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 50% Off Selected Brake Discs & Pads @ EuroCarParts - Ends Midnight!
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1 Jan 70
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All comments (66)
2 Sep 17 #1
Thanks for posting, ordered front brembo pads for £27 bargain!
2 Sep 17 #2
Super hot, thank you!
2 Sep 17 #3
Saw this deal and shudder to a halt! Ha
2 Sep 17 #4
Check car parts for less same company but often a lot cheap
2 Sep 17 #5
I had an email the other day i got rear pads and discs for my accord for £65 BARGAIN
2 Sep 17 #6
are they priced per axle so I need to add 2 to the basket?
Mickysafc to mariolj
2 Sep 17 #11
Yeah discs are shown as a single disc so you need to add 2 to your basket
mariolj to Mickysafc
2 Sep 17 #16
thank you
Holdsworth37 to Mickysafc
2 Sep 17 #36
Do the pads already come as pairs, so just one set? Thanks
2 Sep 17 #7
Awesome, was going to be buying brakes and now bought pair of front Brembo's for a ridiculously discounted price......yaaasss!!! Thank you poster!
2 Sep 17 #8
Wowser, just got front discs and pads for my Jag - £40 delivered to my door. Crazy cheap. Cheers OP!!
2 Sep 17 #9
2 Sep 17 #10
Still expensive, £60+ for one pair.
2 Sep 17 #12
Avoid eicher brakes like the plague. Pagid not suitable for some cars like Toyota and BMW as they squeak badly. Brembo pads are ok but are usually thinner than other companies so only lasted a year on my car.
AzeemB to tan159
2 Sep 17 #23
What make would likely be suitable for BMW?
parkz to AzeemB
2 Sep 17 #40
​definatly pagid 100% they worked with bmw to resolve an issue with a modified brake clip. good old pagid!
tan159 to AzeemB
3 Sep 17 #53
If you want a cheap but trouble free brand QH are ok. Otherwise splash out & get TRW or ATE.
parkz to tan159
9 Sep 17 #65
Noooo. QH do not make brakes they are a boxing company nowadays owned by tetrosyl. Also ATE are more a hydraulics manufacturer then friction manufacturer.... guess who manufactures thier brake pads....
tan159 to parkz
9 Sep 17 #66
The discussion was about which brakes to buy. It doesn't matter who manufactures or boxes what. Only the end performance matters.
codjerlfc to tan159
2 Sep 17 #34
Why avoid Eicher like the plague? Surely if your going to deride something so badly you can elaborate?
parkz to tan159
2 Sep 17 #38
​wow clearly you know nothing about brakes or braking companies. in most cases pagid are engineered 10% better on average then the main dealer pad. also offer 25000 mile warranty or 25 minths which ever comes sooner. manufatured by TMD friction the worlds largest friction manufacturer. and no i dont work for them or euros. lol.
tan159 to parkz
3 Sep 17 #51
I have a garage & whenever a customer comes back and complains about their brakes most of the time it's Eicher rubbish. I don't use them even for budget customers now.
As for folks claiming they are owned by TMD friction yes they are. However do you think they are going to give you that same quality performance as they do in their own premium top brands? I don't think so. They make these more inferior brands so that any problems will tarnish the eicher name & not TMD. Typical example is Audi & Skoda. Underneath both cars are very similar but the Audi will have more desirable looks exterior & interior, comfort and better tweaked engines & suspension than their Skoda counterpart.

As for Pagid I said they are not great for some cars like Toyota & BMW because they squeak or skreetch badly. For others they are usually ok & an option I sometimes use for a budget customers.
parkz to tan159
2 Sep 17 #39
​eicher brakes are also manufactured by TMD friction at thier uk plant in kilmarnock. despite the brand you connot get a bad brake pad. e90 regulations are stringent. all pads must be within 10 % of the manufacturers specification.
2 Sep 17 #13
What would be better Bosch or Brembo?
2 Sep 17 #14
oil seems to be 50% as well - £27 for castrol edge for my car !
cockers to matthat
3 Sep 17 #56
yep agreed, £26.99 for 5w30 4l is a cracking deal, I have stocked up :grin:
2 Sep 17 #15
The pads/disks I have on have done 70,000 so due a change after 5.5 years. For £37 I can't complain for the Eicher set. Last time I changed both together I got 88,000 out of the new set. Disk and pads worn evenly.
2 Sep 17 #17
Recently had some Brembo discs/pads fitted on my Vauxhall Zafira Tourer, Had to change the pads again because they were rattling around :disappointed: so not the best fitting, Very annoying.

Got some OEM ones in, problem solved.
uiaman to .MUFC.
2 Sep 17 #28
How much is reasonable for a garage to fit front and rear discs and pads? Just been quoted £250! (With me supplying parts)
Bossworld to uiaman
2 Sep 17 #29
If you can spanner, consider doing it yourself. This time last year I'd never done much in the way of mechanics, now I've taken on an old project car, changed calipers, changed pads and discs etc. You'll wonder why you ever forked out so much cash
23carragold to uiaman
2 Sep 17 #30
What an absurd price. Discs and pads front and back, should not take more than 2 hours labour max. They have ramps and windy tools that make things far quicker. Average labour charge is £35-45 an hour, so don't pay more than this. Shop around. I'd suggest googling a local mobile mechanic. They are usually always cheaper and do a fantastic job on straightforward things like this.
needdrink to uiaman
2 Sep 17 #31
Mazda 6, front and back with parts - £220.
.MUFC. to uiaman
2 Sep 17 #37
Cost £430 but that was including Brembo Discs and pads. Got a partial refund of £73 + £25 worth of vouchers. OEM pads cost £53 after a discount.

I normally do the brakes myself but got them as part of the deal when I bought the car.
parkz to uiaman
2 Sep 17 #42
​labour should be 120ish if ur suppplying parts.
julieallen to uiaman
3 Sep 17 #49
I would find another garage, look for smaller back streets ones.
I actually need front pads and discs on my car and was pricing them last week, was quoted between £80 & £95 including parts (as a guide checked the parts on here and they will cost £40), so labour charges for the front seems to be around the £50 mark. £250 labour only for back and front seems well OTT to me (obviously depending on the car).
MattP79 to uiaman
3 Sep 17 #54
For £250 you could almost buy all the necessary tools and accessories and do it yourself...
danflorin3 to MattP79
3 Sep 17 #62
Any links for these tools?
big.k to uiaman
3 Sep 17 #57
£40. It's an hours work and very, very easy = not much risk in anything going wrong.

HOWEVER it depends if you have a good relationship with your garage, people get incorrect parts etc and then the garage has a car using their ramps for the best part of 2 days, hence why your quote of £250, probably trying to get you to go elsewhere.
2 Sep 17 #18
15 quid for Brembo - excellent value. Thanks OP
2 Sep 17 #19
Code worked on brake shoes too, thanks OP, heat added!
2 Sep 17 #20
I want to buy a jump starter, waiting for their deals.
2 Sep 17 #21
Same prices on eBay carparts4less without code..
2 Sep 17 #22
Halfords do cheaper Pagid pads and discs which are excellent quality.
2 Sep 17 #24
Thanks. I just placed an order yesterday for all round discs but forgot to order front pads for some reason...
Will give the Bosch pads a go, just after OEM initial bite rather than anything fancy
2 Sep 17 #25
£37.50 for set of front and rear brembo brake pads for Audi A3 1.6TDI (2012)

Dont need them yet but no doubt they will be more expensive when i need them.

Thanks op
2 Sep 17 #26
Appalling company.

Purchase brakes from these???
No thanks, to many horrendous accounts been posted.

The Mc's of car parts.
Go Genuine.
parkz to nate1980
2 Sep 17 #41
​pagid are genuine in a lot of applications. love to see you tell you an aston marton owner his expensive car has poor quality brakes. pagid are the o.e.m supplier for aston martin.
nate1980 to parkz
3 Sep 17 #43
I'd luv to tell you to "your mug face"
Anyone , with an Aston , wouldn't touch 'E'

Fool , it's like a pick and mix, then fix.

Talk , when you know what you talking about,
As if , with anyone's calabire, with an, Aston.

Would touch 'E' parts.
Potter away, and go play on your console.
johnmcdon to nate1980
3 Sep 17 #47
lol I hate to burst your bubble but Pagid do supply Astons martins brake pads. AM just rebrand them afterwards and bump up the price. Do you actually think Aston Martin make their own pads :joy:
nate1980 to johnmcdon
3 Sep 17 #55
No ,
What's that awful avatar you have?
A black child with Milerria.

That's disgusting,
No you Cretin,I did not say that.
parkz to nate1980
9 Sep 17 #64
Erm. Pagid are aston marton o.e.m euros dont make parts they just sell them. So its not actually about the brakes is it. Dufus.
2 Sep 17 #27
M6 Parts! + TCB! :thumbsup:
2 Sep 17 #32
Prices are massively inflated and then only really offer a few pounds discount if that when a holiday code is used. Try they're usually cheaper and decent brands like Ferodo and Mintex
2 Sep 17 #33
Already posted.
2 Sep 17 #35
Solid deal, just saved me about £45 rather than letting a garage buy them in and do the work for me!
3 Sep 17 #44
When buying pads do you also need to purchase fitting kit?
johnmcdon to westernise
3 Sep 17 #48
Its wise to as the retaining clips get damaged when removing so usually need to be replaced and even if they dont its just best practice

3 Sep 17 #45
Pagid vs Bosch?
3 Sep 17 #46
Remember your Brake Caliper Press.
3 Sep 17 #50
Looks like 50% off of more than just brake stuff. Just got my Engine Oil and Filter for half price too!
3 Sep 17 #52
code HOLIDAY 75 is advertised on the site giving 37% instead
3 Sep 17 #58
Can someone please advise me if I need to buy 2 breakpads or just 1 for this item? (I am not sure it is sold as a pair or just one).…036
3 Sep 17 #59
1 pair of pads and 2discs.
haleluohao to hooray.henry
3 Sep 17 #60
Thanks, so basically I buy 1 of the pads and 2 of the discs?
3 Sep 17 #61
Thanks frozencake
Picked up some pads :sunglasses:
3 Sep 17 #63
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