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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
8 Oct 17
Free upgrade from Windows 7 or 8.1 to Windows 10.

If you use assistive technologies, you can upgrade to Windows 10 at no cost. Microsoft continues its efforts to improve the Windows 10 experience for people who use these technologies.

With the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, we've taken a number of steps to improve the accessibility of Windows 10. To learn more, read our blog that details some of these improvements.
Latest comments (69)
9 Oct 17 #40
Breaking news: free swimming available in the sea.
zirk to Mr.No
10 Oct 17 #69
Thats nothing, you can walk to the beach for Free where I live, that saves you loads of dosh on the the Beech Car Park, if there was a Beech Car Park, which there isnt, but if there was..........
9 Oct 17 #37
I agree the OP was a little rude, but I do feel his frustration.

This isn't a community site with volunteers running it, rather it is a highly profitable enterprise, profiting from commission on product links that site users add.

Considering that, I believe mods should treat users with respect, like valued customers. Sometimes behaviour falls short of this expectation.

That's how I feel anyway.
repouk to OB1
10 Oct 17 #68
Understatement of the decade.
‌ :face_with_monocle:
8 Oct 17 #5
This is so old and well-known it's like posting "Regular Amazon customers who spend £20 or over can get delivery at no cost". :joy:
luvsadealdealdeal to UnluckyForSome
8 Oct 17 #7
You say that but when I mentioned it this morning somebody immediately popped up & said 'thanks, I didn't know that'

Most of us here are trying to help people
UnluckyForSome to luvsadealdealdeal
8 Oct 17 #13
Better start posting about the free amazon delivery thing then...
bodkelly to luvsadealdealdeal
10 Oct 17 #67
I agree, if one person has had benefit out of the post then it has to be a good thing.
mixmixi to UnluckyForSome
8 Oct 17 #8
Forgive my ignorance but I did not know about this till now...
splender to mixmixi
9 Oct 17 #38
After upgrade many wished that they didn't.
Caroline_1993 to UnluckyForSome
8 Oct 17 #14
I actually only found this “deal” out myself a few days ago, when after doing a full restore on my computer it rolled back to windows 8.1 and wouldnt let me add new users. After a google search it shown me how to update to windows 10 for FREE, using the same method in op’s post and that solved the user issue.

Not everyone knows about this method - so its worthy of a post.
ANDYGUY to Caroline_1993
9 Oct 17 #63
Agreed .Also some users only visit the site occasionally and not every day like many, and may have missed it as well...
9 Oct 17 #65
Wow, free malware!
luvsadealdealdeal to dar72
9 Oct 17 #66
Spybot Anti Beacon is your friend, gets rid of all the telemetry
9 Oct 17 #64
As several others have said, you don't need assistive technologies to upgrade, you simply need an activated copy of Windows 7 and it will let you upgrade. I assume it's the same for Windows 8 and 8.1 but I've not tried them recently.
9 Oct 17 #62
Rather than flaming the mod's in your deal you'd be far better served sending a polite private message.
9 Oct 17 #61
Not new but I suppose there's people that didn't know this existed until the deal was posted. Have some heat sir.
9 Oct 17 #60
I was looking out for Microsoft launching something like this, but I was traveling when this was launched and I have never come across it until now, thankyou very much! :smile:

I haven't updated all my machines yet as the worst thing about windows 10 though is that every time it automatically installs a sizeable update it inevitably removes one of numerous fixes that I have had to apply to workaround some niggle or driver issue. The shareable-access webcam API driver built into windows 10 is the most annoying as it even occourrs on high-end logitech webcams that are still for sale, and machines as recent as Haswell generation, which frankly I think is just too new, experience niggles and such problems.
8 Oct 17 #26
In case it helps anyone, you can install Windows 10 using a valid Windows 7 key anyway but if you need to "upgrade" instead this is a good tip
bilbob to VitalViper
8 Oct 17 #27
Thought this ponly worked on Pro?
akramfaisal to VitalViper
8 Oct 17 #31
Can you still do that. I know you can while they had the free upgrade option. I think the only way now is to use the method on this post. If you can still use Win 7 key during installation (which had not already been upgraded to 10), that's great!
VitalViper to akramfaisal
9 Oct 17 #58
I've re-installed a Windows 7 laptop using this method last week so as far as I can tell it's still working!

edit: Win7 laptop was on win7 Home Premium
akramfaisal to VitalViper
9 Oct 17 #59
Thanks for the info. That's great to hear :smile:
9 Oct 17 #57
I have withheld from the W10 upgrades in past but this post has prompted me to take the plunge as I'm noticing things that I use mostly requires W10 to work these days. Thanks op for the reminder.
9 Oct 17 #54
Ps little question in case helpful poster can help more. I took my hard drive out of dead toshiba and stuck it in older HP (running 7) license for windows 7 is obviously oem and can’t get any updates but saved me hassle cloning or failed clone and easily kept my data . If my old hP can run Windows 10 am I able to upgrade to 10 without charge - suspect not? If toshiba hadn’t broken (dropped) I would have been able to .
luvsadealdealdeal to Cazza1000
9 Oct 17 #56
should be OK, though as you mention, certain older machines don't upgrade properly to W10 - you can check this easily online…ons

the only hassle I have had was with the graphics/ monitor driver/s in my son's PC - the upgrade to W10 was successful but the monitor went to basic display mode (which was horrible) - I had to find a way to get the drivers but it only took a bit of fiddling around…-1/
9 Oct 17 #43
I love the 'Animal Planet' community that this website has going on for it. First it was cold because this information was 'obvious'. When it became apparent that it wasn't actually that obvious, the next set of people voted cold because they didn't like OP calling the moderators naive. It's brilliant. :popcorn:

In one of my last deals, somebody voted cold because they didn't like the formatting LOL. I must say, it's sad to see the good community that once was is gone. I don't even know what this site is about anymore, and I feel more comfortable posting in other places now (this being one of the reasons). :smiley_cat:

Anyways, I voted hot for good info. If you're reading this, and this deal has helped you then that vote was for you. :thumbsup:
plewis00 to LeftResponse
9 Oct 17 #45
It's called democracy, people can vote however they want, for whatever reason. Ever wondered why some people here 'vassy4u' and 'chanchi32' get greeted with good banter, memes and votes - it's because the community likes them. If you come on here insulting everyone, thinking you are better than others (with self-proclaimed statements) and poor research then you get voted cold.

Assistive Technology is for a very specific user group, this non-post is obviously trying to capitalise on that. I would be surprised if anyone who didn't already know about this but uses it now is actually 'eligible' under this scheme, but I am ready to be proven wrong.

Anyway, at the end of day, who cares if you get 'hot votes' - because you've got some virtual internet points from strangers? If however you think you are actually helping others, then crack on.
LeftResponse to plewis00
9 Oct 17 #47
I'm going to avoid the schematics of meme names (but going back to my point) a perfect example would be my last 15 game bundle deal. Somebody literally voted cold because it was copied and pasted. No meme names, just indeed pure democracy like you say.

What concerns me the most if the fact that you're getting caught up in the psychology of being denied virtual points. Why would anyone waste their time sharing things? Of course it benefits others, are you nuts? We don't get the revenue for it, and the fact you latched onto them 'capitalizing' on the info (and looking at your deal history) sounds like you're the one wanting to deny them credit. :relaxed:

Going back to your comment, of course its a democracy. If somebody wanted to say they don't agree with how people act/vote, there is nothing stopping them. You think these posts don't help others, but I'm pretty sure I can quote a few people this post has helped. :thumbsup:
plewis00 to LeftResponse
9 Oct 17 #49
Well, for your deal that is unfortunate but I didn't vote cold on it, I would at least read to see what I thought.

I'm not getting 'caught up in psychology of virtual points', but people bicker over it so much they obviously do care more. Not even sure what you mean about denying people credit but if you want to rummage around that's fine.

Whether you think this deal/post is worthwhile or not is up to you, but I doubt you could argue that the OP has shown terrible disrespect for others all round - and I'm not even sure the mods here are paid so they don't have an agenda. This site is a business and obviously they make money off running it, I don't see why this is even an issue or concern, I'm sure it has saved me money by shared posts and I suspect I may have helped others too.
LeftResponse to plewis00
9 Oct 17 #55

I was just chuckling at the whole situation. You have to admit, it was funny how people always find a way.

'Everybody knows this!' ....wait

....'He said the mods were naive, NOW let's freeze him to death!'

We live in a day and age where white people get offended by all the black people jokes, I guess I shouldn't of been surprised.

I've posted deals, and I have respect for others that do. Yes I did have a rummage around, and I would never vote cold on your deals because I don't like the way you behave or I felt you were trying to get heat points. I just don't see how that can help other people.

As long as my vote counts I will tip the scales however I can to make people see the bigger picture. Might aswell enjoy the banter, and the fact that over 50% people here probably won't agree with me. :popcorn:
8 Oct 17 #10
this is not a new deal, in fact its not a deal at all, its a fudge. it deserves to be merged with any other post that references the update using assistive technologies.
luvsadealdealdeal to bouncy99
8 Oct 17 #1
basically you're happy to deny people this knowledge?

because when a new thread gets merged it disappears, we all know that

so if you weren't there (say) 10 months ago, [email protected] you, we don't care?

yet plenty of people would love to get the knowledge they can update to Windows 10 for free
bouncy99 to luvsadealdealdeal
8 Oct 17 #2
its a repost, reposts get merged, like a deal, of which this isnt.
ourdave to luvsadealdealdeal
9 Oct 17 #53
Friendly Tip if trying to sit on high horse: never start a sentence with basically, it makes you sound like Vicky Pollard :blush:‌ :thumbsup:
9 Oct 17 #52
Also thanks for taking the time to post this. Ignore the rants. If people like you didn’t bother to post there would be no point in this site. The only ones to benefit , without free info such as this , would be the site itself from commission on profitable links to sales.
9 Oct 17 #51
Very helpful thanks
8 Oct 17 #12
I upgraded using this process a few months ago and the PC never worked quite right again. I am wary about upgrading my new PC as 8.1 is fine and don’t want to go through all that again.
chiefmojo_123 to chapchap
9 Oct 17 #50
I've upgraded alot of laptops, desktops & tablets over the last few years using this method and all are fine so I wouldn't worry might just be a dodgy driver unique to that system causing you trouble.
8 Oct 17 #15
I'll stick with Windows 95. It cost me a lot of dosh back then and I want to get my money's worth.
motionwerk to joyf4536
9 Oct 17 #48
It is time to move on. I strongly recommend Windows XP.
9 Oct 17 #46
you don't have to use assistive technology to use this upgrade. for those who insist on sticking with windows 7, microsoft is abandoning this within a few years and they have already stopped any new development on it so the pc will just get slower and slower as new software will be leaving windows 7 likewise.

manufacturers have already had to stop manufacturing pc with windows 7 last year i think, so this is becoming a real dinosaur. however, having said this, i have decided not to upgrade my husband's windows 7 laptop in case things go wrong and just wait for the laptop to die before i try to do anything to it.

the old saying, don't fix what aint broke comes to mind here and it may be better for him to get a new laptop when windows 7 runs out of steam.
9 Oct 17 #44
Can people who don't use assistive technologies get a free downgrade to Windows 7?
8 Oct 17 #23
Microsoft don't care I think and want people to go to 10. it is just a way to keep is going and to stop the OEM's moaning at Microsoft as people won't need to buy new laptops.

in fact you can still update any version and it will activate the old way. I know because I did it last week going from 7 to 10.
ssaass to Kyouken
9 Oct 17 #42
You are correct in your thinking re-Microsoft wanting everyone to use Win10, I read an article recently which stated that anyone can update for free providing the software on their comp meets their criteria!

Added: Thank you for posting the deal. I have just this minute upgraded my Win7 to Win 10, all went perfect even picked up my Bluetooth keyboard and then took me to the screen I was looking at as I started the upgrade. Again, thankyou.
9 Oct 17 #35
Hot for the info
Cold for the attitude
speric07 to mrew42
9 Oct 17 #41
Well that's a tepid response!
9 Oct 17 #39
Think this is more of a downgrade than an upgrade!
9 Oct 17 #36
ps you dont need to register windows 10 it will still work, you just cant change desktop backgound. its a free download and you can make a bootable usb install,disk.

also linux is free as is libre office and will work well also.
i.e pixel for pc from rasp pi foundation will run from usb stick or can be install on hard drive
9 Oct 17 #33
Op, if you've a problem with something the mod is doing then I would suggest contacting directly and resolving the issue.
Insulting the mods in a deal with words like 'ignorant' and 'morons' is not big or clever.
Battenberg to jamgin
9 Oct 17 #34
Inb4 you get a snarky response from OP refusing to concede their behaviour has been anything less than perfect.
8 Oct 17 #32
I’m going to say thanks to all those who already new about this for ages for still sharing.

I pulled out an older windows laptop from the loft a week ago for the kids to use for homework, and thought I was going to have to leave windows 7 on it.
8 Oct 17 #30
Or I believe mods are trying to hog all the credit themselves. I had one of my posts immediately deleted (saying duplicate). Didn't want to post again and again to be deleted again. Hours later, saw the same deal going hot (I believe 500+) which was actually posted after my post was deleted.
8 Oct 17 #29
Agree with OP this knowledge needs to be posted periodically as its really valuable Thanks OP
8 Oct 17 #28
Presumably best way from vista to Windows 7 is usb Iso with Oem key chea
8 Oct 17 #25
8 Oct 17 #21
Never punch down
luvsadealdealdeal to michaeloswell
8 Oct 17 #24
probably good advice - sorry if I punched down but the old vino...
8 Oct 17 #22
Microsoft said over a year ago they were going to close this method of "free" upgrades, they're either slow to respond or just happy for users to upgrade. :unamused:
8 Oct 17 #3

You have shown disgusting attitude towards others. Really suggest you get off your high throne, first claiming you are in the ‘top 10% of computer savvy users’ but shown nothing to back that up and then slating others. You have posted two very similar threads that have been done to death, and you are suggesting using Assistive Technologies to get a free Windows 10 upgrade, which was actually someone else’s suggestion in your own thread that you put down because it ‘needs Windows 7 or 8 media’ and if you do that you’re abusing it - now if you or anyone else wants to do that, fine but don’t publicise it, just as if you pirate software
luvsadealdealdeal to plewis00
8 Oct 17 #20
er - it was MY suggestion in MY thread lol :smile:
8 Oct 17 #17
You've been posting this all day
Treboeth to benjammin316
8 Oct 17 #18
Dumbass reposts deal constantly then abuses site staff :party:
I am on the skip ahead W10 and get updates weekly, maybe I should post that as a deal :relaxed:
luvsadealdealdeal to Treboeth
8 Oct 17 #19
I might be a dumbass but I know when I'm right :smile:

and helpful btw
8 Oct 17 #16
Heat for reminding us.. good job!
8 Oct 17 #11
Here come the Mods ... :worried:
8 Oct 17 #6
I think we (and the world in general ) know this :disappointed: Its not a new "deal" its a long running "old" deal . By the way , Man has landed on the Moon (allegedly :astonished: )
luvsadealdealdeal to rogparki
8 Oct 17 #9
see above
8 Oct 17 #4
*** Will the Mod who keeps merging this into another thread kindly stop showing his/ her ignorance - it has NOTHING to do with upgrade to Creators' Update ***

How to make friends and influence people :wink:

‌ :face_with_monocle:
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