Human DNA found in hot dogs - and 10% of vegetarian sausages contain meat

In news that is likely to shock meat eaters and herbivores alike, some very disturbing ingredients have been found in hot dog sausages

These sausages look delicious, don't they?
These sausages look delicious, don't they? Credit: Photo: ALAMY

Not only is processed meat apparently really bad for you, it also could be making us cannibalistic.

A study of both meat and vegetarian hot dogs showed that they contain unadvertised ingredients - including human DNA.

Clear Food Labs, a food analytics start-up found that 10% of vegetarian hot dog products contain meat.

More worryingly - unless you are a hardcore vegetarian who would rather eat people than pigs - the company found human DNA in 2% of its hot dog samples, and in two-thirds of the vegetarian samples.

It's probably not human flesh you're ingesting along with your porky treat - the researchers claimed that the human DNA most likely came from hygeine issues, so saliva and other bodily fluids along the production line.

The company also found nutritional label inaccuracies, pork substitution and some unexpected ingredients, including chicken and lamb.

Clear Food used 'genomic technology' to examine foods by ingredients, analysing 345 hot dogs and sausages from 75 big U.S. brands at 10 retailers.

The report said: "Sausages are the world's original 'mystery meat' and hot dogs have always provoked ingredient anxiety.

"In mid-19th century America, rumours circulated that some butchers made inexpensive frankfurter-style sausages with ground dog meat.

"This might explain how the hot dog got its name."

Melinda Wilkins, a professor at Michigan State University who also specializes in food safety, spoke to CNN about the report.

She said: "The use of genetic analysis in this type of setting is actually fascinating,

"I think we're going to see a lot more of this type of analysis happening, seeing how well food content matches food label."

However, she would also like more information, particularly on the finding of "human DNA."

"When you're working with genetic material, depending on the analytic technique, you can detect a very, very small amount of DNA that's not supposed to be in there," she said.

"So this accusation of finding human DNA in there, you can detect a very small amount, but they're not quantifying the amount. It could be just a few cells versus a percentage content."

This study was done in America, so UK readers can relax somewhat, although it would not be surprising if they found similar results in our sausages - remember 2013's horse meat scandal?