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Microsoft Lumia 950XL £216 from BT Shop - OctaCore, super spec £219.49 Delivered - BT Shop
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Opening post
31 Mar 17
This is the lowest price I've ever seen this phone listed at, and I suspect it might be a pricing error. Anyway, I just nabbed one of these to replace my aging Lumia 1520, as the next best price I could find was £286 at Movertix (the dual SIM version).

The BT price might could be a price glitch as the 950 XL doesn't appear when you search their site, but does come up from external links, such as the one in PC Advisor's review. I ordered the phone a couple of days ago expecting the "We're-sorry-this-price-is-a-mistake" email, but was pleased to actually receive it via courier this morning. There are more than 50 in stock according to the info on BT.

I've never spotted a decent enough bargain to post on here before, so hopefully this is an acceptable first effort. Feel free to edit if I've ballsed up or missed out anything essential, and remember, it's all about how good the deal itself is, not whether you prefer iOS or Android or whatever.
Top comments
Jonlogical to djbenny1
31 Mar 17 13 #14
Not my opinion having used Windows phones for 5 years.
bilbob to Proveright
31 Mar 17 10 #16
In case you'd not heard, people are free to make up their own minds...
and no, it's not dead. Whilst you CAN say that it's not hugely popular, it's definitely not dead. MS *are* still supporting it, there *are* still new updates coming for it, in fact, it get's more, and more frequent updates than my galaxy s7...
And no, MS are not killing it any time soon. They've made *very* public statements about why they are continuing it, and they've also made clear why there isn't any new phones from them recently. It's why I'm holding out for a HP elite x3...
If you don't like it, that's fine, but the fact is many people still do, so stop spreading trash, and just don't buy one if you don't want one.
OrribleHarry to djbenny1
31 Mar 17 8 #17
I think that's both harsh and inaccurate. The thing wrong with Windows Mobile OS is not the OS itself but the lack developer's supporting quality apps. The actual operating system is actually more advanced than most, it's just let down by poor support.

If you don't care about of having hundreds of apps but want a quality phone with excellent email integration and a quality camera, then you will struggle to beat this deal. It's a lot of phone for the money.
31 Mar 17 6 #4
Well, this does actually use the 810, and do bear in mind, it's nearly two years old now...
Ignore the OS (it's up to you if it suits or not, for me it does) and if someone offered you a Samsung g6 (and do bear in mind this is better spec (micro sd, wireless charging, usb c etc...) for 220... I think it would go red hot...
All comments (117)
31 Mar 17 1 #1
Nice find, thank-you!
31 Mar 17 2 #2
Tried searching for it, but it doesn't appear anywhere, even when you type in 'Lumia 950xl'...
Or use the categories to drill down...

I'm looking for a 950 ... :/
Price here is good, size is not :smile:
zizzles to bilbob
31 Mar 17 3 #7
Try searching "this one weird trick"
PhilK to bilbob
1 Apr 17 #40
I clicked on the link and there it is. How are you missing it ?
31 Mar 17 #3
Apart from the camera, I wouldn't really say this is a "super spec" considering most flagships now use the 810/820/821. Just another flagship in the wall :smirk:

No vote.
31 Mar 17 6 #4
Well, this does actually use the 810, and do bear in mind, it's nearly two years old now...
Ignore the OS (it's up to you if it suits or not, for me it does) and if someone offered you a Samsung g6 (and do bear in mind this is better spec (micro sd, wireless charging, usb c etc...) for 220... I think it would go red hot...
31 Mar 17 1 #5
This is a very good deal op, must resist, using a Lumina 735 at the mo.
31 Mar 17 1 #6
BT shop is on Quidco. I don't know if they'll pay out on this though, there are so many categories and BT are so weaselly

voted HOT by me, and I might not be able to resist buying one.
31 Mar 17 2 #8
This is a great phone and if you like Windows it is an awesome phone. Remember this phone came out back in 2015 so it isn't comparable top-spec wise with the Samsung S8 - though it does share a lot of the S8's new functionality and specs (Screen resolution, Continuum/Dex, Bixby/Cortana, Auto-login via Iris recognition etc)
31 Mar 17 1 #9
Not a bad price. Not the latest spec, but good camera and good price for trying Windows OS.
31 Mar 17 1 #10
I wouldn't necessarily say this is even better spec. The only advantage being Micro SD and USB C - the S6 has wireless charging. The SoC in both score on par pretty much with each other, with the S6 taking the lead in some areas and so does the 810. All would really come down to OS preference really and are both great phones.
31 Mar 17 2 #11
Good phone, but not for everyone: apps are being pulled from Windows 10 Mobile on a daily basis, and even the Creators update coming in April will not bring much new. It seems that even Microsoft gave up with Windows 10 Mobile. Keep this in mind.
amour3k to mtcerio
1 Apr 17 #31
Hmmmmmmmm, interesting perception that?.

Do you think Microsoft will abandon all/their whole Windows Phone thing in the near to distant future then?, or .....
31 Mar 17 4 #12
Windows phone is absolute trash IMO, which is a shame as I liked the higher end Lumia hardware, but no spec sheet is worth having to live with the worst mobile OS still in existence.

The writing has been on the wall for the platform for years.
Jonlogical to djbenny1
31 Mar 17 13 #14
Not my opinion having used Windows phones for 5 years.
OrribleHarry to djbenny1
31 Mar 17 8 #17
I think that's both harsh and inaccurate. The thing wrong with Windows Mobile OS is not the OS itself but the lack developer's supporting quality apps. The actual operating system is actually more advanced than most, it's just let down by poor support.

If you don't care about of having hundreds of apps but want a quality phone with excellent email integration and a quality camera, then you will struggle to beat this deal. It's a lot of phone for the money.
lord_trumpington to djbenny1
31 Mar 17 3 #24
I've recently moved to iOS from Windows and I must say I miss it. Tempted to go back to a Windows mobile
31 Mar 17 1 #13
In case you have not heard, windows phones are dead, they have gone the way of betamax videos and Phillips videos. Microsoft have giveñ up and are not bringing out any new models.

In fact they are so bad, that Microsoft have partnered up with Samsung to sell Samsung phones from their stores with MS add-on's like office. They hope to make money off the add-on's.
bilbob to Proveright
31 Mar 17 10 #16
In case you'd not heard, people are free to make up their own minds...
and no, it's not dead. Whilst you CAN say that it's not hugely popular, it's definitely not dead. MS *are* still supporting it, there *are* still new updates coming for it, in fact, it get's more, and more frequent updates than my galaxy s7...
And no, MS are not killing it any time soon. They've made *very* public statements about why they are continuing it, and they've also made clear why there isn't any new phones from them recently. It's why I'm holding out for a HP elite x3...
If you don't like it, that's fine, but the fact is many people still do, so stop spreading trash, and just don't buy one if you don't want one.
31 Mar 17 1 #15
This is a great price for this phone. Was thinking of getting the 950 standard version at this price only a few months ago. However, as a Windows Phone user of 6 years (now on my Lumia 735) I've come to accept that the platform is becoming so dead that it lacks basic functionality. The BBC have just pulled the Iplayer from the Windows Store, and you can only use the Iplayer with Edge, not Internet Explorer (so Windows 8 users can't get access - granted, this doesn’t affect the 950). What basic apps are there are often broken (e.g. the HotUkDeals app) and continue to break with time as developers just don't bother to maintain them anymore. Windows 10 (in contrast to Windows 8 ) is a terrible experience, and even after this long it still feels like a work in progress (I upgraded my 735 to Windows 10 twice, and my girlfriend runs it on her Lumia 550). So whilst this phone is probably excellent value for the specs you are getting, if you want a properly functioning smartphone, you need to consider getting off this sinking ship. My new Moto G4 is on the way!
31 Mar 17 4 #18
And this is *exactly* why I still use one.
I tried, I really tried to like Android... But here I am, back using my 930 after 3 months with a galaxy s7...
I don't need a million apps, I DO miss literally two... but pretty much everything that doesn't have a suitable app available on the store, there is a web page that works (edge is probably the best mobile browser...)
I forgive the lack of apps, as it's the simplest, most efficient, most integrated mobile OS, that just *works* with no hassle..
31 Mar 17 2 #19
Correct we give lumias out to our staff as they are excellent for official works communications and Internet they also use them for photographs in the field all of which they are excellent at.

I don't really want them installing loads of pointless apps anyway.
31 Mar 17 #20
Windows Phone is dead. Luckily the 950XL runs Windows 10 Mobile. And as W10M is built as part of Windows 10 it most certainly isn't dead. Microsoft are committed to keeping the OS going. However it is true that they have stopped releasing devices and I can't see that changing for quite some time. And when Microsoft does come back to the market it won't be a phone as we know it now but something that defines a new category like the other surface devices.

This is a good deal if you want one. MS will update it for a couple of years and it has a great camera. I just can't go back to a Lumia again so as tempting as it is I will leave it. Hot though.
31 Mar 17 #21
I have a 950xl sim free with continium to sell if anyone is interested, waiting for new flagship, jumped to s7 edge HATE android, will jump back in for Surface Phone!!!!
31 Mar 17 1 #22
It's a nice phone but you have to be realistic about the state of the software. The app library is dying. There was a time back when WP7.5 came out that it looked like WP had a future but not now.
31 Mar 17 #23
I look after mobiles for my company and we tried so hard to convince users of the benefits of Windows Phones, but we felt that the biggest enemy in winning the hearts and minds of our user base were Microsoft themselves - the App Store is a mess, promised updates and features didn't happen, then Microsoft pull out of the market. If you want to try Windows, try the 640 or 650 - the 650 is a nice phone, and will give you an idea of the Windows Phone experience
31 Mar 17 #25
I find the simplicity of windows os the best feature. Was gutted when they introduced the compulsory sign in to account to access its features, nevertheless i still prefer it to android and ios. As far as the hardware goes, the designs were better when the finnish company still had it's logo on the phones but despite this, i've grown accustomed to the new lumia's. My only gripe is that i prefer compact size phones, anything over 4.5" imo is a phablet.
31 Mar 17 2 #26
I've got a 950, S6 and iPhone 5s so I feel I have a good understanding of mobile phones and their OS'.

My 950 is still a quicker and more pleasant experience than the S6 and definitely the laggy 5s.

The only app I used to play a lot of was Clash of Clans but I've gotten bored of that so there's nothing else I haven't either found an app for or just use the mobile site instead - Hell the HotukDeals app has been broken on Android for months!! You can't even vote! I'd actually stopped using most the apps on my S6 and started using mobile sites instead as they are much more reliable - even the Android Amazon app was buggy and glitchy.

I think people are also forgetting universal apps which work both on Windows 10 PC and Mobile. Skype, VLC, Viber, Dropbox, Netflix etc are just a few.

Don't forget also that the Surface Phone is on the horizon so we'll have to wait and see what that brings to the table.

I know the market share is minuscule for Windows Phones but it's a much nicer group of people to be with :smiley:
31 Mar 17 #27
I think what Windows missed is the support, I was a serious Windowphone user from the beginning but had to throw in the towel and have finally gone for an iPhone 7 Plus.
I too still miss the windowsphone but it kept crashing or freezing, sometimes wouldn't even reboot without removing battery
amour3k to Julan
1 Apr 17 1 #32
Yeh, I second that, I had similar issues with my Windows Phone too, before it finally gave up the Ghost on me. :-(

Very temperamental, then froze up on me loads too!, and ..... (thought it was JUST me that had such problems with it?).

Looks like a common problem with them then ...

I was forced to eventually reset everything, and lost everything! (some of my pictures/video's were ok, but my text messages, and a lot of my contacts were not ... )

I'm back to rocking Android Phones again now. :-)
31 Mar 17 #28
nice deal though :sunglasses:
31 Mar 17 #29
tealeaf from inside no9 had this phone in get out.
1 Apr 17 #30
We got these for work, terrible os , so buggy and typing is a nightmare, we have over 30 engineers with them and all are complaining , spec wise it's a good phone , very quick and great camera , it's a pity the os lets it down, no wonder windows phone never took off ..
1 Apr 17 #33
This looks a really good deal. I've had a Lumia 1520 for the past year (previously had a Lumia 925, 820 and 710 and currently work phone is also Lumia 735) and I love the phone though recently it has crashed a few times when using the camera and I also get the ghost touch issue. I've been tempted to go for a Xiaomi but as I like the WP10 platform due to its integration with Emails, Office 365 I've not moved over. Also Edge browser does the job for me for the lack of apps and most of the apps I require are there such as Viber, WhatsApp, VLC Media player, Ring Go parking. The offline Maps feature is brilliant and being on a 6" screen works very well in the car. What I like most about the 1520 is the camera and batterylife. Perhaps the 950XL will be a nice upgrade on the camera of my 1520.
1 Apr 17 1 #34
still using a 920 , it wont upgrade to 10 but does everything I want in a phone
and been very reliable.

The uncertainty and rumours about the future of windows phones has been dragging on for too long
and MS are losing customers because of it.
1 Apr 17 #35
Absolutely loved my 1020. Best phone I've owned. Reluctantly about to post it up on eBay (resale value on them looks good)
1 Apr 17 1 #36
They've not announced any phones for about 18 months. They may be holding off until surface phone, or they may pull out altogether....
1 Apr 17 #37
I've loved windows phone, and had one since they came out (Samsung Omnia 7) and had windows mobile before that, The OS does everything I want, and, in terms of features has been pretty much ahead of iOS / Android for a lot of the genuinely useful additions.

That said - there are some irritations - i've never had a hsbc app, although my natwest account has an app, and several other apps are conspicuous by there abscence. Contactless pay is only available in the US despite the hardware supporting it....

Perhaps the worst thing is lack of accessories - they are available, but generally limited choice and you have to order online, whereas with an iPhone you can pick up a case or a screen protector at the local petrol station or supermarket.

My lumia 830 eventually gave up the ghost about a fortnight ago and after much thought and debate - iPhone SE vs Xiaomi Mi5/s vs Zuk Z2 /pro, I eventually plumped for a Lumia 950 (not XL) knowing that everything I had on my old phone would carry over with minimal fuss.
1 Apr 17 #38
How it is compared to LG G3? G3 has similar specs. it is coming for 154 pounds in argos ebay 1 year warranty.
1. can anyone please advice me which is better between G4 refurbished for 154 or Lumia 219?
2. Lumia coming with 2 years warranty.. where to claim warranty just in case.. is with BT? or with Microsoft if any failure?
3. is Lumia dual sim?
1 Apr 17 1 #39
Good deal, hot
A lot of crap spoken against the Windows phones by people who haven't a clue, just quoting others (particularly the tosh by djbenny1).
I loved mine.
1 Apr 17 #41
Tealeaf was in Psychoville, not Inside No.9. Just saying :wink:
1 Apr 17 #42
If you bothered to actually look into it, they haven't released any phones because they acknowledged that their presence in the market was distorting it. So they publicly said they were holding off for the foreseeable.
Then HP released the x3.
The next WP you'll see from MS will be the surface phone, but that's going to be autumn at least.
1 Apr 17 #43
The link here works fine, but try searching on the site itself for, the BT site I mean.
1 Apr 17 1 #44
Had a windows phone (920) for a few years now. Loved it at first but feel like it's a dying platform. Ebay pulled their app then Amazon did the same. Can't check my banks online (HSBC & Barclays) as there isn't an app for either. Won't play videos on some websites eg BBC News so I will be getting the S7 deal on here asap. Still like windows but it's just so limited. Good deal though OP of people are prepared to put up with the limitations.
1 Apr 17 #45
Frustrates me when people post things like this. Apps aren't the be all and end all...
Can't comment on Barclays, as I don't bank with them. But HSBC site is most definitely accessible, as I use it!
As I said before, edge is probably the single best mobile browser, and pretty much every major site is works just fine on it IME.
Same as Amazon and Ebay, both mobile sites work fine. Even the Alexa site replicates the mobile app perfectly...
So yes, apps can be sparse, but that's not a big issue for many.
1 Apr 17 #46
I have two Windows phones & they have worked extremely well. I had all the apps I needed on it, however Facebook have just changed & now I can't use the IM. It says to update Facebook but you can't, you can't update the IM. I have put it on the normal Windows browser & that works, but this could happen to any app now. As I said it is a fantastic phone but I fear for it's future.
1 Apr 17 #47
Any way to access apple music from windows phone? I don't really use apps and as long as the Sat Nav, Internet and camera are good I'll bite as fancied this phone at launch, but i do need my music on the go. How is continuum these days
1 Apr 17 #48
I couldn't find it either. I wanted to go via TCB and not use the link here.

If you search for BVNNWS00, it should take you straight to it.

I've just ordered mine as I think this is a scorching hot deal. My 640xl is starting to annoy me and my wife's 950xl has been tempting me... :smiley:
1 Apr 17 #49
Apps are the main issue though. Its the reason the majority of people who bought an early windows phone did not go on to buy another. People like dedicated apps, and you can't get many decent ones on windows phone.
I tried to stay with my 920 but gave up on it when the oneplus one came out.
1 Apr 17 #50
Is this phone unlocked? Thanks for the answers.
1 Apr 17 1 #51
I've had a 1520 for a couple of years and love it. Does all the simple stuff that I use very well. Runs several email accounts flawlessly, office 365 just works, great camera and good off line satnav. I don't use apps and games, so if you're that way inclined, I can see the problem. The phone works the same as when it was new, no slowdowns and has been really reliable. This is down to the operating system and that should be the same for the phone in this deal. I really wanted the hp x3, but it is stupid money at the moment, so will probably wait for surface phone. Back to this deal, I think it is a great deal if you just want a quality handset that does the basics really well. There a plenty of people that do want this and that is why this deal is getting the heat it deserves.
1 Apr 17 #52
But that what the link HERE was for in the first place !!! :laughing:
If a direct link is already given, why go at it the long way round ?
You don't work for government of local council by any chance ? :laughing:
1 Apr 17 #53
Facebook have removed messenger from all their apps, and made it a standalone app... for some god know reason.
If you want to use FB messenger then you need to install the standalone app...
It's the same on ALL smartphone platforms.
1 Apr 17 #54
I never expected the Spanish inquisition...
As it happens, once I was there, I wondered if the 950 was reduced, so I searched, and it isn't listed. But I noticed that the 950xl sin't listed either...
So I tried various key word searches, and it didn't appear...

I was curious as to why...

Ok now!??! :wink:
1 Apr 17 1 #55
I don't want to jeopardise cashback by using a link other than the one from the cashback website.
1 Apr 17 #56
Apologies, X3 announced 14 months ago, not 18, and not by microsoft. I stand corrected. I think.

Nothing is known about the surface phone beyond the usual fan renders and gossip - It may not even run a mobile windows 10 platform - potentially a small full windows surface device with a dialler and 4G modem - which would make more sense and probably be easier than continuing to develop continium-type devices.
1 Apr 17 #57
I want one for app development, but it needs to be £150 for me to buy it as I won't use it as a phone, just development.
1 Apr 17 1 #58
Then why not buy one of the many cheaper ones, or even used?
1 Apr 17 #59
£219.49 on a phone madness
1 Apr 17 #60
I want a large screen because my eyesight sucks, I blow up the text so you fit more on a bigger screen.
1 Apr 17 #61
Still using my old Noikia Lumia 1320 absolute bulletproof phone just love the large screen same size as the 950XL on it as well it's running Windows !0 on it i have had the phone for over 7 years now always updates and would defo buy another large screen windows Phone best value ever.

Another Great Phone!!!!
1 Apr 17 #62
Frustrates me when Windows phone delusionists keep trying to defend Windows phones by continually saying "apps are not everything" or the classic "has all the apps I need". Both myself and my wife struggled with the Samsung Ativ S, the Nokia 735 and the Nokia 930...all wonderfully built, all had a wonderful OS, all had fair to excellent cameras, all let down by atrocious lack of support.

I recently after 9 months had to wipe the dust off my wife's one time flagship Nokia 930 after my android phone borked. I was prompted with the usual Windows 10 mobile upgrade and hoped for something more...but no.

The wonderful Here Drive now gone which I happily use as Here WeGo on android replaced with the nowhere near as good Maps, the removal of MixRadio and the less than wonderful interface of Groove, the crippled Edge browser that will not even format text properly on wikipedia down to the still lack of third party apps

Google have really hurt Microsoft in the marketplace, love or hate the company Google is the search engine still of choice, Chrome is still the most popular browser of choice, Youtube the video sharing site of choice etc.

Yes there may be workarounds for some of its shortcomings but when there are problems with text scaling even with the default browser and little in the way of third party options you are already hitting a brick wall.....

Then the lack of apps, it is like having a quality built swiss army knife with blunt blades. The ridiculous lack of travel/tourism/shopping/discount/loyalty/media control/social apps is enough to frustate all but the most rudimentary of smart phone users. I put up with the 930 for one week before buying a Lenovo P2 android phone and glad to be back on android.

I really wanted Windows phone to succeed in the marketplace, then I got frustrated with all that was promised by Microsoft, the ridiculous delay in getting Windows 10 to mobile, crippled beta versions, the promise of android app sideloading, the 'hope' that porting apps would be effortless for developers in Windows 10.

It has now been one year after the official roll out of Windows 10 on many of last gen Windows phone including the owned 735 and 930....after my recent use of the 930 it is evident nothing has changed.
1 Apr 17 2 #63
It frustrates you when people post facts about their experiences? How odd.
1 Apr 17 #64
Had this phone from the day of release and loved it. Windows 10 on this device was fantastic and the camera was able to take some truly great pictures. However I have to admit yes the lack of apps finally made me jump ship. So if you aren't big into your apps and need a phone that takes great pictures then I couldn't recommend this phone highly enough.
1 Apr 17 1 #65
Does anyone know know if this phone is unlocked? And what BT return policy is? Thank you
1 Apr 17 1 #66
To be fair,I was responding to your comment that you can't check you bank online....i pointed out that as far as HSBC goes, you can. Can't comment on the other.
1 Apr 17 #67
Would you pay double that for an iPhone 6 16gb ?
1 Apr 17 2 #68
It's locked to BT Cellnet and it's non returnable.
1 Apr 17 #69
This is a fire sale, and the writing has long been on the wall for Windows Phone, in fact since this phone and its other model went on sale and got mediocre reviews, that this is truly a burning platform. Even MS use iPhones in most of their mobile demos I've been to recently. If MS do choose to re-enter the consumer market in the future they will leave it a while for the toxic stink from their last few floppy platforms and the dodgy killing off of Nokia to dissipate.
1 Apr 17 #70
Love me windows phone, i have the 640XL, fantastic phone, cracking size, battery life is brilliant, lovery big screen, and love the lumis steps for tracking your activity, and any phone that is XL is a winner for me.

I would have liked the 950XL but i simply don't buy phones at those price points, my max is 100 quid for a phone, which my 640xl came in at, perfect.

But heat because it is a good phone, just outside my price comfort zone.
1 Apr 17 #71
I wish most phones were like PCs - in other words, one could slap on more than one compatible OS. Seems a good enough upgrade from my current Huawei P8 at a fair price, so I'd buy this & install Android Nougat on it.
1 Apr 17 #72
no why would i ?

got a Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 Global Edition £131.40

remember folks its not all about the apps :smiley:
1 Apr 17 #73
How are you running Windows 10 on a Lucia 1320? It's not supported.

I also have a 1320. Absolutely brilliant phone.
2 Apr 17 #74
Give 'em a ring!
2 Apr 17 2 #75
Hi, I'm a big Windows Phone fan, well, Nokia's are my passion from the 3310 to my 930 an upgrade from my 925, question is, will this be any better than the 930 or am I wasting my money?

I'm not keen on Iphones or anything Android, preferring to stay in my little App-deprived zone...

I have Waze, Kik, Dropbox, What's App, Words with Friends, Facebook, OneDrive, Twitter, Linkedin, Untappd, Evernote etc to name a few, I don't feel like I'm missing out.

I'm assuming this is sim-free?
2 Apr 17 #76
What apps are unavailable or dont work well?
2 Apr 17 #77
Except when you go to the app that they direct you to, it says "Not compatibale with your phone". It was until a few days ago. So now it cannot be used on Windows phones, that is unless you use the normal 'non app' Facebook.
2 Apr 17 1 #78
I have a lumia 650 and I love it. Used to have android and hated it. I don't need loads of apps.
3 Apr 17 #80
Are you still running Windows 8.1? Facebook no longer support 8.1 so you'll have to upgrade to Windows 10 Mobile...
3 Apr 17 #81
Waze does NOT work well on Windows 10. In fact, I couldn't get it to work at all. I'm pretty sure the others in your list will all work OK but I don't have Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn so can't comment on those...

Just thought I'd let you know :smiley:
3 Apr 17 #82
Lol I haven't heard "BT Cellnet" for many years :laughing:

Do you remember Genie? :wink:
4 Apr 17 #83
I was on Genie!
5 Apr 17 #84
Odd, mine came yesterday and working fine with my 3 sim so definitely not locked to BT Cellnet.
5 Apr 17 2 #85
After just a day of owning this phone I am so far impressed. I own a Samsung S7 edge, a S6, an iphone 5c, 6, 6s+ and an Elephone P8000 and this phone may be different to Android / ios but it looks good, takes a 128 Gb micro sd card and has a replaceable battery and must say I like the screen a lot.

Maybe it doesnt have all the apps I am used to on ios / android but it does have a lot more than I expected reading this thread and the phone has a real camera shutter button which is great for me.
Houstieboy to ShootistUK
5 Apr 17 #86
It was a joke....
5 Apr 17 #87
Mine arrived and I'm very happy. Thanks to OP.
Sponge to Sponge
6 Apr 17 #94
6 Apr 17 #88
Has it came in sealed box?
6 Apr 17 #89
The box didn't have a security seal on it. However, I don't remember my wife's having a seal on it either and she got hers before they were discontinued.

The phone was sealed in cellophane and neither it nor the box showed any signs of previous use.
6 Apr 17 #90
Did you find battery inside the handset or outside?
6 Apr 17 #91
Is the handset unlocked to any network?
6 Apr 17 #92
only thing i've found annoying about windows phones is that waze doesn't update anymore and it is hopeless at loading google maps from website... doesn't like it at all and looks clumsy and compacted.

waze isn't much cop at locating places of interest and lumia drive and here doesn't seem to know what most shops are... google maps desktop version on the phone would be a real asset. does it do it and well?
6 Apr 17 1 #93
Thanks for the tip off. I have ordered mine this morning. everything seems to have gone through okay. This is a fantastic bargain, This phone was launched at £530.
I have tried Android twice , IPhone is not for me. There is nothing as intuitive as Windows mobile.
6 Apr 17 #95
Does it work with any network as the website doesn't state anything ?
6 Apr 17 #96
Mine's being used on EE. I haven't tried any others. If I get the chance, I'll give my wife's voda sim a go. But I suspect it's open to all networks.
6 Apr 17 #97
I've called to BT helpline and was told is locked to EE but the lady wasn't sure for 100%.
6 Apr 17 #98
I've just checked and her Voda SIM worked fine.
tim8888 to Sponge
7 Apr 17 #99
Thanks mate. Can you check two things for me. What is the product code? You can read it next to micro sd slot. It looks like Code 059X4T9. What is the date of battery - readable on the back of battery. Many thanks!
7 Apr 17 #100
Mine has just arrived this morning product code is as you quoted battery date is 24/02/2016. So the phone was probably manufactured about a year ago.
timz to Jonlogical
16 Apr 17 #108
Thanks for the reply Jon, when you say poor - how long do you think it lasts(When disabling Edge)? Also does the battery heat up quite a bit?

Thanks :smiley:
7 Apr 17 1 #101
Resisted no more... too good a deal to hesitate over... ordered, cheers op.
7 Apr 17 1 #102
I ordered a couple of new case for ours. I replaced the now miscoloured soft case of my wife's 950xl with one of these:

She's v. happy with it.

I needed something a little more substantial, as I take my phone to work and it'll take more of a beating - so I got one of these:

It's a lot more expensive, but it's very good quality and smells nice :smiley:
d8smt to Sponge
3 May 17 #114
Dammit, should have bought it. I decided to dabble with a Samsung instead to scope out as a possible replacement for my aging Lumia 830 (not convinced Microsoft will keep up support for these phones), but after a week I'm giving up on it and going back to my trusty Lumia. Although the Samsung is obviously much better at Apps, that's all I can really say is good about it when it comes to a user experience (OK, so it's only an S5, but from what I can see the UI isn't that much different on the newer extortionately priced phones).
One thing also I have really noticed is that the Lumias have much better signal strength reception than the Samsungs, strangely (on all networks). Hopefully BT'll struggle to sell the rest of them at £295 and reduce the price again.....or someone will hate their new BT 950XL and contact me about part-ex for a brand new Samsung S5 wireless.........
8 Apr 17 #103
Do you really need it or bought it as it's cheaper?
8 Apr 17 1 #104
Ooh I really need it...
8 Apr 17 1 #105
How often do you get to use your 7 phones - everyday? That's some collection by the way.
14 Apr 17 #106
Tempted to pick this up, anyone know how its performing now on the latest updates? Will be going back to Windows OS from my LG Flex Android.
Jonlogical to timz
17 Apr 17 #109
Most days I have maybe an hour of calls some texts and emails. Prior to disabling edge down to about 30% by 6PM. With Edge disabled about 50% a big difference.
16 Apr 17 #107
I bought mine 10 days ago. Delivery next day all sets up easily if you already have a Windows phone. At first battery life was poor. I disabled edge from running in the background which increased the battery life dramatically. The phone is running great so far no problems.
25 Apr 17 #110
Tempted but does anyone know for sure if it comes unlocked? Thanks
I am currently using a Virgin sim.
26 Apr 17 #111
Price has gone up to £294 plus delivery.
Amazon have Microsoft continuum for £39.98 link to amazon
28 Apr 17 #112
Well goodbye 950 XL it was good whilst it lasted. A word of advice do not drop your 950 XL in the toilet. Mine is now terminally asleep, well 3 weeks for the price works out a little over £70 a week. actually only £33 with £100 excess on my contents insurance.
28 Apr 17 #113
3 May 17 #115
anyone looking to sell theirs ? please let me know :sunglasses:
10 May 17 #117
What is the difference between in stock and used stock?
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