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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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3 Oct 17
Morrisons are running an amazing deal where they are selling a box (usually for £3) but for £1. Be quick as this offer is whilst stocks last and can be ordered once you put a delivery slot is put in.

Wonky Veg selection includes:
8x Wonky Potatoes, 4x Wonky Carrots, 4x Wonky Onions, 1x Wonky Cauliflower, 1x Wonky Cabbage, 3x Wonky Parsnips,1x Wonky Swede
All comments (51)
3 Oct 17 #1
Heat heat heat. have brought 2 of them for next week :smile:
Master.G to iamchrisd
3 Oct 17 #8
Where did you bring them to?
3 Oct 17 #2
Cold - who would want wonky veg??
3 Oct 17 #3
Clearly someone who has the perfect house, the perfect car, the perfect wife, the perfect kids
3 Oct 17 #4
That was a joke btw, heat added
3 Oct 17 #5
I know lol... my sarcasm can be painful sometimes
karlie88 to FEEDTHEWORLD
3 Oct 17 #9
Ta OP. Wonky veg will fit in well with my wonky house.


Still need to find a wonky husband.
3 Oct 17 #23
Lol now I have "same as it ever was" from that song, looping in my head
3 Oct 17 #6
Morrison's don't deliver to my area :unamused:

Ridiculously Hot Deal :dizzy_face:
3 Oct 17 #7
As it is delivered only, you need to add delivery of a couple of pounds to the title
Wonky Veg selection includes:
8x Wonky Potatoes,
4x Wonky Carrots,
4x Wonky Onions, 1
x Wonky Cauliflower,
1x Wonky Cabbage,
3x Wonky Parsnips,
1x Wonky Swede
3 Oct 17 #10
Heat added. This is a great deal and something I would like to see become the norm with all veg, we should not be separating "wonky veg" with "straight" veg. Everyone should just be buying a mix. You want 6 carrots, buy 6 carrots of any shape /size. I will be going after work to pick one of these up for the week, even at £3 it's great value.
Besford to KevClark1985
3 Oct 17 #28
Who do you think you are - an EU dictator or something?
I agree we shouldn't waste the 'wonky' stuff, but if someone wants to pay more for the straight stuff they should have the freedom to do so. If it's really wonky there's much more waste when preparing it anyway.

Actually, I've bought 'wonky' stuff in store at Morrisons and it isn't wonky at all. I think this is mainly a marketing exercise to get you to buy other stuff at Morrisons.

I bet loads of this stuff gets wasted when people are forced to buy a selection of seven different things and there's bound to be something in there that they or their family won't eat.
KevClark1985 to Besford
3 Oct 17 #29
Won't have to worry about that for long even if I was :joy:

If you want to pick the best looking ones, buy them loose and hand pick the ones that you personally find visually pleasing.
I would imagine if supermarkets didn't have visual criteria for buying veg then the farmers would be able to sell more of their crops and be more profitable (which is needed tbh) or the overall price of all veg would come down (as more is being supplied).
Besford to KevClark1985
3 Oct 17 #35
So we're in complete agreement - but you can't see it!
3 Oct 17 #11
Equal rights for wonky veg!
3 Oct 17 #12
Pity only online
3 Oct 17 #13
Don't eat these, it is proven to give you wonky eyes....
3 Oct 17 #14
4.2kg worth of veg for a £1 ?

last time i checked kg was not a currency :smile:
3 Oct 17 #15
Excellent idea and about time too.Would rather pay less for the same thing you'd be stupid not too.
3 Oct 17 #16
Reminds me of this...
Master.G to alexc100
3 Oct 17 #19
Add your own salt?
alexc100 to Master.G
3 Oct 17 #21
‌ :cry:
3 Oct 17 #17
3 Oct 17 #18
No deliveries in my area, which is annoying as I was just about to do a food shop elsewhere :disappointed:
3 Oct 17 #20
how much is standard delivery btw
3 Oct 17 #22
Out of stock
3 Oct 17 #24
You can still feed them to your wonky donkey
3 Oct 17 #25
3 Oct 17 #26
if you amend delivery dates, looks like stock is still available
3 Oct 17 #27
Amazed me they don't deliver to my postcode it says!!!!!! Go smacked.
3 Oct 17 #30
32161515-KRU75.jpgWonky veg from Morrisons doesn't look too wonky to me :thinking:
3 Oct 17 #31
They should just make our new friends on food stamps have to buy these. While we consume perfectly formed veg.
3 Oct 17 #32
I bet the farmer gets no money at all for these.
3 Oct 17 #33
Great deal. Thanks very much. Have just ordered it.
3 Oct 17 #34
Minimum order £40?
3 Oct 17 #36
this wonky stuff is the stuff that normally would get thrown away or smashed up and fed to animals or put back on the fields. Theres mountains of it Total waste of time,energy,money even thought apart from visually there is nothing wrong with it. Market brainwashing has made you think that way. These wonky veg are an attempt to try and move people away from that and stop wasting perfectly edible food.

its the same with Best Before dates, another fallacy making us throw stuff away that is ok to eat.. We should go back to the old days of trusting our eyes and nose and brain to tell whether somethings gone off or not edible
nougat to sreenireddy
3 Oct 17 #40
Unless you buy the savvy way from the farm 25kg £3.50 (14p/KG) or if you aren't rural British Potatoes £1.29 for 5Kg at Aldi (26p/KG) which include wonkys
Good deal at £42/kg for a mix of veg if you are ordering other stuff to offset the delivery charge.
There is no great loss if a crop is ploughed back in as green fertiliser. we grow lupins purely to plough back in and a neighbouring farmer has a contract to grow herbs and spring onions, they get ploughed back in if there is no demand from the supermarkets. It's only the townies that complain about "the waste" but what are the beef cattle going to eat in the winter if morrisons sell off all the wonky cattle feed. You do that the majority of wheat grown in this country is for cattle feed and only a small proportion is grown for bread-making or milling wheat.

This is just clever marketing to make the townies feel like they are doing something good for the planet.
ruffedgrouse to nougat
4 Oct 17 #49
How do you know where to find a farm which sells to the public? Do they advertise? And what kind of vegetables do you get for £3.50 for 25kg?
3 Oct 17 #37
Limited per customer? I'd like to see them deliver 168kg to my door
3 Oct 17 #38
Does the Evil EU know about it?
3 Oct 17 #39
not available on the day my shop is delivered.No wonk on the weekend.
4 Oct 17 #41
Great deal... but sadly minimum order is £40.
4 Oct 17 #42
Back up to £3
4 Oct 17 #43
perfectly imperfect veg for my perfectly imperfect life.

unfortunately, it is 3 quids now!
4 Oct 17 #44
There should be price difference, why should the customers pay the same.

You wouldn't pay the same for other items such as food tins vs bent or out of shape tin. Not against imperfect fruit or veg but it should reflect in price.
KevClark1985 to aj2001
4 Oct 17 #46
Couldn't care less if a tin is bent or out of shape. Does not really impact the food inside. Some people are just too precious about these kind of things....

Your perception that this veg is "imperfect" is exactly that, a perception. I would say a perfect fruit or veg is one that has been grown, and is full of the expected nutrients. The only arguement I can see is that if you are buying by the number and some are significantly smaller, then the price should reflect that, otherwise shape shouldn't matter. Supermarkets have created the perception that a fruit/veg not being straight/symmetrical is imperfect.
aj2001 to KevClark1985
4 Oct 17 #48
the price needs to reflect it so people buy these bent or what ever name you or others give them. For me these are vegetables that's all I didn't want to use wonky to describe these vegetables.

We used to grow our own vegetables and fruit so I don't have issue if bent or straight or what ever but in supermarkets you have choice.

Bent and out of shape tins well they will taste the same so next time ask the sales assistance to charge you full price and refuse to pay discounted reduced price.

Bent tins take more effort with tin openers and can also cause issue with storing them.

I am not against any of these and will buy them and low price will help, I am here to find deals.
4 Oct 17 #45
Out of stock :disappointed: Can't get it to show in stock on any day I select for delivery.
Agnes123 to MJ10
5 Oct 17 #50
It says delivery from Thursday (online) but price is back up to £3
4 Oct 17 #47
I would buy these wonky vegetables. I'm of an age before supermarket perfectionism came about.

My diet when I was young consisted fruit and veg of many weird sizes and shapes. Nothing bad came of it. Tastes all the same to me.

Just this world runs on achieving perfectionism in every walk of life so they can charge you more for it without any true gain.
6 Oct 17 #51
Just had a box delivered, the onions are closer to shallot size, probably 1 small onion worth, the only item that I would say is actually less than perfect looking is the swede

I would get it again for £3 but it would depend on what meals we had planned for the week, I think if you don't use the cauliflower or cabbage then you could probably get the contents for around the same price buying loose. It's a decent price if you can use it all though, and I would be happy with the contents even if they hadn't called it a wonky veg box
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