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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Opening post
13 Sep 17
Uniquely there are 4 compelling reasons to consider this deal over the others:

1. Free Motorola Pulse M Headphones worth £50.00 thrown in.
2. 2 Year Warranty.
3. John Lewis customer service.
4. The famous John Lewis "Never knowingly undersold" price guarantee.

Unlike the Clove Technology deal (the only other known supplier to include the headphones) this price is inclusive of free delivery.
All comments (116)
13 Sep 17 #1
Sorry voted cold instead of hot
Gollywood to kaymate
14 Sep 17 #8
You only had one thing to do....
markwalton400 to kaymate
14 Sep 17 #18
Great reason!!!
13 Sep 17 #2
Been looking at this, have they changed the listing to confirm its those specific headphones? It's 14 day delivery at moment, which is only going stopping me buying
TheHun6 to Torkijo
13 Sep 17 #4
I am going by the configuration and the matching photo of the Clove Technology deal, which does confirm the model of the headphones. It appears that a few select suppliers are selling the phone with the free headphones included.
13 Sep 17 #3
John Lewis do offer great service, but please note that with a faulty phone, it would be sent away. You could potentially be without it for up to one month.

This is what stops me buying phones from them.
Sawb to hottoast
14 Sep 17 #7
Who would do it any different?
DocRobotnik to hottoast
14 Sep 17 #36
That's pretty much the same with any insurance/warranty service.
13 Sep 17 #5
Aside from the headphones - is this phone any good?
Torkijo to hhali
14 Sep 17 #9
Yes, the negative people will say is no compass, which is a negative but having had the G5 for 6 months I haven't needed a compass, Samsung Health tracks runs fine etc.

Rest of the phone is a good spec and the clean android is refreshing having had Samsungs in the past
14 Sep 17 #6
no compass real shame
Shaheel to mentm
14 Sep 17 #29
The only forum I've seen the lack of compass touted as such a dealbreaker is hotukdeals. For navigation purposes, the compass is completely unnecessary as the GPS is truly what's important. Unless you really need to know where North is for whatever reason this isn't a big issue.
Crosshash to Shaheel
14 Sep 17 #30
There's plenty of times you'd want to know where you're going without GPS though.
Shaheel to Crosshash
14 Sep 17 #34

Once you actually start walking though you'll figure out in a few seconds what direction you're facing. It's only useful to know what direction you're facing if you're standing still which seems like a very specific situation that shouldn't put most people off an otherwise decent phone.
TheHun6 to Shaheel
14 Sep 17 #31
That's the whole idea. Maybe someone at Lenovo will take note to ensure the Moto G6 includes it! Besides, when using Google Maps for walking, you still need to know which direction you're heading. With GPS only you're merely a dot on a map with no direction.
vivski123 to TheHun6
14 Sep 17 #32
Life seems scary when you're merely a dot on a map. :cry: are you an emergency service worker or in some time critical role?
14 Sep 17 #10
Heat added. Ordered. Thanks OP.
14 Sep 17 #11
John lewis states 5.5 screen size , but others state screen size at only 5.2 ?
TheHun6 to davnav
14 Sep 17 #12
Standard G5S has 5.2 screen. Plus model has 5.5 screen.
14 Sep 17 #13
Amazon... As long as they are the supplier, they will replace it without question.

I speak from personal experience.
TheHun6 to hottoast
14 Sep 17 #14
But if Amazon was the supplier, surely they would be selling the version with the headphones themselves, wouldn't they?
14 Sep 17 #15
Do I go to the plumbing section for this phone...? ;-)
14 Sep 17 #16
Tempting, but kind of want to jump on a flagship this year. Gone through so many (great) budget phones, but craving a great camera.
bednim to mackashworth
14 Sep 17 #17
Had s8+ for about a month and i've got rid of it as its just not worth the money. I am back with s7 edge which runs smoothly as s8 but now i think i will get this one.
Torkijo to mackashworth
14 Sep 17 #20
I had the S7 at Christmas but then gave it to my wife (Her S4 needed upgrading) and got the G5 when t came out near Easter, her photos are better - but not by much when you only really view them on phones and tablets these days.
missionhall to mackashworth
14 Sep 17 #28
Did You consider buying a 'proper' camera ?
mackashworth to missionhall
14 Sep 17 #33
I have a camera, but find great value in one gizmo that does everything.
14 Sep 17 #19
These headphones are not worth £50. Not even close. This "deal" just involves selling the phone for its normal price, then bundling it with some crap headphones and pretending they're expensive. Surely everyone sees through this?
TheHun6 to commenter14
14 Sep 17 #22
Then how do you explain this?…RR2
14 Sep 17 #21
Can anyone tell me why this phone is so much more expensive than the regular Moto G5? Going off gsma: They're both running the same super low end sd 430/3gb set up with 1080p screens with similar battery size 2800mah for the 5.0inch g5 and 3000mah for the 5.2inch g5s.

I've not been following this phone but what have they done that makes this justify ~£100 more money?
TheHun6 to parasitemol
14 Sep 17 #23
Because altogether, there a 4 models in the Moto G5 family and all with varying specifications: The G5, The G5 Plus, The G5S and the G5S Plus. Both Plus models feature the mid-range Snapdragon 625 processor and not the aforementioned SD 430.
parasitemol to TheHun6
14 Sep 17 #24
I'm a moron I didn't see Plus in the OP :innocent: ignore me I was comparing the g5s with the g5...... nothing to see here :grin:
TheHun6 to parasitemol
14 Sep 17 #26
We forgive you!
Torkijo to parasitemol
14 Sep 17 #25
Quite a good comparison here -…nes

Faster processor, bigger screen, more memory, dual rear cameras, 4k video & better shell are the obvious 4 making it worth £100 more to me, my 16GB G5 is struggling with Apps after 6 months to be honest.
14 Sep 17 #27
But, would people choose this, or the Moto Z Play for £10 more from Motorola?
14 Sep 17 #35
You can get the headphones for just under £23…BwE
Torkijo to Mulva42
14 Sep 17 #37
Those are a different model, cheapest I have seen the M Series ones are just over £40 at Flubit
Mulva42 to Torkijo
14 Sep 17 #38
Doesnt the M stand for Max?
Torkijo to Mulva42
14 Sep 17 #40
Think its for Microphone, these are the ones in the offer -…nes
14 Sep 17 #39
The Mrs wanted a new phone the boy wants some new headphones, Cheers op ordered.
14 Sep 17 #41
Not my experience, in cities like London and Paris I've found the lack of compass to be a real annoyance....yes it does work but a compass does help a lot. The ommission of a compass probably saves them £1 in production which is expected on a £99 phone but on a £250 phone?...
14 Sep 17 #42
At first I thought JL had made an error and were listing the G5 Plus as if it was a G5S Plus but this is real. I've had the G5 Plus for a few months and it's a great phone, and still £250 on the Moto UK website. The G5S is very similar but with an all metal body and better cameras. Don't know if the headphones are worth much but the phone itself is an amazing bargain at this price. Yes, it's not flagship territory but still great although it can be a wee bit slow on occasions. I used to chase the latest Samsung then OnePlus but now I've realised that the difference between this phone and the latest flagship is minimal, and certainly not worth the £800 to £1100 asking price for a 'flagship'. I'd buy this phone in an instant if I didn't already have the G5 Plus - it's astounding value for £260.
14 Sep 17 #43
If you're not bothered about the headphones, Ballicom sells this phone in Blush Gold for £236. Those who pre-ordered this phone on Amazon UK prior to 11th August would have got this phone for £200.82. A real bargain!
14 Sep 17 #44
One short customer review ? :thinking:
14 Sep 17 #45
I don't think it exists.

It seems most phones compromise on features. Get great spec, get crap camera. Or great camera than not enough RAM etc etc
14 Sep 17 #46
It seems many users of oversized on-ear headphones don't care a jot for the sound quality, just the appearance and the brand - so this is unlikely to trouble anyone swayed by the inclusion of the headphones in this deal!
14 Sep 17 #47
Users on Lenovo's own forum are complaining about it, too:…776

If you're walking in an unfamiliar built-up city, it can be frustrating to have to retrace your steps once Google Maps works out you're heading in the wrong direction (or you notice first!)
14 Sep 17 #48
"3. John Lewis customer service"

John Lewis has subcontracted their customer service to... Capita...
14 Sep 17 #49
They did that 3 years ago -…is/
14 Sep 17 #50
Or even great camera, decent processor, enough RAM, good battery life, hi Res display, great build quality but no compass!
14 Sep 17 #51
The lack of notification light on mid priced phones is my biggest gripe
14 Sep 17 #52
Oh how I miss the notification light on the original Moto G1 phone!
14 Sep 17 #53
A single Amazon review?! What are you trying to prove here?
14 Sep 17 #54
I think the original point being made was about the headphones not being worth £50, so I made a link to a retailer to prove a point about it's monetary value. OK, Amazon has clearly discounted the price by a few pounds, but still it does prove you really do have added intrinsic value, over and above the cost of the phone.
14 Sep 17 #55
I've got the G5 plus. I initially thought that a lack of compass would be a big deal but it's not. I used this in London navigating for a whole weekend on foot and not once did I think I needed or missed a compass which I had on my previous phone. Camera is good, battery life is superb (day easily with heavy use without Bluetooth enabled)
14 Sep 17 #56
are the headphones wired or wireless?
14 Sep 17 #57
Wired with microphone
14 Sep 17 #58
Quite a few reviews here

amazon reviews
14 Sep 17 #59
I think you may have missed my may be with many, but it isn't with all.

As an example, buy a phone from John Lewis and if it goes faulty, you have to send it away, either through the post, or through the store. They do forewarn you it may be a number of weeks to get it back. (I can't remember how many... I think 4.) It will likely be one to two weeks, but it may not.

Buy a phone from Amazon, if it goes faulty, call them, they immediately replace, you send the faulty one back at their expense.

To me, a fast turn around is crucial. This is why I buy from Amazon.

Their after sales for products supplied by themselves is (sounding a little OTT) class leading.
14 Sep 17 #60
Depends on the app.
Most augmented reality apps use the compass as there main direction source so without your moving a lot so the GPS can replace it the app will jump around and effect won't work right.
14 Sep 17 #61
"Winter is coming". Everyone needs to avoid north of "the wall".
14 Sep 17 #62
And how do you know the headphones are crap?? Can you back this up?? Do you own them??
14 Sep 17 #63
But all goods purchased have a 30 day window where they replace if faulty wherever purchased,that's the law.
14 Sep 17 #64
Amazon don't cover warranty, they simply replace the item. That's neither warranty nor insurance. I get your point, but Amazon might be the only company that does that so readily (and indeed could afford to).
14 Sep 17 #65
31988455-VWDbe.jpgLook at the pricing mess up at Argos website today :laughing: even the model numbers are wrong. Argos always getting specs wrong :thinking:
15 Sep 17 #66
Two birds with one stone, very clever
15 Sep 17 #67
What wall?
15 Sep 17 #68
You are correct... However what about day 31 and forwards?

The phone I had an issue with was an LG G3. After 14 months the screen literally stopped working.

As they no longer sold the model, Amazon refunded it without question.

That is excellent customer service, and why they are my preferred supplier.
15 Sep 17 #69
Micro USB? No USB-C? I'm out
15 Sep 17 #70
Not sure of your point here?

"Amazon don't cover warranty"? "they simply replace the item"...... Isn't that the best warranty you can have?

Why would you want an item fixed by Curry's, John Lewis etc, (and be without it for several days/possibly weeks, when if you buy from Amazon, Amazon would replace the faulty item they supplied with a brand new one, or if they no longer sell it a full refund of the purchase price?
15 Sep 17 #71
Well, whoever refunded it probably shouldn't have done so not after a year
15 Sep 17 #72
Wow you're tetchy. Would you like to use any more question marks?? Let's look at the evidence:

1. It's hard to find information about these headphones online; I can't find reviews on reputable websites which is rare for £50 headphones.

2. On top of that, they're hard to even find online to buy! It's just Amazon and Ebay on the first page of Google results. Normally, reputable headphones are sold at lots of places.

3. They're made by Motorola, who are not in any way known for their audio products.

4. They're bundled with a phone also made by Motorola, a common tactic to make deals look more appealing than they actually are.

5. They're only listed at £37 on Amazon, so even £50 isn't right.

Are you paid by Motorola? Why are you so angry about this?
15 Sep 17 #73
This happened to me as well on a asus tablet,18 months after purchase developed a fault contacted amazon and they refunded me full price,
15 Sep 17 #74
I posted a deal for this phone earlier in the week for £220 (here) and it didn't get as hot as this deal. I guess it's the John Lewis effect (2 year warranty). Personally though I'd rather have the phone for £220 than £260 with over-priced headphones thrown in.
15 Sep 17 #75
Had look at that deal but didn't have a fee free card otherwise would have gone for it,
15 Sep 17 #76
Yes and the Amazon pre-order deal posted on 5th August with the pre-order deal meant that anyone who ordered prior to 11th August would have got this phone for £200.82. Surely the Amazon posting too should have deserved more heat too, don't you think?
15 Sep 17 #77
Absolutely! I was on holiday at the time so missed it.
15 Sep 17 #78
We are not only taking holidays from work but from shopping as well :face_with_monocle:
15 Sep 17 #79
can you use g5 plus cases for the g5s plus
15 Sep 17 #80
No. Different size phone.
16 Sep 17 #81
‌ :joy:‌ :joy: paid by Motorola, I wish. And just because headphones are cheap doesn't mean they sound crap. I have a pair of AKG headphones given 5 star reviews by What HiFi that cost £30. And I'm not angry and tetchy and I just asked why you said they were crap and where's your evidence. Just because there isn't reviews and made by Motorola doesn't mean they will sound crap.
16 Sep 17 #82
headphones £18 on amazon, poor reviews
17 Sep 17 #83
Link not working. Now £229 without headphones.
TheHun6 to MichaelSpikeWinfield
17 Sep 17 #84
This is for the standard G5S and not the Plus model. Looks like there is currently no link but should this be restored I will add new link and unexpired.
25 Sep 17 #85
Just noticed this is the inferior single SIM version. Also - the version being sold on Motorola's website is also the single SIM version... (?) Where is the dual SIM version(??)
25 Sep 17 #86
My understanding is that the dual SIM version is not for the UK market and in any case, the second SIM comes at the expense of SD card and is 2G only.
mobily to TheHun6
25 Sep 17 #91
I have the phone and can comment on what I find good and what I find annoying. This may be different to other people depending on what you want out of a phone.

Good - Quick to navigate around and open apps. I've had it since April with no slowdown so far. Even with Facebook it's pretty nippy.
It's stable too with very few crashes or resets. It doesn't get too hot either.

Bad - Call sound is really low. If you want to use the phone as an actual phone then this is a real issue. Anything but a quiet environment and it's a struggle to hear the other person. The lack of compass is an issue if you use the phone for walking navigation.
lmulli to mobily
25 Sep 17 #92
It wasn't out until August!
blaine to lmulli
25 Sep 17 #93
The s7 edge is better in every way than the Moto G5S plus.
25 Sep 17 #87
Just ordered from Motorola website, and order confirmed as XT1805, which is the dual SIM variant. Hope that helps someone; the Moto website is as clear as mud. I think most UK sellers have XT1803, which is single SIM.
25 Sep 17 #88
I'd beg to differ. I've had two visits to the states this year, and found when exiting subways on to an unfamiliar grid its all too easy to start walking off in the wrong direction. You only know you've gone the wrong way when the blue dot catches you up!
25 Sep 17 #89
OK - that's interesting - not sure if you just got lucky. Looking on the forums, their staff were saying they had no clue if you will get single sim or dual sim models when people were asking about this. The Motorola website states: XT1803 on the specs of what they're selling which is the single SIM.
andreasuk to Master_Yoda
25 Sep 17 #90
So youve used the comapass twice this year in the States. Sounds like a very important feature after all.
It can be useful occassionally but most people can definately live without it or even noticing the need for it.
25 Sep 17 #94
Does anyone have any details on whether the UK will be getting the 64/4GB variant? I want the g5s but I don't wanna get bamboozled if they bring the other variant out in like a month's time
Torkijo to Alansk1
25 Sep 17 #95
Fair enough, havent had that experience - that said the last time I was in New York was 1993 and not sure smartphones existed then :-)
25 Sep 17 #96
No, those are different ones, these are the ones in the offer, £38 with 5 star reviews (But only 2 so......) -…RR2
25 Sep 17 #97
Compass is important if you are venturing off road, such as cycling or walking, as without a compass Google Maps is very haphazard and goes a bit nuts and is very inaccurate at tracking the correct distance/route walked or cycled. Hence health/fitness tracking apps become pretty useless also.
sam_of_london to htslough
25 Sep 17 #98
Does it have NFC ?
25 Sep 17 #99
Yes. The G5 Plus and G5S plus have NFC, the standard models don't.
25 Sep 17 #100
Voted cold.

This is a step back for Motorola.

At least with my G4 plus the 4GB ram / 64GB ROM model was offered in the UK.

This G5s plus is available in 4GB/64GB also but not being offered in UK.

That's a step back in my opinion
1mark to htslough
25 Sep 17 #104
Ok, so I had a motorola moto G - first gen. and its turn by turn navigation was great (google maps) oh and it had a compass. I now have a moto g4 and I cant even begin to use turn by turn navigation whether thats in the car or while walking since it never knows what direction im moving in - ever!

So i also thought meh what use is a compass.

If this phone is like moto g4 then YOU NEED a compass for navigation since when my moto g1 had it, it worked fine.
theprofinuk to 1mark
25 Sep 17 #109
I can attest that the 2nd sim is fully functional and not at 2g speeds. For the brave there are hacks to have sim and SD card together.
dorset_taco to theprofinuk
26 Sep 17 #112
I'm tempted by this, but might wait it out for the Moto X4 and pay a little more.
Geek66 to dorset_taco
27 Sep 17 #114
Yeah, saw the XT1803 text on the Moto website and got worried, so I emailed them via the contact form:

Thank you for contacting Motorola Customer Service Support.

I would like to inform you, that all G5S Plus sold trough our official website are coming in Dual SIM versions.

For any further assistance or information please do not hesitate to contact us, quoting your Customer Reference number. We are reachable on 03339 997 550 to discuss the matter further with one of our experienced customer service agents. Please contact us any time between the hours of 8am and 6pm from Monday to Friday.

Kind regards,

Bottom line, the website is crap. As with G4 Plus and G5 Plus, they are shipping the Dual SIM version if you buy direct. They really shouldn't make it this difficult to know what you are actually buying...
davnav to htslough
25 Sep 17 #105
isn't it about time that the uk start selling phones to us with the full package,no cutting corners on lack of ram,sim slots,rubbish camera's and bad batteries.Its 2017 so build a phone with all the great reviews for parts from all the great phones that are out there.

sorry just needed a rant and its not about this phone in general but for all the rip off phones out there.Surely it cant be that hard.Manufacturers stooooooooooooooop selling us crap parts in the uk.
hottoast to davnav
26 Sep 17 #111
Or....... buy from Amazon.... If you have a problem, they will call you, they will send you a free replacement (next day if you have Prime), they will give you a returns label, they will collect it from you, or return through post office.

Think I know which option I prefer.
25 Sep 17 #101
And how much were Motorola charging for that configuration? Bearing in mind I paid £200.82 for the G5S Plus for a superior processor, superior front and rear cameras and an all-metal build I think this needs to be put in perspective. With 3GB RAM it is still lightning fast and as for storage, as you can now share the SD card memory with the internal memory, a high speed 64GB card can be had for under £20. It's all about the pound for pound value and not just about the manufacturer's regional decision making.
25 Sep 17 #102
Any retailer is responsible upto 6 months. They have to offer you a repair, exchange or refund. It's unlikely John Lewis would bother sending a faulty phone off for repair. They would exchange it or refund if they no longer offered it. I had this happen to me with Argos. They did try to push me to dealing direct with LG as the phone was 3 months old. But as soon as I got consumers advice service involved who put it in writing that the onus is with them they backed down. They no longer did the G5 at the time and so I had a full refund. So I wouldn't be too concerned. After 6 months any retailer will push u towards the manufacturer and they're well within their rights to do so.
theprofinuk to FMCHAOS
25 Sep 17 #108
I ordered from Amazon Italy the dual sim version.
25 Sep 17 #103
I suppose my point is that if you want to use the map whilst walking, anywhere - not just the states, that you can easily head off in the wrong direction. I originally disregarded the lack of compass thinking what do I need that for?
mobily to xfield
26 Sep 17 #113
My mistake was talking about the g5 plus.... Apologies
25 Sep 17 #106
Just for the info,Motorola service centre(well actually it is Lenovo) is in Norwich.If your phone is faulty, first go to the Lenovo repair centre website, get a repair authorisation code, send this by email back to Motorola,they then will issue you with a label to print, contact courier for pick up or take to couriers depot.Then it takes up to 7 working days to get it back..phew.!!Lol..This is buying through Motorola direct.I know its not JL but thought it might be of interest to someone.:)
25 Sep 17 #107
Not sure if you are referring to the g5s plus but my wife has it and there are no problems with call audio. Maybe there is something with yours?
26 Sep 17 #110
Same with me. I bought an LG G3 from Amazon Germany. Got it refunded in full after 12 months after endless issues. Just got a full refund for my wife's Moto X Play (bought open box from Amazon Warehouse in the UK) after 16 months.
27 Sep 17 #115
I don't understand. Buy from Amazon 1 year guarantee, buy from John Lewis 2 year guarantee and a free set of headphones, I purchased mine from John Lewis.
29 Sep 17 #116
Anyone who ordered from John Lewis have any thoughts on the headphones so far?
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE
3.5 stars +207

PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
4 stars +361

ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
3 stars +129

Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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