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 Mercedes CLS 220d 7G-Tronic Diesel Automatic New £30592 at Carwow
3.5 stars +263

Mercedes CLS 220d 7G-Tronic Diesel Automatic New £30592 at Carwow

£30592 Carwow2 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Other
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Opening post
2 Oct 17
Seems like a bargain price for a brand new Mercedes CLS.
Great looking car which gets good reviews
Latest comments (51)
2 Oct 17 #27
If the gov has its way this’ll be worth 50p in a few years
OrribleHarry to adsthompson
2 Oct 17 #31
It will only happen in cities and my nearest city is 80miles.
adsthompson to OrribleHarry
3 Oct 17 #34
Hopefull as all this scaremongering is ridiculous
118luke to adsthompson
3 Oct 17 #45
The media outlets want taking to the cleaners the amount of anti-diesel propaganda that they publish.
The anti Diesel drive hasn't come from the government at all, as no official announcements have been made - its all come from the news & papers, allied together with poorly educated climate protesters!
pgilc1 to 118luke
4 Oct 17 #51
Thats exactly it, the media are trying to drum up a "scandal" where there isnt one.
3 Oct 17 #48
Looks like this would be still worth £10-12k after 6 years, and 80-100k miles, so pretty much impossible to beat if you are leasing a vehicle. Works out at about £3-3.3k per year cost, plus any repairs, tax and if paying outright the lost interest on £30k which compounded over 6 years on a low interest ISA or similar at around 2-2.25% is circa £4.3k over the 6 years.

So, the real cost per year is going to be £4200-4500, which equates to ~£350-375 per month. Best lease deal I can find is around £398 per month averaged, including the upfront costs, and with 10K miles. Obviously there's not that much in it, and if you opt to go for a 24 months lease, you would have the benefit of getting the newer version a lot sooner.

It's down to personal choice, if you keep it more than 6 years, then it starts to make more sense, but things start to get expensive when they go wrong with these cars, and 6-7 years is pushing it imo. :smile:
pgilc1 to Uncommon.Sense
4 Oct 17 #50
I wholly agree. If you only plan to run this 2 or 3 years then i'd consider leasing one. If you want to run it longer, then buying outright is probably better.
3 Oct 17 #47
Here we go - the pro-leasers at it again. They moan when someone suggests buying the car in the leasing threads yet come in here to say "it would be better to lease"

NO - leasing isn't the perfect solution that you think it is Mr Rose-Tinted Glasses wearer.
1. You have an ego that requires you to show off to the Jones' next door that you have a shiny new ornament on your driveway every 2 years
2. You like forking out continuously month-on-month and year-on-year for something you'll never actually own
3. You don't actually drive anywhere

...Then leasing is perfect for you

1. If you intend to keep a car for a long time (e.g best value for money) -or-
2. Do above average mileage that would stack up excess mileage charges at the end of a lease -or-
3. Prefer to save money in the long run and have more financial safety
4. Prefer not to have a "penalty lease fee" for any damages caused by other careless clots
5. Want to be more environmentally friendly (Building a new car is far worse for the environment than running one for years)

...Then buying is your best answer.

pgilc1 to 118luke
4 Oct 17 #49
Oh get a grip.

If you plan on changing your new car every two or three years, then leasing may be an effective way to drive a new car. Likewise, if you want to budget a set amount monthly for a car, to include depreciation, road tax, etc then leasing may be a good idea.

There was someone on the previous page getting sniffy because this car might depreciate to £20K after two years. Well, if that person believes that buying new and changing at two years is right for them, then leasing may be an option

Leasing deals are usually 10-12k per annum, which is what most people do. Signing up to a 5K a year deal if you do 12K would be plain daft, likewise not driving a car you otherwise planned to stay within leasing miles would be equally as daft.

I havent leased, and if i was in a position to want to buy a car like this, i'd run it 5 years minimum. Likewise if someone wants to lease one and can afford the payments then there may be sense in that.

There is no right or wrong answer but jumping on the lease deals and giving them a kicking for all the wrong reasons is banal.
2 Oct 17 #12
very nice car for the money but you will still lose over half over 2 years
pgilc1 to lumsar31
2 Oct 17 #17
Can you show us any at £15k and two years old please?
OrribleHarry to lumsar31
2 Oct 17 #26
Over half in 2 years? Show me a two year old one for £19k and I'll buy it.
montana78 to OrribleHarry
2 Oct 17 #29
Heres a 2012 model with low mileage for £16k…e=1

But that may not pass the new euro 6 so you'll get shafted if they start charging diesel penalty in your area
OrribleHarry to montana78
2 Oct 17 #30
It's 2017.....thats 5 years old.

2 years old at £19k was the claim.
118luke to montana78
3 Oct 17 #46
Thats Euro 5 - That should be ok for any localised rulings that come out (it seems to be Euro 4 and below they are targeting)
clint.thrust to lumsar31
3 Oct 17 #35
You are incorrect!
3 Oct 17 #42
how much is it costing per month? way to work out how much you will lose over what ever period you have chosen

eg deposit+ payments + road tax
OrribleHarry to lumsar31
3 Oct 17 #44
True cost of ownership is, deposit + payments + road tax + services + tyres + depreciation + fuel = a lot! add it all up and it'll make your eyes water.
2 Oct 17 #33
I phoned Mercedes Exeter and they put me onto their fleet sales.. Price £30592 which includes delivery...mine is being delivered this week
montana78 to thewhirlwind
3 Oct 17 #43
Of you buy a new Mercedes they give you an option to fly out to Germany and drive the car back. All expenses paid. You even get a tour of their factory.
3 Oct 17 #39 this amg line? if it is dont forget the new road tax rules ...... i think its 140+350 per year for the first 5 years as its list price is over £40k

hope this helps
pgilc1 to lumsar31
3 Oct 17 #40
Good point and worth noting.
thewhirlwind to lumsar31
3 Oct 17 #41
At last you've made a valid point.. First year tax included in price then its 140 +£310.. Bit of a con I know but if you want to own a decent car that lists over £40k then apparently the government think its a fair price to pay. The fact that you've worked your ass off and probably paid 50% tax and NI already on the money is immaterial to them as they need it to keep giving handouts to the rest of the world or scroungers that contribute nothing to society.

Also all new cars depreciate heavily over the first few years.. Imo the discount on this deal
helps reduce this dramatically.
3 Oct 17 #37
ok calm down lads lol, maybe i exaggerated a little ...... but in 2 years time when the all new cls will come out the car will be worth no more than 20k..... px allowance will be even lower, unless u have gone for a pcp which it will show you the gmfv which is the safer option
pgilc1 to lumsar31
3 Oct 17 #38
Then don't sell it at two years old?

Depreciation = purchase price - selling price.

If you're physically going to go to the trouble of spending your hard earned on one of these rather than leasing it or pcping it then it would be very unlikely you're going to punt it in 2 years.
3 Oct 17 #36
Quick look on Auto trader 2015 with 31k miles £23.5k..2015 22k miles £25k...that is not losing over half in 2 years
2 Oct 17 #32
i cant get that price on that site.. fake deal
2 Oct 17 #9
always loved this car, the refreshed ones look amazing...I think 7G is older now but I don't know I the CLS got the 9G...our 2016 S212 has the 9G, same as current model.
montana78 to TacticalTimbo
2 Oct 17 #28
I had the w221 which was 7g. Great on the motorway. Around 40mpg average. But short trips were around 19mpg and 14mpg if you ger stuck in traffic. I miss that car but my wallet doesnt :blush:
2 Oct 17 #25
I have private messaged the person who posted this and to no avail there has been
no reply
so I guess this listing is fake news
2 Oct 17 #4
How much do you get off with Scrappage scheme?
thewhirlwind to Kirrun121
2 Oct 17 #7
Not sure about that you'd have to ask the dealer ....the deal posted is the cash price
fishmaster to Kirrun121
2 Oct 17 #24
You probably know that any current 'scrappage' scheme is a marketing tool and not endorsed and supplied by the UK Government as the past one was.

I found this website that lists current 'scrappage' schemes (I don't know the reliability of it) >…mes
2 Oct 17 #23
That's about 4 hours I've waited and not one offer!

2 Oct 17 #15
This is alot of car for the money. I wonder which garage is offering this amount off. I've just done a carwow search in the North West and it's coming up as a 10K discount but still pricing it at 38K..
b1g1an to colwl
2 Oct 17 #16
Lot of car but naff all engine, show with no go!
colwl to b1g1an
2 Oct 17 #18
I think it's 178 BHP - not too shabby
pgilc1 to colwl
2 Oct 17 #19
It's fine for the big cruiser it is. Plenty of other (more expensive) variants if someone wants more power.
b1g1an to pgilc1
2 Oct 17 #22
It really isn't and will be seriously unloved by the secondhand market. These pauper editions only make any sense if you lease them and even then only for business users who want to cut down on the tax.
LionelRichieFan to colwl
2 Oct 17 #20
0-62mph in 8.5 seconds, not fast by any sense of the imagination.
2 Oct 17 #21
Has anyone managed to get this deal at the price above I very highly doubt anybody will
2 Oct 17 #13
What's wrong with 4G?
ndl to sikh_warrior
2 Oct 17 #14
I only get 3G in my area..
2 Oct 17 #10
Yep, the are now clearing CLS, as the new one is about to be announced before the year is out. Release probably early to mid 2018, nice car but I wouldn't be buying one now, it'll continue to drop.
thewhirlwind to Uncommon.Sense
2 Oct 17 #11
List is approx £48k so already approx 36% saving off list...not sure they'll come down much more....tried local dealers and couldnt match this price
2 Oct 17 #3
7G is not current model, they are 9G
admirable to mel1408
2 Oct 17 #6
morrig to mel1408
2 Oct 17 #8
That just denotes it has the 7 speed fuel saving gearbox.
2 Oct 17 #5
i think you have to register/log in then look at stock cars.
They are brand new from Mercedes Dealer and get registered on 67 plate
2 Oct 17 #2
can't see it.
2 Oct 17 #1
I'll have half a dozen of them then ffs
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