklehedgehog - funny you should say this as on the site there are other cards for different groups, never knew they existed, but a good heads up

Veterans Oyster photocard -

Older or disabled Freedom Pass -

60+ oyster -

Never knew any of this existed - some great info.
13 Dec 12 6 #3
As someone that works in the charity sector, this is a good find. Some smaller charities are really struggling financially (like most people and organisations, of course) so this can be a good way of reducing expenses costs for some of their volunteers and, in turn, themselves.
S23 to Keelan1985
13 Dec 12 #8
More info:

It really is up to the discretion of their personal advisor in the end, but I was told that this scheme is now valid from Day 1 of JSA - not three months (as stated on the TfL website), whether or not that is correct I do not know. There is also a Mayor Fare scheme, which allows free bus travel for JSA claimants.
13 Dec 12 #6
Is this apply only for British Citizens or Other Non-European Citizens??
13 Dec 12 #5
You are not eligible if you are participating in the Work Programme.
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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